Psychological tests for future first-graders. Tests for future first-graders

Basic knowledge parents of a future first-grader

IN educational institutions Children of the seventh year of life who have reached the age of 6.5 years by September 1 are accepted. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science, all children who have reached this age are accepted into the first grade of a state general education institution, regardless of their level of preparation. However, in many schools it is customary to conduct an interview.

There is no need to be afraid of interviews. The results of the interview are of a recommendatory nature only. Main objective of the interview - teacher acquaintance with future students and possible adjustment of the training program depending on the level of their general development. In many schools in the same parallel classes are taught according to different programs, there are classes that are more “strong”, for example “pro-gymnasium”. The interview will help to identify in which class, i.e. What method is recommended for your child to learn?

The interview lasts 20-30 minutes and must take place in the presence of one of the parents.

It is important to psychologically prepare a child for an interview so that he is not afraid to speak in front of strangers and does not hesitate to ask questions again if he does not understand something.

Before going to school for an interview, rehearse the interview at home using our questions and tasks.

You can conduct the first rehearsal yourself, and let someone you know conduct the next one. Just remember that the “rehearsal” should not exceed 30 minutes! Such trial interviews will help relieve the child of possible fear and anxiety before the real interview, so that fear does not prevent the future first-grader from showing his knowledge.

Sample questions and tasks for preparing a child for an interview at school

  1. What is your name?
  2. When's your birthday?
  3. What is the name of the country where you live?
  4. What city do you live in?
  5. Give your address.
  6. Do you want to go to school? Why?
  7. Read your favorite poem.
  8. What writers and poets do you know?
  9. Do you have a favorite book?
  10. What do you enjoy doing most?
  11. What time of year is it now? Why do you think so?
  12. Finish the sentence: “If you go outside in winter without a warm jacket, then.....”, “It started snowing, so...”
  13. Name the winter, spring, summer, autumn months.
  14. Name the days of the week. What days are the weekends?
  15. When do you have breakfast? In the evening or in the morning? What comes first - lunch or dinner?
  16. What are your parents' names? What do they do?
  17. What professions do you know?
  18. What does a doctor (teacher, salesman, postman, .....) do?
  19. What is the name of the profession of a person who prepares food?
  20. What pets do you know?
  21. What are the names of baby dogs (cats, cows, pigs, horses...)?
  22. What animals live in the forest?
  23. What animals and birds do you know that live in hot countries?
  24. Name insects that fly. What insects crawl?
  25. What is the difference between birch and spruce?
  26. What vegetables do you know? Fruits? Berries?
  27. Make up a story based on the picture (children's fun)
  28. Do you know the letters? Name them.
  29. Read the words: HOUSE, HORSE, CAT, DISHES. Explain what these words mean.
  30. If the vase is made of glass, what kind is it? If the house is made of brick, what kind is it?
  31. Say it correctly: one key is a lot...., one floor is a lot......, one coat is a lot.....
  32. Find a rhyme for the word cone.
  33. Divide the sentence into words. "Masha loves pets." How many words are there in this sentence? What's the first word? What's the third one?
  34. Divide the word into syllables: MILK.
  35. Count from 1 to 10 and back.
  36. Count your fingers. Which hand has more?
  37. Place as many sticks on the table as there are circles in the picture.
  38. Name the numbers on the cards.
  39. Continue counting 1,2,3.....
  40. Count from 2 to 8, from 9 to 4.
  41. Which is greater than 7 or 4, 2 or 5.
  42. Name the neighbors of number 7 and number 8.
  43. Name the shapes: rectangle, circle, triangle, square.
  44. Group the shapes by attribute and name this attribute: shape, color, size.
  45. Which strip is the widest (narrowest), longest (short).
  46. How old were you two years ago? How much will it be in a year?
  47. There are three pears on a platter; how many pears will there be if you add two more?
  48. Divide the cake into two equal parts and the other into 4 parts.
  49. Graphic dictation (take a piece of paper in a box): four cells up, one cell to the right, three cells down, one cell to the right, three cells up, one to the right, three down, one to the right, three up, one to the right, four down, five to the left.
  50. Show me right hand. Who is sitting to your left?, Which of those objects lies in the middle? What's hanging at the top? What lies below?
  51. Select patches to match the rugs (by color and shape).
  52. The picture was cut into parts, number the parts of the picture in the correct sequence (any picture is a mess).
  53. Draw everything you remember in any order (show geometric shapes: circle, rectangle, rhombus, square, triangle).
  54. Find differences. Please note that not only small details may vary, but also colors. As a rule, such pictures contain 10 differences. If a child finds 9-10, that's good; 6-8 - his attention needs to be developed; less than 6 - you need to work with the child every day.
  55. Name it in one word: dress, jacket, trousers.
  56. Name it superfluous word: - saw, paper, axe, hammer; - beautiful, big, huge, gigantic.
  57. Tell me how these objects are similar and different: milk and water; wardrobe and refrigerator; cup and plate; snowman and snowdrift.
  58. Which word is longer and which is shorter: snake and worm; pencil and pen; forest and clearing.
  59. Does this happen or not? The dog went into the booth. The girl is not playing with dolls. A boy waters flowers. The tea is not salty. The grass does not grow near the house.
  60. Finish the sentence. It’s light during the day, but at night..... A cow moos, and a chicken.... An airplane flies, and a ship..... They paint with a brush, and with scissors.... A fish has scales, and a bird...
  61. Worth a maple. There are two branches on the maple tree, on each branch there are two cherries. How many cherries grow on a maple tree?
  62. If a goose stands on two legs, it weighs 4 kg. How much will a goose weigh if it stands on one leg?
  63. Two sisters have one brother each. How many children are in the family?
  64. What is heavier - a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of potatoes?
  65. Copy on a piece of paper: He was eating soup.
Tests and exercises for the future first-grader

