School proms. School graduation day

Vital Video comes to the rescue with its service of video filming a school prom, and at an affordable price for you. We will also perform prom video editing inexpensively and at a discount. We are waiting for you, dear graduates, at any time!

Attention! Promotion!

Professional video filming of school graduation - 2500 rubles/person. — 1600 rub/person. Full construction.

Three days of filming! Full package of services. Official agreement. Professional videographer.

Specialist. See below for proposal for primary school, after 11th grade

Prices for video filming graduations in 2019:

Video shooting last call – 10,000 rub. (video filming of the ceremonial part.) Duration of filming 1.5 - 2 hours

Film about the class (video sketch)– 11,000 rub. (filming entitled “One day in the life of a class”)

Video filming of school graduation party– 10,000 rub. We always provide inexpensive, professional and high-quality video shooting.

The years fly by - clip for graduation grades 9-11

It was at school - graduates of grades 9-11

"Last call". DEMO version. A day in the life at school. The video shooting took place according to the script ordered by school No. 1009. Video filming of your school graduation will be made according to your individual scenario.

"Presentation of certificates." DEMO version. Individual script from school No. 1009. Your school graduation will be in accordance with your wishes and an individually developed scenario. We will shoot and edit the film for you the way you want!

Specialist. offer for primary schools!
Video filming of 4th grade graduation + moments from life in the classroom = 25,000 — 17,000 rub.
2 days of filming! Official agreement with a stamp.
3D music album as a gift!

We are little children - 4th grade clip

Video filming of prom and the last bell at school.

As usual, our studio is open to accepting orders for video shooting of graduation ceremonies, the last call of 2012. “Vital Video Studio” has been filming proms for six years now, and we are very pleased that many schools have been contacting us for several years now.

Videotaping a graduation and the last bell at school is a very important undertaking, and we understand that graduates have their own concerns during this period, so we will try to minimize the preparation for videotaping a graduation or the last bell at school.

Video shooting of the prom and the last call is carried out by a professional videographer with extensive experience in such filming, who knows how to hold the picture and see the perspective in the frame.

So, filming the last call involves filming concert performance, recording on DVD, box and disc with cover.
Video recording of school everyday life is a video sketch for 15-20 minutes. with the participation of graduates. The video is filmed according to a script, including interviews with teachers and graduates. You can also come up with your own scenario, which the videographer will be happy to bring to life.
And finally, prom video filming is the most popular type of video filming at school. Filming of school graduations is carried out according to an agreed upon scenario with the participation of all graduates. Graduation video includes ceremonial presentation diplomas, graduation party, video editing and individual DVD box with a photo of each graduate.

Video editing of graduations and last call.

Video editing of the last call (timing 60-90 minutes) – 10,000 rubles.
Video editing of graduation parties (duration 90-120 minutes) – 10,000 rubles.
Video editing of a film about the class - 8,000 rubles.

Graduation evening is the very first serious holiday in the life of any person, then there will be graduation at the university, wedding, birth of a child, etc. But school graduation is a special feeling and we will all remember it for the rest of our lives.

Therefore, holding and organizing a graduation party is a rather difficult task for teachers. Composing an interesting script is not easy. We will help you solve this problem and offer you a classic scenario for the formal part of the prom, we hope that it will help you.

Prom script

1st presenter.

Dear Colleagues! Dear guests! Today is another graduation at our school. This event is joyful and sad at the same time. Joyful because independent life a new generation of graduates is entering, and it’s sad because graduates are saying goodbye to school today.

2nd presenter

It would seem one and the same

What day, what year.

But again, as in my youth, it worries

Another day is coming!

And I can’t contain my excitement in the morning,

It’s as if in these everyday life you

You are waiting for an opening, and a revelation,

And dreams come true.

1st presenter

Any lesson, any meeting

More valuable than all the treasures on earth,

After all, every school moment is marked

Its uniqueness.

2nd presenter.

School! How much is connected with her! Childhood is behind us, there are many roads ahead, the choice of what you love. How exciting is the first feeling of adulthood and independence! The exams are left behind, and with them the years carefree childhood. And ahead... Ahead big life, everything you dreamed about, everything unknown, exciting.

1st presenter.

School! She met you for 11 years, and now the time has come to part, the last evening within her walls is graduation!

Song performed:

On the first fine day of September

You timidly entered the school arches.

