The last words of the dying greats. What was Albert Einstein hiding? The man who forgot his native language

On April 18, 1955, at about one in the morning, the aorta burst and the author’s heart stopped famous Theory relativity. Quietly, in the presence of only those closest to him, his body was cremated near Trenton, New Jersey. At the request of Einstein himself, the burial of the ashes was carried out in secret from everyone.

There is a legend that the ashes of the manuscripts of his last were buried with him. scientific works, burned by Einstein before his death. He believed that this knowledge could only harm humanity for now.

What kind of work were these? The answer, unfortunately, great physicist took it with me forever. An attempt to unravel their secret forces one to step onto the shaky ground of assumptions, assumptions, and eyewitness memories, the absolute reliability of which can never be certain. But today there is no other way.

It is known that Albert Einstein actively opposed the development and creation nuclear weapons, working at this time, especially in last years life, over creation Unified theory fields. Its main purpose is to use one the only equation describe the interaction of three fundamental forces: electromagnetic, gravitational and nuclear. Most likely, an unexpected discovery in this area prompted Einstein to destroy his work. But, apparently, the American military departments managed to use some of the theoretical calculations of the great physicist even before he realized the danger lurking in them.

An experiment was conducted, the results of which were truly tragic. The initial task did not promise anything unexpected. There was a war going on, and military experts tried in every possible way to make their ships and aircraft inconspicuous to enemy radars. The idea arose to create an electromagnetic field of such intensity that light rays will curl up into a cocoon, making the object invisible to both humans and instruments. Einstein, as the strongest theoretician in this field, was assigned to do the calculations.

The ship on which, according to existing version, “invisibility generators” were installed, not only disappeared from the field of view of observers and radar screens, but seemed to have fallen into another dimension and appeared only after some time with a half-insane crew on board. But, perhaps, the main thing is not even the disappearance of the ship, but the mysterious consequences that the experiment had on the crew of the destroyer. Incredible things began to happen to the sailors: some seemed to “freeze” - they fell out of the real flow of time, others completely “dissolved” in the air, never to appear again...

Stories about the mysterious incident were passed from mouth to mouth, acquiring the most incredible details. And, although the leadership of the US Navy denied all rumors about this experiment, many researchers called official version fake. And there is good reason for this. Documents have been found confirming that from 1943 to 1944 Einstein served in maritime ministry in Washington. Witnesses appeared, some of whom personally saw how the Eldridge disappeared, others were holding sheets of paper with calculations made in the hand of Einstein, who had a very characteristic handwriting. Even a newspaper clipping from those times was found, telling about sailors who left the ship and melted before the eyes of eyewitnesses.

Alas, all this can be disputed, because the main thing has not been preserved - the documents. The Eldridge's logs could have explained a lot, but they mysteriously disappeared. At least, to all requests, the researchers received the answer: “ is not possible to find, and therefore make it available to you.” And the logbooks of the escort ship "Fureset" were completely destroyed by order from above, although this is contrary to all the rules... The manuscripts of the great physicist, perhaps, could also explain where and how the "Eldridge" disappeared, but Einstein did not want to leave them us.

Skeptics objected: “The ship could not have fallen into another dimension, if only because no other dimensions exist in nature besides ours.” If only everything were that simple...

Today, it is already an axiom for scientists that curved space, closed in gravitational collapse, forms the so-called “Schwarzschild sphere”, or “black hole”, in which the entire universe can be contained. Few people know that academician Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, like Einstein, devoted many of his works to cosmology. Unfortunately, such works of his as “The Many-Leaf Model of the Universe,” published in 1969 in an extremely small circulation, and other articles devoted to the properties of curved space are practically inaccessible to the general reader. But in them Sakharov admits that, along with the observable Universe, there are many others, many of which have significantly different characteristics... In our time, the idea parallel worlds already recognized. And many scientists claim that you can get there without traveling in Space. You can penetrate them without leaving the Earth, “piercing” the space with a powerful energy impact.

