Weeds and broken roads: how abandoned villages survive.

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without knowing shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind each poetic work of those times, a whole Universe was certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

How long have you been to the village? May be, concrete jungle and the kingdom of gray asphalt have long become your usual reality? Then this is the place for you!
About one of the oldest villages Altai Territory, founded by settlers of the 18th century - I wrote recently. But then there was late fall, and some might find the rural pictures dull.
Therefore, I suggest you close your eyes and... plunge into the kingdom of flowers, beauty and Altai summer.

I associate well-kept village courtyards with my childhood and my grandmothers’ houses. True, they lived in the city, but their courtyards and vegetable gardens were very similar. Of course, there were not as many flowers as in the following photos. But we still had flowers, both for us and for our neighbors on the nearest streets. I remember how my sister and I, when we were very little, wandered through these sunny streets in search of the most beautiful flowers to pick a few things to decorate a sand cake :). Here in the village - everyone decorates their estates as best they can. Some people make beautiful repairs as best they can, others plant everything with flowers of the most incredible shapes and colors. It’s simply impossible to pass by such colorful colors and fragrance. After all, it’s just a miracle - when the roosters crow in the morning, a soft pink dawn appears on the distant horizon, a fresh wind brings the honey smell from the meadows. You go out onto the porch - silence all around, dew on the grass and flowers, flowers, flowers.... A delicate, delicate aroma, living petals do not sway in the still summer air. Fairy tale....

For example, villager Galina Denisova loves petunias very much. Has been growing seedlings since winter. He orders different varieties via the Internet and breeds them. You just can’t take your eyes off her courtyard, filled with flowerpots with petunias.

Around, around... The house is simply bathed in flowers. Vases, buckets, large pots, tubs - everything that can be used for flowers.

It’s good when it’s not just sad, dusty weeds near the house, but such beauty.

In such a house the mood is happier.

And this neighbor’s boy came to inquire))).

The owner looks at the subject of her care with pride. She knows by heart all the intricate names of her flower varieties.

Here is the kitten sniffing a flower.

A little later, the cat will be mercilessly captured (though the cat is already different, but it doesn’t matter))))).

The winner stands proudly with his spoils.

Unusual patterns of flowers.

In villages, there is still a tradition of not making solid fences on the street. Let passers-by admire it too!

What’s interesting is that this entire flower cap consists of just one plant bush. It just grew so big.

And this is a different cat and a different territory.

The husband of Bobkovo resident Natalya Zaika makes beautiful carved fences, openwork verandas, bathhouses... For himself and on orders from fellow villagers. This fence is exactly like the one in the photo.

The local wildlife is a little alarmed. “There are all sorts of people walking around here...”

And only the cat is calm and walks around his possessions with dignity.

The estate, cared for by the caring hands of Vera Cherkashina, is simply a real masterpiece. IN literally a piece of paradise, there’s no other way to put it. No one lives in the old house left by the parents-in-law. But through the efforts of a skillful housewife, the garden plot turned into an island of tropical nature.

You are walking along a rural street, languishing in the heat, and suddenly - palm trees!

Under the palm trees there are giraffes in the company of bright tropical butterflies.

A monkey was hiding in the branches.

I like such cozy village corners, where a riot of natural vegetation is interspersed with some man-made things that naturally fit into the natural environment. Everything is so alive and almost real. And for children it is a wonderful place to play.

And of course - everything is buried in flowers.

You can admire it for a long time, noticing various details...

And this is the farmstead of Tamara Volnykh. And the chicken is hers too.

Her plot was also always famous for its well-groomed environment and a sea of ​​flowers. But this year the flood slightly upset the plans. But without flowering plants there is still nowhere.

Even the chock to which the dog is tied is decorated with flowers! To make guarding the house more fun :)

Village streets.

And we are going to visit Svetlana Nazarova. Look how cozy and beautiful everything is too.


You will look at all the surrounding floral splendor and be charged with joy and health for the whole year.

Something was also sown in these funny galoshes, but it has not yet sprouted.

And traditionally - a local cat.

It's nice in the village in summer...

Sennikovy village, early June 2013

It is located a kilometer from the village of Novotroitskoye. I walk along an abandoned street overgrown with grass and hogweed.

This is someone's small homeland and someone’s dilapidated parental home still stands...

But the house completely fell apart...

Where are the children born in these mansions? They, like chicks, flew out of the nest and built a nest in a strange city.
But mentally, each of them constantly returns to their small homeland. Is not it? So the paths to their houses have long been overgrown. The human owner left the village dwelling, never to return here again...

There are ghost villages all over mother Russia!

The well crane that towered in front of each hut not only rotted, but the pillars from which it was made had long since crumbled. The life-giving moisture in the source has dried up.
The smoke from the Russian stove will not reach the sky in a blue stream. The stoves were destroyed long ago and the bricks were stolen...
And they won’t light candles in the red corner in front of the images...
The candles have been extinguished... The electrical wires have also been cut long ago. The windows darkened. No, the glass is broken, and the eye sockets of the windows are gaping with emptiness.

