12 countries of South America. South American countries

South America is the fourth largest continent on Earth. Its length from north to south is more than 7,000 km, from west to east - about 5,000, and the total area reaches 17.8 km². Most of the mainland is in Southern Hemisphere. The total number of inhabitants is more than 385 million people: according to this indicator, South America ranks fourth among the continents. But if we put aside the dry facts, one thing can be said: this the whole world, unknown, bright, alluring and frightening at the same time. Each country on this continent deserves the closest study, the most curious tourists and the most enthusiastic reviews.

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How to get there

Cost of air travel to countries South America varies significantly in common days and during sales periods. If a regular ticket can cost on average 1700-2000 USD, then sale and promotional tickets can be purchased with a discount of up to 50%. The most profitable option for Russians is to purchase a ticket to Venezuela (the cheapest can be purchased for 500-810 USD on days of maximum discounts). Or fly to relatively large Caribbean countries, such as Cuba and the Dominican Republic, from where you can travel to the mainland by domestic airlines.

If you have time and money, you can arrange an unforgettable ocean trip: a boat trip to Buenos Aires will cost 1500-2000 EUR. Such a voyage will take much more time than a flight, because most often it is not just a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, but a full-fledged cruise calling at ports in Europe and Central America.

Transport in South America

Air travel within the continent is quite expensive, but cruise travel by sea is widespread (the cost depends on the class of the liner). Railways They are used primarily for cargo transportation - there are very few passenger trains, but bus service is very common. Traveling by bus, of course, is less comfortable, but very economical (prices vary depending on the country and destinations - tourist or domestic). In addition, car rentals are very cheap here.


IN different parts South America has different climates. In the north - equatorial zone with maximum high temperatures in January, in the south there is a frosty polar zone. This is where you can meet New Year in a bikini under the scorching sun, and then go to a more familiar climate zone for ski resort in the Andean highlands. In the south of the continent, plump king penguins are walking around with might and main - Antarctica is close!


If you find yourself in South America for the first time and are accustomed to international class of service, choose large hotel chains (preferably international). Their rooms cost from 50-90 USD per night. Students and exotic lovers often stay in small hotels or private apartments - the cost can start from 15-20 USD per day. Appearance and accommodation amenities will depend on the country, proximity to popular resorts and personal luck. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Iguazu Falls

South American countries

Venezuela- a state in the north of South America, washed by the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The capital is the city of Caracas. Here there are conditions for a beach holiday - luxurious beaches of the Caribbean coast, a fashionable secluded holiday on the island of Margarita, and for an active one: Avila National Park near Caracas, the Amazonian jungle, the highest waterfall on the planet - Angel, the longest in the world cable car 12.6 km long and the country's highest mountain peak - Pico Bolivar (4981 m).

Guyana- a state on the northeastern coast of South America. The capital is Georgetown. Almost 90% of the country is covered by humid jungle. It is precisely because unfavorable conditions For tourism in the traditional sense, Guyana is visited primarily by ecotourists. They are fond of the waterfalls of the Guiana Highlands, the Pacaraima mountains, National parks Kaieteur and Iwokrama, where visitors learn the wisdom of rafting, and also go hiking and horseback riding through the Rupununi savannahs.

Guiana(or French Guiana) is the largest overseas region of France, located in northeastern South America. A French visa is required to enter Guiana. Administrative center- city of Cayenne. 96% of the country's territory is occupied by tropical forests - this region is one of the most forested and environmentally friendly in the world. Tourist centers and villages local residents concentrated in coastal strip, central areas practically deserted.

Colombia- a state in the north-west of South America, named after the great traveler. The capital is Bogota. Russians are allowed visa-free entry into Colombia for up to 90 days. This country is famous for its historical heritage, many museums and an amazing fusion European culture, brought Spanish conquistadors in the 15th century, and Indian, still carefully preserved in some areas of the country. Colombia has stunning nature: national parks, the peaks of the Sierra Nevada, the Amazon River, palm valleys and coffee plantations.

