Lesson notes: speech development, sound culture of sound. Outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic: Summary of a lesson on the development of sound culture of speech in the senior group “Sounds,”

Lesson notes

« Sound culture of speech: the sound Zh"

for children of general developmental groups,

aged 4 to 5 years

Date of:

Educational area : Speech development

Class: Speech development

Priority : Speech development,integrates with physical development, social – communication development, cognitive development.

Target: upbringing sound culture speech.



Exercise children in the correct and clear pronunciation of the sound Ж (isolated, in onomatopoeic words); in the ability to identify words with the J sound.


Develop memory, attention, speech breathing.

Form phonemic hearing.


- Develop the ability to listen carefully to the answers of your comrades.

Preliminary work: btalking about insects, looking at pictures, making beetles on a string.

Forms of work: Individual, Team work teacher with children.


Verbal : questions for children, asking riddles, an excerpt from the story “The Singing Bouquet” by V. Biryukov (conversation during the story)

Visual : beetle “Zhuk Zhukovich”, card with a picture of a beetle and a flower.

Practical : game exercises -"Magic Path"», breathing exercise: “Bug on a string.”“Say the word.”

pure sayings, “Attentive ears »,

Types of children's activities : gaming, communicative, motor.Individual work: Pure saying with the sound J.

Materials and equipment:

Demo material: a box with a beetle, an audio recording “Beetles”, a card with a picture of a beetle and a flower.

Handout: a bug on a string, mirrors for each child.

Motivation: travel to school for bugs.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part

Motivational moment:

Educator : I have a box in my hands, and some kind of song comes from there all the time. Want to listen? (children's answers )

The song of the beetles sounds:

We are bugs, bugs,

We live by the river.


We fly and buzz

We follow our regime.


Who sings this song? (children's answers)

Educator: Let's open the box and see if you guessed right.

Educator: Yes, there really are bugs here. What song did they sing? (children’s answers)

Educator: Right. Look, our big beetle, and his name is Zhuk Zhukovich, has taken off and sings: Zh-zh-zh-zh. He sings loudly, with a voice. He invites you to learn to sing his song. Do you agree? And in order to learn how to sing the same song, Zhuk Zhukovich invites you to his school for beetles. Are you willing to fly to the school for bugs? (children's answers)

Educator: First, let's turn everyone into beetles:

Spun around, spin around

And they turned into bugs.

So, you and I found ourselves in the school of beetles. Take your seats. Take the mirrors. Let's start learning the beetle's song. Open your mouth wide. Place the tongue on lower lip. Now quietly lift it up and hide it behind your upper teeth. Shut your mouth. Get some rest. Let's repeat. As soon as the tongue hides behind the upper teeth, make your lips round and start singing: zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh.

Sing the beetle song quietly (choral and individual ). And now the boys will sing the beetle's song loudly, and the girls will sing the beetle's song quietly.

Children sing a beetle song.

Educator: Well done! And Zhuk Zhukovich has prepared a lot of tasks for you. The first exercise is"Magic Path" " Help the beetle reach the flower. Run your finger along the path from the beetle to the flower, while pronouncing the sound clearly: zhzh.

(Children perform the “Magic Path” exercise - one child goes to the board, performs this exercise individually, and when the teacher shows, they say it in chorus)

Educator: Fine. Now we'll play a game"Attentive ears " I will pronounce words and if you hear the word with soundAND clap your hands.

(Noise, beetle, tea, belly, cat, toad, animal, star).

Educator: Well done, you were very attentive! In this unusual school baby beetles perform complex songs. Listen to them carefully and then repeat.

Syllabic songs sound:

Zha-zha-zha-zha - we found a hedgehog in the forest

Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu - they gave the apple to the hedgehog

Same-same-same-the hedgehog has already eaten it

Zhi-zhi-zhi-zhi - show us your tummy

(Children, together with the teacher, pronounce these pure sayings: choral and individual answers).

Educator: And now I suggest you rest a little.

