Searle engine: operating principle. Zero point energy: Searle effect generator

John Searle is an “unrecognized” English scientist with a difficult fate and unique discoveries and inventions that can make world revolution not only in various technical and economic sectors of the development of our civilization, but also calling to think and rethink the existing state of affairs of both an individual person and all of humanity as a whole.

John Searle was born in 1932 in Great Britain in Berkshire. His childhood can hardly be called happy, at least in the traditional sense. There were no loving parents in this childhood; in fact, they were not there at all. At the age of four, John was placed under the care of the state by court order and moved to Dr. Barnardo's boarding school. As a child, Searle was sick a lot and was alone with himself, which, he believes, contributed to the emergence of an extraordinary type of thinking in him, which allowed him not to fall under the dogmas of the educational system.

In addition, since childhood, Searle had prophetic dreams, which in the future served as the necessary keys for the creation of his inventions.

Law of squares

The first solutions and understanding of the law of squares came gradually at night. Tense daytime thoughts were resolved in sleep, and unexpectedly. Searle saw the required parameters of his installation, their numerical values ​​​​combined into tables like this:

At first glance, this is an ordinary magic square: the sums of the numbers along the horizontals, verticals and diagonals are equal. But John Searle discovered that his “ordinary” magic squares had extraordinary properties.

For the inquisitive gaze of the inventor and natural scientist, they became, as he himself says, “a window into nature.” Everything in nature is built on the strictest laws, the professor is convinced, but we don’t see them. We cannot see them because we received a standard education, which is why we are simply blind. Or put on blinders. Having filled our consciousness with stereotypes, we have lost the very ability to be surprised, to search without prejudice, and have stopped seeing. And we perceive reality not as it is, but as we were taught to perceive it.

Searle is convinced that his law of squares is not a discovery. On the contrary, it is a revival of principles ancient mathematics, which, according to him, are more than 5,000 years old. The law of squares, described in detail in John Searle's book, is in a visual form expressions of patterns existing in nature.

Searle generator and levitating disk SEG and IGV.

In 1946, John Searle began to earn his own living: he got a job as an engineer repairing electric motors. It was then that he made a fundamental discovery of the nature of magnetism. He discovered that adding a small component alternating current(~100 ma) radio frequencies (~10 MHz) in the process of making permanent ferrite magnets gives them new unexpected properties.

After a series of experiments with flat magnets, Searle made a ring magnet and several cylindrical ones. Magnetizing them open method, he placed cylindrical magnets on the outside of a ring one. In this case, a slight push on one of the cylinders caused all the cylinders to begin to move in a circle. And this movement did not stop.

Searle discovered that if the number of rollers around them is equal to some specific minimum number, then they begin to rotate on their own, increasing speed until they reach dynamic equilibrium. His invention opened up access to a new, hitherto unknown method of obtaining energy without material costs for the process itself. This invention was later called the Searle Generator.

In fact, John Searle simply equipped his system of self-propelled magnets with a converter of the energy of their movement into electrical energy. Rotating magnetic cylinders generated electric current in coils installed around the perimeter - everything was extremely simple. But in order for the generator to work as efficiently as possible, it was necessary to strictly adhere to the parameters calculated according to the law of squares.

Thus, the generator actually began to claim to be a perpetual motion machine.

"Flying Disc"

With further experiments and research, the scientist discovered that when the rotation speed of the magnetic cylinders increases, the generator... loses weight.

To investigate this effect, Searle made a separate disk-shaped generator and forcibly (using an external motor) spun it to high speed.

The tests took place outdoors. To everyone’s surprise, the disk, continuing to spin, separated from the generator and quickly rose up 15 meters. A pink glow emanated from it; I could smell ozone.

Suddenly, the radios around turned on. Meanwhile, the generator accelerated to even greater speed and soared sharply into the sky, disappearing from sight.

It took Searle some time to learn how to operate what was later called an IGV (Inverse Gravity Vehicle).

Despite the loss of several experimental disks, which were not clear how to stop.

John Searle later learned to control them in flight; The maximum controlled flight range is 600 kilometers!

The professor’s experiments were repeated in Russia, the USA and Taiwan. In Russia, for example, in 1999, a patent application for “devices for generating mechanical energy” was registered under No. 99122275/09. Vladimir Vitalievich Roshchin and Sergei Mikhailovich Godin, in fact, reproduced SEG and conducted a number of studies with it. The result was a statement: you can get 7 kW of electricity without costs; the rotating generator lost weight up to 40%. It would seem that we are standing on the threshold of a new energy sector and have almost crossed this threshold...

But it's not that simple.

The film about SEG and IGV, made by the BBC and shown on British television, cannot now be found in any archive. The equipment from Searle's first laboratory was taken to an unknown location while he was in prison. The installation of Godin and Roshchin simply disappeared; all publications about her, with the exception of the application for an invention, disappeared. As, in general, are the inventions of many scientists and researchers of alternative energy sources. Of course, most likely, energy corporations and monopolies, who do not want to lose income from oil, and intelligence agencies, who are trying to turn all innovations into weapons, are involved in this, but this is probably just the tip of the iceberg...

According to Professor Searle, human consciousness does not change overnight. In this sense, everything new must not only be born, but also pass the test of time and earn its right to exist. There must be those who will be ready to understand and accept, and not just use. What happens if Searle's technology falls into the wrong hands?!..

John Searle dreams of stopping the pollution of our planet, the cause of which he sees in the irrepressible greed of man, leading to a shortage of energy and material resources. He believes that a clean source of free electricity will solve the problem of people living below the poverty line.

Perhaps this is naive. Perhaps not all of his dreams are destined to come true. But we can say for sure why, despite any difficulties, he achieved and continues to achieve success. One newspaper publication called him “a man who continues to dream.”

You probably couldn't say it better. Living in the 21st century, he doesn't really live here. He lives in a beautiful, fair, perfect dream world, which he tries with all his might to return to people. And it's not even about his technical genius. He believes and knows that the world can be a better place; and ignites others with his faith.

The Searle generator looks simple

In the center there is a large ring magnet with a layered structure. Layers 4. The innermost layer is almost black, followed by a white layer, the next layer gray and the outer layer is a copper ring.

The central magnet is surrounded by 12 or more roller magnets, which also have a layered structure, the layers repeating the layers of the large central magnet. This fact suggests that each layer in the magnet is magnetized in its own way. I don’t have any assumptions about the black layer yet. But the white layer may be axially magnetized. The gray magnet is magnetized, seemingly radially.