General preparation
Every child should know the answers to these questions
1. Name yours full name and last name.
2. How old are you?
3. State your date of birth.
4. State your mother’s name and patronymic.
5. Where and who does she work for?
6. State your dad’s name and patronymic.
7. Where and who does he work for?
8. Do you have a brother or sister? How old are they? Are they older or younger than you?
9. Give your home address.
10. What city do you live in?
11. What is the name of the country in which you live?
12. Do you want to go to school? Why? Do you like working out?

The ability to act according to the rules.
“Yes” and “no” technique

You and I will play a game in which you cannot say the words “yes” and “no.” Repeat, what words should not be spoken? ("Yes and no"). Now be careful, I will ask questions, and you will answer them, but without the words “yes” and “no.”
Trial questions (not scored):
Do you like ice cream? (I like ice cream)
Does the hare run slowly? (The hare runs fast)

1.Is the ball made of rubber?
2.Can you eat fly agaric?
3.Is the snow white?
4. Is the fox red?
5. Is a crow smaller than a sparrow?
6. Does the frog crow?
7.Can pigeons swim?
8. Does the clock have one hand?
9. Are bears white?
10. Does a cow have two legs?

Evaluation of the results obtained:
High level – not a single mistake was made
Average level – one, two errors
Low level – more than two errors

Check how well your child's attention is developed.

Task 1: I will say the words, if you hear the name of the flower, clap your hands.
Carrot, poppy, tit, airplane, chamomile, pencil, notebook, comb, aster, grass, rose, birch, bush, leaf, branch, gladiolus, ant, peony, spy, pirate, tree, forget-me-not, cup, pencil case, cornflower.


Average level – 1-2 errors
Low level – more than 2 errors

Task 2: Clap your hands when you hear the sound A in the words I name.
Watermelon, bus, pineapple, iron, hat, bow, fox, wolf, bear.

High level - no errors
Average level – 1 error
Low level – 2 or more errors

Task 3: I will name four words, and you name two of them that sound similar.
Onion, bear, grass, beetle.
Donkey, sled, watering can, cans.
Bear, shirt, pine cone, birch.

A child's success at school largely depends on his memory. Using the tasks below (it is better to do no more than one task per day), you can evaluate your child’s memory. Don't be discouraged if the results aren't great. Memory can be developed!

Task 1: Listen carefully to 10 words and try to remember them.
Ball, cat, forest, window, mushroom, clock, wind, table, glasses, book.

