What kind of person can be called brave essay. Bravery brave man brave

Bravery as a personality quality is the tendency, despising danger, to enjoy combat, comprehension of the unknown, p to seek oneself for the sake of others or to achieve some goal.

One day a merchant asked a fakir: “Why aren’t you afraid to keep a snake in your bosom?” You must be a very brave person? “You see,” the fakir answered, “there are three types of courage: the first is when the brave man does not imagine the size of the danger and therefore does not feel fear; the second is when a brave man imagines the size of the danger, but overcomes his fear. And the third type of courage is the courage of knowledge, when thanks to knowledge you are not afraid. And a person who is not privy to the subtleties of the matter considers you brave. That's why I'm not afraid.

The fakir was right - there is no one in the world braver than a fool. “The courage of a fool” is widespread; a person will unreasonably consider himself a brave man, not knowing “what he raised his hand to,” what risks he flirted with, how he could have made a cruel mistake by “taking the wrong path.” Due to his recklessness, he, not realizing the extent of the danger, will stick his ignorant nose into the electrical distribution board without turning off the power and without wearing rubber gloves.

Bravery “is rapture in battle”, she “enjoys the battle of life”, danger causes her combat excitement, intense feelings, a thrill of delight, her heart beats merrily, her blood boils, life pulsates in every cell of her body. Even Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in “War and Peace” described courage as a unique human reaction to danger: “As a result of this terrible roar, noise, need for attention and activity, Tushin did not experience the slightest unpleasant feeling of fear, and the thought that he could be killed or painfully wounded , did not occur to him. On the contrary, he became more and more cheerful. It seemed to him that a very long time ago, almost yesterday, there was that minute when he saw the enemy and fired the first shot, and that the piece of field on which he stood was a long-familiar, familiar place to him... He himself imagined himself to be of enormous height , a powerful man who throws cannonballs at the French with both hands..."

But even before Tolstoy, the understanding of the essence of courage was already known to Pushkin, who put the idea of ​​it into the mouth of the chairman of the feast during the plague: “There is rapture in battle, And in the dark abyss on the edge, And in the angry ocean, Among the menacing waves and stormy darkness, And in the Arabian hurricane, And in the breath of Plague! Everything, everything that threatens death, conceals inexplicable pleasures for the mortal heart - Immortality, perhaps a guarantee! And happy is he who, in the midst of excitement, could find and know Them.”

The peculiar reaction to danger described by Pushkin and Tolstoy is not a terrible fear that makes Lermontov’s Harun run faster than a doe, but a peculiar, uniquely human experience of joy, intoxication with danger, a feeling of combat excitement. " Soviet pilot never shies away from a fight, and the closer the danger is to him, the angrier his heart, the more calculating his movements, the quicker his reflex. This is the tense, calculated delight of battle,” wrote Alexey Tolstoy.

V. Gilyarovsky, the author of the book “Moscow and Muscovites,” was a brave man. He had remarkable physical strength(he bent coins and silver spoons with his hands), knew jiu-jitsu perfectly, acted as an acrobat and rider in the circus, went through a harsh school of life among bandits and rarely retreated from danger. According to him, there were moments in his life when fear receded completely, when danger not only did not frighten him, but, on the contrary, attracted him. He experienced these soul-stirring sensations during Balkan War, for which he volunteered from the theater. This is how he describes the moments of the attack in his memoirs: “And we walked. I don’t know what happened to me... But my heart trembled, every vein trembled - I was afraid of nothing, absolutely nothing. There are already several dozen fathoms to the enemy battery, disappearing in the smoke, through which only red lightning flashes of fire flash, and there are fewer and fewer of us. The music stopped - only one surviving bugler, frantically covering the shots, as if before death, sang a desperate ta-da-ta-da ta-da-ta-da... And here comes the command: “Hurray!”... We were waiting for “Hurray!” .

Brave man realizes the extent of the danger, but, overcoming fear, does what he must. Courage is in love with danger, saying: “How delightful are the moments of danger,” she joyfully experiences emotional experiences combat excitement. Being purely masculine quality personality, courage always manifests itself as a memorable act against the backdrop of hostilities, confrontations and confrontations. Bravery, like short-term fearlessness and recklessness, is not associated with everyday life. Courage can be shown anywhere: in thoughts, actions and deeds, you can think boldly, give birth to children, be truthful, communicate with others, for example, with your superiors. The brave man is a man of war. He does not know about doubts and bear sickness before the fight, does not feel pain during it and does not experience despondency and emptiness after. The opponent, if there is no madness in him, is unable to cope with courage, he overcame his fear, and, therefore, doubts. Courage is the absence of fear and doubt; knowing about the danger, it cheerfully steps into the unknown and uncertainty, ignoring risks, threats and all sorts of obstacles.

