What personality traits does an entrepreneur need? Introduction to Entrepreneurship

One of the undoubted positive qualities personality of entrepreneurship is his leadership skills.

Leader can be defined as the most authoritative person in a given social community, playing a central role in the organization joint activities and regulation of relationships in the group.

An entrepreneur cannot help but be a leader, since he must rally people around him and inspire them to achieve a high goal. He will succeed in business only if he can convince his employees of the ability to achieve levels of task performance that previously seemed impossible to them. This leadership ability is closely related to such qualities as the ability to create optimistic plans, increase hopes for success, explain the essence of innovation, and rally the team in crisis situations etc. According to A. Meneghetti, a leader is a person who, satisfying own selfishness, implements public interest. Developing his own activities, he distributes material goods and provides jobs for hundreds of people. At the same time, the leader stimulates progress in society and brings revitalization to the economy, which gives impetus to the evolution of society Meneghetti A. Psychology of the leader. - M., 2001. - P. 15..

To satisfy the interests of society, an entrepreneur must:

a) explore interests certain group of people;

b) propose some ways to satisfy existing interests or solve current problems;

c) be able, through entrepreneurial activity, to extract own benefit solving a social problem.

A. Meneghetti believes that economic leader-- it is the operational center of many relationships and functions that creates new jobs, generates profits and promotes the development of the service industry. According to this author, a leader has three groups of qualities, among which intellectual abilities, personal qualities and acquired skills can be distinguished.

This one is far from full list personal qualities forces one to look for the most important ones among them, without which success entrepreneurial activity will be significantly difficult. An analysis of the activities of Russian and foreign entrepreneurs shows that among the various personal qualities, five most important ones can be identified:

¦ independence;

¦ ambitiousness;

¦ persistence;

¦ hard work;

¦ durability (Table 1).

Table 1. Personal qualities of successful entrepreneurs

Intellectual abilities

Personality Traits

Acquired skills

Advanced logical



Originality of thinking

Curiosity Ability to learn new knowledge and skills Intuition Education

Initiative Flexibility

Creativity and Courage

Self-confidence Balance Independence Ambition Adequacy of self-esteem

Commitment Energy Reliability Authority Efficiency Independence

Ability to gain support Ability to collaborate

Ability to gain popularity and prestige

Ability to express thoughts

Tact and diplomacy

Ability to take risk and responsibility

Ability to organize other people

Ability to persuade

Ability to understand humor

Ability to understand people

The first quality is independence in a global sense, it can be defined as a person’s desire to determine his own life, to independently choose his goals in work and the means to achieve them. The presence of such personality traits is one of the most important conditions success. Entrepreneurs become, first of all, those people who are not satisfied with their role as an employee, who lacked independence in their previous job. If we recall the concept of A. Maslow, we can say that entrepreneurs are people with a particularly pronounced need for self-realization.

Ambition is also an important quality that helps a novice businessman overcome any obstacles on his path to success. It is interesting to note that people’s attitudes towards this personal quality vary significantly across different cultures. In the USA it is assessed as an advantage, but in Russia it is more often considered a disadvantage, at least such people are often spoken of with condemnation. However, ambition, i.e. increased self-esteem and faith in success gives a person additional strength and helps to cope with difficulties.

Perseverance when applied to entrepreneurial activity, it means the desire to do everything possible to achieve success and the willingness to make certain sacrifices for it. Perseverance in application to business is manifested in the fact that a person lives his business and thinks only about it.

Hard work how a personal quality fully characterizes many successful people in business. They work not only because they want to earn money more money, but because they like the process of work itself, because it gives them pleasure.

Resistance to life's troubles and the ability to withstand the blows of fate consists of two components: the ability not to lose heart under adverse circumstances and the ability to extract positive experience from failures.

Another important point about effective leadership is that a successful leader must always be able to find the optimal balance between two extremes. Analysis of personal characteristics of the most successful leaders business of America shows that most of them possess pairs of qualities that at first glance seem mutually exclusive:

Ambitiousness -- Modesty;

Strategic thinking -- Attention to detail;

Enthusiasm -- Inner calm;

Ability to take risks -- Ability to learn from mistakes.