Ask your child to repeat the words he remembers in any order.

At least 6 words – high level
4-5 words – intermediate level
Less than 4 words – low level

Task 2: Read the child one phrase at a time and ask him to repeat each one.
1.Mushrooms grow in the forest.
2. It was raining heavily in the morning.
3.Mom reads an interesting book to the children.
4.Vova and Sasha carried red and blue balloons.

Result: It’s good if the child repeated the phrase word for word the first time and did not change the words.
High level – repeated all 4 phrases accurately
Average level – only 1 phrase wrong
Low level – made a mistake in 2 phrases or more

Task 3: Listen and remember the poem.
Read this poem to your child and ask him to repeat it. If the child repeated it with errors, read it again and ask him to repeat it again. The poem can be read no more than 4 times.

The snowball is fluttering, spinning,
It's white outside.
And puddles turned
In cold glass.

High level - repeated the poem verbatim after 1-2 readings
Intermediate level – repeated the poem verbatim after 3-4 readings
Low level – made mistakes after 4 readings

Task 4: Listen carefully to the pairs of words and try to remember them.
Read all 10 pairs of words to your child. Then tell the child only the first word of the pair, and let him remember the second word.

Autumn - rain
Vase - flowers
Doll - dress
Book - page
Water is a fish
Car - wheel
House - window
Kennel - dog
Clock - hands

High level – 8-10 pairs of words
Intermediate level – 5-7 pairs of words
Low level – less than 5 pairs of words

Task 5: Exercise to develop the volume of short-term auditory memory"Cascade of words."
Ask your child to repeat the words after you. Start with one word, then say two words, the child must repeat in the same sequence, three words, etc. (intervals between words are 1 second).
When the child cannot repeat a certain word series, read to him the same number of words, but different ones (for this you should prepare another list of words).
If in the second attempt the child copes with this word series, then move on to the next series, and so on until the child is able to reproduce the specified number of words in the second reading.

1. Fire.
2. Home, milk.
3. Horse mushroom, needle.
4. Rooster, sun, asphalt, notebook.
5. Roof, stump, water, candle, school.
6. Pencil, car, brother, chalk, bird, bread.
7. Eagle, game, oak, telephone, glass, son, coat.
8. Mountain, crow, clock, table, snow, book, pine, honey.
9. Ball, apple, hat, carrot, chair, butterfly, subway, chicken, socks.
10. Truck, stone, berries, briefcase, sled, hammer, girl, tablecloth, watermelon, monument.

The child discovers the world and learns to think. He learns to analyze and generalize, to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
Your child may have difficulty completing these tasks. In this case, explain to him the principle of performing tasks, and then offer him similar exercises.

Task 1: Answer the questions:
1.What is there more in the garden - potatoes or vegetables?
2. Who are more in the forest - hares or animals?
3.What is there more in the closet – clothes or dresses?

Answers: 1- vegetables, 2- animals, 3- clothes.

Task 2: Read stories to your child and ask him to answer a question after each story.
1. Sasha and Petya were wearing jackets different color: blue and green. Sasha was not wearing a blue jacket.
What color jacket was Petya wearing? (blue)
2.Olya and Lena painted with paints and pencils. Olya did not paint with paints. What did Lena draw with? (paints)
3. Alyosha and Misha read poems and fairy tales. Alyosha didn’t read fairy tales.
What did Misha read? (fairy tales)
4. Three trees grow: birch, oak and pine. Birch is lower than oak, and oak is lower than pine. Which tree is the tallest? What's the lowest?
5. Seryozha, Zhenya and Anton competed to see who could run faster. Seryozha ran faster than Zhenya, and Zhenya came faster than Anton. Who was the first to arrive and who was the last?
6. Once upon a time there were three puppies: Kuzya, Tuzik and Sharik. Kuzya is fluffier than Tuzik, and Tuzik is fluffier than Sharik. Which puppy is the fluffiest? Which one is the smoothest?

