What magical objects do you know, choose the right one. Magic objects from fairy tales

Not everyone will remember what this or that fairy tale is about, but everyone knows magical objects from fairy tales. Every child dreams that it would be nice to have a magic wand, or, for example, an invisibility hat.

Let's turn to magical items. What subject should we start with?

The first magic item is self-assembled tablecloth. Why do we put this magical item in the first place? Whether in a fairy tale or in reality, the hero must be well-fed. What magical things can he do if he is hungry? A self-assembled tablecloth is a magical item that can feed and drink to your heart’s content. It must be unrolled, and then the food will appear on it.

Invisible hat, Magic carpet, walking boots- all these magical objects are in the Russian folk tale " Prophetic dream" A flying carpet flies far, an invisibility hat hides well, and walking boots run quickly - without these wonderful objects the characters in the fairy tale would have a hard time. These miraculous things are also found in other fairy tales.

In one of the fairy tales recorded by A.N. Afanasyev, the older and middle sister killed the younger for magical objects - silver saucer and pouring apple. The apple rolls on a saucer and shows beautiful pictures. I must say that everything in this fairy tale ends well, the sister came to life and forgave the offenders from the bottom of her heart.

Hares in fairy tales usually listen to their mother, and some of them - magic pipe. The boy Hans received a magic pipe as a reward - he did a good deed - he freed the old woman’s nose, which for some unknown reason turned out to be healed in a stump. The magic pipe plays its enchanting melody in the fairy tale “The King's Hares”.

Magic ball, almost the same as in ordinary life, round, inconspicuous. But he knows how to show the way. To whom? For example, Ivan Tsarevich. From whose hands did Ivan Tsarevich receive the magic ball? From the hands of one of the oldest inhabitants of the forest - Baba Yaga.

Staff- a magical object, without which the fairytale grandfather - Santa Claus - cannot appear. A staff is a long, stable thing. With its help you can not only create miracles, but also rely on it. The staff is a symbol of power and strength.

Magic feather was purchased by a father for his daughter under special circumstances. In the city where other gifts were purchased, the father did not find any feathers. Only outside the outpost did my father meet strange old man, to whom he gave a thousand rubles... All these events take place in the fairy tale “The Feather of Finist the Clear Falcon.”

What other magical items are there?

A golden key, a doll, a ring, a towel embroidered with patterns, an egg, a book, a needle, a silver spoon, a silver snuff box...

Literary reading Children begin in the first grade and continue to study this subject until the 11th grade. Students studying at school under the Perspective program begin their immersion in the world of literature with the textbook Literary Reading and a creative notebook for it. Authors workbook L.F.Klimanova and T.Yu.Koti. The same Koti writes some works for this textbook and workbook, apparently, thus realizing her creative abilities that have not been realized before as a writer.

In general, the tasks in the notebook are simple, but sometimes you need to check the answers, and then we are at your service. Ready-made homework for you in the creative notebook: literary reading for grade 1. The teacher checked and approved the answers.

To view the answers, click on the appropriate pages.

Answers to assignments on the subject Literary reading, grade 1

Select notebook page: list of pages ↓↓↓ 08 09 10 11 15 17 18 19 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 48 49 53 54 58 59 60 61 62 63 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 75 77

Assignment on page 17. Find the rhyme in each pair of lines of the poem. Write it down.

Answer: fairies - bench
with butter - to get oily
fairies - watering cans

Page 19- Kotausi and Mausi. What ending in words did the author come up with to create rhyme? Write it out.

Answer: - ausi.

Page 24.
Riddles: Who walks while sitting? (Chess player)
Red-haired cheat,
Cunning and dexterous,
I got into the barn and counted the chickens. (Fox)
Doesn't sleep at night,
Watches over mice. (Cat)

Page 27. Task 5. Now try to make a riddle from these words.

Answer. Gray, long-eared, crunch-crunch carrot - who is he?

Write your own riddle and tell it to your friends.

An iron horse with 2 wheels instead of legs. (Bike)

Page 29. Discuss with a friend what games you know that use counting rhymes. Write it down.