Physical education minute.

On the lawn, on the chamomile

The beetle was flying wearing a colored shirt.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

I'm friends with daisies.

I sway quietly in the wind,

I bend low and low.

I sat on a flower

rested and flew.

Now fly to your seats.

Educator: Please note that our beetle is also on a string. Let's blow on the beetles and they will fly:

Breathing exercise: “Bug on a string.”

A beetle flew into our group

He buzzed and sang: w-w-w-w

A beetle wants to sit on your nose

We won't let him sit down.

Educator: And now, I will read you a poem called“Why is the bouquet singing?”
Beetle in a striped shirt
I came to play with the guys,
Sat on a lilac flower -
Sang a sonorous song,
I took a sip of sweet juice,
I fell asleep wearing a bell,
Yes, I ended up in Marinka’s bouquet
And buzzing, buzzing in the basket!
But Marina won’t understand:
Why does the bouquet sing? (N. Golovina)

Educator: Why did the bouquet sing? (children's answers) Do you want to listen to a story about how a beetle fell asleep in a bell and got scared when it got to the girl? I will tell you, and when I ask you, help me.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the story “The Singing Bouquet” by V. Biryukov:

The beetle was flying about its business, buzzing: “I’m so thirsty.” (What and how was the beetle buzzing? (Choral and individual responses ))

He saw a purple flower in the meadow and was delighted: “Here I will find something to quench my thirst.” He climbed into the bell and looked around: “Beautiful! You can live!” (What did the beetle buzz?) He tried the bottom of the flower with his antennae and said: “Juice! Delicious!"

He drank and felt happy. “Live well!” - the beetle sang. (What did he sing about?)

He sang and sang and did not notice how he fell asleep. A girl was walking through the meadow, picking flowers. I dialed different colors, put it in a jar of water.

And suddenly there was a buzzing sound: “Buzz! Where am I? People live here." (What was the beetle buzzing about this time?)

Educator: Next task Zhuk Zhukovich "Say the word " I will read poems and you will guess the last word. The words you will guess must begin with the sound “zh”. We answer in chorus:

Lazy red cat

I lay down... (stomach)

Mom knits a long scarf

Because son... (giraffe).

And Aibolit runs to the hippos

And pats them on... (tummies).

The sun is shining very brightly

The hippos felt... (hot).

Educator: Well done boys! Zhuk Zhukovich is glad that you completed all the tasks.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's spin around ourselves three times and turn back into girls and boys.

III .Final part


Who came to visit us today?

Why did he come?

Guys, where were we today?

Did everything work out for you or did you have difficulties?

Guys, Zhuk Zhukovich wants to watch how you do physical education, and then tell his bug friends how to exercise to be healthy.

Plaksina Olga Alexandrovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 27
Locality: Cheboksary, Republic of Chuvashia
Subject: Summary of a lesson on speech development in younger group"Sound culture of speech: sound [u]"
Publication date: 04.03.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 27" Cheboksary

Summary of a lesson on speech development in

younger group

Designed by:

Plaksina O. A.


Junior group



Summary of a lesson on speech development in the younger group

“Sound culture of speech: sound [u]”

Target: Formation of sound culture of speech in children.


1. Educational:

Encourage children to pronounce clearly and correctly isolated sound U

And onomatopoeic words with this sound.

Continue to practice clear pronunciation of the sounds a, u.

Activate generalizing words in children's speech.

2. Developmental:

Promote development speech breathing, articulatory motor skills.

Develop intonation expressiveness speeches .

Develop children's interests logical thinking, attention.

3. Educational:

Foster a sense of responsibility and independence.

Cultivate a desire to be polite.

Vocabulary work: activate the words in children’s speech:

wolf, eagle owl, train, Pinocchio, rooster, baby, watermelon, duckling.

Individual work: to activate the speech of inactive children.

Preliminary work: conversation about letters, reading the alphabet for kids,

unlearning articulation exercise"Strelochka", didactic

games, memorization of physical education minutes.

