Methodology for conducting a thematic quiz. Extracurricular activity on the world around us

December 14, 2012 Quiz goals: develop logical thinking students; consolidate the knowledge acquired in mathematics lessons; develop the ability to quickly navigate a task; develop oral speech Guys. 9 people from grades 6-7 took part in the quiz.

Slide 2 from the presentation "7th Grade Math Quiz". The size of the archive with the presentation is 1756 KB.

Mathematics 7th grade

summary other presentations

“KVN-mathematics lesson” - Draw a proverb. Fan competition. Ananias' task. Two ants. "Heap" and its seventh part. Russian language. Artists' competition. Fans. Three maidens. Warm up. Metagrams. Contest. Subject of mathematics. Dedication. Black box. Bon appetit. Watermelon pulp.

“Grade 7 Math Quiz” - Three horses ran 30 km. A rectangle with all sides equal. What is the name of the device for measuring angles? Math Quiz. What is the result of multiplication called? Third month summer holidays. Conducting a quiz. Unit of measurement of angles. Quiz goals. The first month of winter. Least even natural number. How many hours are there in a day? How many sides does a square have? Which lines intersect at right angles?

““Own game” mathematics 7th grade” - One of two sheets. Lobachevsky. How many candles are left? Mathematics is the queen of all sciences, arithmetic is the queen of mathematics. Mathematics must then be taught so that it puts the mind in order. Could it have been 5 crusts? A rooster lays an egg on the roof ridge. The watermelon was cut into 4 parts and eaten. Quiz game. The son's father is the husband; professor - wife. Subsequence. Imagine a ship with a rope ladder launched into the water.

“Math cafe” - Summing up. Triangular cake. "Mathematical" cafe for seventh graders. “Forget-me-not” salad. Half diameter. Math roll. Knowledge. Point coordinates. Mathematical nonsense. Menu. A ray dividing an angle in half. Casserole "Key". Line segment. Beverages. Milk. Instilling interest.

“Mathematics and Space” - First steps into space. Mathematics and space. New algorithms. Humanity's entry into space. Rocket. Square solar surface. The clouds are running low. The first man in space. Mathematics has helped make many discoveries. Surface area of ​​the Sun. The weight of an object on Earth. Distance from Jupiter to the Sun. Interesting Facts.

“Mathematics game in 7th grade” - Your own game. City of great mathematicians. Name. One is not expected. Proverbs. Move away, don't touch my drawings. You are my son, but I am not your father. A flock of geese was flying. French mathematician. Vitya graduated from seventh grade. Anagram. The science. The final. Task. The right thing to do. 3 apples. Tricky kiosk. There are 4 corners in the room. Name the mathematician. Atetkmimaa. There were 25 people on the bus. Teams.

The literary quiz is repeatedly used by teachers in secondary schools. This peculiar shape control of acquired knowledge on covered topics. The careful preparation of the teacher determines how exciting and high-quality the result will be.

Goals and objectives

The purpose of literary quizzes is to develop interest in reading. Books should become true friends for students. A literary quiz can be conducted in a game form.

This can increase children’s interest, help them actively express themselves and demonstrate their excellent knowledge.

  • Educational- deepening and consolidating knowledge acquired in lessons. Expanding your horizons.
  • Developmental. Consists in the development of logical and imaginative thinking, which is necessary at a young age. Formation creativity, activation of imagination.
  • Educational. It will help to awaken interest in the works of Russian and

Quiz “About Peers”

This is traditional literary quiz for schoolchildren.

Questions and answers (in brackets):

Animal Writers Quiz

This is a literature quiz with answers that focuses on various animals from stories and fairy tales. This topic is close to children and extremely interesting, since everyone loves our younger brothers.

