Prestigious universities. All the best universities in Russia have already been identified

The Top 100 best universities in Russia is a ranking of the most popular and prestigious higher educational institutions in the country. According to this list, which is constantly modified taking into account existing trends in domestic education, you can find out how much a particular university meets the characteristics stated in its description. So, which universities are considered the best in the country, and what criteria are taken into account when compiling the ranking?

The value of university rankings

The first positions from the top 100 best universities in Russia, the most prestigious and respected, are often included in world rankings, so a diploma from such an educational institution will be valued by an employer much higher than a document from some provincial university. In addition, the quality of education is always taken into account when compiling the list, so do not be afraid of discrepancies between high positions and the competence of the teaching staff.

The ranking of the country's universities is compiled by carefully collecting the opinions of different social groups that are in one way or another connected with higher education. Both students and teachers, as well as employers, are present here. Particular attention is paid to the prestige of the university in the international arena. There is no single list of the best universities, and often some positions may change, nevertheless maintaining the general dynamics and characteristics. Thus, it is difficult to imagine the top ten of any university ranking without Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University and MGIMO.

Preferences of applicants today

Of course, the list of the 100 best universities in Russia will largely depend on what specialties interest students primarily. Thanks to this situation, specialized universities that train specialists in the field of legal sciences or medicine stand next to classical universities that have been tested by time and have different trends in the labor market.

So, what specialties are the most popular today? Recently, the first positions in the rankings of choice of specialties have traditionally been occupied by economics and medicine. The reason for this choice is not only that a doctor of any profile or a good economist will get a job faster after graduation, but also that the universities themselves usually have agreements with employers. Thus, upon graduating from the university, the future physician will definitely get a place in some hospital, while a graduate of the humanities department of a classical university remains “free floating” and can only rely on himself.

But the choice of specialty is influenced not only by job security and labor market trends. For example, technical profiles are much more in demand than economics, but due to the greater complexity of the subjects, fewer students go there. In addition, a large percentage of doctors and economists in the country are also provided by a large number of second-rate universities, which are hired not by quality, but by the low cost of contract training.

Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova

M.V. Lomonosov, without a doubt, is the leading university in the country. One of the oldest, founded back in 1755, Moscow State University is an example to follow for all classical higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov is represented by 39 faculties, 15 research institutes, 4 museums, 6 branches, approximately 380 departments, a science park, a botanical garden, a scientific library, a serious university publishing house, a printing house, a cultural center and even a boarding school. Among the students there are more than forty thousand students, a fifth of whom are foreigners. Moscow State University is traditionally included in any international rankings of educational institutions and in the West is considered the main university of the country.

The walls of Moscow State University have been training specialists in various fields of not only the humanities, but also technical sciences for hundreds of years. It is noteworthy that it was from this university that 11 Nobel Prize laureates came out - what is the pride in training such pinnacles of world science and culture as B. L. Pasternak or L. D. Landau.


Whatever privileges MSU has. M.V. Lomonosov State University (St. Petersburg) will always be its main competitor for the palm among higher educational institutions of the country. He is also represented in international rankings and is widely involved in the work of the international scientific community.

Traditionally, there has been some kind of competition between the scientific schools of Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University in a huge number of sciences. Moscow and St. Petersburg (Leningrad) schools and their heated debates on this or that issue are known in various branches of humanities - history, linguistics. At the same time, the opinion of one or another university is always taken into account in the West, where both universities are considered very serious and worthy of attention in the scientific community.

The achievements of St. Petersburg State University are also proven by the special status of the university, which it received in 2009. According to it, the university has the right to issue its own educational standards and diplomas to students, which, as it were, proves equal status with Moscow State University. The State University is clearly in the leading positions in the ranking of “100 Best Universities in Russia”.

MSTU Bauman

Baumanka is traditionally included in the list of 100 best universities in Russia. And this is fair, since this university provides its students with some of the highest knowledge in the field of technical sciences not only in Russia, but throughout Europe.

