What is better: an academic degree or a specialist? Bachelor and Master - what's the difference?

The changes that have occurred over the past 15 years have scattered many stable concepts across the Russian expanses. Such clear and good Soviet higher education has gradually become a thing of the past, and now a new system is being built with difficulty. And now we are getting used to new concepts: bachelor's and master's degrees.

From the history

Russian students first encountered this in 1996. Then, for the first time, a two-level system of higher education was introduced in universities. The purpose of the innovations is to join the Bologna process, namely the voluntary unification of higher education systems in European countries, which by that time had already been around two decades old.

Legally, the process of accession to European standards was formalized in 2003 with the signing of the Bologna Declaration by the Russian side. Since 2011, the two-level system has become the main one in Russian education.

It should be noted that students who entered before 2010 still have the opportunity to obtain a “certified specialist” degree. This degree is intermediate between a bachelor and a master. But currently the training system looks like this:

1. Bachelor

2. Master.

What is the difference between a bachelor and a master?

These two concepts, unusual for us, mean the degree of preparation of university graduates. To understand well how a master's degree differs from a bachelor's degree, you need to know what the goals of training are at each of these two levels.

Bachelor's degree prepares practicing specialists

After graduating from school, graduates enter a bachelor's degree program. This is the first stage of higher education. After two years of study, each of them can receive a diploma of incomplete higher education. Such a diploma means that a person has completed half of the first stage of higher professional education. The volume and content of the knowledge acquired are indicated in the annex to such a diploma.

Almost no one stops at this stage. After completing 2 more training courses, after passing the final certification, the student receives a bachelor's degree. By this time, not only general education sciences, but also special disciplines have already been studied, and professional practice has also been completed. A bachelor's diploma indicates a fully completed higher professional education. A graduate can apply for positions that require a higher education.

Master's degree - focus on scientific work

If you want to continue to engage in science or teach at universities, you need to enroll in a master's program. A master's degree is a required level for those who plan further scientific activity or teaching at a university.

Another disadvantage is that they preferably hire bachelors - and more is not required for office work. The employee must be able to work with information, process documents, and work in a team. In general, he must be an efficient and competent worker. No special scientific activities are required here. That is why most students receive basic knowledge, some practical experience during 4 years and then get serious about their career.

Advantages and disadvantages of two-level training

In the vastness of the former Soviet Union, the new two-level system of university education has not yet taken root and causes many difficulties in understanding. Personnel officers sometimes find it difficult to determine the level of preparedness of a young specialist. After all, both of them indicate “higher education” when filling out the questionnaire. In the eyes of the older generation, a first-level graduate looks more like a “dropout.” In addition, in some areas, a bachelor's degree is far from a winning option: economics, law, high technology. Sometimes the first stage, according to old-school personnel officers, is equivalent to a technical school.

But there are also advantages. Large companies prefer to hire first-level graduates. This is especially true for those structures that have their own personnel training system. After all, it is much easier to teach than to relearn. And it is much easier for someone who has mastered the practice of teaching at a university to complete their studies - training for 4 years gives them the skills to be ready to learn.

And besides, a bachelor’s degree is more focused on practice than a master’s degree. Indeed, during the period of study in the master's program, an orientation towards scientific research activities is created to a greater extent than towards practical ones.

If a student is aimed at promoting scientific and technological progress, dreams of engaging in scientific activities or teaching students, then he cannot do without a master’s degree.

However, before enrolling to study for a master’s degree, you should definitely ask whether the university has a license to issue master’s degrees and its validity period. It is undesirable for the license to expire in the year of graduation. Anything can happen in life...

In the Russian Federation the following levels of higher professional education are established:

higher professional education, confirmed by the assignment of a qualification (degree) “bachelor” (training period of at least 4 years);

higher professional education, confirmed by the qualification “certified specialist” (training period of at least 5 years);

higher professional education, confirmed by the award of a Master's qualification (degree) (training period of at least 6 years).

The main professional educational program providing master's training consists of a bachelor's program in the relevant field of study and at least two years of specialized training (master's degree).

Persons who have completed the bachelor's program enter the master's program through a competition.

