Rebirthing contraindications. I consider it my duty to warn that the practice of holotropic breathing and rebirthing methods is dangerous for your physical and mental health

I warn you against communicating with people who promote and teach these methods.

These people either do not understand how dangerous it is or they understand, but the thirst for profit prevails over their conscience.

I first heard about the terms “holotropic breathing” and “rebirthing” when I visited the Moscow esoteric center “The Path to Yourself”. And from my mentor and friend Galina Nikolaevna Lepilina.

Galina Nikolaevna is a well-known and respected figure in the Russian Temperance Movement (RBNT), a comrade-in-arms of Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov. For more than 20 years of her activity aimed at the Spiritual, Moral and Physical improvement of society, Galina Nikolaevna has helped tens of thousands of people. Conducted hundreds of courses and lectures. In her courses, she used the psychoanalytic non-medical method of Gennady Andreevich Shichko. As well as many other natural healing methods. And Galina Nikolaevna and her colleagues were among the first to learn about many new methods aimed at improving spirituality and improving health.

As I found out, since the 1990s, enthusiasts and researchers began to accumulate information and practical experience about the use of holotropic breathing and rebirthing methods in Russia. And along with the first enthusiastic reviews, facts about the negative consequences of this method began to accumulate. Galina Nikolaevna’s associates, medical specialists, conducted a scientific analysis of the physiological mechanism of holotropic breathing. And then it became clear that this breathing technique was not at all what the holotropic propagandists said. The mental and physical health consequences of this method are very disastrous!
It turned out that rapid breathing, which is practiced from several minutes to 1-2 hours, leads to a phenomenon that in medical language is called “hyperventilation of the lungs”, then in the blood there is an increase in the amount of oxygen and a decrease in carbon dioxide.
- So what? - You ask.
- But at the same time, for some reason, a person begins to see hallucinations, an altered state of consciousness occurs, or a loss of consciousness occurs, accompanied by involuntary movements, convulsions, spasms. A person in this state may even behave inappropriately.

Further research has confirmed that this method gives rise to more than 150 different diseases, causing more than 80% of mortality and disability.

Teachers of this method convince students that this is supposedly “stress of birth” or “a person removes mental traumas,” “phobias,” “complexes,” or sees “past lives.” Some people claim that they become, say, animals, or plants, or something else...
But the explanation for all this is completely different and is due to the fact that hyperventilation of the lungs and the body’s loss of carbon dioxide, which the body still needs, causes cerebral vascular spasm. And there is a very prosaic medical explanation for this; this condition is called in medical language “hypocapnia” %B0%D0%BF%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F
What is happening at this moment? And there is a process like this: hypoxia of the brain.

Hypoxia during holotropic therapy is accompanied by severe oxygen starvation and massive death of cerebral cortex cells occurs! Causes drug-like effects (such as LSD or Alcohol)

Paradoxical! It is the increase in oxygen in the blood that causes its lack in the cerebral cortex! Surprisingly, this is a medical fact! This is how our body works! (read below for an explanation of this phenomenon)

I consider it my duty to share the truth that holotropic propagandists do not tell or hide.Most people who come to holotropic breathing groups risk not only their health but also their lives!

Quote from Wikipedia:

“the loss of carbon dioxide during a holotropic breathing session is 2-3 liters, which, according to currently accepted views, is considered an extremely severe degree of hypocapnia, fraught with cerebral edema and death”

I consider it my duty to warn that the practice of holotropic breathing and rebirthing methods is dangerous for your physical and mental health. I warn you against communicating with people who promote and teach these methods. These people either do not understand how dangerous it is or they understand, but the thirst for profit prevails over their conscience.

I found the results of clinical studies of holotrope. The main studies of the psychophysiology of breathing were carried out at the Moscow Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine under the leadership of Candidate of Medical Sciences Yu.A. Bubeev in accordance with the research plans of the MAPN and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.

(Experimental psychophysiological and neuropsychological studies of intensive breathing. Yu. Bubeev and V. Kozlov)

Take a look at excerpts from the study which show that hyperventilation during holotropic therapy is dangerous to health and life:

From a physiological point of viewthe main element of all breathing psychotechniques is hyperventilation of varying degrees of depth. As you know, hyperventilation is increased ventilation, significantly exceeding that which is necessary to satisfy the metabolism. With the development of hyperventilation, homeostasis is disrupted. This is due to the fact that carbon dioxide is “flushed” from the body. The magnitude of the partial pressure of CO2 in the pulmonary air decreases, as a result of which respiratory alkalosis inevitably develops - the pH increases, and the blood becomes alkalized.Motor hypocapnia, which develops as a result of the removal of excess CO2, is the main factor that has an adverse effect on the cardiorespiratory system and limits the physical performance of athletes. Cases of loss of consciousness in weightlifters as a result of straining after hyperventilation are explained by a sharp decrease in cerebral blood flow.