This magnetization of the magnetic layers of magnets gives them interesting properties, which manifest themselves both in the form of the Searle effect (self-acceleration of the rollers when rotating around the central magnet), and in the form of the effect of changing the weight of the entire generator when the rollers rotate around the central magnet.

To make it clear, let's look at the picture

This is a section of the disc along the diameter (right half).

In this picture I show what magnets look like in cross section so that my next steps are clear. Let's simplify the drawing, let's not pay attention to the zone with black color, and also abstract from the copper cylinder, which is not important when considering the picture of magnetic lines of force. We also assume that the roller magnet does not have a gray layer responsible for the formation of a radial magnetic field. As a result, we get this conditional distribution of field lines in a diametrical section.

Black field lines are lines that are created by axial magnets. And the green lines are the lines created by the radial stator magnet. I deliberately did not depict the lines of force with an “overlay” on top of each other, so as not to cloud the picture of the magnetic fields. In reality, one must understand that the field lines of axial and radial magnets “penetrate” each other, which leads to the implementation of Bernoulli’s law for aether flows. In the upper part of the figure, the green lines go towards the lines of the axial magnets. This means that there will be a low ether pressure in this area. In the lower part of the figure, the green field lines are directed in the same directions as the field lines of the axial magnets of the stator and rotor. An area of ​​increased Ether pressure will be formed in this area. This means that with such a distribution of magnetic force lines, an aether-supported thrust directed upward will act on the stator and rotor rollers. This results in weight loss if the generator is operating on the surface of the Earth, or the generator will take off if the thrust exceeds the weight and can overcome the resistance of the mounting systems.

If the direction of rotation of the rollers changes to the opposite, then at some angular velocity rollers, the thrust will change direction and will be directed downward. This will happen because the magnetic field created by the rollers as sources circular current, will initially be directed against the stator field. True, there will be a moment when the stator may stop attracting the rollers. And in order not to risk the generator, it is better to always run the rollers counterclockwise (if the stator North Pole will be on top).

Now the top view. Let's consider the origin of the force that pushes the rollers when they rotate around the stator

In this diagram, the field lines of the axial magnets are not shown. Only the field lines of the radial stator magnet are shown, which the roller magnet intersects during its rotation. When the roller rotates, it creates both a dynamic flow of ether around the stator and a ring vortex around the roller itself. This ring vortex, when interacting with the radial force lines of the stator, creates an area with reduced ether pressure in front of the roller, and an area with reduced ether pressure behind the roller. high blood pressure ether.

This pressure difference leads to self-acceleration of the roller(s) when it rotates around the stator magnet. Moreover, the higher the speed the rotors develop, the stronger the magnetic field it creates. Because a rotating roller is a coil of current, the stronger it is, the stronger the magnetic field it creates. This magnetic field is summed up with the magnetic field of the stator magnet, this leads to the fact that the roller is pressed harder against the stator and the centrifugal force cannot tear it (the roller) away from the stator. I do not exclude that, due to the peculiarities of the magnetization procedure using Searle technology, the power of the radial stator magnet increases, which leads, on the one hand, to an even greater acceleration of the roller when rotating around the stator, and to an increase in traction in the vertical direction. This can also be facilitated by the appearance of a large potential difference from the center of the stator to its periphery. Electrostatics is also a manifestation of the etheric flow with a special quality and swirling of the etheric jets.

To remove electrical energy from the generator, Searle installed electromagnets around the generator with a number equal to the number of roller magnets. In addition to removing energy, these electromagnets help start the generator, and during its operation they synchronize the rotation of the rollers and do not allow the rollers to accelerate to prohibitive speeds.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in the Searle generator. Its behavior is perfectly explained on the basis of long-known laws of physics. It's just that rarely does anyone look at magnetic fields as ethereal flows, during the interaction of which the laws characteristic of parallel laminar fluid flows begin to appear, that is, the laws of hydrodynamics.

It is possible that Searle worked for some time in a closed institution. But due to his mental characteristics or pacifist statements, he was fired and forbidden to tell others about this fact of his biography. This is a man who seems to have the same fate as our Filimonenko. At Sharashka, Searle was working on magnets and creating devices based on them. It seems that after his “retirement” they came up with new biography. But they allowed us to play around with magnetic devices. So he ended up being sent to prison for a year. Now Searle behaves very carefully, is encrypted, but for some reason he is trying to convey his work to people. And quite successfully.

Thus, based on simple analysis Based on the well-known laws of physics (magnetism), it turns out that if energy is not taken from the Searle generator, then on one side the rollers will accelerate until a limit is reached, for example, due to air resistance. And also the thrust (lifting force) will increase, which can make the generator fly away in an unknown direction. These effects make the Searle generator a unique mechanism that can be used in a wide variety of economic sectors and defense. It can be used as an electrical and mechanical energy generator, a levitator, a heat and cold generator, a powerful magnetic and electrostatic field generator, a generator electromagnetic field type magnetron, etc.

I am sure that now all the strange behavior of the Searle generator has become clear. It remains to develop a technology for producing magnets that would simultaneously create two types of magnetization - axial and radial. It is desirable that when these magnets operate in the Searle disk, the power of the axial and radial magnetization changes synchronously. That is, if one decreases, then the second also decreases. And vice versa. This will allow scientific basis understand why Searle's disk so easily turns into a perpetual motion machine. A suitable one is required mathematical apparatus, which I think will not be difficult to develop. Where possible, magnets can be replaced by electromagnets.

Using the Searle generator as an example, we are again in Once again we meet in etheric technology - the creation of an ethereal vortex (wheel), immersed in a powerful homogeneous etheric (magnetic) flow. Moreover, many ethereal vortices are formed in Searle’s disk. At least two vortices are formed at each roller. Some of them create thrust in the horizontal plane and force the rollers to rotate around the stator. Others create an anti-gravity effect, reduce the weight of the structure, and at high speeds of rotation of the rollers around the stator create a powerful lifting force. As a result, Searle's disk can be used both as an energy generator and a powerful levitator. It turns out two useful properties in one product.

The only thing that depresses me is that official science both in the world and in Russia, pretends that such a phenomenon as the Searle disk does not exist. Because of this, we were strictly tied to electrical networks and heating networks, in fact, they turned us into slaves of unknown people. This fact surprises me, because it has long been known that nothing can be prohibited in this world. Murder will out. So the truth will someday become known to everyone. This is why I don’t want to patent my ideas. I prefer to communicate the patterns I find to everyone who still has some remnants of reason.

