A young light was born in the heavens. Russian folktale

A young and bright month was born in heaven, and on earth, near the old cathedral priest, Leonty the priest, a son was born - a mighty hero; and they named him young Alyosha Popovich - a pretty name. They began to feed and water Alyosha: whoever is a week old, he is like this every day; The new ones are 1 year old, Alyosha is a week old. Alyosha began to walk along the street, began to play with the little children: whoever he takes by the hand - the hand away, whoever by the leg - the leg away; his game was not selfish! Whomever he takes by the middle, he will deprive him of his stomach. And Alyosha grew older; I taught him to ask his father and mother for a blessing: to go for a walk in an open field. The father says: “Alyosha Popovich! You go into an open field; We have people stronger than you; take Maryshka Paranov’s son as your faithful servant.” And the good fellows mounted the good horses; As they drove into the open field, the dust began to smoke like a pillar: they only saw good fellows!

Good fellows came to visit Prince Vladimir; here Alyosha Popovich goes straight to the white stone chambers of Prince Vladimir, puts down the cross in the written way, bows in a learned way on all four sides, and to Prince Vladimir in particular. And Vladimir the Prince meets the good fellows and seats them at an oak table: it’s good to give the good fellows something to drink and feed and ask for news at a moment’s notice; The good fellows taught us to eat printed gingerbread and drink it with strong wine. Then Prince Vladimir asked the good fellows: “Who are you, good fellows? Are the strong and daring heroes or the wandering travelers - saddlebags? I don’t know your name or ancestry.” Alyosha Popovich holds the answer: “I am the son of the old cathedral priest Leonty, Alyosha Popovich is young, and among my comrades is the servant Maryshko Paranov’s son.” After Alyosha Popovich ate and drank, he taught how to cook 4 the brick oven, he lay down at noon 5, and Maryshko was sitting at the table.

At that time, at that time, Zmeevich the hero came and conquered the entire kingdom of Prince Vladimir. Tugarin Zmeevich goes to the white-stone chambers to Prince Vladimir; he stepped on the threshold with his left foot and behind the oak table with his right foot; he drinks and eats and hugs the princess, and plays and curses at Prince Vladimir; he puts one rug on his cheek, and another on the other; he puts a whole swan on his tongue, shoves a pie, and suddenly swallows it all.

Alyosha Popovich lies on a brick stove and says the following speeches to Tugarin Zmeevich: “Our father at the old Leonty priest had a cow, he was a glutton, he went to breweries and ate whole cans of brewery grounds with grounds; the cow reached the lake, the glutton reached the lake, drank all the water from the lake - took it here and tore it to pieces, and Tugarin would have torn everything up at the table!” Tugarin got angry with Alyosha Popovich and threw a damask knife at him; Alyosha Popovich was evasive and dodged him behind an oak post. Alyosha says this: “Thank you, Zmeevich Tugarin the hero, you gave me a damask knife; I will open your white breasts, I will cover your clear eyes, I will look at your zealous heart.”

At that time, Maryshko Paranov's son jumped out from behind the oak table on quick legs and grabbed Tugarin by the bloat 7, snatched him from behind the table and threw a white stone against the room - and the glass windows fell down. As Alyosha Popovich says from the brick kiln: “Oh, Maryshko, Maryshko Paranov’s son, you are a faithful and unfailing servant!” Paranov’s son Maryshko answers: “Give me, Alyosha Popovich, a damask knife; I will strip Tugarin Zmeevich’s white breasts, I will cover his clear eyes, I will look at his zealous heart.” Alyosha from the brick kiln holds the answer: “Oh, Maryshko Paranov’s son! Don’t mine the white stone chambers, let him go into the open field; there is nowhere for it to go; We’ll meet with him in the morning in an open field.”