Methodical techniques:

Demonstration of the teacher, actions of the teacher together with the children, questions

teacher and children’s answers, explanation, physical education reading,

articulation exercise, provide children with the opportunity

finish words and phrases when reading physical education minutes and

articulation exercises.


Engine, letter "U", "Magic cube" with pictures: wolf, eagle owl,

rooster, baby, duck; pictures cut into 4 parts (Pinocchio, duckling,


The teacher seats the children and asks them to remember that everyone has a house in

where Tongue lives.

Educator: Guys, does everyone have a tongue?

Educator: Yes!

Articulation exercise “Arrow”

Our Cheerful Tongue

He turned on his side.

Looks left, looks right...

And then forward again,

Take a little rest here.

Tongue opened the window,

And it's warm outside.

Our tongue stretched out

He smiled at us widely,

And then I went for a walk,

Sunbathing on the porch.

Educator : Well done, all the guys have a beautiful and cheerful tongue.

Guys, look carefully, who came to us?

Children: Letter "U"

Educator: Guys, he came to visit us sound"U". What do you think, on

than our guest arrived. Listen to "Ooooh."

Children: On a steam locomotive.

Educator: Guys. Have you seen a real steam locomotive that pulls trains?

with loads? Such a locomotive hums loudly and protractedly. Something like this: “U-oo-oo-oo”

And in order for you to get the song of a steam locomotive, you need to stretch out your lips with a tube

(shows) and say in a drawn-out manner: “U-oo-oo-oo”

How does the locomotive sound? Let's try to imitate the loud whistle of a steam locomotive:

“U-oo-oo-oo,” and now the locomotive has moved far away and is humming quieter, its voice

thin: “U-oo-oo-oo”, and now we almost don’t hear him: “U-oo-oo-oo”.

Educator: You did great, but sound“u” didn’t come to us

just like that, he came with us to play with the magic cube. You want

play with sound"y"?

Game "Magic Cube"»

Educator: “Spin, spin, lie on your side.” Shows to children

picture of a wolf. Children remember how the wolf howls: “U-oo-oo-oo.”

The teacher explains: “If the cube turns to the side on which it is drawn

baby, you should sing his song: “Wa-wa-wa.”, if there is an eagle owl in the picture,

you need to say: “Ugh-uh-uh”, etc.

Physical education minute


The locomotive whistled

“Tut-tu” (Children put their hands on the shoulders of the child in front)

And he brought the trailers.

Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu (“steam locomotives” travel in a circle)

I'll rock them far.

The locomotive shouts: “Doo-doo,

I'm going, going, going."

And the wheels are knocking

And the wheels say:

"So so so!"

(Walking in place, moving forward. With bent arms, do

back and forth movement)

Educator: Oh, guys, we completely forgot about our guest, and he’s waiting for us,

because he has prepared another one for us interesting task. Game "Collect


On the table there are pictures cut into 4 parts (Pinocchio, duckling, watermelon,)

Children assemble on their own. Then the teacher gives the whole picture

each for comparison.

Did everyone turn out the same as in the picture? Well done boys.

Please tell me what is shown in the pictures and from what source? sound

where do all these words begin? Very good, with sound, but in the word watermelon sound

“U” is at the end of the word, and in the word Pinocchio it’s in the middle of the word, that’s what

interesting sound. Let's all say the words snail again together,

Pinocchio, watermelon.

Then the teacher reads to the children Chuvash song “Conversations”"(trans.

L. Yakhnina)

The cuckoo crows:

Ku-ku! Koo-Koo

The dove coos:

Goo-Goo! Goo-Goo"

The rooster is dawning:


The owl screams in the night:

And the fish is silent -

Before re-reading the song, the teacher asks the children:

The cuckoo is cooing. And the dove?.....(coos)

Is the rooster dawning?..

Is the owl screaming?.....

The teacher reads the song to the children again and invites the children to pronounce

onomatopoeic words.