Once again I want to state that designs using ethereal flows are not perpetual motion machines, since ethereal flows make any ethereal product not a closed system, but a system in which, due to the perpetual motion of the ether, the laws of etherodynamics begin to work, which are akin to the laws of hydrodynamics . Water consists of molecules, each of which can be considered as an analogue of etheron. When physicists need it, they boldly consider water as a homogeneous isotropic medium, but in other cases they take into account that water consists of individual molecules. The ether consists of etherons, but at the same time it can also be considered as a homogeneous isotropic medium. But only to a strictly limited extent.

Academicians who stubbornly prove that the law of conservation of energy cannot be violated are 100% right. But only if the space around us was empty. And it is filled with Ether, it is Ether itself. Any material body obeys the Ether, the opposite is not 100% true. Therefore, in the Universe there is no inertial systems. Just like there are no dedicated, absolute systems. For the Ether itself is heterogeneous. It permeates any system, any system consists of it. Therefore, it is useless to separate material systems from the Ether, just as it is useless to connect the Ether with time, which does not exist as a physical entity. There is only here and now. What has passed can never be returned, for it is necessary to return the entire Ether back, which is impossible. And no one knows what will happen, because it is unknown what kind of mischief or joy the Ether is preparing for us, millions of parsecs away from us.

It is important to understand that any field (centrifugal, magnetic, electrostatic, etc.) is a kind of abstraction designed to simplify the mathematical apparatus to explain the basic properties of a particular field. In this case, the mathematical apparatus may not reflect some properties of a particular field. Behind the external abstraction there is an ever-moving luminous Ether. Ether flows from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure. And when he moves from point A to point B, he can still remember Bernoulli’s law. If you manage to take advantage of the moment, you can get a “high” and recharge with energy. If you don’t have time or get hit by a powerful stream, then usually after that they say, poor guy was unlucky, that everything is God’s will.

If there are no processes that oppose the flow of Ether from point A to point B, then at the speed of light any pressure drops in the ethereal medium are equalized. But if there are processes that resist this, then the result is an eternal flow, such as that of any magnet, or flowing streams of Ether in all directions from a charged body, which we rub with a cloth that contains silicon. Over time, any magnet becomes demagnetized and the charged body discharges. But the whole point is that the energy spent on magnetizing a magnet is less than the work that it can then do. Also, the energy costs for electrification and obtaining high voltage are also less than the work that a charged body can then do. The energy that is released when bodies and flows collide head-on turns out to be many times less than the energy that can be removed through the skillful use of Bernoulli’s laws, if you stand on the side of these flows in advance and prepare “tackle” to catch the energy.

I recently received a letter:

When: 19 Mar at 11:58

Hello Vitaly Narimanovich!! In your article The Greatest Revolution in mechanics 2 dated July 22, 2012, Fig. 14, the Vlasov inertial propulsion device is described.

While browsing the Internet on the website (Visiting Samodelkin) I read an article by Alexander Bersenev Gravitational inertial engine or Who needs Antigravity

16.01.2018. There is a video of the model. There is a video on YouTube - Gravity is subject to us converteg. Thanks for your work. Sincerely, Tatarinov A.A.

The engine I propose looks schematically like this

Variant of the inertial propulsion system of V. Vlasov,
the shaft of which rotates at a constant frequency.

I won’t lie, it was nice that there was a person who believed my proposals and theoretical developments without formulas. As it turned out, a self-propelled stroller turns out to be quite fast, and the lifting force of two such movers with a radius of 0.5 meters and two loads of 1 kg each, with the correct selection of materials and the trajectory of the loads, can amount to 160 tons. And this is only with two loads, and in my original centrifugal propulsion unit there are 4 loads. This means that the thrust will be twice as large - 320 tons. If such a levitator (mechanical propulsion) and such an energy source as a Searle disk or a perpetual magnetic motor were added, then we would have been on Mars a long time ago. And they didn’t launch rockets that no one needed anymore. Such systems would radically change the appearance of the Russian army. And the lives of all of us, citizens of Russia. And not only.

The centrifugal field is interesting because when a body is forced to move in a circle, three streams of ether are created. One is a flow of ether carried away by the body, which rotates around the same axis around which the body rotates. In this field, the pressure of the Ether increases from the center to the periphery of the body, but then the further from the body, the power of this flow of Ether quickly decreases, much steeper than is the case with such a phenomenon as gravity. Within the boundaries of a rotating body, the power of the ether flow is high, which, with very rapid rotation, leads to the destruction of the body. The second stream is a stream of ether, which scatters from a rotating body in the radial direction. There is also a third flow, which moves from the periphery of the body along its surface to its center on both sides - it leaves the extreme edge of the body, where the speed of rotation of the body is maximum, and then moves along the surface of the body to its center, where the speed is zero. Then it enters the body to begin moving towards the periphery of the body. It looks like the third thread is part of the second thread. Power lines the first and second streams are orthogonal to each other, so they do not interact with each other. They don't see each other. But a person must see this in order to use it for a variety of purposes. In its simplest form, any flywheel is a source of additional energy.

I remember a letter from Ermola Andrei Andreevich. If anyone doesn’t know, let me remind you that he created a mechanical perpetual motion machine, in which a flywheel within a flywheel—a vortex within a vortex—plays a huge role. Ermola patented his invention under the name “Ermola Gearbox”. It turned out to be a beautiful thing, nothing superfluous, but it works like a beast, and turns the pressure on the end of the axis into rotation around this axis. The patent can be found here:

Just don’t be fooled by the fact that the gearbox is designed to convert high-speed rotation into a slower one. The man had to get a patent. So he was encrypted. Someone must have helped.

He is in a fit of patriotism after the start civil war in Ukraine (and he himself is from Kharkov) proposed using his perpetual motion machine in a situation of shortage of oil and gas. But I received an answer from the Poroshenko administration that Ukraine does not need the services of an inventor, but when oil and gas completely disappear, then you are welcome to visit us again. So Bersenev, the implementer of my idea, received a similar response from the administration of the President of Russia. Very sad. What kind of breakthrough can we talk about if Russia has been experiencing a chronic deficit in electricity generation for at least ten years now? Where is Putin calling us? Again he proposes, like Pavka Korchagin, to cut down the forest with his bare hands, so that later we will get sick incurable disease? Where are the ethereal energy generators, which are perpetual motion machines? There are no powerful ethereal generators in Russia yet. Looks like it won't be for long. So, good people, save yourself who can. And what can I do... As long as it exists on Earth slave system, there can be no talk of any admission of people to free energy. Unfortunately, our people are kind and too trusting, so they long ago turned him into a donkey and loaded him with hard work. To free yourself from slavery you need to study, study and study a lot. And this is the most hard labour- to cognize the divine etheric truth through its manifestations in the World around us. Many do not want to bother themselves with self-education; they live like birds of the air, who neither sow nor reap, but have their own grain. The price for such a life is eternal slavery.