Paraguay called the heart of America, since this country is landlocked. Its population has retained its originality: the Indian dialect Guarani is the official language here along with Spanish. The capital is Asuncion. "Guiana" is translated from Guaranese as " great river" - this refers to the Rio Paraguay (the third largest and longest river on the continent), dividing the country into the arid Gran Chaco plain and the humid areas between the Rio Paraguay and Rio Alta Parana rivers. The country has been favored by ecotourists and connoisseurs of beautifully preserved architectural monuments period of the Jesuit state.

Peru- a state on the west coast of South America. The capital is Lima. Fans of antiquities know Peru as the site of the Inca settlement - the Inca state of Tawantinsuyu was largest empire pre-Columbian America and still remains a mystery to ethnographers and archaeologists. Here is the famous Machu Picchu, which has become one of the new wonders of the world, and landscapes with the mysterious Nazca Lines, the origin of which scientists still cannot explain. In total, Peru has more than 180 museums and many archaeological parks, lost in the valleys of the Andes.

Visa-free entry into Peru is open for Russian tourists for up to 90 days.

Suriname- a state in the northeast of South America. The capital is Paramaribo. People come here in search of ecotourism unusual places: tropical forests, Atabru, Kau, Uanotobo waterfalls, Galibi reserve, Sipaliwini area, which occupies most of the territory, Trio, Acurio and Wayana Indian reservations.

Uruguay- a state in the southeast of South America. The capital is Montevideo. If you want to relax on the beach, visit Uruguay between January and April. Connoisseurs of colonial architecture will certainly enjoy the sights of Cologna and Montevideo. Every year, a month and a half before Easter, two days before Lent, Catholics in Uruguay host a colorful carnival.

Visa-free entry into Uruguay is open for Russian tourists for up to 90 days.

Chile- a state in the southwest of South America, occupying a long strip from the coast Pacific Ocean to the highlands of the Andes. The capital is Santiago. In Chile, balneological tourism is common (33 sanatoriums with water and mud therapy), beach holidays (Arica, Iquique, Valparaiso regions), as well as travel to the national parks of La Campana, Torres del Paine, to Lake San Rafael, to the towns of Altiplano and San Pedro and, of course, to the famous Easter Island. For ski lovers - 15 resorts with slopes from the most extreme to simple.

Ecuador is located in the north-west of the mainland and gets its name from the Spanish “equator”. The capital is Quito. Special attention famous not only for its fauna, but also for its fantastic beaches, the Galapagos Islands, Oriente National Park and a trip to the Amazon, the El Kayas region with 200 lakes and lagoons, a monument deserve ancient culture Ingapirca and museums of the colonial and pre-colonial eras in Quito.

A visa-free regime has been introduced for Russian tourists to visit Ecuador for up to 90 days.

In addition, South America includes the disputed island territories of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, as well as the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), which are still disputed by Great Britain and Argentina. Tourists arrive to the islands as part of cruise tours. The most common activities are mountaineering, hiking and kayaking. The Falkland Islands (Malvinas) are places almost forgotten by tourists. Their climate is similar to that of Iceland: cold, strong winds, and not only seagulls, but also plump king penguins scurry along the coast.

Nature of South America

After the breakup of the Gondwana continent at the end of the Cretaceous period into Africa, Australia, Antarctica and South America, the latter remained an isolated continent. The Isthmus of Panama, which connects what is now North and South America, appeared about three million years ago, significantly influencing the flora and fauna of the continent.

Variety of landscapes and climatic zones amazes the tourist's imagination. The Andes, the world's longest mountain range, is also called the "ridge" of South America, stretching almost its entire length for 9 thousand km. The highest peaks - Aconcagua (6960 m) in Argentina and Ojos del Salado (6908 m) are covered with snow all year round. A movement that continues to this day earth's crust in this region causes earthquakes and active volcanic eruptions.

The famous Amazon flows here, the second largest river on the planet, always full of water thanks to its numerous tributaries. On its banks rise the endless Amazonian jungle, so dense that some parts of it remain unexplored to this day.

The Amazon jungle is called the “lungs of the planet.”

