Rating of the most dangerous cities in the world. Caracas, Venezuela - street violence

There are so many places in the world you haven't been to before, from Monte Carlo to the deserts of the Australian continent. There are many beautiful cities where millions of tourists come every year, but there are also completely unfriendly territories. Countries like Colombia, South Africa and Mexico might be beautiful in theory, but thanks to drug cartels, mass murders, political terror and poor socio-economic conditions, they are dangerous.

Cali's position in the ranking is constantly changing; it can be considered both the most dangerous and the second most dangerous city in Colombia, it does not happen at the same time. The city is home to drug cartels such as CaliCartel, NortedelValleCartel and LosRastrojo and the FARC guerrilla group, which keep the population in constant fear. According to statistics, there are 83 murders per 100,000 inhabitants of Cali. On the one hand, the city, like all of Colombia, is as beautiful as a butterfly, but very often it greets tourists with a swarm of thousands of wild wasps, which can take a life.

San Salvador is the capital of El Salvador, a small city in Central America. The population is 570,000 people. According to statistics, 45 people are killed per 100,000 in the city. As a result, there were about 2,200 murders in El Salvador in 2015. This is a scary statistic. The crime situation is entirely dependent on the active activities of armed gangs, MS-13 and Barrio 18, which keep the entire population on edge. Brutality has become the hallmark of San Salvador, and residents can become random victims of street shootings at any time. By the way, these gangster groups are not as organized as the Yakuza groups or the Italian mafia; they are mainly engaged in robbery and robberies. In San Salvador you can not only be robbed and beaten, but also killed.

13. Karachi, Pakistan - the most dangerous metropolis

Karachi, the capital of Pakistan's Sindh province, is the largest city in the country and the second most populous city in the world. It is also considered one of the most dangerous cities for tourists who are planning to visit Pakistan. Karachi is known for political and criminal instability and constant conflicts between terrorist groups that engage in kidnappings, robberies, armed attacks and murders. According to statistics, 12.3 people commit murders per 100,000 residents in the city; in addition, in 2015 the crime rate in the city increased.

12. Detroit, USA - the most dangerous city in America

In the 1987 film RoboCop, Detroit was portrayed as a bankrupt, crime-ridden city with no place for law. The directors of the film, despite the cyborgs and robots, did not expect that they were looking into the future, and the city would develop exactly according to their scenario. In 2013-2014 it was recognized as the most dangerous city in America. Population of almost 700,000 people. According to statistics, per 100,000 people there are 2,072 beatings and 45 murders. 38.1% of Detroit residents live below the poverty line, this is one of the reasons for the current situation.

11. Sanaa, Yemen - an unstable city

Today we often hear reports about Yemen in the news. Sanaa is becoming one of the most dangerous places on earth to live. The political situation worsened due to the instability that took place in the country in 2012. The standard of living has dropped sharply, and the crime situation has worsened. Cases of explosions, armed attacks, terrorism, which are combined with robberies and murders, have become frequent. Power failure and lack of drinking water are causing the slow death of the city.

10. Mogadishu, Somalia - territory outside the jurisdiction of the government

Somalia today is associated with pirates, crime and Tom Hanks. The danger is best illustrated by the situation in its capital, Mogadishu. Since international embassies and UN offices were forced to leave the country due to political instability back in the 90s, there has been no effective government in Somalia. This situation has led to an open and brutal civil war involving al-Qaeda, al-Shabab and AMISOM. Mogadishu gained its reputation thanks to the flourishing of corruption, poverty, high levels of crime, and cruelty that occur on the streets of the city every day.

9. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico - The Murder Capital of the World

Ciudad Juarez has gained a reputation for drug trafficking and the title of the most dangerous city in Mexico. It is the unofficial capital of all drug trafficking in the country. This is a dangerous city where laws do not apply, but cruelty and murder flourish. The police here are absolutely powerless and immersed in corruption. Although, according to statistics, there is hope for the situation to improve. For example, if in 2010 there were 8.5 murders per day, then in 2013 in just one year there were 530 murders, and in 2014 – 434. The situation is improving, but very slowly.