  1. Whom were you scared of? main character in the attic in V. Bianchi’s story “Arishka the Coward”? (Spider).
  2. Who taught the little hare to swim and dive in the fairy tale “Leaf Faller” by I. Sokolov-Mikitov? (Beaver).
  3. Give the nickname of the huge and angry dog from the story “Coward” by N. Artyukhov. (Lokhmach).
  4. Who predicted the appearance of a baby for the queen in the fairy tale “The Sleeping Princess” by V. A. Zhukovsky? (Spider).
  5. Who really scared the baby in the forest in the story “Conscience” by A. Gaidar? (Dog).
  6. What is the name of the wonderful elephant from the story “Elephant” by A. I. Kuprin. (Tommy).
  7. In “The Tale of the Brave Hare” by D. Mamin-Sibiryak main character scared... (Wolf).
  8. Who was under the mysterious hat in the story “The Living Hat” by N. Nosov? (Kitty).
  9. Where did the dog and the lion live from the story of L. N. Tolstoy? (In the menagerie).
  10. What is the name of Aunt Natasha’s dog from the story “Friend” by N. Nosov (Dianka).
  11. What was the name of the fox, a friend from A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key...”? (Alice).
  12. Who scared Petya and Shura in the dark in the story (Hedgehog).
  13. Name the sad friend who lost his tail in the fairy tale “Winnie the Pooh” by A. Milne. (Eeyore).
  14. Whom Pippi Long stocking from the fairy tale A. Lindgren could lift and carry on herself? (Horse).

Literary quiz (4th grade) “Through the pages of children's books”

  1. Which favorite word Emeli from the fairy tale “At the Order of the Pike.” (Reluctance).
  2. Name the continent from L. N. Tolstoy’s story “Shark”. Main events take place on its shores. (Africa).
  3. What was the Tin Woodman afraid of from the fairy tale “The Wizard” Emerald City» A. Volkova? (Water).
  4. Who paints patterns on the windows? (Santa Claus).
  5. Where did the mosquito from A.S. Pushkin’s fairy tale bite the cook? (Into the eye).
  6. Thanks to what medicine did Aibolit instantly heal Chichi’s neck? (Ointments).
  7. What dish did they originally want to prepare from pike, which was the main character in the fairy tale “At the Order of the Pike”? (Woohoo).
  8. Where did they put Pinocchio in Malvina's house as punishment? (Into the closet).
  9. Who did Dunno turn Leaf into thanks to (Into a donkey).
  10. What did the eldest son inherit in the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault? (Mill).

Quiz competition

Literature can be carried out in the form of a game, which will increase the interest of students. You can combine all tasks with one theme, for example fairy tales. Among the main goals are the following: activation children's reading; consolidating knowledge on covered topics, organizing students’ leisure time, repeating the names of authors and heroes of children’s fairy tales.

The literary quiz game could be called “Through the Pages of Your Favorite Fairy Tales.” You can start the quiz competition with opening remarks presenter The teacher greets the children and asks them about their favorite fairy tales. He asks them to independently split into two teams and helps them with this. Each team comes up with their own unique name. The quiz can be divided into several sections. Teams receive points for correct answers. After all competitions have been held, the teacher (or jury members) sums up the results.


This could be a separate literary quiz. 3rd grade can handle it quite well. Children in both second and first grade will be able to answer these questions.

Two teams can take part in the first competition at the same time. Students answer questions in chorus.

  1. There was sour cream involved. Cooled off at the window. He has a ruddy side. This, children, is... (Kolobok).
  2. A mother sewed a beautiful hat for her daughter. The girl went to visit her grandmother. And I took the pies with me. What is the name of this sweet girl? (Little Red Riding Hood).
  3. Together, together, in a chain, we took hold of it so firmly. Grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter cannot pull it out. How tightly it stuck. Who is this? (Turnip).
  4. The bearded villain tortures his children. Artemona and Pierrot, Pinocchio and Malvina. Each of you knows. This is scary (Karabas).
  5. There lived a boy in a famous children's book who wore a blue hat. He is stupid and arrogant. What's his name? (Dunno).
  6. The wooden boy knows one secret. Artemon, Malvina and Piero are friends with him. And his nose is long. Who is this? (Pinocchio).
  7. I sorted through the cereal and washed it for my stepmother. I cleaned the house and went to the ball. Beautiful as the sun. Who is this? (Cinderella).

