What will happen on April 3rd? What can be done

The first quarter of the waxing Moon is a time of increased activity and increased energy in the surrounding world. Strength and energy are gradually increasing, so the planned activities during the first quarter will be successful and fruitful. It is recommended to begin their implementation during the current lunar period, since there are all the prerequisites for successful completion.

The time of the first quarter is ideal for solving work and business issues, starting new projects and changing activities. Now is the time to think about implementing changes in your life.

Suitable period for monetary transactions. By manipulating small amounts, you can achieve good results, even by investing in projects that are questionable.

However, the energy of the waxing Moon is quite unstable, which may affect meetings and events. Now you shouldn’t communicate a lot, as there is a possibility of conflicts. For the same reason, postpone dates or spend time in a quiet and secluded atmosphere that puts you in a peaceful mood.

First quarter of the waxing moon - favorable period to take care of yourself and your health. At this time, you can begin a course of cosmetic cleansing procedures or switch to healthy image life. During this period there will be enough energy to start sports activities and moderate loads.

Positive influence of the first quarter of the waxing Moon:

  • there will be enough energy in this lunar period both for planning and for implementing any business;
  • time is right for implementation complex projects and undertakings in the business and domestic spheres;
  • you can make changes - in the field of activity or change your place of work;
  • small investments and investments at this time will bring income;
  • a suitable period for cosmetic procedures and sports activities.

Negative influence of the first quarter of the waxing Moon:

  • The energy of the period is quite unstable, which can lead to conflicts. At this time, it is better to limit communication with both business partners and loved ones;
  • inappropriate day for events, meetings and dates;
  • The first quarter of the waxing Moon is not favorable for operations and medical interventions - wounds do not heal well and can cause complications.

Moon in Cancer

A day of peace, relaxation and meditation. It's worth taking care of yourself, your inner world. Useful: reflection, contemplation and memories. But you need to keep your emotions in check and not give in to despondency. Complete loneliness or communication only with family and friends will bring special pleasure. Housework or shopping to create comfort will bring not so much benefit as joy and relaxation. Automotive training, meditation, relaxation near a body of water will help you immerse yourself, understand life, find the strength and desire to move on and reach new heights.

The influence of the lunar day

7th lunar day

There is enough energy accumulated in the world around us to get what we want. Any activity will be successful, both at work and at home. It's time to talk to your boss about new responsibilities or a promotion, because now you can handle everything.

The day is suitable for learning and communication, making new business connections and just getting to know people. nice people. In the future they will bring only positive results.

Neutral time to resolve money issues. Today you shouldn’t make big unplanned purchases, but you shouldn’t refuse small expenses either.

Positive influence of the 7th lunar day and to communicate with loved ones. On this day, dates will be pleasant and reconciliations will be sincere.

Physically, the body is full of strength and energy, so today there is no need to deny yourself some exercise. Sports activities will be very useful. There are also no restrictions on food, alcohol and sex.

Influence of the day of the week


Monday is under the auspices of the most feminine and mysterious night luminary - the Moon. The constant satellite of the Earth embodies feminine The universe is the patron saint of women and children.

The Moon gives the day emotional instability, as well as indecisiveness and softness, making Monday an unreliable and truly unpredictable day.

Ideally, the first day of the week should be devoted to rest, easy communication and reflections. To strengthen the connection with the lunar body meditation practices Today it is better to practice near an open body of water.

Use your intuition

Monday is not called a hard day for nothing, but not because it marks the beginning work week. It is today that a person experiences dramatic mood swings, which is why he can do amazing and sometimes unpredictable things.

On the first day of the week, it is advisable to refuse drastic changes or participation in risky ventures. Under the influence of unstable lunar energies Any undertaking today is equally likely to bring great success in the future or turn into a complete failure.

Almost closed on Monday logical thinking, but people who know how to use their intuition can be incredibly lucky.

What can be done

Monday good point for networking and searching, for example, new job or business partner. Don't start it on Monday general cleaning, but you can start mastering new culinary recipes and please your household or unexpected guests.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 04/1/2017 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Characteristics of the Moon on April 3, 2017

On the date 03.04.2017 V 12:00 The moon is in phase “First quarter (starts on 04/03/2017 at 21:41)”. This 8 lunar day V lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Cancer ♋. Illumination percentage Moon is 45%. Sunrise Moon at 10:12, and sunset at 01:56.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 7th lunar day from 09:19 04/02/2017 to 10:12 04/03/2017
  • 8th lunar day from 10:12 04/03/2017 until the next day

Moon influence April 3, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer (±)

Moon in a sign Cancer. A time of unhurried stability. Ideal for well-functioning enterprises engaged in monotonous production. Businesses related to antiques and jurisprudence are also doing well. Initiated by you at this time trial should end as beneficially as possible for you.