Cases of involuntary hyperventilation can be divided into the following categories.1. “Physiologically justified” hyperventilation, or adaptive, in which adaptive reactions provide a new level of vital activity of the body. This primarily includes hyperventilation, which occurs as an adaptive mechanism that prevents the development of oxygen starvation (pre-start hyperventilation in sports or an involuntary increase in ventilation when rising to a height).2. “Physiologically unjustified” hyperventilation is accompanied by the development of hypocapnic conditions. The reasons for it can be very diverse. As a rule, it leads to pathological changes in the body.3. Pathological forms: damage to the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine diseases, etc.
Controlled hyperventilation is used in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction. There have been cases of continuous long-term artificial hyperventilation of the lungs with paralysis of the respiratory muscles. Sometimes controlled hyperventilation is used during anesthesia, short artificial hyperventilation is used in obstetrics before intubation to create a favorable situation in the blood gases of the woman in labor.

In the case of holotropic breathing, the carbon dioxide loss curve in the first phase increases more steeply, and in the second it decreases more slowly, i.e. is flatter. The total loss of blood carbon dioxide is somewhat greater - about 2.5 liters.A feature of holotropic breathing is the continuation of carbon dioxide losses during the process, i.e. the amount of total imbalance for the entire process lasting 1 - 1.5 hours is about 3 liters.

It is known that the total reserves of carbon dioxide in the body are about 120 liters and the loss of 2 - 3 liters is only 2 - 2.5%. At first glance, this does not seem to be much, but for such a strictly homeostasis indicator as the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood, this is practically the entire available reserve of the “quick response” buffer systems of the blood and tissues. Their proximity to complete exhaustion is evidenced by a significant decrease in carbon dioxide tension in the blood, reaching 15 - 20 mmHg. According to currently accepted views, this is considered an extremely severe degree of hypocapnia, fraught with the occurrence of cerebral edema and death.

It has long been known that hypocapnia has a cerebral vasoconstrictor effect. Thus, Wolf and Lennox, studying the reaction of cerebral vessels in animals when the content of O2 and CO2 in the blood changes, found that the vessels of the pia mater narrow during hypocapnia. Davis, Wallace and many of their other followers believe that the occurrence of theta and delta activity during hyperventilation is due to the development of a hypoxic state due to a decrease in blood flow through the cerebral vessels as a result of their spasm. The latter leads to an insufficient supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain, on which its metabolism depends.

It should be noted thatEven with short-term intense hyperventilation, brain hypoxia can be significant. In nonspecific nuclei, the O2 level decreases to a “critical value” (2-3 mm Hg). In dogs that died as a result of prolonged hyperventilation (about 60 minutes), an autopsy showed the presence of plethora of the brain and meninges. Along with this, ischemia of the subcortical ganglia and medulla oblongata was detected.Thus, prolonged hypocapnia causes the development of brain hypoxia, which causes the appearance of not only functional, but also morphological changes in this vital organ.

According to existing views, the effect of hyperventilation is associated with cerebral hypoxia, which develops as a result of reflex spasm of arterioles and a decrease in cerebral blood flow (Yarullin Kh.Kh., 1967).

Experimental data show that hypoxia leads to depolarization of the neuron membrane, an increase in their excitability and a general depolarization shift in the cortex, which is associated with the provocation of slow wave activity (Okudzhava V.M., 1969).

In the medical literature, you can easily find what hyperventilation syndrome is.

Hyperventilation syndrome by definition, it is a condition characterized by a number of somatic and mental symptoms caused by alveolar hyperventilation due to impaired breathing regulationor with voluntary hyperventilation.

This form of disturbance of the gas exchange function of the lungs is characterized by excessive, exceeding the current needs of the body, release of carbon dioxide from the blood due to an increase in the volume of alveolar ventilation. In this case, there arises hypocapnia, which may be accompanied by a slight increase in the partial oxygen tension in the blood flowing from the lungs and a slight increase in hemoglobin oxygenation.

Hypocapnia(from the Greek hypó - under, below and kapnos - smoke) - a condition caused by a lack of CO2 in the blood. The carbon dioxide content in the blood is maintained by respiratory processes at a certain level, deviation from which leads to disruption of the biochemical balance in the tissues. Hypocapnia manifests itself at best in the form of dizziness, and at worst it ends in loss of consciousness.

Hypocapnia occurs with deep and rapid breathing, which automatically occurs in a state of fear, panic or hysteria. Artificial hyperventilation before breath-hold diving is the most common cause of CO2 deficiency.This syndrome can be caused by voluntary hyperventilation.(!) (voluntary hyperventilation = holotropic)

With hyperventilation hypocapnia, the excitability of the cerebral cortex increases. First of all, hyperventilation affects the sense of touch, then the sensation of pressure, cold, heat, pain.Paresthesia often occurs in the extremities and in the face; pain may be noted in the left half of the chest and in the abdomen.
Emotional and behavioral disorders, syncope are possible. Possible development of epileptic and epileptiform seizures(secondary to cerebral vasoconstriction).

