The pride of the academy is its teachers. Personnel decides everything! A single play-along center is needed

What role did high-ranking people from state security structures play in the largest Russian corporations?

“This is correct information, he has returned to service,” said Rosneft head Igor Sechin in response to a question about the fate of FSB General Oleg Feoktistov. Why is this general interesting?

It is believed that Feoktistov was behind the multi-step operation that ended with the arrest of former Minister of Economy Alexei Ulyukaev. Before joining Rosneft, Feoktistov worked in Federal service security. After completing the “special operation” he returned there. The story received a wide response and became significant for understanding how the system of interaction between Russian business and law enforcement agencies is evolving.

In the early 1990s, existing employees left the authorities state security and got cushy jobs in newly created private financial and industrial groups. Some of them rose to serious positions and became co-owners. YUKOS, Gusinsky's Most group, Lukoil, Alpha group - under almost every oligarch of the 1990s you can find a general.

The rise to power of Vladimir Putin radically changed the picture. If before people with shoulder straps served as lobbyists for big capital in the security forces and more broadly - government agencies, then over time their functions became different.

Massive landing of former and current intelligence officers into the authorities state power forced large business structures to think about finding people who could act as intermediaries in communication with the security forces. Some of these people turned out to be public and in some cases even became the face of the company.

Meanwhile, processes developed. As the general public gradually became aware, the structure of the FSB and other intelligence services had taken shape special units supervising the situation in the largest companies and industries Russian economy. At the same time, through the institute of “seconded” employees Russian intelligence services established direct control over key processes in Russian corporations.

The episode with Rosneft and General Feoktistov is indicative in this sense, because it showed the kitchen of the relationship large companies and intelligence agencies in the maximum possible (under current conditions) public manner.

Read about seven notable intelligence generals in the largest Russian corporations in the Forbes gallery.

Philip Bobkov

Army General. Finished Leningrad school military counterintelligence Smersh. In state security agencies since 1946. Since 1969, he headed the 5th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, which was engaged in the protection of the constitutional system and fought against ideological sabotage and dissidents. Since 1983, he was deputy chairman, and since 1985, first deputy chairman of the KGB of the USSR. He left service in 1991.

In 1992, a graduate of the Smersh school headed the analytical department of the Most group of oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky. Bobkov worked at Most until the second half of 2001. By that time, Gusinsky himself had already lost control of the NTV channel and lived abroad for more than a year.

Alexey Kondaurov

Major General. In 1971 he graduated from the Faculty of Economic Cybernetics of the Moscow Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Ordzhonikidze. Since 1973 in state security agencies. IN last years The service was headed by the FSB Public Relations Center.

In 1994, Kondaurov headed information management Mikhail Khodorkovsky's Menatep group, from 1998 to 2003 he headed the analytical department of the Yukos oil company. In addition to analytics, Kandaurov was involved in working with representatives of key political forces countries. After Khodorkovsky's arrest, he spoke out in defense of the disgraced oligarch. In 2003, he was elected to the State Duma. In 2014, he signed a statement demanding an end to support for the self-proclaimed republics in southeastern Ukraine.

Oleg Osobenkov

Colonel General. Graduated from the Faculty of International economic relations MGIMO. In state security agencies since 1969. He headed the department of analysis, forecast and strategic planning, and since 1996 he has served as State Secretary of the FSB of Russia.

In 1999, Oleg Osobenkov was appointed deputy general director, head of personnel department at Aeroflot. He was a member of the board of directors of the airline. It is believed that Osobenkov’s task was to rid the company of the influence of Boris Berezovsky. Osobenkov was removed from the board of Aeroflot in 2005.

Yuri Kobaladze

Major General. Graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO. Since 1972 he worked in the first main directorate of the KGB of the USSR ( foreign intelligence). As a journalist, he traveled to the UK, Malta, the USA, and France. In 1991, he headed the press bureau of the SVR, and for six months he was deputy general director of ITAR-TASS.

In September 1999, Kobaladze became managing director of the investment company Renaissance Capital. From 2007 to 2012 he was Managing Director for corporate issues, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of X5 Retail Group. Since 2012 - consultant at UBS investment bank.

Alexander Zdanovich

Lieutenant General. Graduated High school KGB. In state security agencies since 1972. Served in military counterintelligence, in the FSB public relations center. In February 1996, he became acting head of the FSB TsOS. In November 1999, he was appointed head of the FSB assistance programs department.

From 2002 to 2012 - Deputy Chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company for security issues. From 2012 to 2014 - Advisor to the General Director of VGTRK.

Yuri Yakovlev

Army General. In 1975 he graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute with a degree in Experimental nuclear physics" In state security agencies since 1976. In 2008 he headed the service economic security FSB.

In July 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed him. Two months later, Yakovlev was appointed Deputy General Director of Rosatom for state policy in the field of safety when using atomic energy for defense purposes.

Oleg Feoktistov

General of the FSB. Graduated from the FSB Academy. Since 2004, he headed the 6th service of the FSB Internal Security Directorate, responsible for operational support of criminal cases, and deputy head of the FSB Internal Security Directorate.

In September 2016, he was appointed head of the security service of Rosneft and joined the company’s board. On March 10, Rosneft President Igor Sechin confirmed that Feoktistov had left the company. “This is correct information, he returned to service,” Sechin noted.

Andrey Mikhailovich, for you as the deputy head of the academy for educational and scientific work, what is of greatest interest in the academy, what is special pride?

I would like to especially note the main, from my point of view, pride of our academy - its teaching staff. First of all, veterans, those people who have been training not just professionals for decades high level, anti-aircraft gunners and missile specialists, but also educate true patriots our Motherland. And these are not pompous words, this is really true. I'm talking about teachers with capital letters, each of them is worthy of a separate article or chapter in a book. They serve as mentors to new teachers; regardless of one's own personal time, participate in work dissertation councils, in scientific expert and methodological advice; teach at school pedagogical excellence. And most importantly, each of them is a personality, a storehouse of knowledge and experience, which they lovingly pass on to their students.

-Can you name at least some of them?

Certainly. First of all, I would like to mention professors Anatoly Petrovich Korabelnikov, Yuri Dmitrievich Podgornykh, Vitaly Anatolyevich Gerasimov, Roman Ivanovich Kelebay, Vasily Nikolaevich Davydov, Valentin Petrovich Tarasov, Vasily Mikhailovich Lanchev, Alla Leonidovna Sirotyuk and many others. It is simply impossible to list them all in one publication.

Preparations are underway for the command and staff meeting war game

- Recruitment to the academy resumed in 2013. So you have quite a lot of young teachers?

Yes indeed. But I wouldn't call them "young" anymore. correct term- “beginner” teacher. After all, teachers at the academy, as a rule, become quite mature people, who served in Armed Forces enough a large number of years and sometimes reached high positions. They have unique experience performing combat missions, management skills military units and formations, many of them are participants in hostilities. Having come to the academy, officers who in the recent past were regiment commanders, heads of military branches, strive to pass on this experience to the younger generation. It is obvious that at first they have insufficient experience pedagogical work, it is difficult for them to switch to another type of activity. We actively help them with this. Each person is assigned a mentor, methodologist of the highest qualifications, their retraining for a new type of activity is organized. This course takes four months and is taught only by PhDs or academy professors. But the most important thing is that each of the officers who are appointed to the academy has the main thing - a great desire to become a teacher top class and become a worthy part of a single whole called Military Academy East Kazakhstan region named after Marshal Soviet Union G. K. Zhukova.