The Searle effect is one of the ways to obtain energy without using fuel. The English inventor J.R.R. Searle (born in 1932) in the 1950s, based on the effect he discovered, built installations for generating electricity and flying. The electrical installation supplied his house with electricity for many years, despite the fact that the creation of a perpetual motion machine was declared impossible by the French Academy of Sciences about two hundred years ago, and this ban has not been lifted by science to this day. Apparently, the Searle effect generator (SEG) was the first such device of practical and long-term use.

There are many reports in the literature about the production of excess energy in experiments and installations, but currently only one installation, Testatika, is used to supply people with electricity. The physics of such devices is a scientific mystery, and this prevents the creation of reliably operating fuel-free energy sources for commercial use. Within the framework of the polarization approach, the existence of the latter does not contradict the laws of nature. Therefore, polarization physics should help the formation of a new energy technology - the creation polarizing energy sources. But the first thing that needs to be done is to understand the physics of how such energy sources work. And it’s advisable to start with unique installations Searle - hydroelectric power station and flying discs (FD). There is some experimental information and video materials about them. There are witnesses who observed them in the process of work and deny hints that this is a scam. Physical effects, accompanying the operation of installations, are so unusual that they pose a challenge to existing scientific ideas. And this challenge must be accepted and we must try to develop a theory of the Searle effect.

  • John Searle Generator

    ">John Searle Generator

  • John Searle Generator

    ">John Searle Generator
  • John Searle Generator

    ">John Searle Generator
  • John Searle Generator

    ">John Searle Generator
  • John Searle Generator

    ">John Searle Generator
  • John Searle Generator

    ">John Searle Generator
  • John Searle Generator

    ">John Searle Generator
  • John Searle Generator

    ">John Searle Generator
  • John Searle Generator

    ">John Searle Generator
  • John Searle Generator

    ">John Searle Generator

One of latest publications about J. Searle and his work was published by the magazine "Raum & Zeit" in 1989. The information contained in it will be used to construct a polarization model of the Searle effect.

Special mention should be made about the outstanding inventor John R.R. Searle, since he is little known to the general public and in scientific circles. Searle did not receive academic education and in his work he used the information obtained in his two childhood dreams, which were repeated twice a year 12 times each and which he interpreted in a special way. In some dreams he saw the composition of materials and mathematical formulas, which I didn’t understand, but wrote down. It is known that dreams have helped science more than once. It is possible that they helped in this case too.

From his youth, Searle began working as an electrician in the laboratory of the Birmingham power station, where he received permission to conduct independent experiments. With the help of sponsors, he managed to create magnets with an unusual composition and method of magnetization, using which, starting in 1952, he began to create sources of electricity and flying disks that did not consume fuel. In total, he created 41 disks, the largest of which had a diameter of 10 m, and learned to control their flight. In 1983, its steerable disc flew London-Cornwell-London, covering 600 km in three minutes.

The inventor tried to interest the British government (1963), English scientists (1967), and the US Army with his developments, but to no avail (“no one wanted to listen”). His presentations at conferences aroused great interest, but no one could understand why his amazing devices worked. The explanations given by Searle did not correspond to accepted physical concepts and therefore were not accepted. He remained a misunderstood loner, keeping his technological secrets.

In 1985, the local power plant accused him of not paying for the use of electricity he received from hydroelectric power plants for 30 years and presented him with a large bill, which he refused to pay and ended up in prison for 15 months. Upon leaving it, he found his house burned down and his laboratory destroyed. This happened in civilized England in our time.

Upon his release from prison, Searle still hoped to restore the destroyed equipment, which he reported to the magazine "Raum & Zeit" in 1989. However, news of his successes was not reported to the press. Now we can say: was there a boy? Inconvenient information is rejected and forgotten. But what J.Searl did is so unique and important that sooner or later an understanding of the operation of his devices will come. I would like to hope that this time is coming, and the question of the possibility of creating a “perpetuum mobile” becomes relevant scientific and technical problem, without whose permission the evolution destined by Nature Homo sapiens will not be able to complete.

Searle's flying disks had a diameter from 1 to 10 m and from 1 to 3 stator rings. The most famous was the controlled three-ring disk R-11 with a diameter of 3 m and a weight of 500 kg, which made a silent flight at an average speed of about Mach 10 along the London-Cornwell-London route. It was noted that at the starting point, grass and thick bushes were pulled out of the ground and lay drooping around the bare circle towards its center. The diagram of a three-ring disk is shown in the figure. The main elements of the disk are segmented magnets of ring stators, around which an equal number of magnetized rollers rotate. The R-11 had 548 rollers around each of the rings. According to Searle, for smooth rotation without vibration, the number of rollers must be at least 12, and their mass must be the same. The R-11 rollers had a mass of 67.6 g and a density of 4.8 g/cm 3 . The induction of Searle magnets at the poles was 0.05 Tesla. Hydroelectric power plants that generated radial current had a similar device. The voltage was removed using an electrode comb or a transformer. The table shows the electrical characteristics of the R-11.

Three-ring gyro-cell containing three sectors - A, IN And WITH. Experiments have shown that the weight of all sectors must be the same to guarantee stable operation.

The large number of roller magnets in Searle’s devices is due to the pattern he discovered that the critical speed of rotation of the rollers around the ring (And), at which the mode of self-accelerated rotation begins, decreases with an increase in the number of rollers to easily achievable values. In the process of self-propulsion of the rollers, a certain equilibrium state of rotation is achieved, to which these tables refer. This pattern allowed Searle to develop the automatic launch of hydroelectric power stations. He used a diesel engine to run the R-11.

The self-spin effect of the generators led to Searle losing six disks, which at some point rose up and disappeared at great speed in altitude. The first fugitive broke through the roof of the laboratory. This negative experience helped the inventor build “flightless” hydroelectric power stations and use them to power his home.

Electrical parameters of the R-11 disk and polarization models of a three-ring hydroelectric power station.

High-voltage LDs created a number of unusual effects. This can be seen in the example of the launch of a three-ring generator with a diameter of 0.9 m. Already at relatively low rotation speeds, a strong electric field arose, causing electrostatic effects on nearby objects, crunching noises, and the smell of ozone. Then suddenly, during acceleration, the generator rose to a height of approximately 50 feet (15 m), breaking the connection to the spin-up motor. The disk remained at this height for some time, during which it was surrounded by a pink glow, after which it flew upward. During the launch, radio receivers in the surrounding area turned off.