Lesson summary:

Here's how we played wonderfully: we learned how to do gymnastics for

tongue Our tongue learned the sound “U”, we learned to collect pictures,

pronounce sounds and words correctly.

Guys, did you like the lesson? What did we do today at

class? Whose song were we singing? Who came to visit us?

Anna Sineva
Notes on the sound culture of speech

Municipal budget preschool institution

"Kindergarten No. 132"

general developmental type with priority implementation of activities

in the direction of social and personal

child development

Abstract direct educational activities

on speech development in the middle group

Subject: "Visiting Petrushka".

Made up: teacher Sineva A.N.


Target native language speech sounds.


Educational area "Social and communicative development": to develop the ability of collective interaction.

Educational area « Cognitive development» : continue to form ideas about animals

Educational area "Speech development": to form correct pronunciation sounds z - z. Develop articulatory apparatus. Develop phonemic hearing: distinguish by ear and name words with certain sounds.

Educational area « Physical development» : develop the desire to play outdoor games with simple content, simple movements


1. Review of children's encyclopedias about animals.

2. Making tokens.

3. Didactic game "Where does he live? sound» .

4. Outdoor games: "The Fox and the Hares"

5. Learning tongue twisters and tongue twisters with sounds"Z" And "AND".

INDIVIDUAL WORK: Stimulate speech activity at Danil K. Help Artem L. find a house for his animal.

WAYS: surprise, questions, game, physical education minute, showing illustrations.


letter, 8 green tokens, 12 tokens yellow color,

silhouette image of a giraffe, silhouette image of a zebra, model of the house in which the giraffe lives, model of the house in which the zebra lives, parsley, models of trees, doll, 8 envelopes with a green token, 12 envelopes with a yellow token, 20 pictures with images of animals in the name There is sound"Z", 12 pictures of animals, the title of which uses sound"AND", 20 yellow houses, 20 green houses.


1. Main educational program "From birth to school". Edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

2. “Development classes speeches in the middle group kindergarten»,

V. V. Gerbova

3. Reading book for children in kindergarten and at home, middle group.

4. http://www.razumniki.ru/stihi_dikie_givotnye.html

Educator: This morning the postman brought a letter to our group in kindergarten. Do you want me to read it?

Hello dear guys.

On October 5, there will be fun in the forest clearing. We will sing, dance, play, and solve riddles. I invite you to visit me. I am sending you tokens, these are invitation cards to a forest clearing. (Parsley Veselchak)

Educator: I really want to go to a forest clearing, what about you?

Educator: We have the invitation cards, then we need to hurry.

The teacher pins yellow tokens to the first subgroup, and the tokens Green colour second subgroup.

Educator: ready, then let's go!

Children line up one after another and walk in a group

There's a house on the way

Educator: Children, look what kind of house is on our way.

Educator: Who lives in the house, do you think?

(The children knock on the house and ask: Knock, knock, who lives in the house, who lives in the low one)

There is a giraffe in the house.

Educator: who is this? Say giraffe. Which the sound lives in the word giraffe? ("and")

Educator: Oh, there’s a house on our way again. Who lives in this house?

(children : Knock, knock, who lives in the house. Who lives in a low place)

There is a zebra in the house.

Educator: who is this? Say zebra. Which the sound lives in the word zebra? ("Z")

The teacher leads the children to one of the tables, on which a doll sits and there are pictures of animals whose names include sound"AND" And sound"Z" (giraffe, monkey, goat, hare, hedgehog, walrus, etc.) and two houses, one yellow, the other green.

Hello girl. Why you so sad?

Girl - doll: I let the animals out of their houses for a walk, and when I started driving them home, I forgot who lived in which house. Who will help me now?

Educator: Don't worry girl, we will try to help you.

Educator: Children, I really want to help the girl, and you?

Educator: Children, name the animals that are shown in the pictures.

The teacher shows pictures of animals one at a time.

Educator: children, animals whose names include sound"AND"

And animals whose names include sound"Z", what color will their house be?