Team game

A literary quiz can be held as a competition. To do this, the teacher divides the children into two teams. The first group answers first. The second one shouldn't give any hints. Answers must be given instantly. Correct answer - 1 point. Incorrect - minus point. Then the other team answers the questions. Questions for the first group of children:

Questions for the second team:

  • What was the name of the boy from the fairy tale? The Snow Queen"? (Kai).
  • What fruit did Cheburashka eat? (Oranges).
  • Who wrote the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"? (Charles Perrault).
  • What was the name of the girl who had “Seven-flowered Flower”? (Zhenya).
  • What kind of hut did the hare have in the fairy tale “The Bunny’s Hut”? (Lubyanaya).
  • What did the eleven king's sons turn into? (In swans).
  • What was the name of the cat from the fairy tale "Pinocchio"? (Basilio).
  • Piglet's friend (Winnie the Pooh).
  • Who wrote the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”? (P. Ershov).
  • What time did Cinderella have to return home from the ball? (At twelve).


Thus, a literary quiz is not only one of the forms of monitoring the knowledge gained in class. It will help to activate schoolchildren, organize their leisure time, and increase interest in reading and books. Questions and topics of quizzes can be very diverse. It will be very interesting if the teacher organizes it with several stages. An interestingly organized quiz will increase students' interest in this form of work. They will look forward to it and carefully prepare for subsequent quizzes.

  1. To promote the deepening of students' knowledge in the field of history, the development of their diverse interests and abilities.
  2. Increased interest in history.
  3. Forming incentives for creative research work among students.
  4. Test students' knowledge and identify the depth of their interest in the subject.

Quiz purpose: replenish students' knowledge of history, intensify students' learning historical concepts and phenomena, to cultivate objectivity in self-esteem, the spirit of competition, and the desire for personal self-affirmation.

Rules of the game:

There are 3 people in a team from each class. Team captain. Team name. Emblems. Jury. Stars. The teams take turns answering the questions posed. If a team cannot answer a question or gives an incorrect answer, then the next team answers and receives a star. The team that scores wins large quantity asterisks.

Event plan:

  1. Presenter's opening remarks. Familiarization with the rules of the game.
  2. Conducting a quiz.
  1. Goddess of love and beauty among the ancient Greeks
  2. First President of the USA.
  3. Capital of Austria.
  4. Church court in the Middle Ages.
  5. Holy city of Christians.
  6. An alloy of copper and tin.
  7. Collection for the benefit of the state.
  8. An ancient sage of China, founder of a philosophical movement.
  9. Absolution in the Catholic Church.
  10. The main god of the ancient Greeks.
  11. Holy city of Muslims.
  12. The winner of the Crusaders in the Battle of the Ice.
  13. The first Russian Tsar.
  14. God of thunder and lightning among the Eastern Slavs.
  15. A painting painted with water paints on wet plaster.
  16. Surname of Tsar Boris.
  17. The birthplace of porcelain.
  18. Material for writing in Ancient Novgorod.
  19. Holy book of Muslims.
  20. A Russian peasant who killed a Polish detachment at the beginning of the 17th century.
  21. Competition of medieval knights.
  22. Goddess of luck.
  23. Habitat of the Greek gods.
  24. Cleaner of the Augean stables.
  25. Artist, author of La Gioconda.
  26. The first museum in Russia.
  27. Creators of the Slavic alphabet.
  28. Nomadic Arabs.
  29. The legendary founder of Russian princes.
  30. Who owns the phrase “I’m coming to you”?
  31. What was the religion of the Slavs?
  32. From what chronicle do we learn about the ancient Slavs?
  1. "Ends in the water"?
  2. "Achilles' heel"?
  3. "The work of Sisyphean"?
  4. "Apple of discord"?

Questions for captains:

  1. They said about him that he knew how to do several things at once. Among his killers was a person very close to him. Who is he?
  2. In which ancient library Were there fireproof books?
  3. I'm there without excuses

At school all day with you.

But you will give me excuses,

I'm your favorite hero.

4. Who is being spoken about and before what event did this happen?

“The time has come to send to Yaroslavich. Beat with your forehead, call to Veliky Novgorod.”