In the context of this, it is interesting to listen to the former pilot M. Gallay, in the book of memoirs “Tested in the Sky” he writes: “A front-line dugout surfaced in my memory, in which two dozen people were waiting to take off towards enemy fighters, multi-layered anti-aircraft fire, towards possible death. I repeat that none of these people remained the same as they were before the announcement of the military order. But based on the nature of the visible changes, it was possible to divide all those present in the dugout into two groups clearly different from each other. Some people's voices became louder. Their faces turned pink. They couldn't sit still. They either jumped up, then sat down again, then began, without any obvious need, to rearrange the equipment in their tablets. Their nervous system became excited and activated. Of course, it was excitement caused by the awareness of the impending danger. But the excitement of brave people. The same excitement that made them in battle - this was repeatedly tested - acted energetically, actively, and noticed in time all changes in a fleeting situation air battles and accepted in accordance with this reasonable, right decisions. As a result, such people were considered (and in fact were) brave, and success in battle always accompanied them. But there were others among those present. They turned pale. We went deeper into ourselves. They did not want not only to talk, but even to listen to the conversations of those around them: in order to attract their attention, they sometimes had to call them by name several times. Nervous system This category of people also reacted to the upcoming danger, but reacted in their own way: by braking, reducing activity. Of course, it was difficult to achieve success in battle, and even more so to be known as a daredevil in such a state.”

As Konstantin Vanshenkin wrote:

The coward pretended to be brave in war,

Because the cowards were not allowed to let go.

He, pale, rode into battle on his armor,

He joked sluggishly at the halt.

He was spinning and shaking all over,

When we came under bombing.

But he hid his fear carefully and evilly

And he achieved his goal little by little.

And so he got into the role that, finally

He became a brave man, almost a natural one.

It would be nice if, say, a scoundrel

Pretended to be noble forever.

Hiding meanness, day by day

He showed the same tenacity.

In everything else, valuing naturalness,

I welcome such pretense!

Bravery will not brag about its exploits; it does not need spectators. Coupled with courage, boldness, bravery, valor and self-control, she is ready to sacrifice her life to save the lives of others.

L. Scriabin in a book dedicated to famous maritime disasters, cites the testimony of the American Miss Margarita Hayes from New York, who spoke about the details of what was happening on the Titanic and, in particular, how one of the richest people planets of that time, owner of 150 million dollars John Jacob Astor. “Colonel Astor put his arm around his wife's waist and helped her into the boat. There were no other women who were supposed to board this boat, and the ship's officer invited Astor to board this boat with his wife. The colonel was worried about his wife, who was eight months pregnant. He looked at the deck to see if there were any women willing to board the boat, and took a seat. The SOT-BOT was about to be launched when a woman appeared from the passage. Raising his hand, the colonel stopped the descent of the boat, got out of it, and helped the woman sit in his place. Astor's wife screamed and wanted to get out of the boat with her husband, but he hugged her and, gently patting her on the back, said something quietly to her. As the boat was being lowered, I heard him say, “The ladies should always go first.” Many saw Astor smiling and waving to his wife when the boat was already on the water.”

An example of courage is the incident that happened to French king Louis Philippe - the same one about whom Alla Pugacheva sang in the song “Kings Can Do Anything.” This emperor knew exactly the date of the planned assassination attempt on him. They received several anonymous letters that named this day - July 28, in addition, similar information was received through other channels. The day before fateful day, postponing the decision of some government issues on July 29, he remarked: “I'll take care of it then. Unless, of course, I’m killed tomorrow.” He did not hide or radically change his habits and lifestyle. It is now difficult for us to judge what was more in his decision: faith in his destiny or courage, but Louis Philippe allowed events to take their course.
On the day appointed for his assassination, at half past ten in the morning, surrounded by his courtiers, Louis Philippe rode out of the gates of his palace with unprecedented pomp to meet his fate. He rode a horse quite openly at the head of a solemn procession, which at any moment could turn into a funeral procession. Almost everyone accompanying the king knew about the expected assassination attempt and fearfully awaited the tragic outcome. The terrible tension grew until it was discharged by a deafening roar. The conspirators tied together 25 gun barrels, which fired simultaneously, carrying inevitable death to the king. However, a miracle or providence saved Louis Philippe. He remained alive, towering among several dozen defeated and bloodied bodies and was the only one who did not receive a scratch in this utter hell!