Educator: Well done.

The teacher invites all children to the tables.

Each of you has two houses on the table, one yellow, the other green, and envelopes with pictures of animals. (For children of the first subgroup, an envelope with a yellow token, it contains two pictures, for the second subgroup with a green token, it contains one picture).

Educator: Each of you has a badge attached to your chest, some have it in yellow, others have it in green.

Educator: If you have a yellow token on your chest, what kind of envelope should you take? (yellow).

What about children with a green token? (green)

A task for the guys who have an envelope with a yellow token. Find a picture of an animal whose title contains sound"AND" and place in your house, and one picture with the image of an animal whose name contains sound"AND" and find him a house too.

Children who have an envelope with a green token need to find a picture with an image of an animal whose name contains sound"Z" and place it in your house.

Educator: Well done guys, your task was difficult, but you did everything right.

I invite everyone to play


On a hot day along a forest path

The animals went to water.

(Children walk in a circle one after another)

A calf tramped after the mother elk,

(They walk, stomping loudly)

A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox,

(They go sneaking)

A hedgehog rolled after its mother hedgehog,

A bear cub followed the mother bear, (Move in a deep squat)

The baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel,

(They jump on their toes, bending their arms in front of their chest)

Behind the mother hare are slanting hares,

(They jump, making "ears" from the palms)

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs behind her.

(Walk on all fours)

All mothers and children want to get drunk.

(Walk on all fours)

Educator: Our arms and legs have rested, but now it’s time for us to hurry, the parsley has probably already waited for us.

The teacher's assistant displays 2-3 drawn models of trees and plants parsley in the clearing.

Educator: So we got to the forest clearing.

The teacher takes the parsley doll.

Parsley: - Hello, I am very glad that you came to visit me.

Guys, do you like to solve riddles?

Parsley: Then, listen to the riddles and determine which one sound"Z" or "AND" there is a guess in the word.

“The creeper crawls, the needles carry”.

What kind of forest animal is this?

Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree?

Who stands among the grass

Are your ears bigger than your head?

Parsley: Well done! All my riddles have been solved! And I, guys, have prepared not only riddles for you. I want to tell you funny poems. Listen: “Oh, the housewives are shouting around, the zombies have climbed into the garden.”. Find the error and tell me which one should be installed sound to be correct.

“It’s cold. Snow. Blizzards are blowing. On a dark night the doors are wandering".

Parsley: That's right, not doors, but animals.

Guys, you are so attentive! And now I invite you to play a little!

Do you want to play?

Parsley: Then listen to the rules. I will name the words. If you hear in the word sounds"Z" or sound"AND" clap your hands. And if there are such no sounds, sit and be silent, and hide your hands behind your back.

Parsley: Are the rules clear?

Parsley names the words:


Parsley: Well done, no one broke the rules.

Educator: It’s good to visit parsley in the forest clearing, but it’s already late and we need to return home.

(Children say goodbye to parsley and return to the group)


Educator: Guys, did you like our trip?

What would you like to tell your friends about?

Svetlana Malueva
Lesson on speech development “Sound culture of speech: familiarization with the sounds [zh] and [w]”

Lesson on speech development “Sound culture of speech: familiarization with the sounds [zh] and [w].”

Goal: To train children to clearly pronounce words with the sounds zh and w, to develop phonemic awareness, and to practice distinguishing sounds by ear.

Material: pictures whose names contain the sounds Zh and Sh; blue and green circles; two houses on a board; gates.

Progress of the lesson:

Turn left, right and smile at each other!

Let's remember our rules of conduct in class:

"Every day always, everywhere,

During the lessons in the game,

We speak loudly, clearly,

We’re not in a hurry!”

What is this poem about?

About the fact that you need to try to speak beautifully and clearly.

This is what we learn in our speech development classes. Today we will learn to distinguish sounds. To find out what sounds we're talking about, guess the riddles:

“Who is longer than a stocking?

