An example of writing a statement to the school principal from parents. Complaint against a school student

Sample application to school: 5 situations in which you have to write an application to school + how to correctly write an appeal addressed to the director + 3 samples for different situations+ how to compose collective statement from parents?

A lot happens during the time our children are studying. Parents repeatedly encounter certain difficulties from which they have to find a way out together with the teaching staff.

To resolve conflict situations or simply organizational issues sometimes it is necessary to write an application addressed to the manager educational center. This is a simple formality, but it must be respected.

You will find a sample application to school and the main points that need to be taken into account in the document in our article.

Reasons to send a sample application to the school principal from parents

There are a number of circumstances why an application to a school should be made only in the name of the director:

  1. Request to accept a child into the walls educational institution.
  2. Expulsion of a minor from one training center and transfer to another.
  3. A request to remove a student from physical education or other classes due to illness.
  4. Explanatory note about the reasons for the student’s absence from classes for some time.
  5. Please change class teacher, teacher, transferring a student to another class, with a complaint about school fees, etc.

To summarize, an official appeal to the administration of an educational institution is written for any reason where the personal intervention of the teaching staff is necessary.

Sample application to the school director: how to draw up a document correctly?

If your child is in unpleasant situation, then try to resolve the conflict yourself. Talk to the bully's parents or talk to the teacher with whom you have a disagreement. If peaceful methods do not help you get out of difficult situation, then you need to write an application to the school (a sample can be seen below).

But, as you understand, conflict is far from the only (or even the main) reason for drawing up an appeal to the school principal.

However, regardless of the reason, there are some general norms for writing an application:

  1. The document can be issued electronically or in in writing, but exclusively on an A4 sheet.
  2. Not allowed grammatical errors(at least no more than 1-2 small ones).
  3. The style of presentation is formal and businesslike. You need to write briefly and to the point.
  4. Step back 4-5 cm to the left. This is necessary so that the director can file your appeal in his documentation.
  5. The “header” consists of the following information:
    • full name of the training center;
    • Full name of the director;
    • information about the applicant.
  6. In the middle we write “Statement”, and then we state the essence of the appeal. Be sure to include accurate information about your child, their abuser, teacher, etc. It is important to clarify the name of the class teacher and the class number.
  7. At the bottom on one side we put a signature (on the right), on the other - the date of drawing up the document.

This is the generally accepted standard. Despite the specific situation that forced you to send an official appeal, the document is drawn up precisely according to this template.

Now let's look at a few specific examples for major life situations you may encounter.

No. 1. Admitting a child to study: sample application to school.

Note! If you are submitting a sample application to the school principal from your parents for your child to be admitted to school, then in addition to the application, also prepare additional information:

  • birth certificate,
  • medical card,
  • list of vaccinations given,
  • certificate of family composition,
  • certificate from place of residence,
  • SNILS.

If this is a specialized lyceum, then you will have to pass mandatory exam, only after excellent passing of which is it possible for your child to be enrolled in an educational center.

No. 2. Does your child not go to class? Write an application to school! (sample)

No. 3. Statement in case of a conflict situation at school.

The document is submitted personally to the director or his secretary. The administration of the training center is obliged to consider it and respond within a week.

If during this period the conflict has not been resolved, then teaching staff is obliged to submit the application for consideration to a higher authority, for example, the Ministry of Education. The review here will take a month.

Afterwards, an answer will be sent to the address of the educational institution or the home address of the student and his mother/father about what solution the ministry workers found.

What should be included in a collective appeal?

Sometimes against school system stands a large number of fathers and mothers, then it is necessary to write a collective appeal.

A sample collective complaint should consist of the following points:

  1. The header indicates the name of the educational center and the full name of its director. The statement is of a collective nature, so as the “sender” simply indicate, for example, “Parents of students in grade 5-B.” You can specify the name of a class PTA member.
  2. Describe only the essence of the complaint (for example, disagreement with the price of payment for repairs).
  3. Under the application you must indicate the details of all applicants - full name, contact phone number and signatures.
  4. Below we put the date the document was compiled.

How to draw up and write a complaint against a teacher?

Rules for filing a complaint.