Roll the cube:

Take a cube with numbers on each side. The team rolls the cube 3 times. The sum of the numbers drawn is the number of questions that need to be answered. There is no time to think.

  1. Name three Russians heroes depicted in the painting “Bogatyrs” by V.M. Vasnetsov.
  2. Which city is the birthplace of the Russian fleet? When did this event happen, what is it connected with?
  3. In which country did people first drink tea from porcelain cups and write on paper?
  4. When did no one fight in Greece?
  5. What is the distance between Constantinople and Constantinople?
  6. Which staircase has no one ever walked down?
  7. Which Russian Tsar loved carpentry?
  8. Which “racket” raced at a speed of 6-8 km/h?
  9. The names of which wars indicate their duration?
  10. Which Russian prince was nicknamed the “money bag”?
  11. When in military history Was the pig dangerous?
  12. To whom and where did “grateful Russia” erect a monument?
  13. What was the name of Peter the Great?
  14. Who is it said about who “stopped the Sun” and “moved the Earth”?
  15. Which people had “round heads”?
  16. Who and who said: “He walked on my left flank, but he was my right hand”?
  17. When in history was the broom held in special esteem?
  18. When did a volcano help people?
  19. What language did Genghis Khan read and write in?
  20. What animal skins were used as money by the ancient Slavs? What was the name of this money?
  21. Explain the origin of the word “village”?
  22. What invented means of transportation still exist today?
  1. Nevsky
  2. Donskoy
  3. Grozny
  4. "Kalita".

Prestige questions:

  1. “It can be in a fishing net, mushroom pickers and berry pickers need it, tourists and hunters, rural housewives use it, and it told us a lot about the life of Ancient Novgorod.”

What is hidden under the word “this”?

2. Among Russian peasants one could often hear the following expression: “If you love Andreevna, you will have bread.” What kind of Andreevna did you have to love in order to have bread?

Which team will name the most facts about the life and work of Peter the Great?

Summing up the quiz.

  1. Aphrodite.
  2. Washington.
  3. Vein.
  4. Inquisition.
  5. Jerusalem.
  6. Bronze.
  7. Tax.
  8. Confucius.
  9. Indulgence.
  10. Zeus.
  11. Mecca.
  12. A. Nevsky.
  13. I.Grozny.
  14. Perun.
  15. Fresco.
  16. Godunov.
  17. China.
  18. Birch bark.
  19. Koran.
  20. I.Susanin.
  21. Tournament.
  22. Fortune.
  23. Olympus.
  24. Hercules.
  25. Leonardo da Vinci.
  26. Kunstkamera.
  27. Cyril and Methodius.
  28. Bedouins.
  29. Rurik.
  30. Svyatoslav.
  31. Paganism.
  32. "The Tale of Bygone Years."
  1. Under I.Grozny. During the Oprichnina, executed people were thrown into the river. They hid traces of the crime.
  2. Vulnerable spot. Achilles's entire body, except for his heel, was invulnerable.
  3. unnecessary labor. Sisyphus rolled a large stone up the mountain, just a little too short, the stone fell, Sisyphus was doomed to do this work.
  4. The thing everyone fights about. Before the beginning Trojan War At the feast of the gods, the goddess of discord and quarrels threw Golden Apple with the inscription “To the most beautiful.” (The dispute between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. Paris judged them...)
  1. Yu.Caesar.
  2. In Babylon (clay books).
  3. Spartak (From the desk).
  4. A.Ya.Nevsky. before the Battle of the Neva.
  1. Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.
  2. Voronezh. In 1696, Peter the Great ordered the construction of a shipyard here, where the Azov fleet was built.
  3. In China.
  4. During the Olympic Games.
  5. This different names one city.
  6. According to feudal.
  7. Peter the First.
  8. The first steam locomotive invented by Stephenson and called "rocket".
  9. Seven years old, Thirty years old. Centennial.
  10. Ivan Danilovich Kalita.
  11. IN battle on the ice troops German knights were built as a formidable wedge - a “pig”.
  12. Monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow.
  13. Romanov.
  14. The teachings of N. Copernicus revolutionized ideas about the world. Before this, it was believed that all planets, including the Sun, revolve around the Earth.
  15. Supporters of Parliament in England in 1642 Dressed simply, did not wear wigs, and for this they were nicknamed “Roundheads.”
  16. A.V. Suvorov about Kutuzov after the capture of Izmail.
  17. In Russia in the 16th century, under Ivan the Terrible, during the Oprichnina period, a dog's head and a broom were attached to a horse.
  18. During the uprising of Spartacus, gladiators hid on the top of Mount Vesuvius.
  19. He was illiterate.
  20. The skins of marten - coons and squirrels - vereveritsa. The Slavs also called money in general kunami; vereveritsa was the smallest monetary unit.
  21. Village - from the “turf” that was removed during slash-and-burn farming.
  22. Boat, skis, cart.