But these are all theories. But in practice? Bit by bit, the experts of the Phenomenon Commission collected information about real facts influence of electromagnetic fields on the characteristics of space.

All were viewed physical phenomena, producing powerful bursts of energy, including nuclear explosions, which, as is known, are accompanied by electromagnetic bursts.

Here is one of the interesting facts. This is the testimony of a man who atomic bomb exploded literally under my feet.

Sergey Andreevich Alekseenko worked at Semipalatinsk nuclear test site as a military builder. His duties included restoring engineering structures, destroyed during testing of the next charge. In the summer of 1973, he served under General K. Vertelov ( construction troops Ministry of Defense of the USSR). Together with him and another accompanying person, he had to inspect the concreted head of the well, where the charge was planted at a depth of three kilometers, and then watch the explosion from a special bunker. But something didn't work. And the explosion occurred when the “observers” approached the well itself.

“... I felt my leg hanging in some kind of unsupported space,” recalls S. Alekseenko. “Something lifted me, Konstantin Mikhailovich (General Vertelov - I.Ts) and Ivanov, who were in front of me, suddenly appeared below and what I stopped feeling the ground beneath me, it seemed all Earth disappeared... Then a heavy sigh was heard from somewhere below, after which I found myself at the bottom of a deep ravine - Ivanov disappeared from view, and Konstantin Mikhailovich found himself on the edge of a cliff - I saw him, as if through a huge lens, magnified several times . Then the wave subsided, we were all again standing on a flat surface, which was shaking like jelly... Then, as if they had sharply slammed a door to another world, the shaking stopped, and the earth’s firmament froze again, returning the feeling to me real power gravity..."

Let's not focus on the words "door to another world", they can be attributed to emotional condition an eyewitness who indeed found himself in a very unusual situation. But here is a description of optical effects... This is only possible when light rays are bent. And yet, Alekseenko recalls an unusual illness that happened to employees from time to time Semipalatinsk test site. Among themselves, everyone called it “scattering,” or also “Dr. Zharov’s disease.”

Dr. Zharov dissected animals that, for the purpose of research, were exposed to close nuclear explosion, and came across a strange effect.

The “crumbled” animal seemed to fall out of life for several days - it did not breathe, did not move, and then suddenly got up and began to move, as if nothing had happened. The same thing happened to landfill workers.

“Before Zharov’s discovery, those who “crumbled” were simply buried,” says Alekseenko. “Then they were simply allowed to rest. I myself “crumbled” several times. The last feeling before the fall was as if someone had pulled the plug out of the socket and you ceased to exist...”

Isn't it true that this is surprisingly reminiscent of what happened to the crew of the destroyer Eldridge? Remember the statements of eyewitnesses that the sailors “seemed to have fallen out of the real flow of time.” By the way, similar mysterious diseases were also observed among Lockheed workers who assembled the stealth aircraft that had proven themselves so well during the Gulf War. According to experts, the “invisibility” of these machines is achieved through the use of special materials, the unusual properties of which may arise after they are treated with “invisibility generators” similar to those tested on the Eldridge.

Is it really this secret - the secret of the reality of a breakthrough into another dimension - that Albert Einstein decided to take with him to his grave?

At least this version clears things up. For example, the unusual results of experiments by the Italian researcher Luciano Boccone, who, with the help special devices photographed mysterious creatures invisible to the eye in the sky. According to his theory, these “critters” (which means “creatures”) are ethereal life forms that came to our world from parallel space. Well, if during each nuclear explosion a gap is formed into another world, then the “critters” had many opportunities to get to Earth. Between 1955 and 1973 alone, the USSR, USA and Great Britain conducted 960 nuclear tests.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis for now. However, the investigation of this topic by experts from the Phenomenon commission continues. And evidence of the reality of use has already been discovered theoretical works Einstein not only for moving to other spaces, but also for creating current model time machines.