You need to be more careful about lending and lending money. There is a possibility that you will have to wait a very long time for their return. Since at this time it increases emotional sensitivity, you should be more tactful and attentive to your loved ones, this will only benefit you.

For the development of spiritual powers, auto-training, meditation practices and the development of extrasensory sensitivity are useful. To avoid unpleasant consequences, careful handling of metal objects and fire is required.

8th lunar day (±)

April 3, 2017 at 12:00 - 8 lunar day. Quite a difficult day for communicating with colleagues or partners. Old unfinished tasks tend to pop up on this day and take up more energy and time than ever before.

The day is good for traveling, traveling, moving to a new place. New cases planned for this time require more thorough study and serious preparation.

First quarter (+)

The moon is in phase First quarter. The most favorable time for various kinds beginnings. Any business, the implementation of which began with the growth of the Moon, acquires additional impetus and energy for its development.

In medical terms, the effect of the growth of the lunar disc is somewhat negative, since the healing rate of damaged tissue slows down, which can lead to some complications.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Monday, this day is ruled by the “night Sun” - the Moon. It is called a hard day not at all because it immediately follows a relaxing weekend. On this day we are overwhelmed with emotions. Therefore, successes alternate with failures, successes with defeats. Everything becomes unreliable, relative. To the point that true friends can let you down, and enemies... help.

On Monday, astrologers advise relying only on your intuition in everything, since the arguments of reason do not work on this day. Business agreements concluded on this day, as well as heartfelt victories, may turn into shaky uncertainty tomorrow.

However, all the pitfalls and obstacles of Monday can be avoided by those who “feel in their hearts” what needs to be done. Those who trust their intuition, as a rule, achieve success on this day.

And those who put off some important things until Monday are forced to redo everything later, since the mind has no power over Monday.

What is known about the largest terrorist attack in the history of the city

An explosion occurred on the blue line of the St. Petersburg metro. 14 people were killed and 62 passengers were injured. Three days of mourning were declared in the city. Vladimir Putin called the terrorist attack the priority version of what happened. Political scientists predict tightening the screws as a reaction from the authorities

Photo: Anton Vaganov / Reuters

An explosion in the St. Petersburg metro occurred on the stretch between stations " Institute of Technology" and "Sennaya Square" at about 14:40, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) told RBC. ​According to intelligence agencies, we're talking about about an unidentified explosive device.

Within an hour of the explosion, city authorities closed all city metro stations. The explosive device “was left” in the carriage under the seat, Interfax reported, citing a source. The power of the bomb was up to 500 g in TNT equivalent, and was used as a destructive element, RBC’s source in law enforcement agencies said. According to him, the special services are studying the “extremist trail.” Later, the National Anti-Terrorism Committee reported that another bomb was discovered on “Uprising Square”. The device, which was neutralized by sappers, was disguised as a fire extinguisher, its TNT equivalent.

The explosion came “from under the floor,” one of the eyewitnesses told the radio station “Moscow Speaks”: “The hatch opposite the door was knocked out. There was smoke, dust, and a very strong burning smell. We arrived at the Tekhnologichesky Institute station, and everyone got out of the car.”

Vulnerable object

“Not a single metro - neither Moscow, nor St. Petersburg, nor Paris - has the technical means to prevent a terrorist attack. Moreover, the set technical means Ours is very limited: these are metal detectors, random checks of police and private security companies and panic buttons. This whole set is more for illustrative purposes. We are told that it seems safe here, although in reality it is not. These are billions thrown away,” says Alexey Filatov, vice-president of the Alpha anti-terror unit veterans’ association.

“Any infrastructure has vulnerable elements from a security point of view. In the metro we can name a huge number of objects that cannot be technically secured,” commented RBC former boss Center for Public Relations (PSC) of the FSB Alexander Mikhailov. According to him, metal detector frames and magnetic detectors in in public places cannot solve their problems: “During peak hours when large quantities people it is impossible to track. When the crowd moves, it all rings.” In addition, you can carry an explosive device into an object where there is no technical equipment it is not provided for safety, for example, on a bus or trolleybus, Mikhailov pointed out. Therefore, according to him, anti-terrorism measures should focus not on the security of facilities, but on operational work.