1. Alexander. Because of the victory in the Battle of the Neva.

2. Dmitry. Because of the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo on the Don.

3. Ivan. Because Many were afraid of him, he was cruel.

  1. Birch bark.
  2. The peasants affectionately called the plow Andreevna.




Karasun intracity district

Municipal budgetary general educational institution

Average comprehensive school № 86

Methodological development of extracurricular activities

History Quiz

for 8th grade students

Compiled by:

History teacher, MBOU Secondary School No. 86

Tsaturyan L. Yu.

Krasnodar - 2012

Historical quiz objectives:

  1. To promote the deepening of students' knowledge in the field of history, the development of their diverse interests and abilities.
  2. Increased interest in history.
  3. Forming incentives for creative research work among students.
  4. Test students' knowledge and identify the depth of their interest in the subject.

Quiz purpose: replenish students' knowledge of history, intensify students' study of historical concepts and phenomena, cultivate objectivity in self-esteem, the spirit of competition, and the desire for personal self-affirmation.

Rules of the game:

There are 3 people in a team from each class. Team captain. Team name. Emblems. Jury. Stars. The teams take turns answering the questions posed. If a team cannot answer a question or gives an incorrect answer, then the next team answers and receives a star. The team with the most stars wins.

Event plan:

  1. Presenter's opening remarks. Familiarization with the rules of the game.
  2. Conducting a quiz.

Questions for the team competition:

  1. Goddess of love and beauty among the ancient Greeks
  2. First President of the USA.
  3. Capital of Austria.
  4. Church court in the Middle Ages.
  5. Holy city of Christians.
  6. An alloy of copper and tin.
  7. Collection for the benefit of the state.
  8. An ancient sage of China, founder of a philosophical movement.
  9. Absolution in the Catholic Church.
  10. The main god of the ancient Greeks.
  11. Holy city of Muslims.
  12. The winner of the Crusaders in the Battle of the Ice.
  13. The first Russian Tsar.
  14. God of thunder and lightning among the Eastern Slavs.
  15. A painting painted with water paints on wet plaster.
  16. Surname of Tsar Boris.
  17. The birthplace of porcelain.
  18. Material for writing in Ancient Novgorod.
  19. Holy book of Muslims.
  20. A Russian peasant who killed a Polish detachment at the beginning of the 17th century.
  21. Competition of medieval knights.
  22. Goddess of luck.
  23. Habitat of the Greek gods.
  24. Cleaner of the Augean stables.
  25. Artist, author of La Gioconda.
  26. The first museum in Russia.
  27. Creators of the Slavic alphabet.
  28. Nomadic Arabs.
  29. The legendary founder of Russian princes.
  30. Who owns the phrase “I’m coming to you”?
  31. What was the religion of the Slavs?
  32. From what chronicle do we learn about the ancient Slavs?

What do the expressions mean and where did they come from?

  1. "Ends in the water"?
  2. "Achilles' heel"?
  3. "The work of Sisyphean"?
  4. "Apple of discord"?

Questions for captains:

  1. They said about him that he knew how to do several things at once. Among his killers was a person very close to him. Who is he?
  2. Which ancient library had fireproof books?
  3. I'm there without excuses

At school all day with you.

But you will give me excuses,

I'm your favorite hero.

4. Who is being spoken about and before what event did this happen?

“The time has come to send to Yaroslavich. Beat with your forehead, call to Veliky Novgorod.”