A characteristic symptom is cramps and spasms of skeletal muscles, which occur when the partial pressure of CO2 decreases by approximately half relative to normal values. A common symptom is carpo-pedal spasm.
Ionized calcium plays a significant role in the occurrence of seizures, as well as magnesium imbalances. Muscle weakness is caused by hypophosphatemia. An analogue of seizures can be tremor. In severe cases, tetanus develops. (long lasting spasm or cramp)

P.S. (All these signs can be observed during holotrope)

Hyperventilation can be characterized as a process in which the cost of pulmonary ventilation is greater than the benefit obtained. When hyperventilating, the respiratory muscles can consume 30 to 50 percent of the oxygen supplied.

What is the reason for addiction to holotrope

In chronic hyperventilation, the respiratory center functions under conditions of low carbon dioxide tension, which lowers its sensitivity threshold. A vicious circle develops when even minor physical activity and psycho-emotional stress lead to deepening and increased breathing, which aggravates hypocapnia, hypoxia and intensifies clinical manifestations.

From an article by the head of the Department of Traditional Health Systems of the National Institute of Health (St. Petersburg), Candidate of Biological Sciences Rinad Sultanovich Minaleev:

"What is hyperventilation syndrome?
- There is a leaching of carbon dioxide from the blood, a sharp narrowing of cerebral blood flow and - as a consequence - hallucinations. They really like to do this now at all kinds of psychological trainings. You are laid on the floor and asked to breathe deeply and frequently.
These hallucinations are seen as something very important or even sacred. Which, in general, deserves attention, but only because here we are actually talking not about the development of the brain, but about its degradation.Because any hyperventilation leads not only to a narrowing of cerebral blood flow, but also to the death of nerve cells.

Acid-base balance in the body and holotropic rebirthing

A decrease in CO2 in the lungs during deep breathing of a person shifts the pH to the alkaline side, which changes the activity of enzymes and vitamins - metabolic regulators, which disrupts the normal course of metabolic processes and leads to cell death. If CO2 drops to three percent and the pH shifts to eight, the organism will die.

The harmful effect of deep breathing on the body through the CO2 deficiency it creates has been proven by numerous experiments, starting with the work of the famous physiologist D. Henderson, conducted in nine hundred and nine. Henderson connected the animals to a device that deepened their breathing, and they died.

Yoga teaches you to breathe shallowly and slowly.

Yoga teaches that life is measured by the number of breaths. Teaches you to breathe shallowly and slowly. In meditation, breathing naturally slows down.

There are articles on the Internet about holotrope, where holotrope is compared with bhastrika pranayama, but these are completely different things. Here is a description of bhastrika pranayama:

“Just as a blacksmith’s bellows moves apart and contracts, so the yogi slowly inhales air through both nostrils, sticks out his stomach, and then quickly exhales, making a sound characteristic of bellows. Having thus made 20 inhalations and exhalations, proceed to Kumbhaka. Practice Bhastrika-Kumbhaka , and you will never get sick and will always be in excellent shape" "Gheranda Samhita" (75-6)

As you can see, in this exercise, carbon dioxide is not only not washed out of the body, but, on the contrary, accumulates during kumbhaka (breath holding).

So, the physiological description of the holotrope:

Holotropic is called artificial hyperventilation (fast and deep breathing) to music for 2-4 hours. Holotrope destroys the brain and can provoke a number of serious illnesses. Hypocapmia occurs. Such breathing causes hyperventilation syndrome, which is extremely harmful to the human body and brain.

Messages from the forum of candidate of biological sciences Rinad Minvaleev:

in addition to discussions in the topics Oxygen, carbon dioxide and sleep and Holotropic breathing and pranayama in the fight against depression, I will provide a link sent by uv. by a participant under the nickname dimas in the topic Yoga Tummo: physiological rationale: Hyperventilation as a model for acute ischemic hypoxia of the brain: Effects on cortical auditory evoked potentials" Hyperventilation as a model of acute ischemic brain hypoxia: effects on cortical auditory evoked potentials"Quote: ...Controlled hyperventilation (HV) may be used as an experimental procedure to produce transient ischemic hypoxia of the brain.... " Controlled hyperventilation can be used as an experimental procedure to induce transient ischemic hypoxia of the brain..."
In other words, already in 1991 it was known that controlled hyperventilation (that is, holotropic breathing) leads to a pre-stroke state (cerebral ischemia is a direct path to the death of nerve cells). The provocative (diagnostic) value of the hyperventilation test for inducing a grand mal seizure in patients with suspected epilepsy is also well known. Subsequent studies only confirm the negative impact of hyperventilation on brain function:In a 1995 review Hyperventilation therapy for severe traumatic brain injury. It is expressly stated that Quote:...hyperventilation is no longer recommended as a first-line therapy for intracranial hypertension or as prophylactic therapy following severe TBI..." ...hyperventilation can no longer be recommended as primary therapy for increased intracranial pressure and as prophylactic therapy after some brain injuries..."
IN 2007: Hyperventilation following head injury: effect on ischemic burden and cerebral oxidative metabolism. And finally, in the most recent review of 2010, Hypocapnia and the injured brain: more harm than is definitively stated that hypocapnia caused by hyperventilation does "more harm than good"(With).