8. Baghdad, Iraq - victims of ISIS

Since the US military pulled out of Iraq, Baghdad has gained a reputation as a dangerous city. For years, residents have become accustomed to explosions in public places, shootings and murders. As a result of the war, the infrastructure and economy were completely destroyed. The city is mired in crime and terrorism. In 2014, 12,282 civilian deaths were recorded as a result of the rise of the terrorist organization ISIS.

7. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - the hooligan capital of the world

Despite the fact that in other cities of Brazil the number of murders is higher, Rio de Janeiro, being a tourist mecca and the second largest city in the country, has received the status of the crime capital. The murder rate compared to 2005, when there were 42 murders per 100,000 people, dropped to 24 in 2014. But if the fact that you will be killed in Rio de Janeiro has become unlikely, then the chances of being robbed have increased. Street crimes, robberies and hooliganism have intensified. In 2013, as of December, there were 6,626 robberies, and in 2014 - 7,849. The number of stolen mobile phones increased by 74.5% over the same period. Despite the statistics, there are no fewer tourists in Rio, because people come here to get acquainted with the culture, attend the football championship and look at the statue of Jesus Christ.

6. Cape Town, South Africa - the most violent city in Africa

Cape Town is the second largest city in South Africa. But despite its beauty, it has acquired a reputation as one of the most dangerous cities. According to statistics, the number of murders per 100,000 people was 50.94, and crimes - 8,428, despite the population being 3.75 million. This situation arose due to class and financial inequality, which was aggravated by gang shootings, murders, robberies, rapes and kidnappings. If you are still planning to visit one of the most beautiful cities in the world, do not stray away from the popular tourist routes.

5. Guatemala, Guatemala is a cruel city

Guatemala can be called one of the most beautiful cities in Central America, but despite its popularity among tourists, due to the presence of numerous attractions, it is characterized by a high level of crime and drug trafficking. Guatemala borders Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador, so drugs play an important role here. In addition, robbery, poverty, class and financial inequality flourish in the city. Guatemala has the highest rate of violence in Central America, compounded by the fact that there are 42 murders per 100,000 people. Lawlessness and corruption, organized crime have become the hallmark of the city.

4. Kabul, Afghanistan – hostages of war

Kabul, the capital of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, has become hostage to constant wars and has gained a reputation as the most dangerous city in the world. Features of the city include economic instability, poverty, kidnappings, murders and other crimes. The situation was aggravated by political instability, power struggles, terrorism and wars. After the US minimized its presence in Afghanistan, ISIS terrorists assumed a dominant role and instability increased, so there is no reason to visit Kabul.

3. Caracas, Venezuela - street violence

Caracas is known for three things: it is the capital of Venezuela, the capital of murder, the capital of drugs. With economic instability, street crime has increased. Caracas, the second most dangerous city in the world, has a high homicide rate per 100,000 people, 134, out of a population of 3.5 million. Across Venezuela, there were 24,000 murders in 2014. Along with gang warfare, robbery, rape, kidnapping and violence are rampant in Caracas.

2. Acapulco, Mexico - corruption

Acapulco, as a beautiful resort, has always attracted movie stars, sports stars and other celebrities. But, as soon as you take a step away from the tourist routes, you plunge into a different reality of one of the most dangerous cities in Mexico. Until recently, Acapulco was a tourist mecca, but now it scares off tourists with a high murder rate. In 2014, there were 104 murders per 100,000 people. Corrupt police are more concerned with human trafficking than with establishing the rule of law. In addition, the city has big problems from drug trafficking and street violence. In such a city, you don’t know who to run from: the police or bandits.

1. San Pedro Sula, Honduras - the most dangerous city in the world

San Pedro Sula is the most dangerous city in the world. It is located in the northwestern part of Honduras. In 2014, there were 171 murders per 100,000 people - the highest rate in the world, despite the fact that the city is not in a war zone. There are 3 murders per day here. The city is mired in murders, gang warfare, drug trafficking, and illegal arms trade. Every day someone is killed, beaten, raped on the streets. The law in this city does not apply.
Beautiful beaches with clean and hot sand, washed by the transparent blue waves of the ocean, can be no less dangerous.