MSTU im. Bauman (Moscow State Technical University) is distinguished by the fact that it always occupies very high places in international rankings for the quality of training of technical specialists. Thus, over the entire existence of the university, more than two hundred thousand engineers have been trained here, many of whom are first-class. It is this educational institution that is considered to be the forge of personnel in technical fields for the former USSR, thanks to which our country has reached unprecedented heights in the development of science. MSTU im. Bauman heads the Association; it includes about 130 universities in the country. He was also awarded many foreign awards. In addition, it should be noted that this educational institution is one of five in all of Russia that are included in the global top 800 universities in the world, occupying 334th position.


(Moscow) is not just a university, but also a legal entity. This is the best higher education institution in Russia in the field of training in the field of management.

The State University of Management (Moscow) will be a good choice for training in the future career of an official, since this university traditionally supplies personnel for federal bodies at various levels.


Another giant in training domestic personnel in the field of technical sciences and economics is MESI (Moscow). It can be classified not just as an educational institution, but as a full-fledged center for the development of science and innovation. founded in 1932, it quickly became a center for the introduction of new technologies and their advancement in the fields of electronic computing and economic sciences. MESI (Moscow) is the pride of Soviet and Russian statistics.

REU named after G. V. Plekhanov

Russian named after G.V. Plekhanov is the main center for training specialists in this field throughout the country. If this area of ​​work interests you, then REU will be the best choice. There is a completely different level of teaching here, incomparable with second-rate universities. Subjects such as commodity science, pricing, macro- and microeconomics are taught by real professionals and specialists in these fields. Diploma of REU named after. Every employer will notice G.V. Plekhanov and note your success with the position. This university promises students training in economic sciences in accordance with the best traditions of Russian higher education.

It should be noted that the position of REU as the main economic university of the country is noted by the government. So, in 2012, the Ministry of Education merged this educational institution with the Russian State Trade and Economic University and the Saratov State Socio-Economic University. All branches of these universities also joined here, despite the fact that the leading role in the management system remained with REU. G. V. Plekhanov.

First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov can be confidently called not only the oldest medical university in the country, but also the largest and most prestigious. It began its history as one of the faculties of Moscow University. In Soviet times, during the reform of higher education, it was separated into a separate institute, after which this educational institution underwent a number of reorganizations. The last one happened in 2010, and at the same time it received its last name - First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov. Among all medical universities, this is certainly the most prestigious. Moreover, most other educational institutions of this profile were founded by graduates of MSMU.

Choosing a university is an extremely responsible task facing graduates and their parents. There are many factors to consider. What a person is interested in, what he would like to become, what his life goals are. And based on this, choose the location of the university, its teaching staff, the quality of education and much more.

We have prepared for you a list of the best universities in Europe where you can get an education. We also indicated the cost of training. Choose the best one, submit documents and start gnawing on the granite of science.

1. Technical University of Madrid, Spain

Emprego pelo Mundo

The Technical University of Madrid is an old university. Some faculties are more than 100 years old. The School of Architecture and Engineering is of great importance because it is here that the history of Spanish technology was made over two centuries. At this university you can earn bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in business and social sciences, engineering as well as technology. The university employs 3,000 employees and 35,000 students study.

Cost of education: 1,000 euros per year ( approximate price).

2. University of Hamburg, Germany


There are six faculties at the university. These faculties offer almost every possible discipline - from economics, law, social sciences to the humanities, natural sciences and computer science, as well as medicine. More than 5,000 employees and almost 38,000 students. This is one of the largest universities in Germany.

Cost of education: 300 euros per semester.

3. Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

This is one of the oldest universities in the world. And, perhaps, the most prestigious educational institution in Spain. There are two campuses. One is located in Moncloa, the second is located in the city center. Here you can earn bachelor's degrees in business and social sciences, arts and humanities, medicine and engineering. It is a very large university with over 45,000 students.

Cost of education: 1,000–4,000 euros for the entire period of study.

4. Oxford University, UK


The history of this educational institution dates back to 1096. It is the oldest English-speaking university in the world. More than 20,000 students study here. Business, social sciences, arts and humanities, language and culture, medicine, engineering and technology are available. More than 5,000 employees. He was awarded the royal decoration nine times.

Cost of education: from 15,000 pounds.