In contrast to the wet tropical forests The Amazon mainland is home to one of the driest places on the planet - the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Argentina and Uruguay have hot and dusty pampa steppes.

There are vast lakes, high waterfalls, and rocky islands in South America. The continent is washed from the north warm waters Caribbean Sea, while its southernmost point - the island of Tierra del Fuego - is subject to frequent storms of the cold Atlantic Ocean.

All the states of South America appeared as a result liberation wars and revolutions against former colonialists such as Spain, Portugal and Great Britain. History of the formation of countries Latin America no less interesting than the European one, and much more expressive.

States of South America

Modern political map South America has thirteen states and two dependent territories, one of which is Falkland Islands- Great Britain and Argentina still cannot divide. Because of this dispute, a war even broke out in 1982, as a result of which control over the islands was finally established with Great Britain. Argentina, however, has never recognized this fact and continues to call the islands the Malvinas, which should emphasize their belonging to the South American republic.

Brazil is the largest country in South America both in terms of area and population. The territory of Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese, who ruled these lands until 1822, when the country's independence from the mother country was declared.

However, the new state inherited the Portuguese form of government - the monarchy, and new country became known as the Brazilian Empire, headed by the son of the previous monarch. However, the monarchy ended in Brazil in 1889, when Emperor Pedro l was overthrown by a military coup. Since then, Brazil has been a republic.

List of South American countries

Every state existing today in South America is a republic in form of government, and in many countries this is enshrined in official name. The names of some states even include National composition, as, for example, in Bolivia.

Here is a list of all the states of South America and the territories that traditionally belong to it:

  • Argentine Republic;
  • Plurinational State of Bolivia;
  • Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela;
  • Guyana;
  • Republic of Colombia;
  • Republic of Paraguay;
  • Republic of Peru;
  • Republic of Suriname;
  • Eastern Republic of Uruguay;
  • the Falkland Islands, owned by Britain but disputed by Argentina;
  • Guiana is a French overseas territory;
  • Chile;
  • Republic of Ecuador.

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands undoubtedly belong to the United Kingdom, but they do not have permanent population, or the population does not exceed twenty people.

North America

Both American continents are connected, albeit thin, but very important by an isthmus, which in the pre-colonial period ensured the connectivity of the various cultures that existed on the two continents.

Some scientists believe that it was along this isthmus that the Indians who belonged to the ancient cultures of South America crossed and ultimately ended up in Mexico.

In addition to common ancient roots, the states of North and South America have something else that is closer to modern times. common origin: they are all fruits European colonization, aggressive and merciless towards the local population, as a result of which many millions of people died and entire cultures and civilizations were destroyed, such as the Incas and Aztecs.

Rich North and poor South

However, there are many differences between countries such as the USA and Canada and the countries of Central and South America.

All Spanish-speaking countries and former Portuguese colonies are today classified as developing economies. They exhibit frequent political and economic crises, and there are also difficulties with public administration and excessive levels of corruption in the government apparatus.

In addition, cocaine is produced on an industrial scale in South America, which is then transported to the United States through Mexico. All this creates an environment for all kinds of abuses on the part of the authorities and maximum comfortable conditions to conduct a criminal business, the victims of which are thousands of people every year.

Additional tension between the states of South America and the United States is created due to illegal migration caused by the natural desire of people from the south to improve their living conditions.

South America is the fourth largest continent belonging to the group southern continents: the map shows that most of it is located in the Southern Hemisphere, and only a small region is in the Northern Hemisphere. On total area 17,800 sq. km there are 12 countries of South America, as well as 3 independent territories, and each country has its own official language, flag, currency, culture and customs. Let's take a closer look at which states are part of South America.

general characteristics

South America is characterized by amazing diversity and indescribable flavor of absolutely all countries located on the continent.

Before the conquest of the mainland in the 16th century by the Spanish conquerors, Indians lived here. After a while, the Portuguese and Spaniards brought people from Africa to the continent as work force. Subsequently, many regions of South America were settled by immigrants from Western and of Eastern Europe. Despite the great differences in culture, religion and general way of life different peoples live on common territory surprisingly calm, without serious conflicts.