In the morning, Maryshko Paranov’s son got up early and early with the sun, he took the frisky horses out to drink water on the fast river. Tugarin Zmeevich flies across the sky and asks Alyosha Popovich to go into the open field. And Maryshko Paranov’s son came to Alyosha Popovich: “God is your judge, Alyosha Popovich! You didn’t give me a damask knife; I would cut open the bastard's white breasts, I would cover his clear eyes, I would look out for his zealous heart; Now what will you take from him, from Tugarin? He flies across the sky." Alyosha says this word: “It’s not my replacement, it’s all betrayal!”

Alyosha led out his good horse, saddled it in a Cherkassy saddle, and pulled it up with twelve silk girths - not for the sake of strength, but for the sake of strength, Alyosha rode into an open field. Alyosha is driving across an open field and sees Tugarin Zmeevich: he is flying across the sky. And Alyosha Popovich prayed: “Most Holy Mother of God! Punish the black cloud; God forbid from the black clouds a little bit of rain would wet Tugarin’s paper porches.” Alyosha had a profitable plea: a black cloud rolled in; From that menacing cloud, God gave frequent, frequent and grainy rain, and Tugarin’s paper porches were wet; He fell on the damp ground and drove across an open field.

If not two mountains rolled together, then Tugarin and Alyosha moved together, they hit each other with clubs - the clubs broke on their heads, their spears collided - the spears twisted around, they swung their sabers - the sabers were torn. It was then that Alyosha Popovich fell from the saddle like a sheaf of oats; and then Tugarin Zmeevich taught to beat Alyosha Popovich, but was it Alyosha who was evasive, Alyosha dodged under the horse’s womb, on the other hand he twisted out from under the womb and hit Tugarin with a damask knife under the right bosom, and pushed Tugarin off the good horse, and Alyosha Popovich taught shout to Tugarin: “Thank you, Tugarin Zmeevich, for the damask knife; I will open your white breasts, I will cover your clear eyes, I will look at your zealous heart.”

Alyosha cut off his violent head, and he took the violent head to the prince to Vladimir; he rides and plays with his little head, sweeps the little head high, and picks up the little head on a sharp spear. Here Vladimir became alarmed: “Lucky Tugarin will riot the head of Alyosha Popovich! He will now take our Christian kingdom into captivity!” The answer is held by Maryshko Paranov’s son: “Don’t grieve, red sun Vladimir Stolny, of Kiev! If the filthy Tugarin rides on the ground, and does not fly across the sky, he will lay his violent head on my damask spear; Don’t be sad, Prince Vladimir: it’s time - I’ll fraternize with him!”

Here Maryshko Paranov’s son looked through his telescope and recognized Alyosha Popovich: “I see a heroic maneuver, a brave act: Alyosha turns his horse tightly, plays with his little head, sweeps the little head high, picks up the little head of a spear at a sharp angle. It is not the filthy Tugarin who is coming, but Alyosha Popovich, the son of Leonty the priest of the old cathedral; He’s carrying the head of the filthy Tugarin Zmeevich.”

2 Across.

4 Correct- get ready, go ( Red.).

5 Rest in the afternoon.

6 Converted to the Latin faith ( Red.).

7 bloat- collar ( Red.).

8 Don't mess it up.

9 Beauty, panache.

10 Chivye- handle.

11 I was afraid, afraid.

A young and bright month was born in heaven, and on earth, near the old cathedral priest, Leonty the priest, a son was born - a mighty hero; and they named him young Alyosha Popovich - a pretty name. They began to feed and water Alyosha: whoever is a week old, he is like this every day; The new ones are a year old, Alyosha is a week old. Alyosha began to walk along the street, began to play with the little children: whoever he takes by the hand - the hand away, whoever by the leg - the leg away; his game was not selfish! Whoever he takes by the middle, he will deprive him of his belly. And Alyosha grew older; I taught him to ask his father and mother for a blessing: to go for a walk in an open field.

Father says:

Alesha Popovich! You go into an open field; We have people stronger than you; take Maryshka Paranov’s son as your faithful servant.

And the good fellows mounted the good horses; As they drove into the open field, the dust began to smoke like a pillar: they only saw good fellows!

