Where do they pay for moving? How to receive a financial manager's remuneration? What is NPF

The guarantee of payment is the successful completion of the case - in this case, the manager receives both a fixed amount and the interest assigned to him by category. On this moment there are no written guarantees that there will be a payment if the manager is unable to properly restore the legal entity, while we're talking about even about the amounts that were spent by him at the expense of own funds during the legal process. It is only provided that the remuneration of the arbitration manager cannot be less than 25 thousand rubles, but it may not include expenses, as well as amounts commensurate with the efforts spent on the case. Back in 2002, it was proposed to create a fund replenished by withdrawing interest from managers who had already received some remuneration, or from those who had just received a license to work in this area, but to date it has not been organized.

How to receive a financial manager's remuneration?

UGH. In bankruptcy

  • keep a report on transactions and then present them to creditors; this also includes transactions involving third parties;
  • if an administrative violation has been committed by the debtor, the arbitration manager must report this to the appropriate authorities;
  • reporting information about the signs of fictitious bankruptcy, or done intentionally, to each of the participants in the case and government agencies;
  • attracting additional managers if necessary (legal requirements or existing circumstances);
  • an adequate approach to attracting third-party specialists on the basis that the debtor will be obliged to pay for them.

Law on payment to the arbitration manager The remuneration of the arbitration manager is counted for each month of his work as an additional employee of the organization.

Why do financial managers refuse to bankrupt individuals?!

The fixed amount of such remuneration is for: temporary manager - thirty thousand rubles per month; administrative manager - fifteen thousand rubles per month; external manager - forty-five thousand rubles per month; bankruptcy trustee - thirty thousand rubles per month; financial manager - ten thousand rubles at a time for carrying out the procedure used in a bankruptcy case. (paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated December 29, 2014 N 476-FZ) Please note that for all categories of managers participating in a bankruptcy case legal entities, monthly remuneration. Only from the financial manager, participant in the bankruptcy process individual, remuneration: one-time for the procedure, i.e. not monthly, but once.

Remuneration of the arbitration manager

Moscow region. Statistics of bankruptcies of individuals as of October 1, 2016 As of October 1, 2016, 16,975 cases of bankruptcy of individuals were recorded. Of these, procedures for the sale of property - 11,780. And procedures for debt restructuring - 5,195. Dynamics of bankruptcy procedures for individuals in two months Six hundred thousand Russians will not be able to take out a loan for the next five years The growth of potential bankrupts threatens the domestic economy Questions Can a creditor - a bank, a microfinance organization file for personal bankruptcy? Client question: Functions of a financial manager? Is it possible to do without it? The court did not write off my debts, what should I do? Useful tips How to find a financial manager? Before you write an application for bankruptcy, you need to independently choose an SRO that includes financial managers. And present them to the court.


Information constituting personal, commercial, official, banking, and other secrets protected by law is provided to the financial manager in accordance with the requirements established by federal laws. Information constituting personal, commercial, official, banking, or other secret protected by law and received by the financial manager in the exercise of his powers is not subject to disclosure, except in cases established by federal laws. For the disclosure of information constituting personal, commercial, official, banking, or other secrets protected by law, the financial manager bears civil, administrative, and criminal liability.
The financial manager is obliged to compensate for damage caused as a result of the disclosure by the financial manager of information constituting personal, commercial, official, banking, or other secrets protected by law. eleven.

Remuneration to the financial manager in bankruptcy

If there are disagreements arising between the financial manager, a citizen and creditors on the issue of payment for the services of persons engaged by the financial manager in order to ensure the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him, these disagreements are resolved in the manner established by paragraph 5 of Article 20.7 and paragraph 1 of Article 60 of this Federal Law. 5. The requirement for the financial manager to conclude an additional contract of compulsory insurance of his liability for compensation of losses caused to persons participating in the bankruptcy case of a citizen, and other persons in connection with non-fulfillment or improper performance of the duties assigned to the financial manager in the citizen’s bankruptcy case, does not apply . ConsultantPlus: note. Clause 6 Art. 213.9 applies regardless of the date of initiation of bankruptcy proceedings (FZ dated December 29, 2015 N 391-FZ).


