Escape translation into Russian. The escape

  1. noun
    1. escape; the escape; figuratively escapism

      Examples of using

        It was of no use trying to escape: she might have thrown it into the fire, but she had not presence of mind enough.

        There was no use in running away; she could have thrown the note into the fire, but she didn't have the presence of mind.

        Wives and daughters. Elizabeth Gaskell, page 55
      1. There was not a soul on Ripley Street; the village seemed to have died out, only light could be seen in two or three windows. At the turn of the road to Pyrford I almost ran into people who had their backs to me.

        War of the Worlds. H.G. Wells, page 37
      2. escape the acquaintance now."

    2. deliverance; the rescue;
      to have a hairbreadth escape to barely avoid danger, to be within a hair's breadth (of smth.)

      Examples of using

      1. Indeed my courage had begun to rise so high that I allowed myself a few daring thoughts on what would be the end of the affair, and while I saw certainly that I could spin it out for long, I saw no hope of any ultimate escape.

        I became somewhat bolder and even began to think about how our game would end. “Of course,” I thought, “I can hold out for a long time, but sooner or later he will still finish me off...”

        Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson, page 141
      2. leakage, discharge (of blood, etc.)
      3. leakage (gas, steam, etc.); release (gas, steam)

        Examples of using

        1. From outside came the occasional cry of a night-bird, and once at our very window a long drawn catlike whine, which told us that the cheetah was indeed at liberty. Far away we could hear the deep tones of the parish clock, which boomed out every quarter of an hour. How long they seemed, those quarters! Twelve struck, and one and two and three, and still we sat waiting silently for whatever might befall. Suddenly there was the momentary gleam of a light up in the direction of the ventilator, which vanished immediately, but was succeeded by a strong smell of burning oil and heated metal. Someone in the next room had lit a dark-lantern. I heard a gentle sound of movement, and then all was silent once more, though the smell grew stronger. For half an hour I sat with straining ears. Then suddenly another sound became audible-a very gentle, soothing sound, like that of a small jet of steam escaping continually from a kettle. The instant that we heard it, Holmes sprang from the bed, struck a match, and lashed furiously with his cane at the bell-pull.

          Suddenly a light flashed near the fan and immediately disappeared, but immediately we felt a strong smell of burnt oil and hot metal. Someone in the next room lit a secret lantern. I heard something move, then everything went silent, and only the smell became even stronger. I sat for half an hour, intensely peering into the darkness. Suddenly a new sound was heard, gentle and quiet, as if a thin stream of steam was escaping from a boiler. And at the same instant Holmes jumped out of bed, struck a match and lashed furiously at the cord with his cane.

          The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Variegated ribbon. Arthur Conan Doyle, page 22
      4. technique; technology- outlet
      5. escape
      6. rescue;
        escape ladder
        escape route road to retreat;
        escape hatch a> landing hatch; b> hatch for access to outer space (in a spacecraft);
        escape velocity second escape velocity
    3. verb
      1. escape, escape (from imprisonment, captivity)

        Examples of using

        1. Just hear how he speaks Russian." As he spoke, the poet kept glancing sideways, to make sure the stranger did not escape. "Let"s go and detain him, or he"ll get away..."

          You hear how he speaks in Russian,” the poet spoke and looked askance, making sure that the unknown person did not run away, “let’s go, we’ll detain him, otherwise he’ll leave...

          Master and Margarita. Mikhail Bulgakov, page 11
        2. "Indeed! three soldiers, that"s something like, but they may escape you yet."

          “Of course! Three soldiers! It looks like they’ll even run away from you.”

          The devil and his grandmother. Brothers Grimm, page 3
        3. 451 degrees Fahrenheit. Ray Bradbury, page 59
      2. avoid (danger), escape; get rid of; get rid of;
        to escape punishment

        Examples of using

        1. The King's son was beside himself with grief, and in his agony he sprang from the tower: he escaped with life, but the thorns on which he fell put out his eyes.

          The prince was overcome by such grief that he threw himself from the tower in despair: he was not killed to death, but the thorn bush into which he fell gouged out his eyes.

          Rapunzel. Brothers Grimm, page 4
        2. It is very unlucky; but as I have actually paid for the visit, we cannot escape the acquaintance now."

          What a shame! But since I have visited him, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to avoid meeting him.

          Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen, page 4
        3. President Ford escaped possible assassination today.

          President Ford avoided the possibility of becoming a victim of a terrorist attack...

          Subtitles of the film "Forrest Gump / Forrest Gump (1994-06-22)", page 27
      3. go away, disconnect, withdraw, withdraw into oneself
      4. leak; volatilize

        Examples of using

        1. Pillars of smoke and flame escaped from the crater; a hail of scoriae fell on the ground; but no current of lava burst from the mouth of the volcano, which proved that the volcanic matter had not yet achieved the level of the superior orifice of the central shaft.

          Plumes of smoke and flames burst out of the crater; small stones fell to the ground in a hail, but no lava flowed from the mouth of the crater, and this proved that volcanic substances had not yet risen to the upper opening.

English-Russian translation ESCAPE

transcription, transcription: [ɪsˈkeɪp]

1) a) escape; escape to make an escape, organize an escape ≈ organize an escape to foil an escape, thwart an escape ≈ disrupt an escape escape from prison ≈ escape from prison b) transfer. escape from reality But for me television is an escape. ≈ But for me, TV is an outlet. an escape from the depressing realities of wartime ≈ escape from the depressing reality of wartime

2) deliverance, salvation I heard you had a very narrow escape on the bridge. “I heard that you barely escaped with your life on the bridge.

3) flow, discharge (blood, etc.); leak (gas, steam, etc.)

4) tech. outlet

5) wild cultivated plant

6) American fugitive Syn: fugitive

1) a) run, escape (from; to) Two criminals escaped from prison last night. ≈ Two prisoners escaped from prison yesterday. Young people often desire to escape from their parents. ≈ Young people often want to escape from their parents. I hear that our married neighbor has escaped to her lover. ≈ I heard that our married neighbor ran away to her lover? Syn: flee, run away Ant: remain b) escape from reality, disconnect

2) avoid (punishment, danger, etc.), escape; get off He narrowly escaped with his life when right-wing extremists fired shots into his office. He barely escaped with his life when right-wing extremists opened fire on his office. He seems to have escaped suspicion. - It seems he has gotten rid of suspicions. Syn: avoid

3) evaporate, leak

4) escape, avoid an actor whose name escapes me ≈ actor, whose name jumped out of my head a fact, the significance of which had previously escaped me ≈ fact, the significance of which had previously escaped me She was too striking to escape their attention . “She was too conspicuous to escape their attention.

5) escape (from someone’s lips, from someone) No word of courtesy escaped his lips. - Not a single word escaped his lips.

6) run wild (about a plant)

3. adj. rescue escape literature ≈ literature that takes you away from real life; literature that allows you to relax, get distracted escape clause ≈ clause in a contract providing for the refusal of an assumed obligation escape ladder ≈ rescue ladder escape route ≈ road to retreat

escape, escape - to make good one"s * make a successful escape - to make one"s * by a back door escape through the back door - an * from captivity escape from captivity - to seek * from the heat try to escape from the heat escape from life, closure (in oneself) - * literature, literature of * escapist literature, literature that leads away from the main problems of life (detective, entertaining) deliverance, salvation - doom from which there is no * fate from which you cannot escape - to find no * from the dilemma do not find a way out of a difficult situation - to have a narrow * barely avoid danger, be on the verge of death (gas, steam) leakage (medicine) discharge, outflow - * of blood bleeding release (gas, steam ) (technical) outlet feral cultivated plant jerk (fight) escapes from the carpet (fight) (hydrology) discharge, spillway on a canal - * canal sewer (physical) release, flight (particles) (legal) prisoner, escaped transition exit - * code control code - * key exit key to escape (from conclusion); to escape, to run away (from prison) - to * pursuit to elude persecution - he *d to the mountains he hid in the mountains to leave, to disconnect - to * from everyday life to escape from everyday life to avoid (danger); to escape, to get rid of - to * a blow to dodge a blow - to * observation to evade observation - to * punishment to avoid punishment; go unpunished - he just *d being killed he was almost killed - they barely *d with their lives they barely got away with it - all children *d the measles none of the children got measles - he *d with fright he escaped with fright - we cannot * the impression that... we cannot separate ourselves from the impression that... elude (about the meaning) - your point *s me I don’t understand (what you’re getting at) - the details *d my mind the details fell out me from memory - his name *s me I can’t remember his name escape (about words, moan) - a cry *d him he let out a scream - not a word *d his lips he didn’t utter a word (special) disappear; leak - gas is escaping there is a gas leak (physical) to be released, to fly out (about a particle)