Let's rejoice! The dreams of mankind, the bold ideas of science fiction writers are finally beginning to come true! But why is research in this area hidden from us under a thick veil of secrecy? Is it because their results are again intended exclusively for military purposes? Alas, the fact that military departments are conducting such research is confirmed by the facts available to the Phenomenon commission.

The last words of the dying have always been treated with special reverence. What does a person who is on the verge between two worlds feel and see?... The last words of great people were simple, mysterious, strange. Someone expressed their greatest regret, and someone found the strength to joke. What did Genghis Khan, Byron and Chekhov say before they died?

The last phrase of Emperor Caesar went down in history slightly distorted. We all know that Caesar allegedly said: “And you, Brutus?” In fact, judging by the surviving texts of historians, this phrase could have sounded a little differently - it did not convey indignation, but rather regret. They say that the emperor said to Marcus Brutus who rushed at him: “And you, my child?...”

The last words of Alexander the Great were prophetic; it was not for nothing that the ruler had the reputation excellent strategist. Dying of malaria, Makedonsky said: “I see there will be big competitions at my grave.” And so it happened: built by him great empire was literally torn to pieces in internecine wars.

“Batu will continue my victories, and the Mongol hand will stretch over the universe,” Genghis Khan said on his deathbed. The last words of Martin Luther King were: “God, how painful and scary it is to leave for another world.” “Well, I’m going to bed,” said George Gordon Bayorn, and then fell asleep forever. According to another version, before his death the poet exclaimed: “My sister! My child... Poor Greece!... I gave her time, fortune, health... And now I give her my life.” As you know, the last year of his life rebel poet spent helping the Greeks in liberation struggle against Ottoman Empire. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was dying of consumption in a hotel in the German resort town of Badenweiler. His attending physician felt that Chekhov's death was near. According to an old German tradition, a doctor who has given his colleague a fatal diagnosis treats the dying man with champagne. "Ich sterbe!" (“I’m dying!”) Chekhov said and drank the glass of champagne served to him to the bottom.

“Hope!... Hope! Hope!... Damned!”, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky shouted before his death. Perhaps the composer was delirious, or perhaps he was desperately clinging to life. "So what's the answer?" - asked the American writer Gertrude Stein philosophically as she was taken on a gurney to the operating room. Stein was dying of cancer, which had previously killed her mother. Having received no answer, she asked again:

"What's the question then?" She never woke up from the anesthesia. Peter the Great was dying unconscious. Once, having come to his senses, the sovereign took the stylus and began to scratch with effort: “Give me everything...”. But the sovereign did not have time to explain to whom and what. The monarch ordered to call his beloved daughter Anna, but was unable to say anything to her. The next day, at the beginning of six o'clock in the morning, the emperor opened his eyes and whispered a prayer. These were his last words. It is also known about the dying suffering of King Henry the Eighth of England. "The crown is gone, the glory is gone, the soul is gone!" - exclaimed the dying monarch. Vaslav Nijinsky,

Anatole France and Garibaldi whispered the same word before their death: “Mama!” Before her execution, Marie Antoinette behaved like a real queen. While climbing the stairs to the guillotine, she accidentally stepped on the executioner’s foot. Her last words were: “Forgive me, monsieur, I didn’t do it on purpose.” Empress Elizaveta Petrovna extremely surprised the doctors when, half a minute before her death, she stood up on her pillows and menacingly asked: “Am I still alive?!” But before the doctors had time to get scared, the situation “corrected” - the ruler gave up the ghost.

They say that Grand Duke Mikhail Romanov, brother last emperor, before the execution, he gave his boots to the executioners with the words: “Use them, guys, they are royal after all.” Famous spy, dancer and courtesan Mata Hari blew a kiss to the soldiers aiming at her with the playful words: “I’m ready, boys!” Dying, Balzac remembered one of the characters in his stories, the experienced doctor Bianchon. “He would have saved me,” sighed great writer. English historian Thomas Carlyle calmly said: “So this is what this death is like!” Composer Edvard Grieg turned out to be equally cold-blooded.