5. University of Glasgow, UK


The University of Glasgow is one of the oldest places of learning in the UK. The fourth oldest university in the entire English-speaking world. Ranked among the top ten employers for research in the UK. There are many programs for studying abroad that help with employment. The following areas are available: business, social sciences, arts, humanities, language and culture, medicine, engineering and technology. It is also possible to obtain a doctorate.

Cost of education: from £13,750.

6. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany


Founded in 1810. It was then called “the mother of all modern universities.” This university has great authority. Here students are offered a comprehensive humanistic education. It was the first university of its kind in the world. Like other schools on this list, you can earn a doctorate, as well as bachelor's and master's degrees. At the university, 35,000 people are gnawing on the granite of science. It is unique in that only 200 people work here.

Cost of education: 294 euros per semester.

7. University of Twente, Netherlands


This Dutch university was founded in 1961. Initially operated as a technological university with the aim of increasing the number of engineers. It is currently the only university in the Netherlands with its own campus. The number of places is limited - only 7,000 students. But 3,300 scientists and specialists work at the university.

Cost of education: 6,000–25,000 euros per year.

8. University of Bologna, Italy

Forum Vinsky

One of the oldest universities in the world. Many believe that this particular university serves as the starting point and basis of European culture. It is here that 198 different directions are offered to applicants annually. More than 5,000 employees and more than 45,000 students.

Cost of education: from 600 euros per semester ( approximate price).

9. London School of Economics and Political Science, UK


It was founded in 1895 with the goal of helping students specialize in the study of social sciences. It has its own campus, which is located in central London. Here you can study criminology, anthropology, social psychology, international relations, sociology and many other sciences. About 10,000 students study and 1,500 employees work. It was this institute that gave the world 35 leaders and heads of state and 16 Nobel Prize laureates.

Cost of education: £16,395 per year.

10. Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium


Founded in 1425. It is currently the largest university in Belgium. It is highly rated and has campuses throughout Brussels and Flanders. More than 70 international training programs. At the same time, 40,000 students study here and 5,000 employees work here.

Cost of education: 600 euros per year ( approximate cost).

11. ETH Zurich, Switzerland

It began its work in 1855 and today is one of the best universities in the world. The main campus is located in Zurich. The educational institution offers some of the best programs in physics, mathematics and chemistry. More than 20,000 students and 5,000 employees. To enter you need to pass a test.

Cost of education: CHF 650 per semester ( approximate cost).

12. Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany


One of the oldest universities in Germany. Based in the capital of Bavaria - Munich. 34 Nobel Prize winners are graduates of this institution. The second largest university in Germany. 45,000 students and approximately 4,500 employees.

Cost of education: about 200 euros per semester.

13. Free University of Berlin, Germany


Founded after World War II, in 1948. One of the best universities in the world in terms of research work. It has international offices in Moscow, Cairo, Sao Paulo, New York, Brussels, Beijing and New Delhi. This allows us to support scientists and researchers and establish international connections. 150 different programs are offered. 2,500 employees and 30,000 students.

Cost of education: 292 euros per semester.

14. University of Freiburg, Germany


It was created with the aim of enabling students to study without political influence. The university collaborates with more than 600 scientists from around the world. 20,000 students, 5,000 employees. Knowledge of German is required.

Cost of education: about 300 euros per semester ( price is approximate).

15. University of Edinburgh, UK


Founded in 1582. Representatives of 2/3 of the world's nationalities study here. However, 42% of students are from Scotland, 30% from the UK and only 18% from the rest of the world. 25,000 students, 3,000 employees. Famous alumni: Katherine Granger, JK Rowling, Charles Darwin, Conan Doyle, Chris Hoy and many others.

Cost of education: from £15,250 per year.

16. Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Switzerland


This university is publicly funded and specializes in science, architecture and engineering. Here you can meet students from more than 120 countries. 350 laboratories are based on the territory of this university. In 2012, this particular university filed 75 priority patents with 110 inventions. 8,000 students, 3,000 employees.

Cost of education: CHF 1,266 per year.

17. University College London, UK

British Bridge

Strategically located in the heart of London. Known for his impressive research. This institute was the first to admit students of any class, race and religion. 5,000 employees and 25,000 students study at this university.