Article 213.9. financial manager

Federal law obligations. 9. A citizen is obliged to provide the financial manager, upon his request, with any information about the composition of his property, the location of this property, the composition of his obligations, creditors and other information related to the citizen’s bankruptcy case within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the request for this. If a citizen fails to fulfill this obligation, the financial manager sends to the arbitration court a request for evidence, on the basis of which, in the manner established by procedural legislation, the arbitration court issues requests to the financial manager with the right to receive answers in hand.

Financial manager's remuneration

Information constituting personal, commercial, official, banking, or other secret protected by law and received by the financial manager in the exercise of his powers is not subject to disclosure, except in cases established by federal laws. For the disclosure of information constituting personal, commercial, official, banking, or other secrets protected by law, the financial manager bears civil, administrative, and criminal liability. Remuneration of the arbitration manager According to the first paragraph of paragraph 17, “The amount of interest on the remuneration of the financial manager in the event that a citizen fulfills the plan for restructuring his debts approved by the arbitration court is two percent of the amount of satisfied creditors’ claims.”


In what order is the remuneration paid to the arbitration manager? If the manager was removed from the case (or the legal proceedings themselves moved to next stage, where the court decided not to leave the same person in this position), but the process is still ongoing, then the arbitration manager must apply to the court with a request for payment of the requested remuneration. As mentioned above, after finishing work on the case, the manager is paid within 10 calendar days, but not more. In the process of office work itself, he has to some extent privileges, since according to the law, payments to the manager occur regardless of the queue intended for paying debts to creditors.

Minimum payment The legislation currently does not have clear rules regarding remuneration for an arbitration manager.
Start of cooperation - acceptance judicial act, completion is one of the following:
  • completion of bankruptcy proceedings for a person (organization);
  • removal, as well as release of the manager from working on the case;
  • acceptance by the parties of a settlement agreement;
  • the appearance of the next part of the procedure for eliminating bankruptcy (if it is introduced, the insolvency practitioner may continue to deal with this case by court decision or will take on part of the responsibilities);
  • end of bankruptcy proceedings;
  • death of the manager.

If the start of the work of the arbitration court representative on the bankruptcy case and its completion do not fall on the first day of the month or the last, respectively, in this case, the amount of remuneration for partial months is calculated based on the proportional ratio of calendar days in the months worked.

In situations where individuals or businesses have gone bankrupt, a person should stand between them and creditors as an impartial intermediary to minimize deceptive manipulations and critical actions of both parties. He must professionally understand the matter, take into account the interests of everyone and bring the process to consensus: help the bankrupt get out of debt, and at the same time pay off creditors. In judicial instances, such a person is an arbitration manager.

Who is an arbitration manager? If the issue were resolved only between the creditor and the debtor, the achievement of the result would be reduced to zero, since each of them acts exclusively in his own interests. Therefore, there is a need for a third, disinterested person.
Further consideration of the bankruptcy case is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” (as amended by this Federal Law). Why do financial managers refuse to bankrupt individuals?! The amount of remuneration of the financial manager has changed. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 360-FZ “On Amendments to Certain legislative acts Russian Federation" According to this law changes are also being made to bankruptcy cases of individuals, namely in Article 20.6 in paragraph seven of clause 3 the words “ten thousand” are replaced with the words “twenty-five thousand”. That is, from July 14, 2016, the fixed amount of remuneration for the financial manager is 25,000 rubles. In bankruptcy, federal obligations apply. 9.

If you're hungry for change and tired of your city, why not get up and move? Of course, moving is stressful and expensive, but you can even make some money doing it. So, if you want to get a little rich, then there are places in the world where they will also pay you extra for your stay.

1. Alaska

Do you like dark, cold winters and endless frozen lands? Alaska is waiting for you! This state constantly motivates people to move. Every Alaskan resident receives almost $2,000 from the government just for living there. And regardless of age. So, if you like mountains, icebergs, winter fishing and cold summers, then this is a good choice.

2. New Haven, Connecticut

New Haven is Government program, created to increase interest in the city. If you buy a house here for the first time, you will be given a loan of $10,000 without interest. If you live in the home for more than five years, the loan is forgiven completely. You can also receive $30,000 to upgrade your home with new energy-saving features. If you live in it for 10 years, you don’t have to return the money.

3. Baltimore, Maryland

This is the seventh most dangerous city in America, but he really wants to change, and therefore gives visitors 5 thousand dollars to buy a house anywhere in the city. If this amount doesn't impress you, you can double it by buying an abandoned house - yes, an empty and uninhabited house in need of renovation, but essentially for free.