Good fellows came to visit Prince Vladimir; here Alyosha Popovich goes straight to the white stone chambers of Prince Vladimir, puts down the cross in the written way, bows in a learned way on all four sides, and to Prince Vladimir in particular. And Vladimir the Prince meets the good fellows and seats them at an oak table: it’s good to give the good fellows something to drink and feed and ask for news at a moment’s notice; The good fellows taught us to eat printed gingerbread and drink it with strong wine. Then Prince Vladimir asked the good fellows:

Who are you, good fellows? Are the strong and daring heroes or the wandering travelers - saddlebags? I don’t know your name or ancestry.

Alyosha Popovich holds the answer:

I am the son of the old cathedral priest Leonty the young Alyosha Popovich, and my comrades are the servant Maryshko Paranov, the son.

After Alyosha Popovich ate and drank, he taught how to go to the brick oven, he lay down at midday, and Maryshko was sitting at the table.

At that time, at that time, Zmeevich the hero came and conquered the entire kingdom of Prince Vladimir. Tugarin Zmeevich goes to the white-stone chambers to Prince Vladimir; he stepped on the threshold with his left foot and behind the oak table with his right foot; he drinks and eats and hugs the princess, and plays and curses at Prince Vladimir; he puts one rug on his cheek, and another on the other; he puts a whole swan on his tongue, shoves a pie, and suddenly swallows it all.

Alyosha Popovich lies on a brick stove and says the following speeches to Tugarin Zmeevich:

It was with our old father Leonty the priest - he had a cow, he was a glutton, he went to breweries and ate whole cans of brewery grounds; the cow reached the lake, the glutton reached the lake, drank all the water from the lake - took it here and tore it to pieces, and Tugarin would have torn everything up at the table!

Tugarin got angry with Alyosha Popovich and threw a damask knife at him; Alyosha Popovich was evasive and dodged him behind an oak post. Alyosha says this:

Thank you, Zmeevich Tugarin the hero, you gave me a damask knife; I will open your white breasts, I will cover your clear eyes, I will look at your zealous heart.

At that time, Maryshko Paranov's son jumped out from behind the oak table on quick legs and grabbed Tugarin by the bloat, snatched him from behind the table and threw the white stone against the room - and the glass windows fell down. As Alyosha Popovich says from the brick kiln:

Oh, Maryshko, Maryshko Paranov’s son, you are a faithful and unfailing servant!

Maryshko Paranov's son answers:

Give me, Alyosha Popovich, a damask knife; I will open Tugarin Zmeevich’s white breasts, I will cover his clear eyes, I will look at his zealous heart.

Alyosha from the brick kiln holds the answer:

Oh, Maryshko Paranov's son! Don’t mine the white stone chambers, let him go into the open field; there is nowhere for it to go; We’ll meet with him in the morning in an open field.

In the morning, Maryshko Paranov’s son got up early and early with the sun, he took the frisky horses out to drink water on the fast river. Tugarin Zmeevich flies across the sky and asks Alyosha Popovich to go into the open field. And Maryshko Paranov’s son came to Alyosha Popovich:

God is your judge, Alyosha Popovich! You didn’t give me a damask knife; I would cut open the bastard's white breasts, I would cover his clear eyes, I would look out for his zealous heart; Now what will you take from him, from Tugarin? He flies across the sky.

Alyosha says this:

Not my replacement, everything is treason!

Alyosha led out his good horse, saddled it in a Cherkassy saddle, and pulled it up with twelve silk girths - not for the sake of strength, but for the sake of strength, Alyosha rode into an open field. Alyosha is driving across an open field and sees Tugarin Zmeevich: he is flying across the sky. And Alyosha Popovich prayed:

Holy Mother of God! Punish the black cloud; God forbid that from the black clouds there would be a drop of grainy rain, Tugarin’s paper porches would be wet.