The first teacher and the first lesson -

This is how the school years begin.

School years wonderful -

With a book, with friendship, with a song.

How fast they fly

You can't turn them back!

Will they fly by without a trace?

No, no one will ever forget

School years.

1st presenter.

Today, from noon until evening, the birds sang somehow especially. The sun, calm and peaceful, slowly descended across the blue and somehow surprisingly wide sky. This memorable quiet summer evening as if escorting you as you enter adult life, into a clear and calm destiny. How I want this to come true! Good luck, happiness, love, dear graduates!

The floor is given to the school director...

The school principal speaks.

2nd presenter

Here's your year of study behind you.

And the first rise, and the first fall...

And this evening we wanted

Do you remember every moment?

While you and the class are still nearby...

And there is a long difficult road ahead.

But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look

Ask for forgiveness... for something!

1st presenter

Let this evening before you again

The moments of the first meeting flash by,

And the first friend, and the first love...

Everything is done on this farewell evening.

2nd presenter.

Much is already in the past for you: and the last school bell, And happy ticket on final exams. A lot is remembered in these moments. When you are 17, you can safely say: for 11 years school was your life. Your first teacher led you by the hand into the world of knowledge. Will you ever forget her wise smile and kind hands?

The floor is given to congratulate the first teacher.

Graduate (addressing the first teacher) ... (name, patronymic),

Poems for the first teacher:

Do you recognize us? Look,

Your first-graders are standing here!

We wore big backpacks,

Rulers, pens and notebooks.

We remember you with love,

So dear, so familiar,

You were like a mother to us all,

And we felt at home with you.

Thank you, bow to the ground

Please accept from all graduates

And just as carefully, lovingly

Teach your students.

We will remember you like this

And we can’t change our memory,

Graduates are now before you

They want to bend their knees.

1st presenter.

And now some statistics. Over the years of study, graduates received 3,333 “twos,” 3,331 “ten,” 156 diplomas, 27 broken glasses, won 187 awards at Olympiads and sports competitions... But the amount of effort expended by teachers, the amount of kindness and patience cannot be counted !

2nd presenter.

Dear graduates! For 11 years, teachers put grades in your diaries. Today we give you the opportunity to evaluate your knowledge of your favorite subjects yourself (invites you to take cardboard numbers out of a bag without looking).

Happy holiday, dear graduates! May all the grades you still receive in life be excellent!

1st presenter.

And now a little history. Creative activity heroes of today's celebration began in... the year with understanding the basics of reading, counting, and spelling. By the end of the year, the basics were understood, as evidenced by the handwritten inscription on the primer by one of the then first-graders: “Vovka is a fool.” It was not possible to find out who this mysterious Vovka is.

2nd presenter.

Having mastered the rules of grammar, future geniuses enthusiastically began to apply them. The school carefully preserves a table with a rock... excuse me, a tabletop drawing and an unforgettable inscription: “Sashka + Lenka = Love.” Who this Love was remains unknown.

1st presenter.

Found at excavations a large number of used chewing gum, and most of- on teachers' clothes. Many boots have been found that ran away from their owners, and a lot of invisible hats that were never found by their parents. Later, unidentified flying objects began to appear: balls, bricks, etc. The young geniuses successfully passed on their skills and abilities to the next generations of schoolchildren.

2nd presenter.

11 “A”, 11 “B”... What do these numbers and letters mean to you sitting here? I'm sure a lot. Because classroom- this is not just a group of students, this is a spiritual brotherhood of people who have become family, for whom someone’s misfortune becomes common, but also joy is the same for everyone. Life is so amazing: today they are still nearby - school graduates, they are still classmates; tomorrow their paths will diverge. But today’s joy, which is one for all, will be remembered for a long time.

1st presenter.

11 "A"! We are now ready to rejoice for you, unique 11 “A”. But first you should tell us a little about yourself. And you will do this with applause. I will name epithets, and you, if they correspond to the characteristics of your class, will clap. So your class is:






Well, you have a great class! There is a song for you.

A song is playing.

2nd presenter.

11 "B"! And now grade 11 “B” will tell you a little about themselves. This is class




very modest,

worthy of all praise.

Wonderful 11 ​​“B”, a song sounds for you.

A song is playing.

