Ready-made librarian portfolio sample. Librarian's portfolio: Methodological consultation

Librarian's portfolio

Compiled by: chief bibliographer of the Central Library of the Ishim City Centralized Library System

Portfolio is a way of recording, storing, and a form of assessing professional achievements.

Target: selection and preparation of documents recording achievements and systematic self-analysis of the effectiveness of professional activities.


  1. Reflect the achievements and dynamics of professional development.
  2. Reveal the range of work performed.
  3. Summarize and analyze the work over 5 years.
  4. Provide significant results of the professional activities of the certification commission.

View- file folder with printed materials.

Arrangement order documents - by sections, with their design, placing one document in separate files.

Layout diagram documents in sections - reverse chronological.

The procedure for generating documents for a portfolio

Title page: name of organization, title, surname, position, year of creation.

Business card

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic, education, position, work experience
  2. Job description
  3. Review (characteristics)
  4. Education documents
Bank of personal achievements
  1. Documents on obtaining professional education, advanced training, professional retraining.
  2. Documents on public recognition of high professional achievements. Receiving awards, diplomas, certificates, thanks.
  3. Documents on the results of participation in conferences, seminars, webinars, competitions: diplomas, certificates, diplomas, thanks.
  4. Letters of gratitude, certificates from these organizations confirming interaction with organizations and departments in their field of activity.

Professional activity

  1. Interaction with organizations, departments, according to the profile of their activities - at the federal, regional, municipal level, at the institutional level.
  2. Organizing, conducting conferences, seminars, projects, competitions, webinars, major round table events, master classes, promotions (at the federal, regional, municipal level, at the institutional level).
  3. Publications in professional journals, in federal and regional media, online publications.
Creative dossier
  1. Organizing, conducting, participating in marketing research.
  2. Collection of the best materials: projects, programs of clubs, circles.
  3. Reflection of individual, group and mass work: significant creative reports, methodological manuals, generalization of work experience, author's development of events, exhibitions, information and bibliographic manuals (prepared with a creative approach and the use of modern technologies).

Review portfolio

Library business card Library name: Family Reading Library named after. A. G. Nikolaev - branch 3 Legal address: Chuvash Republic, Novocheboksarsk, st. Eastern, Blog: (8352) Full name of the head: Shuitseva Nadezhda Nikolaevna

Employees Head. Library Shuitseva Nadezhda Nikolaevna Head. sector for work with children Kostina Elena Nikolaevna Librarian of the adult reading room Vasilkova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Subscription librarian Golysheva Lidiya Aleksandrovna Subscription librarian Filippova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Cleaner of production and office premises Vasilyeva Marina Nikolaevna Territory cleaner Gavrilova Antonina Nikolaevna

Structure of the family reading library named after. A. G. Nikolaeva Subscription Adult reading room Intended for children who do not yet know how to read and their parents. The purpose of creating a family reading room is to revive the traditions of family reading; introducing children to reading from an early age. Family reading room “Pochemuchka” Children’s reading room Literary and musical lounge

The main directions and tasks of the family reading library named after. A.G. Nikolaev satisfies the informational, educational, cultural and leisure needs of library users through a properly organized, constantly replenished fund and reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library. providing assistance in creating a culture of interpersonal relationships in the family providing assistance in forming a culture of interpersonal relationships in the family increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents involving parents in guiding the reading of their children involving parents in guiding the reading of their children. Since the library named after. A. Nikolaev has the status of a family reading library, it is assigned additional tasks: Since the library named after. A. Nikolaev has the status of a family reading library, it is assigned additional tasks: The main directions of the library’s work are:

The main directions and tasks of the family reading library named after. A. G. Nikolaev To solve these problems, the library named after. A. G. Nikolaeva carries out the following types of main activities: The activities of the family reading library are complex in nature: combine such areas as information activities and participation in organizing leisure time for all generations of the family. The activities of the family reading library are complex in nature: combine such areas as as information activities and participation in organizing leisure time for all generations of the family 1. formation of a book fund, taking into account the needs of different age groups of readers and constant work on its preservation; 2. maintaining the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library; 3.organization of information and bibliographic services to library users; 4.cultural and educational work; 5. assistance in organizing family leisure; 6.assisting parents in getting acquainted with children's literature.