Most interesting point lies in the fact that any of these qualities, when developed, turns into a disadvantage, and only in balance with its opposite, like the eastern symbol “Yin-Yang”, finds harmony and leads to success.

Ambition --most important quality entrepreneur who gives to a successful leader that energy without which victory in modern business. In the same time modesty leader is manifested in the fact that he will not attribute to himself all the achievements of the organization, in otherwise his subordinates may feel that the boss is simply using them. It should be noted that nothing inspires employees more than demonstrating their achievements by management.

Successful strategic idea -- it's what separates a successful company from a mediocre one, a great leader from a copycat. The main strategic idea of ​​many successful businessmen was that they were based not on their desires, but on the needs of people who paid for the fulfillment of their desires. Thus, people's desire to communicate with each other has led to the growth of wealth of cell phone companies, people's desire for health has enriched pharmaceutical companies, and the thirst for entertainment has given birth to the show business industry. At the same time, trying to think big, a leader must understand that sometimes an annoying minor mistake can ruin the most ambitious undertaking. That's why wise leader thinks about little things too.

Enthusiasm -- This is what infects emotions, what makes you perform feats of work. No one great project was not carried out solely on the basis of cold calculation. Faith in the future, faith in success, pride in one's organization, the joy of working together - all these factors significantly strengthen the organization's resource, and they come from its leader. At the same time, you can’t go far on feelings and emotions alone. When is the time for inspiration and emotional outburst ends, the time comes for logic and calm confidence in the correctness of your path.

Conducting business activities is impossible without risk, therefore, an increased propensity for risky behavior is a normal characteristic of an entrepreneur. However, it should be remembered that the risk can be justified and unjustified. In the first case, a person is ready to take some actions in conditions of uncertainty if he sees that the probability of success is high enough. If a person has not assessed the likelihood of an adverse event occurring, or if he starts a business with extremely low chances of success, the risk is not justified. Therefore, an entrepreneur must, on the one hand, be able to take a certain risk, but on the other hand, he must be wise and careful enough not to take unnecessary risks. No one is immune from failure, so it is extremely important for an entrepreneur to be able to calmly analyze each of his mistakes and benefit from them, so as not to repeat his mistakes.

" article Qualities of an Entrepreneur. Where we will look at what qualities are needed for a person who is going to run his own business.

Qualities of an entrepreneur? The minimum set is intelligence and experience. Moreover, experience is a gainable thing. But there is no way in business without intelligence. Although, as in life in general :) Naturally, there are many ways to improve intelligence, so this article is not about them. This article is about those qualities of an entrepreneur that are necessary in addition to experience and intelligence.

In turn, knowing the qualities of an entrepreneur, you can easily answer the question “How to become an entrepreneur?” Because the problem of becoming an entrepreneur, contrary to popular belief, is not so much legal and economic as psychological. And it is based on certain qualities of an entrepreneur. All this is because the readiness, desire and ability to independently organize and develop one’s own business presuppose, first of all, a sufficient degree of personal maturity of a person.

Often the main condition for organizing your own business and an obstacle to its implementation is considered to be the presence or absence of initial capital. But the financial base in itself is not at all a guarantee of undeniable success: capital can certainly guarantee only one single possibility - to loudly, miserably fail the enterprise and lose money.

Much more important is not so much the amount of money, or even the availability of funds in general, but ability to effectively manage resources- including intellectual and organizational ones, which can significantly reduce financial costs.

The lack of initial capital can be successfully compensated by the ability to identify a promising field of activity and organize a business wisely (more details about starting a business without huge starting capital can be found in the articles in the series). Moreover, these skills will be needed when the business becomes profitable and profitable. When conceiving your own business, a new enterprise, you should not focus on an advanced business with a long history of formation and development, on its material base and financial turnover. Everything can begin (and, as a rule, it does) in a completely different way.

The same logic applies to a promising idea. The main role here is played not so much by the lucky opportunity to “grab by the tail” of a specific promising idea, but the ability to implement it in accordance with the requirements of the time:

  • ability to be sensitive to modern trends,
  • ability to grasp the needs of today
  • and understand how they might develop tomorrow.

