Soviet Azerbaijan – Watch videos online in My World.

There is fog on the tops of snow-capped mountains.

A little lower - scarlet poppies are burning.

Oh, you, my homeland - My blink, Shirvan, -

A sea of ​​gold, wherever you look!..

You cannot compare you, my land, with any of the countries,

A song of joy, over the homeland of the bet.

How suits you, dear Azerbaijan,

A banner the color of a dazzling dawn.

Mirvarid Dilbazi

In the south-eastern part of Transcaucasia, off the coast of the Caspian Sea, on the border with Iran lies sunny Azerbaijan.

Most of the territory of the republic is occupied by high mountains; individual peaks, crowned with caps of eternal snow, rise more than 4 thousand meters above sea level. In the north stretch the mountains of the Greater Caucasus, in the southwest - the Lesser Caucasus. Here, on the border with Armenia, is the highest mountain in Transcaucasia, the Karabakh Highlands, with a chain of extinct volcanoes. In the southeast are the low Talysh Mountains.

The Kura-Araks lowland stretches widely between the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, and the Lenkoran and Caspian lowlands stretch along the shores of the Caspian Sea.

Azerbaijan is wedged into the Caspian Sea by the Absheron Peninsula, the depths of which are saturated with oil. Off its coast, archipelagos of islands rise above the sea - Absheron and Baku. Two islands - Peschany and Nargin - seem to cover the entrance to Baku Bay, so it is always calm, even when a fierce storm is raging in the sea.

To the north of the city of Lenkoran splash the waters of the largest bay on the Azerbaijani coast, which bears the name of Sergei Mironovich Kirov. In recent years, the level of the Caspian Sea has dropped by more than 2 m, the bay has become shallow and small islands, having connected with Sara Island, divided the bay into two parts.

Most of the territory of Azerbaijan is protected from the invasion of cold air from the north by the Greater Caucasus Mountains. But there are places here with a moderately warm and even cold climate. This is explained by the complexity of the republic's topography.

The vegetation of the Kura-Araks lowland, where the climate is dry and hot, typical of a semi-desert, is wormwood, elm, and ephemerals. And on the irrigated lands in these dry subtropics, olives, figs, pomegranates ripen, cotton crops and vineyards spread out.

On the Lenkoran coast and in the foothills of Talysh, summers are hot, winters are warm, and there is a lot of rain. It is humid subtropical here. The plantations grow heat-loving tea bush, citrus fruits, feijoa - a South American evergreen shrub, the fruits of which resemble strawberries in taste and smell; Rice is ripening, noble laurel is growing, and other heat-loving plants are doing well.

On the slopes of the Main Caucasus Range, magnificent forests rise to a height of up to 2 thousand meters. Spreading, stocky oaks and hornbeams rustle, the beech tree, valuable for construction and all kinds of crafts, stretches high into the sky. On the southern slopes there are a lot of walnuts and hazelnuts - entire walnut thickets.

In Lankaran forests you can see many rare, very ancient tree species. Among them is the ironwood, with wood so heavy and dense that it sinks in water. Shuttles for looms and other products are made from it. Zelkova and yew are found here. Their wood is very strong, almost impossible to rot, and buildings made from them last hundreds of years. The forests of Talysh have great scientific and economic value. They are wisely used and carefully protected by our state.

In the forests of Azerbaijan there are many wild fruit trees and shrubs - cherry plum, wild apple and pear trees, pistachio, pomegranate, dogwood, etc.


In half an hour a car will rush you here along an excellent highway from the capital of Azerbaijan - Baku.

Sumgayit as a city of republican significance received a start in life according to the Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council Azerbaijan SSR November 22, 1949 New construction began. The city grew quickly and violently. And what’s remarkable is that the average age of its residents is only 27 years. This means that Sumgayit is not only young, but also a youth city. It is constantly being built and growing.

Sumgayit residents hold the republic's championship in terms of new living space provided to the population. Every second resident of the youth city studies. That's why most of population - people with higher and secondary specialized education.

The young city amazes with the cleanliness of its streets and courtyards. Sumgayit residents are proud of their seaside boulevard. They created it through collective labor, voluntarily and free of charge. The unprecedented abundance of flowers on the streets, in courtyards and squares, on the boulevard and in houses fascinates those who arrive in Sumgayit for the first time. That is why the poets of the Russian Federation, during the Russian Poetry Week in 1961, called Sumgayit “the flower of the Caspian Sea”...

But all this is not the main feature of Sumgayit. Youth City is the center of the young chemical industry of Azerbaijan. Behind a short time A giant plant for the production of synthetic rubber and plastics was built here.

At the Sumgayit chemical plant, synthetic rubber is produced from oil “waste” and associated gas.

The starting product in its production is butane - a special type of gas. Butane rubber is highly resistant to the destructive effects of gasoline, kerosene, and lubricating oils. The stability of synthetic rubber from butane allows it to be used even to make pipes for pumping petroleum products, tanks and canisters for storing gasoline, kerosene, etc.

The Sumgayit chemical plant is constantly expanding. Within seven years, Sumgait residents must master and put into mass production many new types of synthetic rubber and plastics.

They work wonderfully and hold the lead in the republic in terms of labor productivity.

A veteran of the Sumgayit industry is the pipe rolling plant. There is also an aluminum smelter here.

Young Sumgayit, the “flower of the Caspian Sea,” is the center of the “great chemistry” of Azerbaijan.

Higher in the mountains lie green alpine meadows with large bright colors in tall lush grass. Herds of sheep, which the republic is so rich in, graze on the high mountain meadows. And even higher - eternal snow. Huge birds of prey soar above them - the bearded vulture, the griffon vulture.

In the forests and mountains of the republic one can find the Dagestan tur, bezoar goat, bear, Caucasian deer, roe deer, lynx, pine marten, and wild boar. In the forests of Talysh you can see a porcupine, and even a tiger comes here from Iran. In the arid lowlands live fast-footed antelope - goitered gazelle, jerboa, vole and viper - a dangerous snake from the cobra family.

The Caspian Sea is rich in fish. Here they catch such valuable fish as sturgeon, Caspian salmon, stellate sturgeon; There are a lot of carp, asp, and herring in the Caspian waters. The life of the waters of the Kura is closely connected with the Caspian Sea: some sea fish come here to spawn.

Lenkoran is especially lively in the winter months: feathered wanderers who migrated here from the north gather in the quiet bays. Here you can see white swans, a long-legged heron, a large-billed pelican, and pink flamingos.

The republic's subsoil is rich in minerals. Azerbaijan has the largest iron deposits in the Caucasus (Dash-kesan). Azerbaijan is also rich in aluminum raw materials - alunites (Zaglik).

Polymetallic ores, sulfur pyrites and other minerals are also mined from the depths of the republic.

There are many valuable mineral springs with healing properties in the republic.

To the southwest of the city of Yevlakh there is the world's only deposit of medicinal oil - naphthalan.

But the main wealth of Azerbaijan is oil and gas. No wonder they say that this is a republic of oil. It is mined on the Absheron Peninsula, in the Kura-Araks Lowland, at the bottom of the sea - near Artema Island, in Baku Bay, in the sandbank area Oil Rocks.

In the open sea near Neftyanye Kamni, an amazing city has grown up on high metal “islands” and many kilometers of overpasses. Under residential buildings, public buildings, streets - the sea roars everywhere. On dark southern nights, this city, illuminated by thousands of lights, seems like a fairy tale, “running on the waves”! Huge tankers are crowded at the piers, loaded with oil extracted from the bottom of the sea. Fast boats maintain regular communication with the Mainland. Now you can get to Neftyanye Kamni by helicopter.

Oil has been extracted in Azerbaijan since ancient times. During the time of Alexander the Great, in the 4th century. BC e., camel caravans took it from here to other countries. Oil was used as fuel, and a special type of it was used as a medicinal product. It was also part of the “Greek fire”, which was used during the siege of fortresses and in naval battles.

Industrial oil production began in the second half of the 19th century, when the first well was drilled on the Absheron Peninsula. Under tsarism, 2/3 of Baku oil enterprises belonged to foreign capitalists. They behaved here like colonialists, barbarously stealing the wealth of our country. And domestic industrialists were not much different from foreign ones. However, the reserves of “black gold” were large, and at the beginning of the 20th century. Baku already provided half of the world's oil production. After establishing Soviet power in Azerbaijan, all the mineral wealth passed into the hands of the people - a reasonable and zealous owner.

With the help of the fraternal peoples of our Motherland, a first-class oil production and oil refining industry, as well as many other branches of production, has been created in the Azerbaijan SSR.

Pre-revolutionary Azerbaijan imported almost all necessary industrial products. And Soviet Azerbaijan exports more than 120 types of products of its industry not only to other republics of our Motherland, but also to the countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Azerbaijan now has a powerful energy sector, a variety of mechanical engineering, non-ferrous metallurgy, developed mining industry. The main sectors of the national economy are oil and gas industry. However, how they have changed!