“Well, what if it’s inevitable,” he said. It is believed that Ludwig van Beethoven's last words were: "Applaud, friends, the comedy is over." True, some biographers cite other words of the great composer: “I feel as if up to this moment I had written only a few notes.” If last fact- it is true that Beethoven was not the only great man who, before his death, lamented how little he managed to do. They say that when dying, Leonardo da Vinci exclaimed in despair: “I offended God and people! My works did not reach the heights to which I aspired!”

One of the famous filmmaker brothers, 92-year-old Auguste Lumière, said: “My film is running out.” “Dying is a boring task,” he finally quipped Somerset Maugham. “Don’t ever do this!” Dying in the town of Bougival near Paris, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev said a strange thing: “Farewell, my dears, my whitish ones...”.

The French artist Antoine Watteau was horrified: “Take this cross away from me! How could you depict Christ so poorly!” - and with these words he died. The poet Felix Arver, having heard a nurse say to someone: “It’s at the end of the corridor,” from last bit of strength groaned: “Not a collidor, but a corridor!” - and died. Oscar Wilde, dying in a hotel room, looked longingly at the tasteless wallpaper and ironically remarked: “This wallpaper is terrible. One of us must go.” Einstein's last words, unfortunately, remained a mystery to posterity: the nurse who was near his bed did not know German.

Albert Einstein

The genius of the first half of the 20th century. A scientist who began to be recognized throughout the world. Interesting person, interesting life. Today we will tell you about the life of Albert Einstein in facts.

Theoretical physicist, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics, public figure and humanist. Lived in Germany, Switzerland and the USA. Honorary doctor of about 20 leading universities in the world, member of many Academies of Sciences, including a foreign honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Einstein was born into a Jewish family that was not rich. His father, Herman, worked at a featherbed and mattress stuffing company. Mother, Paulina (nee Koch) was the daughter of a corn merchant.

Albert had a younger sister, Maria.

IN hometown the future scientist did not live even a year, since the family went to live in Munich in 1880.

In Munich, where Hermann Einstein, together with his brother Jacob, founded a small company selling electrical equipment.

His mother taught little Albert to play the violin, and he gave up musical studies for the rest of his life.

Already in the USA in Princeton, in 1934 Albert Einstein gave a charity concert, where he performed works by Mozart on the violin for the benefit of those who emigrated from Nazi Germany scientists and cultural figures.

At the gymnasium (now the Albert Einstein Gymnasium in Munich) he was not among the first students.

Albert Einstein received his primary education at a local Catholic school. According to his own recollections, as a child he experienced a state of deep religiosity, which ended at the age of 12.

Through reading popular science books, he became convinced that much of what is stated in the Bible cannot be true, and the state is deliberately deceiving the younger generation.

In 1895, he entered the Aarau school in Switzerland and successfully completed it.

In Zurich in 1896, Einstein entered the Higher technical school. After graduating in 1900, the future scientist received a diploma as a teacher of physics and mathematics.

During World War II, Einstein was a technical consultant to Navy USA. It is known for certain that Russian intelligence more than once sent its agents to him for secret information.

In 1894, the Einsteins moved from Munich to the Italian city of Pavia, near Milan, where the brothers Hermann and Jacob moved their company. Albert himself remained with relatives in Munich for some more time to complete all six classes of the gymnasium.

In the fall of 1895, Albert Einstein arrived in Switzerland to take his entrance exams at the Higher Technical School (Polytechnic) in Zurich.

After graduating from the Polytechnic, Einstein, in need of money, began looking for work in Zurich, but could not even get a regular position. school teacher.

The famous photograph of Einstein sticking out his tongue was taken for annoying journalists who asked the great scientist to just smile for the camera.