Cost of education: £16,250 per year.

18. Berlin Technical University, Germany

Garant Tour

This university played a major role in making Berlin one of the leading industrial cities in the world. Students are trained here in the fields of technology and natural sciences. 25,000 students and 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: about 300 euros per year.

19. University of Oslo, Norway


Founded in 1811, it is publicly funded and is Norway's oldest institution. Here you can study business, social sciences and humanities, arts, language and culture, medicine and technology. 49 Master programs in English. 40,000 students, more than 5,000 employees. Five scientists from this university became Nobel Prize laureates. And one of them received the Nobel Peace Prize.

Cost of education: no information.

20. University of Vienna, Austria


Founded back in 1365, it is one of the oldest universities in German-speaking countries. One of the largest universities in Central Europe. The largest scientific and pedagogical university in Austria. Its campuses are located in 60 locations. 45,000 students and more than 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: about 350 euros per semester.

21. Imperial College London, UK

News in HD quality

Imperial College London began offering its services in 1907 and celebrated its 100th anniversary as an independent institution. It was formerly part of the University of London. This is one of the most prestigious universities in the UK. This college is related to the discovery of penicillin and the fundamentals of fiber optics. There are eight campuses across London. 15,000 students, 4,000 employees.

Cost of education: from £25,000 per year.

22. University of Barcelona, ​​Spain


The University of Barcelona was founded in 1450 in the city of Naples. Six campuses in the second largest city in Spain - Barcelona. Free courses in Spanish and Catalan. 45,000 students and 5,000 employees.

Cost of education: 19,000 euros per year.

23. Moscow State University, Russia


The university was founded in 1755 and is considered one of the oldest institutions in Russia. More than 10 research centers that provide practical assistance to students in research work. It is believed that the academic building of Moscow State University is the highest educational institution in the world. More than 30,000 students and up to 4,500 employees.

Cost of education: 320,000 rubles per year.

24. Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden


The largest and oldest technical university in Sweden. Emphasis is placed on applied and practical science. More than 2,000 employees and 15,000 students. Compared to other universities in this part of the world, a large percentage of students are foreigners.

Cost of education: from 10,000 euros per year.

25. University of Cambridge, UK


Founded back in 1209. Always included in the list of leading universities in the world. 3,000 employees and 25,000 students from all over the world. 89 Nobel laureates. Cambridge graduates have the highest employment rate in the UK. A truly world-famous university.

Cost of education: from £13,500 per year.

To the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Every child tries to answer from a young age. Parents want their offspring to receive a decent education and then a well-paid job. In order to become successful in the future, you must graduate from any of the institutions included in the list of prestigious universities in Russia. After all, the best educational institutions, as a rule, produce worthy professionals. They train qualified doctors, military personnel, architects, musicians and representatives of other professions.

Multidisciplinary educational institutions

Where should I start with the list of “The most prestigious universities in Russia”? The top 5 best universities include the following:

  1. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. A legendary university that absolutely every applicant dreams of getting into. The highest Unified State Exam scores are required for admission. Fifty thousand students from Russia and other countries receive education here every year. This university provides education in the fields of medicine, philosophy, law, economics, etc. Paid education at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov is the most expensive in Russia.
  2. St. Petersburg State University. Despite the fact that this educational institution is state-owned, the learning process is built according to unique standards. St. Petersburg State University issues a European-style diploma. A high level of scientific theoretical and practical activity, a library of seven million books - all this allowed it to take second place in the list of “The Most Prestigious Universities in Russia.” There are twenty-four faculties in this university. An important feature of St. Petersburg State University is that it is the only Russian University that is part of a significant association of leading European universities - the Coimbra Group.
  3. MGIMO. Prestigious universities in Russia, as a rule, have a deep history. Thus, MGIMO began its independent activities in 1944. Until this moment, it operated on the basis of Moscow State University. The main direction of the university is international relations. The institute is known for the high level of passing grade required for admission and the prohibitively high cost of education. Paid education here costs more than four hundred thousand rubles a year. It is possible to enter MGIMO on preferential terms, but for this you need to win the “Clever Men and Clever Girls” show Olympics. MGIMO is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the university with the largest number of languages ​​taught. In total, fifty-three languages ​​are taught here.
  4. MSTU named after N. E. Bauman. This is the best technical university in the country. Like all prestigious universities in Russia, MSTU named after. Bauman has a lot of advantages and awards. This educational institution operates in accordance with international education standards, which is why it was awarded the “European Quality” award. At MSTU you can get education in various directions. There are seventy-five specialties in total. The university has research status, as its students constantly practice their knowledge in engineering, nanotechnology, space development, and also look for innovative methods of combating terrorism.
  5. MEPhI. The basis for the creation of the National Research Nuclear Institute was the active military operations of the twentieth century. But formerly it was called the Mechanical Ordnance Institute. Then - engineering and physics. Today, students' research activities use a nuclear reactor and other modern equipment. The institute offers education in eleven faculties.