Traveling the world is a great way to spend your holiday, but not all cities are described in travel brochures. Every big city has its problems, but some cities have much worse problems than others. So, check out the list of the ten most dangerous cities in the world.

Joao Pessoa, Brazil

João Pessoa is a city and capital of the state of Paraiba in Brazil. It is one of the greenest cities in the world with over 7 square kilometers (2.7 sq mi) of forested land, second only to Paris in France. Unfortunately, João Pessoa has a high crime rate, with around 72 murders per 100,000 inhabitants per year.

Barquisimeto, Venezuela

Barquisimeto is the largest city and capital of the state of Lara, located in northwestern Venezuela. The city is an important industrial, commercial and transport center of the country. It has a large number of universities and other educational institutions. But oddly enough, Barquisimeto ranks ninth among the most dangerous cities in the world, since almost every day a deliberate murder is committed in the city.

Nuevo Laredo, Mexico

Nuevo Laredo is a border city located in the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Statistically, murders in Nuevo Laredo occur mostly at night, but crimes such as kidnapping, car theft and robbery can occur around the clock. The main reason for the crime in the city is that the city borders the United States and drug cartels compete for control of the drug trade in the United States. According to published reports, between 2006 and 2014, 60,000 people were killed in the city. If you're visiting Nuevo Laredo, make sure to stick to well-known and densely populated streets and avoid traveling at night.

Cali, Colombia

In seventh place on the list of the most dangerous cities in the world is the city of Cali, which is located in western Colombia. Many of the cities on this list are in Latin America, and for good reason. Drug cartel violence abounds in many of these cities and Cali, Colombia is no exception. With nearly 80 murders per 100,000 residents per year, it's not a very safe place. In February 2012, the US State Department issued an official warning to tourists visiting Cali. The warning warns of a sharp increase in crime and "terrorist activity."

Torreon, Mexico

Torreon, a city in the state of Coahuila, in northern Mexico, is one of the most important industrial and economic centers of the country. Despite the fact that organized crime and drug trafficking in this city is not as widespread as in other Mexican cities, it still has one of the highest rates - 87 murders per 100,000 inhabitants.

Caracas, Venezuela

Caracas, officially known as Santiago de Leon de Caracas, is the capital and largest city of Venezuela. It has one of the highest rates of intentional homicide in the world - 122 murders per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Most murders and other violent crimes remain unsolved. Caracas is under daily pressure from drug cartels, street gangs and armed robberies. The poor neighborhoods that cover the hills around Caracas are very dangerous. Residents and visitors of the city should always be on alert.

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Ciudad Juarez, formerly called Paso del Norte, is a city located in the northern part of the state of Chihuahua, on the border between Mexico and the United States. Fighting between the rival Juarez and Sinaloa cartels has led to numerous murders and increased crime in the city. There are 130 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. Violence against women has also increased dramatically in the city over the past twenty years.

Maceio, Brazil

The city of Maceio is the capital of the state of Alagoas, Brazil. The city of Maceio is the most dangerous in the country, surpassing even Rio de Janeiro, which is known for its slums, where there is no developed infrastructure and a very high crime rate. The city has 135 murders per 100,000 inhabitants per year.

Acapulco, Mexico

Acapulco, full name Acapulco de Juarez, is a port city located in the state of Guerrero, 380 km (240 mi) southwest of Mexico City, Mexico. The city is best known as one of Mexico's oldest and most famous beach resorts. It ranks second among the most dangerous cities in the world. There are 140 murders per 100,000 inhabitants per year. A dismembered or mutilated corpse found on the beach is considered a common sight in this port city.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras

San Pedro Sula is the second largest city in Honduras. This city tops the list of the most dangerous cities in the world. There are 169 intentional homicides per 100,000 residents - an average of more than three murders per day. Various sources have dubbed the city of San Pedro Sula the "murder capital".