After graduating from the Polytechnic, Einstein, in need of money, began looking for work in Zurich, but could not even get a job as an ordinary school teacher. This literally hungry period in the life of the great scientist affected his health: hunger became the cause serious illness liver.

After Einstein's death, we managed to find his notebook, which was completely covered with calculations.

His former classmate, Marcel Grossman, helped Albert find a job. According to his recommendations, in 1902 Albert got a job as an expert III class to the Berne Federal Office for Patents and Inventions. The scientist assessed applications for inventions until 1909.

In 1902, Einstein lost his father.

Einstein worked at the Patent Office from July 1902 to October 1909, working primarily expert assessment applications for inventions. In 1903 he became a permanent employee of the Bureau. The nature of the work allowed Einstein to devote free time research in the field of theoretical physics.

Since 1905, all physicists in the world have recognized Einstein's name. The journal "Annals of Physics" published three of his articles at once, which marked the beginning scientific revolution. They were devoted to the theory of relativity, quantum theory, statistical physics.

Einstein had to work as an electrician.

“Why exactly did I create the theory of relativity? When I ask myself this question, it seems to me that the reason is as follows. A normal adult does not think about the problem of space and time at all. In his opinion, he had already thought about this problem in childhood. I developed intellectually so slowly that space and time were occupied by my thoughts when I became an adult. Naturally, I could penetrate deeper into the problem than a child with normal inclinations.”

However, many scientists considered “ new physics"Too revolutionary. She abolished the ether, absolute space and absolute time, revised Newtonian mechanics, which had served as the mainstay of physics for 200 years and was consistently confirmed by observation.

Einstein could not pay alimony to his wife. He suggested that if she received the Nobel Prize, she should give all the money.

Among the closest friends of the great scientist was Charlie Chaplin.

Taking advantage of his incredible popularity, the scientist for some time charged one dollar for each autograph. He donated the proceeds to charity.

On January 6, 1903, Einstein married twenty-seven-year-old Mileva Maric. They had three children. The first, even before marriage, was born daughter Lieserl (1902), but biographers were unable to find out her fate.

Einstein spoke 2 languages.

Hans Albert, Einstein's eldest son, became a great expert in hydraulics and a professor at the University of California.

Einstein's favorite hobby was sailing. He didn't know how to swim on water.

In 1914, the family breaks up: Einstein leaves for Berlin, leaving his wife and children in Zurich. In 1919, an official divorce took place.

Most often, the genius did not put on socks because he did not like to wear them.

After his death in 1955, pathologist Thomas Harvey removed the scientist's brain and took photographs of it under different angles. Then, cutting the brain into many small pieces, he sent them to various laboratories for 40 years to be examined by the best neurologists in the world.

Edward, younger son a great scientist, was ill with a severe form of schizophrenia and died in a psychiatric hospital in Zurich.

In 1919, having received a divorce, Einstein married Elsa Löwenthal (nee Einstein), his cousin on his mother's side. He adopts her two children. In 1936, Elsa died of heart disease.

Einstein's last words remained a mystery. An American woman sat next to him, and he spoke his words in German.

In 1906, Einstein received his Doctor of Science degree. By this time, he was already gaining worldwide fame: physicists from all over the world wrote letters to him and came to meet him. Einstein meets Planck, with whom they had a long and strong friendship.

Albert Einstein was very fond of the “Maxims” of the outstanding French thinker and politician Francois de La Rochefoucauld. He re-read them constantly.

In 1909, he was offered a position at the University of Zurich as an extraordinary professor. However, due to his small salary, Einstein soon agrees to a more lucrative offer. He was invited to head the Department of Physics at German university Prague.

The great genius was always mocked in elementary school.

During the First World War, the scientist openly expressed his pacifist views and continued scientific discoveries. After 1917, liver disease worsened, stomach ulcers appeared and jaundice began. Without even getting out of bed, Einstein continued his scientific research.

