Test work on the Russian language 6.

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Russian language tests 6th grade with answers

Russian language test in 6th grade. Option 1.

1. Indicate a word that has more letters than sounds

1) bench
2) sun
3) Christmas tree
4) text

2. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) ra..beat, ra..melted
2) ra..guess, ra..set up
3) and..give, be..proud
4) move away, n..cut

3. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) st..live, r..drain
2) grown..grown, sex..live
3) collect, river (sand)
4) g..for, water..if

4. Which word consists of a prefix, root, suffix, ending?

1) correct
2) call back
3) loader
4) cut

5. Misspelled word

1) mediocrity
2) separate
3) story
4) unit

Read the sentence and complete tasks: 6, 7.

Language is the key to all knowledge and all nature. (G. Derzhavin)

6. Write out the name(s) and noun(s) of the 2nd declension from the sentence.

7. Write down the pronouns.

8. Write how you understand the meaning of G. Derzhavin’s words.

Russian language test in 6th grade. Option 2.

1. Read the sentences and complete the task:

Please indicate only the offer number with a number. punctuation error.

2. Indicate the verb I conjugation.

  • a. There is
  • b. burn
  • c. sew
  • d. to mean

3. Read the text and complete the task. Find in sentences 1-3 a word whose spelling of the prefix is ​​determined by its meaning - “attachment”

A person acquires himself and establishes himself through deeds. Therefore, the choice of business is the choice of fate. The path to a person's greatness lies in his highest calling, which is expressed in one thing: work, work, work. (According to Yu. Bondarev)

  • acquires
  • vocation

4. Check the option in which NOT is written separately with all words.

  • a. (not) hello, (not) hello
  • b. (not) seen, (not) seen
  • c. (doesn't) have, (doesn't) have
  • d. (not) want, (not) suitable

5. Indicate the option that does not have an alternating vowel in the root of the verb.

  • a. wipe the dust
  • b. try on a suit
  • c. lift weights
  • d. freeze in fear

6. Read the sentences and complete the task

1. Mountains have large differences in height (more than 200 meters).
2. There are mountains with high-mountain, mid-mountain and low-mountain types of relief.
3. The relief of mountains is formed as a result of complex deformations of the earth's crust.
4. Mountains - vast areas earth's surface, raised above the plains.

You write grammatical basis from sentence number 3.

7. Find a noun with the prefix not

  • Vasya is a (not) ryakha.
  • The (un)inclement weather delayed us on our way.
  • (In)decisiveness of a chess player.
  • (It is not) the place that makes the person, but the person the place.

8. Indicate in which sentence NOT is written separately with the word.

  • Due to the drought, there was a (failed) harvest.
  • She lived in a (not) big city.
  • He is an (un)educated person.
  • He is (not) my friend, but just an acquaintance.

9. Find a variant in which the prefix pre is written in all words

  • a. pr...build, pr...overcome
  • b. pr...rolled, pr...attached
  • c. pr...funny, pr...break the law
  • d. pr...school, pr...sit down

10. Indicate a sentence in which the letter e is written in place of gaps in all verbs

  • Dog la...t - wind nose...t. (Proverb)
  • If you chase someone else's, you'll lose your own. (Proverb)
  • In words, like leaves, stalks, and in deeds, like needles, stakes. (Proverb)
  • If you don't try...you won't learn. (Proverb)

11. Determine the row that lists prefixes that are always written the same way.

  • a. on, by, with, re
  • b. with, above, at, in
  • c. through, from, pre, before
  • d. under, from, at, car

12. Indicate the moods of the verb.

Fight bravely for your native cause. (Proverb)

  • a. indicative
  • b. conditional
  • c. imperative

13. Indicate the word in which the letter s is missing.

  • a. to...improvise
  • b. without... naked
  • c. international
  • d. over...impulsive

14. Indicate a compound abbreviated word.

  • a. Colonel General
  • b. video library
  • c. forest-steppe
  • d. chief accountant

15. Find a word in which the letter a is written in place of the gap.

  • a. sleep...sleep
  • b. tangent
  • c. contact...dream
  • d. uprising

16. In what case is the crossed out word borrowed?

  • The old man was in shaggy boots above the knees.
  • The orchestra is led by a new conductor.
  • Peter worked conscientiously to clean up the area.
  • A neighbor treated me to some pies.