Main digital indicators of the library's activities Benchmarks Plan for 2011 Number of visits Book lending Including children 3690 Number of readers

Main digital indicators of the library's activities Indicators Plan Number of readers Fulfillment of the plan for readers % 100% Including children Including children (% in relation to the total number of readers) 40.89%41.54%41.46% Number of readers

Main digital indicators of library activity Number of population Number of readers % coverage, 2% , 2% , 8% Population coverage with library services Population coverage with library services

Main digital indicators of library activity Number of visits Plan fulfillment (%) % Including children, 21 % % Including children, 42 % % Including children, 46 %

Main digital indicators of the library's activities Book circulation Fulfillment of the plan (in%) % Including children, 88 % % Including children, 09 % % Including children, 73 %

Main digital indicators of library activity Book stock, receipt, disposal, book supply, readability Book stock Reception Departure Book supply per reader 9.39,410.1 Readability 23.3 23.8

Main digital indicators of library activity Total Thematic Clarifying Addressed Factographic Number of completed inquiries

Main digital indicators of library activities Paid services PlanAccomplishment%PlanAccomplishment%PlanAccomplishment % Registration of the form, 31 Reader's Initiative Foundation, 36 Night subscription, 3 Computer services, 29 Photocopying, 13 Press subscription, Video salon, 8 Other Total amount,

Attracting extra-budgetary funds About those who support us: There is such a fashionable direction in marketing as “fundraising” (“formation of sponsorship funds” - loosely translated from English, or simply charity). For example, over the past year, the Family Reading Library named after. A.G. Nikolaeva accepted as a gift: With extra-budgetary funds (Reader's Initiative Fund) - 78 copies worth rubles. 78 kop. As a gift from the Ministry of Culture of the Chechen Republic - 1 copy. for the amount of 300 rubles. 00 kop. A gift from the National Library of the Czech Republic - 39 copies of documents, of which: 38 copies. printed publications in the amount of 4741 rubles. 13 kopecks and 1 copy. electronic edition for the amount of 50 rubles. As a gift from the Chuvash Republican Children and Youth Library - 1 copy. printed edition for the amount of 45 rubles. 00 kop. As a gift from the Chuvash Book Publishing House - 5 copies. for the amount of 690 rubles. 00 kop. As a gift from the administration - 4 copies. for the amount of 180 rubles. 00 kop.; of which 3 copies. printed edition for the amount of 60 rubles. 00 kop. and 1 copy. electronic edition in the amount of 120 rubles. As a gift from the authors - 6 copies. for the amount of 675 rubles. As a gift from readers - 57 copies. in the amount of 1825 rubles. For a long time, an invaluable contribution to the support and development of the library has been made by two wonderful people and extraordinary personalities, deputy of the Novocheboksarsk City Assembly of Deputies of the Chuvash Republic of the fifth convocation Sergey Pavlovich Semenov and chairman of the Elnikovsky TOS Margarita Ilyinichna Efimova, the year was no exception: replenishment of the funds with new books, funding for fire alarm repairs in the library. Everything that the library did in 2010 became a certain stage in its continuous movement towards the reader. In 2011, the library is counting on the support of its readers and attention from government officials, which will allow it to harmoniously develop its activities for the benefit of city residents and look to the future with optimism.

Using VSO and IBA to satisfy the requests of readers VSO readers Book lending for VSO Received from other libraries Issued through VSO to other libraries Intrasystem exchange Interlibrary loan Readers MBA252 Book lending for IBA9713 Ordered Received 15693

Joint activities with various institutions and organizations A prerequisite for effective library services is the development of public relations. Social partnership is an established system with a constant expansion of forms and areas of work. This is a promising path for the further development of the social service system, which will make it possible to better and better satisfy the informational and spiritual needs of users. Family Reading Library named after. A.G. Nikolaeva closely cooperates with: Center for Children's Creativity "Friendship" Preschool educational institutions 39, 41, 42, 44 Teenage Club "Coeval" Family Reading Library named after. A. Nikolaeva Children's art school Schools 12, 14 and 16 TOS "Elnikovsky" During this year, partnerships with government agencies, social institutions, schools, kindergartens and interest clubs have been strengthened. The media have become increasingly interested in the work of libraries. The library successfully develops partnerships with enterprises, private organizations and commercial firms in the city. Many of them sponsor public events organized by the library.