Many new oil refineries equipped with the latest technology have been built. It is still difficult to calculate the entire volume of oil in the bowels of the land, and most importantly, under the seabed, where the best oil is extracted. Instead of hard manual labor - excellent equipment; The Azerbaijani turbo drill is especially famous, which quickly and economically drills the deepest wells.

Leading oil workers work with inspiration and courage, overcoming the difficulties and dangers associated with extracting oil from the bottom of the sea. No wonder they deserve it good fame and the title of Heroes of Socialist Labor by the initiators of high-speed drilling Kurban Abasov, Yusif Karimov, Grigory Bulavin, Melik Goekchaev, Gadzhi Temir Khanov. Bulavin's team drilled the most deep well in our country. Hero of Socialist Labor, oil production master Akif Jafarov, led the first youth brigade on Neftyanye Kamni.

Soviet Azerbaijan is famous not only for oil, but also for “ big chemistry" In addition to oil and its accompanying gases, the republic has many other chemical raw materials - copper pyrites, alunites, mineral paints; drilling waters are saturated with bromine and iodine. Man-made fiber factories will become an additional basis for the development of the textile industry in Transcaucasia.

Once upon a time local residents they worshiped the mysterious “unquenchable fires” that flared up above the earth as if by themselves and did not go out even from gusts of wind. They were deified and temples were erected over them. Eternal flames are burning natural gas, the reserves of which are huge in Azerbaijan. Now no one believes in the supernatural power of “eternal flames,” but natural gas brings great benefits to people: it came through pipes to factories and factories, to residential buildings. From the richest field near the village of Karadag, gas is supplied to the neighboring republics - Georgia and Armenia.

A large center of the chemical industry is the city of Sumgait. Here, using Karadag gas as a raw material, a synthetic rubber plant operates, and a superphosphate plant has come into operation. Then cotton fields, orchards and vineyards will receive additional thousands of tons of valuable fertilizers.

Cotton ginning factories have been built in almost all cotton-producing regions of the republic. The textile and food industries are also developing.

Azerbaijan's energy power is also growing. Power plants are switching to cheap and convenient fuel - natural gas. In the suburbs of Baku, at the Severnaya State District Power Plant, the first powerful energy system in the Soviet Union using gas and installed directly in the open air was launched.

Only in Soviet time For the first time, the rich hydropower resources of Azerbaijan - its stormy capricious rivers - began to be used. The most big river The Kura of the Caucasus, meandering among the rocks, makes its way through the low Bozdag ridge and then emerges into the steppe expanse of the Kura-Araks lowland to give its waters to the Caspian.

For a long time, residents of the region built water mills on this river and used it for artificial irrigation of fields located on the arid plains of Azerbaijan. But Kura’s character has always been rebellious.

In the spring it overflowed and destroyed dams, dikes, ramparts, flooded fields, washed away crops, and caused losses to people.

The Soviet people curbed the Kura. The Akstafa hydroelectric power station will be built not far from the borders with Georgia and Armenia. Its dam will allow 250 thousand hectares to be irrigated with Kura waters. Near the city of Mingachevir, where the river entered a two-kilometer neck and then spilled into a bowl-shaped valley, a giant earthen dam lined with reinforced concrete slabs was created. The river spilled into a wide sea stretching beyond the horizon. The Mingachevir hydroelectric power station operates here - the most powerful not only in Azerbaijan, but throughout the Caucasus. It provides electricity to both Georgia and Armenia. Main irrigation canals stretch from the reservoir for hundreds of kilometers. Water revives thousands and thousands of hectares of fertile land to new life.

The Varvara hydroelectric power station was built below Mingachevir. It is fully automated and will be controlled from the Mingachevir control center in the future. The Ali-Bayramli hydroelectric power station is being built even lower. Its first units have already entered into operation. From the city of Yevlakh to the gray Caspian Sea, the Kura has now become navigable. Traveling along it by boat is a wonderful vacation.

Agriculture of the republic is carried out with the help advanced technology. Wheat, barley, corn, rice, olives, citrus fruits, tung are grown here; large areas are occupied by tea bushes. But the most important crop is cotton. In terms of gross harvest of raw cotton, Azerbaijan ranks first among the republics of Transcaucasia. This is one of the main cotton producers in the USSR. But still, he can provide the country with much more cotton. Powerful irrigation systems have already been built in the republic. But this is not enough. After all, only a quarter of its waters are used for irrigation, and three quarters go into the sea. Therefore, the construction of reservoirs and canals is expanding year by year in Azerbaijan. Water will give you something to drink fertile lands, they will provide not only cotton, but also excellent feed - corn, legumes, which are necessary for the growing livestock industry of the republic.

Cattle breeding has long been developed in Azerbaijan. A new breed of mountain merino has been bred here - sheep with long, thin, soft wool. The republic is famous for its herds of buffalo and humpback zebu.

In the foothills and mountains of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, bees are raised and sericulture is practiced.

Part of the Azerbaijan SSR are the Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region, populated mainly by Armenians.

The Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - the capital of Nakhichevan - has a diversified agriculture and industry. Here they cultivate grain, cotton, orchards and vineyards, engage in sericulture, and raise sheep. Irrigation is of great importance for the republic's agriculture. Among the industries: cotton ginning, silk-winding, and construction materials industries are the most developed.


If we take the level of the Azerbaijani economy in 1913 as one, then already in 1959, oil production in Azerbaijan increased 6 times, gas production - 167 times, and the volume of total gross industrial output increased 15 times.

...Previously, almost everything was imported to Azerbaijan - from matches and glasses for lamps to machine tools and cars. And now over 160 types of national economic products are exported from Azerbaijan to more than 40 countries of the world.

…Azerbaijani power plants generate electricity 3 times more than in all of pre-revolutionary Russia, and

much more than in Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan combined.

…Production of equipment and electrical equipment, machines and mechanisms for oil industry increased 124 times.

...About 45 thousand km of irrigation systems and canals have been built and are in operation, which helped triple the area of ​​irrigated land and almost 5 times more harvest of “white gold” - cotton.

...Before, 90% of the population did not know how to read and write. Now the Azerbaijani people are entirely literate and approximately one in four studies in some educational institution.

...Before the revolution there was not a single higher educational institution. Currently there are 12 universities in the republic.

...Before the revolution there were no scientific research institutions. Now here in the Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and numerous institutes there are more than 6 thousand scientific workers, of which over 2 thousand are doctors and candidates of science.

...In 1920, there were only 25 libraries in Azerbaijan with 18 thousand books. Already in 1960, almost 6 thousand libraries of the republic had a book fund of 26 million books.

If before the Great October socialist revolution 98% of the region's population was illiterate, but now only the very old people remain illiterate. There are many schools, technical schools, cultural centers, and libraries in the republic.

The center of Nagorno-Karabakh is the city of Stepanakert - one of the youngest cities in Azerbaijan. It is named after Stepan Shaumyan, one of the 26 Baku commissars. The city is landscaped and very beautiful. They work in Stepanakert pedagogical school, agricultural and medical technical schools. The Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region is primarily an agricultural region. Wheat, barley, corn, and millet are sown here; many gardens and vineyards. Residents of the region raise cattle, pigs, and sheep. Among the industrial enterprises, it should be noted silk-reeling, distillery, cheese-making, as well as factories producing building materials. Industrial enterprises and collective farms of the region are supplied with current from local power plants. The largest of them are the Madagiz and Stepanakert hydroelectric power stations.

Azerbaijan is a very ancient country. Located at the junction of Europe and Asia, it, like other regions of Transcaucasia, constantly attracted numerous conquerors who robbed and killed civilians, destroyed cities and villages.

A small, weak country, divided into warring feudal khanates, found it difficult to defend its independence. The accession of Azerbaijan to Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century. had great progressive significance for the Azerbaijani people. The country's economy began to develop faster. Advanced Russian culture, its revolutionary democratic ideas had a great influence on Azerbaijani literature, art, and education.

WITH late XIX V. in connection with the growth of the oil industry, many workers began to flock to Baku: Azerbaijanis, Russians, Armenians, Georgians, Dagestanis, Tatars, etc. This is how a large and multinational Baku proletariat emerged. Exhausting work, hunger and poverty - such was the lot of the workers. Under the leadership of the Bolshevik Party, they unitedly rose up to fight their exploiters. Baku became the center of the revolutionary struggle in Transcaucasia (see vol. 7 DE, article “Baku strike of 1903”).

The situation of the Azerbaijani peasantry, who made up the bulk of the population, was also bleak. The peasants suffered from the oppression of local feudal lords and the arbitrariness of tsarist officials, from severe serf bondage.