Alyosha had a profitable plea: a black cloud rolled in; From that menacing cloud, God gave frequent, frequent and grainy rain, and Tugarin’s paper porches were wet; He fell on the damp ground and drove across an open field.

A young and bright month was born in heaven, and on earth, near the old cathedral priest, Leonty the priest, a son was born - a mighty hero; and they named him young Alyosha Popovich - a pretty name. They began to feed and water Alyosha: whoever is a week old, he is like this every day; The new ones are a year old, Alyosha is a week old. Alyosha began to walk along the street, began to play with the little children: whoever he takes by the hand - the hand away, whoever by the leg - the leg away; his game was not selfish! Whoever he takes by the middle, he will deprive him of his belly. And Alyosha grew older; I taught him to ask his father and mother for a blessing: to go for a walk in an open field.
Father says:
- Alesha Popovich! You go into an open field; We have people stronger than you; take Maryshka Paranov’s son as your faithful servant.
And the good fellows mounted the good horses; As they drove into the open field, the dust began to smoke like a pillar: they only saw good fellows!
Good fellows came to visit Prince Vladimir; here Alyosha Popovich goes straight to the white stone chambers of Prince Vladimir, puts down the cross in the written way, bows in a learned way on all four sides, and to Prince Vladimir in particular. And Vladimir the Prince meets the good fellows and seats them at an oak table: it’s good to give the good fellows something to drink and feed and ask for news at a moment’s notice; The good fellows taught us to eat printed gingerbread and drink it with strong wine. Then Prince Vladimir asked the good fellows:
- Who are you, good fellows? Are the strong and daring heroes or the wandering travelers - saddlebags? I don’t know your name or ancestry. Then Prince Vladimir asked the good fellows:
- Who are you, good fellows? Are the strong and daring heroes or the wandering travelers - saddlebags? I don’t know your name or ancestry.
Alyosha Popovich holds the answer:
“I am the son of the old cathedral priest Leonty the young Alyosha Popovich, and my comrades are the servant Maryshko Paranov’s son.”
After Alyosha Popovich ate and drank, he taught how to go to the brick oven, he lay down at midday, and Maryshko was sitting at the table.
At that time, at that time, Zmeevich the hero came and conquered the entire kingdom of Prince Vladimir. Tugarin Zmeevich goes to the white-stone chambers to Prince Vladimir; he stepped on the threshold with his left foot and behind the oak table with his right foot; he drinks and eats and hugs the princess, and plays and curses at Prince Vladimir; he puts one rug on his cheek, and another on the other; he puts a whole swan on his tongue, shoves a pie, and suddenly swallows it all.
Alyosha Popovich lies on a brick stove and says the following speeches to Tugarin Zmeevich:
- Our old father, Leonty the priest, had a cow, he was a glutton, he went to breweries and ate whole cans of brewery grounds; the cow reached the lake, the glutton reached the lake, drank all the water from the lake - took it here and tore it to pieces, and Tugarin would have torn everything up at the table!
Tugarin got angry with Alyosha Popovich and threw a damask knife at him; Alyosha Popovich was evasive and dodged him behind an oak post. Alyosha says this:
- Thank you, Zmeevich Tugarin the hero, you gave me a damask knife; I will open your white breasts, I will cover your clear eyes, I will look at your zealous heart.
At that time, Maryshko Paranov's son jumped out from behind the oak table on quick legs and grabbed Tugarin by the bloat, snatched him from behind the table and threw the white stone against the room - and the glass windows fell down. As Alyosha Popovich says from the brick kiln:
- Oh, Maryshko, Maryshko Paranov’s son, you are a faithful and unfailing servant!
Maryshko Paranov's son answers:
- Give me, Alyosha Popovich, a damask knife; I will open Tugarin Zmeevich’s white breasts, I will cover his clear eyes, I will look at his zealous heart.
Alyosha from the brick kiln holds the answer:
- Oh, Maryshko Paranov’s son! Don’t mine the white stone chambers, let him go into the open field; there is nowhere for it to go; We’ll meet with him in the morning in an open field.
In the morning, Maryshko Paranov’s son got up early and early with the sun, he took the frisky horses out to drink water on the fast river. Tugarin Zmeevich flies across the sky and asks Alyosha Popovich to go into the open field. And Maryshko Paranov’s son came to Alyosha Popovich:
- God is your judge, Alyosha Popovich! You didn’t give me a damask knife; I would cut open the bastard's white breasts, I would cover his clear eyes, I would look out for his zealous heart; Now what will you take from him, from Tugarin? He flies across the sky.
Alyosha says this:
- Not my replacement, everything is treason!
Alyosha led out his good horse, saddled it in a Cherkassy saddle, and pulled it up with twelve silk girths - not for the sake of strength, but for the sake of strength, Alyosha rode into an open field. Alyosha is driving across an open field and sees Tugarin Zmeevich: he is flying across the sky. And Alyosha Popovich prayed:
- Most Holy Mother of God! Punish the black cloud; God forbid that from the black clouds there would be a drop of grainy rain, Tugarin’s paper porches would be wet.
Alyosha had a profitable plea: a black cloud rolled in; From that menacing cloud, God gave frequent, frequent and grainy rain, and Tugarin’s paper porches were wet; He fell on the damp ground and drove across an open field.
If not two mountains roll together, then Tugarin and Alyosha moved together, they hit their clubs - the clubs broke on their heads, their spears collided - the spears twisted around their heads, they swung their sabers - the sabers were torn. It was then that Alyosha Popovich fell from the saddle like a sheaf of oats; and then Tugarin Zmeevich taught to beat Alyosha Popovich, but was it Alyosha who was evasive, Alyosha dodged under the horse’s womb, on the other hand he twisted out from under the womb and hit Tugarin with a damask knife under the right bosom, and pushed Tugarin off the good horse, and Alyosha Popovich taught shout to Tugarin:
- Thank you, Tugarin Zmeevich, for the damask knife; I will open your white breasts, I will cover your clear eyes, I will look at your zealous heart.
Alyosha cut off his violent head, and he took the violent head to the prince to Vladimir; he rides and plays with his little head, sweeps the little head high, and picks up the little head on a sharp spear. Here Vladimir became alarmed:
- Tugarin is carrying the wild head of Alyosha Popovich! He will now take our Christian kingdom into captivity!
The answer is given by Maryshko Paranov’s son:
- Don’t grieve, red sun Vladimir Stolny, Kiev! If the filthy Tugarin rides on the ground, and does not fly across the sky, he will lay his violent head on my damask spear; Don’t be sad, Prince Vladimir: it’s time - I’ll fraternize with him!
Maryshko Paranov’s son looked through his telescope and recognized Alyosha Popovich:
“I see a heroic spirit, a brave deed.”
Alyosha turns his horse around, plays with his little head, sweeps the little head high, and picks up the little head at the sharp end of his spear. It is not the filthy Tugarin who is coming, but Alyosha Popovich, the son of Leonty the priest of the old cathedral; He is carrying the head of the filthy Tugarin Zmeevich.