17. Indicate the word in which the letter o must be written in place of the gap.

  • a. sunbathe
  • b. in vain
  • c. z...rnitsa
  • d. illumined

18. In which line is the letter O written in all words?

  • hand...daughter, friend...
  • eccentric...k, jacket...k, piglet...k
  • collar...k, day...k, pie...k
  • fist...k, pea...k, snow...k

19. Indicate the moods of the verb.

May a faithful star shine for me on all the roads of my homeland. (N. Rylenkov)

  • a. imperative
  • b. conditional
  • c. indicative

20. Find a word in which the spelling of the vowel in the root is checked by stress.

  • Shine
  • Grew up
  • Luxurious
  • Get burned

Option 1:

1 - 2
2 - 3
3 - 1
4 - 3
5 - 3
6. language, knowledge, key
7. everyone, everyone

Answers to tests in Russian language grade 6

Option 2:

1 - 2
2 - sew
3 - acquires
4 - I don’t want to, it’s not suitable
5 - try on a suit
6 - Relief is formed
7 - (In)decisiveness of a chess player
8 - He is (not) my friend, but just an acquaintance
9 - pr...funny, pr...break the law
10 - In words, like leaves, stalks, and in deeds, like needles, stakes. (Proverb)
11 - on, by, with, re
12 - imperative
13 - without...naked
14 - chief accountant
15 - tangent
16 - The orchestra is led by a new conductor
17 - get a tan
18 - eccentric...k, jacket...k, piglet...k
19 - imperative
20 - Luxurious

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Option 1

I .

    The branch of language science that studies the word as a part of speech is called:

A. phonetics

B. vocabulary

B. morphology

G. syntax

2. Words of the same part of speech that mean the same thing, but differ from each other in shades of lexical meaning and use in speech, are called:

A. antonyms

B. homonyms

V. synonyms

G. neologisms

3. Indicate the line containing words with unstressed vowels of the root,Not verified by stress:

A. competition, hard, talent, defense

B. competition, talent, ran, grass

B. competition, talent, defense, veteran

G. talent, defense, ran, veteran

4. Find a line that contains words with the same root for the wordwater :
A. Underwater, backwater, winding, conductor.

B. Underwater, backwater, watering hole, reservoir.

V. Watering hole, spend, water, waterfall.

G. Watering hole, watery, backwater, backwater.

5. Find a word with a letterAnd after the prefix:

A. unknown


V. super..interesting

G. pod..skat

6. Find a word with a letterAnd in the prefix:



V. pr..rotate

G. obstacle

7. Indicate a line in which all nouns withNot always written together:

A. ignoramus, slave, fidget, untruth

B. ignoramus, fidget, slob, impoliteness

V. slave, fidget, bad weather, foe

G. restless, bad weather, slob, ignoramus.

8. In what pronoun is the letter written?e :

A.n..why not answer

B. n..how many people

V.n..where not visible

G. n..whose pencil

9. Determine whether pronouns should be written together, separately or with a hyphen

1) some

2) (at) them

3) (nobody's)

Choose the correct answer:

A. In the 1st case, through a hyphen, in the 2nd - separately, in the 3rd - together.

B. In all cases separately.

B. In the 1st and 3rd cases together, in the 2nd – separately.

D. In the 1st case, with a hyphen, in the 2nd and 3rd - together.

10. Put the numeralone hundred and forty-fifth in date and creativity cases. Choose the correct answer:

A. one hundred and forty-five, one hundred and forty-five

B. one hundred and forty-fifth, one hundred and forty-fifth

V. one hundred forty-five, one hundred forty-five

G. one hundred and forty-five, one hundred and forty-five

11 . Determine whether words should be written together, separately or with a hyphen

1) (seven) thousandth

2) (Russian) German

3) (ancient) Russian

Choose the correct answer:

A. In all cases, together

B. In the 1st and 3rd cases together, in the 2nd - with a hyphen

B. In the 1st case, together, in the 2nd and 3rd - with a hyphen

D. In the 1st case separately, in the 2nd - with a hyphen, in the 3rd - together

12. Which word contains one letter?n :

A. target

B. bees..y

V. glass...

G. flaming


1) It really was like a fairy tale. 2) Maple leaves hung on the threads of the autumn cobweb. 3) The forest said goodbye to the sun. 4) And when saying goodbye, everyone is especially affectionate. 5) Light bunnies played on the fallen leaves. 6) I chose a larger bunny and covered it with a cloak. 7) The result is a soft bed. (V. Peskov)

IN 1. Please indicate the offer number with homogeneous members._______________

AT 2. Write out the attributive pronoun __________________ from the text

AT 3. Write out the adjective from the text in simple form comparative degree ___________________________________

AT 4. Write out everything from sentences 1-4 relative adjectives ____________________________________