In order to become an entrepreneur, first of all, you need ability to give a unified direction energy and financial flows, disparate trends and resources (primarily human), and not luck and luck “to find ourselves in right time V in the right place"(although from the outside all this may look exactly like this). It is important to clearly understand and clearly formulate, at least for yourself, - what is unique about your idea?, her distinctive qualities and originality, advantages and benefits, features of its presentation and interpretation.

Mandatory for successfully solving the question “how to become an entrepreneur?” combination

  • coordinator talent,
  • discipline
  • and determination.

Of course, the following qualities of an entrepreneur are also necessary:

  1. Administrator abilities.
  2. Minimum social skills (after all successful entrepreneur there is no way to do without the ability to establish fruitful contact with strangers).
  3. The ability to subordinate personal emotions to the interests of the cause.
  4. Ability to cope personal problems and complexes.

That is why the creation and development of one’s own business, first of all, is based on the basis of the personal maturity of the future entrepreneur - his independence and responsibility. And, in turn, organizes and extremely stimulates further personal development- after all, new goals and questions regularly and inevitably arise before him, the solution of which requires new skills, efforts, perseverance, analytical and social flexibility.

The primary basis and prime mover of true entrepreneurial talent is the ability to think sensibly, but at the same time, outside the box, to look for the necessary perspectives and solutions, to accept them and implement them. And, if you are still following the thought :) then you will notice that the points just listed are nothing more than the application of intelligence to solving problems.

It would also be a good idea for an entrepreneur to take quality risks to one degree or another. But this already relates more to experience.

So, the main qualities of an entrepreneur:

  • sufficient degree of personal maturity;
  • organizational skills;
  • an active, active, flexible and persistent mind;
  • possession creative abilities- V in a broad sense this word;
  • personal interest in one’s own undertaking and
  • determination.

It is thanks to these qualities that a person is able to formulate and implement promising idea, organize, support and develop your own business.

Some missing qualities active person a novice entrepreneur can acquire and develop in himself gradually, as he masters the field of his activity. If, nevertheless, some absolutely necessary skills are not given to him himself, he can purposefully compensate for this deficiency attracting specialists- already understanding exactly, specifically what kind of assistant, employee, ally, narrow specialist and he needs a professional - an adviser, analyst, strategist or organizer.

So, there are a huge number of qualities of an entrepreneur. But all of them are only a consequence of the correct application of intellect and experience.

So first comes intellect, then experience. Well, then other qualities will catch up :)

On this moment in our country, many people want to open their own business, but do not know where to start and how it works. Should you, as a businessman, hire a friend, are you ready for this, do you have the money to start a business, and much more. In my article, I highlighted 10 main points that future businessmen should think about - these are their qualities.