Medical education

The prestigious ones make up a small list. The three best higher educational institutions producing professional doctors include:

  1. MSMU im. I. M. Sechenov. Founded in 1758. It has six faculties, an extensive library, its own museum, a volunteer center, etc.
  2. National Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogova. This university was created in 1903. Students here are trained in seven areas. The university is fully equipped with modern multimedia and computer devices. This equipment makes it possible to regularly conduct visual lessons, scientific conferences and cultural events.
  3. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy.

Military education

Leading modern military leaders at one time graduated from prestigious military universities in Russia. The best for future officers are:

  1. Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces. This university was founded in 1820. Academy students conduct major scientific and technical research.
  2. Naval Academy founded in 1827. The Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy Tatarinov, Hero of the Soviet Union Chernavin and other famous personalities studied here.
  3. Mikhailovskaya Military Artillery Academy. This is the oldest academy in St. Petersburg, famous for its great teachers (inventor Chernov, designer Lender) and eminent graduates (military leader Przhevalsky, designer Tretyakov).

Legal education

Prestigious ones provide quality education. The faculties of the universities mentioned above and some educational institutions will help you decide on your civic position and learn how to express it taking into account current laws:

  1. Moscow State University (Faculty of Law). Students of this faculty have the opportunity to get the best in Russia.
  2. Moscow State Law Academy. A university that has been operating for more than eighty-five years. Gives the necessary knowledge and teaches how to apply it in practice.
  3. Peoples' Friendship University. Since the nineties, legal disciplines have been taught within the walls of this university.

Musical education

Creative professions have always been considered the most popular among applicants. Everyone wants to shine on stage and have crowds of fans. In order to succeed, you first need to enroll and graduate from a higher education institution. Prestigious Russian universities in the field of music:

  1. Moscow State Conservatory named after. Tchaikovsky.
  2. State Conservatory named after. Rimsky-Korsakov in St. Petersburg.
  3. Russian Academy of Music named after. Gnesins.

Teacher Education

In order to teach someone something, you must first receive a decent education yourself. The best universities in the field of pedagogy not only provide relevant knowledge, but also cultivate love and respect for their profession. Those who want to connect their lives with pedagogy are recommended to enroll in Moscow State University or Russian State Pedagogical University. No less worthy is given at regional universities: TSU, ISU, NSU.

Sports education

On the way to the world of professional sports there are many difficulties to overcome. To achieve the desired result, you should not only exercise a lot physically, but also get a decent education. Prestigious sports universities in Russia approach their work very carefully. The list of the best higher educational institutions in this area includes: Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, Moscow State University of Sports and Physical Culture and the Moscow Institute of Sports and Physical Culture.

Education has always been the most important issue for all those parents who understood that the future of children is almost 90% dependent on education. In fact, choosing a profession is the foundation in a person’s life. Therefore, understanding the seriousness of the issue, we will take a short excursion to get acquainted with the institutions of Moscow.

A few words before the important one

There were and still are good ones. However, often, when choosing this or that educational institution, many make one serious mistake: they rely entirely on rumors. It’s no secret that today you can find reviews about everything, but this does not mean that they are 100% true. So, before you start looking for the best institutes in Moscow, you need to thoroughly study the reviews. Better yet, find a list whose reliability will not be in doubt.