A common form of psychological weakening of people (transpersonal psychology and some Yoga teachers who widely use hyperventilating breathing patterns - holotropic) carefully ignores the above objective research.

If you want to master the Rebirthing technique in Moscow, we invite you to group classes or individual sessions at the Free Space training center. Experienced trainers will help you find the shortest path to yourself using rebirthing!

Rebirthing (English Rebirthing, “re-birth”) is a special breathing technique that was developed by American psychotherapist Leonard Orr in the late 70s of the 20th century. Due to its accessibility, ease of use and effectiveness, the method quickly gained fans around the world and became one of the most popular breathing psychotechniques. The popularity of the method is understandable: thanks to this practice, modern people are able to let go of their thoughts, relieve bodily tension and, on top of that, experience amazing changes in their lives.

Numerous reviews on the Internet talk about the amazing changes that begin after rebirthing: people discover a huge reserve of strength and energy, reveal their creative potential, get rid of tension and restrictions, become freer, happier and more successful. In other words, rebirthing allows you to reach a new level of spiritual development.

Rebirthing – what is it?

As in the story of Newton, who, according to legend, an apple falling from a tree contributed to the discovery of the law of universal gravitation, Leonard Orr was also helped to gain insight by a very ordinary incident. While in the hot bath a little longer than usual, a scientist familiar with various Eastern practices tried to breathe in a certain way, and this helped him experience the experience of remembering his own birth. Then, together with like-minded people, Orr continued his research and invented his own breathing technique - rebirthing.

Despite the fact that today there are supporters of conducting rebirthing sessions in water (both hot and cold), the “dry” option is more common. By the way, we would not recommend that those whose rebirthing experience cannot be called extensive practice in the bath: accidents are possible.

Initially, the goal of this method was considered to be “reliving birth” and liberation from the trauma received at that moment. According to Leonard Orr's theory, all people, when born, experience trauma (fears, worries, pain, etc.), these toxic experiences are then suppressed, continuing from the depths of the unconscious to have a negative impact on the rest of their lives.

The breathing technique proposed by Orr helps to release suppressed negative emotions and thereby get rid of their consequences - blocks in the body, all kinds of chronic diseases, depression and neurotic reactions, etc.

The modern view of rebirthing is much broader. Today it is believed that with the help of this breathing technique one can get rid of not only injuries received by a person at the time of his birth, but in general from any that he has ever experienced. Unfortunately, not a single negative event passes without a trace for us.

  • birth injury;
  • parental disapproval;
  • unconscious desire for death;
  • karma of previous incarnations;
  • negative experiences.

In essence, rebirthing is a kind of reboot that can be repeated as many times as you like, for any reason. Or for no reason at all. Need to heal from old wounds? Do you feel deprived of power, loss of vitality? Rebirthing! You need to get excited, catch the muse, launch a new project - this amazing technique will help again, helping you get rid of the burden of negative experiences and fill yourself with energy!

The rebirthing technique gives you a chance not only to relive the moment of birth, but to start a new life here and now. All once suppressed feelings and experiences in the process of conscious intense breathing can come out and be transformed from negative to positive.

In other words, an experienced user, with the help of rebirthing, can enter a state of flow and change his reality from it.

Rebirthing technique: how to breathe correctly

If we touch on the theoretical side of the method, then rebirthing is based on five elements:
  1. Maximum physical and mental relaxation;
  2. Energetic, connected breathing without pauses between inhalation and exhalation;
  3. Attention to detail (complete concentration on one’s own feelings, emotions and thoughts, uncontrolled by the mind);
  4. Integration into joy (transforming a negative vision of a situation into a positive one).
  5. Complete trust in the process (acceptance of everything that happens to you during rebirthing - your experiences, physical sensations, awareness; understanding that everything is going as it should be - at the pace you need, with the results possible for you at this stage).

It would seem that everything is clear and understandable. However, very often in connection with the use of this technique, the question arises: is it possible, after reading an intelligent and detailed book about rebirthing, to repeat the theory in practice on your own? Probably possible. But there are nuances: HOW to repeat and WHAT result to get.

It is quite possible that you will be able to get close to suppressed negative emotions, but you will get stuck in them deeply and for a long time (for several hours or even days), without having enough experience to competently integrate them (transform them into other energy).

Trainers will help you go through the process of “rebirth” as safely and environmentally as possible and get out of it without developing new negative programs. Believe me, sometimes the “second birth” is no less painful than the first, and only a competent trainer will help you cope with a surge of panic or an attack of pain and, most importantly, integrate them correctly.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that the first steps in rebirthing (in fact, as in other practices, be it holotropic breathing, vibration, etc.) be taken under the guidance of a competent mentor-rebirther. And you can hone your skills (as we know, there are no limits to perfection) on your own, at home. However, by this point you will know the necessary basics.