Task 3: Answer the questions:
1.Which animal is larger - a horse or a dog?
2. In the morning we have breakfast, and at noon...?
3. It’s light during the day, but at night...?
4.The sky is blue, and the grass...?
5. Cherry, plum, cherry – is this...?
6.Why, before the train passes, do the barriers drop along the track?
7.What are Moscow, Kaluga, Kursk?
8.What is the difference between day and night?
9. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is...? The little sheep is...?
10.Is a dog more like a cat or a chicken? What do they have the same?
11.Why do all cars have brakes?
12.How are a hammer and an ax similar?
13. How are a squirrel and a cat similar to each other?
14.What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying here next to you, on the table?
15.Football, tennis, swimming – is this...?
16.What types of transport do you know?
17.What is the difference? an old man from a young man?
18.Why do people play sports?
19.Why is it shameful to avoid work?
20.Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?

Whenever possible, try to have your child give 2-4 answer options when asking him the question: “And also?”
The norm is at least 15 correct answers.

Task 4: Find the extra word:
Read a group of words to your child. 3 words in each are close in meaning and can be combined based on a common feature, and 1 word differs from them and should be excluded. Invite your child to find the extra word.

1.Old, decrepit, small, dilapidated.
2. Brave, angry, courageous, daring.
3.Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.
4.Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread.
5. Hour, minute, summer, second.
6. Spoon, plate, bag, pan.
7.Dress, hat, shirt, sweater.
8. Soap, toothpaste, broom, shampoo.
9.Birch, oak, pine, strawberry.
10. Book, TV, tape recorder, radio.

Task 5: Exercise to develop mental flexibility.
Invite your child to name it as possible more words, denoting a concept.

1.Name the words for trees.
2.Name words related to sports.
3.Name the words denoting animals.
4.Name the words for domestic animals.
5.Name the words denoting ground transport.
6.Name the words denoting air transport.
7.Name the words denoting water transport.
8.Name words related to art.
9.Name the words for vegetables.
10.Name the words for fruit.

Speech development
By the age of 6-7 years, the child’s speech should be coherent and logical, with rich vocabulary. The baby must hear and pronounce all sounds correctly native language. Development oral speech– the main condition for successful mastery of writing and reading.
Talk to your child more, ask him to retell the cartoons he watches, the books he reads. Offer to compose stories based on pictures.
If your child has difficulty speaking individual sounds or has difficulty distinguishing sounds by ear, then you should seek help from a speech therapist.

Task 1: Determine by ear what sounds the words differ in.
Read a few words to your child. The child must give an answer after each pair.

A goat is a scythe, a game is a needle, a daughter is a dot, a day is a shadow, a kidney is a barrel.

High level - no errors
Average level – 1 error

Task 2: Clap your hands when you hear a different sound.
Read the chains of sounds to your child.


High level - no errors
Average level – 1 error
Low level – 2 or more errors

Task 3: Clap your hands when you hear a word that has a different sound from the others.
Read a series of words to your child.

Frame, frame, frame, lama, frame.
Kolobok, kolobok, box, kolobok.
Braid, braid, braid, goat, braid.
Voice, voice, ear, voice, voice.

High level - no errors
Average level – 1 error
Low level – 2 or more errors

Task 4: Correctly select words that have opposite meanings.
The child must choose the right opposite word to each of those proposed. An error is considered to be an answer of the “loud – soft” type.

Slow – (fast)
Day Night)
Hot Cold)
Thick – (thin)
Kind angry)

High level - no errors
Average level – 1 error
Low level – 2 or more errors

Task 5: Answer the questions.
Read the questions to your child. He must choose the right words for each of the proposed ones.

What happens: sour, fast, red, soft?
Who can: jump, swim, growl, sing?
What does it do: a fish, a plane, a frog, a car?

High level - no errors
Average level – 1-2 errors
Low level – 3 or more errors

Task 6: Explain the meaning of words.
Read the word to the child. Ask for an explanation of its meaning. Before performing this task, explain to your child how to complete it using the example of the word “chair”. When explaining, the child must name the group to which this object belongs (a chair is furniture), say what it consists of this item(the chair is made of wood) and explain what it is needed for (it is needed in order to sit on it).

Notebook, plane, pencil, table.

High level – the child explained all the concepts correctly
Intermediate level – the child explained 2-3 concepts correctly
Low level – the child explained no more than one concept correctly

Task 7: Listen carefully to the story.
Read the story to your child and ask him to answer questions.