Rice. 1. Population of South America

By racial the entire population of the mainland can be divided into three main types:

  • Indians;
  • Europeans;
  • black people.

In Colombia, Venezuela, Paraguay and Ecuador local population Mostly represented by mestizos - descendants of Indians and Europeans. Quite a lot of representatives live in Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia Negroid race, and in Chile, Uruguay and Argentina, the Europeans have an advantage. And only in Peru and Bolivia do the indigenous people of South America form a majority.

The most common languages ​​are Spanish and Portuguese. However, the population of South America is so diverse and diverse that here you can hear English, French, German, Italian speech - these foreign languages are the most popular and are taught in school. Russian is spoken only by tourists and immigrants from former countries Soviet Union. You can often hear the colorful speech of the indigenous Indians on the streets: Aymara, Quechua, Guara, Araucanian.

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Rice. 2. South America on the map

Table “List of South American countries and their capitals”

The name of the country Capital Language Currency Area of ​​South American countries, sq. km
Argentina Buenos Aires Spanish Argentine Peso 2 766 890
Bolivia La Paz, Sucre Spanish, Quechua, Aymara, Guarani and 33 more languages Boliviano 1 098 581
Brazil Brasilia Portuguese Brazilian real 8 514 877
Venezuela Caracas Spanish Venezuelan Bolivar 916 445
Guyana Georgetown English Guyanese dollar 214 970
Colombia Santa Fe De Bogota Spanish Colombian Peso 1 138 910
Paraguay Asuncion Spanish, Guarani Paraguayan Guarani 406 752
Peru Lima Spanish, Quechua New salt 1 285 220
Suriname Paramaribo Dutch Surinamese dollar 163 270
Uruguay Montevideo Spanish Uruguayan Peso 176 220
Chile Santiago Spanish Chilean Peso 756 950
Ecuador Quito Spanish U.S. dollar 283 560
Dependent territories
French Guiana Cayenne French Euro 86 504
Falkland Islands Stanley English Falkland Islands pound 12,173
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Grytviken English GBP 3 093

Brief overview of South American countries

Each country on the continent has its own characteristics.

  • Brazil is the largest country in terms of area and population. Known throughout the world for its first-class beaches and carnivals in Rio de Janeiro.

Rice. 3. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

  • Argentina - notable for its capital Buenos Aires, which annually hosts the famous carnival procession.
  • Bolivia – Sucre is officially considered the capital of the country, but the local government prefers the largest and beautiful city in Bolivia - La Paz.
  • Venezuela - the country in which the north comes into its possession. Located on the outskirts of Caracas National Park with untouched tropical nature.
  • Guyana - This is a country of constantly humid jungle. Up to 90% of Guyana's territory is occupied by dense forests.
  • Guiana – despite the fact that this is the territory of South America, it is impossible to enter this French region without a visa.
  • Colombia - is different big amount museums that contain the richest cultural and historical heritage. This country is a symbiosis of two cultures - Indian and European.
  • Paraguay - a country that does not have its own access to the sea. The capital, Asunción, has many original architectural monuments.
  • Peru Mountain country, located in the Andes west coast. She is full of mysteries and amazing stories, because it was here that the Inca civilization developed at one time.
  • Suriname - the smallest state in South America, which has preserved a unique colonial style.
  • Uruguay – the country is famous, first of all, for its traditional carnival, which in its significance and scope is in no way inferior to the Argentinean one.
  • Chile - the country is located in a very picturesque place, along the Pacific coast, partly in the Andean highlands.
  • Ecuador equatorial country, in which monuments of ancient culture and museums have been preserved.

One of the continents of the Earth is South America. The location corresponds to the name - most of it is located mainly in the Southern Hemisphere, and a very small patch is in the Northern Hemisphere. It is washed by the waters of two world oceans - the Pacific and the Atlantic.

The continent's area is approximately 17.8 million square meters. km, and the population is 386 million people.

