How to become a stress-resistant person exercises. How to develop stress tolerance

Today's stress has become integral part life, especially for people who live in big cities. They are constantly in a state of tension, in an eternal race. Therefore, the question of how to develop stress resistance comes to almost every one of them. Because there are enough difficult situations and events in life, and they appear from time to time. There are circumstances that force you to completely reconsider your views on life and it in general beyond recognition.

It may be different unpleasant events. In them, a person begins to experience a huge storm of negative emotions, which, as it seems to him, he cannot cope with on his own. This gives him insecurity own strength As a result, apathy and disappointment in life arise.

Stress-tolerant people

But those who quickly recover from the stress they have experienced and adapt to new life circumstances and conditions. They are often helped in this to develop stress resistance.

But there is no single algorithm of action for all people (the same). There are certain practices from which each person can choose which method is suitable for him. To be more precise, this is a complex effective exercises. But since the critical threshold of stress is different for each person, the choice of a set must be approached individually.

The article will tell you how to develop stress resistance. Techniques that help you survive difficult situations will also be described. Everyone can choose for themselves a certain complex that will be acceptable to them.

What is stress tolerance?

Stress resistance presupposes a person’s adaptation to critical situations. life situation. For example, these could be psychological trauma, threats, tragedies, health problems, in relationships with loved ones, problems at work, financial difficulties and so on. Stress resistance involves the ability to cope with such circumstances and quickly return to normal state spirit.

In the course of research, it was discovered that every person can have this quality. After all, it is not something supernatural. If you observe, people often exhibit it. It is very important to understand that people who develop resistance to stress do not become indifferent to suffering and easily experience any difficulties. Pain on emotional level and serious psychological traumas will not go away, a person will simply learn to cope with them, experience them less painfully and return to normal.

But such a quality as stress resistance is not an innate trait. You need to know that this is a skill acquired throughout a person’s life. This trait generally implies the beliefs, actions, and train of thought of a person that he acquires in the process of his development.

Development of stress resistance level

Stress resistance is a whole complex of factors. Based on the results of the research, it was determined that the level of resilience often depends on the support and care of the person’s family and environment. Relationships in which a person feels love and high degree trust. This helps develop the skill of stress tolerance and the belief that you can cope with many life circumstances.

Factors such as:

  • ability to build life plans and translate them into reality or take steps towards their implementation in order to get as close to the goal as possible;
  • self-confidence, real and Objective assessment your skills and talents, the correct calculation of your strengths in any business or undertaking;
  • positive problem solving and communication skills;
  • the ability to keep your emotions and flow of feelings under control.

All of the above qualities can be developed both in combination and separately. This can be done either independently, through self-development, or with the help of a specialist.

How to develop stress resistance? Strategies

You need to realize that psychological stability to stress in life is not something momentary, not a condition that can happen once and never happen again. All people are different, so everyone has a unique reaction. The method by which one person can cope with stress will not always help another. Different strategies should be used for each person in the fight, depending on his character and personality type. The American Psychological Association suggests 10 effective methods that help fight stress. They can be used to develop your own strategy for developing resistance to various irritating factors.

How to develop stress resistance? The 10 rules will be presented below.

A crisis is not a problem from which there is no way out

When a person is unable to change the course of a situation and the circumstances that he has to experience, it is necessary to change his attitude and reaction to them. Try to look beyond the framework of the present. We need to imagine that the situation will become much better in the future. Thus, subconsciously a person will begin to pull himself out of the existing life circumstances and strive towards the goal of improving them. It is important to pay attention to even the smallest details and reasons why the condition improves, and try to return to them more often.

Good relationships with close circle of people

Good relationships with family and friends are not important last role In human life. Because if they are trusting, loved ones will always be able to both simply listen and lend a helping hand if necessary.

