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The meaning of the word CONFRONTATION in Efremova’s Explanatory Dictionary


confrontation A tion

Sharp opposition, confrontation, clash of views, principles, social systems and so on.

Efremova. Dictionary Efremova. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what CONFRONTATION is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CONFRONTATION in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    (lat. con - against and frons (frontis) - forehead, front) - confrontation, confrontation, ...
  • CONFRONTATION in Medical terms:
    (French confrontation, comparison) in venereology, an examination of persons who have had sexual contact with a patient with a venereal disease, carried out to establish ...
  • CONFRONTATION in big encyclopedic dictionary:
    (French confrontation) confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, the policy of confrontation, military confrontation, confrontation ...
  • CONFRONTATION in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB.
  • CONFRONTATION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    and, pl. no, w. Confrontation, confrontation, clash (of political systems, ideological and political principles, etc.). Confrontational - relating to confrontation.||Cf. NONCONFORMISM, ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, w. (book). Confrontation, confrontation. Political book II adj. confrontational...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    CONFRONTATION (French confrontation), confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, K. politics, K. military., K. ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the New Dictionary foreign words:
    (lat. con against + frons (frontis) forehead, front) opposition, confrontation (of social systems, ideological and political principles, etc.), ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [lat. con against + frons (frontis) forehead, front] opposition, confrontation (of social systems, ideological and political principles, etc.), ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    confrontation, opposition, confrontation, ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • CONFRONTATION in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • CONFRONTATION full spelling dictionary Russian language:
  • CONFRONTATION in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • CONFRONTATION in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    opposition, confrontation Political...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (French confrontation), confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, the policy of confrontation, military confrontation, confrontation ...
  • CONFRONTATION in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    and. Sharp opposition, confrontation, clash of views, principles, social systems and...
  • CONFRONTATION in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    and. Sharp opposition, confrontation, clash of views, principles, social systems and...
  • WILLIAM BURROWS in Quotation Wiki.
  • GENDER IDEOLOGY in the Dictionary of Gender Studies Terms:
    - a system of ideas and views, concepts and ideas about the construction of society and the relationships in it of men and women as two...
  • SHADOW in the Dictionary of Analytical Psychology:
    (Shadow; Schatten) - hidden or unconscious aspects psychological structure personality, her negative side, usually rejected by the conscious ego. The sum of all unpleasant...
  • ADORNO in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (Adorno), Wiesengrund-Adorno (Wiesengrund-Adorno) Theodor (1903-1969) - German philosopher, sociologist, musicologist, composer. One of the leading representatives of the Frankfurt School, made a major contribution...
  • BERLIN in the Directory of Cities and Capitals of the World:
    GERMANY Berlin, the capital of Germany, is located at the confluence of the Spree River and the Havel River, on the shipping canals connecting Berlin with …
  • SOCIOLOGY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (French sociologie, from Latin socictas - society and Greek logos - word, doctrine; literally - the doctrine of society), the science of ...

Confrontation(V clinical psychology) (lat. con - against + frontis - forehead, front) - a concept reflecting opposition, confrontation, clash of social systems, communities, people among themselves, a person with himself, with his ideas, attitudes, etc. In psychotherapy, one one of the main techniques when a patient or group is presented with usually unconscious ambivalent attitudes, attitudes or behavioral stereotypes in order to understand and work through them. As an independent technique, it was proposed by R. Bastine and D. Kommer (1979) and can be used both in a direct, rigid form, directive (for example, asking the question: “What do you think or feel about what I told you?”), and in a softer form - through the use of parables, psychotherapeutic metaphors, non-verbal communication. When using K., the main attention is paid to the contradiction between what is desired (from the patient’s point of view) and real behavior patient, on his verbal and nonverbal manifestations. The most developed methods of psychotherapy are in psychoanalysis. However, they are indicated only if there is good emotional contact between the patient and the psychotherapist. A number of psychotherapists generally reject communication as a technique and oppose it with an empathic approach (for example, in client-centered psychotherapy by K. Rogers, 1950).

L. A. Karpenko

Definitions, meanings of words in other dictionaries:

Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia

1) Contrast, clash, confrontation of opinions, people or groups. In this socio-psychological sense, the term can be used to describe the process of group or family psychotherapy. 2) In psychotherapy - one of the main technical techniques:...