A collective complaint is a sample.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the issue we are considering. The above rules, according to which a sample application to the school principal is drawn up, are suitable for any situation, so you should not have any difficulties. Moreover, three ready-made samples we have already provided it to you.

The easiest way for parents to talk and negotiate with the school administration is usually through applications addressed to the teacher, head teacher or director.
An application is a document in which writing recorded communication from citizens regarding the exercise of their rights or protection of interests.

There are a few simple rules writing a document.

The document must be written correctly (without grammatical errors) and correctly, without unnecessary emotions. Briefly and clearly, indicating specific request or claims.

It is better to submit the application in in electronic format and print on a standard A4 sheet. Leave an indent of 3-4 cm on the left side, so that when the application is filed in the case materials, you can conveniently read the entire text of the application.

WITH right side written in a column
to whom (name of institution or official indicating full name and position)
from whom (full name in gender, WITHOUT preposition)

Below is the text.

Stepping a few lines down - date (left), signature(s) with transcript (right)

Sample text of the application

regarding the child’s absence from classes for several days without a medical certificate.

I ask you to release my son (daughter) (FI), student of ...class from classes from... to... (date, month) due to departure (specify where). I take responsibility for the life and health of the child.

My daughter (son) was absent from classes from... to... (date, month) to family circumstances.

In connection with the move to a new place of residence, I ask you to release my son (daughter) from classes for ... days.

for exemption from physical education for 1 day (written to the name of the school health worker)

I ask you to exempt my (my) daughter (son) from physical education classes (... date of the month) due to poor health.

Application to the school principal requesting a replacement teacher:

We ask you to replace the teacher of such a subject (full name of the teacher) due to inappropriate behavior (frequent insults to children in class) and illiterate teaching of the subject (indicate what exactly is wrong, in your parental opinion), due to which the children’s self-esteem decreases and lack of knowledge on the subject.

Signatures (more than 50% of parents).

If there are many sick people in the class.

To the director of municipal educational institution secondary school No. **
Such and such a district of Ulyanovsk
Full name;
Ministry of Education of the Ulyanovsk Region;
Ministry of Health of the Ulyanovsk Region
on behalf of the parents of students *class "*" Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. **
addresses (full name),
living at street..., house no....apt no.
contact number **-**-**


We would like to inform you that as of (day, month, year), the number of students in our class who fell ill with ARVI is .... people, with a total (listed) number of .... people, which is more than 40%. In this regard, we ask you to introduce quarantine in the classroom to prevent a further increase in the number of cases.

Sincerely, parents of *class "*" students.

(Thanks to Ulyana for providing the text of the statement)

Print the application in duplicate, both certified by the secretary in the school office. Keep one copy for yourself.

Request to the school principal to hold a disco (or other event)
(instead of the word “application” the word “petition” is written)

I ask for permission to hold a disco at school (in which particular office) on such and such a date in honor of such and such. After carrying out the above mentioned event, we undertake to clean the premises before such and such a time. I ask you to appoint someone responsible for the event...

Application for enrollment to study at a new place of residence from a student

To the director...... high school №…
(last name and initials of the director)
(student's first and last name)
student... secondary school no....
living in...


Due to my parents moving to... I ask you to enroll me as a student of ... class .... secondary school no...

Attached to the application following documents:
I. Report card issued by…..high school.
2. Birth certificate (copy).
3. Certificate of health.

Number, signature.

Please check the application form with the school administration. Each has its own problems.

Every parent, due to certain circumstances, is faced with the need to write an application addressed to the school principal.

Document application from parents to school is official and executed in compliance certain rules. We will tell you more about them in our article.

Application addressed to the school principal from parents

Applications to the director regarding secondary school students are made by parents when the following circumstances occur:

  • Admission of a child to 1st grade.
  • Expulsion from an educational institution (when moving to another school).
  • The need to release a child from classes for a certain period for family reasons or due to valid reasons
  • Suspension of a child from classes physical culture in connection with past illness or injury
  • In order to explain the reasons for a child’s absence from classes on any school day (or days).
  • to implement the possibility of changing a teacher, transferring a student to another class, renovating classrooms at the expense of budget funds, etc.