Searle's flying disc in flight

  • Searle's flying disc in flight

    ">Searle's flying disc in flight
  • Searle's flying disc in flight

    ">Searle's flying disc in flight

    Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

      ">Searle's Flying Disc Assembly
    • Assembling Searle's flying disk Assembling Searle's flying disk

    When examining the generator, it was discovered that a charged area forms inside and around it, and the air pressure in it decreases. With a power above 30 kW, air movement went from the generator outward, during internal zone the generator's candle flame went out. Searle also discovered a strong drop in temperature at and near the operating generator, increasing with increasing rotation speed (a similar effect is observed in some devices with excess energy balance, discussed in the next section).

    The following observations may also be noted:

    - objects located on the ring lost weight;

    - for a strontium-90 sample that was on the ring for 10 minutes, the rate of (3-decay;

    - with an overloaded generator, it turned out to be impossible to solder a wire to it.

    Searle believes that the generator has zero ohmic resistance. According to him, the service life of energy system elements (cables, wires, incandescent lamps) increases. An incandescent lamp, according to Searle, can last from 50 to 100 years. He noticed that the negative charge around the hydroelectric power station has a beneficial effect on health, and wounds and burns heal quickly.

    When the hydroelectric power station is overloaded, the rotation accelerates and can exceed the critical speed of its takeoff in a state of levitation; the temperature of the disk reaches 4 K.

    When developing a hydroelectric power station, the inventor encountered the problem of stopping it. It turned out that one of the ways to stop its operation is to irradiate the generator electromagnetic waves a certain frequency (which was accidentally discovered due to the proximity of a television camera that had the desired operating frequency).

March 13th, 2016

Another “secret” showing how long ago and clearly we could have reached qualitatively new levels of development, if not for the interests of the oil industry and other “powers of this world”.

Searle effect. John Searl
For four years in a row (from 1968 to 1972), every first Sunday of the month, John Searle's neighbors and random passers-by observed unexplained phenomena. In the hands of the professor, unusual generators came to life, rotated and generated energy; discs with a diameter of half a meter to 10 meters rose into the air and made controlled flights from London to Cornwall and back.

BBC television journalists began filming a documentary about unusual devices. It was shown on television. The result was unexpected: the local electricity committee accused John Searle of stealing electricity. Electricians did not believe that his laboratory was powered from its own source. The scientist was sent to prison for 10 months. During this time, a strange fire occurred in the laboratory, but even before it all the equipment, drawings and mysterious inventions disappeared. The scientist's wife left him. In 1983, 51-year-old John Searle left prison completely bankrupt. What would you do in his place? Searle started all over again. Perhaps the hardening received in childhood had an effect.

Trailer "The Story of John Searle's Magnetic Generator"

A clear example of how a generator works:

Field distribution in the Searle engine

Biography of John and full film BBC under the cut. I highly recommend


John Searle was born in 1932 in Great Britain in Berkshire. His childhood can hardly be called happy, at least in the traditional sense. There were no loving parents in this childhood; in fact, they were not there at all. In six years of official married life his father left the family seven times and paid no attention to his son at all. Mom suffered from mental disorders, tried to make ends meet and cared more about the device own life than about raising children.

At the age of four, John was placed under the care of the state by court order and moved to Dr. Barnardo's boarding school. Since childhood, he became a frequent visitor to hospitals, as he suffered from a rare disorder of the vestibular apparatus and hearing, which could not be cured. Because of this, Searle began to experience severe headaches in old age.

His childhood was full of religious dogma and few friends. None of his friends, to John’s great regret, could afford to defy the prohibitions and, having tied up all the sheets at hand, went down from the third floor of the locked boarding house to feel the taste of freedom.

But in his childhood there were dreams. Very strange dreams. He dreamed of numbers, they were combined into squares, and strictly in a certain way: so that the sums of numbers along horizontals, verticals and diagonals turn out to be equal. In mathematics, such squares are called magic squares. And in his dreams there was Electricity. The dreams returned again and again, but for the boy they were just beautiful pictures: he could not understand the images he saw. But I realized that I had to connect my life with electricity. Over time, such dreams began to come less frequently, but they greatly influenced him. inventive activity. For example, in 1993, after many years unsuccessful attempts to theoretically explain the experimental data, it was in a dream that Searle saw Pythagoras, who gave a simple and beautiful solution to his problem. This is how the famous law of squares was born.

Law of squares

In 1946, John Searle began to earn his own living: he got a job as an engineer repairing electric motors. It was then that he made a fundamental discovery of the nature of magnetism. He discovered that adding a small AC (~100 ma) radio frequency (~10 MHz) component to the manufacturing process of permanent ferrite magnets gave them new and unexpected properties. After a series of experiments with flat magnets, Searle made a ring magnet and several cylindrical ones. Having magnetized them in an open way, he placed cylindrical magnets on the outside of the ring one. In this case, a slight push on one of the cylinders caused all the cylinders to begin to move in a circle. And this movement did not stop.

Searle discovered that if the number of rollers around them is equal to some specific minimum number, then they begin to rotate on their own, increasing speed until they reach dynamic equilibrium.

His invention opened up access to a new, hitherto unknown method of obtaining energy. Without material costs for the process itself. But Searle was interested in something else: what do the installation parameters depend on? Why, with different sizes, different numbers of rollers, different materials and different magnetizations do not always reproduce the effect itself? He understood that there were some “successful combinations” of installation parameters, but could not find a key that would help him understand and calculate these combinations. There was one step left before the discovery of the law of squares.
Scheme of Searle's first experiments with magnetized bars and rollers

Replacing the rectangular bar with a ring magnet makes the movement of the rollers more natural

Classic circuit of a modern three-level Searle effect oscillator

Russian version of the John Searle generator - installation by S. M. Godin and V. V. Roshchin

During the experiment, up to 7 kW of electricity was obtained without external source power supply and a loss of up to 40% of the weight of the installation was observed

The first decisions and understandings came at night. Tense daytime thoughts were resolved in a dream, and unexpectedly: Searle saw the desired parameters of his installation, their numerical values ​​​​combined into tables like this one.

31 37 28 38
40 26 35 33
34 32 41 27
29 39 30 36

At first glance, this is an ordinary magic square: the sums of the numbers along the horizontals, verticals and diagonals are equal. But John Searle discovered that his “ordinary” magic squares had extraordinary properties. For the inquisitive gaze of the inventor and natural scientist, they became, as he himself says, “a window into nature.” Everything in nature is built on the strictest laws, the professor is convinced, but we don’t see them. We cannot see them because we received a standard education, which is why we are simply blind. Or put on blinders. Having filled our consciousness with stereotypes, we have lost the very ability to be surprised, to search impartially, and have stopped seeing. And we perceive reality not as it is, but as we were taught to perceive it.