Psychological Encyclopedia

This is something that every person, regardless of status, age and gender, faces constantly. It doesn't matter whether you are a politician or a housewife.

Confrontation is a tough confrontation of views, interests, principles, and social systems.

For example, the revolution of 1917 - social confrontation, sanctions against European productspolitical confrontation, World War II - war.

Examples from life

So, you are developing a permanent localized Civil War, conflict. Everyone is fighting against everyone, the mother comes home from work exhausted and immediately from the doorway loudly rages about what she saw in the house, her teenage son gets paid for scattered shoes, unfinished homework, a mess in the room - this is an open tough confrontation.

In turn, the teenager is silent, frowning, quietly retreating to his territory, but fundamentally disagrees with his mother, he has his own understanding of the order, the place of the shoes/socks/books, and he is not going to change anything - this is a hidden confrontation.

At the moment when the confrontation reaches a dead end, the husband appears in the arena of hostilities, he does not go wild, because he has already managed to relieve tension before coming home: “Darling, my colleagues and I only have a glass of beer...”. The wife abruptly switches from the teenager to the husband, continuing to openly confront the next enemy, the husband gently and affectionately persuades her to stop screaming, promises that if the outcome he wants, this will not happen again, he will come home from work on time and bring the entire salary - this is a soft confrontation.

The same can apply to work or relationships with neighbors. Have you ever looked into the eyes of your immediate supervisor when you are late for work or miss a deadline, even if he is silent, his eyes promise you hell on earth during your lifetime. Try turning on your favorite music at full volume for a beautiful Sunday morning at 7 o'clock and you will get all kinds of confrontation depending on the character of your neighbors.

How to behave in a situation of domestic confrontation?

You can leave everything as is for a long time if you adrenaline junkie. Why not, everyone has their own ways of getting pleasure . But if you are like most normal people, you can't live in constant voltage, then you will have to look for ways out of this situation.

  1. All events are neutral and have a positive or negative connotation only in our head, polar inversion method will help replace negative attitude positive: the shoes are lying around - how wonderful it is that they are in the corridor and not in the living room. My husband came late and drunk - how wonderful it was that he came! The wife screams - it means she is not indifferent to her husband, she is worried about him.
  2. Reduction to the point of absurdity, aggravation: “Son, your room is already a mess, almost a garbage dump, so let your dirty shoes stand there, and at the same time the trash can from the kitchen, you don’t care, but the kitchen will be in order, oh! and we will put the dirty dishes there too. The situation will no longer look threatening, but simply stupid.
  3. Postponement: “Honey, I’m not ready to talk about this right now...” No matter how funny it may sound, it’s absolutely intuitive the right approach, allowing the opposing sides to cool down and begin a constructive, peaceful dialogue.
  4. Switching attention: “Oh, darling, you’re yelling at me, but look at your son’s shoes and his room is a mess!”
  5. Well my good advice, do not enter into confrontation, because It’s easy to enter a war, it’s much more difficult to end it, and it’s not possible at all without losses!

Confrontation, military confrontation, confrontation of views).

Big Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2000 .


See what “CONFRONTATION” is in other dictionaries:

    Confrontation... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    Collision, confrontation, confrontation, opposition Dictionary of Russian synonyms. confrontation see confrontation Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language... Synonym dictionary

    - (French confrontation) confrontation, opposition, clash of social systems, class interests, beliefs (for example, the policy of confrontation, military confrontation, confrontation of views). Political science: Dictionary reference book. comp... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - [English, French confrontation Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    confrontation- and, f. confrontation f., German Konfrontation lat. con + frons (frontis forehead, front. Opposition, clash. We understood that at the London conference table there would inevitably be clashes opposite points vision, and we had no... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from Latin con against and frons (frontis) forehead, front) confrontation, confrontation, collision. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M. 479 p.. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

    CONFRONTATION, and, female. (book). Confrontation, confrontation. Political k. | adj. confrontational, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Contradiction, confrontation (of social systems, ideological and political principles, beliefs), clash Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Dictionary of business terms

    CONFRONTATION- (lat. con against and frons (frontis) forehead, front) opposition, confrontation, collision... Legal encyclopedia

    AND; and. [French confrontation] Book. Confrontation, opposition (of social systems, class interests, beliefs, etc.); collision. K. on national basis. Political K.K. views. * * * confrontation (French confrontation),… … encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Chechen Republic. Confrontation, stability, peace, N. F. Bugai. The book is based on a large amount of factual material, with the use of current archives and documents prepared with the direct participation of the author, who previously worked in the Ministry of Affairs...
  • On the political anthropology of the Soviet system. Foreign Policy Aspects, Francis Comte. The articles that compose the collection by F. Comte were written in different years. They analyze problems related to two key points Soviet history- post-revolutionary period and time...