In the morning, first-grader Tolya left the house. There was a blizzard outside. The trees rustled menacingly. The boy got scared, stood under the poplar, thinking: “I won’t go to school. Scary".
Then he saw Sasha standing under a linden tree. Sasha lived nearby, he was also getting ready for school and was also scared.
The boys saw each other. They felt happy. They ran towards each other, held hands and went to school together.
The blizzard howled and whistled, but it was no longer scary.

Answer the questions:
1.Who was mentioned in the story?
2.What class did the boys study in?
3.Why did the boys feel happy?

High level – the child answered all questions correctly
Intermediate level – the child answered 2 questions correctly
Low level – the child answered only 1 question correctly

The world
At the time of entering school, a child must have a certain amount of knowledge and ideas about the world around him. It's good if he has basic knowledge about plants and animals, about the properties of objects and phenomena, knowledge of geography and astronomy, an idea of ​​time. Listed below are the basic questions about the world around us that a child should be able to answer.

Name the seasons and signs of each season.
How are wild animals different from domestic animals?
What benefits do pets bring?
What predatory animals do you know?
What herbivores do you know?
Name the migratory and wintering birds. Why are they called that?
What herbs, trees, shrubs do you know?
How are herbs different from trees and shrubs?
Name garden and wildflowers.
What are the names of the fruits of pine, oak, and apple trees?
What natural phenomena do you know?

Name the parts of the day in order.
What is the difference between day and night?
Name the days of the week in order.
Name the spring, summer, autumn, winter months of the year.
What is longer: a minute or an hour, a day or a week, a month or a year?
Name the months in order.

What countries do you know?
What cities do you know, in what countries are they located?
What is the difference between a city and a village?
What rivers do you know?
How is a river different from a lake?
What planets do you know?
What planet do we live on?
What is the name of the Earth's satellite?

4.Peace and man
Name the professions:
Who teaches the children?
Who heals people?
Who writes poetry?
Who composes the music?
Who paints the pictures?
Who builds houses?
Who drives cars?
Who sews the clothes?
Who plays in films and theater?

What item is needed to:
-measure time;
- talk at a distance;
-watch the stars;
-measure weight;
-measure the temperature?

What sports do you know?
What sports require a ball? Skates?
What musical instruments do you know?
What writers do you know?
What is honesty, kindness, greed, cowardice, laziness, hard work?
Why do you need to study? Work?
How to cross the road correctly?

5.Properties of objects.
What is wood, glass, metal, plastic?
What is soft, hard, friable, smooth, liquid, sharp?

- a question that every year causes a stir on “mom” forums. Mothers of future schoolchildren want to know exactly what awaits them in the schools they have chosen for their child. And they hope that this information will ensure a trouble-free admission for the baby.

Despite the excitement that this topic causes, you should not be afraid of interviews before the first class. And there is no need to set up a child for struggle and difficulties. This will only raise his anxiety level, but will not help him concentrate and express himself.

The explanatory letter of the Ministry of Education on the rules for admission to first grade prohibits complex testing, entrance exams for future first-graders. The purpose of the interview is to evaluate general development child and his functional readiness for school.

The interview is conducted not to weed out your child based on a competition, but to see whether he is ready to study at school mode, or it will be difficult for him for now, and he should stay in kindergarten for another year.

If your child is admitted to the school to which they are assigned at their place of residence, you cannot be denied enrollment based on the results of the interview.

The only reason for refusal is lack of free seats. In this case, priority will be given to those children whose parents applied for admission earlier.

The interview is conducted by the future classroom teacher your child together with the school psychologist. There is a certain list of questions that they will ask the baby to answer. And, after analyzing his answers, they will recommend to you how to prepare your child for the start of education, which specialists (psychologist, speech therapist, psychoneurologist) to consult, etc.

An approximate list of questions that might be asked of a child during an interview for first grade.