escape; the escape; trans. escape from reality ~ escape from custody ~ escape from custody ~ escape, escape (from imprisonment, captivity) ~ escape from custody ~ those. outlet ~ to break out (about moaning, etc.) ~ to come out ~ to leak; evaporate ~ prisoner who has escaped ~ deliverance; the rescue; to have a hairbreadth escape to barely avoid danger, to be within a hair's breadth (of smth.) ~ to avoid (danger), to escape; get rid of; get rid of; to escape punishment to escape punishment ~ flow, discharge (of blood, etc.) ~ illegally release from custody ~ illegally released from custody ~ illegally released from custody ~ wild cultivated plant ~ remain unpunished ~ thu. cancellation ~ transition ~ loss ~ change ~ escape ~ escape unharmed ~ leakage (gas, steam, etc.); release (gas, steam) ~ leaving ~ leaving, disconnecting, moving away, withdrawing into oneself scape: scape lips. = escape

~ hatch landing hatch ~ hatch hatch for exiting into outer space (in a spaceship)

~attr. rescue; escape ladder escape route

~ avoid (danger), escape; get rid of; get rid of; to escape punishment

~attr. rescue; escape ladder escape route route to escape route: escape ~ escape route

~ velocity second escape velocity

~ deliverance; the rescue; to have a hairbreadth escape to barely avoid danger, to be within a hair's breadth (of smth.)

~ slip away; your point escapes me I don’t catch your thought; his name had escaped my memory I can’t remember his name; nothing escapes you! you notice everything!

locking ~ thu. transition with blocking

nonlocking ~ thu. transition without blocking

~ slip away; your point escapes me I don’t catch your thought; his name had escaped my memory I can’t remember his name; nothing escapes you! you notice everything!

~ slip away; your point escapes me I don’t catch your thought; his name had escaped my memory I can’t remember his name; nothing escapes you! you notice everything!

New large English-Russian dictionary. New large English-Russian dictionary. 2011

  • English-Russian dictionaries
  • New large English-Russian dictionary

More meanings of the word and translation of ESCAPE from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “ESCAPE” in dictionaries.