Persons who have received a state-issued document on higher professional education of a certain level have the right, in accordance with the received area of ​​training (specialty), to continue their studies in the educational program of higher professional education at the next level.

Receiving education for the first time in educational programs of higher professional education at various levels is not considered as receiving a second higher professional education.

From the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Education"
vocational education" dated 08.22.96? 125 - Federal Law

The introduction of a multi-level system of higher professional education in 1992 solved the problem of entering the education system adopted in many countries of the world. Previously, we only graduated specialists with a training period of 5-6 years, i.e. there was a one-stage scheme. And now the scheme is multi-stage: the first 2 years - incomplete higher education, after 4 years of study in a certain "direction" - qualification (degree) "bachelor", another 2 years of specialized training - qualification (degree) "master". At the same time, in parallel with bachelors and masters, a “specialist” studies for 5 - 6 years.

It must be said that there is no complete unity in the correspondence of “bachelor” and “master” degrees in different states - a bachelor can be a graduate of a higher school, a holder of a first academic degree, or even just a high school graduate. And a master's degree is, in some countries, an academic degree between a bachelor's and a doctorate.

Be that as it may, applicants need to decide which path to take. We will tell you about the main features of each “component” in the multi-stage scheme of education at universities.

What is the difference

So, for specialists: five years - and a diploma as a practical specialist ("engineer", "agronomist", "economist", "mechanic", etc.), then work in the profile of the acquired specialty. For bachelors: four years - and a diploma of general higher education, after which you can continue studying for a master's degree for another two years. Admission to the master's program is competitive and amounts to approximately 20% of the bachelor's degrees graduated. Master's programs do not exist in all Russian universities, and you can only enroll in them with a bachelor's degree. The first two years of training for specialists and bachelors are the same (basic education). If you change your mind about continuing to study at this university, get a diploma of incomplete higher professional education. From the 3rd year, the training programs for specialists and bachelors are already different. Therefore, the transition from a bachelor to a specialist is associated with the elimination of the difference in the subjects attended and passed, which has accumulated over four years of study. By the way, a new concept has appeared: “direction of training for a certified specialist.”

The difference between a specialist and a master's degree: masters are trained for scientific work, and specialists are trained for professional work in a particular industry.

Having a bachelor's degree from one university, you can enroll in a master's program at another university. However, again a problem may arise with the difference in curricula in different universities.

Subtleties of transition

Any innovation requires some time to “settle down”, because some inconsistencies between the new and the old always appear. A lot of time has passed since 1992, but there are still some problems in our multi-stage system of higher professional education. For example, in the division of directions and specialties in the first four years. Many state universities have trained and continue to train only specialists. Some universities, in addition to the traditional scheme, also have a multi-level one. Non-state universities, as a rule, train only bachelors.

There is still tension regarding the prestige of a bachelor's degree: employers are not always inclined to hire bachelors. There are several reasons. One of them is psychological. Namely: current employers most often received their higher education in Soviet times, when we only had specialists, and the word “bachelor” was “not ours,” Western. Moreover, there is a difference in the training programs - a specialist is trained in a specific specialty, as if in a narrow profile, while bachelor’s programs are broad-profile, have in general scientific and in general professional character. Those. a bachelor receives fundamental training without any narrow specialization, because I studied only 4 years. The law, of course, states that a bachelor has the right to occupy a position for which the qualification requirements provide for higher professional education. But! He has the right, but he is not always given this right. They prefer to hire “specialists” and “masters”.

Don't be discouraged - over time the question "What can a bachelor do?" will not arise. In the meantime, if problems arise, we can only advise you to continue your studies at the next level and obtain the qualification “certified specialist” or “master”.

Still, there are advantages to choosing a bachelor's degree. Let's list them.