A. lexicology is a branch of language science that studies lexical meaning, use and origin of words.

B. Spelling is a branch of the science of language that studies the structure and formation of words.

B. Phonetics is a branch of the science of language that studies the sounds of speech.

D. Syntax is the science of language that studies phrases and sentences.

2. Find a word with an unstressed unverified vowel in the root:

A. youth

V. tin

G. hero

3. A :

A. prophet..sla

B. compounding

V. z..rnitsa

G. burns

4. Indicate the word with the letter o after the sibilant:

A. h..tny

B. handle

V. hard

G. guard..t

5. Find a word with a letterAnd afterts :

A. ts..stern

B. Tsarits..n

V. cucumber..

G. ts..ganskiy

6. Which word should you write the letter in?h :

A. no..walk

B. howl..sing

V. run.. run

G. and..scoop

7 . Which word should you write the letter in?e :





8. Indicate the line in which the noun withNot always written together:

A. immodesty

B. misfortune

V. stranger

G. ignorance

9. Indicate in which exampleNot

A. The house was (not) high, but low.

B. The book is not at all (un)interesting.

B. The door is (not) wooden.

G. The river was (not) big, but deep.

10. Determine whether pronouns should be written together, separately or with a hyphen

1) (someone), 2) something, 3) (at) him

Choose the correct answer:

A. In the 1st case there is a hyphen, in the 2nd and 3rd cases – together.

B. In all cases, together.

B. In all cases separately.

D. In the 1st and 2nd cases, through a hyphen, in the 3rd – separately.

11. Place the numerals one hundred and ninety-seventh in the dates. and creativity cases. Choose the correct answer:

A. one hundred and ninety-seventh, one hundred and ninety-seventh

B. one hundred and ninety seventh, one hundred and ninety seventh

V. one hundred and ninety-seventh, one hundred and ninety-seventh

G. one hundred and ninety-seventh, one hundred and ninety-seventh

n :

A. cast iron box

B. animal trail

B. oil paint

G. crimson leaves

II . Read the text carefully and complete tasks B1 – B6

1) A real mushroom picker needs to know how to pick mushrooms correctly.

2) Never uproot a mushroom from the ground yourself and don’t let others do it.

3) Scientists say that the underground threads are woven most densely near the very tip of the mushroom stem. 4) If you cut the mushroom with a knife to the very root, at ground level, not a single underground thread will be affected. 5)And again mushrooms will be born in the same place. 6) You just need to remember this forest hiding place and visit here after a warm rain. (According to N. Nadezhdina)

IN 1. Among offers 1-4, indicate the number incentive offer _________________________________

AT 2. From sentences 3-5, write down attributive pronouns ___________________

AT 3. From sentences 3-6, write down a qualitative adjective_____________________

hiding place _______________________________


    State the incorrect statement:

A. Nouns in a sentence can be any member.

B. Vocabulary studies vocabulary language.

B. Phonetics is a branch of the science of language that studies phrases and sentences.

2. Find a word with an unstressed vowel in the root, verified by stress:

A. touch

B. atmosphere

V. blame

G. hero

3. Indicate the word with the letter O after the sibilant:

B. save..t

V. comrade..m

G. yellow

4. Find a word with a letters afterts :

A. akats..i

B. ts.. cowards

V. armor

G. students..

With :

A. work

B. and.. voters

V. careless


6 . Which word should you write the letter in?And :

A. pr..follow

B. pr..funny

V. Ave. Station

G. pr..possible

7. Indicate in which exampleNot written together with an adjective:

A. This is (not) a real, but a fairy-tale forest.

B. The ring is (not) gold.

B. (not) expensive, but beautiful flowers bought willingly.

G. This is not an easy task at all.

8. Add the numberssix hundred forty five in genus and creativity cases. Choose the correct answer:

A . six hundred forty five, six hundred forty five

B. six hundred forty-five, six hundred forty-five

V. six hundred forty-five, six hundred forty-five

G. six hundred forty-five, six hundred forty-five

    Indicate the word that is spelled together:

A. (literary)musical

B. (pale) blue

V. (railway)

G. (English) Russian

A. (what)

V. (who) would

G. (some)

11. Indicate the word that is written with a hyphen:

A. (vegetable) storage

B. (pedestrian)

V. (Russian) French

G. (dark) haired

12. Which word contains two letters?n :

V. windy day

G. oatmeal cookies

II . Read the text carefully and complete tasks B1 – B6

1) Spring. 2) The snow has melted. 3) For some period the earth remains brown and inhospitable. 4) But now her awakening begins. 5) The first emerald blades of grass are emerging, the grass is blooming. 6) The first flowers, almost all, with rare exceptions, are golden: coltsfoot, marigold, starodubki, kupavka. 7) Alder and willow earrings turn golden. 8) Only the wolf’s bast and the lungwort stand out from this riot of gold. 9) At the end of spring, yellow inflorescences are replaced by white inflorescences: pear, bird cherry, apple tree, cherry. (L. Fedorov)