This is how a person becomes more confident in his abilities and reliable rear. Feeling supported and protected is very important. This increases the level of stress resistance. Also, many psychologists are convinced that participation in various associations, such as adequate religious organizations and interest groups can really help a person cope with difficulties. And also, by helping other people, a person helps himself.

Set a goal and strive for it

This is very important point. Need to put specific goals. And step by step strive to achieve them. You can do something that brings you at least one step closer to your goal every day. And then, over time, tasks that seemed simply impossible and enormous will become more understandable, and the person himself will not notice how he came to what he so wanted to achieve.

Put things into perspective

How to develop stress resistance? It is necessary to look at the current difficult situation as if from the outside and adequately evaluate it, without giving free rein to emotions. Thus, a lot will fall into place. A person will be able to see more clearly how to act next. It is important here not to make mountains out of molehills. And evaluate everything objectively.

Changes in life are part of it

Some goals may be unavailable for a certain period of time for some reason. There is no need to panic because of this. You need to rethink which circumstances you can still change and which you can no longer change. And begin to act, starting from circumstances that can be changed with some effort.

Act rather than wait

In any adverse situation, you need to act as actively as possible. To turn them in better side, decisions need to be made. You shouldn’t get your hopes up and wait for the problem to go away on its own.

Find ways of self-development and self-knowledge

It happens that in this process people learn a lot about themselves. They realize that they have grown spiritually along the path of overcoming some difficult life situation. And after the hardships they experienced, they gained self-confidence, their attitude towards people and life in general changed. There was a change in outlook on life and a reassessment of values.

Look at yourself positively

Should be trusted personal experience and intuition in decision complex problems. It is necessary to develop self-confidence.

Be optimistic

We must, no matter what, try to maintain hope that they will come. Good times. It is important to try to visually imagine what you are striving for, and not waste time thinking about your fears.

To take care

It is necessary to pay attention to your feelings and needs, to take part in activities that bring pleasure and relaxation. This affects the development of stress resistance. Exercises such as meditation are also helpful. Physical exercise is also a must.

You need to help yourself keep your mind clear and healthy body to always have the strength to deal with stress.


Now you know how to develop it at home too. We have reviewed ten basic rules that will help you achieve the desired effect.



How to become stress-resistant and strong as flint? Getting rid of high voltage the body will allow you to become more cool-blooded, calm, confident and happy. Nothing can knock you down!

If you realize that you are starting to get nervous, you may well want to take some steps to combat stress right away. But which ones? Eric Larssen talks about this in his new book “Now!” Calm. Control. Deep breath. Let's get started!

How to deal with stress

If you want to get rid of stress, you must first believe that it is possible - that you are able to cut off the feeling of stress from your life. Everyday life. Stress can be managed if you want to.

If a samurai warrior whose life is in danger can do it, then so can you. If Lise from Trondheim, who has a full-time job, four children and a seriously ill husband, can do it, then so can you. If the athlete copes with this highest category, trained for eight years to run ten seconds in the Olympic 100m final, so you can too. And here are some working methods. Try a few different ones and choose the ones that suit you.

Recognize stress

To get rid of stress, it is first important to realize that you actually experience it, constantly or periodically. It is impossible to get rid of what is not recognized. You will then gradually learn to recognize it in advance and be able to think and act in ways that minimize or eliminate it entirely.

By increasing your awareness in this way, you will already have done half the job.

One thing at a time

The samurai must fight the person who is in front of him. It's unlikely he'll have much luck if he worries about other enemies that will attack next, or how he'll get home.

After you have put the most important task and started to implement it, concentrate only on this task. Once you're done with it, you can think about the next one. Doing several things at the same time is simply impossible. This is obvious, and at the same time this conclusion is difficult to accept. But we have to try.

If you can only think about what you're doing right now, you'll not only be less stressed. The quality of your work will also improve. You'll remember everything better important nuances, you will become more creative and be able to more easily recognize opportunities and good solutions.