1st presenter. You learned that friendship is more valuable than anything else when you quarreled with your desk neighbor... You used to copy a classmate’s homework, and as you grew up, you looked to him for advice when bad things happened in life. The first book you read is also a memory from your school years.

Today you say goodbye to school, but in your memory you will remember your school years, dear to everyone’s heart, home school, your dear teachers.

Everything was there: roads and adversities,

And the light of the sun, and the light of your beloved eyes...

I look back on the past years

And I remember you with a warm feeling...

I took you as an example and sought advice.

The reward was the look of your living eyes,

You gave me so much warmth and light,

That's enough to warm ten people.

You give your life to great work,

You awaken a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for living

Here's to the beauty of your deeds and thoughts!

2nd presenter.

The floor is given to the class teachers.

Class teachers speak.


I'll never be a schoolgirl again.

Don't rush to class.

A mischievous and sad bell

My last bell rang.

It rang, but there was confusion in my soul,

The girls are in tears. Why?

How we have been waiting for this moment,

We've been preparing for it for so many years!

So many years! From such first-graders

We grew and gained strength.

And just as much older today

Those who taught us good became!

The strands are dusted with gray hair,

A new wrinkle has appeared...

Smart, beautiful, good,

My strict teachers!

I give you all the spring flowers

All the love that is in my heart.

In life until the last moment

I owe you an unpaid debt.

It's hard to talk about how we feel when we say goodbye to school. I would like to find kind words for everyone.

Graduates congratulate their parents.

Congratulations and words of gratitude for parents at graduation


If the son is first everywhere,

There are easily enough stars from the sky -

It's all parental nerves

The result is being pushed towards him.

If a daughter grows up for the joy of others,

Smart girl, athlete and artist,

So it was my mother who tried:

She was both a mentor and a close friend.

Here they are, beloved children:

Your boys and your girls,

Your little children, your little blood.

There are none more expensive, closer or more beautiful.

How many sleepless nights and days

Given for daughters and sons!

How many difficult and long years

Given for daughters and sons!


Who loved and caressed children,

Who didn't get enough sleep at night?

Who was worried about them?

And sometimes it was built?

Patiently day after day

They were raised... with a belt?

Did you help the teacher?

Who is this? Parents!

1st presenter. A word to the parents of graduates.

Parents of graduates speak. Then the Master appears in a robe.

I am a messenger from the Age of Enlightenment!

Greetings, young talents,

I came to see for myself

The fact is that the fire of knowledge has not gone out!

And being seriously concerned

The fate of science in current conditions,

I intend to take an oath from converts.

Do you swear, O undergrown tribe,

Achieve unprecedented success in work,

Do you swear not to interrupt communication?

What knowledge did school give you?

Do you swear, having left from now on

In this sad hour, the abode of enlightenment,

Don’t waste all your knowledge and experience,

Received within these walls?

The graduates respond: “We swear!”

Do you swear, O young fools,

Throwing without looking back into the sea of ​​life,

Don’t forget your alma mater in the future,

And most importantly, her teachers?

The graduates respond: “We swear!”

Do you swear, listening to foreigners,

From now on, with godless words

Should we not pollute our mighty tongue?

The graduates respond: “We swear!”

And if suddenly luck befalls you,

Do you swear, having become a thousand times richer,

The latest Versace shirt

Will you give it to this monastery?

The graduates respond: “We swear!”

Do you swear, O young tribe,

Don't consume a drop of alcohol

And tobacco from today?

The graduates respond: “We swear!”

My friends! Hear today

The last call is you. Accept

From now on, good luck!

May the heights of knowledge conquer you,

Storm them without fear - I wish you...

1st presenter

We wish you strength, inspiration,

Less failures and tears.

And in our difficult age - more patience!

And the fulfillment of everyone’s dreams and dreams!

May you find something you like!

May you meet true love!

2nd presenter

Forward, graduates, step boldly,

We wish you happiness and success again!

Organization of school graduation parties for grades 9 and 11!

(We work with any budget and are always ready to give advice on organizing a prom)

Cost of organizing graduation for grades 9 and 11.

“Economy” package from 1000 rubles per person.