IN 1. Please enter your number complex sentence ______________________________________

AT 2. From sentences 1-6, write down indefinite pronoun _________________

AT 3. From sentences 1-5, write down the word with a diminutive affectionate suffix _________________________

AT 4. Write out the nouns from sentences 6-9 special type declination by

-ies __________________________


    State the incorrect statement:

A. All words consist of a stem and an ending.

B. Numeral names indicate the number of objects, as well as the order in counting.

B. Pronoun myself doesn't have nominative case.

G. Phraseologisms – stable combinations words

2. Find a word with an alternating vowel at the root of the word:

A. veteran

B. hewn

V. was grieving

G. application

A :

A. diminish dignity

B. got fired up from the stove

V. obk..sili area

G. k..fell asleep a little

4. Find a word with a letters afterts :

A. ts..klomen

B. birds..n

V. ts..rkova

5. Which word should you write the letter in?With :

A. and..drive around

B. quit

V. shoreless

G. put in

6 . Which word should you write the letter in?And :

A. pr..go

B. pr..funny

V. pr..cut

G. pr..crime

7. Find a noun thatNot written together:

A. (Un)luck contributes to success, but hard work and perseverance.

B. (Ill)literacy among schoolchildren has decreased.

B. (Not) the truth, and lies humiliate a person

G. No, this is (not) cowardice.

8. Indicate which lineNot with adjectives it is always written together:

And restless, unkempt, sloppy, clumsy.

B. hateful, indecisive, unkempt, sad.

V. ridiculous, sloppy, merciless, unhappy.

G. merciless, restless, hateful, undeceitful.

9. Put the numbers 300 and 40 in the creation. cases. Choose the correct answer:

A . three hundred, forty

B. three hundred, forty

V. three hundred, forty

G. three hundred, forty

10. Indicate the word that is written with a hyphen:

A. (some)

V. (who) would

G. (could)

11. Which word contains two letters?n :

A. falcon

B. clay..y

V. straw..y

G. water..oh

12. Indicate the line where the suffix -sk- is written in all adjectives:

A. Siberian..y, weaving..yy, French..yy

B. Turkish, sailor, Belarusian

V. odes..iy, sailor..iy, french..iy

G.Cossacks , Belarusian, German

II . Read the text carefully and complete tasks B1 – B6

1) Wolves are not aggressive. 2) They never kill more animals than necessary for food. 3) The main food of polar wolves is reindeer. 4) But deer run much faster. 5) Therefore, a wolf can only catch up with a sick or weak deer. 6) Thus, predators help reindeer herds become healthier and stronger. 7) Wolves also feed on waterfowl, and sometimes even field mice. 8) A wolf can attack a person only in the most extreme case, when there is no other food.

IN 1. Among sentences 1-6, indicate the number of the complex sentence ___________________

AT 2. From sentences 5-8, write down demonstrative pronoun ________________________

Q3.Indicate which category the adjective belongs to strong ___________________

AT 4. Name the method of word formation no ____________________________


Exam test in Russian language for grade 6

_________________________________________ ______________

Student FI exam date

1. In which row is the letter I missing in all words?

A) move...t, wander...t, dream...those;
B) smiling, hovering, building;
C) drive, study, watch

2. In which row is the letter E missing in all words?

A) shoot...those, ignite...t, st...sh;
B) jump...sew, breathe...those, sparkle...m;
B) vert...m, ver...m, thought...m

3. In which row is the letter A (Z) missing in all words?

A) cell...t, stele...t, explore...t;
B) var...t, cut...t, lech...t;
B) shifted...t, port...t, serve...t

4. In which example is it not necessary to write b in place of parentheses?

A) Your beauty is only growing (?) stronger.
B) Your beauty will only grow (?) stronger.
C) You walk (?) on the young earth - the grass turns green behind you.
D) It is necessary to take care (?) and protect our nature.

5 . In what examples is I written in place of blanks?

A) The ships that met in the ocean greeted each other with long beeps.
B) Small flocks of seagulls followed the ship.
B) We drank...put down the figures for the shooting range.
D) Friends carefully examined the drawings.

6. In which rows is A written in place of the gaps?

A) It doesn’t concern you.
B) We are invited to go on a hike.
B) You won’t…dream about it.
D) We were offered to go on a hike.

7. In what example is NOT written together with a verb?

A) I (didn’t) want to leave you.
B) I (don’t) know another country like this.
Q) I (don’t) like gossip in the form of versions.