  1. What is your name?
  2. What are your parents' names (full name)?
  3. Are you a girl or a boy? What will you be when you grow up, a woman or a man?
  4. Do you have a brother, sister? Who's older?
  5. How old are you? How much will it be in a year or two?
  6. Name your birthday. (preferably year, month and day)
  7. Is it morning or evening? Day or night? (why do you think so? what can show us this?)
  8. When do you have breakfast - in the evening or in the morning? Do you have lunch in the morning or afternoon? What comes first - lunch or dinner?
  9. Where do you live? Give your address.
  10. What do your parents do for work? (the answer should be quite simple, it is not necessary to name the parents’ position, it is important that the child understands, so think about how you can easily name your job. You should also say where mom and dad work.)
  11. Do you like to draw? What color is this pencil?
  12. What time of year is it now - winter, spring, summer, autumn? Why do you think so? (Spring - the snow begins to melt, the days have become longer, it has become warmer, the month is April, and this is the month of spring)
  13. When can you go sledding - winter or summer? (why? In summer you can ride if you have wheels, but sleds don’t roll well on the ground.)
  14. Why does it snow in winter and not in summer?
  15. What does a postman, a doctor, a teacher do?
  16. What are bells, desks, blackboards and chalk used in school? (the bell tells the children that it’s time to go to class. The children sit at their desks, write, read. It’s not very convenient to do this on the floor. You can write on the board with chalk. The board is convenient, since you can erase and write more, but if it were paper board, then it would have to be changed every time.)
  17. Do you want to go to school?
  18. What will you learn there? (Be sure to talk about this topic. Children talk about reading and writing. If possible, show textbooks on different subjects, tell me that there is also singing, drawing, physical education...)
  19. Show me your right eye, left ear. Why do people need eyes, ears, and mouth?
  20. What pets do you know? Wild? (Talk about which domestic animal gives us what, why people domesticated this or that animal.)
  21. What birds do you know? Also domestic and wild. (Poultry is easy to remember in this order: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys. A parrot is not a poultry. Domestic birds are the ones that lay eggs for us.)
  22. Who is bigger: a cow or a goat? Bird or bee?
  23. Who has more paws: a dog or a rooster?
  24. What is more: 8 or 5, 7 or 3? Count from 3 to 6, from 9 to 2.
  25. What should you do if you accidentally break someone else's thing?
  26. What are the differences (similarities) between a hammer and an axe, a nail and a screw, a young man and an old man? (Be sure to look at the tools; it’s easier for a child to understand the differences if he can touch and examine them. It’s more difficult with an old and a young person. Take a closer look at the grandmother on the bench, try to formulate it together with the child)
  27. Define the word tiger. (At least three points: the tiger is a predatory animal, lives in Africa and Asia, it has stripes, it looks like a big cat.)
  28. Why do people do things: wash themselves, play sports, follow traffic rules.
  29. Why is it bad to lie, steal, fight, break and spoil things. (Questions 28, 29 and 30 are quite difficult for preschoolers, and at the same time very interesting. If you talk with your child about these topics, it will be beneficial for him, and you can learn a lot of interesting things about your child.)
  30. What do the words mean: bicycle, knife, cap, letter, blanket, nail, screw...
  31. What attractions are there in your city?
  32. What is the difference between a city and a village?
  33. What is the name of our planet? What other planets do you know?
  34. Is the moon a planet?
  • “Do you want your child to enjoy going to school?”
  • Game-activity "Start to an unknown planet" in the preparatory group

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

Modern schools, when a child enters first grade, conduct testing.

Testing in general education high school carried out to identify the level of development mental abilities future first grader. A school psychologist also conducts a conversation with the child, who determines psychological readiness baby to school.

To get an objective picture, it is better if one of the parents is present next to the child. This is important because dear person, who is nearby, will help the child cope with emotional experiences in a new unfamiliar environment with strangers strangers. The school has no right to refuse parents to attend testing.

So, what kind of task questions can be asked on a school test for a future first-grader?

Tasks that determine the level of knowledge about the world around us.

1. State your first name, last name, patronymic.
2. How old are you?
3. What date is your birthday?
4. What is the name of your mother (your father, grandfather, grandmother)? (not Aunt Masha, but Maria Ivanovna Ivanova).
5. What city do you live in?
6. What is your home address?
7. Do you have pets at home?
8. What animals do you know?
9. Which of them are called domestic?
10. What birds, insects, fish, etc. do you know?
11. Name what plants you know.
12. What seasons do you know?
13. Guess the time of year from the description.