Petr Kovalev 2013

In the section on the Essay question! on the topic: “I consider such a person brave” Help! An essay was assigned! given by the author Suckers the best answer is I believe that every person is brave, but each in their own way. Bravery is one of the most important character traits of a person. Bravery comes in different forms. For example: a boy, not very strong, stood up for a girl who was being pestered by two boobies. Or would you climb thin ice save the one who fell through there. Not every person is capable of such an act, but only the brave. Self-confidence and being right give a person courage and drives away fear. But it also happens that a timid, shy, inconspicuous person has a brave heart, then the strength of spirit manifests itself. Bravery is not the absence of fears, but the willingness to do what is necessary in spite of them.
Extreme people say that they are brave, that they can jump with a parachute, climb a mountain, that they are not afraid to die, but this is not bravery - this is stupidity. I think that courage is when you do what you think is necessary no matter what. And those who engage in extreme sports in order to be considered brave are just trying to show off, they will stand out. Brave people don’t show everyone how brave they are. It often happens that a timid and shy person can be very brave and strong spirit human.
I believe that to be a brave person you need a lot of willpower, a lot of patience, perseverance, make firm decisions and go to the end in your endeavors.

Answer from Ilya Orlov[newbie]

It just so happens that courage is most often attributed to people who risk their lives. These could be soldiers, firefighters, rescue workers or doctors saving the lives of other people. They are awarded medals and praised. These people are unconditionally considered daredevils - few can challenge this. But this is far from the only manifestation of courage.

A brave person does not necessarily have to be distinguished by great deeds. Even a minor achievement for some people is a great feat. A timid young man who first proposed dating a girl feels like a hero inside. A plump girl, despite all her complexes, wearing a chic dress on prom, - a hero no less. But can such people be called brave?

What is courage?

Ozhegov’s dictionary states that courage is determination, that is, the absence of fear in implementing one’s decisions. Decisive people are people who strive for their goals, no matter what. However, this is not entirely accurate, since achieving what you want may not always be associated with fear.

Mark Twain was able to express himself more accurately. According to him, brave people are not those who lack fear, but those who can resist and control it. If a person can subjugate his phobias and make an adequate decision, and most importantly, then implement it, then he can without a doubt be called brave.

What do the hero who pulled people out of a burning car and the man who speaks to the public, despite his fear, have in common? In both cases it happens internal struggle. The first person knows that he may die, but still goes towards danger. The second one experiences unprecedented stress, but goes on stage step by step. Of course, the significance of the first event is much greater, but courage is present in both cases.

Traits of a Brave Man

Courage is characterized by the following character traits:

- persistence;
- vitality;
- integrity;

Courage should not be confused with recklessness. Unfortunately, this also happens quite often. There are cases when rulers, wanting to glorify their name, sent a huge army to fight against an obviously strong enemy and were brutally defeated. Or soldiers going alone into an enemy camp to prove their courage were captured or killed outright.

Courage is the golden mean between cowardice and recklessness. A fine line that distinguishes a person with great spiritual strength.

Bravery. IN Lately I hear this word and adjectives derived from it less and less. Previously, you could hear everywhere “what a brave man,” “brave warrior,” “brave heart.” And now only in Russian language and literature classes in high school do teenagers write essays in similar topics, and even then more and more based on some classical works. Is there no brave people left now, or is there simply no place for courage in our lives?

I remember when I was in 11th grade, my literature teacher asked us about another word for courage. Everyone immediately called it courage. I tried to argue. Of course, this is, but still the words are different and their meanings are still slightly different. But either my arguments were unconvincing, or my eloquence failed, in general, everything ended as it should have ended in the usual high school, “since you are so smart, then leave the class.” However, it was not clear why everyone sincerely believed that the words courage and courage meant the same thing. Naturally, I remained with my opinion, which I still live with.

So I would call courage and boldness ways of overcoming fear. For me, this is the only thing that unites them. But when courage is shown, fear has a place, while courage does not. A brave man knows what he is getting into, knows what exists before him possible danger, but he, trying to push away his fear and apprehension, goes towards his goal, thinking about a possible positive outcome and internally, being prepared for a negative one. Bravery is another. Courage is simply the absence of any fear, where it may be present, or the feeling that fear brings pleasure. That is, if courage manifests itself in the determination to enter into difficult situation, then courage is manifested in the situation itself.

Let's consider, as they say at school (and I'm talking about school), an example. The young man wanted to confess his love to the girl, he was afraid, but still did it. We can say that he dared, that is, he dared, we don’t say “brave”, since there is no such word, and there is no courage in his actions either. But, for example, in war, people fought bravely, not boldly, but bravely. Because there was no time to be afraid, it was necessary to turn your fear into excitement, courage, into anything, just to overcome the bashful cowardice, which was out of the question, and move forward, there was no other way. I would even add that a brave person is not always brave.