In 1917, the heroic Baku proletariat was the first in Transcaucasia to raise the banner of the Great October Revolution. The Baku Commune created by him became a symbol of friendship and brotherhood of all nationalities of Transcaucasia. The Baku Commune fought against the invaders who tried to seize the oil-rich country. In a fierce struggle with them, wonderful Bolsheviks fell - 26 Baku commissars. The interventionists took them beyond the Caspian Sea and shot them. But the enemies tried in vain to restore the outdated order. In the spring of 1920, Soviet power finally won in Azerbaijan.

Started new era in the life of the country. Illiterate in the past, it gradually became a country of complete literacy. Azerbaijan now has its own higher educational institutions, research institutes, and its own Academy of Sciences. In large, beautiful, well-maintained cities there are many libraries, reading rooms, theaters, clubs, cinemas, and various museums.

The oil fields of Baku were a gloomy place before the October Revolution. Here’s what Alexey Maksimovich Gorky wrote about them: “I was in Baku twice: in 1892 and 1897. The oil fields remained in my memory as a brilliantly made picture of a gloomy hell. This picture suppressed all the fantastic inventions of a frightened mind that were familiar to me, all the attempts of preachers of patience and meekness to terrify a person by life with devils, in cauldrons of boiling tar, in the unquenchable flames of hell. The impression was overwhelming."

But here’s what another writer, F.I. Panferov, said about already Soviet Baku: “Baku is beautiful city with its Academy of Sciences, with schools, institutes, theaters, clubs, beautiful embankments, squares, parks, with its history and wonderful people,”

With the transition to gas fuel Dust and soot, the terrible scourge of old Baku, disappeared. Even the “Black City,” where oil refineries are concentrated, has ceased to be “black.” The paved streets, lined with trees, are sparkling clean. The wide squares have a lot of greenery and flowers. The most beautiful place in the city is, perhaps, the Baku Bay and the wonderful seaside park adjacent to it.

Other old cities of the republic have become prettier and have changed. Much has been done in Azerbaijan during the years of Soviet power. Even more will be done during the years of building communism. Cotton plantations will spread wider and its yield will increase; Oil and gas production will increase, and on their basis the chemical industry will develop even more successfully, and metallurgy and mechanical engineering will not lag behind. The peoples of Azerbaijan (on January 1, 1962 it numbered 4,117 thousand people), together with other peoples of the Soviet Union, are confidently moving towards a bright, happy communist tomorrow.

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THE USSR. Azerbaijan SSR

Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic

The Azerbaijan SSR (Azerbaijan) is located in the eastern part of Transcaucasia. It borders on the south with Iran and Turkey. In the east it is washed by the Caspian Sea. Area 86.6 thousand. km 2. Population 5689 thousand people. (as of January 1, 1976). National composition (according to the 1970 census, thousand people): Azerbaijanis 3777, Russians 510, Armenians 484, Lezgins 137, etc. Average density population 65.7 people. by 1 km 2(as of January 1, 1976). The capital is Baku (1,406 thousand inhabitants as of January 1, 1976). The largest city is Kirovabad (211 thousand inhabitants). New cities have grown: Sumgait (168 thousand inhabitants), Mingachevir, Stepanakert, Ali-Bayramly, Dashkesan, etc. The Azerbaijan SSR includes the Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Okrug. There are 61 districts, 60 cities and 125 urban-type settlements in the republic.

Nature. Almost 1/2 of the territory of the Azerbaijan SSR is occupied by mountains. Us. - south-eastern part the Greater Caucasus, in the south - the Lesser Caucasus, between which the Kura Depression is located; to the south-east - Talysh Mountains, in the south-west. (a separate territory of the Armenian SSR) - the Middle Araxes basin and its northern mountain frame - the Daralagez (Ayots Dzor) and Zangezur ridges. The highest point is the city of Bazarduzu (4480 m). Minerals: oil, gas, iron and polymetallic ores, alunite. The climate and soil and vegetation cover are characterized by altitudinal zonation. The climate changes from dry and humid subtropical to the climate of upland tundras. In lowland areas, the average temperature in July is 25-28 °C, in January from 3 °C to 1.5-2 °C, temperatures drop above (up to -10 °C in the highlands). Precipitation from 200-300 mm in year in coastal and lowland areas (excluding Lankaran lowland - 1200-1400 mm) up to 1300 mm on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus. The main river is Kura. The most significant lakes are Hajikabul and Boyukshor. The predominant vegetation is dry steppes, semi-deserts and high mountain meadows on various types of chestnut, brown, sierozem and mountain meadow soils. On the mountain slopes there are broad-leaved forests on mountain forest soils; 11% of the territory is occupied by forests

Historical reference. Class society on the territory of Azerbaijan arose at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. From the 9th century BC e. There were ancient states: Mana, Media, Atropatena, Caucasian Albania. In the 3rd-10th centuries. n. e. the territory was under the rule of the Iranian Sassanids and Arab Caliphate; This period includes anti-feudal, liberation protests (anti-Sasanian uprisings, the Mazdakite movement, Babek's uprising). By 9-16 centuries. include the feudal states of the Shirvanshahs, Hulagunds and others. In the 11th-13th centuries. The Azerbaijani nationality was mainly formed. In the 11th-14th centuries. There were invasions of the Seljuk Turks, Mongol-Tatars, and Timur. In the 16th-18th centuries. territory within the Safavid state; was the object of a struggle between Iran and Turkey; people's liberation movement (Kor-ogly, etc.). From the middle of the 18th century. there were over 15 feudal states (Sheki, Karabakh, Kuba khanates, etc.). In the 1st third of the 19th century. Northern Azerbaijan is annexed to Russia. The peasant reform of 1870 accelerated the development of capitalism; by the end of the 19th century. Baku is the largest industrial center; the first social democratic organizations appeared; the working class waged a strike struggle (Baku strikes). Working people took part in the Revolution of 1905-07, the February Revolution of 1917 and the Great October Socialist Revolution. Soviet power was established in November 1917, the Baku Commune was formed - a stronghold of Soviet power in Transcaucasia. In the summer of 1918, the Anglo-Turkish intervention began, the Musavatists seized power. With the help of the Red Army, the working people restored Soviet power. On April 28, 1920, the Azerbaijani SSR was proclaimed, which from March 12, 1922 was part of the TSFSR, and from December 5, 1936 directly into the USSR as a union republic. As a result of industrialization, collectivization of agriculture and the cultural revolution carried out under the leadership of the Communist Party, a basically socialist society was built in the republic.

During the Great Patriotic War The Azerbaijani people mobilized all their forces to repel fascist aggression.

As of January 1, 1976, the Communist Party of Azerbaijan had 276,508 members and 11,315 candidates for party membership; in the ranks of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Azerbaijan there were 647,315 members; There are over 1657.1 thousand trade union members in the republic.

The Azerbaijani people, together with all the fraternal peoples of the USSR, achieved new successes in communist construction in the post-war decades.

The Azerbaijan SSR was awarded 2 Orders of Lenin (1935, 1964), the Order October revolution(1970) and the Order of Friendship of Peoples (1972).

Economy. Over the years of socialist construction, Azerbaijan has become an industrial-agrarian republic. In the national economy of the USSR, Azerbaijan stands out for its oil, oil refining and related industries. chemical industry, as well as mechanical engineering.

Azerbaijan has developed economic ties with all union republics.

In 1975, the volume of industrial output exceeded the level of 1940 by 8.3 times, and the level of 1913 by 49 times.

For the production of the most important types of industrial products, see the data in table. 1.

Table 1. - Production of the most important types of industrial products

Oil (including gas condensate), million. T 1940 1970 1975
22 20 17
Gas, million m 3 2498 5521 9890
Electricity, billion. kw h 2 12 15
Iron ore, thousand T - 1413 1346
Steel, thousand T 24 733 825
Rolled ferrous metals (finished), thousand. T 8,5 585 670
Sulfuric acid in monohydrate, thousand. T 26 126 378
Mineral fertilizers (in conventional units), thousand. T - 580 896
Pumping machines, thousand pcs. 1 2 3
Deep well pumps, thousand pcs. 31 77 85
Cement, thousand T 112 1409 1398
Cotton fiber, thousand T 58 131 178
Cotton fabrics, million. m 49 133 125,5
Woolen fabrics, million. m 0,5 8,5 12,5
Silk fabrics, million. m 0,2 18,5 32
Leather shoes, million pairs 2 11 15
Fish catch, catch of sea animals, thousand. T 33 73 57
Canned food, million conventional cans 20,0 185 295
Grape wine, thousand gave* 906 4222 6721
Meat, thousand T 17 48 64

* Without wine, the processing and bottling of which is carried out on the territory of other republics.

90% of electricity is produced at thermal power plants, of which the most significant is the Ali-Bayramly State District Power Plant (1100 MW). The Azerbaijan State District Power Plant is under construction (1977). Azerbaijan is the oldest region in the USSR for oil production (produced on the Absheron Peninsula, in the Kura-Araks Lowland, in offshore fields) and gas. The oil refining and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering, non-ferrous metallurgy, light and food industries are developed.