  1. Readiness. A real Businessman is always ready! This is a state when you understand that you want this, when you determine that you want to work for yourself or work day and night for some guy, and pray that this guy doesn’t cut your salary. You are ready to devote yourself to your business, but are you ready to face problems head on? When you live and breathe the idea of ​​a business, then you are ready to start your own business and become a professional in it. After all, in business, like in war, the strongest wins.
  2. Confidence. A true businessman is confident in himself, his business and his success! In business, confidence is the key to your victories. The business you want to open must be successful, otherwise Great chance that your business will go bankrupt. You must definitely tell everyone interested, all colleagues, friends - YES, I will do it. I'll definitely do it. Then you need to take the business idea by the tonsils. If you're not ready to say that, if you're not sure, don't even try. In your brain - the brain of a real businessman - there must be a fixed idea, know-how, creative solutions. At the same time, telling yourself - it seems to me, I think that I will do this - this will not work. NO. NO! NO!!! A businessman must be passionate about an idea, he simply must, and only when you are one million percent confident in your business idea - then take it, and it will undoubtedly bring you business money in the future.
  3. Business plan. A real businessman always has a plan of action ready. You simply must write a business plan or its “skeleton” - the basis. A business plan is a concise strategy that will help you move forward easily. A businessman who decides to open his own business without a business plan makes a big mistake! Because Without an action plan, you will not be able to take into account all the main points for establishing your business. As a Businessman, you must know your clients and be able to see the overall picture of the business. No matter how stupid it may seem, write everything that you think is necessary in this regard. After all, a business plan is not a clearly planned minute-by-minute schedule, but points for the development of your business. The most important thing is to follow these points and there will be no problems.!!
  4. Friends. A real businessman makes friends with friends, and does not hire them to work. And you, too, do not take friends on your staff. You will quickly realize your mistake if you do this. Friends will not be suitable for positions in the same way as hired workers, friends will not cope with the work assigned to you. Friends will want more than others - they are friends after all!!! Friends will drag your company down, and you will not be able to fire them out of a sense of duty. If you hire a friend, you will make a big mistake and, most likely, will be doomed to failure. Don't bring friends into business. You, of course, can cooperate with them, but do not hire them as your employees. You need to keep your distance. Don't let them get close to you. You are the director, you are the boss, you are in charge. You don't have to switch to "you". This will both elevate you in relation to your employees, and they will feel more responsible towards you as a businessman and towards your business.
  5. Saving. A true businessman is thrifty! They impose on us the opinion that a company is when there is corporate culture when everything is renovated in European style, white walls, new furniture and cool equipment! All wrong! Save! No need for fancy equipment! Everything is minimal. Why offices for employees?? Basement and computer. These are the realities of business. Everywhere you need to save, save! Everything should be kept to a minimum, but if you have the opportunity to move to a three-story building in the center, don’t slow down!!! This is the only way you will be popular and at the initial stage you will be able to save some money to promote your company.
  6. Thrift. A real Businessman understands that it is easier to earn money than to keep what you earn! Don't spend all your money - that's the law of business! If the company brings good income- don’t get used to it and don’t try to make the company work for you without you doing anything. It could just be some kind of luck, temporary success, or you just got a bad client!! If you have a company, you need better clothes. The car is cooler. You will be busy chasing it. In this pursuit you will forget about business, etc. and so on. And remember - “it’s easier to earn than to save.” Your most important task is to increase your capital, and not to spend it as quickly as possible!
  7. Awareness. A real businessman is an expert in his business and knows it inside and out. You must know your field and be selective about it. You must understand what your business is and how it works. It’s great if the company’s field of activity is your favorite. If you understand this, you have more chances for success.
  8. Honesty. A real Businessman understands that an honest business lives longer. If you are a good partner, you can be relied upon. At the same time, you fulfill your obligations on time, you don’t let anyone down, you don’t abandon anyone. Your business partners will stay with you and not go to others. They will repay you in the same coin. Don't throw and won't be thrown! You said it - you did it. Stick to your words and your partners will reach out to you! But still, don’t forget that in business anyone can be scammed and scammed. Caution never hurts, always be on the alert.
  9. Responsibility. A true businessman is aware of the full extent of his responsibility to loved ones, partners, employees, clients, and the state. Business requires money. You must realize that this is a huge risk. You should not take money without understanding that this is a huge responsibility! As a result, marriages are broken, friends are lost, and loved ones are turned away. If you take money, you must give it back. Please understand that being a businessman comes with a huge responsibility and huge risks! Do not take out a loan if you are not 100% sure of repayment.
  10. Enterprise. A real Businessman is proactive, crafty and resourceful. You must be a "non-employee", you must be a Businessman with capital letters B. You must organize the business, get it on its feet. You must lead people and be an example for others. They should see an entrepreneur in your face, feel it in your conversation and in your deeds. You must see business ideas and take from them everything you need. You must be ideological inspirer for your colleagues. You must be enterprising and enthusiastic towards the team.
Good luck in the business world, she never bothered anyone. If a person says that he achieved results without the help of fortune, do not believe him, because 20% depends on you, and 80% is luck.

