Physical map of Europe with rivers. Foreign Europe - countries and capitals

Foreign Europe- this is part of the European mainland and several islands occupying total area about 5 million sq. km. Approximately 8% of the world's population lives here. Using a map of Foreign Europe by geography, you can determine the size of this region:

  • from north to south its territory occupies 5 thousand km;
  • from east to west, Europe stretches for almost 3 thousand km.

The region has a fairly diverse topography - there are flat and hilly areas, mountains and coastal coasts. Thanks to this geographical location in Europe there are various climatic zones. Foreign Europe is located in an advantageous geographical and economic situation. It is conventionally divided into four areas:

  • western;
  • eastern;
  • northern;
  • southern

Each region includes about a dozen countries.

Rice. 1. Overseas Europe is shown in blue on the map.

Traveling from one end of Europe to the other, you can visit eternal glaciers and subtropical forests.

Countries of Foreign Europe

Foreign Europe was formed by four dozen countries. There are other countries on the European continent, but they do not belong to Foreign Europe, but are part of the CIS.

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Countries include republics, principalities, and kingdoms. Each of them has its own natural resources.

Almost all countries have maritime borders or are located a short distance from the sea. This opens up additional trade and economic routes. The countries of Foreign Europe on the map are mostly small in size. This is especially noticeable in comparison with Russia, China, the USA and Canada. However, this does not prevent them from being one of the most highly developed in the world.

Rice. 2. Countries of Foreign Europe

Almost the entire population belongs to the Indo-European group, with the exception of emigrants from other countries. Most of preaches Christianity to the population. Europe is one of the most urbanized regions, meaning that about 78% of the total population lives in cities.

The table below shows European countries and capitals, indicating the number of inhabitants and area.

Table. Composition of Foreign Europe.

A country


Population, million people

Area, thousand sq. km.

Andorra la Vella



Bosnia and Herzegovina


Great Britain

















San Marino

San Marino











As you can see, the geographical picture of Foreign Europe is very diverse. The countries that make up it can be divided into several groups according to their location.

  • Inland, that is, not having borders with the sea. This includes 12 countries. Examples - Slovakia, Hungary.
  • Four countries are islands, or located entirely on islands. An example is Great Britain.
  • Peninsulars are located entirely or partially on a peninsula. For example, Italy.

Rice. 3. Iceland is one of the island states Europe

The most highly developed economically and technically are four European countries - Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France. They are part of the G7 along with Canada, Japan and the United States.

What have we learned?

Foreign Europe is a relatively small area of ​​the European continent, including 40 countries. Most of them have sea borders, some are located on islands. Geographical location European countries in most cases favorable. Foreign Europe has connections with the whole world.

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A political map of the world shows the boundaries between countries and often provides information about state structure and form of government. Foreign Europe, the geography of which is studied in 11th grade, includes 40 countries that have large differences in all these indicators.


The political map of Overseas Europe shows the borders between the countries that are part of it. Foreign Europe has land borders with Russia and the CIS countries. The remaining borders are maritime.

Most of the countries that make up Overseas Europe are coastal.

The region's territory is divided into four parts - Western, Northern, Eastern, Southern Europe. The formation of this division began a long time ago and was due to geographical, cultural and economic differences.

Rice. 1. Regions of Foreign Europe.

To date political situation in Europe is quite stable and no significant changes are expected in the near future. The photo shows a modern political map in Russian.

Rice. 2. Countries of Foreign Europe.

Form of government and territorial structure

In addition to borders, using a political map you can determine such characteristics of countries as the form of government and territorial structure. What do these terms mean?

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  • Form of government is a system of organization state power countries. The order of their formation, duration of validity, and powers are indicated here.
  • Territorial structure - a way of organizing the territory of a state. This is how the internal structure of the country is determined.

Today in the world there are two possible forms board:

  • monarchy- when the country is ruled by a king;
  • republic- in this case, the authorities are elected by the people.