  • ESCAPE - I. ə̇ˈskāp, eˈ- verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English escapen, ascapen, from Old North French escaper, ascaper, from (assumed) …
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE — (n.) The act of fleeing from danger, of evading harm, or of avoiding notice; delivery from injury or any evil; ...
    Webster English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE — — escapable, adj. - escapeless, adj. - escaper, n. - escapingly, adv. /i skyp"/ , v. ...
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - I. is-ˈkāp, es-, dialect iks-ˈkāp verb (es·caped; es·cap·ing) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French escaper, eschaper, from Vulgar …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • ESCAPE - noun a sally. 2. escape noun an apophyge. 3. escape noun leakage or outflow, as of steam or a liquid. ...
    Webster English vocab
  • ESCAPE - vb es.caped ; escape (from sb/sth) to get away from …
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - I. es ‧ cape 1 S3 W2 /ɪˈskeɪp/ BrE AmE verb [ Word Family: noun: escape , ...
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • ESCAPE - v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by from) get free of the restriction or control of a place, …
    English Basic Spoken Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - v. & n. v. 1 intr. (often foll. by from) get free of the restriction or control of a place, …
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - v. & n. --v. 1.intr. (often foll. by from) get free of the restriction or control of a place, …
    Oxford English vocab
  • ESCAPE — (escapes, escaping, escaped) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE — I. verb COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a cry escapes sb/sb’s lips ▪ A cry escaped her lips as he tightened …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • ESCAPE — He made his escape (= He escaped) on the back of a motorbike. [C]They had a narrow escape (= only ...
    Cambridge English vocab
    Oxford Collocations English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - INDEX: 1. to escape from somewhere where you are in danger 2. to escape from a prison or from where ...
  • ESCAPE — See AVOID 1, ESCAPE 1,2,3,4, FORGET 2, LEAVE 7, SURVIVE 1 ◆◆◆ . can't...
    Longman Activator English vocab
  • ESCAPE - n. 25B6; verb he escaped from prison: RUN AWAY/OFF, get out, break out, break free, make a break for …
    Concise Oxford Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • ESCAPE - 1. noun. 1) a) escape; escape to make an escape, organize an escape ≈ organize an escape to foil an escape, ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - escape.ogg 1. ıʹskeıp n 1. 1> escape, escape to make good one"s escape - make a successful escape to make one"s ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • ESCAPE - 1) leak, flow; seepage; volatilization (of gas) || flow out; leak; evaporate (about gas) 2) release (gas, ...
    Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - 1) leak, flow; seepage; volatilization (of gas) || flow out; leak; evaporate (about gas) 2) release (gas, liquid) || to be released (about gas, liquid) 3) ...
    Large English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • ESCAPE - 1. ıʹskeıp n 1. 1> escape, escape to make good one"s escape - make a successful escape to make one"s escape ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • ESCAPE - 1. noun. 1) a) escape; escape to make an escape, organize an escape - organize an escape to foil an escape, ...
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • ESCAPE - 1. noun. 1) a) escape; escape to make an escape, organize an escape - organize an escape to foil an escape, thwart an escape - ...
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • ESCAPE - 1. _n. 1> escape; the escape; _trans. escapism 2> deliverance; the rescue; to have a hairbreadth escape - barely escape...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • ESCAPE - 1. n. 1. escape; the escape; trans. escape from reality 2. deliverance; the rescue; to have a hairbreadth escape - barely escape...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - editor bed
  • ESCAPE - 1) exit; a leak; selection; release 2) spillway, outlet channel (on a canal) 3) widening of the column 4) flow out; stand out; leak 5) outlet, valve. steam escape through...
    English-Russian dictionary of construction and new construction technologies
  • ESCAPE - 1. _n. 1> escape; the escape; _trans. escapism 2> deliverance; the rescue; to have a hairbreadth escape to barely escape danger, ...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - 1) escape from custody; escape | escape from custody 2) illegal release from custody | illegal to release from custody 3) leave (unharmed), ...
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  • ESCAPE - escapar (-ation, -ada), evitar
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  • ESCAPE - Iikay;layas;tumakas
    English-Visayan vocabulary
  • ESCAPE - I. verb (~d; escaping) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, eschaper, from Vulgar Latin *excappare, from Latin ex- + Late …
    English Dictionary - Merriam Webster
  • ESCAPE - (n.) The harmful permission, by a jailer or other custodian, of a prisoner's departure from custody.
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  • ESCAPE - (n.) A sally.
    Webster English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE — (n.) That which escapes attention or restraint; a mistake; an supervision; also, transgression.
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  • ESCAPE - (v. i.) To get free from that which confines or holds; -- used of persons or things; as, to escape...
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  • ESCAPE - (v. i.) To get clear from danger or evil of any form; to be passed without harm.
    Webster English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - (v. i.) To flee, and become secure from danger; -- often followed by from or out of.
    Webster English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - (v.) To avoid the notice of; to pass unobserved by; to evade; as, the fact escaped our attention.
    Webster English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - (v.) To flee from and avoid; to be saved or exempt from; to shun; to obtain security from; as, to...
    Webster English Dictionary
  • ESCAPE - (v.) To flee from and avoid; to be saved or exempt from; to shun; to obtain security from; ...
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary


escape (ɪsˊkeɪp)


1) escape; the escape; trans. escapism

2) deliverance; the rescue;

to have a narrow ( or hairbreadth) escape to barely avoid danger, to be within a hair's breadth ( from something)"

3) expiration, allocation ( blood and so on. )"

4) leak ( gas, steam and so on. ); release ( gas, steam)

5) tech. outlet

6) wild cultivated plant

7) attr. rescue;

escape ladder;

escape route road to retreat;

a) landing hatch;

b) a hatch for exiting into outer space ( in a spaceship);

escape velocity second cosmic speed

2. v

1) run, escape ( from prison, captivity)

2) leak; volatilize

3) avoid ( dangers), escape; get rid of; get rid of;

to escape punishment

4) slip away;

your point escapes me I don’t catch your thoughts;

his name had escaped my memory I can’t remember his name;

nothing escapes you! You notice everything!