In addition to the listed cases, a statement can be written for any other reason that requires approval from the school management.

How to write an application to school correctly

The requirements for completing an application to the school are quite simple, however, we will dwell on them in more detail:

  1. It is recommended to write the application on an A4 sheet of paper, in legible handwriting or in electronic form (in the latter case it is easy to correct possible shortcomings).
  2. Strict adherence to spelling rules and the absence of grammatical errors are important. Blots and corrections in the application are not allowed.
  3. You should adhere to the official style of presentation. The request must be formulated clearly and as briefly as possible.
  4. A standard filing margin of about 4 cm wide must be left on the left side. This is necessary for comfortable reading of the document.
  5. False or incorrect information is not permitted.
  6. The header of the document (in the upper right part) must contain the name of the educational institution, the full name of the school director and the details of the student’s parent.
  7. Below the “header”, in the middle, the word “Statement” is written. Next, the essence of the request or the circumstances of the case is stated in free form. The text must indicate the student’s first and last name and the name of the class in which he is studying.
  8. The document is completed by indicating the date (in the lower left corner) and the parent’s signature with a transcript (in the lower right corner).

The application is submitted to the secretary of the educational institution personally or through the class teacher.

Some educational institutions have their own websites, which contain all actual information, including a sample application for admission of a child to 1st grade in electronic form. In addition, for some cities a registration service is available. of this statement through the government services portal.

The document is drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Art. 9 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 32 of January 22, 2014. The standard application must contain the following mandatory data:

  • Child's full name.
  • Information about his birth.
  • Information about the place of registration of the child.
  • Information about the child’s parents or legal representatives with contact details.

The document for admitting a child to 1st grade has the structure of a regular application, consisting of a header and a main part.

It is signed by the parent (legal representative) indicating the date of its preparation. There are no grammatical errors or corrections allowed in the application. Submitted to the school principal's office with all necessary documents(usually these are copies of a birth certificate, a certificate of residence, a vaccination card and other documents depending on the requirements of the school).

Many parents do not attach importance to the application form they send to the school.

However, the relationship between teachers and your child directly depends on how the application is written and what phrases you use in it. In order not to spoil mutual understanding, parents are advised to adhere to simple rules for drawing up documents.

Let's list primary requirements to the application written for exemption from study for family reasons:

  1. The document should contain the truth. False information and errors may result in administrative penalties. For example, you should not sign a document to a “strange” child, because you are not the parent of your son/daughter’s friend.
  2. When writing, you must adhere to a formal style. The information should be presented briefly, clearly and clearly so that the class teacher or director does not have questions.
  3. The document must be written by hand or printed on a computer., on an A4 sheet.
  4. At the top, on the left side, you need to leave space for the order data, which will be prescribed by the secretary of the educational institution. The distance is also necessary for filing a document.
  5. You can draw up a document only with a blue (not gel) pen. When printing the application, you can use the scanner's blue ink.
  6. It is worth indicating specific reasons for the child’s absence - even if he misses 1 day. This could be treatment, a visit to the doctor, the child’s presence at a relative’s funeral, etc. Don't cheat. For example, many parents go on vacation for several days, but indicate other reasons in the application. A tanned child will cause mixed reactions from teachers when he returns to school. They may begin to distrust you and him, become prejudiced, and show envy.
  7. A statement is not a notice. It is prohibited to use the phrases “I bring to your attention”, “I notify”. This will only strain the relationship between the class teacher and the student.
  8. At the end of the document, you must indicate that you take responsibility for the life, health and education of the child on this day. Many will say, “how could it be otherwise, I’m a parent, why would I write such a phrase.”

    Please note that the management educational institution will consider your application and ignore it, since responsibility for training lies with the employees of the school or lyceum. If a child does not attend classes due to vacation, then no one will go over the material with him again, but they will ask. Therefore, you need to indicate that you will be completing the curriculum at home. Of course, the director can put forward other demands, but this is considered the main one.