Gross agricultural output in 1975 compared to 1940 increased 3.5 times. At the end of 1975 there were 496 state farms and 873 collective farms. In 1975, 30.8 thousand tractors (in physical units; 6.1 thousand in 1940), 4.4 thousand grain harvesters (0.7 thousand in 1940), 22.1 thousand trucks worked in agriculture . Agricultural land in 1975 amounted to 4.1 million. ha(47.1% of the entire territory), including arable land - 1.4 million. ha, hayfields - 0.1 million ha and pastures - 2 million. ha. Important for agriculture has irrigation. The area of ​​irrigated land in 1975 reached 1141 thousand. ha. The largest canals are: Verkhne-Shirvan, Verkhne-Karabakh and Samur-Apsheron. Agricultural products account for 65% of all gross agricultural output (1975). For data on sown areas and gross harvest of agricultural crops, see table. 2.

Table 2. - Sown areas and gross harvest of agricultural crops

Total sown area, thousand. ha 1940 1970 1975
1124 1196 1310
Cereals 797 621 611
wheat 471 420 412
corn (grain) 10 12 12
Industrial crops 213 210 231
cotton 188 193 211
Tobacco 7 14 17
Potato 22 15 17
Vegetables 14 32 38
Forage crops 66 308 402
Gross collection, thousand T
Grain crops, thousand T 567 723 893
Including: wheat 298 504 629
corn (for grain) 10 22 28
Raw cotton 154 336 450
Tobacco 5 25 42
Potato 82 130 89
Vegetables 63 410 604

One of the leading branches of agriculture is cotton growing, which provides more than 30% of the proceeds from the sale of agricultural products on collective and state farms. High-quality varieties of tobacco are grown. The Azerbaijan SSR is one of the all-Union bases of early vegetable growing. The area of ​​vineyards is 178 thousand. ha in 1975 (33 thousand) ha in 1940), fruit and berry plantings - 147 thousand. ha(37 thousand ha in 1940), tea plantings - 8.5 thousand. ha(5.1 thousand ha in 1940). Gross grape harvest - 706 thousand. T in 1975 (81 thousand T in 1940), fruits and berries - 151.9 thousand. T(115 thousand T in 1940), tea - 13.1 thousand. T(0.24 thousand T in 1940).

An important place in agriculture is occupied by livestock farming for meat, wool and meat and dairy production (see Table 3). It provides 15% of the proceeds from the sale of agricultural products on collective and state farms. On the growth of livestock production, see the data in table. 4.

Table 4. - Production of basic livestock products

The main mode of transport is railway. The operational length of the railways is 1.85 thousand. km. The length of roads is 22 thousand. km(1975), including hard surface 14.7 thousand. km. The major port is Baku. There are 0.5 thousand navigable river routes. km. Air transport is developed. There are operating oil pipelines: Baku - Batumi, Ali-Bayramli - Baku; gas pipelines: Karadag - Akstafa with branches to Yerevan and Tbilisi, Karadag - Sumgait, Ali-Bayramli - Karadag.

The standard of living of the population of the republic is steadily increasing. National income for 1966-75 increased 1.8 times. Real income per capita in 1975 compared to 1965 increased 1.5 times. Retail turnover of state and cooperative trade (including catering) increased from 297 million rubles. in 1940 to 2757 million rubles. in 1975, while trade turnover per capita quadrupled. The amount of deposits in savings banks in 1975 reached 896 million rubles. (8 million rubles in 1940), the average deposit is 941 rubles. (26 rubles in 1940). At the end of 1975, the city's housing stock amounted to 28.5 million. m 2 total (useful) area. During 1971-75, 6.9 million were put into operation at the expense of the state, collective farms and the population. m 2 total (useful) area.

Cultural construction. According to the 1897 census, literate people made up 9.2% of the population, among men - 13.1%, among women - 4.2%. In the 1914/15 school year. There were 976 secondary schools of all types (73.1 thousand students), 3 secondary specialized educational institutions (455 students), and no higher educational institutions. After the establishment of Soviet power, it was created new school with teaching in their native language. By 1939, literacy of the population had risen to 82.8%; according to the 1970 census, it reached 99.6%. In 1975 in permanent preschool institutions 127 thousand children were raised.

In the 1975/76 school year. in 4618 secondary schools 1,656 thousand students studied in all types, in 125 vocational schools educational institutions- 63.3 thousand students (including in 49 vocational schools providing secondary education - 30.9 thousand students), in 78 secondary specialized educational institutions - 72.3 thousand students, in 17 universities - 99.0 thousand students. The largest universities: Azerbaijan University, Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry, Azerbaijan Medical Institute, Conservatory.

In 1975, per 1000 people employed in the national economy, there were 775 people. with higher and secondary (complete and incomplete) education (122 people in 1939). The leading scientific institution of the republic is the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. On January 1, 1976 scientific institutions 21.3 thousand scientific employees worked.

The network of cultural institutions has received significant development. On January 1, 1975, there were 14 theaters, including the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater. M. F. Akhundova, Azerbaijani Theatre of Drama them. M. Azizbekov, Russian Drama Theater named after. S. Vurgun, Theater for Young Spectators named after. M. Gorky, Musical Comedy Theater named after. Sh. Kurbanov, Azerbaijan Drama Theater named after. J. Jabarli; 2.2 thousand stationary cinema installations; 2806 club establishments. The largest republican library: State Library Azerbaijan SSR named after. M. F. Akhundov in Baku (founded in 1923, over 3 million copies of books, brochures, magazines, etc.); there were: 3,479 public libraries (26.7 million copies of books and magazines), 41 museums.

In 1975, 1,156 titles of books and brochures were published with a circulation of 11.3 million copies, including 799 publications on Azerbaijani language circulation 9.1 million copies. (1141 titles with a circulation of 4974 thousand copies in 1940). 123 magazine publications were published (single circulation 1,771 thousand copies, annual circulation 34.8 million copies), including 71 publications in the Azerbaijani language (44 publications with an annual circulation of 722 thousand copies in 1940). 117 newspapers were published. The total one-time circulation of newspapers is 2,711 thousand copies, the annual circulation is 519 million copies.

The Azerbaijan Telegraph Agency (AzTAG) was created in 1920, since 1972 - Azerinform. The Republican Book Chamber has been operating since 1925. The first radio broadcasts began in Baku in 1926. In 1956, the Baku Television Center came into operation. Radio and television programs are conducted in Azerbaijani, Russian and Armenian.

In the republic in 1975 there were 748 hospital institutions with 54.8 thousand beds (222 hospitals with 12.6 thousand beds in 1940); 16.5 thousand doctors and 46.5 thousand paramedical personnel worked (3.3 thousand doctors and 7.5 thousand paramedical personnel in 1940). Popular balneological resorts: Istisu , Naftalan and etc.

Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

The Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed on February 9, 1924. It is located in the south of Transcaucasia. Borders on the southwest. with Turkey and Iran. Area 5.5 thousand. km 2. Population 227 thousand people. (as of January 1, 1976). National composition (according to the 1970 census, thousand people): Azerbaijanis 190, Armenians 6, Russians 4, etc. Average population density 41.2 people. by 1 km 2(as of January 1, 1976). The capital is Nakhchivan.

In 1975, the volume of industrial output exceeded the 1940 level by 12 times. The food and mining industries stand out. There are electrical, metalworking, woodworking, and construction materials industries.

In 1975 there were 24 state farms and 49 collective farms. Irrigated farming predominates in agriculture. The sown area of ​​all agricultural crops in 1975 amounted to 40 thousand. ha. They cultivate cotton, tobacco and vegetables. Gardening and viticulture are developed. They raise mainly sheep and cattle. Livestock (as of January 1, 1976, thousand): 61 cattle, 312 sheep and goats.

In the 1975/76 school year. 71.9 thousand students studied in 225 general education schools of all types (before the establishment of Soviet power, 6.2 thousand students studied in general education schools), in 3 vocational schools - 1.1 thousand students (in 1 secondary vocational school - 600 students), in 4 secondary specialized educational institutions - 1.5 thousand students, in the pedagogical institute in Nakhichevan - 2.1 thousand students (before the establishment of Soviet power there were no secondary specialized and higher educational institutions).

In 1975, per 1000 people employed in the national economy, there were 773 people. with higher and secondary (complete or incomplete) education.

Among the scientific institutions is the scientific center of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR in Nakhichevan.

In 1975 there were: 1 theater, 238 public libraries, 3 museums, 218 club institutions, 180 stationary film installations.

In 1975, 0.4 thousand doctors worked in the Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, i.e. 1 doctor for 608 inhabitants. (58 doctors, i.e. 1 doctor per 2.3 thousand inhabitants, in 1940); there were 2.1 thousand hospital beds (0.4 thousand beds in 1940).

The Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was awarded the Order of Lenin (1967), the Order of Friendship of Peoples (1972) and the Order of the October Revolution (1974).

Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region

Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Okrug was formed on July 7, 1923. Located in the southeastern part of the Lesser Caucasus. Area 4.4 thousand. km 2. Population 156 thousand people. (as of January 1, 1976). Average population density 35.4 people. by 1 km 2. Center - Stepanakert.

In 1975, the volume of industrial output exceeded the 1940 level by 11 times. The food and light industries are the most developed. A new industry is electrical engineering. There are forestry, woodworking industries, and production of building materials. Carpet weaving. In 1975 there were 18 state farms and 64 collective farms. The sown area of ​​all agricultural crops in 1975 amounted to 63.1 thousand. ha. They cultivate grains, cotton, tobacco, and fodder crops. Viticulture and fruit growing are developed. Animal husbandry for meat, milk and wool production. Livestock (as of January 1, 1975, thousand): cattle 86.8, sheep and goats 290.2, pigs 69.1.

In the 1975/76 school year. over 42 thousand students studied in 205 general education schools of all types, over 1.6 thousand students in 4 vocational educational institutions, over 1.8 thousand students in 5 secondary specialized educational institutions, and at the Pedagogical Institute in Stepanakert - 1.6 thousand students. Among the scientific institutions: Karabakh scientific and experimental base of the Institute of Genetics and Selection of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR.

In 1975 there were: 1 theater, 188 public libraries, 3 museums, 222 club institutions, 188 stationary film installations.

In 1975, there were 312 doctors working, i.e., 1 doctor for 499 people; there were 1.6 thousand hospital beds.

The Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region was awarded the Order of Lenin (1967) and the Order of Friendship of Peoples (1972).

Azerbaijan SSR. State flag.

Baku. View of the city from Nagorny Park named after Kirov.

Azerbaijan SSR. State emblem. From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AZ) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SS) by the author TSB

From the book All the masterpieces of world literature in brief author Novikov V I

From book Foreign literature ancient, medieval and renaissance eras author Novikov Vladimir Ivanovich

THE USSR. Trade unions of the USSR Trade unions of the USSR Soviet trade unions - the most massive public organization uniting on a voluntary basis workers, collective farmers and employees of all professions without distinction of race, nationality, gender and religion

Vladinets Nikolai Ivanovich

Azerbaijan Republic of Azerbaijan Date of creation of an independent state: August 30, 1991 (adoption of the Declaration of State Independence of the Azerbaijan Republic); October 18, 1991 (adoption of the Constitutional Act “On State Independence

From the book History of State and Law of Russia author Pashkevich Dmitry

From the book Anti-Religious Calendar for 1941 author Mikhnevich D. E.

From the book History author Plavinsky Nikolay Alexandrovich

43. Education of the USSR. Constitution of the USSR 1924. Formation of the USSR. The main prerequisites for the formation of the USSR were the threat of a new military intervention, the economic isolation of the country, attempts by the West to put diplomatic pressure on the Soviet republics, as well as the development

From the book Encyclopedia of Special Forces of the World author Naumov Yuri Yurievich

From the book The Armed Forces of the USSR after the Second World War: from the Red Army to the Soviet author Feskov Vitaly Ivanovich

Foreign policy USSR in the 1930s. USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War 1931 - Japan captures Manchuria. 1933, January 30 - A. Hitler comes to power in Germany. 1934 - USSR became a member of the League of Nations. 1935 - plebiscite (popular vote) in the Saarland regions –

From the author's book

From the author's book

Chapter 32 Main Personnel Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Defense and Higher command staff Armed Forces USSR in 1945-1991

In the east it is washed by the Caspian Sea. Area 86.6 thousand. km 2. Population 5689 thousand people. (as of January 1, 1976). National composition (according to the 1970 census, thousand people): Azerbaijanis 3777, Russians 510, Armenians 484, Lezgins 137, etc. Average population density 65.7 people. by 1 km 2(as of January 1, 1976). The capital is Baku (1,406 thousand inhabitants as of January 1, 1976). The largest city is Kirovabad (211 thousand inhabitants). New cities have grown: Sumgait (168 thousand inhabitants), Mingachevir, Stepanakert, Ali-Bayramly, Dashkesan, etc. The Azerbaijan SSR includes the Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Okrug. There are 61 districts, 60 cities and 125 urban-type settlements in the republic.

Nature. Almost 1/2 of the territory of the Azerbaijan SSR is occupied by mountains. In the north is the southeastern part of the Greater Caucasus, in the south is the Lesser Caucasus, between which the Kura Depression is located; to the south-east - Talysh Mountains, in the south-west. (a separate territory of the Armenian SSR) - the Middle Araxes basin and its northern mountain frame - the Daralagez (Ayots Dzor) and Zangezur ridges. The highest point is the city of Bazarduzu (4480 m). Minerals: oil, gas, iron and polymetallic ores, alunite. The climate and soil and vegetation cover are characterized by altitudinal zonation. The climate changes from dry and humid subtropical to the climate of upland tundras. In lowland areas, the average temperature in July is 25-28 °C, in January from 3 °C to 1.5-2 °C, temperatures drop above (up to -10 °C in the highlands). Precipitation from 200-300 mm in year in coastal and lowland areas (excluding Lankaran lowland - 1200-1400 mm) up to 1300 mm on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus. The main river is Kura. The most significant lakes are Hajikabul and Boyukshor. The predominant vegetation is dry steppes, semi-deserts and high-mountain meadows on various types of chestnut, brown, sierozem and mountain meadow soils. On the mountain slopes there are broad-leaved forests on mountain forest soils; 11% of the territory is occupied by forests

Historical reference. Class society on the territory of Azerbaijan arose at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. From the 9th century BC e. There were ancient states: Mana, Media, Atropatena, Caucasian Albania. In the 3rd-10th centuries. n. e. the territory was under the rule of the Iranian Sassanids and the Arab Caliphate; This period includes anti-feudal, liberation protests (anti-Sasanian uprisings, the Mazdakite movement, Babek's uprising). By 9-16 centuries. include the feudal states of the Shirvanshahs, Hulagunds and others. In the 11th-13th centuries. The Azerbaijani nationality was mainly formed. In the 11th-14th centuries. There were invasions of the Seljuk Turks, Mongol-Tatars, and Timur. In the 16th-18th centuries. territory within the Safavid state; was the object of a struggle between Iran and Turkey; people's liberation movement (Kor-ogly, etc.). From the middle of the 18th century. there were over 15 feudal states (Sheki, Karabakh, Kuba khanates, etc.). In the 1st third of the 19th century. Northern Azerbaijan is annexed to Russia. The peasant reform of 1870 accelerated the development of capitalism; by the end of the 19th century. Baku is the largest industrial center; the first social democratic organizations appeared; the working class waged a strike struggle (Baku strikes). Working people took part in the Revolution of 1905-07, the February Revolution of 1917 and the Great October Socialist Revolution. Soviet power was established in November 1917, the Baku Commune was formed - a stronghold of Soviet power in Transcaucasia. In the summer of 1918, the Anglo-Turkish intervention began, the Musavatists seized power. With the help of the Red Army, the working people restored Soviet power. On April 28, 1920, the Azerbaijani SSR was proclaimed, which from March 12, 1922 was part of the TSFSR, and from December 5, 1936 directly into the USSR as a union republic. As a result of industrialization, collectivization of agriculture and the cultural revolution carried out under the leadership of the Communist Party, a basically socialist society was built in the republic.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Azerbaijani people mobilized all their forces to repel fascist aggression.

As of January 1, 1976, the Communist Party of Azerbaijan had 276,508 members and 11,315 candidates for party membership; in the ranks of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Azerbaijan there were 647,315 members; There are over 1657.1 thousand trade union members in the republic.

The Azerbaijani people, together with all the fraternal peoples of the USSR, achieved new successes in communist construction in the post-war decades.

The Azerbaijan SSR was awarded 2 Orders of Lenin (1935, 1964), the Order of the October Revolution (1970) and the Order of Friendship of Peoples (1972).

Economy. Over the years of socialist construction, Azerbaijan has become an industrial-agrarian republic. In the national economy of the USSR, Azerbaijan stands out for its oil, oil refining and related chemical industries, as well as mechanical engineering.

Azerbaijan has developed economic ties with all union republics.

In 1975, the volume of industrial output exceeded the level of 1940 by 8.3 times, and the level of 1913 by 49 times.

For the production of the most important types of industrial products, see the data in table. 1.

Table 1. - Production of the most important types of industrial products

Oil (including gas condensate), million. T







Gas, million m 3




Electricity, billion. kw h




Iron ore, thousand T




Steel, thousand T




Rolled ferrous metals (finished), thousand. T




Sulfuric acid in monohydrate, thousand. T




Mineral fertilizers (in conventional units), thousand. T



Pumping machines, thousand pcs.




Deep well pumps, thousand pcs.