Innovative forms of individual and mass work Blog statistics (data on) Visits Regular readers - 60 Number of messages Comments – Rating campaign “Best books: Novocheboksarsk version” 2011 – Participation in the international campaign “Get on the Internet!” 2011 – “Everything will be found!” web races of librarians and readers 2011 – Reading e-books (using a tablet computer and reader) 2010 – 2011 Organizing and maintaining a blog “2:0 in favor of readers”

Innovative forms of individual and mass work In August 2010, the library's blog appeared on the Internet. A. Nikolaev, Novocheboksarsk “2:0 in favor of readers”, created for informal communication between readers and librarians. A blog allows a librarian to: shape his reader, develop his creative activity; publish news information; advertise your work on the Internet; create new library products; improve professionally; keep up to date with events without visiting hundreds of pages on the Internet. Goals and objectives: 1. Formation of your reader. 2. Using a blog as a tool that increases the interactive, communication, marketing, and competitive capabilities of the library. 3. Improving the information culture of library staff and users. The blog publishes reviews, reviews of books, excerpts from the works themselves, thus organizing an open space for discussing the book read. Much attention is paid to information about various library and city events. Competitions are organized, brainstorming sessions with the invitation of experts, and surveys are conducted. The most popular messages: “There is no province on the Internet”, “Ivan Efremov “Library of the Future”, “Best books: Novocheboksarsk version” and others. Blog posts are updated 2-3 times a week, in addition to text, there is a lot of multimedia content.

Innovative forms of individual and mass work 1. In November 2010, according to the results of the regional blog competition “Life is Communication” held by VolgaTelecom, the blog “2:0 in favor of readers” was recognized as the winner in the “Most Significant Community” category. 2. Winner in the category “For Culture” in a competition organized by the blogosphere of Chuvashia in February 2011. The Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts, Department of Library Science and Bibliography, awarded the blog a certificate in April 2011. The results of the blog competition “Creative Workshop 2.0” were summed up. In the category "Blog about education for adults" took third place.

Development and implementation of proprietary programs 1. “Library without borders” program 2011 – 2013 (Appendix 1) 2. Vasilkova E. A. “Internet: quick start!” program, (Appendix 2) 3. Kostina E. N. School “Literary Environment”: program of work with younger schoolchildren, (Appendix 3) 4. Kostina E. N. School “Pochemuchka”: program of work with preschoolers, (Appendix 3)

Improving the professional skills and creative potential of library workers Participation in competitions Participation in seminars Speech at seminars Shuitseva N. N. Head. library Competition for awarding a diploma “Who has put his heart into reading” year Round table “Allies in the information field: libraries, media and Internet portals” Master class “Why and how to write press releases?” Kostina E. N. manager sector for working with children Seminar “Spiritual and moral education of children and youth in a library” Seminar “Electronic resources as a factor in the development of a public library” Round table “Allies in the information field: libraries, media and Internet portals” Experience of using electronic resources in increasing information culture of users Vasilkova E. A. librarian of the reading room Teleconference seminar "Man in the processes of modernization: in the past and present" Round table "Allies in the information field: libraries, media and the Internet" Republican meeting "Libraries of Chuvashia at the stage of transformation" Round table " Allies in the information field: libraries, media and the Internet" Republican meeting "Libraries of Chuvashia at the stage of transformation" Golysheva L. A. Subscription librarian Classes at OKiO: "Workstation Cataloger" description in the database collections Filippova L. N. Subscription librarian Classes at OKiO : “Workstation Cataloger” description in the collections database

Improving the professional skills and creative potential of library workers Seminar: “Electronic resources as a factor in the development of a public library” Topic: Experience in using electronic resources to improve the information culture of users

Mastering information technologies Picasa System IRBIS 64 workstation Cataloger AAA Logo Adobe Photoshop Microsoft Office Word 2003 Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 Working on a blog Photoshow 2.41 program Slideshare program PrintWhat YouLike Google Documents Windows Movie Maker

Positive socio-psychological climate in the team In the process of communication in the team, a certain socio-psychological climate arose. Among the main factors of the socio-psychological climate in the work team, one can note: vertical and horizontal relationships; business style and communication standards; organization and working conditions; incentive system. Depending on the state of these factors, a more or less stable emotional mood of the team members has developed. There is a direct positive connection between the state of the socio-psychological climate and the effectiveness of joint activities. Of great importance in creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in the library is the composition of the team in terms of the psychological compatibility of its members. The team consists of people whose business and personal qualities correspond to established norms, rules, and traditions. The norms of business interaction accepted in the team form office etiquette. Office etiquette includes such informal elements as mood, manner of greeting and address of the manager to employees, forms and methods of criticism. A favorable socio-psychological climate is characterized by a cheerful, positive mood of team members, which is characterized by cohesion, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, and mutual respect. Celebrities visiting the library Poetess Eleonora Archonta Writer Valentina Petrovna Pugacheva Alexander Petrovich Shuvalov and Vladimir Ivanovich Petrov. Lyudmila Ivanovna Isaeva and Alexander Petrovich Shuvalov Honored Artist of the Chuvash Republic Alexander Leonidovich Mukhin - Cheboksary Vyacheslav Platonov - cycling club "The Sun on the Spokes" Veteran of combat operations in Afghanistan Filippov Eduard Nikolaevich

A portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating, assessing and self-assessing individual achievements over a period of time.

