Why in life everything is not just like that. Nothing happens just like that - everything goes on as usual! Nothing happens just like that

Coincidences are not accidental, nor are our teachers.

Many events happen in our lives. And they are all different - joyful and inspiring us to new things and achievements, or sad and sad, leading us to apathy and despondency.
The only question is - accidentally whether happen all events or does everything happen spontaneously, without any reason? Everything in our life happens for a reason. Accidents are not accidental!

An interesting version of the case is put forward by famous psychologist and journalist, teacher at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University V.V. Shakhidzhanyan. Watch the video at the bottom of the article.

Every situation, every incident eloquently tells us many things, namely about what is happening to us at one time or another in our lives, what is happening here and now, in this moment our long or short life, the duration of which directly depends on ourselves.

Only we extremely rarely listen to such prompts from the Universe, when we don’t like what is happening to us and leave everything as it is, without changing anything. What do we start doing most often? We begin to blame others, curse what happened to us, and scold chance. So what? - you might say. Nothing, we’re just moving away from ourselves all this time. If you don't care, you won't be interested in reading further. Only one who understands the fact that when you leave yourself, you constantly return to yourself is able to realize many things happening in his life. Let's move on.

Yes, you can get up and leave unpleasant conversation, run away when
the feeling of indignation flows over the edge, avoid people who are unpleasant to us. But why do we forget that we can’t get away from ourselves, we can’t run away, we can’t hide? You will still have to, sooner or later, turn to yourself.

We all like joyful and pleasant moments in life. This is understandable; moments of joy and happiness tell us that our soul is in complete balance with the world. The world tells us in these moments that we are who we really are and gives us spiritual harmony. But as soon as we don’t realize something, the Universe begins to send us accidents, which not random, which let us know that we are doing something wrong. But we don’t hear the voice from above, we don’t want to hear it and close ourselves off. Thus, and accordingly, yourself. This is typical for a person critical situations. And we need to get away from this!

Otherwise, what do we have? We have a heaviness in our souls, which passes over time, as it seems to us. But this . The heaviness remains and, moreover, over time turns into I carry a heavy load that we can wear for the rest of our lives. Where will she go? After all, the owner of this burden does not try to throw it off, but continues to make it heavier with his negative thoughts, directed to a person, for example, who, to put it mildly, does not like.

Our teachers.

I don’t mean teachers at school, but those teachers that life sends to us. Well, firstly, we ourselves create our own world, forming our own worldview and based on this, we ourselves attract situations and people who become our teachers.

Our teachers, that is, the teachers in our lives are those who present us life lessons, which we try our best to avoid. But everything in the Universe is interconnected. And exactly what (or whom) we run from is what we get.

Do we not like some of his qualities in a person or is his behavior annoying? What actually catches you? And what catches us is what we look for in ourselves. How else? After all, only what is in us is powerful. If we remain calm when interacting with a person, then everything is in order with our thinking.

Now many people understand this, but there are also those who do not accept it, justifying themselves. Of course, we should not consider the behavior of a person who is annoying as a complete copy of us (we are not clones), but only what “hooked” us. And this may not lie on the surface at all, but deep inside us, these are our hidden feelings and thoughts that we are afraid to admit even to ourselves. And in order to figure it out and get rid of it, we are given a chance by “giving” us the right teacher. So what are we doing? We run away from this incident, afraid to look into ourselves, and afraid of our own exposure. And nothing changes. But nothing goes away that easily. Problems and illnesses don’t just appear for us.

When we get angry and irritated with another, we vent
these feelings on yourself. It's like pouring a bucket of slop over yourself. The only difference is that all this dirt, due to the inability to interact with others, and therefore with ourselves, ends up in our soul, slagging it. And if we continue in the same spirit, then we simply will not get out of this garbage dump.

This begs the question: Who is worse off from this? And the answer: Everyone! First of all, for us, then for our loved ones and for the entire Universe.

Here is a striking example "accidents" And teachers that we encounter in our lives every day. I often hear conversations like this. One person says to another: “In our city we have such evil people. They always snap and grumble. Wherever I go, I’ll definitely have a fight with someone.” And the other replies: “You know, I didn’t notice. Everyone always smiles at me. And no matter how I go into the store, the sales girls are so friendly, they will tell and show everything and always offer only high-quality goods. There are such smiling faces all around.”

