The plot of Pippi Longstocking 3 stories. Astrid Lindgren - Pippi Longstocking moves into the Villa "Chicken"

Peppilotta (Pippi for short) Longstocking proved to girls around the world that the weaker sex is in no way inferior to boys. The Swedish writer endowed her beloved heroine with heroic strength, taught her to shoot a revolver, and made her the main rich woman of the city, who is able to treat all the children with a bag of candy.

Pippi Longstocking

A girl with carrot-colored hair, in multi-colored stockings, boots to grow, and a dress made from scraps of fabric, has a rebellious character - she is not afraid of robbers and representatives of internal organs, spits on the laws of adults and teaches young readers about humanity. Pippi seems to be saying: being yourself is a great luxury and a unique pleasure.

History of creation

The red-haired girl Pippi brought her creator Astrid Lindgren world fame. Although the character appeared completely by accident - in the early 40s, the future literary star, who would later give the world a fat prankster, had a daughter Karin become seriously ill. Before going to bed, Astrid invented various wonderful stories for the child, and one day she received an assignment - to tell about the life of the girl Pippi Longstocking. The daughter herself came up with the heroine’s name, and initially it sounded “Pippi,” but in the Russian translation the dissonant word was changed.

Gradually, evening after evening, Pippi began to acquire individual characteristics, and her life began to be filled with adventures. The Swedish storyteller tried to put into her stories an innovative idea that appeared at that time in terms of raising children. According to the advice of newly minted psychologists, offspring need to be given more freedom and listen to their opinions and feelings. That's why Pippi turned out to be so headstrong, flouting the rules of the adult world.

For several years, Astrid Lindgren wrapped her fantasy in evening fairy tales, until she finally decided to write down the result on paper. The stories, where a couple of other characters settled - the boy Tommy and the girl Annika, turned into a book with illustrations by the author. The manuscript flew to a major publishing house in Stockholm, where, however, it did not find any fans - Pippi Longstocking was mercilessly rejected.

Books about Pippi Longstocking

But the writer was warmly received at Raben and Schergen, publishing her first work in 1945. It was the story “Pippi settles in the Chicken Villa.” The heroine immediately became popular. Following this, two more books and several stories were born, which were bought like hot cakes.

Later, the Danish storyteller admitted that the girl bore her character traits: as a child, Astrid was the same restless inventor. In general, the character’s characterization is a horror story for adults: a 9-year-old child does what he wants, easily copes with formidable men, carries a heavy horse.

Biography and plot

Pippi Longstocking is an unusual lady, just like her biography. Once upon a time, in a small, unremarkable Swedish town, a freckled girl with red, raised braids settled in the old abandoned villa “Chicken”. She lives here without adult supervision in the company of a horse that stands on the veranda and a monkey, Mr. Nilsson. The mother left the world when Pippi was still a baby, and the father, named Ephraim Longstocking, served as the captain of a ship that was wrecked. The man ended up on an island where the black aborigines called him their leader.

Pippi Longstocking and her monkey Mr. Nilsson

This is the legend the heroine of the Swedish fairy tale tells to her new friends, brother and sister Tommy and Annika Settergren, whom she met upon arriving in the city. Pippi inherited excellent genes from her father. The physical strength is so great that the girl drives away the policemen who came to send the orphan to an orphanage from the house. Leaves an angry bull without horns. The circus strongman wins at the fair. And the robbers who broke into her home are thrown onto the closet.

And Pippi Longstocking is incredibly rich, for which she also has to thank her dad. The daughter inherited a chest of gold, which the heroine happily spends. The girl does not go to school; she prefers dangerous and exciting adventures to tedious activities. Moreover, studying is no longer necessary, because Pippi is an expert in the customs of different countries of the world, which she visited with her father.

Pippi Longstocking lifts a Horse

While sleeping, the girl puts her feet on the pillow, rolls out the baking dough right on the floor, and on her birthday she not only accepts gifts, but also gives surprises to guests. Residents of the city watch in amazement as the child moves backwards when walking, because in Egypt that’s the only way they walk.

Tommy and Annika fell in love with their new friend with all their hearts, with whom it is impossible to get bored. Children constantly find themselves in funny troubles and unpleasant situations. In the evenings, together with Pippi, they make their favorite dishes - waffles, baked apples, pancakes. By the way, the red-haired girl makes great pancakes by flipping them right in the air.

Pippi Longstocking, Tommy and Annika

But one day the friends were almost separated by their father who came to pick up Pippi. The man really turned out to be the leader of the tribe of the distant island country of Veselia. And if earlier the neighbors considered the main character to be an inventor and a liar, now they immediately believed in all her fables.