Snow is melting. It's getting warmer every day.
Buds appear on the trees, and then young green leaves, and birds fly in.
Bears and hedgehogs wake up.

It is very cold outside. Snowing.
There are no leaves on the trees.
All the insects have disappeared.
People put on warm clothes. Children are sledding.

It's very hot outside.
There are green leaves on the trees.
The sun shines brightly. There are many flowers growing.
Lots of fruits and vegetables are ripening.

The leaves on the trees turn yellow and gradually fall off.
It's getting colder every day.
It rains very often. Birds fly to warmer climes.

14. Name it winter months, spring, autumn, summer.
15. How many days are there in a week?
16. What colors do you know?
17. Name the types of transport.
18. What applies to furniture?
19. Complete the sentences:

A doll, a ball, a wind-up car, cubes - this is...
-pen, notebook, pencil, eraser – this is...
- cabbage, potatoes, carrots, turnips - this is...
-apricot, cherry, banana, pineapple, peach, pear are...
-linden, acacia, poplar, maple – this is...
-TV, vacuum cleaner, iron, table lamp – this is...

20. Tell us about your family (favorite toy, any cat or dog).

Assignments that determine the level of knowledge in subjects.

1.Draw five different shapes.
2.Color in 4 circles. Shade 1 less triangles than circles. Color in as many squares as triangles.

3. There are 3 tulips and 2 roses in a vase. How many flowers are in the vase?
Underline the correct number.1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4. Petya had 5 candies. He ate 1 candy. How many candies does Petya have left?

5. 6 ears stick out from behind the bush. How many bunnies are behind the bush?
Underline the correct number. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. Fill in as many circles as there are sounds in the word:

7. Cross out the extra word:
8. Cross out the figures that you remember. (Previously on large sheet The child looks at and remembers 7 figures for a minute. On an individual piece of paper he is offered 12 figures, of which four are extra.)

9. Underline transport with a green pencil, and tools with a red pencil.

10. Graphic dictation. (Performed on a lined space.)

The task is performed from a point. 2 cells to the right, 1 cell down,
3 cells to the right, 1 cell up,
1 cell left, 1 cell up,
3 cells to the right, 1 cell down,
1 cell left, 1 cell down,
3 right, 1 up, 1 left, 1 up, 2 right.

The test tasks are read by the teacher, repeating them 2 times.

It is preferable to print all tasks on a separate sheet for the child.

The teacher helps to navigate if the child cannot find the task.

11. Copy the points into the bottom field.

12. Draw a red triangle to the left of the circle, and a blue square to the right of the circle.

The process of admission to school is a rather difficult procedure for a child, for which it is advisable to prepare in advance. And this article will help you with this, in which we tried to highlight the main points of an interview with a psychologist when admitting children to school.

It's no secret that now admitting a child to school the demands placed on the future first-grader are very high requirements. If 30 years ago a child could easily enter primary school, unable to count or read, today these skills are considered not just the norm, but a prerequisite for admission to educational organization. Therefore, many parents try to devote great attention preparing a child for school: some do this on their own at home, while others send their child to paid additional classes in development centers or courses organized at primary schools.

Note that on additional classes teachers teach children special education educational program, which includes, in addition to basic lessons in counting and reading, such areas of training as speech development, psycho-gymnastics, literacy training, and mathematical modeling.

When admitted to school, the child will also have to undergo an interview with a psychologist, whose task is to identify the level of preparing a child for school and degree of development mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, speech. At the same time, if a child can still be forgiven for not being able to count or read, then a positive verdict from a psychologist is a fundamental factor. That is, as you probably already understood, the process of admission to school is a rather difficult procedure for a child, for which it is advisable to prepare in advance. And this article will help you with this, in which we tried to highlight the main points of an interview with a psychologist when admitting children to school.

How is an interview with a psychologist conducted?