8. Provide examples with an error in the use of the verb.

A) My parents put money in the bank.
B) My parents put money in the bank.
B) The sister puts the clothes on her brother.
D) The sister dresses her brother.

9. In what examples was there an error in the use of an adjective?

A) This girl is slimmer.
B) Baikal is the most deepest lake in the world.
B) A louder song sounded ahead.

10. In what row is E written in all adjectives?

A) cherry plum, reed...
B) pear…vy, calico…vy;
C) canvas, lead...

11. Which adjective cannot be declined?

A) strong;
B) gloomy;
B) smart.

12. In what words is N written?

A) sandy;
B) wooden;
B) on the farm;
D) windy.

13. In what words is NN written?

A) sparrows;
B) tin;
B) were...th;
D) skin…th.

14. In which words is written – K - ?

A) bottom;
B) French;
B) Greek.

15. In which series are all adjectives with NOT written together?

A) (not) careless; (not) light, but heavy;
B) (not) healthy; (not) deep;
B) (not) cheerful; (not) high, but low.

16. In which row are all adjectives written together?

A) Russian (German), folk (economic);
B) dark (green, ancient (Russian);
C) east (European), far (eastern).

17. In which series in all numerals is b written in the middle?

A) five (?) hundred, pole (?) ten, eight (?) eleven;
B) seven (?) ten, nine (?) hundred, eight (?) ten.

18. In which series was there an error in the use of numerals?

A) with twenty-nine cars;
B) about seven hundred kilograms;
B) to the thirty-sixth kilometer.

19. In which series are all pronouns written with a hyphen?

A) something (with) someone, something (someone), someone (anyone);
B) something (how), someone (that), sometime (either).

20. In which sentences is E written in place of a blank?

A) I don’t have…anyone to blame.
B) I don’t blame anyone.
B) There was never a garden here.
D) There was never a garden here.

21. In what series are NOT-NI written separately with pronouns?

A) (not) to whom, nor (to) whom;
B) some (at) someone, nor (with) anyone.

22. In which sentences are there errors in the use of pronouns?

A) Their notebooks were not checked.
B) I put on my skates.
C) Their notebooks were not checked.
D) I put on his skates.

23. In which row are the correct morphological characteristics highlighted word?

The group made their way through swamps and forests.

A) verb indicative mood, 1st conjugation, ness. type, irrevocable, is in the past tense, 1st person, singular, husband. kind;
B) verb of the indicative mood, 1st conjugation, nonsense. type, returnable, stands in the past. time, units number, women kind.

24. In which row are the morphological features of the highlighted word correctly indicated?

To me It's interesting to watch the animals playing.

A) pronoun-adjective, personal, 2nd person, singular. numbers, in creative case;
B) pronoun-noun, personal, 1st person, singular. numbers, in dates case.






Job No.


Job No.


c, d

a, c

1. The ending is...
A) Significant part words common to related words.
B) The significant part of a word that comes before the root and serves to form words.
C) The variable part of a word, which serves to form word forms and to connect words in a sentence.
D) A significant part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words.
E) main part basics.
Answer: C

2. The ending of nouns expresses
A) Person, number.
B) Gender, number.
C) Case, gender.
D) Number, person, gender.
E) Gender, number, case.
Answer: E

3. Part of a word without ending.
A) Root.
B) Suffix.
C) Prefix.
D) Base.
E) End.
Answer: D

4. The ending of the verb expresses
A) Person, number.
B) Case, number.
C) Gender, case.
D) Number, gender.
E) Person, case.
Answer: A

5. Specify the word with zero ending.
A) School.
B) School.
C) School.
D) Schoolchildren.
E) Schoolboy.
Answer: E

6. The ending of the past tense verb expresses
A) Person, case.
B) Person, gender.
C) Number, case.
D) Gender, number.
E) Number, person.
Answer: D
7. The root of the word is...
A) The main part of the stem, common to related words.
B) Part of a word without a stem.
C) Modified part of the word.
D) Part of a word that serves to connect words in a sentence.
E) Part of a word that serves to form new words.
Answer: A

8. A word that is not included in the series of cognates.
A) Garden.
B) Plant.
C) Soot.
D) Landing.
E) Gardener.
Answer: C

9. A word that is not included in the series of cognates.
A) Water.
B) Water.
C) Driver.
D) Waterfall.
E) Flood.
Answer: C

10. Find a couple of words that are not the same root.
A) Joy – joyful.
B) Water is the driver.
C) Mountain – mountaineer.
D) Nose – nasal.
E) Carry – porter.
Answer: B