It refers to “authentic”, that is, true, closest to real methods of assessment. Its main meaning is to show everything that a specialist is capable of. This method allows you to independently analyze your achievements in order to draw conclusions and move forward. Thus, the portfolio, as an accumulator of achievements, reflects the dynamics of our professional development and serves as a form of discussion and self-assessment of work results. Allows you to independently establish connections between previous and new knowledge, skills, and developments.

Portfolio goal: accumulation of achievements, tracking individual progress, presentation of activities and professional development over a certain period of time.


analyze and summarize your work;

tie together individual aspects of your activities;
 reflect the dynamics of professional development;

present your work experience as fully and effectively as possible.

Portfolio features:

diagnostic – records changes over a certain period of time;

meaningful – reveals the range of work performed;

developmental – ensures a continuous process of learning and self-education;

 motivational – encourages performance results;

Practical significance of a portfolio:

 certification in the future;

 licensing, certification, accreditation of educational institutions;

 systematization of librarian activities;

 a factor that stimulates professional development.

Portfolio models

Portfolio of achievements (for yourself and for others)

Assess progress in research, professional or creative activities

Portfolio-self-esteem (for yourself)

Show progress or regression in any types or individual aspects of professional activity

Portfolio report (for others)

Show success and prove research progress,

professional and creative activities

Evidence of progress is tracked through concrete results and materialized products professional, research and creative activities.


When developing a portfolio structure, it is advisable to focus on three main types:

Portfolio of documents includes certified (documented) librarian achievements:

 diplomas (federal, municipal, district, library levels);

 certificates;

 certificates;

 certificates;

 certificates;

It may contain copies of these documents. It must be preceded by a list of them (as they accumulate over a number of years).

Portfolio of works is a collection of materials reflecting the main directions and types of activities, a description of the main forms of creative activity. Performed by a group of various creative, project and research works of the librarian into a single array of documents. This may include:

 library development projects;

 texts (thesis) of speeches at seminars, methodological associations (or their audio and video recordings);

 scenarios of various public events;

 electronic documents – various presentations, developments to help conduct , reviews, exhibitions;

 videos, photo albums of various events;

 printed works.

The portfolio of works is preceded by a list of materials presented in it. The work itself is applied to paper or electronic media, including videos, photographs, publications, etc. It gives a qualitative assessment of the librarian’s professional activity according to the following parameters: completeness, diversity, originality, persuasiveness of materials, dynamics and creative activity of the employee, etc.

Reviews portfolio – these are characteristics of the librarian’s attitude towards various types of activities. IN it provides a written analysis of the librarian’s attitude to his activities and its results (texts conclusions, reviews, testimonials, summaries, etc.). Includes peer assessments of events, administration, methodological associations, etc. (To Letters of recommendation are added to the types of documents listed above). It is advisable to include comprehensive self-analysis of activities and their results.

You can construct either simple portfolio models (implementing one of the named types), or complex (including the described types as their sections).

For example:

A. Simple portfolio: 3 options, i.e. either a pure portfolio of documents, or a portfolio of works, or a portfolio of reviews.

B. A portfolio consisting of two sections: a documents section and a works section, or a documents section and a reviews section, or a works section and a reviews section.

B. A portfolio consisting of three sections is complex: a documents section, a works section and a reviews section.


There are several types of portfolio. We will look at two: personal and thematic.

Personal portfolio can be called a professional portrait of a librarian.

The portrait tells about the personality of the librarian. It is proposed to do it in the form of a resume. Emphasis in the summary must be made on the librarian’s existing experience: in self-education, in using his practice of modern information technologies, in design activities.

In addition to the above, you can include your reflections in the form of an essay in your personal portfolio.

For example, immediately after the “portrait” - reflections on the topic “The profession of a librarian” or “The mission of the library in the modern world.” And before the library development program or before the competitive work - an explanation of why you chose this particular direction or topic. Such essays demonstrate the professionalism of the librarian, his attitude to work and ability to analyze it, draw conclusions, see perspectives.