Cement, thousand T




Cotton fiber, thousand T




Cotton fabrics, million. m




Woolen fabrics, million. m




Silk fabrics, million. m




Leather shoes, million pairs




Fish catch, catch of sea animals, thousand. T




Canned food, million conventional cans




Grape wine, thousand gave*




Meat, thousand T




* Without wine, the processing and bottling of which is carried out on the territory of other republics.

90% of electricity is produced at thermal power plants, of which the most significant is the Ali-Bayramly State District Power Plant (1100 MW). The Azerbaijan State District Power Plant is under construction (1977). Azerbaijan is the oldest region in the USSR for oil production (produced on the Absheron Peninsula, in the Kura-Araks Lowland, in offshore fields) and gas. The oil refining and petrochemical industries, mechanical engineering, non-ferrous metallurgy, light and food industries are developed.

Gross agricultural output in 1975 compared to 1940 increased 3.5 times. At the end of 1975 there were 496 state farms and 873 collective farms. In 1975, 30.8 thousand tractors (in physical units; 6.1 thousand in 1940), 4.4 thousand grain harvesters (0.7 thousand in 1940), 22.1 thousand trucks worked in agriculture . Agricultural land in 1975 amounted to 4.1 million. ha(47.1% of the entire territory), including arable land - 1.4 million. ha, hayfields - 0.1 million ha and pastures - 2 million. ha. Irrigation is important for agriculture. The area of ​​irrigated land in 1975 reached 1141 thousand. ha. The largest canals are: Verkhne-Shirvan, Verkhne-Karabakh and Samur-Apsheron. Agricultural products account for 65% of all gross agricultural output (1975). For data on sown areas and gross harvest of agricultural crops, see table. 2.

Table 2. - Sown areas and gross harvest of agricultural crops

Total sown area, thousand. ha
















corn (grain)




Industrial crops





















Forage crops




Gross collection, thousand T

Grain crops, thousand T




Including: wheat




corn (for grain)




Raw cotton
















One of the leading branches of agriculture is cotton growing, which provides more than 30% of the proceeds from the sale of agricultural products on collective and state farms. High-quality varieties of tobacco are grown. The Azerbaijan SSR is one of the all-Union bases of early vegetable growing. The area of ​​vineyards is 178 thousand. ha in 1975 (33 thousand) ha in 1940), fruit and berry plantings - 147 thousand. ha(37 thousand ha in 1940), tea plantings - 8.5 thousand. ha(5.1 thousand ha in 1940). Gross grape harvest - 706 thousand. T in 1975 (81 thousand T in 1940), fruits and berries - 151.9 thousand. T(115 thousand T in 1940), tea - 13.1 thousand. T(0.24 thousand T in 1940).

An important place in agriculture is occupied by livestock farming for meat, wool and meat and dairy production (see Table 3). It provides 15% of the proceeds from the sale of agricultural products on collective and state farms. On the growth of livestock production, see the data in table. 4.








including cows and buffaloes




Sheep and goats








Poultry, million




Table 4. - Production of basic livestock products




Meat (in slaughter weight), thousand. T




Milk, thousand T




Eggs, million pieces




Wool, thousand T




The main mode of transport is railway. The operational length of the railways is 1.85 thousand. km. The length of roads is 22 thousand. km(1975), including hard surface 14.7 thousand. km. The major port is Baku. There are 0.5 thousand navigable river routes. km. Air transport is developed. There are operating oil pipelines: Baku - Batumi, Ali-Bayramli - Baku; gas pipelines: Karadag - Akstafa with branches to Yerevan and Tbilisi, Karadag - Sumgait, Ali-Bayramli - Karadag.

The standard of living of the population of the republic is steadily increasing. National income for 1966-75 increased 1.8 times. Real income per capita in 1975 compared to 1965 increased 1.5 times. Retail turnover of state and cooperative trade (including public catering) increased from 297 million rubles. in 1940 to 2757 million rubles. in 1975, while trade turnover per capita quadrupled. The amount of deposits in savings banks in 1975 reached 896 million rubles. (8 million rubles in 1940), the average deposit is 941 rubles. (26 rubles in 1940). At the end of 1975, the city's housing stock amounted to 28.5 million. m 2 total (useful) area. During 1971-75, 6.9 million were put into operation at the expense of the state, collective farms and the population. m 2 total (useful) area.

Cultural construction. According to the 1897 census, literate people made up 9.2% of the population, among men - 13.1%, among women - 4.2%. In the 1914/15 school year. There were 976 secondary schools of all types (73.1 thousand students), 3 secondary specialized educational institutions (455 students), and no higher educational institutions. After the establishment of Soviet power, a new school was created with teaching in the native language. By 1939, literacy of the population had risen to 82.8%; according to the 1970 census, it reached 99.6%. In 1975, 127 thousand children were educated in permanent preschool institutions.

In the 1975/76 school year. In 4618 general education schools of all types, 1656 thousand students studied, in 125 vocational educational institutions - 63.3 thousand students (including 49 vocational educational institutions providing secondary education - 30.9 thousand students), in 78 secondary specialized educational institutions - 72.3 thousand students, in 17 universities - 99.0 thousand students. The largest universities: Azerbaijan University, Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry, Azerbaijan Medical Institute, Conservatory.

In 1975, per 1000 people employed in the national economy, there were 775 people. with higher and secondary (complete and incomplete) education (122 people in 1939). The leading scientific institution of the republic is the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR. As of January 1, 1976, 21.3 thousand researchers worked in scientific institutions.

The network of cultural institutions has received significant development. On January 1, 1975, there were 14 theaters, including the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater. M. F. Akhundov, Azerbaijan Drama Theater named after. M. Azizbekov, Russian Drama Theater named after. S. Vurgun, Theater for Young Spectators named after. M. Gorky, Musical Comedy Theater named after. Sh. Kurbanov, Azerbaijan Drama Theater named after. J. Jabarli; 2.2 thousand stationary cinema installations; 2806 club establishments. The largest republican library: State Library of the Azerbaijan SSR named after. M. F. Akhundov in Baku (founded in 1923, over 3 million copies of books, brochures, magazines, etc.); there were: 3,479 public libraries (26.7 million copies of books and magazines), 41 museums.

In 1975, 1,156 titles of books and brochures were published with a circulation of 11.3 million copies, including 799 publications in the Azerbaijani language with a circulation of 9.1 million copies. (1141 titles with a circulation of 4974 thousand copies in 1940). 123 magazine publications were published (single circulation 1,771 thousand copies, annual circulation 34.8 million copies), including 71 publications in the Azerbaijani language (44 publications with an annual circulation of 722 thousand copies in 1940). 117 newspapers were published. The total one-time circulation of newspapers is 2,711 thousand copies, the annual circulation is 519 million copies.

The Azerbaijan Telegraph Agency (AzTAG) was created in 1920, since 1972 - Azerinform. The Republican Book Chamber has been operating since 1925. The first radio broadcasts began in Baku in 1926. In 1956, the Baku Television Center came into operation. Radio and television programs are conducted in Azerbaijani, Russian and Armenian.

In the republic in 1975 there were 748 hospital institutions with 54.8 thousand beds (222 hospitals with 12.6 thousand beds in 1940); 16.5 thousand doctors and 46.5 thousand paramedical personnel worked (3.3 thousand doctors and 7.5 thousand paramedical personnel in 1940). Popular balneological resorts: Istisu, Naftalan and etc.

Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

The Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed on February 9, 1924. It is located in the south of Transcaucasia. Borders on the southwest. with Turkey and Iran. Area 5.5 thousand. km 2. Population 227 thousand people. (as of January 1, 1976). National composition (according to the 1970 census, thousand people): Azerbaijanis 190, Armenians 6, Russians 4, etc. Average population density 41.2 people. by 1 km 2(as of January 1, 1976). The capital is Nakhchivan.

In 1975, the volume of industrial output exceeded the 1940 level by 12 times. The food and mining industries stand out. There are electrical, metalworking, woodworking, and construction materials industries.

In 1975 there were 24 state farms and 49 collective farms. Irrigated farming predominates in agriculture. The sown area of ​​all agricultural crops in 1975 amounted to 40 thousand. ha. They cultivate cotton, tobacco and vegetables. Gardening and viticulture are developed. They raise mainly sheep and cattle. Livestock (as of January 1, 1976, thousand): 61 cattle, 312 sheep and goats.

In the 1975/76 school year. 71.9 thousand students studied in 225 secondary schools of all types (before the establishment

Article about the word " THE USSR. Azerbaijan SSR" in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia was read 2278 times

The Soviet government in Azerbaijan was formed on April 28, 1920, after the fall of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. The government of the country was transferred to the Provisional Revolutionary Committee (PRC). The Military Revolutionary Committee carried out legislative functions, the members of the committee were Nariman Narimanov (chairman), Aliheydar Karaev, Gazanfer Musabekov, Hamid Sultanov and others.

Power in the republic was exercised, subordinate to Moscow, by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan (CCCP).