In the last book from the original Lindgren trilogy, the parents sent Tommy and Annika on vacation to Veselia, where the children, in the company of the inimitable Pippi Longstocking, who became a black princess, received a scattering of unforgettable emotions.

Film adaptations

The Swedish-German serial film, which was released in 1969, is considered canonical. The name of the actress became famous throughout the world - Pippi was played believably by Inger Nilsson. The embodied image turned out to be closest to the book’s mischievous girl, and the plot differs little from the original. The film did not find love or recognition in Russia.

Inger Nilsson as Pippi Longstocking

But Soviet audiences fell in love with Pippi, who shone in a two-part musical film directed by Margarita Mikaelyan in 1984. Famous actors were involved in the production: they met on the set (Madam Rosenblum), (the swindler Blom), (Pippi’s father), and Peppilotta is played by Svetlana Stupak. The film was filled with catchy compositions (just look at “The Pirates’ Song”!) and circus tricks, which added to the film’s charm.

Svetlana Stupak as Pippi Longstocking

The role of Pippi for Svetlana Stupak was the first and last in the cinema. At first, the girl did not pass the casting: the director rejected her for her blonde hair and adult appearance - Sveta did not look like a 9-year-old child. But the young actress got a second chance. The girl was asked to imagine herself as the daughter of the leader of a black tribe, to show spontaneity and enthusiasm.

Tami Erin as Pippi Longstocking

Stupak coped with the task, demonstrating to the cinema bison a stunning trick that did not require the participation of doubles. The authors of the film decided to film her, which they later regretted: Sveta’s character turned out to be even worse than the main character of the fairy tale. The director either grabbed the validol or wanted to pick up the belt.

In 1988, the red-haired beast reappeared on television screens. This time, the USA and Sweden teamed up to create the film “The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking”. Tami Erin appeared in the cinema for the first time.

Pippi Longstocking in the cartoon

The Canadian series, released at the end of the last century, became a striking animated film. Pippi's voice was provided by Melissa Altro. The directors did not take liberties and followed the literary pattern carefully created by the Swedish storyteller.

  • Inger Nilsson's acting career didn't work out either - the woman worked as a secretary.
  • In Sweden, on the island of Djurgården, a museum of fairy-tale heroes by Astrid Lindgren was built. Here you can visit Pippi Longstocking's house, where you can run, jump, climb and ride a horse named Horse.

Pippi Longstocking's House in the Astrid Lindgren Fairytale Heroes Museum
  • The theater stage cannot do without such a bright character. During the 2018 New Year holidays, at the capital’s Cherry Orchard theater center, children are invited to the play “Pippi Longstocking,” staged in the best Vakhtangov traditions. Director Vera Annenkova promises deep content and circus entertainment.


“My mom is an angel, and my dad is a black king. Not every child has such noble parents.”
“Grown-ups never have fun. They always have a lot of boring work, stupid dresses and cuminal taxes. And they are also stuffed with prejudices and all sorts of nonsense. They think that a terrible misfortune will happen if you put a knife in your mouth while eating, and so on.”
“Who said you have to become an adult?”
“When the heart is hot and beating strongly, it is impossible to freeze.”
“A real well-mannered lady picks her nose when no one is looking!”

The book "Pippi Longstocking" is a description of the difficult life of a little girl named Pippi.

Pippi is an unusually extraordinary person.

Pippi is only 9 years old, but despite the fact that Pippi is forced to live without her parents, she copes well. According to the book, Pippi's mother died, and dad became the king of some African tribe. Pippi lives in an old house with her horse and monkey.

Pippi is a red-haired, ugly girl who doesn't care what she looks like. Pippi wears a simple dress of incredible color and style, absolutely unsuitable not only for adults, but also for children.

Pippi's house is a terrible mess, she does whatever she wants, and sincerely doesn't understand why she can't, for example, roll out dough on the floor, walk backwards and sleep upside down.

Pippi has friends - Tommy and Annika. She is very strong and original. Pippi hates rules and sincerely does not understand how adults can live such a boring life.

Pippi lives as she pleases, fortunately there is no one to control her. Pippi constantly gets into funny stories and always comes out of them with dignity.

Pippi has practically no enemies. But there are people who hurt her in one way or another (for example, the thieves who tried to rob her). Pippi always defeats such individuals, punishes them in her own way, but always lets them go in peace.

Pippi is a very kind girl, who has essentially experienced a lot of troubles and misfortunes.

Pippi is a big dreamer, but those around her perceive her fantasies with misunderstanding. They consider her a liar, which really hurts her.

The story about Pippi includes several short stories. The book is very popular among children of several generations.

In my opinion,

Astrid Lindgren in her book wanted to show how confused the adult generation is with its problems, boundaries and rules of adult life. So much so that we force our children into our framework, thus depriving them of originality, originality and imagination. And how difficult it is in our lives for people who have managed to retain in themselves the qualities that Pippi possesses.