  • Videographer, reportage photography and video clip about all the events at the prom
  • Help with choosing a restaurant or venue for graduation

“Basic” package from 1200 rubles per person

  • Professional host for banquets and buffets
  • DJ with a set of musical equipment
  • Lighting equipment for the evening
  • Screen and video projector
  • Professional photographer
  • Caricature artist for 3 hours
  • Help with choosing a typical prom scenario
  • Help with selecting artists and shows for graduation
  • Help with choosing a venue for graduation

*Organization of on-site catering is not included in the package price. Barbecue and buffet from the catering service “Ocean of Holidays” 1500 per person. Banquet from 2500 rubles. Read more about the menu


Package “Optimal” from 1500 rubles per person

  • Professional host for banquets and buffets
  • DJ with a set of musical equipment
  • Lighting equipment for the evening
  • Screen and video projector
  • Professional photographer
  • Professional videographer
  • Caricature artist for 3 hours
  • Help with choosing a typical prom scenario
  • Help with selecting artists for graduation

*Organization of on-site catering is not included in the package price. Barbecue and buffet from the catering service “Ocean of Holidays” 1500 per person. Banquet from 2500 rubles. Read more about the menu


Package “Unique” from 2000 rubles per person

  • Professional host for banquets and buffets
  • DJ with a set of musical equipment
  • Lighting equipment for the evening
  • Screen and video projector
  • Professional photographer
  • Professional videographer
  • Caricature artist for 3 hours
  • One of the shows to choose from. Dance, bartender, flambe show
  • Original prom script
  • Preparing for the evening with graduates
  • Shortbread or light show to choose from
  • Help with selecting artists for the prom
  • Help with choosing a venue for the prom

*Organization of on-site catering is not included in the package price. Barbecue and buffet from the catering service “Ocean of Holidays” 1500 per person. Banquet from 2500 rubles. Read more about the menu


For high school students and their parents, almost the entire last school year is spent preparing for school graduation. And basically it's perfect the right approach because the closer to the end school year, the more difficult it is to rent good room for the holiday. If an initiative group has not been selected among the parents of graduates that is ready to take on all organizational issues, you can entrust the organization of the graduation at the school to the Ocean of Holidays company.

Native walls help!

As is usually customary, the holiday should begin with the formation of its budget. After the parents have decided on the amount and raised funds, they can start looking for a suitable room for the holiday. If you do not have the opportunity to rent a club, cafe or restaurant for the celebration, you can organize a graduation party at school.

The assembly hall is the best place for a solemn official part. To create a cheerful festive mood, the hall needs to be decorated. Perfect for this Balloons, garlands, drawings and posters, funny banners, as well as photographs of graduates and teachers. You can prepare decorative elements for your school graduation yourself or entrust it to us. “Ocean of Holidays” has extensive experience in festive decoration of premises and will quickly cope with this task.

A graduate sounds proud!

When organizing a graduation party at school, you cannot do without a script, as well as an energetic and cheerful host who will support the right direction of the celebration and the order of all events and activities. Graduates can write a script themselves and also use our services. We will offer interesting stories for your graduation party and we will help in their implementation during the celebration. For example, the presentation of certificates can be organized in the style of an awards ceremony for Oscar winners or winners of a sports competition.

In order to hold a noisy event with the participation large number people, you will need sound equipment. Our company is ready to provide you with a speaker system of the required power, as well as microphones and the services of a DJ who will ensure complete sound accompaniment your school graduation. You can also rent lighting equipment from us to create festive lighting for your celebration.

Footage for history!

Organizing a school graduation party is unthinkable without the participation of a photographer. And although in our time almost everyone has decent digital equipment, in the end it turns out that out of the hundreds of frames taken by the participants, there is practically not a single successful one. We advise you not to rely on yourself and use the services of a professional who will conduct excellent reportage shooting of the holiday, a staged photo session in which graduates, parents and teachers can take part, and then provide for your graduation album excellent quality photographs.

The company "Ocean of Holidays" offers its services for organizing festive events. We will help organize a successful party for students, a holiday for high school students, graduation in primary school and even in kindergarten. We offer turnkey implementation of any event, from writing a script to organizing a festive buffet.

The entertainment program for the holiday is the 11th grade graduation at school with the participation of the presenter (various competitions and discotheques) and the organization of a banquet.

Our company Viz - Ball, offering its services in organizing a celebration - a school graduation, will allow parents of graduates not only to get rid of the burdensome hassle of organizing and hosting a graduation party, but also to get a lot of pleasure from the upcoming holiday together with their children.
Organizing with the help of the parents themselves and holding a holiday - graduation 11th is quite a difficult matter, and especially since parents are emotionally involved in the delivery of children state exams and filled with anxiety about the results of these exams, it is difficult to complete all the preparation for the upcoming holiday - graduation in the class is quite high quality.