5) break out ( about moaning and so on. )

ESCAPETranslation and usage examples - suggestions
There's one thing nobody can escape from, it don't matter how big a master criminal you are.There is one thing in the world that no one can escape from. It doesn't matter how great a criminal mastermind you are.
A bail on John Mayer will have a big influence on the trial. He'll definitely escape to the third country during his bail.Freeing John Mayer... but also allowing him to escape and hide in some third world country... knowing all his ins and outs.
The place I"m going to is the ICC, isn"t Gim Bong Gu at the detention center-- What if he were to escape ? Kim Bong Gu should be sitting... where and when will you meet him?
Otherwise, nothing you do can help you escape from these circumstances. Until the day you die, you"ll have to carry the memories of those murders, and live as a murderer.nothing will help you avoid the consequences. and live like a killer.
With bizarre and unforeseen consequences the drug was consumed by a generation of young people seeking spiritual transcendence and an escape from the conventional world.Suddenly, the drug began to be thoughtlessly used by an entire generation of youth, in search of a spiritual breakthrough through the conventions of reality.
If he is alone, if it"s possible for him, there"s only one escape from this discomfort a suicide...this man will kill himself.- suicide. This person will commit suicide.
We have just learned, that a bank employee, Egon Stirner was arrested for the murder of Lia Leid, while preparing his escape . We just learned that bank worker, Egon Stirner, was arrested for the murder of Leah Lyde while he was trying to escape.
I"ll put the finishing touches on now and you"re gonna escape with me.I'll put the finishing touches on it and you'll run away with me.
"Jeanne, it is you who must escape . Zhanna, you should run.
I"ll figure it out, you escape now.I understand you are running now.
I haven't hidden it just to escape . I didn't hide her, I just avoided her.
A lover of darkness, it burrows under stones to escape the glare of the sunA servant of darkness, he hides under stones avoiding the scorching sun.
Strangely, this escape took place in broad daylight.mebepnurmn, mn onaets ashk yanbepyem yapede aekyu dm.
I"d shoot him some night when he was trying to escape from the law.I would shoot him one night while trying to escape the law.
AND BY THE WAY, IF HE ATTEMPTS TO ESCAPE, PERHAPS YOU"LL HAVE TO SHOOT.By the way, if he tries to run, you may have to shoot.


1. (ıʹskeıp) n

1. 1) escape, escape

to make good one's ~ - make a successful escape

to make one "s ~ by a back door - escape through the back door

an ~ from captivity (from prison) - escape from captivity (from prison)

to seek ~ from the heat - try to escape from the heat

2) withdrawal from life, withdrawal into (oneself)

~ literature, literature of ~ - escapist literature, literature that leads away from the main problems of life ( detective, entertainment, etc.)

2. deliverance, salvation

doom from which there is no ~ - fate from which you cannot escape / you cannot escape /

to find no ~ from the dilemma - not to find a way out of a difficult situation

to have a narrow /hairbreadth/ ~ - barely avoid danger, be within a hair's breadth ( from death, etc.)

3. 1) leak ( gas, steam, etc.)

2) honey. release, expiration

~ of blood - bleeding

3) release ( gas, steam)

4) those. outlet

4. wild cultivated plant

5. 1) jerk ( struggle)

2) pl carpet removals ( struggle)

6. hydr. discharge, spillway on a canal

~ canal - waste / drain / channel

7. physical release, departure ( particles)

8. legal escaped prisoner

9. 1) transition

~ code - control code

~ key - exit key

2. (ıʹskeıp) v

1. 1) run ( from the conclusion); to escape, to run away ( from prison, etc.)

to ~ (from) pursuit - elude pursuit

he ~d to the mountains - he disappeared into the mountains

2) leave, disconnect

to ~ from everyday life - get away from everyday life

2. avoid ( dangers, etc.); escape, get rid of

to ~ a blow - dodge a blow

to ~ observation - escape observation

to ~ punishment - avoid punishment; go unpunished

he just ~d being killed - he was almost killed

they barely ~d with their lives - ≅ they barely carried their feet away

all children ~d the measles - none of the children got measles

he ~d with fright - he got off with fright

we cannot ~ the impression that... - we cannot get rid of the impression that...