  1. This type of qualification is accepted according to the international classification and is understandable to employers abroad. They often invite bachelors there, without even specifying the area of ​​training, since office work simply requires an educated person who knows how to work with information, with people, and who can prepare all kinds of documents.
  2. The fundamental nature of the training, its “non-constriction” makes it possible, if necessary, to easily change profession. The fact is that, in accordance with the state educational standard, bachelor's training programs in areas are structured in such a way that they allow you to move to one of a whole “fan” of compatible professions in 1 year. And after 5 years of training, a specialist will have to acquire a new profession (if necessary) in 2-3 years, and even on a commercial basis, because this will already be receiving a second higher education. For a bachelor's degree, master's degree studies are classified as continuation of education at the next level and therefore it is free (for budget places).
  3. Within 4 years after entering a university, a person receives a diploma and gains economic independence.

What to choose? What educational path should you build for yourself?

First, think about the focus of your professional training. If there is no conscious desire to engage in scientific activities in the future or work in a narrow specialty, then you can stop at a bachelor’s degree. In addition, find out the real situation on the labor market in your place of residence. Those. try to understand how competitive the specialty and qualification you like will be in your region, and whether you can quickly find a prestigious job with a bachelor’s degree in hand.

The higher education system in Russia is a three-level structure - bachelor's degree, specialty, and the most complete form - master's degree. What are the differences between them? Which form of higher education should an applicant choose? Each form of training has its undoubted advantages and disadvantages.


This is an academic degree of the European standard, which a student receives after completing a basic course of fundamental studies. A bachelor's degree is a basic level of higher education, which provides the opportunity to gain fundamental knowledge in a chosen field and acquire independent research skills. As a rule, it takes 4 years to study a bachelor’s program, and 3 years for graduates of a secondary vocational educational institution. Training is carried out in full-time (or full-time), part-time (so-called evening), and also correspondence forms. Completion of a bachelor's degree ends with the awarding of a full-fledged diploma of higher education, which gives the right to engage in professional activities or enroll and study in a master's program.

The undergraduate system provides education in 284 training profiles: Law, Applied Mathematics, Information Technology, Management, Economics, etc.

Bachelors have the opportunity to further improve the level of their education in a master's program, but they do not have the right to engage in teaching or scientific activities. To be eligible to teach in higher education, they need to complete a master's degree, which is also necessary for those who want to enroll in graduate school. Young men who have completed a bachelor's degree can be drafted into the army, in which case their master's studies are postponed until after they have completed their service in the Armed Forces.

Why is a bachelor's degree good?

  • The introduction of bachelor's and master's degrees in Russia is intended to make Russian diplomas more attractive to foreign research centers and industrial corporations. If desired, a bachelor can continue his education and obtain a master's degree at any foreign university.
  • Bachelors study for four years, that is, one year less than specialists. Accordingly, they will be able to start their careers and professional activities earlier, which is especially important for low-income children.

What's bad about a bachelor's degree?

Many experts believe that for a number of specialties, 4 years is not enough to master all the knowledge necessary for successful work.


This qualification is awarded to university graduates after they have completed special educational programs. Most often these are engineering and technical specialties. Specialists are trained for 5 years (after graduating from a secondary vocational educational institution - 3 years), qualifications are assigned to them after defending their diploma project.

During the first two years, specialists and bachelors receive education according to the same curricula: students are taught general education and general professional disciplines. Starting from the third year, specialists gain knowledge in their specific specialty, and bachelors receive training in broad-based disciplines, as well as study special disciplines and practical courses related to their chosen profession.

Graduates with specialist diplomas can conduct teaching activities and, if desired, enroll in a master's degree program. At the same time, master's degree studies are only possible for them for a fee and only in their profession.


This is the second stage of the European training standard. The training lasts two years, during which students deepen their specialization in any area of ​​training.

Future masters study in small groups, their studies are supervised by leading university teachers, professors and associate professors. At the end of their studies, they write master's theses and defend them before the state examination commission. A master's degree is a truly elite education. A master's degree provides an opportunity to occupy leadership positions in organizations with different forms of ownership. In addition, masters have the right to teach at universities, engage in scientific work, and enroll in graduate school. However, those entering the master's program will have to go through a tough selection process - admission is carried out by competition. Not every university has a master's degree, so bachelors and specialists are often forced to obtain a master's degree not at their home university, but at another university.