Roll the cube:

Take a cube with numbers on each side. The team rolls the cube 3 times. The sum of the numbers drawn is the number of questions that need to be answered. There is no time to think.

  1. Name the three Russian heroes depicted in the painting “Bogatyrs” by V.M. Vasnetsov.
  2. Which city is the birthplace of the Russian fleet? When did this event happen, what is it connected with?
  3. In which country did people first drink tea from porcelain cups and write on paper?
  4. When did no one fight in Greece?
  5. What is the distance between Constantinople and Constantinople?
  6. Which staircase has no one ever walked down?
  7. Which Russian Tsar loved carpentry?
  8. Which “racket” raced at a speed of 6-8 km/h?
  9. The names of which wars indicate their duration?
  10. Which Russian prince was nicknamed the “money bag”?
  11. When in military history has a pig been a danger?
  12. To whom and where did “grateful Russia” erect a monument?
  13. What was the name of Peter the Great?
  14. Who is it said about who “stopped the Sun” and “moved the Earth”?
  15. Which people had “round heads”?
  16. Who and who said: “He walked on my left flank, but he was my right hand”?
  17. When in history was the broom held in special esteem?
  18. When did a volcano help people?
  19. What language did Genghis Khan read and write in?
  20. What animal skins were used as money by the ancient Slavs? What was the name of this money?
  21. Explain the origin of the word “village”?
  22. What invented means of transportation still exist today?

Name the person who bore the nickname, why did he get this nickname?

  1. Nevsky
  2. Donskoy
  3. Grozny
  4. "Kalita".

Prestige questions:

  1. “It can be in a fishing net, mushroom pickers and berry pickers need it, tourists and hunters, rural housewives use it, and it told us a lot about the life of Ancient Novgorod.”

What is hidden under the word “this”?

2. Among Russian peasants one could often hear the following expression: “If you love Andreevna, you will have bread.” What kind of Andreevna did you have to love in order to have bread?

Which team will name the most facts about the life and work of Peter the Great?

Summing up the quiz.

Answers to questions and assignments:

  1. Aphrodite.
  2. Washington.
  3. Vein.
  4. Inquisition.
  5. Jerusalem.
  6. Bronze.
  7. Tax.
  8. Confucius.
  9. Indulgence.
  10. Zeus.
  11. Mecca.
  12. A. Nevsky.
  13. I.Grozny.
  14. Perun.
  15. Fresco.
  16. Godunov.
  17. China.
  18. Birch bark.
  19. Koran.
  20. I.Susanin.
  21. Tournament.
  22. Fortune.
  23. Olympus.
  24. Hercules.
  25. Leonardo da Vinci.
  26. Kunstkamera.
  27. Cyril and Methodius.
  28. Bedouins.
  29. Rurik.
  30. Svyatoslav.
  31. Paganism.
  32. "The Tale of Bygone Years."
  1. Under I.Grozny. During the Oprichnina, executed people were thrown into the river. They hid traces of the crime.
  2. Vulnerable spot. Achilles's entire body, except for his heel, was invulnerable.
  3. unnecessary labor. Sisyphus rolled a large stone up the mountain, just a little too short, the stone fell, Sisyphus was doomed to do this work.
  4. The thing everyone fights about. Before the start of the Trojan War, the goddess of discord and quarrels threw a golden apple with the inscription “To the Most Beautiful” at the feast of the gods. (The dispute between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. Paris judged them...)
  1. Yu.Caesar.
  2. In Babylon (clay books).
  3. Spartak (From the desk).
  4. A.Ya.Nevsky. before the Battle of the Neva.
  1. Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.
  2. Voronezh. In 1696, Peter the Great ordered the construction of a shipyard here, where the Azov fleet was built.
  3. In China.
  4. During the Olympic Games.
  5. These are different names for the same city.
  6. According to feudal.
  7. Peter the First.
  8. The first steam locomotive invented by Stephenson and called "rocket".
  9. Seven years old, Thirty years old. Centennial.
  10. Ivan Danilovich Kalita.
  11. In the battle on the ice, the troops of the German knights were built in a formidable wedge - a “pig”.
  12. Monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow.
  13. Romanov.
  14. The teachings of N. Copernicus revolutionized ideas about the world. Before this, it was believed that all planets, including the Sun, revolve around the Earth.
  15. Supporters of Parliament in England in 1642 Dressed simply, did not wear wigs, and for this they were nicknamed “Roundheads.”
  16. A.V. Suvorov about Kutuzov after the capture of Izmail.
  17. In Russia in the 16th century, under Ivan the Terrible, during the Oprichnina period, a dog's head and a broom were attached to a horse.
  18. During the uprising of Spartacus, gladiators hid on the top of Mount Vesuvius.
  19. He was illiterate.
  20. The skins of marten - coons and squirrels - vereveritsa. The Slavs also called money in general kunami; vereveritsa was the smallest monetary unit.
  21. Village - from the “turf” that was removed during slash-and-burn farming.
  22. Boat, skis, cart.