And you won’t have any questions about how to breathe correctly (fast or slow, deep or shallow, through your mouth or nose, with an emphasis on inhalation or exhalation). Typically, rebirthing techniques of different volume and speed of breathing can be used for different tasks: deep and slow, fast and superficial, deep and fast, etc. And an experienced trainer will definitely teach his students all these wisdom and tricks.

Despite the opportunity to practice in different conditions, the group format of rebirthing is recognized as the most effective.

If you are planning to start practicing rebirthing in Moscow, we invite you to learn this wonderful technique at the Free Space training center.

Rebirthing- seminars on modern breathing techniques in Moscow and St. Petersburg, call 8 910 434 73 31 and 8 921 996 00 03.

Breathing rebirthing , from the history of creation

In 1962, Leonard Orr, after being in hot water for a long time, experienced a state that he recognized as a reliving of his birth. And this was the reason for a significant improvement in his psycho-emotional state. Orr began to experiment with himself based on this experience, using a special breathing method that he called rebirthing, and realized that his birth was for him a deep mental trauma that was present in the consciousness and was the root of his suffering.
A person's reliving of their birth can have a powerful healing effect and thereby allow them to become happier. He returned again and again to different aspects of his birth, reliving them, gradually freeing himself from the feelings that tormented him in life.
Initially, Leonard Orr believed that rebirthing occurs due to warm water reproducing the environment in which the baby was before birth. And in 1974, in San Francisco, he gathered a group of like-minded people who settled in a common house called THETA - House, where they conducted unusual experiments with breathing and hot water. As the experiments progressed, Orr suggested that breathing itself, without hot water, could lead to the perinatal layers of consciousness if you breathe deeply and coherently.

Further, concentrating on breathing, he discovered that it was the rebirthing breath that allowed for deep healing effects. Thanks to this, rebirthing came out of the water onto land and began to quickly spread throughout the world as a breathing practice that has a deep healing and consciousness-expanding effect.

In 1976, Leonard opened the International Rebirthing Center in Campbell Hot Springs (California), which immediately began training 80 people from around the world in a professional one-year rebirthing course. Since then, rebirthing began to actively spread throughout the world, and came to Russia in 1989 thanks to Leonard Orr’s student, Sandra Rey. Rebirthing is one of the tools. Currently, more than 3 million people practice rebirthing in different countries on all continents.

Rebirthing technique

The basis of rebirthing training is coherent, conscious breathing without pauses, with a greater than usual breathing intensity. One rebirthing session involves performing this breathing technique from half an hour to several hours.

A necessary element of the rebirthing technique is relaxation and acceptance of what happens during the session. The term “letting go” is used to refer to this training - let go or release in the English-speaking environment.

The training is carried out under the supervision of a rebirther, a person who knows the technique and is involved in rebirthing professionally, who at the same time guarantees the safety of the breather, helps maintain breathing and go through various experiences, sometimes increasing, sometimes weakening the intensity of the process. It is not recommended to practice rebirthing on your own or at home.

After the session, there is usually a talk, during which the breather shares the content of the session with the rebreather and, at the same time, by talking through what happened, he receives an additional opportunity for awareness and integration of the experience gained.

A classic rebirthing course consists of 10 individual sessions, but depending on the desire of the person who is applying or the problem for which the person comes to solve, the number of sessions can be adjusted.

Leonard Orr recommends conducting sessions individually, since group rebirthing, in his opinion, is ineffective and can even be harmful. But nowadays, especially in Russia, rebirthing breathing is most often carried out in a group format.

The purpose of the rebirthing training

“The purpose of rebirthing is to remember and relive your birth; relive psychologically, physiologically and spiritually the moment of the first breath and free yourself from the trauma received at this moment. The process begins the transformation of the subconscious idea of ​​birth, as from primary pain to pleasure. The effect immediately affects life. The negative energies contained in the mind and body begin to dissolve.”
Subsequently, it turned out that the result of the practice of rebirthing can be not only a reliving of birth, but the experience of various states, including new experiences that can bring a different meaning to a person’s life and thereby initiate changes in life as a whole. Therefore, the meaning of the word rebirthing has acquired a different connotation - rebirth, spiritual Sunday.

Leonard Orr identified 5 main psychological traumas in a person’s life:
1. birth trauma
2. parental disapproval syndrome
3. specific negativity
4. unconscious desire for death
5. karma of past lives

L. Orr refers to the resolution of these traumas as Spiritual Enlightenment, which is also the goal of rebirthing.

Rebirthing practice

Various seminars on rebirthing are held. In addition to introducing this breathing practice to beginners in our basic course, there are in-depth, 10-day rebirthing workshops that provide the opportunity to master the rebirthing technique as Leonard Orr created it.