Searle is convinced that his law of squares is not a discovery. On the contrary, it is a revival of the principles of ancient mathematics, which, according to him, are more than 5,000 years old. The law of squares, described in detail in the book by John Searle, is a visual form of expressing the patterns that exist in nature. It opens up to an unbiased researcher and requires, first of all, a decisive break with established concepts, views, and approaches. Many tried to reproduce Searle’s installations, but only a few succeeded: those who had the patience to understand the principles of operation of these installations, who were ready to say: “I know that I know nothing” - and were not afraid to part with stereotypes.

The law of squares cannot be explained in one article. But John Searle is ready to send his book to anyone who wants to understand it.


All his life, Searle dreamed of embodying the images and ideas that visited him in childhood. At first it was an ardent youthful interest, mixed with a craving for the unknown. Over time, it grew into the creative fire of a mature explorer. As the prototypes improved and the law of squares was comprehended, the contours of the Dream that had guided him since childhood became increasingly clearer. John Searle realized that he could be useful, that his talent belonged not so much to him as to those in need of his work.

Man today is too focused on consumption, too greedy for all kinds of benefits, the professor believes. And we are too dependent on energy sources, which are still not enough. The growing thirst for consumption leads to pollution of the planet, including as a result of burning petroleum products. And if the instinct of consumption is not so easy to overcome, then giving humanity an absolutely environmentally friendly source of energy is quite possible. This is how the idea of ​​SEG (Searl Effect Generator) was born - a generator based on the Searl effect.
"Nothing is impossible. Except what your state of consciousness makes it so."

In fact, John Searle simply equipped his system of self-propelled magnets with a converter of the energy of their movement into electrical energy. Rotating magnetic cylinders generated electric current in coils installed around the perimeter - everything was extremely simple. But in order for the generator to work as efficiently as possible, it was necessary to strictly adhere to the parameters calculated according to the law of squares. And this, in turn, required increasingly precise equipment. Machine tools, presses, equipment for magnetizing generator elements, and a vacuum chamber for working with neodymium powder and the base of magnetic rings began to appear in the laboratory. The scientist's modest home gradually turned into something between a laboratory and a workshop. But this workshop was completely autonomous: it was powered by Searle’s miracle generators.

Simultaneously with the experiments, research continued. The scientist discovered that when the rotation speed of the magnetic cylinders increases, the generator... loses weight. To investigate this effect, Searle made a separate disk-shaped generator and forcibly (using an external motor) spun it to high speed. The tests took place outdoors. To everyone’s surprise, the disk, continuing to spin, separated from the generator and quickly rose up 15 meters. A pink glow emanated from it; I could smell ozone. Suddenly, the radios around turned on. Meanwhile, the generator accelerated to even greater speed and soared sharply into the sky, disappearing from sight. It took Searle some time to learn how to operate what was later called an IGV (Inverse Gravity Vehicle). Despite the loss of several experimental disks that were not clear how to stop, John Searle later learned to control them in flight; The maximum controlled flight range is 600 kilometers!

The professor’s experiments were repeated in Russia, the USA and Taiwan. In Russia, for example, in 1999, a patent application for “devices for generating mechanical energy” was registered under No. 99122275/09. Vladimir Vitalievich Roshchin and Sergei Mikhailovich Godin, in fact, reproduced SEG and conducted a number of studies with it. The result was a statement: you can get 7 kW of electricity without costs; the rotating generator lost weight up to 40%. It would seem that we are standing on the threshold of a new energy sector and have almost crossed this threshold...

But it's not that simple.

The film about SEG and IGV, made by the BBC and shown on British television, cannot now be found in any archive. (Shall we look?) The equipment from Searle's first laboratory was taken to an unknown location while he was in prison. The installation of Godin and Roshchin simply disappeared; all publications about her, with the exception of the application for an invention, disappeared. Of course, one can blame everything on the energy monopolies, who do not want to lose income from oil, and the intelligence services, who are trying to turn all innovations into weapons, but this is probably just the tip of the iceberg. An iceberg of human consciousness that does not change overnight. In this sense, everything new must not only be born, but also pass the test of time and earn its right to exist. There must be those who will be ready to understand and accept, and not just use. And therefore like-minded people are always a hundred times more important than material support or public recognition.

Original taken from

It is, of course, impossible to make a perpetual motion machine. Such a device would simply contradict the laws of physics. However, as you know, there are a lot of various kinds free natural energy, which has long been successfully used by humanity for its own benefit. On this principle, for example, hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants, wind generators, etc. work. And perhaps there are other, still unexplored types of free energy in the world, the use of which can make human life on Earth even more comfortable and enjoyable.

Of course, many modern scientists and researchers have been and are looking for such sources. And as a fairly striking example of an invention that seemingly violates all known laws of physics, one can name Searle’s magnetic engine.

Researcher biography

English scientist John Searle was born in 1932 in Great Britain in the county of Berkshire. His childhood was difficult. The parents paid absolutely no attention to the boy. His father left the family and his mother suffered mental disorder. When Searle was 4 years old, the court ordered him to be taken away from his family and placed into state custody. The young man was subsequently unable to obtain an academic scientific education. And this, according to the scientist, became the basis of his out-of-the-box thinking and the ability to discover unusual mathematical models.

In 1946, Searle began earning his own living by working as an electric motor repair specialist. In the workshop, among other things, he also received permission to conduct independent experiments on the creation of magnets that were unusual in composition and production method and their use for the production of fuel-free sources of electricity. As Searle later explained, mathematical principle He saw the effects of his invention once in his childhood in a dream. At that time, the future researcher did not even understand the essence of his night vision. However, the next morning he still wrote down all the mathematical formulas he dreamed of.

As an adult, guided by his dreams, of which the researcher saw several, he created a device known today as the Searle engine. The characteristics of the first generators assembled by the scientist were not the same. The engines assembled by this researcher's team could have different power, properties and operating parameters. Such disks not only generated free electricity, but even flew. Of course, John Searle used his invention, including to electrify his own country house. This is what subsequently became the reason for the collapse of the business he started.

A local company that supplies electricity to the population accused the researcher of fraud and theft. As a result, John Searle was sent to prison for several months. When the inventor was released, he discovered that his house was burned down, the generators had disappeared, and the equipment from the laboratory had been taken to an unknown location.