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Even in countries with low crime rates, you can find corners where you shouldn’t go, especially for foreigners. When heading to a distant country to admire its beauty, you need to remember that there are places where travelers are not at all welcome. Take, for example, South Africa, Mexico or Colombia - each of them has a lot of beauty and interesting places, but in one drug cartels rampage, in another no one is surprised by mass violence, in the third there is constantly excessive political struggle and terrorists. And there are socio-economic problems in every country. Here is the TOP 10 most dangerous cities in the world that are not recommended to be visited.

1. San Pedro Sula, Honduras

In the northwest of the most dangerous country in the world, Honduras, is its most dangerous city, San Pedro Sula. Thus, in 2014, the murder rate per 100 thousand people here reached 171 deaths.
This appalling figure was achieved in a city that is not in the middle of a theater of war or a revolutionary situation. Every day about three people die violent deaths here. The city has a thriving drug and weapons trade, and there are endless bloody clashes between local gangs, accompanied by incessant murders. And there is no one to take the necessary steps to curb the ongoing wave of violence. Local residents have long accepted that the city is ruled by drug cartels that do not care about the lives of some people, and law enforcement agencies here have suffered a complete collapse. From the example of San Pedro Sula, one can understand that poverty, corruption and instability are not the worst things in life.
Meanwhile, the city is a major industrial center of the country, although in fact it is one of the drug capitals of the world, since here cocaine is refined, packaged and sent north to the main consumers, the USA and Canada. Drug addiction, corruption and poverty of the local population have turned city streets into a dangerous jungle not only for tourists, but also for the townspeople themselves. As a result, the Peace Corps evacuated its people from here, and local thugs killed the Englishman, trying to take his camera.

Every settlement, from a giant metropolis to a tiny village, has a name and a history associated with it. Many of them were named after...

2. Acapulco, Mexico

Next comes the famous Mexican city of Acapulco, glorified in songs and more than once becoming a film set. There are magnificent white sand beaches here, but all this is deceptive - the city is dangerous for life. It increasingly appears in crime news, which describes gruesome details about dismembered or mutilated bodies found on beaches or city streets.
When Beltran Leyva, the head of the local drug cartel, died, a bloody war broke out over the routes for delivering drugs to the northern neighbor. If previously respectable businessmen were involved in the development of tourism, now they find themselves embroiled in disputes between local gangs. There are 140 murders per 100 thousand people in Acapulco every year.

3. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

This city is located on the border with the United States, and in recent years has become extremely dangerous to live in. The reason is still the same - a fierce war between drug cartels and gangs over drug trafficking to the north. This forced many city residents to flee in search of safer places. Out of 100 thousand people, 130 are killed here every year. You can’t kick a local resident out of their house at night, although it’s not at all safe here during the day - you can be kidnapped or simply get shot here at any time.

4. Baghdad, Iraq

Iraq's best times are long gone. After the American occupation of 2003 to the present day, the streets of Baghdad have become the scene of military operations, where government forces constantly exchange fire with rebels, suicide bombers and car bombs explode. Added to this is mortar and rocket attacks on residential areas of Baghdad. As a result, almost the entire city is littered with garbage and is in disrepair; electricity and water are supplied hourly.

Every year the population of large cities, and, therefore, their territory continues to increase steadily. Therefore, you can compare cities not only by...

5. Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Another city from small Honduras, where bandits run the show. They collect taxes from residents, set a curfew, after which you can live on the street for very little time. If someone refuses to pay, then the best thing that threatens him is blackmail, but there may also be torture, however, most likely the stubborn person will simply be killed. When there was a significant reduction in the budget for prisons in the United States, members of the MS-13 gang were deported to their homeland, after which the crime rate in the city jumped sharply. To emphasize their status, thugs returning from the states strive to commit more high-profile crimes, often senseless. All police forces were thrown into solving the most serious crimes, and no attention was paid to robberies and minor offenses. Out of 100 thousand city residents, 102 people die every year.

6. Maceio, Brazil

Externally, this Brazilian city looks very attractive: palm trees, bright sun, white beaches and blue water. But according to statistics, Maceio is one of the most dangerous cities on earth, because every year there are 135 murders per 100 thousand people. There is a huge difference between poor and rich residents in the city. It is little consolation for local authorities that so far it is their own tourists who are dying here, not visiting tourists.