“But here too we are faced with a huge number of dead zones, when potential terrorists are not in sight law enforcement, because they are not connected with the structures that are under their control,” Mikhailov said. Since Russia is dealing with big amount threats, “have to come from a very wide range assumptions about who could carry out such an act, from a lone psychopath to groups associated with the Islamic State banned in Russia, argues former head DSP FSB.

As Filatov told RBC, one of these dead zones is the “method of visual identification of criminals,” which is actively used, for example, in Israel. “We don’t have this system, but we are trying to copy it and entrust this work to untrained people. Of course, no ordinary policeman can guess by his eyes or gait whether a person is about to commit a crime. Most often the opportunity spot check leads to police pulling people out Caucasian nationality from the crowd to mock, but not in any way resist terrorist manifestations,” noted the Alpha veteran. — We need to work at more distant approaches: where terrorists train, where they acquire explosive devices, rented apartments, where they are preparing to become martyrs. What if a person already has an explosive device and is looking for a place large cluster people, he will find it without difficulty.”

Extremist trail

IN Lately monitoring groups did not record the activity of Islamist formations in St. Petersburg, the head of Russian representative office International Crisis Group Ekaterina Sokiryanskaya. According to her, the last high-profile incident related to terrorist groups occurred in the city in August last year. Then as a result of a special operation. But this had nothing to do with the Islamic State banned in Russia, Sokiryanskaya points out, noting that it is too early to draw conclusions about the causes of the explosions in the metro.

There were no signs of an increase in Islamist crime in St. Petersburg, but the terrorist attack may have nothing to do with it, Alexander Verkhovsky, director of the SOVA information and analytical center, commented to RBC: “Most likely, these people are simply not local.”

Any big cities Russia may become a target for terrorists associated with the Islamist underground, believes Chief Editor Internet publication "Caucasian Knot" Grigory Shvedov. According to him, this was the case, for example. “But the choice of St. Petersburg here is not accidental. The goal of terrorists is always to attract Special attention, and in in this case St. Petersburg is certainly an understandable choice,” says the editor-in-chief of the Caucasian Knot, noting that the president came to the city on the day of the terrorist attack. “The perpetrators of terrorist attacks are often motivated by the fate of their relatives who were persecuted. Many are motivated by Islamic State propaganda, which is often based on real facts oppression of believers - for example, in Dagestan many mosques were closed, one was even burned,” Shvedov noted.

The recent terrorist attack was as symbolic as the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, political scientist and orientalist Alexey Malashenko told RBC. “And this is already a kind of trend. Here she is - main strength, here she is - Putin’s support. And this is how we dealt with her,” the political scientist explained. According to him, in this way terrorists get rid of the status of bandits and achieve the fact that they are perceived as a powerful paramilitary group. “If the current St. Petersburg impulse comes from the same public, you need to be prepared for any surprises,” the expert noted. " The general trend 2013-2016 there was a decrease [in terrorist activity]. Terrorist attacks were quite frequent, but they could not be perceived as a system. Some, including me, expected that something would happen again. So far everything is going towards this,” Malashenko noted.

How much does security cost in the St. Petersburg metro?

Since 2015, contracts worth at least 1.3 billion rubles have been signed to ensure the safety of the St. Petersburg metro, RBC calculated based on government procurement data. These funds were used to install and repair video surveillance systems, purchase equipment for screening passengers and pay for the services of employees from private security companies.

According to information posted on the government procurement website, the largest security-related contract of the State Unitary Enterprise “Petersburg Metro” over the past three years was concluded in 2015 with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “UVO of the Ministry of Transport of Russia”; its amount amounted to almost 357 million rubles.

The Departmental Security Department of the Ministry of Transport received other large contracts related to metro security in St. Petersburg. Thus, in December 2015, an agreement for 111.8 million rubles was concluded with him for “the provision of services for security and response to the preparation or commission of an act of unlawful interference,” and in June 2016 - for 107.7 million rubles.

At the same time, the St. Petersburg Metro also enters into contracts with private security organizations - in March 2016, the Combat Security company received a contract for 12.2 million rubles, the subject of the contract is “Security Services”.

A contract for 1.7 million rubles was signed in December 2015 to equip escalators at the Sennaya Ploshchad station with a video surveillance system. Separate contracts for carrying out work to ensure safety at the Technological Institute station in last years were not concluded.