We also practice water rebirthing in hot and cold water. Water rebirthing workshops allow you to lift and resolve trauma associated directly with birth and near-death experiences. As a rule, such classes take place in a sauna or natural ponds and are conducted in small groups. If you have special questions, you can take a course of individual therapeutic sessions with an instructor.

Leonard Orr, creator of the rebirthing technique

Leonard Orr is a legend. He considers working with breathing to be a powerful transformational practice that allows any person to get rid of the obsession with the inevitability of death! “How do you know that you must certainly die? The fact that other people, known and unknown to you, died means absolutely nothing to you personally. Because there are other examples - people who don't die!

“I,” says Leonard Orr, “have already found several people who have lived on our planet in one physical body for more than 300 years, including some of them for 2000 years!” Allow yourself to make your choice - to die or not to die.

When asked about his age, Leonard Orr answers: “When I turn 300 years old, I will tell you about it.”

An article about the history of rebirthing can be read in the section

Books by Leonard Orr have been published in Russia: Quit the Habit of Dying: The Science of Eternal Life “Death Thirst”, “Fire is the Highest Healer”, “Conscious Breathing”, “The Healing Power of New Birth”. His personal website:

Rebirthing is a powerful breathing psychotechnique (trance) and the training is intended for those who want to:

  • - master the rebirthing breathing technique
  • - improve existing skills
  • - find a solution to your current problem

The course consists of 10 evening classes consisting of:

Initially, some considered the holotropic technique a real breakthrough in psychology, while others considered it a good alternative to LSD (the most famous psychedelic). But today among scientists this practice is considered one of the most powerful types of psychocorrection.

What is this

Holotropic breathing is a method of self-exploration, a psychotherapeutic technique based on rapid breathing. The technique is recognized as one of the best among modern breathing techniques (there is also rebirthing, vibration, free breathing).

History of appearance

The developers of the holotropic breathing technique are American transpersonal psychologists Stanislav and Christina Grof. In 1975, they offered it as a replacement for the banned LSD therapy.

The history of this technique itself is quite interesting. Even before psychoactive substances were banned, they noticed that at the end of a psychotherapeutic session, people began to breathe actively when the problem was not resolved. This was done in order to leave everything changed and to be able to bring everything to the end. When the Grof couple began to use this method, Stanislav instructed, directing what was happening.

But somehow the psychologist suffered damage and could not conduct the process as usual, it was then that Grof came up with the idea of ​​dividing people in twos: during the first session, one (holonaut) breathed, and the second (sitter, nurse) helped him, then they changed.

Did you know? In Russia, such a technique was allowed in 1993, registering it as one of the psychotherapeutic methods.

The effect was amazing - people’s feelings turned out to be much richer, and the result of psychotherapy was stronger.

Harm or benefit

Like all such techniques, this technique has supporters and opponents. To figure out whether this is good or bad, you need to know everyone’s position.

Proponents of the holotropic method

Proponents of this therapy are confident that it is absolutely not dangerous for a healthy person who has no contraindications and has been trained by a professional.

According to them, holotropic breathing is harmless, because it is controlled by a nurse or an experienced instructor. In addition, the technique is scientifically proven. And everything happens not through drug use, but through normal breathing.

Adherents of the technique note its most important effect - consciousness is freed from what interferes with it: clamps, blocks, mental stress, etc. Plus, the holonaut gets complete freedom of action regarding his self-realization.

What opponents of the technique say

Critics have their own position regarding the methodology. In their opinion, deep, rhythmic and rapid inhalation/exhalation through the mouth, and even without stopping, leads to a surge in oxygen, provoking a decrease in carbon dioxide in the tissues and hyperventilation of the lungs, which can cause reflex vasoconstriction, jumping, a decrease in the efficiency of hemoglobin, metabolic disorders substances.
The technique can cause irreparable consequences (for example, cerebral edema) or even lead to death. Serious harm to others cannot be ruled out.

Correct technique and basics of holotropic breathing

First, you should study the basics of the holotropic breathing technique and become familiar with the correct technique, learning how to breathe.

Basic principles

How the session works

In the classic version, the following instruction is given for relative holotropic breathing:

  • 5-10 minutes breathing slow, deep;
  • the next 40-60 minutes - deep, rapid;
  • for the next 20 minutes, start with slow, shallow breathing and end with regular breathing.

Is it possible to use at home?

What is rebirthing (origins of the technique)

Rebirthing is another breathing psychotechnique that was created by the American Leonard Orro in the early 1970s. Rebirthing is used for serious psycho-emotional disorders that arose in childhood and remain even in adulthood, for relief and self-knowledge, sleep disorders, and to prepare for painless childbirth.

There is an opinion that rebirthing is a safe type of breathing practice, in contrast to holotropic breathing, although the theory and practice of rebirthing is largely based on the methods of the Grof spouses. The origins of this type of breathing psychotechnics are rooted in (managing vital energy with the help of breathing exercises in).