And it is not by chance that we hear these conversations. They just tell us that the world can be looked at in completely different ways. And how exactly is up to us, or rather, each of us.

As soon as our goal is aimed at changing ourselves, and not another person, as soon as we learn to manage the situation we have created, and not be led by it, as soon as we learn to listen to the signs of the Universe, which periodically sends us the right people in the situations we need, the wheel of fortune will immediately turn to you.

And in the case when life throws you unpleasant situation or a “complicated” person, let’s learn thank the universe for the fact that she gives us tips on the path to perfection and SENDS WONDERFUL TEACHERS WITH WHICH WE CAN CHANGE OURSELVES AND CHANGE OUR LIFE FOR THE BETTER! Our enemies are the best teachers!

Let's remember that everything in our lives does not happen by chance, that Accidents are not accidental!

All the best to you, which means kindness in your soul, which will make you and your loved ones happy, the world and the whole Universe!

Once again I am convinced that all the events that happen in our lives are not random, perhaps they are not exactly predetermined (otherwise you can become a fatalist), but they develop exactly the way we need.
In general, the story itself: we lived as a family in one glorious city of Donetsk. We didn’t have our own housing - we rented an apartment and really dreamed of our own apartment or house...
The salaries were pitiful, they saved what they could, and thought about taking out a loan. Along the way, we looked at various advertisements and looked for options. Somewhere you don’t like the place, somewhere the condition is very bad - after all, you chose what you call for yourself.
And so, we look at one apartment - well, everything is fine, the location is excellent, the condition suits us, even a garage is attached!
We went to the bank and to friends who promised to lend us money - everything was empty, no one was giving us money. We missed this apartment - we were upset - there are no words. Constantly driving by, they looked at us, saying, this is our apartment.
And then the whirlwind of events began, revolution, war...
Because of the shelling, I had to leave the city - the life of my family is more expensive!
And somehow, thinking about everything, it hit me like an electric shock: but fate took us away from that purchase - if now there was a loan that would increase due to the exchange rate, it would also be impossible to give up housing, you can only sell for a penny, but stay scary. The situation would simply be hopeless.
Here the main idea my story and my life experience - accidents are not accidental, if something does not work out the way you want, if it seems that your opportunity is slipping through your fingers, and plans are collapsing - there is no need to chase this “car of a departing train”, maybe you another train is waiting, and it is the one that takes you where you need to go.
Since then I have become much calmer about things like this. life situations, I just tell myself - calm down, this is not what you need right now, calm down, because something better will happen. And guess what? It works!
Don't worry, good luck everyone!


I was also in a situation where I thought it was all over. Bad luck. How can I continue to live without this? And then one day an insight came, and in the same exact words as yours: after all, it was fate that took me away from that person and from the life that I would have had then. Although, I must say that this has happened several times in my life. There were situations when I tried to do something, convincing myself that I could do it, that everything would be fine. And fate protected me - it ruined these plans. It was even a little painful and offensive, but deep down I was grateful and relieved, because I myself could not have changed my life so radically. But life did it for me.

Yes, how many times have I been convinced that accidents are not accidental, they don’t happen? chance encounters, situations, breakups. Everything is given by fate as a gift or a lesson to be learned. My friend had it too similar situation with an apartment. The mother-in-law was supposed to give the newlyweds an apartment, which they bought together with their son, but registered in the name of their mother. She didn’t like my friend, so she refused to re-sign the apartment. Katya and her husband had some savings + money from the wedding, they decided to take out an apartment on credit, but then their car broke down inopportunely (this is their main income, since they go to Poland to buy goods), they had to buy a new one, and after a while they found out that the company in which they wanted to invest money collapsed and many people were deceived. So their money was not wasted, and when the mother-in-law found out that she would soon become a grandmother, she still transferred the apartment to her son. This is such a happy ending. Not a coincidence. Everything that is given to us is needed for something, the main thing is to understand why.