7. Mogadishu, Somalia

In the capital of this African country, an endless civil war has been raging for over 20 years. Half the population has already left the city. Almost every day you can hear gunfire and explosions, people are kidnapped, hospitals are full of wounded people who receive only first aid. Mogadishu is divided into two parts, with the southern one considered safer. In order to move from one part of the city to another, it is necessary to cross the dividing zone, but only on foot and with a thorough search.
There are almost no entire houses left in the city, and people have to live in ruins or in refugee camps set up in the buildings of ministries, universities and schools. It is impossible to even find out exact information about the number of victims here, but it is clear that there are a lot of them here.

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8. Karachi, Pakistan

Due to lawlessness, political instability and high crime rates, the capital of Pakistan has become one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Any problems here are solved, if not with money, then with weapons. For not too much money, it is easy to hire a mercenary who will eliminate a competitor, no matter who he is - a businessman, a policeman or a politician.
There are about 600 human traffickers operating in the city. Religious fanatics are not far behind, and they can easily start throwing lead at passers-by from a car speeding through the city. Street gang shootings, constant terrorist attacks in the middle of the day, religious clashes and the resolution of political differences by force have made Karachi a city of horror. In recent years, armed robberies, car thefts and arson have become particularly common here.

9. Cape Town, South Africa

Tourists from all over the world flock to Cape Town to admire the nature reserves and beautiful views that open from here. But even this once popular tourist area has suffered from unrest in the streets, poverty and rampant crime. Walking around Cape Town at night can be compared to playing Russian roulette. It is not safe to withdraw money from an ATM here even during the day - local bandits are not only ready to free a tourist from cash, but also to injure him and even kill him. Given the extremely high crime rate, it should be taken into account that almost 4 million people live in the city, which makes the picture even more terrible.

10. Caracas, Venezuela

The Venezuelan capital has turned into the business center of Latin America; there are many business centers, offices of large companies, and universities. But the socio-economic stratification of the population here is huge. The rich families of Caracas live luxuriously, but nearby there are hundreds of thousands of residents who are barely making ends meet, and many even have nothing to eat. High inflation complicates matters. There are brutal gangs operating on the streets, but the slum dwellers, who receive small handouts from them, idolize them and are ready to turn a blind eye to their most terrible crimes.
As a result, Caracas has become a very dangerous world capital. Every year, out of 100 thousand city residents, 115 people are sent to the next world, and in 2012, for example, 101 police officers died in the line of duty here.

Travel companies can describe any place as heaven on earth just to sell a tour to the client. However, there are places where tourists should be very careful to avoid getting into trouble.

1 place. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

This city is located on the border with the United States, which has had a great impact on the number of crimes committed here. This is explained by the fact that large quantities of drugs are transported through Mexico to America, and the city of Ciudad Juarez is a transit point and home to many warring groups of drug traffickers, between whom bloody conflicts constantly break out. The number of murders per 100 thousand population is 191 people per year. In recent years, the number of massacres of civilians has increased. So, recently 49 people were killed in a club in just one night.

2nd place. Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuela competes with Mexico for first place, since according to official data, the number of murders per year in Caracas is 130, and according to unofficial data - 160-190 per 100 thousand population. Chavez's patrimony is not very hospitable to tourists, so it is better not to walk around the city unless absolutely necessary, even during the daytime.

3rd place. San Pedro Sula, Honduras

One of the most popular tourist countries in Central America is opening up from a different, dark side. There are 119 murders per 100 thousand population of San Pedro Sula. Therefore, tourists are strongly advised not to walk around the city alone, especially at night.

4th place. San Salvador, El Salvador

95 murders per 100 thousand people is not a small number. Human rights activists argue that crime is flourishing in the city, and throughout the country, because the authorities pay insufficient attention and resources to combat crime. Most crimes are committed by members of the large Mara gang, the most violent in the country. Their slogan is “Kill, rape, subjugate.”