Answer. Catching up, with a bear in the forest, ring, hide and seek, blind man's buff, sly Fox, the king loves, come on again, broken phone.

Page 35. What is fuss?

Answer: pine forest.

Imagine that a little humpbacked horse is helping you. What good deeds would you do together? Write it down.

Choose any answer from those suggested. The little humpbacked horse and I would clean the whole world of garbage. They would fix it broken roads. We would plant a lot of young trees in the city. We would feed all homeless animals.

Page 37. What magical objects do you know? Color the pictures and label them.

Answers from left to right: invisible hat, Magic wand, airplane carpet, walking boots, broomstick, self-assembled tablecloth.

Page 40. Baby Elephant

Part numbering: 2-1-3

Puppy Tiny

Vanya's puppy is cheerful and smart. He can wag his tail, jump, bark, bite, give his paw and fetch a ball. Little brown puppy with white ears.

Ask your friend if he has a pet. Write down your questions.

  1. What's his name?
  2. What is his character?
  3. What can he do?
  4. What colour is he?
  5. Does he bite?

Collect proverbs about friendship.

An old friend is better than two new ones. Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you can't fix it. Friendship is not a mushroom - you won't find it in the forest.

It will help you understand yourself better, identify the main problems and find ways to solve them.

Imagine that you are in a fairy tale for a minute and you can choose two magic items.

So, before you:

  • Magic wand,
  • invisible hat,
  • Magic carpet,
  • self-assembled tablecloth,
  • magic ball,
  • rejuvenating apples,
  • magic mirror,
  • crystal ball
  • treasure sword.

Choose two magic items: first- the one you need now; second- the one that you don’t need, without which you could definitely live. Now you can move on to interpreting the selected items.

So, the first item that you chose (the one that you need now) is those resources and qualities that are in you, but for some reason you do not accept them or do not believe that you possess them. The second item is those resources and those qualities that you cannot assign to yourself and look for them in the people around you, in particular in your partner. This is exactly what you lack, and you really need it for a happy life.

Interpretation of magical objects

  • Magic wand- self-confidence, ability to solve assigned tasks and achieve what is planned. Also this positive attitude to life.
  • Invisible hat- cunning, flexibility in communication, resourcefulness, the ability to bluff to achieve one’s own. It is also a non-standard approach to business, irony and wit.
  • Carpet plane- flexibility of mind, the ability to look at the situation from above. Skill to work in team. Speed ​​in decision making.
  • Self-assembled tablecloth- ability to quickly generate good ideas and find ways to solve the problem.
  • Magic ball- the ability to lead people, quickly find a way to any problem and its solution. Leadership skills and the ability to organize work.
  • Rejuvenating apples- the ability to find a solution, analyze and draw the right conclusions. The ability to compassion and help. Mercy and the ability to support other people, instilling in them faith in themselves.
  • Magic mirror— straightforwardness, the ability to correctly present information, the ability to express one’s opinion and not hide it. Don't look for workarounds, go ahead.
  • crystal ball- the ability to feel and predict events. Great developed intuition and insight.
  • Treasure Sword- use of force to solve problems and achieve goals. You cut from the shoulder, you go from one extreme to another. You know how to take risks and put everything on the line to achieve your dreams. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

We remind you that the first subject you choose in the test is something that is inherent in you, but you do not see it in yourself or do not believe that you have such abilities. The second item is something you could live without, but you are looking for it in other people. You can share your comments after the article, and don't forget to press the buttons and

There is absolutely nothing to be surprised about here: a grown-up person just obediently follows his mother’s instructions - to die/sour/fail, and he is “torn” by those same “devils”. Of course, no one remembers these thoughtlessly thrown words or attaches any importance to them, but the program launched in childhood works. In psychology, this process is called a negative program or negative scenario. Magicians call this phenomenon a curse, and explain alcoholism and drug addiction as the influence of “demons.”