11. Indicate a word that is not included in the list of cognates.
A) Grieve.
B) Highlander.
C) Mountain.
D) Mountain.
E) Mountainous.
Answer: A
12. Indicate a word with a different root.
A) Fly.
B) Pilot.
C) Fly over.
D) Summer.
E) Fly away.
Answer: D

13. Indicate a word that is not a form of the word “holiday”.
A) Holidays.
B) At the holiday.
C) Happy holiday.
D) About the holiday.
E) Festive.
Answer: E

14. Indicate the form of the word flower.
A) Flower.
B) Flowers.
C) Flowering.
D) Bloom.
E) Bloom.
Answer: A

15. This word is not a form of the word pilot.
A) Pilot.
B) Fly.
C) To the pilot.
D) Pilot.
E) About the pilot.
Answer: B

16. Word forms vary
A) The ending.
B) The basis.
C) Suffix.
D) Root.
E) Attachment.
Answer: A

17. Indicate the word that is formed using a suffix.
A) Note.
B) Schoolboy.
C) Read.
D) Window sill.
E) Trip.
Answer: B

18. Find a word that matches the pattern: root – suffix – ending.
A) Tanker.
B) Suburb.
C) Snowdrop.
D) School.
E) Write.
Answer: A

19. Find a word that matches the pattern: prefix - root - suffix - ending.
A) Trip.
B) Site.
C) Rural.
D) Reader.
E) Builder.
Answer: A

20. A significant part of a word that comes after the root and serves to form new words.
A) Root.
B) Suffix.
C) Prefix.
D) Base.
E) End.
Answer: B

21. A significant part of a word that comes before the root and serves to form new words.
A) Root.
B) Suffix.
C) Base.
D) Ending.
E) Prefix.
Answer: E

22. Find a word that does not correspond to the scheme: prefix - root - suffix - ending.
A) Trip.
B) Intelligence.
C) Note.
D) Construction.
E) Purchase.
Answer: D

23. Indicate the verb that is formed using a suffix.
A) Leave.
B) Enter.
C) Swim.
D) Turn pale.
E) Write off.
Answer: D

24. Find a word with a diminutive suffix.
A) Twig.
B) Chicken coop.
C) Skier.
D) Driver.
E) Translator.
Answer: A

25. Indicate the option with the suffix - shield.
A) Brave reconnaissance officer.
B) Young drummer...hic.
C) Funny story...hic.
D) Interesting report...hic.
E) Skillful translation...hic.
Answer: B

26. Define compound nouns with a connecting vowel.
A) Sports ground.
B) Motor ship.
C) Kindergarten.
D) Telephone - payphone.
E) Wall newspaper.
Answer: B

27. Find a word with a connecting vowel e.
A) Sam…years old.
B) Steam...stroke.
C) Gas...wire.
D) Oil...wire.
E) Pipe…wire.
Answer: D

28. Indicate the word that is formed by adding part of the stem to the whole word.
A) Physical education.
B) Factory – automatic.
C) Pedestrian.
D) Icebreaker.
E) Fuel truck.
Answer: A

29. This word is formed by adding whole words.
A) Airplane.
B) Hiking trip.
C) Bird catcher.
D) Cafe - ice cream.
E) Sports ground.
Answer: D

30. Specify correct option missing connecting vowels kash...var, tongue...ved, birds...loving, snow...fall, vert...let, birds...factory.
A) o – o – e – o – o – e.
B) e – o – e – o – e – e.
C) e – o – o – o – o – e.
D) o – e – e – o – o – e.
E) e – o – e – o – o – e.
Answer: E

31. Determine how the word diver is formed.
A) Addition.
B) Suffixal.
C) Prefix.
D) Prefix - suffix.
E) Without suffix.
Answer: A

32. Specify compound word, which is written with a hyphen.
A) Sten (newspaper).
B) Bird (fishing).
C) Telephone (pay phone).
D) Photo (model).
E) Auto (base).
Answer: C

33. Find a compound word.
A) Icebreaker.
B) Wall newspaper.
C) Department store.
D) Nuclear-powered ship.
E) Rain gauge.
Answer: C

34. Find a number of compound words.
A) Youth Theater, junkor, Kazakh State University.
B) Wall newspaper, traffic police, icebreaker.
C) MTS, department store, samovar.
D) Gas pipeline, physical education, orphanage.
E) Sofa - bed, waterfall, automatic telephone exchange.
Answer: A

35. This word is formed by addition initial sounds.
A) UN.
B) Special correspondent.
C) emergency.
Answer: A

36. Compound words are formed by
A) Addition of whole words.
B) Adding abbreviated words.
C) Adding stems of words with a connecting vowel.
D) Attachment connections.
E) Attaching a suffix.
Answer: B