And another important point. You should always remember that the rating is also very changeable. Good institutes in Moscow, which occupy first places in the TOP today, may give way to tomorrow. So you don’t need to rely entirely on the rating.

What can you rely on when choosing good Moscow institutions from thousands of options? Based on your own mind, experience and, of course, the desire of the child. After all, first of all, he should feel comfortable in this establishment.

The best universities in the capital

To make it easier to choose, the top most popular universities today will be presented here. As well as a short description for each of them.

Moscow State University (MSU)

This is the oldest university in the country, founded in 1755. The famous Russian academician M.V. Lomonosov did a lot for the work of this educational institution.

For more than two centuries, this organization of highly qualified specialists has existed, whose contribution is irreplaceable in society. There are 15 institutes operating on the basis of the university, where training is conducted in completely different training profiles, ranging from geodesy to journalism.

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

It is a unique, authoritative scientific and educational center. He began his activities more than half a century ago. Today, the university has two dozen educational programs; the most interesting thing is that in addition to a huge number of faculties, 50 world languages ​​are taught here.

Higher School of Economics (State Higher School of Economics)

Compared to previous ones, this institute is young, operating since 1992. The emphasis is on the most popular areas of economic and social sciences. And despite the fact that the school is young, it was still the first to switch to the Bologna system - “4+2”: that is, 4 years of bachelor’s degree, two years of master’s degree. The university operates according to a modular scheme, which allows students to correctly distribute the workload and force them to make efforts. It is worth saying that not only future economists graduate from here, but also specialists in media structures, advertising, PR, journalists and many others.

Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (FA)

One of the oldest institutes in Moscow, which trains specialists in finance and economics. More than 11,000 students are trained here every year. And this speaks volumes about the quality of education. The Academy closely cooperates with foreign universities, so students often participate in exchange programs and undergo internships abroad. About 20 directions are represented.

Russian Economic Academy named after. G. V. Plekhanova (REA)

The history of the institute begins in 1907. More than 150 professors, doctors and candidates of science, and more than 500 associate professors work here. There are more than thirty specialties to choose from. Throughout its history, the university has paid great attention to its own publishing house. And today, not only educational and methodological literature is published, but also scientific works, reports, monographs, and theses.

them. N. E. Bauman (MSTU)

Opened back in the Soviet era, this institute has managed to stand the test of time and gain a foothold among the best universities in Moscow. Training is provided in 30 areas of technical specialties (optical engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear energy, metrology and standardization, etc.).

State University of Management (SUM)

It is a leading management university with the status of a legal entity. This is the largest economic institute in the capital, which provides training in 22 areas. By the way, here, if desired, managers from various industries can improve their qualifications.

Moscow Aviation Institute (State MAI)

The institute is the leading one in the country; it trains specialists for all branches of aviation and rocket and space science. The educational institution has ten faculties and two universities. It is famous for its qualified personnel and long-standing traditions, which is the key to a good future and excellent education in this field.

Of course, the good things don't end there. The list is far from complete. Above is the TOP of Moscow universities (the best universities presented in the list), famous not only in the capital, but also in the regions.

It is not surprising that the number of people wishing to obtain higher education in the Russian capital does not decrease every year. On the contrary, their numbers are growing exponentially. The most prestigious universities in Moscow open their doors to thousands of applicants living not only on the territory of our state, but also beyond its borders. In addition, the determining factor in the priority of capital institutions for future students is the almost unlimited possibilities for choosing a specialty.

Why do students want to study in Moscow?

But it’s not just the wide range of accessible professions that attracts people here who want to get a higher education diploma. Moscow's world-famous and most prestigious universities also attract students with other factors:

  • high level of educational services;
  • diplomas quoted throughout Russia and in other countries;
  • chances of successful employment in the future.

Undoubtedly, the desire of the majority of applicants to master a specialty and obtain a diploma of higher education in the capital is justified. Meanwhile, among approximately 300 institutions, only a few can be said with confidence that these are the most prestigious universities in Moscow. The rating of such institutions presented below includes only the best universities, institutes and academies of the capital.