May 1, 1920 Having overthrown the Democratic Republic in the city of Baku, units of the 11th Red Army passed through the cities of Shemakha and Agsu without resistance, approached Ganja and, as a result of a short battle, captured the city.

May 3, 1920 - Soviet power began to spread over the entire territory of Azerbaijan. The Provisional Revolutionary Committee issued a decree “On the creation of district and revolutionary rural committees.” Military - naval forces The Bolsheviks located in the Baku Bay headed to the south of the country and captured the cities of Lekoran and Astara. Several parts of the Democratic Republic remained in Karabakh and fought with Armenian forces.

May 5, 1920- The Provisional Revolutionary Committee of Azerbaijan, having confiscated the lands of khans and beks, without compensation, issued a decree transferring these lands to the disposal of the peasants. A few years after this, the same lands were forcibly taken from the peasants and given to collective farms.

May 7, 1920- a decree was issued on the reorganization of the army and navy of the Bolshevik government of Azerbaijan. The enforcement of the decree was accompanied by repressions against the national officer cadres. Formally Azerbaijan Army existed until 1922, and in December of the same year, with the formation of the USSR, it became part of the Caucasian Military District of the Soviet Army.

May 12, 1920 - The Provisional Revolutionary Committee of Azerbaijan issued a decree on the formation of People's Courts in the Republic. An Extraordinary Commission and the Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal to combat counter-revolution and sabotage were created, and a Decree was issued on the annulment of military and civilian ranks.

May 15, 1920 - The Commissariat of People's Education of Azerbaijan issued a Decree on the proclamation of freedom of conscience in the Republic, as well as on the separation of religion from the state and schools.

May 24, 1920 - Temporary Revolutionary Committee Azerbaijan issued a decree on the nationalization of the oil industry. In reality, the oil was transferred to Russian control. For this purpose, Lenin sent Alexander Serebryakovsy to Baku to create the Azerbaijan Oil Committee and its leadership.

After the oil industry was nationalized - Caspian merchant navy and banks operating in the country.

June 3, 1920- units of the Army of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic under the command of Nuru fell resisting the Bolshevik occupation in Zangezur and Karabakh, and captured the city of Shusha. Additional units of the 11th Russian Army were sent to suppress them. On July 15, the territories were re-occupied by Russian troops, large in number, under the command of Lewandowski. Small units national army return to Dzhabrail district. At the end of June, this region comes under Bolshevik control. Uprisings against Sovietization took place until the end of the year in various regions - Shemkir, Guba, etc.

May 6, 1921- The 1st All-Azerbaijani Soviet Congress begins its work (May 6 - 19). The first Constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR was adopted at the congress. The Provisional Revolutionary Committee, as well as local revolutionary and poor committees, were abolished, and in their place the Central Executive Committee was created as a body of Supreme Legislation (CEC), Mukhtar Gadzhiev and local councils became the first chairman of the CEC. The governing body of the Central Executive Committee of Azerbaijan (75 members and 25 candidates) became the Presidium of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan (consisting of 13 people).

In the Republic, which has 30 thousand deputies, 1,400 local village councils were formed. In 1921 - 1937, the 9th General Azerbaijani Soviet Council was held and in 1938 this congress was replaced by the Supreme Council.

July 2, 1921- the first graduate School, preparing teaching staff. Currently it operates under the name - Azerbaijan Pedagogical University - Azerbaijan Men's Pedagogical Institute (later Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin).

July 5, 1921- at a meeting of the Caucasian Bureau of the Russian Communist (Bolshevik) Party, a decree was adopted on the preservation of Nagorno-Karabakh as part of the Azerbaijan SSR. The day before, on July 4, at the Plenum of the Caucasian Bureau of the RCP, the Armenian side, with the support of Ordzhenekidze and Kirov, tried to pass a law on the transfer of Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. However, the communist leadership of Azerbaijan, led by N. Narimanov, expressed strong protest, and as a result of the intervention of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, this decree was annulled. Thus, Nagorno-Karabakh remained part of the Azerbaijan SSR, the center of which became the city of Shusha, which has a wide range of autonomous region. Despite the fact that the Armenian side was unable to achieve its main goal, they still received autonomy. In 1923, the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region was formed.

June 7, 1923- The Central Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR issued a decree on the formation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region on the territory of the Republic (NKAO). The document emphasized the “strengthening of international solidarity” between the peoples of Azerbaijan and Armenia. The decree basically provided for “the creation of an autonomous region with the Armenian part of Nagorno-Karabakh, which is integral part Azerbaijan SSR". In this regard, in 1921, the Caucasian Regional Bureau of the RCP adopted a Decree. In this law, the city of Shusha was designated as the center of autonomy, and in the decree of the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan, the city of Khankendi was chosen as the center of the region. Soon, on the initiative of the Armenian side, Khankendi was renamed Stepanakert. After territorial - administrative division, the territory of the NKAO was determined, corresponding to 4.4 thousand square meters. km.

August 30, 1930- By decree Central Committee The Council of People's Commissars again divided the territory of the Republic into new regions and districts. In accordance with the law, 63 districts were created. Before this, based on the territorial-administrative division system, the territory of Azerbaijan consisted of 10 districts: (Baku, Ganja, Karabakh (Agdam), Guba, Kurdistan, Lankaran, Mugan (Salyan), Shirvan (Geokchay), Nukha (Zagatali) and incoming they include counties.

August 7, 1932- The decree of the Soviet government “On the protection of State enterprises, collective farms and property of cooperatives” laid down the implementation of strictly punishable measures in the national economy. In accordance with the decision, even minor theft of state property was punishable by execution, in best case scenario 10 years in prison. The document, which went down in Soviet history under the name “The Law of Five Ears of Ears,” created the basis for repression in agriculture in Azerbaijan.

June 24, 1938- elections were held to the Supreme Council of the 1st Convocation of the Azerbaijan SSR. 107 workers, 88 collective farmers and 115 employees were elected to the Parliament, consisting of 310 deputies. 72 people's deputies were women. In fact, everything government functions The Communist Party, in terms of assimilation, was formally carried out by the Supreme Council.

In 1938 - despite the protest local population The Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan Republic decides to transfer 2 thousand hectares to the Armenian SSR land plot from Lachin, Gubadli, Kelbejar and Gazakh regions. Thus the decision was carried out. After 31 years, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR again adopted this decree. But Heydar Aliyev, who soon came to lead the Republic, prevented the implementation of this decision.

July 2, 1938 - the first group was organized in Azerbaijan civil aviation. In 1915, the first aviation school, and in 1923 the first civil aviation line was opened along the Baku-Tbilisi route. In 1933, the first airport in Bina was put into operation, and in 1938 the first group of civil aviation began flying.

June 25, 1987- at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, a decision was made on “Perestroika”. The course of renewal announced by the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev, first of all, provided for social - economic reforms, but soon began to cover also political and ideological spheres. In the Soviet Union (in particular in Azerbaijan), the process of freedom of speech and clarity of national movements began. The policy of “Perestroika” ultimately led to the collapse of the USSR four years later.

May 21, 1988 - The leadership of the USSR, in order to resolve the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, changed the leadership of both union republics. At the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia, First Secretary Karen Dimirchyan was removed from office. And at the Plenum of the Criminal Code of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, the First Secretary, Kamran Bagirov, was removed from office. Abdurrahman Vezirov was appointed to the post of First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan.

July 18, 1988- at the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR a wide meeting was held dedicated to Nagorno - Karabakh conflict. The meeting, chaired by M. Gorbachev, was attended by the political leadership of Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as deputies of the Supreme Council of both republics. At the meeting, which took place in intense debate, a decision was made by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh. The document spoke about the inadmissibility of the decision to transfer Nagorno-Karabakh to the Armenian SSR and the need to cancel it. But the Armenian side left this call unanswered.

July 16, 1989- a conference was held in Baku in a semi-secret atmosphere Popular Front Azerbaijan. This was the initial stage of the national popular movement that began Karabakh events in Azerbaijan. Abulfaz Elchibey was elected chairman of the Popular Front. And the management of the Popular Front consisted of 16 people, people with quite different views. As a result of this, division soon began in the organization.

May 19, 1990 - At the session of the Supreme Council, the position of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan was founded. At the session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, 1st Secretary Ayaz Mutalibov was elected president. Secretary General Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR M. Gorbachev, after being elected President of the USSR, together with the leaders union republics, began to act in a similar way.

Separately between Persia and Armenia lies the Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (part of the Autonomous Republic).