Video review

Book of Pippi Longstocking

Pippi Longstocking is a wonderful work by Lingren, which was written more than sixty years ago. It was written for a sick daughter whom the author wanted to entertain. The name of the main character was invented by the girl for whom this work was written. This is how Pippi Longstocking was born. The work consists of three parts. We will write them in chapters to simplify the work of our readers and briefly introduce the plot of the work.

Part 1. Pippi arrives at Villa Chicken

Reading Lingren's Pippi Longstocking briefly chapter by chapter, we are transported to a Swedish town with a moderate life. Children go to school, relax by the lake on weekends, and fall asleep in their cozy beds in the evening. This is how the days passed for the Settergrens, Tommy and Annika. However, the children dreamed that neighbors with children would appear in the house opposite, with whom they would become friends.

And now their dream comes true. A nine-year-old child appears in the house - an unusual girl named Pippi Longstocking. The child was unusual in that he arrived at the villa alone. The girl’s mother died long ago, and her sailor father was shipwrecked and no one saw him again. Pippi was convinced that he was alive and lived on some island. Until that time, she had been traveling with her father, and now, taking her faithful horse and monkey, she decided to stay in the city. As the author writes, this girl had enormous strength, so she could easily carry the box of gold that she took from the ship.

Chapter: First meeting with Pippi

The Settergrens first saw the girl when she was walking backwards. Having asked Pippi why she walked like that, she began to come up with stories about Egypt and its inhabitants who walk exactly like that. But Annika and Tommy caught the heroine in a lie, and Pippi asked them not to be offended, because she often forgets what happened and what didn’t really happen. This is how children's friendship begins.

Already on the first day of acquaintance, the heroine invites her new acquaintances to her home. The children are surprised that such a little girl lives alone. They wonder who makes her sleep. Pippi talks about how she puts herself to bed and how she periodically gets punished by herself for not wanting to sleep.

Then the girl makes pancakes to treat her friends. When she was preparing the dough, she threw the eggs up and one of them broke on Pippi's hair. She immediately came up with a story about Brazil, where breaking an egg on your head was already legal.

Chapter: Pippi gets into a fight

The Settergrens got up early to run to their new friend, who was preparing flatbread at that time. After eating and leaving behind a kitchen stained with flour, the children go outside, where Pippi talks about her hobby. She talks about reporting, which she has been doing for many years. It consists of collecting things that people throw away or lose, after which you need to find a use for these things. As an example, the heroine finds a jar in which to store cookies and a spool, which she hangs on a rope around her neck.

While traveling through the streets, Pippi saw five guys mocking a girl, and she came to her defense. Surrounded by five boys who called the heroine red, the girl laughs out loud. The guys were upset, because they thought that she would cry in response to the hurtful words. Then the guy pushed the heroine and a fight ensued, during which the girl easily dealt with the boys.

Her friends also tried to engage in bookkeeping in the garden, but they had no finds. Following Pippi's hints, Annika finds a beautiful box, and Tommy finds a notebook with a pen. After which the main character goes to bed.

Chapter: How Pippi plays tag with the police

There is a rumor going around the city about a girl who lives without her parents. Adults believe that everyone should study and be supervised. They decide to send the girl to an orphanage. The police come to Pippi. They are trying to take the girl with them, and the policeman tried to grab Peppy, but she breaks free, pushing him in the back. So she insulted the man with whom she decided to play tag. The men fail to catch the girl.

She was elusive, and when they resorted to cunning and finally grabbed the child, Pippi dragged the police out the gate, treating them to buns. The police concluded that the child was not suitable for an orphanage.

Chapter: Pippi goes to school

The girl's friends go to school and they are sad that this time passes without a new friend. They persuade Pippi to study, but the girl did not agree, and only after learning that her friends will have holidays, but she will not, Pippi goes to school. There she was unable to answer a single question asked by the teacher, and soon she realized that she did not want to study. This is how the girl’s studies end.

Chapter: Pippi climbs into the hollow

One day the children were basking in the sun and chewing pears. The villa itself was located in a picturesque location on the outskirts of the city. Residents of the city often came here to take a break from the bustle of the city. An unfamiliar girl is interested in her dad, whom Pippi has not seen. However, she was in her repertoire and got into a conversation with a stranger, to whom she eventually told a made-up story. After that, she ran away without looking back. The children continued to enjoy the wonderful day. And then they decided to climb trees, something the heroine’s neighbors had never done before. And here are the children on the oak tree, where the girl suggested having a tea party. Afterwards the heroine sees a hollow, into which she immediately climbs. She really liked it there and invites her friends to climb. Overcoming their fear, Tommy and Anika also climb into the hollow.