5th place. Guatemala, Guatemala

In the capital of Guatemala, 41% of the total number of murders in the country occurs, which is 90 people per 100 thousand population. The city is divided into 22 zones, and tourist guides call some zones safe. However, even in safe areas there is a considerable risk of running into a pickpocket, swindler or robber.

6th place. Cali, Colombia

The high crime rate (72 murders per 100 thousand people) is explained by the fact that Colombia is a major exporter of cocaine. In Cali and other large cities, drug cortels form a “state within a state”, controlling all spheres of life, and the authorities cannot do anything about it.

7th place. New Orleans. USA

New Orleans has always been a disadvantaged city due to its low standard of living, poor education system and high prison population. After Hurricane Katrina devastated the city, the crime rate increased several times. Now New Orleans is considered the most dangerous city in America (67 murders per 100 thousand population).

8th place. Cape Town, South Africa

Despite the fact that Cape Town is the stronghold of Europe in Africa, this city breaks records for the number of crimes - 62 murders per 100 thousand people. Most of the killings occur in the suburbs of Cape Town, where slums are located in sharp contrast to the beautiful business center of the city. During the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the whole world learned about South Africa's security problems.

9th place. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, is located on high ground and, due to lack of rain, experiences water shortages and agricultural difficulties. More than half of the city's residents live in slums and below the poverty line. This leads to a high crime rate - 54 murders per 100 thousand population.

10th place. Detroit, USA

Detroit today is the most destroyed city in the United States. This happened because most of the “white” population was forced out by the “black”. African Americans currently make up 89% of the city's residents. They introduced the tradition of "Devil's Night" - burning and destroying buildings before Halloween. Vandalism, robbery and murder have become the norm in a city supported largely by government subsidies. There are 46 murders per 100 thousand people in Detroit.

Are you tired of relaxing in the vastness of your homeland and are you looking for an exotic country to go to? Are you attracted to adventure and unexplored cities? Take your time when choosing a country, ask which are the most dangerous cities in the world and where you should definitely not fly. And we will help with this.

Discovery Channel Investigation

The word "danger" can mean different aspects. Cities can be frightening with their crime rate, environmental situation, seismic activity, prostitution, slave trade and millions of other problems. Of course, you don’t want to get a dose of adrenaline by arriving in such a dangerous area. In 2009, a series of stories was filmed by the Discovery Channel. “The Most Dangerous Cities in the World” is the title of a documentary film based on real events.

A journalist named McIntyre visited all continents in search of places where it was unsafe to be. In his opinion, the ranking of the most dangerous cities in the world includes such resort and famous places as Naples, Miami, Mexico City, Istanbul, Prague, Odessa. Paris was accused of constant racial unrest, the Turkish capital of drug trafficking, and the Ukrainian port of immorality. Donal McIntyre conducted his own investigation. The world's most dangerous cities pose a threat to residents and those involved in illegal activities. But ordinary tourists just need to be careful, because, in fact, the problems described by the journalist are present in any country.

What to watch out for

Arriving in any city in the world, you should avoid places where there are a large number of slums or disadvantaged areas. This is where people who are negatively disposed towards society, drug addicts, alcoholics and other socially dangerous individuals usually live.

Another place in the city where a large concentration of criminal crimes is recorded is on busy highways. There are even some statistics according to which about 1 million people die on roads in the world every year. In Russia alone, this figure is close to 300 thousand.

We’ll talk further about which cities you need to be extremely careful in and where it’s better not to go on weekends.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Topping the list of the most dangerous cities in the world is San Pedro Sula in Honduras. Every year there are 170 murders per 100 thousand people. Almost every day 3 corpses are found. The city is simply mired in corruption, violence, drugs and arms trafficking. Even on the beach it can be unsafe here, because in the country the population refuses to recognize any laws.

The most interesting thing is that the city is very attractive for tourists, including Russian ones. It is used as a transit point for travel deep into Latin America. Although the most dangerous cities in the world have various attractions, it is better not to go here.

Acapulco, Mexico

One of the most beautiful resorts, which once attracted Hollywood stars, has now turned into a den for crime. The list of the most dangerous cities in the world (no matter who compiles it) will definitely have Acapulco on its list. In 2014, there were 104 murders per 100 thousand inhabitants. In the city, at every step you can encounter an act of cruelty or violence; more than half of the residents are complete drug addicts.