Our company “Vipball” can offer parents the organization and holding of a holiday - 11th grade graduation using our experienced specialists. Graduates and their parents will have only one task left - to decide on the date and time and, at the appointed time, competent employees of our company will come to you.

On this holiday - school graduation, the entire celebration should take place smoothly and without any unforeseen disruptions during the festive fun. . Our company will help you achieve this goal! In addition to the date of the banquet, you need to decide on the banquet menu. On the appointed day and time, employees of our company will come to your school and bring with them tables, chairs, chair covers, tablecloths, dishes and cutlery. They will festively decorate the hall where the banquet will take place and provide its service.
For this purpose, our 11th graders will come to your holiday - graduation the best specialists: qualified cooks, banquet manager, waiters, and other support workers. Based on a pre-discussed and approved menu, our company’s employees will prepare the ordered dishes for the banquet and organize a feast, which can be held not only in the hall, but also on the school grounds in a white tent. .


The menu for the holiday - school graduation - has been agreed with ROSPOTREBNADZOR!
as required by the Department of Education.

Lightly salted salmon with lemon
Delicious roll with bacon tenderloin, cheese and sweet pepper
Original chicken breast roll with sweet pepper and cheese,
Homemade boiled pork
Several types of mixed vegetables
Canapes with cheese
Twisted eggplants with nut sauce
Tomato stuffed with cheese.
Pancakes with lightly salted salmon and cheese.
White meat chicken satsivi

Boiled chicken salad with pine nuts
Ripe tomato salad with Mozzarella cheese
Greek salad

Hot snack

Mushroom Julienne in dough roll

Hot dishes

Chicken skewers in barbecue sauce
Pork shashlik in marinade and with barbecue sauce
Boiled potatoes with butter and green dill

Bread basket

Bread table (buns + sliced ​​bread)
Meat pie
Pie with cabbage

Assorted mini cakes (3 pcs.)
Fruit bowl

Tea coffee
Apple, orange juice
Mineral water with gas
Still mineral water

This proposed menu can be discussed and you can always offer your own version of holiday dishes or replace only a few dishes.
You are also allowed to bring your own drinks or home-cooked food if you wish.

Meeting with guests

At the celebration - 11th grade graduation, the participants of the celebration walk along the red carpet and cut the red ribbon. At this solemn moment, you can take unforgettable photographs and graphic images that will preserve the fondest memories for school graduates.
Upon entering the foyer, graduates will be greeted by living statues and artists original genre and, lady buffet.

Additionally you can order:

Additionally We offer cake or chocolate fountains

Our design specialist can come to the school for the graduation ceremony holiday decoration hall with fabric, balloons or flowers, Graduates can take an active part in choosing a music and entertainment program, choose a host and a show of their favorite artists.

Meeting with guests:

Doubles of Hollywood artists
- mimes
- stilt walkers
- puppets


Performance by a musical group
- Ballet show performance
- Paper show
- Laser show
- Neon show
- Artists of the original genre
- Performance by Russian pop stars
- Bartender show
- Show of singing waiters
- Show of dancing waiters.
- Fireworks


Carving (Decoration of tables with figures of fruits and vegetables.)
- Chocolate fountains.
- Cocktail bar.
- Sweet bar (sweet table)

Festive decoration of the school:

- Flowers
- Fabric

On our website you will find funny and serious scenarios for prom and prom in grades 9-11.

The assembly hall is festively decorated. A song about school is playing. Parents and guests of graduates take their places in the hall, the director, head teacher, and teachers are located on the stage. Graduates line up in pairs at the entrance to the hall. Fanfare sounds. Two presenters take the stage.
Leading. Good evening, dear guests, we are pleased to welcome you to this hall.
Presenter. On prom 200... years!
Leading. The school is full of guests today,
Festive noise and chaos.
Presenter. The music will sound until late -
Today is the school graduation party!

The hall is festively decorated. Graduates together with class teachers line up at the entrance to the assembly hall. Teachers take their places on stage. The melody of the waltz “Wonderful School Years” sounds. D. Kabalevsky).