3. slip away ( about the meaning, etc.)

your point ~s me - I don’t understand (what you’re getting at)

the details ~d my mind - the details have slipped out of my memory

his name ~s me - I can’t remember his name

4. break out ( about words, moaning)

a cry ~d him - he let out a cry / screamed /

not a word ~d his lips - he didn’t utter a word

5. specialist. volatilize; leak out

gas is escaping - there is a gas leak

6. physical to be freed, to fly out ( about the particle)

Translation of words containing ESCAPE, from English into Russian

New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan

English-Russian Dictionary V.K. Mueller

Translation ESCAPE from English to different languages

English-Ukrainian legal dictionary



1) leak; flow from the side; illegally s-pid varti; vryatuvannya; size in the knowledge that I have flown; uniqueness

2) flow in, flow out; to lose oneself invincibly, uniquely ( punishment); get angry ( from the variety of both languages, from the diversity of both); illegally withdraw your salary

escape from an inebriate reformatory - 1) escape from a medical-labor dispensary 2) escape from a medical-labor dispensary

- escape arrest - escape attempt - escape by prisoner -

    Escape- may refer to: * Escape (hold), a maneuver used to exit a wrestling or grappling hold * Escapism, mental diversion by means of entertainment or recreation * Escapology, the study and practice of escaping from physical restraints * Prison escape,… … Wikipedia

    escape- vb 1 Escape, flee, fly, decamp, abscond mean to run away especially from something which limits one's freedom or threatens one's well being. Escape so stresses the idea of ​​flight from confinement or restraint that it very often conveys no... ... New Dictionary of Synonyms

    Escape- Es*cape, n. 1. The act of fleeing from danger, of evading harm, or of avoiding notice; delivery from injury or any evil; flight; as, an escape in battle; a narrow escape; also, the means of escape; as, a fire escape. I would… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    escape- vi. escaped, escaping 1. to get free; get away; get out; break loose, as from ... English World dictionary

    escape- sustantivo masculino 1. Salida o solución a una situación comprometida: Está rodeado, sin posibilidad de escape. Buscó un escape para no responder a las acusaciones. 2. Salida de un líquido o un gas por un orificio o una grieta del recipiente que … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

    escape- [ɛskap] n. f. 1567; lat. scapus "fût" ♦ Archit. 1 ♦ Partie inférieure du fût d une colonne, voisine de la base. 2 ♦ (1611) Fût d une colonne, de la base au chapiteau. ● escape nom feminin ou escap nom masculin Faire ou donner e … Encyclopédie Universelle

    escape- verb and noun. There are three significant 20c uses, the first two of the verb and the third of the noun: 1. In intransitive use (without an object), to describe astronauts overcoming gravity and leaving the earth's atmosphere: A spaceship will … Modern English usage

    escape- es·cape 1 vi es·caped, es·cap·ing: to depart from lawful custody with the intent of avoiding confinement or the administration of justice escape 2 n 1: an act or instance of escaping 2: the criminal offense of escaping Merriam Webster's… …Law dictionary

    Escape- Saltar a navegación, búsqueda escape es la acción o efecto de escapar El escape, en psicología, forma parte, junto con la evitación, de un procedimiento básico del condicionamiento instrumental. Este procedimiento se conoce también como… … Wikipedia Español

    Escape- Escape: Escape control key of a computer keyboard; "Escape" album by American rock band Journey in 1981; "Escape" is a 2001 album by Spanish pop singer Enrique Iglesias. See also Escape sequence... ... Wikipedia

    escape- 1. m. Acción de escapar o escaparse. 2. Fuga de un gas o de un líquido. 3. Fuga apresurada con que alguien se libra de recibir el daño que le amenaza. 4. En los motores de explosión, salida de los gases quemados. 5. Tubo que conduce estos gases… … Diccionario de la lengua española


  • The Escape Manifesto. Quit Your Corporate Job. Do Something Different! , Escape City The. Rob, Dom and Mikey were fed up with the corporate treadmill. When they decided to change careers, they looked for a website to help them escape– except there wasn’t one. So they started their… Buy for 1299.97 RUR eBook
  • Escape from Smoking. Look Younger, Feel Younger, Make Money and Love Your Life! , Tim Williamson. A leading motivational speaker on how to finally break the smoking habit-in only three hours Of the 46 million adult Americans who now smoke, the vast majority would like to quit. In about as... Buy for 1299.97 RUR eBook