IN total Since 2015, the State Unitary Enterprise “Petersburg Metro” has concluded contracts related to security for at least 1.3 billion rubles.

Coming tightening

The tragedy in the metro greatly changes the political reality, political scientist Nikolai Mironov commented to RBC. “From talking about discontent and problems [in connection with] we will move on to talking about security, and in this field the authorities feel more confident,” he argues. “Such events are more likely to unite society.” I think there will be another strengthening of security measures, although this is happening all the time.” A terrorist attack right during the president’s speech in the city center is an “action of intimidation and a postcard” from terrorists to the authorities that no security measures can stop them, the expert is sure.

Using terrorist attacks to tighten the screws - domestic tradition, therefore, such a development of events cannot be ruled out, political scientist Abbas Gallyamov told RBC. In his opinion, in political sense There are two types of reactions to a terrorist attack. The first is “let’s put aside differences and rally around the authorities, and anyone who is against is a national traitor.” The second reaction is dissatisfaction with the authorities who allowed the terrorist attack. “It is clear that the Kremlin will now do everything to suppress the second type of reaction. To do this, he will most likely maximize the first,” the political scientist argues. “Even if the Kremlin does not do this, there will be a lot of people in the country who want to demonstrate their loyalty to the authorities, so calls for tightening the screws cannot be avoided.”

Political scientist Konstantin Kalachev, on the contrary, believes that the topic of reviving the threat of terrorism is disadvantageous for the authorities, since it will raise questions about the effectiveness of the country's leadership in preventing terrorist attacks, which was the main topic of Putin's first presidential term.

15 people and the suicide bomber himself were killed, and several dozen were injured. 10 people suffered serious health damage, 25 people suffered moderate health damage, and 31 people suffered minor health damage.

After the explosion, the driver did not stop the damaged train in the smoke-filled tunnel and. This made it possible to immediately begin evacuation and assistance to the victims, which saved the lives of hundreds of people.

After the terrorist attack, go to the scene as directed by the leader Operational headquarters The National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) sent forces and resources from the operational response units of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Guard and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

One of the first to arrive was the fire and rescue units of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, who, in the shortest possible time, together with ambulance crews medical care organized assistance and evacuation of metro passengers. In total, more than 1.2 thousand people were evacuated. To transport victims to medical institutions cities deployed a Ka-32 helicopter from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Medical teams from the All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (VTsERM) worked together with rescuers at metro stations. Total to eliminate the consequences emergency attracted more than 1,000 people and about 300 pieces of equipment, including more than 300 people and 40 pieces of equipment from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The work of the metro in St. Petersburg was temporarily suspended. To provide transport services, the city authorities additionally deployed five ground routes duplicating the metro lines, using more than 160 buses.

To inform the population about the incident, rules of conduct, as well as the operating mode of ground public transport and the imposed traffic restrictions on the streets of St. Petersburg, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia used the terminal complexes of the all-Russian public information and warning system.

On the morning of April 4, 2017, the St. Petersburg metro resumed work in in full. However, according to information from the administration of the governor of St. Petersburg, the movement of backup buses on route 2M continued until 10 a.m. (60 buses, from the Petrogradskaya station to the Moskovskaya station). Strengthened and modified urban electric transport routes.

For their actions after the explosion, several employees of the St. Petersburg metro, including an electric train driver, received a medal “For saving the dead.” Three of them were also awarded badge "Honorary worker transport of the Russian Federation".

Immediately after the explosion in the St. Petersburg metro, the Main Directorate for Investigation of Particularly Important Criminal Cases Investigative Committee Russian Federation a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime under Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (terrorist act).

During the investigation, another unexploded explosive device was planted at the Ploshchad Vosstaniya metro station. On April 3, a station inspector at the metro control service discovered an ownerless black bag in the station lobby near the escalator at the transition to the Mayakovskaya station. A message about this was received by the duty station of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region at 14.30. All passengers were evacuated and the station was closed. As a result of an inspection of explosives, the bag contained a homemade explosive device consisting of a metal casing, TNT total mass more than one kilogram, a detonator and destructive elements - metal balls.

The homemade bomb was a car fire extinguisher. The explosive device was defused on the spot.

According to the Investigative Committee, the perpetrator of the terrorist attack was a native of Kyrgyzstan, Akbarzhon Jalilov, born in 1995. Based on the examination and recordings from CCTV cameras, it was established that the bag was left at the station by the same person who caused the explosion in the carriage.