In your personal portfolio you can place the results of professional testing and a self-assessment sheet of professional skills.
Thematic portfolio It makes sense to do this if you are constantly and purposefully engaged in a particular topic.

. Using a thematic portfolio makes it possible to group existing materials and correctly place emphasis in order to further analyze your work and outline it prospects and demonstrate your professional level.

A thematic portfolio may include:

 plan (structure, diagram) of classes or topic development;

 explanatory note, which provides brief information about the author, form presentation of material, etc.;

 self-analysis of the work performed;

 factual material on the topic (bibliography, copies of articles, diagrams, etc.);

 reviews from colleagues about the classes they attended;

 summing up, identifying prospects.


Most librarians who have worked for more than three years have dozens of folders with thematic selections, development of events and exhibitions, various projects, research. There are folders with diplomas, diplomas, certificates, notebooks or folders with reviews of events and many other materials. These are the components of your portfolio - you just need to select the main thing and bring everything into the system. But before you start building your portfolio, answer the following questions:

Why do I want to create a portfolio?

Depending on the answer, determine the type and type of your portfolio of achievements - simple or complex, personal or thematic.

What will I include in my portfolio?

Secondly, how the materials will be arranged. In direct chronology - to show progress and professional growth or vice versa - to demonstrate the latest results? Or will you distribute materials by type: in the part for documents - diplomas, diplomas, certificates, certificates, certificates, evidence; in the work part – projects, programs, competition entries, publications, speeches, scripts, reviews, reviews, etc.

Depending on this, a list of portfolio materials is drawn up, which must be compiled and placed at the very beginning of both printed and electronic versions. This list can be prepared in in the form of a list, but the best option is tables (see “portfolio design”).

Where will the portfolio be stored and who will have public access to it?

There are several options - in the library, at the administration, in the methodological office. Perhaps you will make two options: one - more complete, expanded - for the department, the other - the most important - for administration.
If storage is expected in the library and you provide access, you can collect originals in a portfolio of documents, if your portfolio of achievements will be stored elsewhere - Better make copies. In any case, having created a portfolio, present your work to the administration.

 You can design your portfolio as a file folder with section headings.

 Place each work, document, collection of materials in a separate file.

 It is advisable to date each element of the portfolio so that dynamics can be traced.

 In the printed version of the list, links to documents or their copies indicating the application number are required.

 In the electronic version, for ease of navigation, it is advisable to provide hyperlinks to documents and other materials from the portfolio presentation and lists.

A portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating, assessing and self-assessing individual achievements over a period of time.

It refers to “authentic”, that is, true, closest to real methods of assessment. Its main meaning is to show everything that a specialist is capable of. This method allows you to independently analyze your achievements in order to draw conclusions and move forward. Thus, the portfolio, as an accumulator of achievements, reflects the dynamics of our professional development and serves as a form of discussion and self-assessment of work results. Allows you to independently establish connections between previous and new knowledge, skills, and developments.

Portfolio goal: accumulation of achievements, tracking individual progress, presentation of activities and professional development over a certain period of time.


analyze and summarize your work;

tie together individual aspects of your activities;
 reflect the dynamics of professional development;

present your work experience as fully and effectively as possible.

Portfolio features:

diagnostic – records changes over a certain period of time;

meaningful – reveals the range of work performed;

developmental – ensures a continuous process of learning and self-education;

 motivational – encourages performance results;

Practical significance of a portfolio:

 certification in the future;

 licensing, certification, accreditation of educational institutions;

 systematization of librarian activities;

 a factor that stimulates professional development.

Portfolio models

Portfolio of achievements (for yourself and for others)

Assess progress in research, professional or creative activities

Portfolio-self-esteem (for yourself)

Show progress or regression in any types or individual aspects of professional activity

Portfolio report (for others)

Show success and prove research progress,

professional and creative activities

Evidence of progress is tracked through concrete results and materialized products professional, research and creative activities.


When developing a portfolio structure, it is advisable to focus on three main types:

Portfolio of documents includes certified (documented) librarian achievements:

 diplomas (federal, municipal, district, library levels);

 certificates;

 certificates;

 certificates;

 certificates;

It may contain copies of these documents. It must be preceded by a list of them (as they accumulate over a number of years).

Portfolio of works is a collection of materials reflecting the main directions and types of activities, a description of the main forms of creative activity. Performed by a group of various creative, project and research works of the librarian into a single array of documents. This may include:

 library development projects;

 texts (thesis) of speeches at seminars, methodological associations (or their audio and video recordings);

 scenarios of various public events;

 electronic documents – various presentations, developments to help conduct , reviews, exhibitions;

 videos, photo albums of various events;

 printed works.