A young and bright month was born in heaven, and on earth, near the old cathedral priest, Leonty the priest, a son was born - a mighty hero; and they named him young Alyosha Popovich - a pretty name. They began to feed and water Alyosha: whoever is a week old, he is like this every day; The new ones are 1 year old, Alyosha is a week old. Alyosha began to walk along the street, began to play with the little children: whoever he takes by the hand - the hand away, whoever by the leg - the leg away; his game was not selfish! Whoever he takes by the middle, he will deprive him of his belly. And Alyosha grew older; I taught him to ask his father and mother for a blessing: to go for a walk in an open field. The father says: “Alyosha Popovich! You go into an open field; We have people stronger than you; take Maryshka Paranov’s son as your faithful servant.” And the good fellows mounted the good horses; As they drove into the open field, the dust began to smoke like a pillar: they only saw good fellows!

Good fellows came to visit Prince Vladimir; here Alyosha Popovich goes straight to the white stone chambers of Prince Vladimir, puts down the cross in the written way, bows in a learned way on all four sides, and to Prince Vladimir in particular. And Vladimir the Prince meets the good fellows and seats them at an oak table: it’s good to give the good fellows something to drink and feed and ask for news at a moment’s notice; The good fellows taught us to eat printed gingerbread and drink it with strong wine. Then Prince Vladimir asked the good fellows: “Who are you, good fellows? Are the strong and daring heroes or the wandering travelers - saddlebags? I don’t know your name or ancestry.” Alyosha Popovich holds the answer: “I am the son of the old cathedral priest Leonty, Alyosha Popovich is young, and among my comrades is the servant Maryshko Paranov’s son.” After Alyosha Popovich ate and drank, he taught how to go to the brick oven, he lay down at midday, and Maryshko was sitting at the table.

At that time, and at that time, Zmeevich the hero came and conquered the entire kingdom of Prince Vladimir. Tugarin Zmeevich goes to the white-stone chambers to Prince Vladimir; he stepped on the threshold with his left foot and behind the oak table with his right foot; he drinks and eats and hugs the princess, and plays and curses at Prince Vladimir; he puts one rug on his cheek, and another on the other; he puts a whole swan on his tongue, shoves a pie, and suddenly swallows it all.

Alyosha Popovich lies on a brick stove and says the following speeches to Tugarin Zmeevich: “Our father at the old Leonty priest had a cow, he was a glutton, he went to breweries and ate whole cans of brewery grounds with grounds; the cow reached the lake, the glutton reached the lake, drank all the water from the lake - took it here and tore it to pieces, and Tugarin would have torn everything up at the table!” Tugarin got angry with Alyosha Popovich and threw a damask knife at him; Alyosha Popovich was evasive and dodged him behind an oak post. Alyosha says this: “Thank you, Zmeevich Tugarin the hero, you gave me a damask knife; I will open your white breasts, I will cover your clear eyes, I will look at your zealous heart.”

At that time, Maryshko Paranov's son jumped out from behind the oak table on quick legs and grabbed Tugarin by the bloat7, snatched him from behind the table and threw the white stone against the room - and the glass windows fell down. As Alyosha Popovich says from the brick kiln: “Oh, Maryshko, Maryshko Paranov’s son, you are a faithful and unfailing servant!” Paranov’s son Maryshko answers: “Give me, Alyosha Popovich, a damask knife; I will strip Tugarin Zmeevich’s white breasts, I will cover his clear eyes, I will look at his zealous heart.” Alyosha from the brick kiln holds the answer: “Oh, Maryshko Paranov’s son! Don’t mine the white stone chambers, let him go into the open field; there is nowhere for it to go; We’ll meet with him in the morning in an open field.”

In the morning, Maryshko Paranov’s son got up early and early with the sun, he took the frisky horses out to drink water on the fast river. Tugarin Zmeevich flies across the sky and asks Alyosha Popovich to go into the open field. And Maryshko Paranov’s son came to Alyosha Popovich: “God is your judge, Alyosha Popovich! You didn’t give me a damask knife; I would cut open the bastard's white breasts, I would cover his clear eyes, I would look out for his zealous heart; Now what will you take from him, from Tugarin? He flies across the sky." Alyosha says this word: “It’s not my replacement, it’s all betrayal!”