Over the past 15 years, the winds of change have swept away many stable concepts in Russian spaces. Soviet higher education, so good and understandable, has gradually faded away and now a new system is being built with difficulty. We are gradually getting used to the new names: bachelor's and master's degrees.

A little history

For Russian students it all started in 1996. A two-level training system was introduced at universities. The purpose of the innovation was to join the Bologna process - a voluntary unification of higher education systems in European countries, which by that time had been about two decades old.

The process of joining European standards was formalized legally in 2003, when Russia signed the Bologna Declaration. And since the beginning of 2011, the two-level system has become the main one in Russian higher education.

In fairness, it must be said that students who entered before 2010 still have the opportunity to obtain a “certified specialist” degree. This is an intermediate level between bachelor and master. But today the system of climbing a granite rock of science is as follows:

  1. Bachelor;
  2. Master.

What is the difference between Bachelor and Master

These two words, so unusual for our ears, mean the degree of preparation of a university graduate. To understand the difference between a bachelor and a master, you need to know the goals of training at these two levels.

Bachelor's degree - preparation of a practicing specialist

After graduating from school, young people enter a bachelor's degree program. This is the beginning of higher education. After studying for 2 years, each of them can receive an incomplete higher education diploma. That is, a diploma is issued stating that you have completed half of the first stage of higher professional education, the volume and content of which is indicated in the appendix to this diploma.

But almost no one stops there. By continuing your studies for 2 more training courses and passing the final certification, you will receive a bachelor's degree. By this time, you have completed not only general education sciences, but also special disciplines and professional practice. This diploma is a certificate of full and completed higher professional education. You have the right to apply for positions whose qualification requirements include the need to have a higher education.

Master's degree - focus on scientific work

If you want to further conquer scientific heights or engage in teaching at universities, you need to enroll in a master's program. A master's degree is required for students who wish or have the opportunity to further engage in scientific activities or teach at a university.

But today, according to statistics, those wishing to study further after 4 years of study at the university are approximately 25-30% of the total number of students. The explanation should be sought in the realities of our lives. Not every student can afford to continue their studies.

The downside is that they prefer to hire bachelors - for office work you don’t need more. A person must be able to work with information, process documents, and work in a team. In short, be a competent and efficient employee of the company. And special scientific activities are not required here. This is why most students prefer to spend 4 courses to gain basic knowledge, some practical experience and then get serious about their career.

There are a few other things that keep you from enrolling in a master’s program:

  • The need to retake exams upon admission. Even at your home university, you again find yourself as an applicant and on a par with applicants from other universities.
  • It is even more difficult to enroll in a free master's program than in the first stage. About one third of those who apply pass the test. But for those who are eager to enroll, there is paid training.
  • It can be considered a fact that the starting salary of masters is higher than that of bachelors. This is especially confirmed by foreign studies (for example, in the USA and Canada). You can see more details in another material: statistics of salaries of masters and bachelors.

Pros and cons of two-level training

The new system of university education levels has not yet taken root in the vastness of the former USSR and causes many difficulties in understanding. It is sometimes difficult for personnel officers to determine the level of preparedness of a newly minted specialist. Moreover, both of them write “higher education” when filling out the questionnaire. The older generation perceives a first-level graduate more likely as a “dropout.” In addition, there are areas where a bachelor's degree is clearly not a winning point: law, economics, high technology. The first stage is sometimes equated to a technical school (according to old-school personnel officers).

But there are also advantages. Large companies will hire a first-level graduate more quickly. Especially those structures that have their own personnel training system. After all, it is easier to teach than to re-teach. And it is much easier to finish training a person who has mastered the practice of teaching at a university - training for 4 years gives the skills to be ready to learn.

And he has a greater focus on practice than a master’s degree. Indeed, during the continuation of studies in the master's program, an orientation is created more towards scientific and theoretical activities than towards practical ones.

If a student dreams of engaging in scientific activities, promoting scientific and technological progress in laboratories, or subsequently teaching students, he cannot do without a master’s degree.

But before enrolling to continue your studies, you need to find out if your university has a license to issue masters and its validity period. It is not advisable for your license to expire in the year you complete your master's degree. Everything happens in life…