37. This word is formed by addition initial letters.
A) Youth Theater.
B) Yunkor.
D) UN.
E) Traffic light.
Answer: C

38. The branch of the science of language in which phrases are studied.
A) Morphology.
B) Phonetics.
C) Vocabulary.
D) Syntax.
E) Word formation.
Answer: C

39. Indicate a phrase constructed according to the type: adjective + noun.
A) It’s interesting to study.
B) It's a beautiful day.
C) Very interesting.
D) Met a traveler.
E) This traveler.
Answer: B

40. Alternating vowels in the root:
A) Get...to bed, to...sleep.
C) Exercise, condition, change.
C) Remove, light up, wipe.
D) Sl...l...ing, laughing...laughing, s...l...laughing.
E) Indicate, abbreviate, lock.
Answer: C

41. The letter is written:
A) St..t...t, st...t, pick up.
B) Exterminate, die, shit.
C) Select, dies, selects.
D) Select, lock, lock, open.
E) Pick up, find fault, send away.
Answer: C

42. -i- is written in roots with alternating vowels if:
A) After the root there is a suffix -a-.
C) After the root there is a vowel.
C) Has a certain lexical meaning.
D) Pick up test word.
E) Prefix for a consonant.
Answer: A

43. The letter and is written:
A) C...cowardly.
B) Ts...gan.
C) K...whip.
D) C...kidneys.
E) C...films.
Answer: A
44. The letter s is written:
A) C...fra.
B) Patient.
C) Ts...ferblat.
D) C...films.
E) Ts...nga.
Answer: D
45. Indicate the option with the prefix z-:
A) Be...vital, rave...to die.
B) And...spoil, ruin...let go.
C) Sing...sing, b...end.
D) Ra...confuse, and...drink.
E) Be...memory, in...remember.
Answer: A

46. ​​Indicate the option with the prefix s-.
A) Investment, and...give.
B) Merciless, gratifying.
C) And...overthrow, poor...poor.
D) Ra...lay, and...scratch.
E) And... take, do... do.
Answer: D

47. Connecting vowel o
A) birds...catching
B) walking
C) dust...sucker
D) water...fall
E) rain...mer
Answer: D

48. Connecting vowel O
A) oil...wire
B) earth...quake
C) person...love
D) thousand...anniversary
E) theft
Answer: C

49. One letter n in adjective suffixes
A) leather cloak
B) fire hair
C) wooden table
D) windless day
E) ceremonial meeting
Answer: A

50. Adjective with suffix to
A) children's team
B) a sailor's cabin
C) Czech language
D) Turkish saber
E) Siberian frost
Answer: D

51. Suffix sk
A) quagmire
B) Caucasian kebab
C) disgusting act
D) catchy look
E) narrow passage
Answer: B

52. -I- in the suffix
A) gauze bandage
B) rainwater
C) insinuating voice
D) fabric curtains
E) flannel robe
Answer: C

53. It is written NN
A) goose
B) earthling...oh
C) rye...oh
D) painful
E) icy...oh
Answer: D

54. Suffix O
A) face...howl
B) Arctic fox
C) glossy
D) thing...howl
E) speech...howl
Answer: B

55. Not written separately
A) (Not) deep, but wide river
B) (short-term, but resounding success)
C) (Not) fast, but slow pace
D) (Not) large but useful item
E) (In)avoidable punishment
Answer: C

56. NOT written together
A) (not) a brave person
B) (Not) correct, but erroneous explanation
C) Not at all (not) cunning plan
D) (Not) loud, but quiet voice
E) Far (not) slow
Answer: A

57. Which adjective is characterized by short form and the form of degrees of comparison
A) creative
B) Kazakh
C) fathers
D) nightingale
E) bright

Russian language test

for 6th grade students

(“Line UMK A.D. Shmelev. Russian language (5-9)”).

Subject:“Spelling of prefixes (repetition). Spelling of prefixes PRE-/PRI-.”

Dear colleague!

As part of the work on the topic “Spelling of prefixes PRE-/PRI-,” it is very important not only to develop in children the skills of competent spelling of words with this particular spelling, but also to systematically address work with prefixes in general. Despite a number of topics devoted to this morpheme and encountered in last year’s program, it is still quite difficult for sixth-graders to establish cases when part of a word is an independently expressed morpheme, and when it is part of a root.

Our main task is to orient children towards such important aspects, as the lexical meaning of the word (boletus - growing under a birch, found in words with a similar LS: boletus, → highlight the prefix under-. But! Girlfriend - comes from the noun “friend” → highlight the prefix By-), interchangeability of words with prefixes similar meaning(come in - enter, arrive - get there), the most important thing is the rules for writing words with prefixes related to the same type of spelling (final consonant of a prefix, stressed/unstressed vowel of a prefix, etc.).