Chapter: How Pippi organized an excursion

It's a sanitary day at school. Hearing about this, the girl started a sanitary day at home, cleaning the kitchen. Afterwards, Longstocking offers to take the monkey and go on an excursion.

The children walked along the highway, then went to the meadow, picked mushrooms and had a picnic. Having eaten, the children rested and suddenly Pippi wanted to learn to fly. Standing on the edge of the hill, she jumps off, scaring her friends. She said she couldn't fly because her belly was full. Then the children notice what is missing. The monkey disappeared. While searching for the monkey, Tommy came across a bull, who threw him on its horns. Pippi comes to the rescue, having killed the animal so much that the bull fell asleep. Having called the monkey and waited for it to come down from the tree, the children go home happy.

Chapter: How Pippi goes to the circus

A circus has come to town. Pippi goes there too. At the box office, the girl buys a ticket for gold coins, so she and her friends get the best seats. The girl began to watch the show where the horses were performing and when the rider showed a number, Pippi also jumped on the back of the horse. Miss Carmencita tried to throw her off, but the heroine shouted that she had paid for the ticket, so she also had the right to ride. They wanted to kick the girl out of the circus for this prank, but they couldn’t. The tightrope walker began to perform, but Pippi performed much better than her, and later she put the strongest man on his shoulder blades.
After that, Pippi called the circus boring, sat down in a chair and fell asleep.

Chapter: Thieves get to Pippi

Thieves break into Pippi's house and want to take away a chest of gold. Having found out where the suitcase was, the thieves took it, but Pippi immediately took it away, tying up the thieves. The thieves began to ask them to have mercy, and the girl invites them to dance a twist. The thieves danced until they were tired, although the girl herself could dance for a long time. Afterwards, Pippi treats them to sandwiches and sends them home, giving them a coin each.

Chapter: Pippi is invited to a cup of tea

The Settergrens' mother bakes pies because noble ladies are coming to see her. She allows the children to call Longstocking. The girl appears dressed up, and the peace of the guests is disturbed by the appearance of Pippi. She behaves ugly at the table, ate all the pie and took all the sweets, telling different stories. Annika and Tommy’s mother regretted it more than once, and at the end of the evening she couldn’t stand it at all and kicked the girl out, telling her not to come to them anymore. Pippi apologized for her inability to behave and left.

Chapter: How Pippi saves the kids

In this part, the author talks about an incredible adventure. There was a fire in the city and two small children were trapped in the burning house, to whom firefighters could not reach because of the short staircase. Peppa was not at a loss and saved the children, earning the praise of the townspeople.

Chapter: How Pippi celebrates her birthday

Peppiloma invites the Settergren children to his birthday party. Children are happy to go to her for the holiday, giving the birthday girl a music box. Pippi also gave gifts to her friends, and after that everyone played and had fun until late in the evening, hunting ghosts, playing games, until their dad came for the children.

Part 2. Pippi is getting ready to go on the road

This part will tell about different adventures, where Pippi goes shopping and gets the pharmacist, we also learn about how the heroine went to school for a short time, and then went on an excursion with the schoolchildren.

Chapter: Pippi on a school trip

Children go to the forest with their teacher. Pippi is with them. There they play Beast, and after the excursion they go to visit one of the students. On the way, the girl met a man who abused a horse. The girl taught the man a lesson by forcing him to carry the bags himself. At the tea party, Pippi again showed bad manners and then the teacher told her how to behave at a party. The girl listens with interest.

Chapter: Pippi is shipwrecked

Pippi decides to go with her friends to an uninhabited island located on the lake. Having prepared the old boat, the children set off. However, the boat begins to sink and Pippi orders everyone to save themselves. And here are the children on the island. They live like Robinsons. They have fun, they eat and sleep by the fire. But the time comes to return home, because Annika and Tommy's parents will soon arrive home. However, there is no boat. Pippi offers to write a letter and send it in a bottle, and later admits that she took the boat away so that it would not flood, because it was raining. The boys are worried that now they won’t be able to return home before their parents.

The parents arrived and saw a note where the heroine asked not to worry, informing them that their children would be in a small shipwreck.

Chapter: Pippi receives a dear guest

Our heroine has been living in the villa for almost a year and all this time she has been friends with Tommy and Annika. One day, sitting in the garden, the children were talking about life and suddenly Pippi jumped up and threw herself on the neck of a man who appeared at the gate. It was her father - the captain.

As it turned out, he really got caught in a storm that threw him onto the island. The island was called Veselia. There, local residents almost killed the captain, but seeing his strength, they made him king. He also told about how his days passed, where he ruled the island, and then built a ship to go after his daughter. And so, having given many instructions, the man set off. But you can’t hesitate, because you need to get back to your subjects in time.