The continent itself is very interesting for its unusual, vibrant and unexplored nature. First of all, you should pay attention to the interesting landscape. What immediately comes to mind Mountain chain- The Andes, which is a world landmark as the longest (length approximately 9 thousand km). Surprisingly, the mountains continue to grow and amaze residents with their activity. Volcanic eruptions occur here regularly and quite strong earthquakes.

Near the highlands lies the abundant and wide Amazon River, famous for its swampy jungle. Next to such a beautiful oasis are the driest places on the planet - deserts, steppes of Argentina and Uruguay, where heat, drought and dust reign. Not far from such lifeless places lie deep lakes with the world's tallest waterfalls crashing against the rocks. The North is washed by the hot waters of the Caribbean Sea, and the South is attracted by Tierra del Fuego and the frosty fresh Atlantic, which is adjacent to the beautiful glaciers of Antarctica, its icebergs and penguins frolicking on them. Anyone, regardless of their preferences and interests, will find a corner to their liking on this continent.

How many countries are there in South America?

The continent consists of 12 independent countries:

There are also 3 territories that have not acquired sovereignty and depend on large European countries:

  • French Guiana (belongs to the possessions of France)
  • Falkland (or Malvinas) Islands
  • South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (both islands are part of Great Britain).

All countries of South America are unique in their own way.

Argentina and Brazil

The most big countries, called Latin (because of the language), which are literally conspicuous due to their size. Argentina covers an area of ​​more than 2500 square meters. km. The capital of the state is Buenos Aires. Many tourists consider it the most beautiful in the world. A famous carnival is held here on January 16, which attracts guests from all over the world.

Brazil is probably the most famous of all the countries in South America and the most attractive for tourists. The owner of the most large territory, population and unusual nature. The most popular center for tourists - bright Southern City Rio de Janeiro, which has an abundance of beaches and hosts many carnivals every year.

Small State without access to the ocean. The most famous and Big City - Santa Cruz, however, the capital is Sucre, whose population is 370 thousand people. The government of the country, surprisingly, is located in a completely different city - La Paz, also known for its species.


A place with a pleasant, warm climate, which can be found on the map in the northern part of the continent. In the capital of the country - the city Caracas- guests relax on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, and then embark on excursions through the untouched tropics.

Guyana, Paraguay and Suriname

Small countries, interesting solely for their nature. They are difficult to find on the map because small size. There are no skyscrapers or other modern monuments here. The architecture preserves primitiveness as much as possible, most of the jungle remained virgin, untouched. The climate is humid, but the vegetation is very diverse.

Colombia and Ecuador

A state named after the discoverer of America. Tourist wealth consists of a huge number of museums where everything is revealed cultural heritage- from the native Indian atmosphere to the European one acquired during history. The country's capital is little known - the city of Bogota, where the population is just over 7 million people. Colombian attractions such as the river Caño Cristales, where the water is so clear that you can see the bottom with all the colorful algae and mosses.

Compared to Colombia, it is less popular, and the territory is several times smaller, but it is also located here a large number of cultural monuments and museums, which are of great interest to guests.


Territory of ancient civilizations, rich unsolved mysteries. The capital of the state is a city Lima, located on the ocean. Natural conditions so unusual and diverse that they have become home to the most amazing animals and birds on the planet. For example, the condor, whose wingspan is 3 meters. When visiting a country, tourists first go to the city Machu Picchu famous for the sacred valley of the Inca civilization.

Uruguay and Chile

They are quite easy to find on the map: small countries on the coasts of southern Latin America. Chile, according to one poet, is the most beautiful country in the world, with the Andes on one side and the Pacific coast on the other. The capital, Santiago, is constantly filled with tourists who love an unusual holiday.

Uruguay boasts of its hospitality. Although it is small, it is full of all types of recreational entertainment - from architectural monuments to active sports (surfing).

The remaining territories, which are rather colonies of other European large states, are interesting as a beach holiday, however, here you can find historical and cultural monuments past tenses. South America - amazing place With unique nature, where everyone can find something to do and relax to their liking.