MGIMO is an elite university

Over the past decade, MGIMO has been considered the undisputed leader in the championship of the best. Although the majority of average applicants consider this university inaccessible to “ordinary people.” The majority of students here are children of large entrepreneurs or famous outstanding personalities. In addition to high scores on the Unified State Exam, you will also have to pass a stationary exam at MGIMO. The availability of budget places in this institution is limited. They are presented mainly for Olympiad winners and people who graduated from school with honors.

Competition at MGIMO

Like the most prestigious universities in Moscow, MGIMO sets itself the goal of joining such a European system of higher education as the Bologna process. This will allow graduates of the institute to find employment in well-known foreign organizations and gain invaluable experience of European practice.

The competition among applicants to the university is on average 10-13 people per place. Every year MGIMO opens its doors to more than 1000 first-year students. Half of them are native Muscovites, the rest are visitors from various Russian regions and neighboring countries.

Moscow technical university

If we further consider the most prestigious universities in Moscow, the list of institutions should continue with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. This institution has no equal in the capital in terms of the quality of teaching in technical sciences. MIPT occupies high positions not only in the capital’s rankings, but also among technical universities in other regions. The institute has a rich history. Its graduates, teachers and founders are the pride of the Russian scientific world. Among the outstanding names are several Nobel Prize laureates who made an invaluable contribution to the development of global technical science: P. L. Kapitsa, L. D. Landau, N. N. Semenov and many others.

The advantage of this Moscow university for engineering students is the successful organization of the educational process. Fundamental theoretical training is harmoniously combined with research activities, which allows future engineers to master specialties and realize their potential to a sufficient extent.

The popularity of MIPT paradoxically does not affect the demand for the institution among applicants. Despite the fact that the university is recognized as one of the best of its kind, applicants usually have no more than three competitors for one place. An exception to the rule is innovative specialties, where the competition sometimes reaches 17 applicants for one place.

All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade

The most prestigious universities in Moscow, where they teach economists, begin their list with the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade. In the field of international economics and finance, international law and management, the institution is considered exemplary. For more than 75 years, graduates of the academy have become highly qualified specialists in the field of foreign economic activity of the state and private entrepreneurs.

In addition, every year the admission committee of the institution tightens the rules for admitting applicants. Now, in order to enter a university, you must have a sufficient USE passing score, which is at least 90.5.

The best law school in the capital

One of several universities that train specialists for the judiciary is the Russian Academy of Justice. The institution has a legal profile. It is a federal university that operates only at the expense of budget funds. The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are the founding organizations of the academy. The establishment has 10 branches in several Russian regions.

It is no coincidence that RAP tops the list of “The most prestigious universities in Moscow with a military department.” Students from other metropolitan institutions also undergo soldier training here. In addition, the opportunity to defer from compulsory military service is provided to everyone. An additional advantage of the university is the availability of an educational program in the specialty “Forensic Science”. Legal relations in the field of land and property branch of jurisprudence are studied extremely rarely in legal institutions of the country, but RAP is one of them.

Philological University in Moscow

Among the higher philological institutions in Moscow, one should certainly highlight the State Institute of Russian Language named after. A. S. Pushkin. Despite the high quality of the educational services provided, it has a significant drawback, which negatively affects its popularity among applicants: a high passing score with a meager volume of government orders (about 50 people).

Legendary Moscow State University: lack of budget places

The list of the most popular universities in the capital and throughout Russia rightfully includes Moscow State University. There are quite a lot of people who want to enter this educational institution: the annual competition for one place in the specialty “Economics,” for example, sometimes amounts to more than 10 people. Another popular specialty at Moscow State University is “Management.” Many applicants would like to learn the intricacies of administration and the management process. Their number is seven times higher than the number of educational places.

The relatively low number of government budget orders is one of the few reasons why future Moscow students prefer another university to this one. Perhaps this fact naturally influenced the distribution of ranking positions among higher educational institutions, where MSU failed to even enter the top three.

The most prestigious universities in Moscow are waiting for applicants this summer. Tightening the rules of admissions committees is aimed at selecting only the best applicants with a sufficient level of knowledge, dedication and hard work.