An interview with a psychologist usually lasts about 30-40 minutes. Required condition interview is the presence of one of the parents, because firstly, these are the requirements of the Law, and secondly, the child in this case feels more comfortable and confident. You must have a folder with files (5 pcs.) and sheets of A4 paper (10 pcs.).

Parents fill out a questionnaire in which they provide basic information about themselves (full name, date of birth, place of work and position, education), indicate the composition of the family, the provision of housing (including the need to indicate whether the child has his own room, sleeping place and work place) corner), describe what the child does in free time, has health problems, etc.

After the end of the "official" part interviews with a psychologist, the time is coming direct communication specialist with a child. The future first-grader is asked several general issues and are asked to complete a series of tasks.

Basic questions when interviewing a psychologist

Questions school psychologist may vary depending on the qualifications of the specialist and his responsibility in performing his duties professional responsibilities. However, there are a number of basic questions that are likely to be raised. And if you “rehearse” them with your child in advance, then your child will be able to go to school without any problems.

So, it is advisable to prepare your child for the following questions:

  1. Tell me please, what is your name?
  2. How old are you? What is your date of birth? What time of year is it now?
  3. Tell us about your mom (dad): what’s their name, where does they work, how old are they?
  4. Where do you live? Give your address.
  5. Who lives with you? Tell us about your brother (sister), grandmother (grandfather), cat, etc.
  6. What do you do in your free time?
  7. Do you want to go to school? Why?

In different educational institutions There may be other simple questions to which a 6-7 year old child usually knows the correct answer:

  • Count from 1 to 10 and back.
  • What is less (more) - 2 or 5?
  • What pets do you know? What about the wild ones?
  • What days of the week do you know? Months of the year?
  • What time of year is it now? Why do you say that? and etc.

Basic tasks performed by a child during an interview with a psychologist

After oral testing, school psychologist invites the child to complete a series of tasks. The following tasks are especially popular among specialists:

The psychologist asks the child to draw a person on a piece of paper (here the specialist will evaluate the location of the drawing on the sheet, the thickness of the lines, how well the details of the drawing are drawn: are there fingers, a neck, hair on the head, nose, eyes, eyebrows on the face, ears).

The child is asked to continue the sentence: “It’s light now, which means...”, “In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon...”, etc.

The specialist invites the child to play a game. The psychologist asks questions, and the baby must answer them the way he wants, but you cannot use “forbidden” words: “yes” and “no.” For example, “Do you like to play?” (the child should answer: I like to play), “Do you like being sick?” (I don't like being sick), etc.

The task on knowledge of geometric figures includes not only questions like: “What geometric figures do you know?" and "List the geometric shapes", but also the execution logic test. On a sheet of paper, geometric shapes with a pattern inside are arranged in a row; you need to fill in the missing figures, as well as draw the desired pattern inside the figure.

The psychologist asks the child to arrange the cards in such a sequence as to make a story. In addition, the child must voice his story.

The specialist names a number of words: forest, water, bread, etc. (only 10 words). The child must repeat all the words. If the child cannot remember them, the psychologist repeats the words, then asks them to name them again. The child is given three attempts to complete this task.

The psychologist lays out pictures (10 in total) in front of the child, asks the child to carefully look at them and remember them, and then the pictures are removed. The future first-grader is asked to name all the pictures that he remembers. If necessary, the task is repeated several times.

To find out mathematical abilities to kid offer to solve simple mathematical examples(for addition and subtraction).

Fine motor skills, accuracy and concentration are tested by asking students to cut out a picture along a line.

Another mandatory task is a test with extra pictures. The child needs to be excluded extra item from a row of cards. For example, the card shows animals: a cow, a goat, a horse and a cat. You need to find an extra item and explain your choice.

The psychologist asks the child to do graphic dictation on a checkered sheet. The specialist dictates the route of movement from a certain point: for example, three cells up, one down, two to the left, three to the right, etc. Then the child must draw the resulting picture below, but in such a way that it looks in the other direction.

As you can see, the questions and tasks listed above aimed at determining child's readiness for school, not that complicated. And any more or less prepared child can easily pass an interview with a school psychologist. The main thing is not to worry, to systematically prepare your child for school (including using the questions and tasks we mentioned), but not to limit him with ready-made answers and templates.