5.2. Personal qualities of an entrepreneur

5.2.1 Personal qualities that promote and hinder business success

Personal qualities that contribute to business success

One of the undoubted positive qualities of an entrepreneur's personality is his leadership qualities. Leader can be defined as the most authoritative person in a given social community, playing a central role in organizing joint activities and regulating relationships in the group. An entrepreneur cannot help but be a leader, since he must rally people around him and inspire them to achieve a high goal. He will succeed in business only if he canconvince your employees in the ability to achieve a level of task performance thatpreviously seemed inaccessible to them. This leadership ability is closely related to such qualities as the ability to create optimisticplans, increase hopes for success, explain the essence of innovation, rally the team in crisis situations, etc.According to A. Meneghetti, a leader is a person who, satisfying his own egoism, implements social Teres. Development doing your own activities, he distributes material goods and provides work for hundreds of people dey. At the same time, the leader stimulates progress in society and revitalizes the economy, which gives impetus to the evolution of society.

To satisfy the interests of societyan entrepreneur needs:

a) study the interests of a certain group of people;

b) propose some ways to satisfy existing interests or solve current problems;

c) be able to extract one’s own benefit through entrepreneurial activitysolving a social problem.

According to A. Meneghetti,an economic leader is an operationala center of many relationships and functions that creates new jobs, generates profits and contributes to the development of the service sector. According to A. Meneghetti, a leader has three groups of qualities, among which intellectual abilities, personal qualities and acquired skills can be distinguished(Table 5.2).

Table 5.2 Personal qualities of successful entrepreneurs.



Character traits




Developed logical thinking


Originality of thinking


Ability to absorb new knowledge and skills







Self confidence




Adequacy of self-esteem







Ability to enlist support

Ability to collaborate

Ability to conquerpopularity and prestige

Ability to express thoughts

Tact and diplomacy ness

Ability to take chargerisk and responsibility

Ability to organize other people

Ability to persuade

Ability to understand humor

Ability to understand people

This far from complete list of personal qualities forces us to look for the most important among them, without which the success of entrepreneurial activity will be significantly difficult. An analysis of the activities of Russian and foreign entrepreneurs shows that among the various personal qualities, five most important ones can be identified:





The first quality is independence in a global sense, it can be defined as a person’s desire to determine his own life, to independently choose his goals in work and the means to achieve them. The presence of such personality traits is one of the most important conditions for success. Entrepreneurs become, first of all, those people who are not satisfied with their role as an employee, who lacked independence in their previous job. If we recall the concept of A. Maslow, we can say that entrepreneurs are people with a particularly pronounced need for self-realization.

Ambition is also an important quality that helps a novice businessman overcome any obstacles on his path to success. It is interesting to note that people's attitudes towards this personal quality vary significantly across cultures. In the USA it is assessed as a virtue, but in Russia it is more often assessed as a disadvantage, at least such people are often spoken of with condemnation. However, ambition - that is, increased self-esteem and belief in success - gives a person additional strength and helps to cope with difficulties.

Perseverance when applied to entrepreneurial activity, it means the desire to do everything possible to achieve success, and the willingness to make certain sacrifices for it. Perseverance in application to business is manifested in the fact that a person lives his business and thinks only about it.

Hard work as a personal quality that fully characterizes many successful people in business. They work not only because they want to earn more money, but because they like the process of work itself, because it gives them pleasure.

Durability to life's troubles and the ability to withstand the blows of fate consists of two components: the ability not to lose heart under unfavorable circumstances and the ability to extract positive experience from failures.

Another important point about effective leadership is that a successful leader must always be able to find the optimal balance between two extremes. An analysis of the personality traits of America's most successful business leaders shows that most of them possess the following six pairs of qualities, which at first glance seem mutually exclusive.

Ambition - Modesty

Strategic Thinking - Attention to detail

Enthusiasm - Inner calm

Ability to take risks - Ability to learn from mistakes

The most interesting point is that any of these qualities, when developed, turns into a disadvantage, and only in balance with its opposite, like the eastern symbol “Yin-Yang”, finds harmony and leads to success.

Ambition is the most important quality of an entrepreneur, which gives a successful leader the energy without which victory in modern business is impossible. At the same time, the leader's modesty is manifested in the fact that he will not take credit for all the organization's achievements, otherwise his subordinates may feel that the boss is simply using them. It should be noted that nothing inspires employees more than demonstrating their achievements by management.