4. Detroit, Michigan

Everyone knows Detroit is in trouble, but it is fighting. The Live Downtown program is designed to attract people to the downtown area. You'll receive up to $20,000 in non-refundable loans if you decide to buy property in the area. Even renters receive compensation of $2,500 the first year and $1,000 each year thereafter. Although the press usually gives Detroit terrible reviews, it is nonetheless a city full of beautiful architecture and history.

5. Most of Kansas

Kansas is willing to pay you if you move. The city of Lincoln (pop. 3,500), for example, will give you free land for building a house. If Lincoln is too big for you, you can get land in the city of Marquette, which has only 600 residents. In addition, you will be exempt from income taxes for 5 years or repay your university student loan in the amount of up to $15 thousand

6. New Richland and Harmony, Minnesota

If you like the idea of ​​free land and don't mind cold weather, then Minnesota is your place. You get this land in New Richland if you build a house on it within a year. Having settled in the city of Harmony, you will also receive benefits: if you build a new house here, you will receive “lifting” money in cash from 5 to 12 thousand dollars.

7. Pipestone, Manitoba

The Canadian city of Pipestone doesn't give away land for free, but they do offer steep discounts if you build on the site within a year. Additionally, if you want to start a business, the city offers grants of up to 32 thousand Canadian dollars (24 thousand US dollars).

8. Matsiker Island, Tasmania

If the US or Canada don't inspire you, then what about Tasmania? Matsiker Island off the coast of Tasmania provides jobs and housing. Preference is given to families who will maintain the lighthouse, provide weather reports, and monitor the land and buildings. If, of course, they agree to live in relative isolation. Living in a lighthouse on the edge of the earth - isn't it a dream?

9. Mishima, Japan

You are alone? Then the Japanese settlement of Mishima (not to be confused with the city of Mishima) awaits you. The village is located on three small islands and the population is only about 400 people, mostly retirees. Mishima offers the Japanese 100,000 yen (about $840) to cover moving costs and a monthly allowance for the first three years of living in the village. Here you can rent a three-bedroom house for 23,000 yen ($207) per month. And lastly, they give you a cow. One free cow!

10. Pitcairn Island, South Pacific

If you crave living on one of the most remote islands in the world, Pitcairn Island is for you. There are only 50 people here, so every immigrant gets free land in this island paradise. Alas, only one person has moved there since 2015. Maybe because there is only one store on the island that is only open three days a week and everything needs to be ordered in advance from New Zealand? But if you like beaches and solitude, you might be the second person to move there.

The fixed amount of such remuneration is for: temporary manager - thirty thousand rubles per month; administrative manager - fifteen thousand rubles per month; external manager - forty-five thousand rubles per month; bankruptcy trustee - thirty thousand rubles per month; financial manager - ten thousand rubles at a time for carrying out the procedure used in a bankruptcy case. (paragraph introduced by Federal Law dated December 29, 2014 N 476-FZ) Please note that all categories of managers participating in a bankruptcy case of legal entities receive monthly remuneration. Only the financial manager, a participant in the bankruptcy process of an individual, receives a remuneration: one-time for carrying out the procedure, i.e. not monthly, but once.

How to receive a financial manager's remuneration?

RI was introduced 3 days before the law)) Can the financial manager then claim 7 and not 2 percent? 1. This Federal Law comes into force ten days after the day of its official publication, with the exception of provisions for which this article establishes other dates for their entry into force. Click to expand... 19. For bankruptcy cases, proceedings for which were initiated before the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, until the completion of the procedure applied in the bankruptcy case (supervision, financial recovery, external control, bankruptcy proceedings or settlement agreement) and introduced before the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, the provisions of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” are applied without taking into account the changes made by this Federal Law.20.


If there are disagreements that arise between the financial manager, a citizen and creditors on the issue of payment for the services of persons engaged by the financial manager in order to ensure the fulfillment of the duties assigned to him, these disagreements are resolved in the manner established by paragraph 5 of Article 20.7 and paragraph 1 of Article 60 of this Federal Law. 5. The requirement for the financial manager to conclude an additional contract of compulsory insurance of his liability for compensation of losses caused to persons participating in the bankruptcy case of a citizen, and other persons in connection with non-fulfillment or improper performance of the duties assigned to the financial manager in the citizen’s bankruptcy case, does not apply . ConsultantPlus: note. Clause 6 Art. 213.9 applies regardless of the date of initiation of bankruptcy proceedings (FZ dated December 29, 2015 N 391-FZ).