Think about the worst

If you're nervous about making a mistake, try imagining the worst-case scenario. Can you continue to live with this? What will you do in this case? As a rule, it turns out that everything is not so bad. You can totally live with it and move on.

Having weighed the situation in this way, you return to the thought of what you should do. You may find some comfort in the newfound knowledge that the worst-case scenario isn't really that bad.

Do you remember what you were nervous about last week? Or three years ago? We tend to get stressed over little things. Demand more from yourself, be better, do your best, but don't be nervous.

Planning and design

Stress, procrastination and order are naturally closely linked. After all, you are not nervous about what you have already done - you are worried about what you have not done. You should learn how to plan your time and make to-do lists.

Stress comes mainly from not being in control of your tasks and actions.

Feelings of lack of control can consume you. You will feel like everything is falling apart. Gradually this feeling can turn into panic fear. At times like these, you need to hold on to something reliable: a to-do list or a diary that details all your plans.

Find a role model

Another way to deal with the stress plaguing your body is to lead by example. A few weeks ago, we accidentally locked our sleeping daughter in the car with the key. Realizing the mistake we had made, we stood stunned in front of the car. I said, "It can't be." I felt stress coming over me. How could such stupidity be allowed to happen?

But I was able to recognize stress: I know what sensations it causes in the body, I know how at this moment panic thoughts begin to overwhelm you (you behave like a scared child) - and I quickly replaced this feeling with another. I thought about Marius, the Marine I worked with in Bosnia. He impressed me with his ability to remain calm in all situations. And I thought, standing in front of the car and looking at my unsuspecting daughter sleeping inside, that now I must be a little Marius. As a result, I acted more calmly and gave myself time to think, “What is the best thing I can do now?”

Yes, this is the situation. It's important how you deal with it. Trying to “be Marius” suddenly simplified matters.

Marius thought, assessed the situation, took a deep breath and came up with a well-thought-out solution, taking into account the circumstances. He smiled often, even in situations that seemed stressful to me. And now I did the same as Marius. In fact, of course, the problem was solved simply: I called the car sales agent. Unfortunately, he didn't have the right key, but he helped us remove the window glass and our little daughter was completely happy. With or without stress, situations are resolved sooner or later. But no stress is better. Be calm.

Breathe deeply

Another helpful stress reliever is to take two or three deep breaths, just like a samurai warrior or a two-year-old child would do. Two year olds don't get nervous. Life is what happens now. They do not think about the past and the future, they “relax their abs” and unconsciously use breathing as a tool.

Smile and tell yourself, “I am cool.”


To be effective, your to-do lists must have a priority order. Put what's most important first and act accordingly. This way you will be less nervous!

If you have a lot to do and you feel like you need to do it all at once, then the only reasonable solution is to stop and take a break to soberly evaluate which things are really important.

Ask yourself: “What is the most important and best thing I can do right now?”

And then just do it, with the confidence that you've settled on best result. If this means you'll be late somewhere, just warn the people concerned and do the most important thing first.


Imagine situations in which you would normally become nervous, but this time in your mental movie you should be completely calm. If you are facing a relentless samurai battle, turn on this movie in your head and watch yourself successfully move forward, solving one problem at a time and dealing with the difficulties that arise.

You're making a list good ideas, smile and keep everything under control. It is best if this visualization contains both what you want to feel and what you are going to hear in the situations that await you.

If you want to find inner strength, you should become calmer. A person who has inner strength, not nervous. Give it a try. It's easier than you think.

In the modern world, this is already a common occurrence: being stuck at work, traffic jams, personal problems in the family, misunderstandings with friends. And these are not all examples. People go to work, communicate with others, make purchases - unfortunately, from stressful and crisis situations there is no escape. But you can learn to respond to them correctly by developing resistance to stress.

What is stress tolerance?

This is a personality quality that allows you to respond to stress with minimal losses to the psyche and with maximum efficiency for the situation. For example, one person, after a boss’s remark, briefly apologizes and quickly redoes the work. Another is indignant for half a day and at the end gets to work tired. Which of these people is stress-resistant?