There is a third form - an absolute theocratic monarchy. In this case, the supreme power belongs to the church. Today in the world there is only one state with this form of government, and it is located in Foreign Europe. This is the city-state of the Vatican.

Among the monarchies there are absolute And constitutional. In the first case, power belongs entirely to the king. In the second, the king is subject to the laws of the constitution.

There are republics parliamentary And presidential. In the first case, the country is governed by a parliament headed by a president. In the second case, all power belongs to the president.

Rice. 3. The Vatican is the only city-state in the world headed by a church.

By territorial structure distinguish:

  • unitary state: government is governed by a single center and is not divided into regions;
  • federation: exists one-stop center management and many subordinate fragments of the country, called subjects;
  • confederation: represents a union of two or more countries.

Characteristics of European countries in the table

A country

Form of government

Territorial structure


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Great Britain










San Marino







M - monarchy
R - republic
U - unitary
F – federation

As can be seen from the table, most countries of Foreign Europe are unitary republics. Interesting fact is that almost all Northern region represented by monarchies. IN Eastern region all countries are republics. In Southern and Western region There are approximately equal numbers of republics and monarchies.

What have we learned?

The political map of Overseas Europe is formed of 40 states that have borders between themselves and other regions. Countries have land and maritime boundaries. By shape government Republics with a unitary organization of territory predominate.

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Europe is part of the continent of Eurasia. This part of the world is home to 10% of the world's population. Europe owes its name to the heroine of ancient Greek mythology. Europe is washed by the seas of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Inland seas- Black, Mediterranean, Marble. Eastern and south eastern border Europe passes along the Ural ridge, the Emba River and the Caspian Sea.

IN Ancient Greece believed that Europe is a separate continent that separates the Black and Aegean Seas from Asia, and the Mediterranean Sea from Africa. Later it was found that Europe is only part huge continent. The area of ​​the islands that make up the continent is 730 thousand square kilometers. 1/4 of the territory of Europe falls on the peninsulas - Apennine, Balkan, Kola, Scandinavian and others.

The highest point in Europe is the peak of Mount Elbrus, which is 5642 meters above sea level. A map of Europe with countries in Russian shows that the largest lakes in the region are Geneva, Chudskoye, Onega, Ladoga and Balaton.

All European countries are divided into 4 regions - Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern. Europe consists of 65 countries. 50 countries are independent states, 9 are dependent and 6 are unrecognized republics. Fourteen countries are islands, 19 are inland, and 32 countries have access to oceans and seas. The map of Europe with countries and capitals shows the borders of all European states. The three states have their territories in both Europe and Asia. These are Russia, Kazakhstan and Türkiye. Spain, Portugal and France have part of their territory in Africa. Denmark and France have their territories in America.

The European Union includes 27 countries, and the NATO bloc includes 25. There are 47 states in the Council of Europe. The most small state Europe - the Vatican, and the largest - Russia.

The collapse of the Roman Empire marked the beginning of the division of Europe into Eastern and Western. Eastern Europe is the largest region of the continent. IN Slavic countries The Orthodox religion predominates, in the rest - Catholicism. Cyrillic and Latin scripts are used. Western Europe unites Latin-speaking states. This part of the continent is the most economically developed part in the world. Scandinavian and Baltic states merge into Northern Europe. South Slavic, Greek and Romance-speaking countries form Southern Europe.

Geography studies the world: what the Earth's surface looks like, what relief forms exist. 4th grade is studying physical card European continent. Read more about the physical map of Overseas Europe in the article below.

What does a physical map of Overseas Europe look like?

Foreign Europe boasts a significant diversity of its relief. Here there are mountainous and flat areas, there is a large number of rivers and lakes. Sometimes even in the same country they can be combined different kinds relief.

The region is usually divided into four areas:

  • Northern;
  • Eastern;
  • South;
  • Western.

Each large fragment of the physical map of Foreign Europe has its own geographical features.

Fig.1. Map European territory with relief image

Northern Europe

The topography of this region is formed mainly by mountains and rolling plains. The most large mountains are Scandinavian. The forests are mostly represented by taiga and tundra.