Why do financial managers refuse to bankrupt individuals?!

At first they also perceived that after full implementation, until the summer of 2016. We didn’t come across a plan approved by the court, where in the schedule of monthly payments for proportional satisfaction of creditors, the last column indicated the amount (then another 2%) to be paid to the financial institution simultaneously with payments to creditors. Since then, we have taken it correctly. It is unlikely that there are people willing to work for 2-3 years for free, with the uncertainty of getting something in the future. Now some courts have begun to approve plans for 5-10 years, without taking into account clauses. 33, 34 Plenum. Within 3 years, the plan will either be fulfilled or not, the debtor will be on schedule or not.
This means that after 3 years, everything is as per Art. 213.22 ZoB. And then the debtor carries out such a plan approved by the court without the control of the financial institution.

In bankruptcy

  • keep a report on transactions and then present them to creditors; this also includes transactions involving third parties;
  • if an administrative violation has been committed by the debtor, the arbitration manager must report this to the appropriate authorities;
  • reporting information about the signs of fictitious bankruptcy, or done intentionally, to each of the participants in the case and government agencies;
  • attracting additional managers if necessary (legal requirements or existing circumstances);
  • an adequate approach to attracting third-party specialists on the basis that the debtor will be obliged to pay for them.

Law on payment to the arbitration manager The remuneration of the arbitration manager is counted for each month of his work as an additional employee of the organization.

Remuneration to the financial manager in bankruptcy

A fixed amount of remuneration is paid to the financial manager in a lump sum upon completion of the procedure applied in the bankruptcy case of a citizen, regardless of the period for which each procedure was introduced. 4. Payment of a fixed amount of remuneration to the financial manager is carried out at the expense of the citizen, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law. Payment of the amount of interest established by Article 20.6 of this Federal Law is carried out at the expense of Money received as a result of the implementation of a plan for restructuring a citizen’s debts or the sale of a citizen’s property.

Remuneration of the arbitration manager

Concealment of property, property rights or property obligations, information about the size of property, its location or other information about property, property rights or property obligations, transfer of property into the possession of other persons, alienation or destruction of property, as well as illegal interference with the activities of a financial manager, in including evasion or refusal to provide information to the financial manager in cases provided for by this Federal Law, transfer to the financial manager of documents necessary to fulfill the duties assigned to him, entails liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 10.

Article 213.9. financial manager

The financial manager has the right to attract other persons at the expense of the debtor’s property in order to ensure the exercise of his powers only on the basis of a ruling of the arbitration court considering a bankruptcy case of a citizen. (as amended by Federal Law dated December 29, 2015 N 391-FZ) (see text in the previous edition) Arbitration court makes a determination on the involvement of other persons and on establishing the amount of payment for their services at the request of the financial manager, provided that the financial manager has proven the validity of their involvement and the validity of the amount of payment for their services, as well as with the consent of the citizen. (as amended by Federal Law No. 391-FZ dated December 29, 2015) (see text in the previous edition) The financial manager’s petition must be considered by the arbitration court within ten days from the date of its receipt.

Financial manager's remuneration

They introduced debt restructuring for a citizen; upon completion of this procedure, the financial manager is entitled to a remuneration of 10,000 rubles. at one time. The court made a decision to introduce the sale of property of a bankrupt citizen - 10 thousand rubles. Federal Law No. 360-FZ of July 3, 2016 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” amends the Bankruptcy Law, including the part of the law relating to bankruptcy of individuals.

The law was published on July 4, 2016. The changes take effect ten days later, that is, from 07/15/16. About the changes themselves. There are not many of them, but they relate to the most important part of the bankruptcy of individuals - payment of the Financial Manager's remuneration. READ Article 213.9. Financial manager 3.
The sale of property is ordered by the court for a period of 6 months. Here you already get 4166 rubles 67 kopecks per month. This is the case if the procedure does not drag on for a longer period, which is possible if tenders are held or transactions are contested.

Expenses of the financial manager One-time expenses First, the arbitration manager bears the costs of obtaining his status. We will not count the costs of receiving higher education, which is mandatory for managers. What expenses of money and time does the arbitration manager incur even before the start of his activities?

  • courses in the training program for arbitration managers, following which a commission exam is passed with the participation of representatives of Rosreestr and a state certificate is issued.

    sample. — the average price of training is 45-60 thousand rubles.