On the eve of his death, Einstein was offered surgery, but he refused, saying that “artificial prolongation of life makes no sense.”

In 1920, Einstein's mother died after a serious illness.

In literature, the genius of physics preferred Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Bertolt Brecht.

In 1921, Einstein finally became a Nobel laureate.

In 1923, Einstein spoke in Jerusalem, where it was planned to open the Hebrew University soon (1925).

In 1827, Robert Brown observed under a microscope and subsequently described the chaotic movement of flower pollen floating in water. Einstein, based molecular theory, developed a statistical and mathematical model of such a movement.

Albert Einstein's last work was burned.

In 1924, the young Indian physicist Shatyendranath Bose short letter turned to Einstein with a request for help in publishing an article in which he put forward the assumption that formed the basis of modern quantum statistics. Bose proposed to consider light as a gas of photons. Einstein came to the conclusion that the same statistics could be used for atoms and molecules in general.

In 1925, Einstein published Bose's paper in German translation, and then own article, in which he stated generalized model Bose theory, which applies to systems of identical particles with integer spin called bosons. Based on this quantum statistics, now known as Bose-Einstein statistics, both physicists theoretically substantiated the existence of the fifth in the mid-1920s state of aggregation substance - Bose - Einstein condensate.

In 1928, Einstein conducted last way Lorenza, with whom he became very friendly in his last years. It was Lorentz who nominated Einstein for Nobel Prize in 1920 and supported it the following year.

My pacifism is an instinctive feeling that controls me because killing a person is disgusting. My attitude does not come from any speculative theory, but is based on the deepest antipathy to any kind of cruelty and hatred.

In 1929, the world noisily celebrated Einstein's 50th birthday. The hero of the day did not take part in the celebrations and hid in his villa near Potsdam, where he enthusiastically grew roses. Here he received friends - scientists, Rabindranath Tagore, Emmanuel Lasker, Charlie Chaplin and others.

In 1952, when the state of Israel was just beginning to form into a full-fledged power, the great scientist was offered the presidency. Of course, the physicist flatly refused such a high post, citing the fact that he was a scientist and did not have enough experience to govern the country.

In 1931, Einstein visited the USA again. In Pasadena he was very warmly received by Michelson, who had four months to live. Returning to Berlin in the summer, Einstein, in a speech to the Physical Society, paid tribute to the memory of the remarkable experimenter who laid the first stone of the foundation of the theory of relativity.

In 1955, Einstein's health deteriorated sharply. He wrote a will and told his friends: “I have fulfilled my task on Earth.” His last work was an unfinished appeal calling for the prevention of nuclear war.

Albert Einstein died on the night of April 18, 1955 in Princeton. The cause of death was a ruptured aortic aneurysm. According to his personal will, the funeral took place without wide publicity; only 12 people close and dear to him were present. The body was burned at the Ewing Cemetery Crematorium and the ashes were scattered to the wind.

In 1933, Einstein had to leave Germany, to which he was very attached, forever.

In the USA, Einstein instantly became one of the most famous and respected people country, gaining a reputation as the most brilliant scientist in history, as well as the personification of the image of the “absent-minded professor” and the intellectual capabilities of man in general.

Albert Einstein was a staunch democratic socialist, humanist, pacifist and anti-fascist. Einstein's authority, achieved thanks to his revolutionary discoveries in physics, allowed the scientist to actively influence socio-political transformations in the world.

Einstein's religious views have been the subject of long-standing controversy. Some claim that Einstein believed in the existence of God, others call him an atheist. Both of them used the words of the great scientist to confirm their point of view.