Even the police are all corrupt to the point of disgrace. Cases of human trafficking are common. It is better for tourists not to walk alone in the city, because you never know who you should be more afraid of: bandits or representatives of the law.

Caracas, Venezuela

It is impossible to compile a list of the most dangerous cities in the world without Caracas - On Earth, this metropolis is known for having the highest level of murders and drug addiction. In a population of 3.5 million, 24 thousand people were killed in 2014. For every 100 thousand inhabitants there are 134 accidents.

Kabul, Afghanistan

The capital of the Islamic Republic was unlucky. Kabul became hostage to constant military battles, and the many years of war naturally affected the lives of the population. In general, the country is experiencing economic instability, poverty, constant threats of kidnapping, murder and other equally terrible crimes. The situation is aggravated by the constant struggle for power and terrorism. The situation is now controlled by the ISIS group, but this has only worsened the instability. It is strictly not recommended to go to Kabul without a compelling reason.

Cape Town, South Africa

In all of Africa, this is most likely the most violent city. There is violence in the air here. The situation is exacerbated by racial inequality. Once upon a time the city was ruled by France, and then there was a clear division between whites and blacks. Whites built beautiful neighborhoods and lived prosperously, taking advantage of the black labor force. After South Africa gained independence, the number of Europeans sharply decreased, there was no work, and life became worse. Local residents blamed the occupiers for all the failures, and this trend continued. You can’t move around the city center without a car, because you can be beaten, raped, robbed, and, even worse, simply take your life.

Mogadishu, Somalia

The city is mired in civil war. After UN representatives left it 20 years ago, a unified government in the country could not be established. Mogadishu is now a completely destroyed capital, from where more than half the population has fled, and the rest are forced to hide in basements and bomb shelters. People die here every day from injuries, disease and poverty. How much is difficult to calculate.

Somalia is probably the last country a tourist would want to go to. Devastation reigns here, war rules.

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

This city is located on the border between Mexico and the United States. It has long been captured by local drug dealers, who still cannot share power and influence on the main routes for transporting prohibited goods. Not only local residents (those who remained, the rest have long since fled), but also officials fall under the distribution. Over the past few years, 100 government officials have been killed. The police cover for those who pay more and do not care about the well-being and peace of the population.

The most dangerous city in the USA

Sometimes it seems that everything is always fine in the USA. And if something goes wrong, Die Hard will come running and fix everything. But in fact, the most dangerous cities in the world are hidden here too. Tourists should definitely avoid the cities of Flint and Detroit first.

The latter, by the way, is not going through the best of times. If you remember the 1987 film “RoboCop,” the history of the city developed exactly as it scripted. The metropolis has a very high unemployment rate; people do not have the opportunity to get out of the poverty line. Low social status, lack of education, and drugs led to an increase in crime. According to criminologists, in 2014 there were 2,000 beatings and 45 deaths per 100 thousand people.

The most dangerous cities in the world (Russia)

It's time to find out where it is unsafe in your home country. If you look at the statistics, the highest rate of criminal crimes is in Perm. In certain categories, he could be called a leader for robberies, thefts and assaults.

Another capital, Kyzyl (Republic of Tuva), is considered the most dangerous in the category of causing physical damage. Fatalities due to intentional harm have been recorded here.

It is believed that this situation could have developed due to the fact that the largest number of operating forced labor camps is concentrated in this part of Siberia.

Ecologically dangerous cities in Russia

Danger can lurk not only on the streets in the form of bandits, but also in the air. Moreover, the influence of the latter may not be felt at all. Rosstat has prepared a list of the most dangerous cities in our country in terms of environmental safety. It is headed by Norilsk (2.5 million toxic emissions into the atmosphere), followed by Cherepovets (the highest concentration of chemical enterprises), and in third place is the mining city of Novokuznetsk.

Wherever you decide to go for a weekend or vacation, find out whether the city is safe to move around on the streets and how best to store cash and jewelry.