The children go home upset. Pippi is planning a farewell feast. In the morning, friends go to Pippi. They find out that the girl is really going to leave. As she said that she would return to the villa when she was retired. To say goodbye, the girl throws a farewell feast.

In the morning the girl said goodbye to the villa and went to the port. The neighborhood kids were happy and sad at the same time. They were happy that the girl met her father, but they were sad because their friend would soon leave forever. Already at the port, when Tommy and Annika were seeing Peppa off, the guys burst into tears so much that Peppiloma got off the ship, telling her father that children at her age should not swim, but need a measured life. Pippi stays behind, having received another suitcase of gold from her father.

Part 3. They buy a villa from Pippi

Once a stranger came to the town, saw a villa and wanted to buy it. At the villa he found only children, to whom he began to tell how he would cut down trees here and put everything in order, how he would not let anyone else in here. But I couldn’t wait for the owner. Having started a squabble with Peppa, he was kicked out. No one else saw the respectable man in the city.

Chapter: Pippi encourages Aunt Laura

Friends do not come to the neighbor and she decides to go to them herself. There she sees the children, their mother and aunt. It was because of the appearance of their aunt in their house that the children stayed at home. Pippi wanted to stay and talk with her aunt. As a result, the girl finds out that her aunt is not feeling well and immediately talks about her grandmother, who had a brick fall on her head, or how she ran into a double bass while dancing tango with her dad. Pippi began to tell stories, but they kept trying to shut her up. And so the heroine, grabbing a cracker, began to leave, and the aunt also got ready to go.

Chapter: Peppa is looking for cucaryamba

Neighboring children came to Pippi, who learned a new word and tried to find this object. It was a cucaryamba. Nobody knew what it was and the children went in search of this item. At first they thought it was something edible, but no one in the store had heard of such a product, just as no one in the hospital had heard of such a disease. And then the children met an unknown beetle. Pippi shouted that this was the cucaryamba.

Chapter: Pippi receives a letter

Autumn has passed, winter has come. Annika and Tommy get measles. A neighbor amuses her friends by putting on performances under her window. With the help of a monkey, the girl delivers fruits and letters. And now the friends are healthy, they are at Peppa’s, eating porridge and listening to stories. And then they bring the girl a letter, where the father says that his daughter should go to him in Veselia, where all the subjects are already looking forward to the princess.

Chapter: Pippi sets sail

And then Captain Ephraim arrived. Everyone met him on the shore. Pippi invited her father to the villa, where she fed him well. While he was sleeping, she got into a conversation with friends, where she dreamed of swimming and an unknown country. The children listened to her with sadness and then the girl announced that she was taking Annika and Tommy with her. The children do not believe this, because their parents will never let them go. However, Longstocking manages to ask them to leave, and now they are all on the ship.

Chapter: Pippi comes ashore

The ship enters Veselia Bay. They are joyfully welcomed by the residents. My father showed the places where he was washed up during a shipwreck, where a monument is now erected. The king-father began to rule, Pippi took a place on the throne and people began to kneel in front of her. But the girl didn’t need it, she only needed the throne to play. Later the children talk about how beautiful the island was.

Chapter: Pippi talks to the shark

Children on the beach, a girl tells locals about life in another country. Everyone listens to her with interest. Later, when the adults went hunting, the children wanted to see the caves. There, Tommy falls into the water and is attacked by a shark, which Pippi lifts above the water and scolds. She swims away in fright. And Tommy cried from fear and pain, because the shark had bitten his leg. Pippi also cried later. Why? Because she felt sorry for the shark that remained hungry.

Chapter: Explanations with Jim and Book

The children continued to the cave, where there were many food supplies. One could live comfortably there for several weeks. From the cave, the children see the steamer on which the sailors Buk and Jim were. These were bandits. They arrived on the island while the adults were away to take the pearls from the children who were playing with the jewelry.

The children watched what was happening. The robbers, seeing the children, began to ask them to give up the pearls, but Pippi told them to climb into the cave themselves. However, they were unable to climb there. The robbers began to wait, because they were sure that the children would leave the cave themselves when they got hungry. Thunderstorm began. Children sleep in a cozy cave, while sailors get wet in the rain.

Chapter: Pippi taught the bandits a lesson

Morning has come. The horse and monkey began to worry about the absence of children and went in search of them. The sailors, seeing the horse, grabbed it and began to threaten that they would kill it. Pippi comes down to give the pearls, but she has nothing in her hands. Book and Jim threaten to kill her too, but the girl, who was very strong, instantly beat them, threw them into the boat and pushed them away from the shore. A few minutes later the ship of the robbers was no longer seen. The sailors no longer came to the shores of the mysterious country. At this time, the captain and his subjects returned from hunting. When asked if anything happened in his absence, the girl said that nothing serious happened.