In 1921, Einstein received a telegram from New York rabbi Herbert Goldstein: “Do you believe in God period paid answer 50 words.” Einstein summed it up in 24 words: “I believe in Spinoza’s God, who manifests himself in the natural harmony of being, but not at all in the God who worries about the destinies and affairs of people.” He put it even more harshly in an interview with the New York Times (November 1930): “I do not believe in a God who rewards and punishes, in a God whose goals are molded from our human goals. I do not believe in the immortality of the soul, although weak minds, obsessed with fear or absurd selfishness, find refuge in such a belief.”

Einstein was awarded honorary doctorates from numerous universities, including: Geneva, Zurich, Rostock, Madrid, Brussels, Buenos Aires, London, Oxford, Cambridge, Glasgow, Leeds, Manchester, Harvard, Princeton, New York (Albany), Sorbonne.

In 2015, in Jerusalem, on the territory of the Hebrew University, a monument to Einstein was erected by Moscow sculptor Georgy Frangulyan.

Einstein's popularity modern world so great that controversial issues arise in widespread use the name and appearance of the scientist in advertising and trademarks. Because Einstein bequeathed some of his property, including the use of his images, to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the brand "Albert Einstein" was registered as a trademark.

Signing one of the photographs with his tongue hanging out, the genius said that his gesture was addressed to all of humanity. How can we do without metaphysics! By the way, contemporaries always emphasized the scientist’s subtle humor and ability to make witty jokes.


There are many mysterious and terrible events happening in our world that we are unlikely to ever be able to find an explanation for. Here, for example, are six such riddles:

Before he died in Princeton Hospital, Albert Einstein spoke his last words. A visiting nurse accidentally overheard them. Unfortunately, Einstein said these words in his native German. The nurse did not speak this language. Therefore, the last words of the genius remained a secret forever.

2. Little Miss

A body was found at the site of the Hartford City Circus fire in 1944. unknown girl, who died in the fire. This case was investigated for several decades, the girl's photo was published in newspapers across the country, but the police were never able to establish her identity. On the girl’s grave it is written “Little Miss” and the numbers “1565” - the number that was assigned to her corpse at the morgue.

3. The Brutal Murder of Glena Sharp's Family

In 1988, in a resort town near the Sierra Nevada terrible death Glena Sharp and her children, who were vacationing there, died. One morning, Glena's 14-year-old daughter came to her house from her friend, where she was spending the night, and discovered a bloody scene: blood was everywhere, the bodies of her mother, older brother and his girlfriend were tied up and mutilated. Later, three younger girls were found hiding in the house, who, fortunately, were not injured. The kids said that some terrible people tortured the family with kitchen knife and a nail puller. Surprisingly, the neighbors claimed that they did not hear any suspicious sounds, although the nearest house was only five meters away and, judging by the battered walls and broken furniture, the noise should have been decent.

4. The man who forgot his native language

Michael Boatwright, 61, was found unconscious at the motel. In the hospital he regained consciousness, but spoke only Swedish and claimed that his name was John Ek. He not only forgot his native language, but didn’t even recognize his own face. Apart from this strange amnesia, everything else Boatwright had was in perfect order. To this day no one knows what happened to him.

5. The senseless massacre at the bowling alley

A strange incident occurred in 1990 at a bowling alley in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Two men carried out a massacre there, many people died. They then broke into the office and stole five thousand dollars, then set the club on fire and fled. They were never found. Whether this was an act of some kind of revenge or they were simply eliminating witnesses to the theft remained unknown.

6. The Mystery of Kyle Benjamin

August 31, 2004 at backyard A middle-aged man was found unconscious at a fast food restaurant in Georgia. When the unknown person came to his senses, he could not remember who he was or where he came from. There were no documents with him. Just like Boatwright in Story 4, he didn't even recognize his own face. The police ran his fingerprints through all the bases, including the most secret military ones - no results. Photos in newspapers and participation in television shows also did not yield any results. Even DNA analysis did not shed any light on this mystery. 10 years have passed since then, and this poor guy (he chose the name Kyle Benjamin) still remains a phantom. This is the only American citizen who is listed as missing, although he is constantly in the public eye.