A good strategic idea is what separates a successful campaign from a mediocre one, a great leader from a copycat. The main strategic idea of ​​many successful businessmen was that they started not from their desires, but from the needs of the people who paid for the fulfillment of their desires. Thus, people's desire to communicate with each other led to the growth of wealth of cellular communication companies, people's desire for health enriched pharmaceutical companies, and the thirst for entertainment gave birth to the show business industry. At the same time, trying to think big, a leader must understand that sometimes an annoying minor mistake can ruin the most ambitious undertaking. Therefore, a wise leader thinks about the little things .

Enthusiasm is what infects emotions, what makes you perform feats of work. No great project was carried out solely on the basis of cold calculation. Faith in the future, faith in success, pride in one's organization, the joy of working together - all these factors significantly strengthen the organization's resource, and they come from its leader. At the same time, you can’t go far on feelings and emotions alone. When the time of inspiration and emotional impulse ends, the time comes for logic and calm confidence in the correctness of your path.

Conducting business activities is impossible without risk, therefore an increased tendency to take risky actions is a normal feature of an entrepreneur. However, it should be remembered that the risk can be justified and unjustified. In the first case, a person is ready to take some actions in conditions of uncertainty if he sees that the probability of success is high enough. If a person has not assessed the likelihood of an unfavorable event occurring, or he starts a business with extremely low chances of success, the risk is not justified. Therefore, an entrepreneur must, on the one hand, be able to take a certain risk, but on the other hand, he must be wise and careful enough not to take unnecessary risks. No one is immune from failure, therefore, it is extremely important for an entrepreneur to be able to calmly analyze each of his mistakes and benefit from them, so as not to repeat his mistakes.

Personal qualities that hinder business success

Qualities that are contraindicated for an entrepreneur are emotional imbalance, laziness, passivity, suggestibility, excessive diligence and punctuality. The last qualities in this list traditionally relate to positive properties a person, however, what is good for an employee is a disadvantage for an entrepreneur, who must give himself tasks, and not wait for someone to tell him what to do. Punctuality is good for an accountant or archivist, but in a rapidly changing environment market economy Flexibility is more important than consistency. Another personal quality that complicates the activities of an entrepreneur is increased anxiety. If it is present, the businessman will hesitate too long when making decisions, and act too slowly, or even be completely passive. Entrepreneurship is always about risk and action in conditions of uncertainty. Under such circumstances, it is better to act and make mistakes, benefiting from mistakes, than to be afraid of failure and do nothing. While a businessman hesitates and thinks, time works against him: competitors produce goods and capture markets, the tax service charges taxes and fines, and the owners of the premises charge rent. Business is like traveling up a river: the one who gives up the oars does not stand still, but swims back, losing all his advantage.

Specialists studying psychological characteristics modern Russian entrepreneurs note that they have a set of far from optimal personal qualities, which, nevertheless, allow them to run their business taking into account Russian economic and social realities.

rationality- the desire to calculate, foresee and take into account everything;

incredulity- perception of the world as unreliable, often downright hostile, which leads to a desire to strengthen control over everything, as well as suspicion towards one’s employees and business partners;

aggressiveness— a tendency to solve problems using forceful methods instead of searching for compromises, as well as susceptibility to affective outbursts in relationships with staff;

superstitious and mystical mood- belief in omens, fortune telling, damage, astrological forecasts etc., which is explained by the impossibility of complete intellectual control over social, business and life situation.

J. Stevens identified a number of personal character traits that prevent a person from living and acting harmoniously and successfully. He called them "dragons" and showed that personal characteristics can be both beneficial and harmful to humans. Among these features Stevens, in particular, included arrogance, which may be based on fear of one’s own insecurity, fear of negative evaluations, or an inflated idea of self-importance. Other negative trait - n patience, which manifests itself in fear of the possibility of missing time me. People infected with such fear are constantly in a state of stress, try to do a lot in a short period of time and live with dreams of the future, without knowing how to live in the present.