But rebirthing still has its differences. If Grof’s technique allows the body to free itself from, spontaneously going through all experiences and fully realizing and accepting what is happening, then in rebirthing the main essence is the awareness that “thought is material,” or, in other words, “thought creates your reality.”

Independent holotropic breathing: technique at home

The basics of holotropic breathing techniques at home are as follows:

  1. First, for your safety, you must cover with something soft all possible dangerous corners and surfaces in the room where the classes will take place.
  2. An experienced sitter must be present nearby - he will protect, help and in the end listen to you carefully.
  3. Please note that this technique has two main points: frequency and depth of breathing, which are difficult to combine at first, but this simply requires practice. Remember how the dog breathes and try to breathe the same way, increasing the amplitude.
  4. The initial 20 minutes are extremely important to bring consciousness into an altered state. Next, you will listen to yourself, regulating your breathing.

Important! At some point you may not want to breathe at all; perceive this only as a necessary part of the process.

Beginners often encounter the problem of blocks, which manifest themselves, for example, in cramps in the limbs. And this is very disturbing, distracting.

In this case, the sitter can take your hand, but you, with maximum resistance, must pull it towards you. Have an assistant press on the area where you feel

We all know that after birth a person must learn to walk, talk, write, and read. Does he need to learn to breathe? Surely not everyone has thought about this question. Many people have not even thought to pay attention to how their lungs fill with air and how it leaves them, as well as what muscles of the body are involved, and what emotions arise.

The breathing process occurs unconsciously, automatically. However, about ten million people on our planet devote two hours of their free time every day to listen to the body.

Popular breathing technique

Almost recently, humanity has found the golden key to its health. Those who often feel tired and overwhelmed are recommended to use rebirthing. What it is? This is a technique for quickly getting rid of negative emotions that have fallen on a person, allowing you to quickly replenish the body’s strength.

The issues of proper breathing have been covered for quite some time. This topic has been raised by many religions and teachings. It has always been believed that a person has two levels of breathing. One of them is air, consisting of oxygen and other chemical components. The second level refers to energy that has an all-pervading life force.

The rebirthing technique adheres to the same idea. The essence of this technique is to restore the natural rhythm of breathing with the correct setting of inhalation and exhalation.

Impact of negative energy

Each of us is familiar with the feelings of fear, anger and stress. Whenever these negative emotions overwhelm us, we are sure to hold our breath. This leads to a disruption of its rhythm. The breathing process is also affected by the birth trauma received at the birth of a person, as well as family upbringing, which forces a small child to be submissive.

Considering this issue more deeply, it is necessary to touch upon subtle matters. After all, any shock or even minor trauma that a person has had to endure during his life will certainly leave an indelible mark on the flow of energy that fuels the body along with breathing. As a result, the energy turns negative. It begins to negatively affect our psyche, body and emotional state. Simply put, a person acquires a whole bunch of physical and psychological diseases.

And this is where rebirthing can come to the rescue. What it is? This is a technique for restoring full breathing, which allows you to renew your soul and body, as well as make all systems of the human body work normally.

History of discovery

The rebirthing breathing technique was proposed in the 60s of the last century by the American Leonard Orr. Moreover, he made his discovery completely by accident. Leonard was forbidden any excitement. When it occurred, the man’s throat constricted and he began to choke. This disease was caused by birth trauma. At birth, Leonard's throat was wrapped several times with the umbilical cord, which prevented the baby from breathing. Then the doctors saved him. However, the trauma received at birth left an indelible mark on the psyche.

One day Leonard decided to take a bath. He got into the water. However, she turned out to be too hot. Leonard was burned and began to choke from fear before he could leave the bathroom. In order not to die, the man forced himself to inhale the air intensely. And a miracle happened. Deep breathing allowed Leonard to emotionally relive the moment of his birth trauma, which freed him from the illness that arose in infancy. Thus, rebirthing was discovered. What it is? This is a breathing technique whose name in English means “rebirth.”

Conducting classes

How to ensure that you use the rebirthing technique as effectively as possible? Reviews from experts suggest that you do not need to take a bath to perform this technique. And although Leonard always preferred to spend at least two hours in water every day, completely immersing himself in it and inhaling through a special tube, such training will be effective on an ordinary sofa. To do this, you just need to get comfortable on it and relax as much as possible. It is necessary not only to breathe deeply.

This must be done consciously. When performing rebirthing yourself, it is important not to make any pauses between inhalation and exhalation and follow the basic principles of this technique. Let's take a closer look at them.


If rebirthing is performed independently at home, then this principle will be especially important for a person. Its essence lies in the fact that each of us, no matter what he feels at a given moment in time, is certainly in ecstasy. The human mind and body divide existing emotions into useful (pleasant) and harmful (unpleasant). Positive impressions influence the hypothalamus. It is he who regulates the functioning of the nervous system, which has a direct effect on the human body.


This is the second principle of rebirthing. It is about transformation, suppression and glorification. To do this, you will need to remember what was done incorrectly before and provoked the appearance of an unpleasant sensation. This kind of feeling needs to be relived, but done in a positive, new way, and then celebrated.