Relief and climate

By relief A. r. characterized by three stripes extending from the north-west. to the Caspian Sea; the two extreme ones (north and south) represent hills: the first - Ch. Kavk. ridge and the second - the Lesser Caucasus and the Talyshinsky ridge (in the Lankaran district), and the third middle zone is a low-lying plain, irrigated by the river. Kuroy and descending to the south-east. below sea level (approx. 20-25 m). The most high places A. r. reach up to 4.480 m


The area and population of the Azerbaijan Republic are as follows:

Counties and autonomies Square
(in thousand km 2)
Population in 1926
(in thousand people)
per 1 km 2
1. Agdam district 4,14 124.3 30,0
2. Baku district 4,97 526,4 106,0 (*)
3. Ganjinsky " 6,83 206,7 30,3
4. Geokchaysky" 7,03 173,7 24,8
5. Jabrayil » 4,27 75,1 17,6
6. Zagatala » 4,30 80,0 18,6
7. Kazakh » 5.94 121,0 20,4
8. Cuban" 6,66 188,2 28,3
9. Kurdistan » 3,53 51,5 14,6
10. Lenkoransky » 5,38 207,9 38,6
11. Nukhinsky » 4,30 107,0 24,9
12. Salyan » 9,57 128,4 13,4
13. Shemakha » 6,43 91,0 14,1
14. Nagorno-Karabakh auto. region 4,59 125,2 27,3
15. Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic 6,52 103,6 15,9
Total 84,46 2.310,0 27,3
* Without mountains. Baku in the Baku district - 73.6 thousand people, and per 1 km 2 - 14.8 people and throughout the entire A. district - 1.857.2 thousand, and per 1 km 2 - 22.0 people.

According to the population density of the A. r. even taking into account Baku, it is inferior to both the Armenian (29.1 people) and the Georgian SSR (38.6 hours), however, exceeding the average for both the Union (6.9 people) and Europe. parts of the USSR (24.1 people). Least density - in the area eastern dry steppes. 62.1% of the population of A. r. are Turks, 12.2% Armenians, 9.5% Russians, 3.3% Talysh. Even more pronounced Turkic composition population in a region territorially separated from A. Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, where Turks are 84.3% and Armenians are 10.8%. In ed. region Nagorn. In Karabakh, on the contrary, Armenians predominate - 89.1%, and Turks only 10.1%. Thanks to the presence in A. r. All-Union and global oil center. industry - Baku (see), which is the administrative center of the AR, the urban population is 28.1% (without Baku - 10.6%); other large cities of A. r. Ganja - 57.4 thousand people, Nukha - 23.0 thousand people.

Communication routes

Communication routes A. r. presented roads connecting A. r. with the European part of the USSR and other republics of Transcaucasia. In addition, the Alat-Julfa line is being completed, connecting Baku directly with the Nakhichevan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the Armenian SSR and connecting the railway. ring connecting the Transcaucasian republics. federation. Network density roads (1.1 km per 100 km 2 area) is equal to the average density in Europe. parts of the Union. Along the Caspian coast, the only major port is Baku, the main one. image. serving Baku. oil fields as well as the Baku railway. node River navigation is available only along the river. Kure. Bedna A. r. and highways, with which it is less provided compared with the entire Caucasus as a whole.


Agriculture A. r. has a cattle-breeding bias: for example, there are 100 rural areas here. Residents account for 277 heads of livestock, with 223 in the RSFSR and 195 in the USSR. This importance of cattle breeding, which retains a largely nomadic character, is determined by the above-mentioned abundance of mountain meadows that provide food for livestock in the summer, and the presence of unirrigated, dry steppes in the middle zone of the A. region, which serve as winter pasture for livestock not only of the A. region, but also neighboring ones. Armenia and Georgia. The number of livestock in A. r. in amounted to: sheep and goats 2.655 tons, large. horn. livestock 1,270 tons [including buffaloes (draft animals of the A. R.) 340 tons] and horses 160 tons; the number of sheep and horses exceeded pre-war numbers. The sheep here are fat-tailed, and the horses are mostly riding. Field farming A. r. extremely primitive and served by ch. arr. homemade tools. More than 4/5 sowing The area is occupied by grains, the village. The area under them is far ahead of the pre-war one, as is the total area sown. area (in 1926-1.020 t.ha, or 106% of the pre-war). The area under industrial plants recovered only by 90% and in 1926 they occupied 149 thousand hectares. Of the valuable crops, cotton, which is sown on irrigated lands, is of predominant importance. The area under cotton was determined to be 110 t. ha in 1927 (1914-101 t. ha). Also common in Azerbaijan Republic viticulture - especially in Ganzhinsky district; it provides 7% of national income, occupies about 26 tons of hectares and has recovered by 90%. All in. Horticulture is developed in the counties, occupying up to 32.7 tons of hectares. Of the less significant industries in A. r. Sericulture has been widespread since ancient times, but fell greatly during the war years and reached in 1927 only 50% of the pre-war level. In addition, tobacco growing and new crops have been developed - kenaf and castor beans.


Lesa A. r. occupy 915 thousand hectares and make up 10.8% of the total area of ​​the A.R.; The greatest forest cover is in Lankaran district (39%), which is also distinguished by the abundance of valuable species. However, due to the remoteness from communication routes and their predatory use by nomads and the surrounding population, the economic exploitation of the forest is not able to satisfy the needs of the Azerbaijan SSR.


Great importance for A. r. has a fishery that before the war produced 190 million kg of fish (1910-12), mainly. arr. herring, and occupied up to 40 thousand people. The catch is made by Ch. arr. along the Caspian coast and river. Kure. State fisheries are united in the Azryba trust; their catch in 1926 was measured at 22,440 thousand kg.


Fossil wealth of A. r. represented by having global significance Baku oil region (see) and copper deposits; In addition, there are sulfur pyrites, iron, silver-lead ores, coal, salt, etc.


Industry A. r. 4/5 consists of mining industry ch. arr. represented by the Baku Oil Region. In addition to oil, one can mention the mining of copper in the Gadabay region and sulfur pyrites. In 1925, the exploitation of the Chovdar barite mine began. The rest of the industry in A. r. is poorly developed and, in terms of product value, half consists of the food and flavoring industries, ch. arr. flour milling, tobacco, winemaking, etc. Textile industry, so far only cotton boom is represented. f-coy them. Lenin (Baku) and the cloth factory transferred from Tambov to Ganja, has significant prospects for development due to raw material and energy conditions. So, it is already ending with the construction of a cotton boom. factory in Ganja (in two stages the capacity will be increased to 66 thousand spindles); In addition, it is planned to build another cotton boom at different times. f-ki in Nakhichev. ASSR and in Sa-bir-Abad (Petropavlovka), a cloth factory in Ganja and a kenaf factory in Baku. The launch of these factories will require over 10 thousand new workers.


State and local budget of A. r. 1925/26 was determined at 40 million rubles, of which 3/8 falls on the state and 5/8 on the local one. A large share of the local budget comes from the city of Baku, which occupies 56% of the local budget of the republic and more than 1/3 of the combined state budget. and local budget of A. r. Thanks to this, the average size of the local budget per inhabitant is measured by A. rub. 10 rub. 87 kopecks, with the USSR average being 8 rubles. 80 k.

Public education

Public education in A. r. has made very great progress in recent years; The percentage of literate people among those conscripted into the Red Army increased significantly, amounting to 89.1%. By 1925 in A. r. was 1.320 primary schools, covering 127 thousand students. A relatively large percentage of out-of-school children are of Turkic nationality (especially girls), but the number of schoolchildren of this nationality is increasing from year to year. In 1925, 8,133 students were enrolled in 52 second-level schools. In A. r. three universities - all in Baku: university (1,855 students), polytechnic institute (2,391 students) and conservatory (517 students) - data 1927/28.

M. Galitsky.


  • Dubensky, Essays on the economic geography of Transcaucasia, Tiflis, 1924;
  • Gekhtman, Brief essay economic geography of Transcaucasia (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan), 1923.


The first news of Eastern Transcaucasia is found in Assyrian chronicles. In the 7th century. before Christ era, Eastern Transcaucasia is conquered by the Scythians (Massagetians, Sakas), who left their mark in the named countries. Turkic colonization gains large sizes in connection with the Seljuk conquests of the 11th century. The Turkic-Mongol conquests in the 13th and 14th centuries were of great importance for the Turkization of the region. After the collapse of the Mongol empires and the empire of Tamerlane in the East. Transcaucasia formed a number of khanates, usually in vassal dependence on Persia. The existence of these khanates was brought to an end by the Russian conquest of the early 19th century. After the conquest and abolition of the khanates, the tsarist government relied on the petty nobility - the beks, who became the conductors of government policy, remaining closely associated with land ownership and primitive subsistence farming. Construction of the Transcaucasian railway. dor. () and subsequently the construction of the Petrovsk-Balajari-Baku line (early 900s) brought Azerbaijan into the orbit of capitalism and exacerbated class contradictions: oil wealth served as bait for Russian capitalists. and foreign (Nobel, Rothschild, etc.).

Baku, a trading port with Persia and a large industry. center, in the early 900s. became the center of a deep labor movement and played a major role in the history of social democracy. The severity of the transition from a natural economy to a cash economy and the intensification of competition with alien elements, especially under the influence of the Russification policy of the tsarist government, gave impetus to the awakening national movement. This movement adopted the ideology as its political program