1. Alexander. Because of the victory in the Battle of the Neva.

2. Dmitry. Because of the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo on the Don.

3. Ivan. Because Many were afraid of him, he was cruel.

  1. Birch bark.
  2. The peasants affectionately called the plow Andreevna.


1.1. These Regulations define the goals, objectives, and procedure for conducting the All-Russian electronic Internet quiz on the basics financial literacy(hereinafter referred to as the Quiz), conditions for participation in it, requirements for participants, procedure for determining the winners.
1.2. The quiz is held as part of the Subproject “Learning financial literacy from mistakes and successes” literary heroes"(hereinafter referred to as the Subproject) of the project "Promoting the level of financial literacy of the population and the development financial education Russian Federation".
1.3. Quiz is open competition, which is held on the official website of the Subproject.
1.4. The organizer of the Quiz is PAKK CJSC.
1.5. The quiz is conducted in Russian.
1.6. Charging for participation in the Quiz is not allowed.

2.1. The quiz is held for the purpose of:
2.1.1. helping to increase the level of financial literacy of citizens, developing their responsible behavior in managing personal finances;
2.1.2. developing in schoolchildren the skills to analyze personal financial and economic behavior using the example of actions, decisions and, in general, the personal financial strategy of characters in literary works.
2.2. Quiz objectives:
2.2.1. develop schoolchildren’s interest in studying financial literacy issues in literary material;
2.2.2. develop the ability to notice and analyze the financial behavior of heroes fiction;
2.2.3. motivate students to improve their own level of financial literacy;
2.2.4. awaken schoolchildren's interest in reading fiction.
2.3. The quiz includes tasks based on publicly available theoretical information about the basics of financial literacy, texts works of art Russian literature, as well as materials that are published in the public domain on the website.

3.1. The organizing committee includes representatives of PAKK CJSC, representatives of the teaching community, and experts in financial literacy.
3.2. Organising Committee carries out following functions:
3.2.1. control and coordination of the Quiz;
3.2.2. determination of Quiz nominations;
3.2.3. announcement and monitoring of compliance with the deadlines for the Quiz;
3.2.4. formation of an expert commission, determination of Quiz winners.

4.1. Schoolchildren in grades 7–11 can take part in the Quiz on a competitive basis.
4.2. Participation in the Quiz is not limited by territory. Students from any region of the Russian Federation can take part in it.
4.3. Anyone can take part in the Quiz outside of competition (students under 7th grade, teachers, parents and other interested parties, regardless of age, gender, occupation and area of ​​residence).

5.1. The Quiz is conducted in the following order:
5.1.1. Registration of participants;
5.1.2. completing Quiz tasks;
5.1.3. evaluation of results and summing up;
5.1.4. Winner's reward ceremony.
5.2. The quiz is held from November 30, 2016 to January 20, 2017. By decision of the Organizing Committee, the dates for the Quiz may be extended; information about changes in deadlines is published on the Subproject website (in the “Quiz” section).

6.1. In order to take part in the Quiz you must go through the procedure electronic registration Online . In the registration form you must indicate your full name, region, educational institution, class, age, email address.