Scary villages - ghosts stand like the dead...
The invisible scythe of death is mowing down one village after another in the country.

For whom are the flowers planted?

In the village of Sennikovy, lilacs and viburnums are blooming wildly. After all, people planted them, trying to decorate their homes.

And here is the rickety fence.

The fence posts separating the neighboring plots are still preserved.

Flowers here and there. They were planted by human hand. Unpretentious. They grow along the roadsides, as if they are waiting for their old owners...

In every heart of a Russian who loves his land, there is the pain of terrible losses from destroyed villages! Like a war...
For now, the road signs still say “Sennikova Village.” But very little time will pass and it will be “removed from the registration data”, just as the villages of Zvezdochka, Pesochnaya, Galenki, Ogorodoavskaya, Krasnichenki, Vysokaya, etc. once were removed.
I remember the time when the Sennikovs stood like a wall, the flax fields were blue and potatoes were growing. Now these cultures have been completely forgotten in Russia. What's around the Shabalin villages? Logging and a lot of garbage dumps.

Two dozen settlements in Novosibirsk region have been erased from maps and atlases over the past five years. Villages are disappearing from the face of the earth due to lack of work, schools, hospitals, shops and distance from major cities. But sometimes already deserted settlements receive new life- summer residents, farmers and other enthusiasts settle in them. A Sibkrai.ru correspondent visited the village of Tropino, Kochenevsky district, and found out what brings people to abandoned places on the edge of the bus route network, and how they manage to revive the region abandoned by the indigenous inhabitants.

There are 1,518 different villages, villages, towns and settlements in the Novosibirsk region. In 339 of them less than 50 people live, in 56 there is no one left. In case in the village for a long time no one lives, the settlement is abolished. Thus, over the past five years, 20 settlements in the Novosibirsk region alone have remained just dots on old maps. The further the village is from big cities, transport hubs and shops, the faster people leave them.

But some settlements are lucky: at first they become empty, the indigenous people leave, but then others come. Summer residents. Most often, summer residents stay in the village only for the summer, but some then move permanently. This is exactly the fate that befell the village of Tropino in the Kochenevsky district of the Novosibirsk region.

From the district center to the village it is a little less than 30 kilometers. In the regional center you can buy food and basic necessities. Of course, all this is also available in the neighboring village of Shagalovo, but there, as residents assure, the prices are “dacha”, that is, several times higher than usual. They swear at the Shagalovsky village council, to which the village belongs, in Tropino, but more out of habit. Over time, both the village and the village council became completely indifferent to each other.

“The roads are broken, people are leaving, there is no work. There are no indigenous people left in this village - only two grandmothers and two grandfathers, summer residents and that’s it,” justifies the deputy head of the Shagalovsky village council, Tatyana Shabanova. - Should we, perhaps, keep them with something, when the administration has no money for anything? The administration here will soon be closed, nothing will happen. They don’t give me a salary for six months, who will work here?”

In Tropino there are only two streets, no more than two dozen houses and nettles taller than a man. The summer residents who replaced the residents who left the village settled on the main street, it is called Rechnaya. One of the few signs of civilization here is a payphone, reminiscent of the last century. It was installed in the village in 2002, because, as the locals say, “Putin ordered it.”

In summer the village lives, but in winter and autumn only the most persistent remain here. One of them is Tatyana Afonskaya. Her house is located almost at the very beginning of the street, surrounded by a wooden fence, rickety in places. She is sure that there is little interesting in the village, but she likes living here. Behind the fence hides a small garden with a vegetable garden and a mountain of firewood - electricity in locality No.

“We can only complain that they didn’t make a way for us. I’ve been living here since 1990, but I took it as a summer house. So you can already consider him an old-timer,” says the woman. - We had a native grandmother, the last house over there burned down. I just sold it and it burned down. And she went to the city to visit her daughter, she was already 94, old, it was still hard, but she came to the dacha all the time, for the whole summer.”

On the spot former home the last indigenous inhabitant is now weeds and the same ubiquitous nettle. After some time, it begins to seem that it was not a weed that grew in the place where people once lived, but strong and not so strong houses appeared in the place where these nettle thickets have always been.

“I lived in Krakhalevka, and it’s very difficult for us to meet in the Kochenevsky district. If you stop by Kochenevo, wait for the next bus to arrive; it is still unknown how to get to the next village. Therefore, when the summer residents were here and freed up, she dragged me here. And now we’re side by side, we can at least see each other. This is what we have very simple life, says Svetlana Khoroshilova. - But you can’t buy bread, you have to go specially, there’s no store here, there’s no electricity in this village. When it’s muddy and dark here in the fall, we can’t get our village council to provide us with light. Literally two years ago we started clearing snow in winter, but before that we had never cleared it, we made our own way and made paths.”