Most often people have the so-called external locus control, i.e. tend to look for the causes of all troubles in external circumstances, such as the actions of other people, "demons", weather, government or anything else. Therefore millions sad stories tell how inconsolable mothers/wives have been unsuccessfully struggling with the problem for years loved one: they shed tears, make scandals, cheat, go to the “grandmothers”, light candles in front of icons, etc., etc. But instead often the best medicine the magic word “forgive”, said by the person who “sent the curse,” could become a cure for the illness. And if he adds to the apology sincere wishes of good, " magical effect“There may be much more.

But, of course, not everything is as simple as we would like. There will be no magic in words spoken formally. IN in this case so that words can be found magical power healing, it is necessary to realize the source of the problem by the sufferer themselves and sincere admission of guilt and repentance on the part of the one who caused negative program. And if long-term work with a psychologist is necessary for the dependent to understand the root cause of the problem, then in order for his relatives to admit guilt, they need to do titanic work on themselves to overcome their own defense mechanisms who shout: “It didn’t happen!”, “I never wished harm on my child!”, “I good mother!”, “This is nonsense, this can’t be!”, “You got it all wrong!” and so on.

It is interesting that the word “abuse” comes from the Church Slavonic “boron”, which means “struggle”, and “abuse” in Old Slavic meant “mockery”.

You should not think that only a direct wish for evil can lead to negative consequences. When one person calls another with some definition in the form “You are bad/stupid/slob/stupid”, such a formula not only encourages behavior in a given way, but becomes, as it were, a proper name for the person “named” in this way, and from own name it's almost impossible to get rid of. Fortunately, there is also back side: if the name becomes “beautiful”, “clever”, “artistic”, etc., it will create positive program, but still an external, artificial program, and this is already a limitation of the individual within a given framework. Should such programs be considered magic? Undoubtedly. Another question is: is this magic good?

Good magic

In order not to encounter devastating consequences their own thoughtless words, people long ago invented religious and ethical standards. Long before the Apostle John, who proclaimed “In the beginning was the word,” Indian sages developed Raja Yoga, the first two stages of which involve the practice of purity of thoughts and purity of words. And for people who are not too burdened with spiritual practices, there is ordinary politeness - a proven communication ritual for thousands of years, which also involves saying “ magic words”, which explicitly or implicitly convey positive wishes to the interlocutor.
The word “politeness” comes from the Old Russian “vezha”, which means knowledgeable, competent. Hence there is a direct connection between knowledge and benevolence.

Thus, the simplest greeting “hello” contains a wish for health; “thank you” (from “God save”) is like an appeal to the Almighty with a request to save the soul of the person being thanked, and “thank you” already means that the person thanking, at least mentally, has the intention to show the person being thanked a reciprocal “courtesy” (“give” something good, show “love”). And “please” is an appeal with a request to “grant” something, i.e. “to bestow”, “to reward”.

Well, all words in all languages ​​that contain the word “God” have exclusively positive meaning. Here are the Russian “rich”, “bogatyr”, “poor”, and the Polish zboże (meaning “bread in grain”), and the Czech zboźi (“state”), and the ancient Indian bhagas (“property”, “happiness”), and even the Avestan baγa (“lord”) and many other examples.

For the most part, an epic work of a magical, everyday or adventurous nature. Like all folk art, fairy tales different nations are original and have a pronounced national coloring, however, most popular fairy tales are repeated among many peoples of the world. Moreover, they are also transformed from fairy tales according to the mentality of the storyteller.

Two main plot groups

In the fairy-tale cycle, based on the construction of the plot, two most common stories stand out: the story of obtaining a magical object (“Rejuvenating Apples,” “Firebird”) and tales of obtaining a fairy-tale object and its subsequent use (“ Magic ring", "Two from the bag"). Fairy tales of the first category are similar to myths about heroes: a character goes in search of a magical wonder, undergoes various tests, takes out (sometimes steals) the desired object and returns home victorious. In the second category, the plot is somewhat inverted, that is, at the very beginning of the story main character receives fairy-tale magical objects as a reward (from a rescued animal, fairy-tale creature, etc.), but after this prey is stolen from him by the antagonist, and the character will simply be obliged to return it in every possible way.