According to media reports, Jalilov is a citizen of Russia, an Uzbek by nationality, until 2011. He did not receive a Kyrgyz passport because he came of age in Russia, where his family had moved. Subsequently, Jalilov's parents returned to their homeland.

In total, 11 people were arrested in connection with the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro: Abror and Akram Azimov, Seifulla Khakimov, Dilmurad Muidinov, Sodik Ortikov, Azamjon Makhmudov, Mahamadyusuf Mirzaalimov, Bahram Ergashev, Ibragim Ermatov, Shohista Karimova, Mukhamadyusup Ermatov.

The investigation considers Abror Azimov to be one of the organizers of the terrorist attack. , his brother, Akram Azimov, received money in Turkey to carry out a terrorist attack from an active member of an international terrorist group, and then transferred it to the suicide bomber. In addition, as the investigation reported, he falsified documents so that terrorists could use them to come to Russia.

The suicide bomber, his accomplices and a foreign curator used the Telegram messenger to coordinate their actions. In mid-October 2017, the magistrate court for refusing to provide the FSB with information to decode messages from those accused of a terrorist attack.

In March 2018, employees of the FSB department for Kaliningrad region on the detention of a member of the terrorist community "Jamaat at-Tawhid wal-Jihad" *, who is structural unit international terrorist organization banned on the territory of Russia" Islamic State"*. It is noted that operatives have established connections between the attacker and the leader of a terrorist organization, who is involved in the explosion in the St. Petersburg metro and is now on the international wanted list.

Currently, investigators continue to establish all the circumstances of the terrorist attack. The necessary examinations are being carried out, the connections of the persons involved in the criminal case are being worked out.

*Terrorist group banned in Russia

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Are you interested in what was the weather like in Moscow on April 3, 2017? The portal daily monitors the weather in different parts of the planet and has the most accurate weather archive in Moscow for every day.

On this page we will tell you about what was the temperature in Moscow on April 3, 2017 what was it like humidity and Atmosphere pressure on this day, and also wind speed and direction. We paid special attention to weather records - in this subsection we give minimum and maximum air temperatures in Moscow for April 3.

What was the weather like in Moscow on April 3, 2017?

Air temperature in Moscow on April 3, 2017

As ours shows, the average air temperature on April 3, 2017 in Moscow was +2.1°C. The minimum temperature turned out to be 0°C; the maximum temperature during the day rose to +4°C. Average air temperature in Moscow during the day on April 3, 2017 was +1.3°C, at night+3.3°C.

Relative humidity in Moscow on April 3, 2017

Average air humidity April 3, 2017 in Moscow amounted to 98%. Minimum humidity, which was recorded during the day was 93%, maximum relative humidity rose to 100%. Average humidity during the day on April 3, 2017 in Moscow amounted to 97%, at night 99%.

Atmospheric pressure in Moscow on April 3, 2017

Average value atmospheric pressure April 3, 2017 in Moscow amounted to 752 mmHg. Wherein minimum atmospheric pressure was 749 mmHg, and maximum atmospheric pressure during the day it rose to 755 mmHg. On the day of April 3, 2017 in Moscow, the average atmospheric pressure was 753 mmHg, and at night 749 mmHg

Wind in Moscow April 3, 2017

Average wind speed April 3, 2017 in Moscow equal to 1.6 m/s. However, it changed throughout the day. So, minimum value wind speed was 1 m/s, and maximum wind speed rose to 2 m/s. It is likely that maximum short-term gust of wind exceeded specified values. Wind speed in Moscow during the day on April 3, 2017 was 2 m/s, at night− 1 m/s.

If you are interested wind direction in Moscow April 3, 2017, then we note that prevailing wind was northeast.

Weather phenomena in Moscow on April 3, 2017

The question that deserves special attention is what weather conditions were in Moscow on April 3, 2017, because temperature and the presence of wind alone will not provide a complete picture of weather in Moscow on this day. According to available data from the prevailing weather phenomena in Moscow on April 3, 2017 − cloudy.

Summary table of weather in Moscow on April 3, 2017

Summary table of weather in Moscow on April 3, 2017
ParameterMinimumAt nightAverageDuring the dayMaximum
Humidity93% 99% 98% 97% 100%
Wind speed1m/s1m/s1.6m/s2m/s2m/s
Direction of the windnortheast ()
Weather phenomenacloudy

Weather records in Moscow on April 3, 2017

Table of weather records in Moscow on April 3, 2017. Given absolute and average daily minimum and maximum temperatures in Moscow for April 3.