Svetlana Khoroshilova breeds livestock. During the conversation, her dog Tisha barks from behind her; besides him, she lives with four chickens and a cat. Chickens lay eggs, and a woman would like to keep more of them. “But four is good. And you can have eggs for breakfast and leave them for dough. We are not a picky people. What we have, we tolerate. But keeping livestock is very difficult; I will be 82 years old this year,” she notes.

There is no work in the village other than farming. As a result, almost the entire population in Tropino is of retirement age.

“My son lives alone with me, and the second lives in Kochenevo. There is no work for either one or the other. They used to take taxis to work, which was also hard. Once you go there, you won’t come back. This is our whole life,” Khoroshilova calmly explains and adds. “In general, of course, there is no life.”

For food and pension local residents go to Kochenevo, district center. The bus runs twice a day, morning and evening, but getting on it is not so easy. As Svetlana Khoroshilova explains, the residents of Tropino are not welcome there: “The bus began to run poorly - very early and does not take us all, because it is crowded there, and we last station, and we don’t get in. The old women generally growl at us there - “Why are you going, you should sit at home, pensioners!” Well, it has to be. Sometimes you have to go."

“We receive a pension in Kochenevo and go shopping there. Whatever we take, we bring it here by car. There is flour, bread, sugar, chicken, and we don’t buy anything else. The pension is small, it increased only because I turned 80 years old. There was a pension of about nine thousand, now you can’t buy anything with it. And now I think I have 15,” notes Svetlana Khoroshilova. - Of course, at my age, getting to the road and getting there is very difficult. But no one comes to us, we only provide for ourselves. I got older, I got older more money. Now at least I have enough for groceries. And food prices are getting more expensive, so we buy in bulk: a jar of butter, five to ten kilograms of flour, yeast. You don’t go for bread every time, it’s raining or mud.”

Only five houses remain to spend the winter in houses without electricity and communications. In addition to the sisters Svetlana and Tatyana, the village headman and two families - the Kamenevs and the Blinovs - remain for the winter. This year, two more will join the winterers - “the pensioner,” as Svetlana Khoroshilova affectionately calls her distant neighbor, and Alexander Kuzin, who came to build his own farm.

“I go to the library all the time - I read books. My sister bought herself an electronic one, it got damaged and we can’t fix it. You see how everything is done here, not for people. If you have money, then, of course, you can do something. But we don’t have enough of them and always don’t have enough,” says the pensioner about winter life.

The villagers do not use the payphone, which stands in splendid isolation on the main street: they need to buy a special card, which is enough for several calls.

“It is not beneficial to us, although Putin gave us telephone numbers for these villages. You can’t call a cell phone, but where are you going, where, who has a phone at home now? Now almost no one has one, rarely anyone has a home phone,” explains Svetlana Khoroshilova. - Therefore, when cell phones appeared, he was no longer needed. And when there was nothing, it was profitable. They bought a card and even called several times. And so everything is fine with us. We have nothing to complain about. You yourself chose where to live.”

The only person in the village below retirement age is Alexander Kuzin. The man came from Kazakhstan, quit his job, bought a house on the very edge of the village and decided to run his own farm. He has 300 grown goslings, which he plans to sell later.

“The most important thing is to grow it, and to sell it - there would be something to sell,” the man assures. - There is a river nearby, there is land. You can develop the land, plant something, vegetables. Real ones, not all chemicals. Now on the Internet they really love homemade food, they try to buy everything natural, without any pesticides, so that it grows all natural. So this is a home farm.”

While the goslings are growing, the novice farmer arranges a house and builds future plans on how to expand the farm. His house is made of concrete blocks, there is no bed in it yet, so Alexander Kuzin sleeps on a mattress.

"It's only begining. So far, the conditions are Spartan, but I’m not complaining. It's good here - quiet, calm. Two rivers, Sharikha and Chik. Fishing: there is good crucian carp in the river, not large, but good crucian carp. Now people will start to rise up - everyone will go to the villages,” says Alexander Kuzin. - The city with its dirty air, with its troubles... But it’s good in the village. I grew my own potatoes, my own carrots, my own meat. I found kids in Kochenevo for two thousand, the money will come to the card - I’ll take the kids, I’ll have my milk. It will be difficult to hold a cow alone, but a goat needs a little grass, it won’t run far. You can tie the goat on a rope and let it stand. You can live, and everything is natural.”

Other residents also praise the nature in Tropino. The Kochenevsky district is not rich in forests; its beauty lies in the fields stretching beyond the horizon and open spaces. “We have a very good view from here. So let’s go out, sit with my sister on a bench, there’s beauty all around!” - notes Svetlana Khoroshilova.

Interesting article?