Alyosha led out his good horse, saddled it in a Cherkassy saddle, and pulled it up with twelve silk girths - not for the sake of strength, but for the sake of strength, Alyosha rode into an open field. Alyosha is driving across an open field and sees Tugarin Zmeevich: he is flying across the sky. And Alyosha Popovich prayed: “Most Holy Mother of God! Punish the black cloud; God forbid from the black clouds a little bit of rain would wet Tugarin’s paper porches.” Alyosha had a profitable plea: a black cloud rolled in; From that menacing cloud, God gave frequent, frequent and grainy rain, and Tugarin’s paper porches were wet; He fell on the damp ground and drove across an open field. oskazkah.ru - website

If not two mountains rolled together, then Tugarin and Alyosha moved together, they hit their clubs - the clubs broke on their heads, their spears collided - their spears twisted around, they waved their sabers - the sabers were torn. It was then that Alyosha Popovich fell from the saddle like a sheaf of oats; and then Tugarin Zmeevich taught to beat Alyosha Popovich, but was it Alyosha who was evasive, Alyosha dodged under the horse’s womb, on the other hand he twisted out from under the womb and hit Tugarin with a damask knife under the right bosom, and pushed Tugarin off the good horse, and Alyosha Popovich taught shout to Tugarin: “Thank you, Tugarin Zmeevich, for the damask knife; I will open your white breasts, I will cover your clear eyes, I will look at your zealous heart.”

Alyosha cut off his violent head, and he took the violent head to the prince to Vladimir; he rides and plays with his little head, sweeps the little head high, and picks up the little head on a sharp spear. Here Vladimir became alarmed11: “Lucky Tugarin will riot the head of Alyosha Popovich! He will now take our Christian kingdom into captivity!” The answer is held by Maryshko Paranov’s son: “Don’t grieve, red sun Vladimir Stolny, of Kiev! If the filthy Tugarin rides on the ground, and does not fly across the sky, he will lay his violent head on my damask spear; Don’t be sad, Prince Vladimir: it’s time - I’ll fraternize with him!”

Here Maryshko Paranov’s son looked through his telescope and recognized Alyosha Popovich: “I see a heroic maneuver, a brave act: Alyosha turns his horse tightly, plays with his little head, sweeps his little head high, catches his head at the sharp end of a spear. It is not Tugarin who is coming, but Alyosha Popovich, the son of Leonty the priest of the old cathedral; he is carrying the little head of Tugarin Zmeevich.”


1 Others.
2 Across.
3 Straight.
4 Get ready - get ready, set off (Ed.).
5 Rest in the afternoon.
6 Converted to the Latin faith (Ed.).
7 Frills - collar (Ed.).
8 Don't mess it up.
9 Beauty, panache.
10 Chivye - handle.
11 I was afraid, afraid.

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A young and bright month was born in heaven, and on earth a son was born to the old cathedral priest Leonty the priest - a mighty hero; They gave him the name Young Alyosha Popovich - a pretty name. They began to feed and water Alyosha; who has a weekly one - he is like this every day; Others have an annual one - Alyosha is like this for a week.