Chapter: Pippi leaves Veselia

It was interesting in Veselia, the children were well tanned, played constantly, wandered through the jungle, admired the waterfall. Days gave way to nights, the rainy season was about to begin, and the father was worried that his daughter would feel bad here. And Annika and Timm began to miss their parents. And now the children return home. And although the wind was fair, they did not have time for Christmas. This upset the children, but they were still happy to be returning home. And now the city is already visible.

Pippi took the children home on horseback, and, contrary to the Settergrens’ offer to stay with them, she went to her villa.

Chapter: Pippi doesn't want to be an adult

The Settergrens were delighted with their children, fed them and put them to bed, and listened to stories for a long time. However, the children were sad that they missed the Christmas tree, gifts, and they were also thinking about their friend, who was now spending the night in a cold house.

In the morning, the children wanted to visit the girl, but the mother did not let them in at first, as she wanted to be with them. But soon she gave in to the persuasion, and the children ran to Peppilome. There they saw a beautiful picture. A snow-covered house, cleared paths, a candle is burning and Pippi invites them to the Christmas holiday, where there was a festive dinner, a Christmas tree stood and gifts were hidden. The girl surprised her friends with this, because the holiday had passed. The characters in the work looked out the window and wondered how the next day they would build a snow house in the yard, on which they would play and have a trampoline. The characters conclude that they don’t want to become adults, because the life of adults is boring and they don’t know how to have fun.

Pippi takes out the peas and calls them anti-aging pills. The children swallow the peas after casting a spell. Brother and sister go home, having agreed to meet their neighbor the next day. At home, they looked out the window and saw a friend sitting at the table with her arms crossed and her head resting on them. The children were happy that Pippi lived in the neighboring house and would always live there. Years will pass, and they will not grow up, unless of course the pills are real. They thought about how they would build a house, how they would climb a tree, how they would go to Veselia, and then always return home. The children thought that if Pippi looked out the window now, they would definitely wave to her. But the girl peered into the candle flame with sleepy eyes, and then blew out the fire.

This concludes the amazing story about a girl named Pippi Longstocking in our brief summary.

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Before Pippi's arrival, the town had two attractions - a local history museum and a mound. The townspeople hung two signs so that any visitor could find their way to these places. But now another sign has appeared in the city - “To the Villa “Chicken”” - after all, people are more interested in the house where the strongest girl in the world lives than in the museum and the mound.

One day a very important and rich gentleman came to the city. When he saw the sign, he thought that an ordinary villa could not be a landmark, and decided that it was for sale. The gentleman liked the idea of ​​​​buying a villa in a small town, where he would be considered the richest and most important, and he went to Pippi’s house.

The gentleman did not like the crumbling house, but he liked the garden. He began to plan out loud how he would demolish the house and cut down the old oak tree, not paying attention to Pippi, Tommy and Annika.

Pippi took this visit as just another entertainment and did not tell the gentleman that she was the owner of the villa. On the contrary, the girl immediately wanted to help demolish the house and cut down the garden, which seriously frightened Tommy and Annika.

The gentleman believed that “there is nothing more disgusting in the world than children,” and Pippi supported him.

The gentleman was tired of the red-haired girl’s antics, he wanted to teach her a lesson, but he couldn’t catch her and decided to take it out on Annika. Then Pippi grabbed him, threw him in the air several times, then threw him on the car seat and said that she sells her house only on Mondays, and today is Friday.

The angry gentleman decided to buy this villa and drive the children out of it. He found a policeman and asked to take him to the owner of the house. To his surprise, the policeman confirmed that Pippi owned the villa, and the gentleman had to leave.

How Pippi encourages Aunt Laura

One day, Tommy and Annika did not come to visit Pippi. The girl went to her friends and found Aunt Laura visiting them. Pippi said that she adores “old aunts like these.”

When the guest began to complain about a nervous system disorder, Pippi told her about her nervous grandmother, who drank fox poison to calm her nerves.

Every time Aunt Laura tried to tell something, Pippi would jump into the conversation with another amazing story. In the end, the girl said that she was going to tell a lot of interesting things, but she was silenced. After that, Aunt Laura stood up and prepared to leave.

How Pippi looks for cucaryamba

One morning Pippi told her friends that she had found a new word - kukaryamba - and now she wanted to know what it meant. She decided that cucaramba could probably be bought in a store, and the children went to the main street of the town.

To Pippi’s great regret, there was no cucumber to be found in either the confectionery or the hardware store. The girl thought that cucaramba was a disease and went to the doctor, but it turned out that such a disease did not exist. Then Pippi climbed, looked out the window of the house and asked the ladies sitting in the room if they had any cucumbers. The ladies were alarmed, deciding that we were talking about some dangerous animal.