That's the whole difference. How do we live now? There are plenty of brave people, only a few brave ones. Everyone can be brave. Live according to the principle of the cowardly hare from a fairy tale. Remember this one - about the brave hare - long ears, slanting eyes, a short tail, where he boasted to everyone about his bravery, but in fact he ran away, scared of the wolf, but everyone still considered the hare brave when the wolf gave in, having misunderstood the situation. How many people in different situations Every day they convince themselves and others of their courage, like this hare. It is necessary to express your point of view to a higher-ranking person - “yes, it doesn’t cost me anything,” you need to overcome the circumstances - “it’s a piece of cake for me.” Such beliefs justify themselves, it is easier to live with them. But why do we really have no courage? This is best written about in one famous book: “People are afraid of great music, people are afraid great poetry, people are afraid of deep intimacy. Their romance novels is just a game of hit and run. They don’t go deep into each other’s being, because going deep into each other’s being is scary – because the pond of the other’s being will reflect you.” The reason is in ourselves. And you, brave man?

Bravery– a character trait that manifests itself in an individual’s ability to overcome feelings of fear in a situation of danger and risk oneself in order to achieve a goal.
Yandex.Dictionaries | Security: theory, paradigm, concept, culture

Bravery– lack of fear of danger, courage and determination in actions.
Dictionary Russian language Ushakova

  • Courage is a quality of a person’s character that allows him to achieve his intended goal, despite threats, dangers, risk and uncertainty.
  • Courage is an objective perception of the situation and yourself in it and a firm knowledge that every situation can be changed for the better.
  • Bravery is a quality of character expressed in behavior.
  • Bravery is the way of being strong and noble man interact with circumstances that separate him from his goal.
  • Courage is the ability to instantly assess risk and make the best decision.

The Benefits of Bravery

  • Courage ensures objectivity – in the perception of people and circumstances.
  • Bravery reveals personality - for heroic deeds.
  • Courage gives independence - from uncertainty and doubt.
  • Courage gives energy for active and responsible actions.
  • Courage gives strength to overcome fear.
  • Bravery commands respect - from every person.
  • Courage provides support to overcome obstacles.

Expressions of courage in everyday life

  • Warfare. Bravery is the most valuable valor of a warrior in the army of every state in any historical period.
  • Extreme situations. Courage helps a person maintain a clear mind, soberly assess the situation and try to find a way out of it - for himself and for others.
  • Sport. Sports classified as extreme require courage from a person in addition to dexterity and dexterity. This applies to parachuting, skiing, auto and motorcycle racing.
  • Family education. Bravery is one of the essential components of patriotism; Parents who raise their children in the spirit of patriotism instill in them courage.

How to achieve courage

  • Upbringing. Parents who set an example of personal courage for their children not only instill this quality in their children, but also strengthen it themselves.
  • Psychological trainings. Qualitative psychological training can help a person believe in himself - this is the only thing necessary condition to develop personal courage.
  • Stressful situations. A person who has consciously placed himself in stressful situation(for example, having decided to jump with a parachute or dive into an ice hole), he learns to overcome his fear. Courage takes the place of repressed fear.
  • Interest in history. By deeply studying the history of his country, a person cultivates patriotism. Patriotism implies courage and readiness to defend one's country from external enemies; Thus, by studying history, a person takes a step towards courage.

Golden mean

timidity | complete absence courage


Crazy | excess courage when overestimating one's own capabilities

Catchphrases about courage

Bravery is not the absence of fear. It is the full presence of fear along with the courage to face it. - Osho - Whose courage is victory. - Russian proverb - Bravery replaces fortress walls. - Sallust - Don’t be brave in the oven, and don’t be cowardly in the field. - Russian proverb - Self-reliance is the basis of courage. - Alexander Suvorov - Bravery is needed not only in battles, but also in simple everyday affairs. - Benjamin Franklin - Oleg Mikhailov / Suvorov Great commander Alexander Suvorov is an example military honor and courage. Rymnik, Izmail, the Alpine campaign and other heroic pages are associated with his name Russian history. The book is based on documentary facts, but at the same time written in lively language and reads like a fascinating novel. B. D. Porozovskaya / Menshikov The audiobook is biographical sketch about the life of a famous statesman. For many it will be a discovery that Menshikov possessed the virtue of courage to the fullest, demonstrating it both in the military field and in the everyday feat of life.