What is the 5th column in politics. Fifth column in Russia. What is a “fifth column”? Interference of foreign powers in the internal affairs of Russia

From Spanish: Quinta columna. It is generally accepted that this expression is from a radio speech (autumn, 1936) by the Spanish general Emilio Mola (1887-1937), who led the rebel offensive during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Dictionary winged words and expressions

FIFTH COLUMN- in the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of the agents of General Franco, acted in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During World War 2 the fifth column code name fascist... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

FIFTH COLUMN- “FIFTH COLUMN”, in the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of the agents of General Franco, acted in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels advanced on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the “fifth column” was the code name... encyclopedic Dictionary

Fifth column- in the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of the agents of General Franco, acted in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the “fifth column” was the conventional name for the fascist... ... Political science. Dictionary.

"FIFTH COLUMN"- the name of Franco’s agents operating in Spain. republic during the national revolutionary war 1936 39. The term P. k. arose in the beginning. Oct. 1936, when the Francoist gen. Mola announced on the radio that the rebels were attacking Madrid in four columns... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

fifth column- Name of Nazi agents in various countries, which carried out sabotage and espionage activities, sowed panic, engaged in sabotage and helped capture these countries German troops. The term fifth column first came into use in... Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

"Fifth column"- in the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of the agents of General Franco, acted in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During World War II, the “Fifth Column” was the conventional name for the fascist... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Fifth column- About traitors, traitors who are maintained by hostile states and used for espionage, sabotage and corruption of the spirit of the population of one or another warring country. In every country where Hitlerism had access, a spy service was created... ... Phrasebook Russian literary language

Fifth column- (“Fifth Column”) the name of the agents of General Franco operating in the Spanish Republic during the National revolutionary war 1936 39. The term “P.” To." arose in early October 1936, when Francoist General E. Mola declared... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Fifth column- Publ. Disapproved Secret agents of the enemy are spies, saboteurs, saboteurs, traitors. /i> Expression of the Francoist army general Emilio Mola, who announced during the attack on Madrid (1938) that in addition to four army columns he had in the city... ... Big dictionary Russian sayings


  • The fifth column of the Russian Empire From Freemasons to Revolutionaries, Shambarov V.. Traitors have existed in our country since time immemorial. We learned to cooperate fruitfully with such figures external enemies Russia, purposefully used them in wars and... Buy for 328 rubles
  • "Fifth Column" of the Russian Empire. From Freemasons to Revolutionaries, Valery Shambarov. Traitors have existed in our country since time immemorial. Russia’s external enemies learned to cooperate fruitfully with such figures, purposefully used them in wars and...
"Fifth Column" - that's what they call it internal enemies states that are ready, on orders from outside, to try to strike at the most unprotected place, or to gradually undermine society from within.

The history of the concept of "Fifth Column"

According to Wikipedia, during the reign of the odious dictator Mussolini, when the First World War was going on, he claimed to have a “fifth army” of German supporters in countries allied with the Entente.
Some researchers supposedly call the creator given expression Emilio Molu, a Spanish general who commanded Franco's entire army during the worst Spanish war Civil War throughout the history of the state.
According to unverified sources, during the capture of Madrid in 1936 year, he shared that in addition to four military columns, he also has a fifth column located in the city itself, which has the ability to effectively support the advancing troops.

Examples of using the expression "Fifth Column"

IN 2014 year 18 March 1st, when documents were signed on the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula to Russian Federation,the president Putin noted in his speech: " Some Western politicians they are trying to intimidate us not only with serious sanctions, but also with the emergence big problems within the country. I would like to understand what they mean? Some actions of national traitors, the “Fifth Column”, or maybe they are counting on the worsening economic situation state people will begin to show their discontent?"

"Representatives of the liberal opposition, or as they are rightly called the “Fifth Column,” are currently waging a systematic and targeted campaign to discredit the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, Lugansk and Donetsk people's republics and values ​​of the entire Russian world. For this reason, there are regular injections into information space, to which we need to react firmly."

"If at first the Fifth Column preferred to speak out in a peaceful manner, today it has revealed its true face to us and has actually begun to conduct subversive activities without hiding. There is no need for the Fifth Column to participate in direct armed conflicts against the Russian state. The fact that the enemies control almost all media".

Spanish Civil War

The fighting took place from 1936 year and ended in April 1939 year. The war was between the Conservatives, led by General Franco, and the Republicans, who represented the “left” Popular Front.If the first ones were supported only fascist Germany and Italy, but the second - everything is progressive global community including the USSR.

During this war, Franco's soldiers shot approximately 75 thousand of their enemies, and the Republicans executed about fifty thousand people. In the battles, according to researchers, about two hundred thousand soldiers died and 25 thousands of non-combatants died of starvation. General Franco was able to win this war.