Some terms sometimes cause surprise and amaze with their relevance in various branches of science. The word “confrontation” belongs to them. It's incredible how many narrow meanings it has. Let's take a look at the most popular ones so as not to get into trouble in the presence of smart people.


Most often we hear the term in question from the mouths of government officials and the media.

In politics, confrontation is a certain aspect of confrontation. It has many shades of meaning. For example, there is a political confrontation. This refers to the confrontation between representatives of certain sectors of society who have conflicting views. Look at the socialists and capitalists. It is clear that they will never agree on certain issues. The former fight for the interests of workers, the latter put their profits first. Agree, there is confrontation. This means in in this case impossibility of reaching a compromise solution. That is, the term in question denotes not just a struggle of ideas, but a confrontation of opposite trends in the development of society. They can't come to unanimous opinion, just give up some of their positions to each other.


More broad meaning acquires a term in this field. This is understandable, because geopolitics examines the relationship between the parties on a global scale. Here confrontation means confrontation between civilizations developing in different directions.

Each of them generates its own ideas and meanings, inviting people to join them. And this means ownership of resources. The fight goes on for more high level. The parties are not just putting forward slogans. They form their own ideology, trying, on the one hand, to make it attractive, and on the other, to discredit the enemy. Bright and a clear example such a situation is cold war. The confrontation there was between two political systems. They clearly had advantages and disadvantages. The parties tried to defeat each other in all spheres of human life. Finance and technology, information and ideologists lined up in a “front” and fought for the minds of people. Unfortunately, the policy of confrontation is characteristic of the present time. As they say, capitalism has won, but problems remain.

In military affairs

Here the term has a purely practical significance. Confrontation is a confrontation between different armies, usually belonging to the warring parties. Fortunately, they still talk about it more often in political sense, but keeping in mind the military capabilities of states. You probably noticed that the word contains “front”. This term has French origin, as well as many others related to the war. Its translation is as follows: “comparison”, or “confrontation”. There is something that hints at a duel, right? Because of this, the term is loved by psychologists. They also found a use for it.

Confrontation in conflict

There is a science that examines human behavior in different situations. It determines intentions and behavioral motives people, including those in conflict. In this case, we talk about confrontation between the parties. This does not necessarily mean only interpersonal relationships. For example, when studying driver behavior, they consider his confrontation with vehicle control elements. This refers to his psychological non-perception of certain systems or innovations. In addition, when studying conflicts, we talk about a situation where individuals strictly oppose each other on certain positions.

Let's give the most everyday example. Two guys are courting one girl. They, of course, are in conflict, that is, they are in confrontation. It is impossible to reconcile them, since their goal is not divided in half. The conflict may also have a larger scale for society. However, confrontation is still present in it. For example, in the field of culture and art creative people argue, defend own understanding works or directions of industry development. Or an even more widespread dispute on a societal scale that “physicists and lyricists” waged among themselves, remember? He touched on ideological aspects to which all humanity should strive. By the way, it is never finished.

In medicine

In this area, the term has a very narrow meaning. It is used in venereology. The fact is that such diseases are sexually transmitted. When a disappointing diagnosis is made to one patient, it is necessary to examine all his partners. Such an event is called confrontation. It is worth noting that the described meaning of the term does not have widespread, which cannot but rejoice.

In everyday life

We may rarely use the word “confrontation” in everyday life, but we encounter the process it denotes from time to time. You can read about this in the encyclopedic dictionary. It states there that this term also means a clash of beliefs and views. We encounter this all the time. For example, when we are reprimanded about clothing or preferences, habits or behavior. Meat eaters are in confrontation with vegetarians, grandmothers on a bench with the neighbor guys. All these people have their own worldview. Even if they do not form its essence in the form of words, they certainly apply it in life. Situations often occur when someone tries to impose their views on another (makes a remark). This is confrontation in everyday life. Especially when the other side actively resists. So it turns out that one word has many, albeit similar in nature, but different in application meanings.