Regarding accidents, an interesting incident also happened to me.
He had a very strong quarrel with his lady love and left home.
I don’t want to go into details, but everything was very serious there.
She has a different one. With a torn soul, I left home and went to another city.
To be honest, I didn’t want to live.

In another city, he wandered around, started drinking heavily and joined the migrant workers at a construction site.
Both “housing” and company. I drank the phone and the chain sank to the very bottom.
It seemed there was no way back to the family. And the family broke up.
And now the new year 2013 is upon us. Life is sad "G" no money.
There's not even a mobile phone. I'm going, heartbroken, to nowhere.
Suddenly I hear a phone ringing, and there is no one around. After walking another five steps, I see an old Nokia phone. Answering the call I heard incomprehensible drunken muttering.
I threw out my SIM card, inserted mine and really wanted to call my ex. Find out how she is doing, how the children are.
Hearing her voice, everything swam. I found out that things weren’t going smoothly between her and her boyfriend.
I clearly decided that I would definitely return it. At first she resisted, but I took my stand.
So I’m wondering if I found this phone by accident?
Did it accidentally ring when I was walking past?
After all, it could have called 10 minutes earlier or later and I wouldn’t have found it.
And so the old Nokia and the powers above changed my life in the right direction.
And my dear, we are together now and love each other more than ever, and have forgiven each other everything.
What a coincidence!

The human mind can handle anything but catastrophic disorder. No one can lead a completely unorganized life full of chaos. Yes, a teenager's messy room can look quite chaotic, but the owner made his own decisions about it. appearance. He just chose chaos, and as long as there is a choice, one cannot talk about complete disorganization. But does disorganization exist at all? Is what is happening by chance, or is there something special in everything? higher meaning? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Accidents in life

In fact, life is sometimes filled with accidents; there is even a separate section dedicated to this. scientific field. And atoms collide by chance, and random modifications of animals move forward the evolution described by Darwin. A lot can happen in nature; it is filled with accidents, which is not easy for a person to realize simply due to the orderliness of his thoughts, although people are sometimes visited by sudden impulses, whims, and attacks of emotions. Even a scientist who is busy studying random atoms does not consider that he is doing something uncertain. He has specific goal, specific meaning, and it moves in its direction, although from the outside the process may seem quite chaotic and disorganized.

The meaning of chance

So how do you break out of this? vicious circle orderly actions and begin to notice meaningful coincidences in randomness? Just think about the expression itself, because something meaningful has a purpose, and a coincidence is random by definition. The truth is that a sense of trust will help you find meaning in the chaotic flow of events around you. Believe that somewhere above in everything that happens there is also meaning, purpose and direction - somewhere in the mystical sphere, which controls the events of life. This is the meaning of the expression “nothing happens for nothing”: the accidents of life are predetermined. However, this is quite difficult to prove. This idea exists as a general belief, as a postulate of faith or as a dream, and for some - as all of this at once, in different combinations.

How is it really going?

Perhaps this idea is difficult to accept because it is not formulated entirely correctly. It would be much more correct to say: “Everything happens with specific purpose, despite the fact that it seems otherwise." Life is not limited to these events; it can combine pronounced order with chaotic accidents. Let's go back to the teenager again. There is order in his daily trips to school, but in his bedroom there is chaos. pay attention to keyword"Seems". Everything may seem random, although in reality it is completely different. There may be a reason for everything, you just don't know it. Einstein may have seemed like an ordinary clerk at the Swiss patent office, but in fact he was pondering critical issues physics. Creative people They seem just distracted, and at this moment they come up with a masterpiece! When a person cannot read, the letters appear to be scattered randomly across the page, when in fact they are arranged in a very specific way. Once you realize that it is impossible to assess the situation at first glance, new opportunities will open up for you.

Key Features

Randomness itself may be a misleading term. The great Dutch philosopher Spinoza believed that there is nothing random in nature. Everything that seems random to us appears so only because we do not have enough knowledge to understand the situation. Our perception is main difficulty on the way to understanding. We look at a chain of unpredictable events and believe that they are random because we cannot look at what is happening from the other side. If you look at the artist's painting through a magnifying glass, it seems that his brush uses absolutely different colors, but if you look differently and see the whole picture, the story he paints will become clear.