Federal Law No. 154-FZ dated June 29, 2015) 1. The participation of a financial manager in a citizen’s bankruptcy case is mandatory. 2. A financial manager approved by an arbitration court in a citizen’s bankruptcy case must meet the requirements established by this Federal Law for an arbitration manager for the purpose of his approval in a citizen’s bankruptcy case. The arbitration court approves the financial manager in the manner established by Article 45 of this Federal Law, taking into account the provisions of Article 213.4 of this Federal Law and this article.
3. Remuneration to the financial manager is paid in the amount of a fixed amount and the amount of interest established by Article 20.6 of this Federal Law, taking into account the specifics provided for by this article.

Do you dream of living in another country and getting real money for it? There are places in the world where the authorities are so interested in new residents that they are willing to pay for it. The reason for such payments is simple: the population in these cities is rapidly decreasing. Therefore, in order to “lure” people there, local authorities They offer a good cash bonus. Among other countries, our list included Spain and.

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City of Detroit, Michigan, USA

“Paris of the West”, “Automotive Capital of the USA”. The practically deserted city lost these glorious titles in the second half of the 20th century. And is currently struggling to restore its former glory. Local authorities presented new program Challenge Detroit, which offers $2,500 to professionals in different areas industries that will live and work in the city.

Alaska, USA

If you love winter, snowy landscapes and a leisurely pace of life and don’t get scared low temperatures, then living in Alaska might be perfect for you. A special government fund pays specialists who agree to work in regions where the population is steadily falling. The only condition is that you need to live in Alaska for at least one year.

Province of Saskatchewan, Canada

The Canadian province offers recently graduated professionals who have not yet decided what to do next in life with an amazing opportunity. Young enthusiasts will be paid 20 thousand Canadian dollars to work and live in the province for 7 years.

Niagara Falls, USA

Another one fantastic opportunity, which seems too incredible to be true - to live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet and also get paid for it. The government is offering $7,000 as an incentive for university graduates to work at local businesses for two years.

Ponga, Asturias, Spain

This delightful little village in the protected areas of north-eastern Spain is one of the oldest in the country. To attract young residents and strengthen the economy, local authorities are offering €3 thousand to each young couple who moves there to live. Plus for everyone born child in the village they also pay €3 thousand. This is an excellent opportunity to live in an incredible beautiful place with clean ecology.

Utrecht, Netherlands

The Netherlands is known throughout the world for its deep study of the humanities and social sciences. And here's one of them social experiments: what will happen if everyone living in one city receives $1 thousand?

Curtis, Nebraska, USA

Each of us has probably complained that local authorities are not doing anything significant for the city. The American town of Curtis has proposed a solution - anyone can get a plot for free if they come up with a really worthwhile idea to improve the city's infrastructure or culture.

New Haven, Connecticut

New Haven is a government program created to increase interest in the city. If you buy a house here for the first time, you will be given a loan of $10 thousand without interest. If you live in the home for more than five years, the loan is forgiven completely. You can also receive $30,000 to upgrade your home with new energy-saving features. If you live in it for 10 years, you don’t have to get your money back.

Baltimore, Maryland

This city ranks seventh among the most dangerous cities America, but he really wants to change, and therefore gives visitors $5 thousand to buy a house anywhere in the city. If this amount doesn't impress you, you can double it by buying an abandoned house - yes, an empty and uninhabited house in need of renovation, but essentially for free.

Most of Kansas

Kansas is willing to pay you if you move. The city of Lincoln (population 3,500), for example, will give you free land to build a house on. If Lincoln is too big for you, you can get land in the city of Marquette, which has only 600 residents. In addition, you will be exempt from income taxes for 5 years or repay your university education loan in the amount of up to $15 thousand.

Pipestone, Manitoba

The Canadian city of Pipestone doesn't give away land for free, but they do offer steep discounts if you build on the site within a year. In addition, if you want to start a business, the city offers grants of up to 32 thousand Canadian dollars ($24 thousand).

Matsiker Island, Tasmania

If the US or Canada don't inspire you, then what about Tasmania? Matsiker Island off the coast of Tasmania provides jobs and housing. Preference is given to families who will maintain the lighthouse, provide weather reports, and monitor the land and buildings. If, of course, they agree to live in relative isolation.