Realizing that no one had seen the crow, Pippi went home. On the garden path she noticed an unfamiliar green bug and declared that it was a crow.

How Pippi invents a new sport

Summer holidays are over, Tommy and Annika go to school. Pippi flatly refused to study, but she often brought her friends to school on horseback. One day the children told their friend that Miss Rosenblum was coming to school.

This rich, but very stingy old woman annually gave gifts to the most obedient and diligent students. She chose the lucky ones herself, arranging a real exam before distributing gifts. Even if the child was in need, he received nothing if he could not answer the old woman’s question.

Freken valued order, so before the exam she weighed all the children and lined them up in three lines - according to the number of people in the family. Students who did not answer the questions stood in the fourth line for those who should be ashamed.

Pippi showed up for the exam when it was Tommy and Annika's turn. She made her way to the front row and began answering Miss Rosenblum’s questions as she saw fit. Freken got angry, but the girl really liked “this new sport: asking each other questions.”

Once in the fourth line, Pippi began asking questions to the children, many of whom were already crying. Of course, all the answers were correct, and each student in the fourth row received a gold coin and a huge bag of sweets from Pippi.

How Pippi receives a letter

Cold winter has arrived. Tommy and Annika worked a lot, their health weakened and they fell ill with measles. Pippi was not allowed to visit them, and she spent whole days sitting on the stairs next to the nursery window, entertaining her friends and giving them sweets. Finally, the children recovered, but they were still thin and weak.

One day Pippi received a letter from her father, Captain Ephraim. He wrote that he was going to sail for his daughter on the schooner “Poprygunya” and take her to his island of Veselia.

How Pippi sets sail

The "Jumper" entered the harbor, all decorated with flags. Having met, Pippi and King Ephraim I Longstocking began to throw each other into the air, which greatly disturbed the photographer.

After a luxurious dinner, dad Efroim went to bed, and Tommy and Annika sat in Pippi’s kitchen and thought about how sad they would be without their cheerful girlfriend. Pippi was in a wonderful mood - she dreamed of how she would live in Veselia.

Noticing that Tommy and Annika were completely depressed, Pippi was surprised: had she really forgotten to tell her friends that they were also going to Veselia. At first, the children did not believe that their mother would let them go to the other side of the world. But the parents decided that Tommy and Annika would improve their health by basking in the tropical sun. Besides, they trusted Pippi very much.

In early spring, the schooner “Poprygunya” set off. The boys were seen off by Tommy and Annika's parents and their classmates, who were burning with envy.

How Pippi comes ashore

The journey was so long that Tommy and Annika almost forgot how they lived in a small Swedish town. They got a tan and learned to climb the cables no worse than Pippi.

Finally, the schooner “Poprygunya” entered the small harbor of Veselia Island. All 126 Veslers met their king and princess. They were delighted with Pippi, especially when she lifted the horse on one shoulder and Papa Ephroim on the other.

The captain showed his daughter the bamboo hut built especially for her and the place where he first set foot on the island. The Veselians marked it with a stone with the inscription:

Then King Ephraim and Pippi sat on their thrones and ruled the island a little. And in the evening the merry people danced for them around the fire.

How Pippi talks to a shark

Pippi, Tommy and Annika quickly became friends with the funny guys who thought they were very beautiful. They swam in the warm ocean and feasted on fruit, and Pippi told her subjects tales from the lives of white children.

One day, Papa Ephraim gathered all the adult merry men and went to a neighboring island to hunt wild pigs. The children remained in charge of Veselia, and this did not upset them at all.

After breakfast, the children went to explore the caves, of which there were a lot on the coral island. To get to the largest cave, where the camp was located with a large supply of provisions, it was necessary to get along a steep cliff, in the bay under which there were many sharks.

The merry children were not afraid of sharks and dived to the bottom of the bay for large pearls to play marbles with them. Captain Ephraim knew that pearls were expensive and could be exchanged for many necessary things, but he decided not to change the life of his people, and only sometimes took a few pearls to buy tobacco for himself.

Making his way to the main cave, Tommy fell into the water, a bloodthirsty shark swam up to him and sank its sharp teeth into his leg. Then Pippi found herself in the water. She grabbed the shark, scolded it for its bad behavior and threw it further into the sea.

Tommy was saved, but Pippi was very upset that the poor little shark was left hungry.

How Pippi explains to Jim and Book

Pippi stretched a rope along the steep cliff, and now even Annika could get to the cave, which turned out to be so spacious that all the children of the island could fit in it.

The guys were competing to see who could spit into the shark bay the furthest when they spotted someone else's ship. This was Jim and Beech's ship. While buying tobacco, these hefty guys noticed that Captain Ephraim was paying with selected pearls, and heard him talk about the large reserves of pearls on Veselia. They waited until the captain left the island and came to take the balls from the fun.