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The climate here is arctic and subarctic. In the northernmost areas, summer air temperatures do not rise above +3 °C. In the southern part the climate is milder and warmer.

Rice. 2. The relief in northern Europe is characterized by a predominance of mountains

Eastern Europe

This region is dominated by plains. Closer to the southern part, mountainous terrain begins. There are hilly areas in some places. There are quite a few large rivers here. Lakes predominate in the north of the region.

The climate is temperate and rainy. There are quite a lot of forests, occupying about 30% of the territory of Eastern Europe.

Southern Europe

The physical map of Foreign Europe in its southern part is presented mainly mountainous terrain. There are a large number of mountain ranges here, including the Alps and the Pyrenees. There are very few flat areas here.

Rice. 3. Alps on the physical map

Due to this relief, as well as its location in subtropical zone, climate in Southern Europe warm, soft. It is called Mediterranean because it is largely determined by its proximity to the sea.

About 10% of the territory is covered with forests. There are many rivers, but they are short in length.

Western Europe

In this region there is equal ratio mountainous and flat areas. The climate here is determined by the proximity of the sea - it is cool and rainy. Forests occupy a small part of the territory - they are mainly located on mountain ranges. There are a lot of rivers in Western Europe. They are quite long, some of them have a connection with the sea.

The largest number of rivers are in England and France.

Interactive map of Europe online with cities. Satellite and classic maps of Europe

Europe is a part of the world located in the northern hemisphere of the Earth (on the continent of Eurasia). A map of Europe shows that its territory is washed by the Atlantic and North seas Arctic Oceans. The area of ​​the European part of the continent is more than 10 million square kilometers. This territory is home to approximately 10% of the Earth's population (740 million people).

Satellite map of Europe at night

Geography of Europe

In the 18th century V.N. Tatishchev proposed to accurately determine the eastern border of Europe: along the ridge Ural mountains and the Yaik River to the Caspian Sea. Currently on satellite map In Europe, you can see that the eastern border runs along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains, along the Mugojaram Mountains, along the Emba River, the Caspian Sea, the Kuma and Manych rivers, as well as along the mouth of the Don.

Approximately ¼ of Europe's territory is on peninsulas; 17% of the territory is occupied by mountains such as the Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians, Caucasus, etc. The highest point in Europe is Mont Blanc (4808 m), and the lowest is the Caspian Sea (-27 m). Largest rivers the European part of the mainland - the Volga, Danube, Dnieper, Rhine, Don and others.

Mont Blanc Peak - highest point Europe

European countries

On political map In Europe, it is clear that approximately 50 states are located on this territory. It is worth noting that only 43 states are officially recognized by other countries; five states are only partially located in Europe, and 2 countries have limited or no recognition by other countries.

Europe is often divided into several parts: Western, Eastern, Southern and Northern. To countries Western Europe include Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Liechtenstein, Ireland, France, Monaco, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

The territory of Eastern Europe includes Belarus, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland and Romania.

Political map of Europe

In the territory Northern Europe are located Scandinavian countries and the Baltic countries: Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Finland and Iceland.

Southern Europe is San Marino, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Vatican City, Greece, Andorra, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Malta and Slovenia.

Partially located in Europe are countries such as Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Unrecognized entities include the Republic of Kosovo and the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic.

Danube River in Budapest

Politics of Europe

In the field of politics, the leaders are the following European countries: France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy. Today, 28 European countries are part of European Union– a supranational association that determines the political, trade and monetary activities of the participating countries.

Also, many European countries are members of NATO, a military alliance in which, in addition to European countries, the United States and Canada participate. Finally, 47 states are members of the Council of Europe, an organization that implements programs to protect human rights, protect environment etc.

Events on Maidan in Ukraine

As of 2014, the main centers of instability are Ukraine, where hostilities unfolded after Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the events on the Maidan, as well as the Balkan Peninsula, where problems that arose after the collapse of Yugoslavia have still not been resolved.