Mishima, Japan

You are alone? Then the Japanese settlement of Mishima (not to be confused with the city of Mishima) awaits you. The village is located on three small islands and the population is only about 400 people, mostly retirees. Mishima offers the Japanese 100,000 yen (about $840) to cover moving costs and a monthly allowance for the first three years of living in the village. Here you can rent a three-bedroom house for 23,000 yen ($207) per month. And lastly, they give you a cow. One free cow!

Pitcairn Island, South Pacific

If you crave living on one of the most remote islands in the world, Pitcairn Island is for you. There are only 50 people here, so every immigrant gets free land in this island paradise. Alas, only one person has moved there since 2015. Maybe because there is only one store on the island that is only open three days a week and everything needs to be ordered in advance from? But if you like beaches and solitude, you might be the second person to move there.

And one more bonus

The village of Bormida in northwestern Italy

The mountain village of Bormida is located in the province of Savona in northwestern Italy, approximately 80 kilometers from Genoa. The settlement is located high in the mountains, but not far from the sea. Therefore, the air there is very clean.

The mayor of Bormida promises to pay 2 thousand euros to everyone who moves there to live. At the same time, for displaced people, renting an apartment with a kitchen, bathroom, living room, garage, storage room, basement and four bedrooms will cost only 50 euros per month. Well, the most luxurious apartments will cost 120 euros.

A huge number of people from different countries, however, there is a nuance: there is practically no work in the village. Residents are mainly engaged in farming and keeping pets. However, even this does not stop lovers of rural solitude. Many people can work remotely and therefore wonder if there is a high-speed Internet connection in the village.

Location of the village of Bormida on the map of Italy.

At first this seems like a fiction and many people don’t believe it, but there really are many countries and, in particular, cities in the world where they will pay you for settling there. These places usually have a minimal population and the government tries its best to attract people there.

1. Saskatchewan, Canada

The government of one of the most peaceful and quiet countries in the world cares about its population and the prospects for the country's development. Young people who have studied and received a specialty are officially offered to start living and working in this province, for which the authorities are ready to steadily and gradually pay 20 thousand dollars over several years.

2. Ponga, Spain

It so happened that a small village in a very colorful Spanish region remained almost empty. Its architecture is impressive, as is surrounding nature. To prevent the place from falling into disrepair, the authorities are offering 3 thousand euros to everyone who wants to move there. So there is a payment program in case of the birth of the first child, the second and all subsequent ones.

3. Curtis, USA

They don’t invite you to live in Curtis and don’t lure you with money; here people get a real business offer. If a person has good idea, how to improve the city’s infrastructure or its economy, this idea will definitely be considered. And if it turns out to be effective, then under the contract they will transfer free of charge into your possession sufficient large plot land.

4. Baltimore, Maryland

Moving to Baltimore can probably only be of interest to very brave people, because the city is one of the most criminal in the country. But local authorities are diligently trying to change the situation. They fight crime, and all visitors are given 5 thousand dollars so that they can buy any housing in the city. If this amount does not suit you, then you can choose an empty house, for which you will be paid 10 thousand dollars.

5. Pipestone, Manitoba

Interesting program exists in the Canadian town of Pipestone. No one intends to give away money here, but there is a whole list of impressive discounts for housing construction, if everything construction works are carried out for one year.

6. Matsikere, Tasmania

For those who prefer to see the sea every day and do fairly easy, not difficult tasks - this job perfect option. The Tasmanian government is offering housing and good money to those who will maintain the lighthouses. The only negative Such work may seem alienating, but if your family moves, it can become a real paradise for you.

7. Mishima, Japan

An interesting program is present in the small village of Mishima. It is located on three islands and consists mainly of elderly people, so the government attracts young people there. If you want to move to this pretty place, your travel expenses will be fully covered, you will also receive an allowance for the first three years, and at first you will also become the owner of a cow.

8. Kansas, USA

Luxurious accommodations are reserved for those who don't mind settling in Kansas. Here, in different cities They offer plots of land, and also provide a choice - either they deprive you of all taxes for 5 years, or pay for your education at one of the local universities.

9. New Haven, Connecticut

No less interesting conditions are waiting for those who can afford to buy a home in Connecticut. You will be given 10 thousand dollars on credit for any expenses, and if you stay in the city and live in the house you have chosen for more than five years, then you will not need to return this money. After that, the amount increases - they issue a loan of 30 thousand dollars, which is also forgiven if the period of residence exceeds 10 years. An excellent program for developing your own home.