Having landed on the island, the bandits discovered that the children were in an inaccessible cave. To lure them out, Jim and Book pretended to be ordinary tourists and decided to swim in the bay, although Pippi warned them that there were a lot of sharks there.

Having barely escaped from the sharks, Jim and Book realized that the children could not be lured out of the cave, and decided to get to them and take the pearls. Pippi removed the rope, and the bandits had to climb a steep wall. They took turns falling into the bay, and Pippi had to save them by throwing coconuts at the sharks.

Finally, the bandits got tired of risking their lives, and they decided to wait until the children got hungry and came down themselves, but Pippi said that there would be enough food in the cave for two weeks. Angry, Jim and Book went to bed on the rocky shore in wet pants. At night a terrible thunderstorm began. The bandits were wet in a tropical downpour, and the children slept in a dry cave.

How Pippi taught the bandits a lesson

All night Jim and Book got wet and argued with each other, and in the morning they decided to get pearls at any cost. Meanwhile, a horse and Mr. Nilsson, who had returned from the jungle after meeting with his relatives, arrived at the cave. The bandits grabbed the horse and began to threaten that they would kill it if Pippi did not bring them pearls. Book decided to take revenge on Pippi for the terrible night by butchering her and taking her horse to another island.

She went down to the bandits with eyes burning with a strange fire, and decided to play leapfrog with them. With her strong hands, Pippi threw the bandits three meters away, they fell on a rock, hit themselves painfully, and the girl walked nearby and scolded them with all her might.

Then Pippi loaded the bandits into the boat, and they left Veselia in a terrible hurry. Jim and Book's steamboat disappeared over the horizon, and immediately Ephraim's schooner appeared at sea. Pippi joyfully met her father, but never told her about the bandits.

How Pippi leaves the country of Merry

Time passed. Tommy and Annika were so tanned that they looked like they were having fun, and Pippi had huge freckles on her face, and she considered herself irresistible. The children spent almost all their time in their favorite cave. Pippi blocked the bay with a strong net, and the sharks did not interfere with their swimming. Friends took pearls from the bottom of the bay and played bandits.

The children spent the rest of their time in the bamboo house that Pippi built, jumping from a palm tree into the ocean and taking excursions into the jungle.

The rainy season was approaching, and Captain Efroim decided to send his daughter to Sweden - he was afraid that Pippi would get sick. Tommy and Annika missed their parents and wanted to sail home before Christmas. The merry children were very sad when Pippi, Tommy and Annika boarded the Jumper, but they promised to return very soon. The guys set off alone - Dad Ephraim remained to rule the island.

It soon became clear that the boys would not have time to return home by Christmas. They arrived in Sweden only at the beginning of January.

Pippi doesn't want to be an adult

Tommy and Annika's parents were so happy that they did not let their children go for a long time. The only thing that upset the boys was that they missed Christmas and would not receive any gifts.

They managed to come to Pippi only the next evening. The guys were amazed to discover that the Chicken Villa looked like a house from a Christmas card - the roof was covered with snow and a candle was burning on the terrace. In the large kitchen they found a Christmas tree with gifts and a festive table - Pippi decided to return the missed Christmas.

Pippi said that the next day they would build a snow house, teach the horse to ski, and they would always have fun. Then Tommy thought that he would soon become an adult, and he did not want to grow up, because it was so boring. Pepi agreed with him.

The girl said that she was not going to grow up - for this she stocked up on magic pills. These pills must be taken in complete darkness and the magic words must be said.

The friends extinguished the candles and swallowed pills that looked suspiciously like dry peas. Then Tommy and Annika returned home, looked out the window for a long time at Pippi’s house, in the window of which a candle was burning, and dreamed of how they would stay with their friend forever, play with her and often visit the country of Merry.

They wanted to wave to Pippi if she looked in their direction, but the girl looked at the flame for a long time, and then blew out the candle.

Year of writing: 1955

Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: Pippi, Tommy, Annika


On a rainy evening, a girl arrived at the “Chicken” villa, which stood next to the house where Tommy and Annika lived. She had no parents, she lived alone and was the most extraordinary girl in the world.

Not only did she have a suitcase full of gold coins and possess incredible strength, but she was kind, caring, and very lonely.

The guys quickly became friends and never ceased to be amazed every day by their friend’s new inventions. She either walked on her hands or on her back, or smeared her head with egg, or watered the flowers in the rain.

Tommy and Annika's parents were at first wary of their new friend, but soon realized what a loyal and devoted friend she was, although at times she shocked adults with her behavior and manners.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Both adults and children love stories about an extraordinary girl who doesn’t do everything according to the rules, but is always fun and interesting with her.