Who has no arms or legs?

Skin like scales.

... (a snake) is crawling along the ground” (takes out a snake from a box)

What's the snake's song?

That's right, Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh... This song sounds dull- Yes?

Let's label it with this movement (the teacher shows a zigzag movement with his hand away from himself (a snake crawls).

Now guess another riddle:

"Someone is flying in the dark,

Making a loud sound.

Who's arguing with the plane?

Well, of course May... (beetle)" (takes out a beetle from a box)

What does a beetle's song sound like? Firmly? And loud!

Our movements will be as follows: put our hands in front of our chests, cross our hands and move them up and down (a beetle flies).

How are these sounds different? If we put our hand to the neck, we can feel how our vocal cords. Let's try - When we pronounce the sound [w] - the neck is silent, and when the sound [zh] - it trembles.

Now let's try not to get confused... (The teacher helps the children master the relationship between sound and the corresponding movement.)

I will name the sounds, and you try to discern what movement needs to be made. (The sounds are pronounced sh, sh, zh, sh, zh, zh, sh, zh, zh, sh, zh)

Today for class I picked up some funny sayings for these sounds. Now we will all pronounce them together.

Let us remember that pure words are folklore jokes that are needed for correct pronunciation.

1. Ash-ash-ash Masha has a pencil. - slowly

2. Shu-shu-shu, quiet in the forest in autumn. - faster

3. Sha-sha-sha, our Dasha is good. - fast

4. Zha-zha-zha, I caught a snake. - quiet

5. Ju-ju-ju, I caught a bee yesterday. - slowly

6. Zhi-zhi-zhi, books and fairy tales are good. - quiet

Physical education minute

Well done! Let's warm up a little!

I am a cheerful cockchafer, (Point to yourself)

I don't sit idle! (Wag your finger)

I’m circling and circling above the ground, (Spread your arms, imitation of flight)

And I buzz, buzz, buzz...

I rise on my toes, (make movements according to the text)

I squat and straighten up.

Hands in the belt, legs apart

Legs straight, legs at random!

My song is a buzzer (spread your arms, raise your shoulders)

Everyone is tired of it. What a pity!

Well done. Let's sit down at the tables and continue playing

Now we will play the game “Be Attentive”.

I will name the words, and if you hear the sound Zh, raise the blue circle, if you hear the sound Sh. in the word, raise the green circle. So:

Giraffe, ball, crane, cat, beetle, cone, frog, daisy, mouse, foal, car, hat, garage, snowflake, hedgehogs, bucket, Cinderella.

And now a new game. It's called "Settled in the House." We have two houses on the board and a gate with a lock that needs to be opened and our sounds freed.

Here are pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sound Ш or Ж. The sound Ш lives in the left house, and the sound Zh lives in the right house. The one I call will come up to the board, show the picture to everyone and name it loudly. If the word contains the sound Ш, then it must be placed in the house, which is located on the left side. And if the word contains the sound Zh, then the picture must be placed in the house on the right. (The teacher puts the first two pictures himself, then the children are called one by one).


Guys, let's remember:

What sounds did we learn to distinguish in today's lesson?

Did you like the lesson? (what was interesting and what you found difficult).

Well done! Now you won't confuse the sounds sh-zh.

Everyone tried to be attentive, raised their circles correctly, and tried to remember the poems.

I am very glad that you completed almost all the tasks.

Topic: “Sound culture of speech. Sound "Ts"

Exercise children in pronouncing the sound “ts” (isolated, in syllables, in words)

Improve intonation expressiveness of speech

Learn to distinguish words with the sound “ts”.

Development phonemic hearing, creative imagination, fine motor skills fingers

Progress of the lesson.

Our friend Gnome came to visit us and asks him to teach him how to pronounce the sound “ts” correctly. Shall we help?

The teacher suggests turning to magic mirrors and doing articulation gymnastics.

Complex articulatory gymnastics


Keep your lips stretched out in a smile. The teeth are closed and not visible.