This test is designed for 30-35 (with a lesson lasting 40 minutes). However, we should not forget about the importance of instructing students before taking a test (working time, formatting the test in a notebook or on a piece of paper, the possibility of correction, its forms, etc.). Organizational issues - 5 minutes.

Remember! The child should have time after finishing the test and before handing it over to the teacher to check his answers and make sure they are correct.

It will be relevant to carry out this work after mastering the topic within the section “What are the spheres of communication?”, chapter - “Spelling”, topic - “Spelling of prefixes”.

Good luck to you and the guys!

Test In Russian


6__grade student(s)

_______________________________(last name, first name in R.P.)

Guys, you probably found out fairy tale character from the work of N. Nosov - Dunno. Do you remember how much he wanted to go to the moon? To help the hero realize his dream, today you must complete a series of tasks in the Russian language. The more correct answers, the more chances go on a trip!

Group assignments 1. Read the assignment carefully. Circle the number of the correct answer. Tasks 1-6 may have only one correct answer.

1. Indicate in which row all words have a prefix.

2. Indicate which line contains words with two prefixes at once.

4. Indicate in which line in the gaps in both cases you need to insert the letter I.

5. Indicate in which line the letter E should be inserted in the gaps in both cases.

6. Indicate in which sentence the word with the prefix PRE- is missing.

A) Residents of Sunny City learned that the short guys from Flower City were engaged in construction, and come...let's go to their aid.

B) As soon as Donut walked...walked to visit someone, the owners immediately began to feel dizzy from stupor.

IN) Pr...flying to the Moon, our brave travelers explored one of the small lunar craters in the area lunar sea Clarity.

D) In ​​order to better study the properties moonstone, Znayka decided to expose him chemical analysis, however, we met here too irresistible difficulties.

Group 2 task. Read an excerpt from the text. Complete the tasks that follow after it. In paragraph 7, choose only one correct answer; in paragraphs 8-13, write down your answers in words.

“(1) Dunno lied! (2) In fact, he really wanted to fly to the moon. (3) He was still hopeful that Znayka would somehow forget about what happened and would not carry out his threat. (4) However, he hoped in vain. (5) Znayka didn’t forget anything. (6) After some time, the day of departure was set, and Znayka compiled a list of shorties who were supposed to fly to the Moon. (7) As one would expect, Dunno was not on this list. (8) It also did not include Donut and some other short people who did not tolerate the state of weightlessness well.

(9) Dunno, as they say, was heartbroken. (10) He didn’t want to talk to anyone. (11) The smile disappeared from his face. (12) He lost his appetite. (13) At night he could not sleep for a minute, and the next day he walked around so boring that it was a pity to look at him.”

7. What idea contradicts the content of this passage?

A) Dunno happily accepted Znayka’s decision and constantly smiled at it.

B) Donut did not tolerate the state of weightlessness well.

C) Dunno really wanted to fly to the moon.

D) Dunno had trouble sleeping from grief.

8. In sentences 1-4, find a synonym for the word “intimidation”.

9. In sentences 2-6, find the antonym for the word “everything”.

10. In sentences 9-13, find a word with the meaning “there is a desire.” Write him out.

11. In sentences 9 - 12, find a phraseological unit. Write him out.

12. From sentence 4, write down the grammatical basis.

13. In sentences 8-10, find the introductory word(s). Write him (them) out.

Group assignment 3.

Read an excerpt from the work of N. Nosov. Remember this funny fragment?

Then help the heroes and fill in the gaps with words that are appropriate in meaning, choosing from those given immediately after the text.

“- Is it possible to somehow stop (1)….?

How can you stop her?

Well, press another one (2)…..

I'll give you the button! You press the button, the rocket will stop, and you and I (3)…. in the middle of the world (4)…! No, we’d rather fly to the moon.

But they say there’s nothing to eat on the Moon,” said Donut.

It’s okay, this is for you (5)..., you’ll lose a little weight, - Dunno answered angrily. - Next time you will know how to do without (6)... touch the buttons!

(1): rocket - car

(2): diagram - button

(3): if we get stuck, we'll have fun

(4): ocean - space

(5): harmful - useful

(6): interest - demand

Keys (correct answers).

8. threat (threat)

10. appetite

11. heartbroken

12.he hoped

13. as they say

Group assignment 3.

2. button

3. we'll get stuck

4. space

For each correct answer, the student receives 1 point.

Additional Information:

Illustrations and fragments from the work were taken from the website