Mutual breathing

This is the third principle that rebirthing uses. What it is? Mutual breathing refers to breathing, which is used to remove distortions in the aura. In this case, certain conditions must be met. They concern inhalation and exhalation, which are so closely connected that there are no pauses in the breathing process. Exhalation should be spontaneous. A person should not tense up. Both inhalation and exhalation should be done through the nose.

Only in the most exceptional cases is breathing through the mouth allowed. As a result of the actions taken, energy is pumped into the aura. Mutual breathing allows the mental debris that floats up in everyday consciousness to become active and takes the form of unpleasant feelings that we tend to suppress. This is our protection from negativity.

Relaxation of the body

This is the fourth principle of the technique. This method of breathing explains the need for complete relaxation of the body by the fact that constrained areas contain negative (suppressive) energy. How to do rebirthing yourself? In order not to violate his fourth principle, you need to lie on your back and stretch your arms along your body. The legs should also be straight. You will need to place soft cushions under your knees and head. No body parts should be crossed. During the relaxation process, unpleasant sensations may occur in the form of tingling or scratching in the body. Don't give in to emotions and start moving. Such sensations are nothing more than a manifestation of negative energy that needs to be integrated.

Concentration of attention

This principle is also important to remember for those who perform rebirthing at home. During classes, you need to concentrate on your own feelings. The emotional garbage in the head, after being “opened”, can cause a storm of strong sensations. Sometimes it localizes pain, various memories arise, etc. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to any sensations at the time of applying the technique.

As a rule, the suppression of a negative psychological state is applied in certain layers. Each of them occurs at one time or another in a person’s life. And if you find the cause and remind yourself of the time of occurrence of a chronic disease, then it becomes possible to reverse the disease.

Complete confidence in the methodology

This is the last, sixth principle of rebirthing. If a person has even a slight doubt, this will certainly lead to the appearance of so-called mental garbage. In this case, there will be no benefit from rebirthing.

There is no need to consciously control or manage something. Rebirthing should occur spontaneously, which will be most useful for the one who applies this technique.

Breathing type

Anyone can learn rebirthing on their own. Reviews from those who have already done this say that after 5-10 classes they became more sensitive to the world around them, which led to a rethinking of their whole life.

What types of breathing exist in rebirthing? There are only four of them. And the intensity, depth and speed of psychological processes in the subconscious depend on what type of breathing is used at the moment.

1. Slow and deep breathing. It is used for a gentle introduction into the rebirthing process itself. Sometimes, instead of soft breathing, deep, stretched breathing is used. This allows the body to relax. In our daily life, this type of breathing is recommended to be used at the very beginning of any negative condition. This will neutralize unpleasant feelings.

2. Frequent and deep breathing. What is it? This breathing is almost twice as deep and more frequent than usual. It is considered fundamental in the rebirthing technique. This type of breathing allows you to reach the level of the unconscious. The exhalation should be relaxed and not subject to control. When you inhale through your mouth, you should exhale in the same way. You cannot force or hold back your breathing. Otherwise, contraction and tension in the muscles of the legs, arms and face appear. And this, in turn, finds expression in internal resistance and the appearance of fear. A person must constantly remember that he does not need to control anything.

3. Shallow and rapid breathing. It is similar to the “dog” and allows you to crush and split into pieces all existing experiences. Rebirthing uses this type of breathing to relax the body and quickly overcome all painful and unpleasant sensations. Frequent inhalations and exhalations are recommended in extreme situations. This will allow you to quickly get out of a state where emotions are brought to the limit.

4. Slow shallow breathing. It is used to get out of rebirthing. There is no need to force things and rush to complete the process in advance. This must be done carefully and slowly.

Conducting classes

How to correctly apply the rebirthing technique (holotropic breathing)? To do this you need to lie down and relax. After this, it is important to shift your full attention to your breathing. His whole body should breathe in the same rhythm with a person. In this case, you will need to remove all pauses that exist between inhalation and exhalation.

It is necessary to imagine that the air in the body is moving in a circle. So, after inhaling through the nose, it descends into the lungs. After this, the air passes into the stomach and then around the genitals. Then it rises up along the spine and exits into the surrounding space through the crown of the head.

Inhalation during rebirthing should be conscious. In this case, it is necessary to mentally control the process of filling the lungs with air. Exhalation should be inert and proceed without any human intervention. And for this, after inhalation, the air must be released. This will allow him to come out on his own.

After the necessary parameters of the inhalation and exhalation process are finally configured, then everything should happen by itself.

When using all types of breathing, the maximum result is achieved, which is expressed in pleasure and psychological relief. In the rebirthing technique, it is believed that with a more relaxed exhalation, the process is much more effective. And this can be achieved with a sharper inhalation. The rebirthing technique is also recommended to include the chest in the breathing process. It is believed that a lot of emotions “settle” in her muscles.