External manifestation the behavior of such people will beslight excitability, rudeness,irritability, short temper andhaste in decisions.Internal manifestations of behaviortions will manifest themselves inanxiety, tendency to panic, irritability and moodiness.Another “dragon” that eats a person is greed. Outwardly she showed lies in selfishness, stinginess, a tendency to huckster and envy of other people's wealth, and on an internal level - a feeling of deprivation and insatiability. J. Stevens believes that it is impossible to completely get rid of these character traits, but they can be tamed and used for the benefit of yourself and others.

It should be noted that in addition to personal qualities, an entrepreneur must have a set of specific knowledge, skills and abilities in the area in which he works. It is clear that for successful management financial transactions an entrepreneur must have at least a minimum set of knowledge in the financial and credit field and accounting, and a person who decides to organize furniture production must have a minimum technical education. However, these restrictions are not decisive. It often happened that the entrepreneur received specialized knowledge and skills already during the development of his business, and in its first stages he acted either intuitively or with the help of attracted specialists. The main thing here is the desire to learn and improve your skills in order to improve your business, and such a desire already applies to personal qualities(curiosity, perseverance, ambition).

You've come up with a great idea for a business. You've even written a detailed, well-thought-out business plan. It looks like you are simply destined for success! But wait, in addition to a perfect business plan and startup capital, you may need to stock up on a few other things. Before you conquer new heights, you need to understand that in order to bring a good idea to life, the most important thing is the people who will be involved in its implementation. In other words, the success of your business largely depends on yourself.

So what sets natural entrepreneurs apart from the rest of humanity? These are the qualities that determine your success in business:

Determination: Even a small team needs someone to take on the role of leader. Business owners need to be able to show that they can take responsibility for complex solutions. Taking advice and being willing to listen to others' opinions is important, but ultimately the decision will be yours.

Creativity: In the world of business, dreamers are not naive. They are able to come up with new things and think outside the box, find a solution where they would not look for it. ordinary people. The ability to intuitively recognize a potentially successful idea is as important in business as anything else: a good idea and a creative approach, beautifully packaged and presented correctly, are the key to success.

Courage: Even to start planning to create your own business, you already need to be a little adventurous. If you are not willing to take risks, many opportunities for growth and development of your company will pass you by. But don't confuse courage with recklessness. The owner of the company must think through everything down to the smallest detail and be able to calculate risks.

Love for business: If your eyes don’t light up when you think about what you’re doing, don’t expect to be able to light up other people with your idea. Running a business is a matter associated with a lot of difficulties, and the only thing that will not let you give up and forget about ultimate goal, is your own enthusiasm.

Resourcefulness: As a rule, nothing in life happens exactly according to plan. Therefore, the ability to quickly react and make decisions in unforeseen situations vital to running a business. Don't think you can predict everything, and be prepared to improvise when necessary.

Honesty: Be honest with your clients, partners, employees and everyone you work with, and most importantly, be honest with yourself. Don't set goals and deadlines you can't meet, and don't sell a product you don't have. The best marketing and branding strategy is to find what your company really has to offer and then deliver it in the best possible way.

Sociability: It is not at all necessary to be a professional speaker or become best friend everyone you meet, but you must be able to communicate with people. While running your business, you will have to meet a huge number of people, and, of course, it is better that they consider you a professional and a person who is easy to contact.

Dedication: You can’t do things halfway. You must be willing to give most of your time and effort to daily duties. Try to distribute your time so that there is enough for both work and personal life, and monitor the completion of the tasks that you set for yourself for the day, week or month.

The ability to predict: If you have your own business, you can no longer afford to live one day at a time. At a minimum, on a subconscious level, you must plan and prepare everything in advance. As a chess player, you need to think several moves ahead.

Flexibility: After you have already discussed and prepared everything, you will have to take a critical look at the work done and show healthy pragmatism. Sticking to an initial plan that doesn't fit your current situation is unlikely to benefit your business. In communication with clients, contractors, potential partners etc. flexibility is valued much more than stubbornness and the desire to prove one’s right.