Alyosha began to walk along the street, began to play with the little children: whoever he took by the hand, hand away, whoever by the leg, away. Alyosha became older; I began to ask my father and mother for a blessing: to go for a walk in an open field. Father says:
- Alyosha Popovich, you will go to an open field, but there are others stronger than you; You take Maryshka Paranov’s son as your comrade.
Good fellows mounted good horses; As they drove into the open field, the dust began to smoke like a column: only good fellows were seen.
Good fellows came to Kyiv-grad. Here Alyosha Popovich goes straight to the white stone chambers to Prince Vladimir, puts down the cross in the written way, bows in a learned way, on all four sides, and to Prince Vladimir in particular.
Prince Vladimir meets the good fellows, sits them at an oak table: it’s good to give the good fellows something to drink, feed and ask for news. The good fellows began to eat printed gingerbread and drink strong wines. Then Prince Vladimir asked the good fellows:
- Who are you, good fellows? Are the strong and daring heroes, or are the travelers just saddlebags?
Alyosha Popovich holds the answer:
- I am the son of the old cathedral priest Leonty, Alyosha Popovich is young, and Maryshko’s comrades are Paranov’s son.
As Alyosha Popovich ate and drank, he lay down to take the afternoon light on the brick stove, and Maryshko sat at the table.
At that time, Zmeevich the hero came to visit Prince Vladimir. Tugarin Zmeevich goes to the white stone chambers to Prince Vladimir; he stepped on the threshold with his left foot and behind the oak table with his right foot; he drinks and eats and hugs the princess, and plays and curses at Prince Vladimir; he puts one rug on his cheek, and another on the other; he puts a whole swan on his tongue, shoves a pie, and suddenly swallows it all.
Alyosha Popovich lies on a brick stove and says the following speeches to Tugarin Zmeevich:
- She was at our father’s, at the old priest’s Leonty, she had a cow, she was a glutton, she went to breweries and ate whole cans of brewery grounds; the cow reached the lake, the glutton reached the lake, drank all the water from the lake - then she was torn apart. And you too, Tugarin, would have been completely torn apart at the table.
Tugarin got angry with Alyosha Popovich and threw a damask knife at him. Alyosha Popovich was evasive and dodged behind an oak post. Alyosha says this:
- Thank you, Zmeevich Tugarin the hero, you gave me a damask knife; I will strip your white breasts, I will cover your clear eyes.
At that time, Maryshko Paranov's son jumped out from behind the table, grabbed Tugarin and threw a white stone against the room - the glass windows fell down.
Maryshko says to Alyosha:
- Give me, Alyosha Popovich, a damask knife; I will rip open Tugarin Zmeevich’s white breasts, I will cover his clear eyes.
And Alyosha answers:
- Don’t mess up the white stone chambers, let him go into an open field - he won’t go anywhere; We’ll meet with him tomorrow in an open field.
In the morning, Maryshko Paranov’s son rose early and early with the sun, and he led the fast horses out to drink water on the fast river. He sees Tugarin Zmeevich flying across the sky and calling Alyosha Popovich into an open field. Maryshko Paranov's son came to Alyosha Popovich.
- God is your judge, Alyosha Popovich, you didn’t give me a damask knife: I would have cut open the bastard’s white breasts, I would have covered his clear eyes. And now what can you take from Tugarin, he flies across the sky!
Alyosha took out his good horse, saddled him in a Cherkassy saddle, pulled him up with twelve silk girths - not for the sake of strength, but for the sake of strength, he rode into an open field. Alyosha is driving across an open field and sees Tugarin Zmeevich: he is flying across the sky. Alyosha looks up at the sky and beckons a thundercloud to wet Tugarin’s wings with rain!
A black cloud rolled in, rained down, wet Tugarin’s horse’s wings, he fell on the damp ground and rode across an open field.
Not two mountains meet together, then Tugarin and Alyosha come together. They hit the clubs - the clubs broke; spears collided, spears twisted; They swung their sabers - the sabers were damaged. Then Alyosha Popovich fell from the saddle like a sheaf of oats. Tugarin was delighted, he wanted to beat Alyosha Popovich, but Alyosha was evasive. Alyosha dodged under the horse's belly, turned on the other side and hit Tugarin with a damask knife under the right sinus. He kicked Tugarin off his good horse and shouted to Tugarin:
- Thank you, Tugarin Zmeevich, for the damask knife; I will strip your white breasts, I will cover your clear eyes.
Alyosha Popovich cut off the violent head of Tugarin and took the violent head to Prince Vladimir. He rides and plays with his little head, sweeps the little head high, and picks up the little head when the spear is sharp. Then Vladimir got scared:
- Tugarin is carrying the wild head of Alyosha Popovich. He will now captivate our entire kingdom.
And Maryshko Paranov says:
- Don’t worry, Red Sun, Vladimir Stolno-Kyiv. If the filthy Tugarin rides on the ground, and does not fly across the sky, he will lay his violent head on my damask spear; Don’t be sad, Prince Vladimir.
Maryshko Paranov’s son looked through his telescope and recognized Alyosha Popovich.
- I see a heroic trick, a brave act: Alyosha turns his horse tightly, plays with his little head, sweeps the little head high, catches the little head at the sharp end of the spear. It is not the filthy Tugarin who is coming, but Alyosha Popovich, he is carrying the head of the filthy Tugarin Zmeevich.