Open your mouth. Place a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip. Place the “spatula” in your mouth, trying not to strain your tongue.


Smile (teeth closed and not visible). Keep your lips in this position.

"Punish the naughty tongue"

Open your mouth slightly, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, say “five-five-five...”.


Open your mouth, stick out your wide tongue and bend its side edges up. Blow into the “tube”. You can hold the “tube” from the tongue with your lips.


Stretch your lips into a smile. Open your mouth slightly. Using the tip of your narrow tongue, alternately touch the corners of your mouth.

Now listen to the riddle:

Two ends, two rings,

And in the middle there are carnations.

The teacher praises the children and, slightly intoning the words, says: sun, scissors, heron, rings.

What sound did I highlight? The sound "ts" is correct. You also need to learn how to pronounce it correctly and clearly. Our Dwarf is already asking to play with him. Join us.

The teacher asks you to briefly and loudly pronounce the sound “ts” (ts-ts-ts-ts) several times - lips in a smile, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.

Remember which bird sings this song. Of course, titmouse. Make beaks out of your fingers and let your tits talk to each other. (Children do the exercise).

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Our magic titmouse “flies”, and we follow it with our eyes. Show the Gnome how we train our eyes

The titmouse flew up, circled, circled, and sank to the ground.

She walked right, left, and flew into the window.

She flew far away (they peer into the distance) and sat down on the window again.

Waving your eyelashes and seeing her off on her way.

The teacher suggests looking at pictures of animals and learning onomatopoeia.

Squirrel - cycle-cycle

Horse - tsk-tsk

Grandmother calls the chickens - chick-chick

The cat catches the mouse - tsap-tsap.

The teacher invites the children to unite in a circle. Finger game"Fingers say hello"

With the simultaneous pronunciation of the syllables tsa, tso, tsu, tsy. At first right hand, then with the left, then with both hands at the same time.

Game "Talkative Men"

Standing in a circle in pairs (turning to each other), speak after the teacher combinations of syllables in different intonations, accompanying with voluntary movements:

Sa-tsa; sy-tsi; so - tso; se – tse; su-tsu

The teacher also offers to speak a pure saying, accompanied by dance movements:

TsA-TsA-TsA - here comes the sheep.

TSU – TSU – TSU – I’ll feed the sheep.

Tsy -Tsy -Tsy - carrying hay for the sheep.

TSE -TSE -TSE -I'll give hay to the sheep.

The children sit at the tables. The game "Labyrinth" is offered

(in the pictures, children see images of objects with the sound “ts”, they are asked to choose as many as possible more words to the first picture, for example: “What a bird - a beautiful bird, a small bird...

Move to the next picture in the direction of the arrow.

Table (bird - sun - egg - chicken, etc.)

Now look at the pictures on your tables and listen to the task:

“Name the objects drawn in the picture and circle those in which the sound “ts” is heard.

One child reads out the progress at the board; the rest of the children complete the task in their places.

Everyone did a great job and deserves a fun holiday.

Children sing and dance with the Dwarf “Dance of the Worms” (disc - E. Zheleznova)

In the evening, children are offered coloring pages depicting a hare and a heron.

Parents receive homework: learn the riddle with the children:

“On the pole there is a palace, in the courtyard there is a singer. Who is this? - Starling

Literature used to compile the summary:

O. Novikovskaya - “100 exercises for speech development

V. Gerbova – “Classes on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten”

Workbook“Literacy lessons for kids” (School of the Seven Dwarfs)

L. Komarova “Automation of the sound “C” in game exercises.

E. Zheleznova - “Logoritmics”

Department of secondary vocational and initial vocational training

education Tomsk region

OGBOU "Tomsk State teacher training college»


Formation of sound culture of speech in children middle group

Sharik Shurik

Completed by: student of group 543

3rd year correspondence department

Solonitsina Ksenia Leonidovna

Checked by: teacher

middle group

Emelyanova Svetlana Anatolyevna