Russian four

The 21st century has given humanity a variety of ingenious gadgets and other benefits of civilization, but magical stories were originally rich in an equally assortment of life-saving and life-saving devices. Russians especially demonstrate the resourcefulness and ingenuity of authors. folk tales. Magic items they are original and very useful:

1.Universal navigator - tangle. In most stories, this object is better oriented than a compass in the cardinal directions and never strays from a given route. You can get it by passing some tests from a sophisticated life experience character (like Baba Yaga).

2. Miracle feather. Fairy tales, where there are magical objects, also tell about many outlandish mythical animals and birds that are always ready to come to the rescue of the main character. Traditionally, they give the central character their feather, which must either be burned, and then the bird will appear, or waved, and then whatever the heart desires will appear (“Finist is a clear falcon”).

3. Self-assembled tablecloth - cherished dream every second operates on an all-inclusive basis. Luxurious dishes and drinks appear before the thirsty person, as soon as he spreads it out. When listing magical objects from fairy tales, it is impossible not to mention this more than attractive gadget.

4. Gusli-samogudas. This object works completely autonomously - they play, sing and even dance themselves. While they are playing, it is impossible to sit still - your legs are trying to dance. In another interpretation, the hero could pull a certain string - and the endless sea would immediately overflow; for another, warships sail across the sea surface, and for a third, ships open fire on the enemy.

And three more

1. Magic mirror. Works as if in modern regime on-line. With its help you can find out what is this moment is happening in neighboring kingdoms-states. Its variation, considering magical objects from fairy tales, can be called a saucer with pouring apple. Which began its broadcast the instant the apple itself began to move along the edge.

2. Towel or magic comb. In order to safely escape pursuit after completing the quest, the main character had the above-mentioned wonders. Each of them rushed behind the fugitives, and immediately an insurmountable obstacle arose in the path of the pursuers. You could get the comb from the same Baba Yaga or pull it out of your ear fairy horse. Magical objects from fairy tales can be so mysterious in origin. The list will continue with a curiosity that allows you to move to any distance.

3. Walking boots. In some, the variation is “seven-mile”. The owner of this thing could move great distances with ease and at the speed of light. They may well be the envy of the most modern means movement.

Wonderful Helpers

The wonders listed above are not an exhaustive answer to the question of what magical objects are. Fairytale world grants an encounter with many amazing things. Among them:

1. Magic carpet. Usage of this device It is found not only in Russian fairy tales, it is popular among the heroes of tales all over the world. Traditionally, it helps heroes move impressive distances through the air.

2. Invisibility hat. A unique object that hides the owner from prying eyes, making him invisible.

3. Flint. This item will be remembered by most fairy tale of the same name the great Andersen, because with his help the hero summoned three huge dogs, and they carried out his instructions. But it is also quite often found in Slavic fairy tales, but in this case, having used the thing for its intended purpose, they call a horse or twelve fellows.

How many fairy tales - so many wonders

When remembering magical objects from fairy tales, you should also not forget: a treasure sword (also known as a self-cutter sword), Baba Yaga’s mortar, a magic needle, flying ship, an inexorable magic club, juicy rejuvenating apples, suma, living and dead water, a Russian stove, a wonderful ring (or ring).

Overseas magical gadgets

Not every fairy tale with a magic object (the name in most cases speaks for itself) is exclusively folk. Many world-famous storytellers gladly introduced useful wonders into the story. Among the most famous:

  • Sh. Pero - “Cinderella” - the fairy’s magic wand.
  • V. Gauf - “ Little Muck" - walking shoes, a staff with which you can find out about treasures underground, a snuff box with magic powder.
  • G. Anderson - “Flint” - a magic flint, in others - an airplane chest and galoshes of happiness; from the fairy tale “Ole Lukoje” - a magic umbrella and a fairy sprinkler that brings all objects to life.
  • Brothers Grimm - “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs” - a magic mirror that showed the truth, and an amazing pot of porridge from the fairy tale of the same name.
  • Alexander Volkov - “The Wizard” Emerald City"(based on the book by the American children's writer F. Boum “The Sage of Oz”) - Queen Ramona’s magic whistle and glasses made of emerald glass.
  • - « Wonderful trip Nils with wild geese" - a magic pipe made by Nils.