Searle engine design

The exact circuit diagrams of this generator in its original version, unfortunately, has not been preserved. And John Searle himself, who is still alive today, does not give any explanations to the curious. However, the operating principle of such devices and some features of their design are still known and are freely available, including on the Internet.

What is the invention of the English researcher? The main design elements of the Searle engine are:

  • ring magnet is enough large diameter;
  • C-shaped electromagnet;
  • magnetic cylindrical small rollers.

The latter are located with outside ring magnet. When one roller moves, all the others begin to move. This is due to ordinary action magnetic forces. Rollers can be made, for example, from ferrite. Also suitable material Rare earth magnets and magnetic ceramics are considered for them.

You can move the rollers around at any speed. But at certain, very high values, these elements, according to Searle and some other researchers who confirm the veracity of his experiments, begin to rotate independently with acceleration until they reach dynamic equilibrium.

John Searle's first, built in 1952, reportedly resembled a large bearing and consisted of three rings with electromagnets mounted on the periphery. Each ring was divided into segments by insulating spaces.

Initially, as already mentioned, the researcher created his engines himself. So, for example, a query in a search engine “Searle/Shelton engine” or any other similar one will not yield absolutely no results. True, this English researcher used money from sponsors he found to build his generators. Later, the scientist, of course, also recruited his own team.

Operating principle of the Searle magnetic motor

Thus, this generator is able to function without any external influence indefinitely until he is stopped on purpose. That is, this engine, at first glance, violates all the laws of physics. However, there are many witnesses to the fact that this device is truly functional. The fact that Searle's generator actually functioned successfully was confirmed by the researcher's neighbors, his friends, relatives and even some random passers-by.

Of course, one can assume that this researcher is really a fraudster, and his generator once rotated only under the influence of some device hidden from prying eyes. However, the possibility of a magnetic motor operating is to some extent confirmed by science. IN currently, among other things, there is alternative polarization physics, according to which the endless rotation of rollers around an annular stator (which is the operating principle of the Searle magnetic motor) is a completely possible, explainable phenomenon and does not contradict the laws of nature. Currently, there is even a very real, functioning “Testatika” installation (which will be discussed later in the article), which works on this principle and is used to supply people with electricity.

Anti-gravity effect

While working on his generator, Searle, among other things, discovered one very interesting and unusual pattern. He noticed that with an increase in the number of videos, the parameters of the speed required to start independent work engine are decreasing. This discovery allowed Searle to eventually, among other things, develop a simple, cheap system for automatically starting a generator. For this purpose, the researcher used a conventional low-power diesel engine.

Searle also drew attention to the completely strange effect of his generator. It turned out that as the rotation speed of the rollers increases, the device begins to lose weight. In addition, under such conditions, the temperature inside the generator drops significantly and superconductivity occurs. As a result, the effect of self-propulsion of the rollers at a certain speed, which is given to them by a conventional diesel engine, led to the fact that the researcher simply lost about six of his disks.

According to Searle, at some point, his generators, instead of quietly generating free electricity, suddenly took off and flew away in an unknown direction at great speed. At the same time, the antigravity effect even intensified if the disk was loaded with something. To make sure of this completely, Searle placed heavy irons, pots of water, etc. on his devices.

Thus, experimentally, Searle also discovered the anti-gravity effect of the engine he created. Subsequently, the researcher and his group developed and built several such “UFOs” different sizes, which could be controlled from the ground. The most famous was the R-11 disk generator, which consisted of 3 magnetic rings and had a diameter of 3 m. It is this Searle engine that is presented to our reader in the photo below. This fantastic device flew from London to Cornwall and back in just a few minutes.

Side effects

The operation of Searle's engine in itself was something unusual, amazing and almost impossible. However, during the operation of such generators, it was also noticed that they caused strange phenomena in the environment. Eg:

  • at the launch site of R-11, grass and shrubs were left uprooted and laid towards the center of the circular imprint of the disk;
  • when the generator accelerated very strongly, a pink glow was observed around it;
  • at high engine speeds, radios in the vicinity were turned off;
  • even at low generator operating speeds, electrostatic phenomena occurred on surrounding objects;
  • Crunching noises could be heard near a running engine and the smell of ozone could be smelled:
  • Not only did the John Searle engine itself lose weight at high speeds of rotation of the rollers, but also any foreign objects installed on it, even the heaviest ones;

A special feature of such magnetic generators, among other things, was that injuries caused by accidental shock to the current they generated in people, unfortunately, took a very long time to heal.

Stop method

Unfortunately, there is no exact scientific basis for the operating principle of the Searle engine at the moment. However, the fact that such generators were once invented and assembled is indeed confirmed by many people. Searle's engines were spinning, as eyewitnesses note, simply at enormous speed and it was often difficult to stop them. Because of this, the researcher, in general, lost several of his flying disks. One of them, according to the scientist, flew up from the assembly site at tremendous speed, apparently straight into space.

Of course, Searle subsequently discovered a way to stop his engines. It happened completely by accident. The researcher simply began filming one of his generators with a television camera and noticed that the latter slowed down and then stopped altogether. As the scientist managed to find out, the reason for this was precisely the operation of the television camera, which emitted electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency. Searle later began to use this principle to deliberately automatically stop the disks he created.

Confirmation of the existence of the effect

The characteristics and description of the Searle engine given above allow us to judge it as a very useful device, certainly interesting, but also raising many questions. Disputes in scientific circles and on the Internet about whether the generators created by this English scientist actually worked continue to this day. Some researchers and curious people believe that the assembly and use of such installations is quite possible. Others believe that Searle is nothing more than a hoaxer misleading the public.

Judging by the description, Searle's engines actually had absolutely ordinary properties. It is possible, of course, that no flying magnetic roller disks ever existed, and the English researcher simply deceived the world in order to attract attention to himself, and also not pay for electricity. However, Searle's experiments were repeated, including by amateur enthusiasts and even serious scientists. Several such experiments were carried out in Russia.

In the 90s of the last century, for example, similar installation created and patented by domestic masters Roshchin and Gordin. However, soon the work on the production of such generators by these researchers was curtailed for unknown reasons. Only the results of the experiments of these specialists have been preserved. Roshchin and Gordin, according to available information, managed to create a generator that loses weight up to 40% and produces up to 7 kW of electricity without any external costs.

According to available information, domestic scientists also conducted experiments to recreate Searle’s “perpetual” engine. At University high temperatures RAS and OJSC NPO Energomash named after. Academician Glushko" was created experimental setup using rare earth magnets. It was called a converter. As a result, scientists found that as the Searle generator rotor rotated clockwise, the weight of the platform actually began to decrease (up to 50%). When rotating in reverse side its mass, on the contrary, increased.