How to create your own story?

First of all, understand that it is illogical to expect life events to conform to clear rules; cause and effect do not work here. in the usual way. What is happening can be described mechanical laws, for example, if you kick a ball, it will fly into the air, and if you hit a person, then there will definitely be a reaction, but not so predictable for you personally. The thing is that the processing of events in the brain does not imply a straight line of analysis of events; it is not a way to connect event A with cause B.

There is a whole cloud of reasons and thoughts in the head, it is not straightforward, it is supplemented by memories, upbringing, habits, reason, emotions, relationships, genetic code and many hidden biological factors. And in this cloud your brain is searching specific solution- the process is much more complicated than clear scientific explanation. So how can you control the story of your life? Firstly, we already make up our own stories when we cannot explain what is happening, because living in complete uncertainty is uncomfortable. You can control the way you explain to yourself everything that happens around you. This will be your essence and your story.

Unusual conclusion

After all the previous thoughts, we can come to an intriguing conclusion. The history of each person is made up of a combination of chance and chaos, so maybe reality is always ordered and meaningful, and we determine the volume of ordered events ourselves? Each person decides for himself how to perceive the flow of life events. Everything happens for a reason, if you believe in it, if you find in it hidden meaning. You cleanse your existence of chaos if you simply believe in order. However, trust is not enough. This is just one necessary part. In addition to trust, you will need the ability to establish partnerships between yourself and higher powers. We are not talking about something mystical here, but about aspects of your own consciousness. About invisible forces that include creativity, intuition, intentions. Find a balance between yourself and nature, learn age-old wisdom- and you will notice that there really is order in everything that surrounds you. Don’t put off your search for meaning for too long - learn to notice the special order in the things around you right now.

If you understand what and how is happening in your life, then the opportunity to change anything will not be a dream, but a reality.
Each person has his own philosophy of life, each person determines for himself the rules and norms by which he lives and what he believes in. However, thanks to our own life experience and experience professional activity, I can say that there are certain constant patterns in life. It doesn’t matter what kind of person he is, what he does, what he is looking for in life and what difficulties he has, these are the patterns.
Life is not a set of chaotic events, everything in life is interconnected, nothing happens for nothing, each event “pulls” another event along with it.

Do a little analysis of what is happening in your life and you will see that the first pattern “works”. A striking example- this is a separation from a person or a sudden layoff at work, when something suddenly happened and you are trying to prevent these events, fight with all your might, but what happened happened. And it doesn’t even occur to you to think “why did this happen?” You worry and it seems like something terrible happened! Only after time do you understand that without of this event, nothing else had happened that would not have laid you off, you would have continued to work and would not have decided to take another job, but now you are satisfied with both the salary and the team. If you had not broken up with this person, you might never have known great happiness with another person who is actually “your person.”

When this happens, you can hear the following from a person: “When we broke up, I was in despair, I was scared to live on, and today I feel terribly scared that I might never meet my husband and never know true happiness!”

There are many such events in our lives, when in the end, through events that upset and upset us, we come to what we really need. It’s just that at the moment when we lose something or something doesn’t work out the way we wanted, we don’t think “why did this happen?”, We try to “force” circumstances to turn out the way we wanted at that moment. Therefore, if you want to change your life, stop falling into despair if something doesn’t go as you planned, but think about why this is happening and what new things are appearing in your life. What needs to happen will happen when the time is right and when you are ready for it.

If you treat reality as “everyone is crazy” or “life is terrible”, then it is in this “mess” that you will “cook”. And no matter what you do, nothing will change until you change your attitude towards your surroundings.

An irritated and negatively disposed person will receive the same thing in response to his attitude, i.e. and the bus will leave from under your nose and a passerby will push you, and you will run out of movie tickets. And you can “fight” with the world ad infinitum until you change the prism of negativity to positivity. As soon as you leave the house with a smile and simply enjoy the colorful leaves, your day will turn out to be unusually successful!
If you want to change the world, start with yourself! Change your life, understand what is happening in it.

If you have any questions, our consultants, astrologers, fortune tellers, and clairvoyants will help you find the answers. Treat them with confidence.