Leading. Dear Guys. Dear guests!
Presenter. Today we have a joyful and sad holiday. Another generation of kids has grown up.
Leading. Eleven years ago they were simply called First Graders.
Presenter. And today they are addressed respectfully by graduates.

(Parents, teachers, and guests are sitting in the hall. Graduates of the 11th grade with their class teachers are lined up in the foyer. Fanfare sounds. Graduates with their class teachers enter the hall to the tune of “Polonaise” and sit on the stage.)

Presenter 1: Hello, dear graduates!
Presenter 2: Good evening to everyone present in this room!
Presenter 1: Our dear graduates! Today is a special, unique, significant day in your life. You are entering adulthood.
Presenter 2: Today we honor graduates of a general education institution... and are holding a ceremony for presenting gold and silver medals, certificates, and letters of commendation for the course of secondary general education.
Presenter 1: There are honored guests at our ceremony. (Lists everyone.)
Presenter 2: It is no coincidence that we are holding this wonderful holiday at the Cosmos entertainment complex.
(The assembly hall is decorated in the shape of a space rocket.)
Presenter 1: This holiday is for you - launch pad into a new life.
Presenter 2: That's it! The boys have graduated, the flight is over at school. New life gives you the command: “Take off!”
Presenter 1: Many graduates who have left the walls of our school have reached stellar heights and their names are inscribed in the school’s honor book.
Presenter 2: Congratulating you, your parents and teachers, we traditionally open the graduation party with a school waltz.

(The song “When we leave the schoolyard” plays; the hosts of the evening come out - a boy and a girl from the 11th grade.)

Presenter. Good evening to everyone for whom the walls of this hall are cozy and dear. Today is a holiday at our school - graduation party.

Leading. Today we have family celebration, and we welcome guests - everyone who is happy and sad with us.

Presenter. The last school evening came today for eleventh grade students. Another (number) of people graduated from our school. Today we say goodbye to school, and to say goodbye we need warm and kind words.

(The hall is decorated in a ceremonial style, but a little humor won’t hurt. On the walls there are cartoons of the director, head teachers, teachers. A newspaper is being produced “What We Were, What We Became” - photographs of graduates in childhood and from the graduation album.
The melody of a waltz sounds. Graduates walk in pairs to the stage and climb onto it. The boys solemnly lead the girls in magnificent dresses. The couples, to the applause of their parents, cross the stage and descend into the hall. The last few couples (or even one) - these must be ballroom dancing guys - remain on stage to delight everyone with an elegant dance. After the performance, these couples also take their places in the hall. The presenters remain on stage - a young man and a girl from the graduating class.)

Voice behind the scene:
Days school life- the joy of surprise.
They have no price and their experience is great,
They are the source, the beginning of formation
Your future destiny, student.
(The evening opens with the melody of a waltz from the film “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast” by E. Doga. The presenters-teachers come out.)

(On the stage there are posters: “We will never forget you!”, “We wish you happiness!”, “ Bon Voyage!"; to “Polonaise” by F. Chopin, the presenters appear on stage - two teachers.)

Leading. Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday! At the most long-awaited, most wonderful holiday for schoolchildren of all generations. At our graduation party!

Presenter. It's a school night here,
The most memorable evening
We invite you to the ball,
For the last meeting.

(The hall is decorated in blue tones, there are images of stars, planets, etc. everywhere. The hall is twilight. The leading teachers of the school appear on stage to the song “Who invented you, star country?”

Leading. “Listen, if the stars light up, it means someone needs it, it means it’s necessary for at least one star to light up over the rooftops every evening...”

(Graduates gather before the start of the holiday on the school porch. It is necessary to prepare 11 doves in advance, which will be released into the sky at the start of the holiday. Fanfares sound, and the presenters - eleventh-graders - appear on the porch.)

Leading. How excited everyone is about this meeting,
Joy, embarrassment - on every face.
He came -
our farewell evening,
We gathered on the school porch.

Rearrangements of songs: “If love lives in the heart” (Yu. Savicheva); “Your Honor, Lady Luck”; “Women-Bitches” (I. Allegrova); “Well, how are you?” (I. Dubtsova); “How far has progress come”; Duet of Emil and Emily from the film " An ordinary miracle"; “Morning exercises” (V. Vysotsky); Duet of the Princess and the Troubadour from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”; “Five minutes” (L. Gurchenko); “Beautiful is far away”; “If you don’t have an aunt” (S. Nikitin); "Call me"; “No need to be sad, gentlemen officers”; “If you want to stay” (group “Accident”).