What is the Fifth Column video

As main force country that organizes and controls vital changes in society, acts government. In an effort to increase the well-being of the state, the president and government are developing the economy, increasing social norms life of the population, increasing the country's defense capability and raising the image of the state in the world. But there are also such political and public organizations, which in society is usually called simply “5th column”. What is it, how are such associations born, and who is behind them? We'll tell you in this article.

Where did the term “5th Column” come from?

Fifth column - organization or individual which seeks, through its actions or statements, to change the existing political system countries.

Exist three variants of the appearance of this term:

  • General Mola. In 1936, civil war breaks out on the Iberian Peninsula. The reasons for the enmity are the dissatisfaction of part of the Spanish population with the king's reforms and the growth of the idea of ​​nationalism. The Republicans, led by a general, are laying siege to Madrid. In a radio message to the citizens of the capital, Emilio Mola threatens that in addition to a well-armed army consisting of four columns, he has his own “ fifth column, which at the most opportune moment will destabilize the situation and strike the king’s troops from the rear.”
  • Table. By the power of imagination, the state system is presented in the form of a table that confidently stands on four massive legs - columns. The country is developing successfully and feels comfortable, but at a certain moment the situation is shaken with the help of radical associations: parties, organizations, etc. associations. In the design of the “table,” a fifth leg appears, that is, a column, which becomes redundant.
  • Play. In 1938, Ernest Hemingway completes his play The Fifth Column, which describes the events of the Spanish Civil War.

5th column in Russia

The Russian Constitution states: none of those existing in the world political ideologies does not have mandatory or national status. From many currents political system, in our country there are de facto two directions:

  • National patriotism. Right now in State Duma this ideology dominates. The principles are simple: a large percentage of budget money is invested in domestic production and the development of science. Entrepreneurial activity welcome, but key economic sectors remain under state control.
  • Liberalism. In this model, the state withdraws as much as possible from influencing the country’s economy and controls the protection of human rights and guarantees free enterprise.

It is behind some political parties or famous personalities who position themselves as liberals, hide a threat in the form of a fifth column:

  • Parties and social movements . Traditionally, these are “Yabloko”, “Union of Right Forces”, “People’s Democratic Union”, “Other Russia”.
  • Public figures. Irina Khakamada, Gennady Gudkov, Ilya Ponamarev, Mikhail Kasyanov, Alexey Navalny. You can also add to this list famous figures culture and former athletes.

Fifth Column Goals

In any country that has real geopolitical significance in the world community, the so-called “fifth column” has been introduced. The goals of such associations:

  • Change of power. We have seen something similar in countries South America and Asia. People who give up come to power national interests state to a third party, and the promised economic transformation not happening.
  • Weakening economy. The weakening of situations occurs in order to weaken the economy of a particular state. While the government is engaged in protests and riots, the country that has caused a collapse in the competitor’s camp occupies a vacated economic niche in other countries.

The list may also include other goals: interethnic or religious hatred, degradation of society, attempts to dismember the country.

Financing and organization: who is behind the 5th column?

Who is behind the group of people who are playing a propaganda game on the territory of the state and shaking the situation in the country? Without going to extremes, there are two main sources:

  • Intelligence services of another country. Everything is simple here. A separate state introduces its agents of influence into a certain country who are engaged in subversive activities: television channels and newspapers are organized, political parties that discriminate against the existing government.
  • Former government. The situation is very confusing and dangerous: political elite, which seeks to change the movement cash flows in his own direction, engages in sabotage in the corridors of power. Hence the failures in the country's development reforms. Such werewolves are difficult to identify, so the most important government posts you need to install time-tested patriots.

5th column and constructive opposition: main differences

Of course, not all liberal and national democratic movements can be called a fifth column. There are many forces in the country that strive to be useful to the country:

  • Criticism. Representatives of the fifth column only criticize; the constructive opposition offers its own options for the country's development.
  • Power. While agents representing the interests of another state strive for power, true patriots work together with the government.
  • National interests. The opposition, even if its views on solving the problem differ from the options proposed by the authorities, always defend the national interests of the country.

Behind the destabilization of the situation in the state and the attempt to change power is the 5th column. What it is, you have now found out for yourself.

In any civilized country, which undoubtedly includes our country, the alternative to creating unrest on city streets is the procedure of democratic elections. This must always be remembered, and in order to maintain a healthy situation in society, one should not succumb to the provocative calls of representatives of the 5th column.

Video about the fifth column

In this video, Nikolai Starikov will tell you what the fifth column is and how it appeared in Spain:

From Spanish: Quinta columna. It is generally accepted that this expression is from a radio speech (autumn, 1936) by the Spanish general Emilio Mola (1887-1937), who led the rebel offensive during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Dictionary of popular words and expressions

In the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of General Franco's agents operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the fifth column was the conventional name for the fascist... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- “FIFTH COLUMN”, in the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of the agents of General Franco, acted in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels advanced on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the “fifth column” was the code name... encyclopedic Dictionary

In the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of General Franco's agents operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During the 2nd World War, the “fifth column” was the conventional name for the fascist... ... Political science. Dictionary.