Let's look at how to correctly fill out an application to school - sample applications from parents

  1. On the right side there is a “hat”. You must indicate to whom you are sending the application. IN in this case This is the head of the school. Enter his name and position.
  2. In the same part write who it is from. Please also include your full name, address details and contact phone number. In case of refusal or any questions, they will definitely call you.
  3. Title of the document – Application – written with capital letter and there is no period at the end!
  4. Next, in the main part, write down who you want to exempt from classes. It is necessary to indicate not only the initials, but also the class of study, as well as the date of absence (01.11.16).
  5. Please indicate the reason for absence.
  6. Make a suggestion that responsibility for life, health and passing curriculum lies on you.
  7. Don't forget to sign and date.
  8. In some cases, the director requires the signature of the class teacher , with whom you will need to agree on an exemption from classes.

Application to school for family reasons looks quite simple.





Business letter

This type of document consists of the following details:

    Name of the addressee (applicant).

    Formulation of the request (complaint, proposal) with a brief but comprehensive argument (if necessary).

Layout of application details:

questions from the Help Desk

Word statement Is it written with a capital or lowercase letter?
Is there a period after the word? statement?
How to correctly: Ivanov's statement or statement from Ivanov?

Word statement is the title of the document. According to general rules:

    The entire title can be written in capital letters (usually if the text of the application is typed on a computer or written on a prepared form: ORDER; APPLICATION) - in this case there is no period after the title.

    Only the first letter of the title is capitalized (usually in handwritten statements: Order; Statement) – the dot is also not needed in this case.

    This method of design (with a period at the end, the word “statement” with a lowercase letter) is allowed, but is considered obsolete.

With this design, the “head” of the statement represents a syntactic unity - a sentence: to so-and-so (from) so-and-so statement(and the period at the end of the sentence is accordingly needed).

Pretext "from" You can skip it in the header of the application.

So, the possible options are:

    to so-and-so from so-and-so... Statement

    to so-and-so from so-and-so... STATEMENT

    so and so from so and so...


    so and so... Statement

    so and so... STATEMENT

    so and so... statement.

How to submit an application for transfer to another faculty?

    On the right top corner the addressee is written: To the rector(1st line) such and such university(2nd line), for example:

    (1) Rector of the Federal State University;

    (3) the preposition from (it can be omitted, then the 4th line follows immediately after the 2nd);

    (4) students of such and such faculty;

    (5) Your full name (in gender).

      Further in the middle of the line (with lowercase or capital letter) word statement: if with lowercase, then a period is placed after the “statement”; if with capital, then the period is not placed. Next on the red line is the text of the statement. After the text on the right side there is a signature and date (the date can also be placed on the left side).

    Where is the date indicated?

      The “date” attribute is indicated in the upper header part of the sheet below the “document type name” attribute and is printed from the left margin. The date can also be indicated after the text of the statement, also from the border of the left margin, for example:

  • You are here:

  • Home
  • For fathers
  • This explanation is given about the reason for absence from classes

This explanation is given about the reason for absence from classes

Resolution No. 646 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the 12th quarter of 2000 approved the “Instruction for children and schoolchildren...”, in paragraph 15 which reads: Students, At the same time, they did not release the initial mortgage, provide medical evidence and written explanations from fathers or other , how to replace them about the reason for attendance in lessons. The proof and explanation are preserved in a special study guide throughout the initial period.

If the students were not at school, it stinks 15.

Instructions for children and pupils “... provide medical evidence and written explanations to parents and how to replace them, about the reason for absence in class” (div.).

If parents need to pick up their child from school before classes end, they are required to write a separate application. (div zrazok).


To the director of school-gymnasium No. 30

Vokalovy L.A.

(PIB Batkiv)

(nickname, name, according to father’s

the one from the fathers who writes

this document)

I ask you to let my (my) son (daughter)_________________, teacher (student) of ____ class, with ________ lesson in connection _______________________________________________________

(specify the reason)

_____________ _________________

Subscription date

To the director of school-gymnasium No. 30

Vokalovy L.A.