7.1. The Quiz tasks are completed by the participant sequentially in three stages:
7.1.1. First stage. Participants answer questions with a choice of the only correct answer. To proceed to completing tasks next stage You must answer at least 65% of the questions correctly. The number of attempts is not limited. In case of successful answer to the questions of the first stage, the participant receives e-mail link to go to the questions of the next stage.
7.1.2. Second phase. The participant answers questions with a single correct answer, multiple answer options, searching for correspondence, and others. A participant who has scored at least 40% maximum amount points of the second stage, is admitted to the third stage of the Quiz and receives a link by email to go to it.
7.1.3. Third stage. The participant performs creative task, which consists of preparing a written response to one open-ended question.
7.2. The timing of completing the stages is not limited: the participant can complete all Quiz tasks in one day or complete them throughout the entire duration of the Quiz.
7.3. After answering the questions in all sections, the participant receives a notification that his answers have been recorded and transferred to the processing and evaluation section.
7.4. Participant responses will be accepted within the time frame for the Quiz.

8.1. The participants' answers are assessed by an expert commission approved by the Organizing Committee of the Quiz.
8.2. The expert commission evaluates the participants’ answers according to following rules:
8.2.1. First stage: 2 points are awarded for each correct answer.
8.2.2. Second stage: 3 points are awarded for each correct answer.
8.2.3. Third stage: the maximum number of points is 30. Of these, 25 points can be scored for the meaningful correspondence of the answer to the question posed, compliance language norms, consistency and consistency of presentation, absence of errors in the presentation of financial and economic concepts and examples from the literature.
For every spelling, punctuation, grammar or speech error 2 points are deducted for gross errors in the presentation of questions in the field of financial literacy or description literary examples deducted - up to 10 points.
For a non-standard approach to solving a given problem, a participant can receive an additional 5 points.
8.3. Winners are determined by maximum number points scored separately in each age group.

9.1. The results of the Quiz are announced at the final event of the Subproject - Interregional scientific-practical conference schoolchildren, and are also published on the official website of the Subproject (in the “Quiz” section).
9.2. The winners are awarded diplomas and valuable gifts.
9.3. All Quiz participants receive electronic certificates of participation.
9.4. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to award individual participants with a special prize.

Quiz competition “What do you know about the Arctic?” conducted among middle and high school students, with the aim of increasing students' awareness of the Arctic - its nature, history of research and development, tasks modern development, as well as attracting the attention of students to the study of this region of Russia, to self-study wonderful pages of history geographical discovery and mastering this extreme natural conditions region of the Earth. This Regulation organizes the process of holding a quiz at school.



State regional budget

health educational institution of sanatorium type for children,

those in need of long-term treatment.




"____" _______________2017


about holding a school quiz competition

“What do you know about the Arctic?”


Quiz competition “What do you know about the Arctic?” is carried out on the basis of GOBOOU ZSSHI

with the aim of increasing students' awareness of the Arctic - its nature, history of research and development, the tasks of modern development, as well as attracting students' attention to the study of this region of Russia, to independent study of the remarkable pages of the history of geographical discovery and development of this region of the Earth, extreme in natural conditions.


Students of GOBOOU ZSSHI.


An organizing committee is created to organize and conduct the competition. Which determines the procedure for holding the competition, accepts materials from participants, develops criteria for evaluating submitted materials, and organizes awarding of the winners.

The composition of the organizing committee is approved by order of the director of the State Educational Institution of Education and Science.

The competition involves evaluating work completed in the form of answers to quiz questions.


1. The quiz competition tasks are given to students informational conversation"The future is in the Arctic"

2. Completed work is submitted to the organizing committee within the following deadlines:


3. 02/18/17 - summing up the results of the quiz competition.


1. Quiz answers are filled in with a ballpoint pen.

2. The following information is required: full name, class.


The winners are determined in the following parallels: 6-7 grades, 8-9 grades. Participants of the competition are awarded the following incentive documents: Diploma of the 1st degree, Diploma of the 2nd degree, Diploma of the 3rd degree and Diploma of the participant in the quiz competition.

The results of the quiz competition will be posted on the school website.

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