The presenters come to the middle of the stage. The graduates lined up at the stairs leading to the stage. At the beginning of the concert, the presenters introduce the graduates; later on in the concert, all the graduates take turns acting as presenters.

(Phonogram - the bell rings.)
Presenter 1: Here are the guests - parents, there - the children of the rake,
Only children entered the school threshold,
Presenter 2: And these are terrible punishments,
What the unfortunate children endured for a long time.
They are rakes,
Who were always confused by demons,
Only children entered the school threshold.

First graders.
English teacher.
Physics teacher.
Chemistry teacher.
Geography teacher.
Physical education teacher.
Classroom teacher.

Rearrangements of songs: “Under the roof of your house” (Yu. Antonov); “Song of the Crocodile Gena” (V. Shainsky; from the film “Cheburashka”); "Varangian"; "Understand"; “The Half-Educated Wizard” (A. Pugacheva); “Ostap’s Song” (A. Mironov); “Don’t rub salt on my wound” (V. Dobrynin); “Once upon a time” (from the film “Hussar Ballad”); “Ostap’s Tango” (from the film “12 Chairs”); “Help Me” (from the film “The Diamond Arm”); “Don’t be a fool, America” (group “Lube”); “Someone came down the hill”; “May there always be sunshine”; “Alexandra” (S. Nikitin; from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”); “You will recognize her” (group “Roots”); " Belovezhskaya Pushcha"(ensemble "Pesnyary").

(Shadow theatre. Against the background of “light” music, words are heard in the darkness (leaders behind the stage.)

Presenter 1: There was only darkness and abyss all around,
There is formlessness and chaos all around.
And suddenly He appeared,
Created weight in six days!
From this moment the great era of creation began.
(The mirror ball is illuminated by an overhead projector.)

Rearrangements of songs: “Everything will be fine” (Verka Serduchka); “Hope” (A. German); “In the last autumn” (group “DDT”)!

The sowing goes out in the hall. There is only glare from the mirror ball on the stage. The graduate comes out with a slow, smooth step, leading the first-grader by the hand.

First grader. What will happen now? Fairy tale?
Graduate. Fairy tale.
First grader. Scary?
Graduate. No, sad.
First grader. But will she have a happy ending?
Graduate. Undoubtedly! All fairy tales have a happy ending. But this fairy tale had a very happy beginning...
Many, many years ago, when the trees were big, the paths in school yard long, and the school stairs steep and high, mothers brought thirty boys and girls to school. By some miracle they ended up in the same class...
(The graduates slowly come onto the stage and stand in random order.) Thus began this light fairy tale called "Childhood".

Students (4) Sidekick
Students (6) O.S.P.-studio family:
Teacher Dad
Director Mom
Inspector Grandmother
RONO inspector Andryusha
Grandmother's Secretary (2)
Head teacher Politician Volodya
Caretaker Politician Vova
Doctor Politician Borya
Parents Politician Misha
Psychic Serduchka
Elka Experienced student

Song adaptations:
1. “Island of Childhood” (M. Boyarsky)
2. “Smoke of Menthol Cigarettes” (Nancy)
3. “My finances” (A. Buinov)
4. “Brother Louie” (Modern Talking)
5. “I’ll take you to the tundra...”
6. “You pissed me off”
7. “Girl, girl” (Ivanushki)
8. “Poplar fluff” (Ivanushki)
9. “My baby” (Hands up!)
10. “There, behind the fogs” (Lube) 1. “Roads” (Lube)
2. “Wait, locomotive”
3. “You got on TV” (Factory)
4. "Simple Arithmetic" (Prime Minister)
5. “The birch tree was crying” (Roots)
6. “Birches” (Lube)
7. “The bride and groom kneaded the dough”
8. “Chocolate Bunny” (P. Narciss)
9. “Esmeralda” (from the musical)
10. “If there was a sea of ​​beer” (Dune)
11. “Nobody writes to the Colonel” (Bi-2)
12. “My only one” (F. Kirkorov)
13. “Gulyanochka” (Serduchka)
14. “Computer ditties”
15. “Border” (L. Agutin)
16. “We are leaving” (Afghan)