The name of Franco's agency operating in Spain. republic during the national revolutionary war 1936 39. The term P. k. arose in the beginning. Oct. 1936, when the Francoist gen. Mola announced on the radio that the rebels were attacking Madrid in four columns... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

fifth column- The name of Nazi agents in various countries, which carried out sabotage and espionage activities, sowed panic, engaged in sabotage and helped the capture of these countries by German troops. The term fifth column first came into use in... Encyclopedia of the Third Reich

In the Spanish Republic during the war of 1936 39 the name of General Franco's agents operated in the rear, while 4 columns of fascist rebels were advancing on Madrid. During World War II, the “Fifth Column” was the conventional name for the fascist... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Fifth column- About traitors, traitors who are maintained by hostile states and used for espionage, sabotage and corruption of the spirit of the population of one or another warring country. In every country where Hitlerism had access, a spy service was created... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

- (“Fifth Column”) the name of General Franco’s agents operating in the Spanish Republic during the National Revolutionary War of 1936 39. The term “P. To." arose in early October 1936, when Francoist General E. Mola declared... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Publ. Disapproved Secret agents of the enemy are spies, saboteurs, saboteurs, traitors. /i> Expression of the Francoist army general Emilio Mola, who announced during the attack on Madrid (1938) that in addition to four army columns he had in the city... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings


  • The fifth column of the Russian Empire From Freemasons to Revolutionaries, Shambarov V.. Traitors have existed in our country since time immemorial. Russia’s external enemies learned to cooperate fruitfully with such figures, purposefully used them in wars and...
  • "Fifth Column" of the Russian Empire. From Freemasons to Revolutionaries, Valery Shambarov. Traitors have existed in our country since time immemorial. Russia’s external enemies learned to cooperate fruitfully with such figures, purposefully used them in wars and...
The fifth column is secret, conspiratorial enemies, ready at any opportune moment to strike from the “rear” or, undermining the enemy’s forces, to do evil and harm on the sly
The origin of the expression is unclear. Wikipedia elevates its author to Mussolini, who, even during the First World War, allegedly asserted the existence of a certain “fifth army” of German adherents in the Entente countries.
Another creator of phraseology is the Spanish general Emilio Mola, who led Franco’s army during the Spanish Civil War. It seems that in 1936, during an attempt to capture Madrid, he declared that in addition to the “official” four military columns, he had at his disposal a fifth - in the city itself, which also had the ability to support the offensive.

Examples of the use of the concept “Fifth Column”

“Ekaterinburg, the capital of the Urals and the center of the fifth column in Russia, continues to delight us with news. Thus, in the stronghold of the white-ribbon opposition from science - the Ural Federal University, immediately after the anti-Russian speeches of Professor Inozemtsev, supported by the rector of URFU Koksharov, the adherent of the liberal traitors Venediktov spoke out"

“On March 18 of this year, on the day of signing the documents on the annexation of Crimea to Russia, President Putin countered the statements and reactions of Western politicians: “Some Western politicians are already threatening us not only with sanctions, but also with the prospect of aggravation internal problems. I would like to know: what do they mean? The actions of a certain “fifth column” various kinds national traitors or are they counting on being able to worsen the socio-economic situation in Russia and thereby provoke people’s discontent?!”

“Representatives of the so-called Russian “opposition” (or “fifth column”) today are conducting a targeted and systematic campaign to discredit foreign policy Russia, the leaders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, the values ​​of the Russian World. For this purpose, information is constantly being thrown into the information space. whole line new statements that cannot be ignored.”

“If initially the “fifth column” controlled by the West was limited primarily to peacekeeping statements, then Lately she finally threw off her masks and actually opened a second, subversive front on the territory of the Russian Federation.
It is not necessary for representatives of the “fifth column” to participate in direct armed actions against Russian authorities. It is enough that the “fifth column”: firstly, largely controls the Russian information space; secondly, using the influence of media persons in her orbit, she influences public opinion.”

Spanish Civil War

Lasted from July 1936 to April 1939. The Republicans representing the “left” Popular Front and the “conservatives” of General Franco opposed each other. The former were supported by all world democratic forces, including the USSR, the latter by fascist Italy and Germany. The war, naturally, was accompanied by all sorts of atrocities committed by both sides. The Frankists shot about 75 thousand enemies, the Republicans - about 50,000. 200,000 soldiers died in battle. 25,000 civilians - from hunger. The war ended with the victory of Franco's army.