The researchers also found that when the rollers reach a speed of 550 rpm, the rotor speed actually begins to increase spontaneously. However, at the same time, scientists were able to find out that when a load of more than 7 kW is connected, the Searle engine, unfortunately, exits the self-generation mode. Domestic experts also confirmed the presence of side effects accompanying engine operation - a pink glow and the smell of ozone.

The researchers also found that during its operation special magnetic walls appear around the converter, which coincide in vector with the field of the rollers. Beyond this limit, the air temperature inside the generator decreases, in comparison with the room temperature, by 6-8 degrees.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

There are videos, as well as tips from craftsmen who have tried to recreate John Searle's engine at home. Some researchers glued generator rollers, for example, from several flat magnets, wrapping them with a nylon gasket and putting an aluminum ring on each of them.

To make a magnetic ring stator when assembling a Searle engine with their own hands, craftsmen used ordinary Chinese permanent ring magnets 200x110x20 mm. Such elements were simply installed on top of each other. Next, the magnets were placed on a piece of plywood inside a metal sleeve and filled with epoxy. Also, according to the researchers, the stator of the Searle generator is easily manufactured and simply made of large quantity permanent disk magnets, which need to be placed in a ring of the required diameter. As some craftsmen note, the generators they assemble actually work and demonstrate the ability to self-spin and even form a cold zone.

One of the ways to assemble a Searle engine with a circuit is presented, for example, in the video below.

Working conditions

People who decide to make such an engine with their own hands, among other things, should have an idea of ​​the rules for assembling it. Such a generator will operate only when following conditions:

  • in the presence of at least two magnetic fields;
  • with the relative rotation of these fields or magnets;
  • in the presence of zones of rarefaction and contraction in the area of ​​interaction of magnetic fields;
  • if at least one of the two magnets is discrete.

A primary external impulse during the operation of any magnetic generators, including Searle, is a mandatory condition.

Bauman installation

A device with an operating principle similar to the Searle generator is currently used by members of the Methernita Christian community in Switzerland. For the past 30 years, this engine has been supplying energy in sufficient quantities to cover all the needs of the settlement. This machine was created by the head of the community P. Bauman. The diameter of the disks of this generator is 200 cm, and it produces about 30 kW of power.

Currently, this English researcher is not officially involved in assembling flying generators. This may be due to a lack of funding. Or maybe John Searle is still afraid of persecution from organizations representing the interests of modern energy companies. Moreover, the scientist is already venerable.

However, the researcher still has his own team of like-minded people and associates. In addition, the scientist collaborates with several American and Taiwanese laboratories, which are also engaged in the creation of SEG magnetic motors.

Searle's flying disks had a diameter from 1 to 10 m and from 1 to 3 stator rings. The most famous was the controlled three-ring disk R-11 with a diameter of 3 m and a weight of 500 kg, which made a silent flight at an average speed of about Mach 10 along the London-Cornwell-London route. It was noted that at the starting point, grass and thick bushes were pulled out of the ground and lay drooping around the bare circle towards its center. The diagram of a three-ring disk is shown in the figure. The main elements of the disk are segmented magnets of ring stators, around which an equal number of magnetized rollers rotate. The R-11 had 548 rollers around each of the rings. According to Searle, for smooth rotation without vibration, the number of rollers must be at least 12, and their mass must be the same. The R-11 rollers had a mass of 67.6 g and a density of 4.8 g/cm 3 . The induction of Searle magnets at the poles was 0.05 Tesla. Hydroelectric power plants that generated radial current had a similar device. The voltage was removed using an electrode comb or a transformer. The table shows the electrical characteristics of the R-11.

Three-ring gyro-cell containing three sectors A, IN And WITH. Experiments have shown that the weight of all sectors must be the same to guarantee stable operation.

The large number of roller magnets in Searle’s devices is due to the pattern he discovered that the critical speed of rotation of the rollers around the ring (And), at which the mode of self-accelerated rotation begins, decreases with an increase in the number of rollers to easily achievable values. In the process of self-propulsion of the rollers, a certain equilibrium state of rotation is achieved, to which these tables refer. This pattern allowed Searle to develop the automatic launch of hydroelectric power stations. He used a diesel engine to run the R-11.

The self-spin effect of the generators led to Searle losing six disks, which at some point rose up and disappeared at great speed in altitude. The first fugitive broke through the roof of the laboratory. This negative experience helped the inventor build “flightless” hydroelectric power stations and use them to power his home.

Electrical parameters of the R-11 disk and polarization models of a three-ring hydroelectric power station.

High-voltage LDs created a number of unusual effects. This can be seen in the example of the launch of a three-ring generator with a diameter of 0.9 m. Already at relatively low rotation speeds, a strong electric field arose, causing electrostatic effects on nearby objects, crunching noises, and the smell of ozone. Then suddenly, during acceleration, the generator rose to a height of approximately 50 feet (15 m), breaking the connection to the spin-up motor. The disk remained at this height for some time, during which it was surrounded by a pink glow, after which it flew upward. During the launch, radio receivers in the surrounding area turned off.

Searle's flying disc in flight

Searle's Flying Disc Assembly

When examining the generator, it was discovered that a charged area forms inside and around it, and the air pressure in it decreases. At a power above 30 kW, air moved outward from the generator, and the candle flame went out in the internal zone of the generator. Searle also discovered a strong drop in temperature at and near the operating generator, increasing with increasing rotation speed (a similar effect is observed in some devices with excess energy balance, discussed in the next section).

The following observations may also be noted:

— objects located on the ring lost weight;

— for a strontium-90 sample that was on the ring for 10 minutes, the rate of (3-decay;

— with an overloaded generator, it turned out to be impossible to solder a wire to it.

Searle believes that the generator has zero ohmic resistance. According to him, the service life of energy system elements (cables, wires, incandescent lamps) increases. An incandescent lamp, according to Searle, can last from 50 to 100 years. He noticed that the negative charge around the hydroelectric power station has a beneficial effect on health, and wounds and burns heal quickly.

When the hydroelectric power station is overloaded, the rotation accelerates and can exceed the critical speed of its takeoff in a state of levitation; the temperature of the disk reaches 4 K.

When developing a hydroelectric power station, the inventor encountered the problem of stopping it. It turned out that one of the ways to stop its operation is to irradiate the generator with electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency (which was accidentally discovered due to the proximity of a television camera that had the required operating frequency).