The portfolio of works is preceded by a list of materials presented in it. The work itself is applied to paper or electronic media, including videos, photographs, publications, etc. It gives a qualitative assessment of the librarian’s professional activity according to the following parameters: completeness, diversity, originality, persuasiveness of materials, dynamics and creative activity of the employee, etc.

Reviews portfolio – these are characteristics of the librarian’s attitude towards various types of activities. IN it provides a written analysis of the librarian’s attitude to his activities and its results (texts conclusions, reviews, testimonials, summaries, etc.). Includes peer assessments of events, administration, methodological associations, etc. (To Letters of recommendation are added to the types of documents listed above). It is advisable to include comprehensive self-analysis of activities and their results.

You can construct either simple portfolio models (implementing one of the named types), or complex (including the described types as their sections).

For example:

A. Simple portfolio: 3 options, i.e. either a pure portfolio of documents, or a portfolio of works, or a portfolio of reviews.

B. A portfolio consisting of two sections: a documents section and a works section, or a documents section and a reviews section, or a works section and a reviews section.

B. A portfolio consisting of three sections is complex: a documents section, a works section and a reviews section.


There are several types of portfolio. We will look at two: personal and thematic.

Personal portfolio can be called a professional portrait of a librarian.

The portrait tells about the personality of the librarian. It is proposed to do it in the form of a resume. Emphasis in the summary must be made on the librarian’s existing experience: in self-education, in using his practice of modern information technologies, in design activities.

In addition to the above, you can include your reflections in the form of an essay in your personal portfolio.

For example, immediately after the “portrait” - reflections on the topic “The profession of a librarian” or “The mission of the library in the modern world.” And before the library development program or before the competitive work - an explanation of why you chose this particular direction or topic. Such essays demonstrate the professionalism of the librarian, his attitude to work and ability to analyze it, draw conclusions, see perspectives.

In your personal portfolio you can place the results of professional testing and a self-assessment sheet of professional skills.
Thematic portfolio It makes sense to do this if you are constantly and purposefully engaged in a particular topic.

. Using a thematic portfolio makes it possible to group existing materials and correctly place emphasis in order to further analyze your work and outline it prospects and demonstrate your professional level.

A thematic portfolio may include:

 plan (structure, diagram) of classes or topic development;

 explanatory note, which provides brief information about the author, form presentation of material, etc.;

 self-analysis of the work performed;

 factual material on the topic (bibliography, copies of articles, diagrams, etc.);

 reviews from colleagues about the classes they attended;

 summing up, identifying prospects.


Most librarians who have worked for more than three years have dozens of folders with thematic selections, development of events and exhibitions, various projects, research. There are folders with diplomas, diplomas, certificates, notebooks or folders with reviews of events and many other materials. These are the components of your portfolio - you just need to select the main thing and bring everything into the system. But before you start building your portfolio, answer the following questions:

Why do I want to create a portfolio?

Depending on the answer, determine the type and type of your portfolio of achievements - simple or complex, personal or thematic.

What will I include in my portfolio?

Secondly, how the materials will be arranged. In direct chronology - to show progress and professional growth or vice versa - to demonstrate the latest results? Or will you distribute materials by type: in the part for documents - diplomas, diplomas, certificates, certificates, certificates, evidence; in the work part – projects, programs, competition entries, publications, speeches, scripts, reviews, reviews, etc.

Depending on this, a list of portfolio materials is drawn up, which must be compiled and placed at the very beginning of both printed and electronic versions. This list can be prepared in in the form of a list, but the best option is tables (see “portfolio design”).

Where will the portfolio be stored and who will have public access to it?

There are several options - in the library, at the administration, in the methodological office. Perhaps you will make two options: one - more complete, expanded - for the department, the other - the most important - for administration.
If storage is expected in the library and you provide access, you can collect originals in a portfolio of documents, if your portfolio of achievements will be stored elsewhere - Better make copies. In any case, having created a portfolio, present your work to the administration.

 You can design your portfolio as a file folder with section headings.

 Place each work, document, collection of materials in a separate file.

 It is advisable to date each element of the portfolio so that dynamics can be traced.

 In the printed version of the list, links to documents or their copies indicating the application number are required.

 In the electronic version, for ease of navigation, it is advisable to provide hyperlinks to documents and other materials from the portfolio presentation and lists.