(PIB Batkiv)

(nickname, name, according to father’s

the one from the fathers who writes

this document)

For these purposes, the secretariat must provide a sample application to the school addressed to the director. If the school uses individual approach This means that training takes into account individual characteristics child's character, temperament, inclinations towards certain

Today we will look at the basic rules that must be followed when writing an application to the school principal, as well as we'll talk about. Here you can download a sample application for the restoration of a certificate To the written application I ask that a new certificate be issued to replace the lost one to the school that issued the certificate outlining the circumstances of the loss of the certificate. How to write a statement to the head teacher or school director? A statement can also be written in case of illegal use child labor, as well as suppressing the teacher’s prejudices towards his ward. Leave one copy at school and keep the other for yourself from now on. Your child should be protected from any outside lectures

The application is written to the director of the school; some parents write the application to the teacher, class teacher, etc. Types of applications to the school. Download a sample application form addressed to the school principal. This article describes in detail what and how to write a statement to school about the absence of a child.

In general, there is no form for this statement, the main thing is that the essence is clearly stated: you allow your child to be released from school alone, and you take full responsibility for what happens to him. Why didn’t you write a statement to the police and remove your injuries? Education and studies How to write an application from a parent to school correctly. The most common reasons why you will need an application form to a school about the absence of a child are. Sometimes the application must be written not by the parent, but by the student himself

Tags: school, write, how, name, statement, director

Extract from the history of the child's development from the pediatrician for PMPK form Agreement for the provision of cleaning services with an individual sample

School education often reveals numerous violations of legal norms. These can come from teachers or school management, or from the students themselves. And if necessary it arises actual question about where to complain and how to properly file a complaint against a teacher or student.

In this case, the first authority to contact is the school director. He is primarily responsible for everything that happens within its boundaries.

Drawing up a complaint addressed to the director from parents

A complaint addressed to the school principal can be either: individual character, and collective. In the second case, such a statement always has higher priority, since it is assumed that we're talking about no longer about individual discontent, but about its mass character. Therefore, if an offense is detected, it is worth talking with other parents, and, if possible, drawing up a collective appeal.

Strictly a certain shape no such document exists. drawn up as an official statement:

  • the header indicates to which institution, to whom and from whom the application is being sent - the name of the educational institution, full name the leader and an indication that the appeal comes from the parents of students in a certain class or group;
  • indicates the collective nature of the document;
  • the text describes the situation concisely and to the point; if several events are given, they are indicated sequentially;
  • the requirements of the measures that must be taken to resolve the conflict are specified;
  • if there are applications, their list is provided in full;
  • at the end there is a date, as well as signatures and transcripts of all applying parents.

The application must be submitted in two copies. The copy that remains with the applicant must indicate that the document has been accepted for consideration.

How to correctly write a complaint to the school principal about a teacher

Offenses by teachers occur quite often. They can be aimed at an individual student or entire classes. In such cases, it becomes the main measure that can resolve the situation.

Application to the school principal from parents with a complaint against a student

Situations arise when offenses come from a student. Uncontrollable and inappropriate behavior, disruption of classes, rude attitude towards other students and teachers - it is natural that every parent will want to protect their child from such behavior.

In this case, it can be compiled not only by parents, but also by teachers. If the director cannot influence the parents of an inadequate student, and they cannot control the behavior of their child, then it is quite natural to demand his expulsion from school.

Internal investigation at school following a complaint from parents

The director must provide a response to the complaint within a month from the date of acceptance of the application. An indication must follow that the application has been accepted for consideration. If it is redirected, it must indicate where exactly.

The response provided also indicates the measures that are being taken to eliminate the cause of the conflict. In the case of minor offenses, this is usually a preventive conversation. If we are talking about systematic or serious violations of rights, then an official investigation may be initiated. If necessary, when filing a complaint, parents can immediately request that it be carried out.

An internal investigation at a school is a serious process aimed at checking the professional suitability of a teacher. The timing of its implementation is usually set at one month from the date of issuance of the relevant order.

If, after an internal investigation, the conflict was not resolved, or the director completely ignored the appeal, the question arises of where to complain about the school. In this case, there are three main options:

  • can be filed against the school principal;
  • You can complain to the prosecutor's office in case of harm to the health of children;
  • You can also go to court to restore violated rights.

When contacting the highest authority, you should indicate the measures that have already been taken and the results that have been obtained. During an internal investigation, however, there is no need to contact other institutions; you should wait until it is completed.