What factors and habits will help strengthen your immunity to stress?

  1. Discipline is a character trait that allows you to not be late for work, because it forces you to wake up on time. It also forces you to periodically clean up your workplace and clothes closet so that, if necessary, you can quickly find what you need.
  2. You shouldn’t take on too much, “work makes your horses die.” If a task is not on the list of responsibilities and there is no time to complete it, you can calmly say: “Sorry, I can’t.”
  3. Interesting interests, hobbies - what else will help you forget about stress, no matter what your favorite activity? When thoughts get lost in interesting job, the body becomes free from stress.
  4. Fewer unnecessary emotions - control of emotions is always actual topic, causing controversy among psychologists. However, sometimes our anger reactions are “inflated” by the very process of reacting. You can take five minutes and formulate your thoughts in a less emotional light.
Secondly, the physical components.
  1. Yes, yes, seven to eight hours of sleep at night has never hurt anyone. And it's better than a sedative or coffee.
  2. Effective time – you need to find personal time effective time. Better yet, “eat a frog in the morning,” i.e. do the most complex tasks, while there is strength.
  3. Proper nutrition, or at least less fast food. More fruits, vegetables and clean still water.
  4. Sports – minimal load – walking and running. If you walk half an hour to work, it’s better to walk. Thus giving the body the necessary load.

So following these quick tips You can gradually reduce your stress levels and develop new ways in the process.

Stress resistance is a system personal qualities, helping a person to endure the effects of stressors with calm, without harmful consequences for the individual, his body, personality, and environment. The concept of stress was introduced by G. Selye, and he designated it as a state of internal tension, which is caused by the activities of the individual in difficult conditions. Depending on the degree of severity, stress can affect an individual’s activities in a positive way or negative.

What is stress tolerance? This is the ability to withstand psychological stress and not obey negative feelings, which would be reflected on others. Psychological stress resistance refers to the ability to restrain a negative reaction to stress and calmly endure stressful loads. In a stress-resistant person, stress ends naturally, by restoring the body’s resources.

The body of a non-stress-resistant individual reacts to psychological problems psychosomatics, and often people misinterpret diseases of the body, considering them organic. If a person has a long-term and terminal illness, it is worth using psychological intervention.

The body's resistance to stress high level provides an individual with the ability to maintain a state inner peace in a critical situation, helps maintain optimism, joy, promotes making correct, adequate decisions and effective behavior, not allowing to violate the boundaries of the individual and maintain personal psychological emotional integrity.

The body's low level of stress resistance makes the individual vulnerable, leading to a breakdown personal boundaries, destruction psycho-emotional state And various diseases. An individual with weak resistance to stress cannot fully control himself, he weakens energetically, and his behavior is ineffective. The formation of stress resistance can occur regardless of current age, so everyone should focus their efforts on developing stress resistance.

Personality resistance to stress

To define this concept, you must first understand what stress is. The body's resistance to stress determines a person's ability to withstand stressful situations without bad consequences for his activities and those around him. It is often determined whether a person is stress-resistant, taking into account external indicators. Thus, they believe that if he demonstrates all his experiences by splashing out negative emotions on others, it means that he is not stress-resistant and succumbs to stress. If a person is restrained, calm, cheerful, then he is stress-resistant.

Such a classification of stress resistance by observation is very erroneous. The fact that an individual, at the moment of exposure to a stress factor, does not express his negativity to others does not indicate that internally he does not experience depression or a feeling of oppression at all. This communicates the ability to be tactful while also playing a role well. However, this person harms his own psyche, because he locks in stress, does not allow outlets and risks being exposed to internal destructive factors. must find a way out, but only in the right way.

According to modern research Psychological stress resistance is a characteristic of a person, which consists of several components:

- psychophysiological (characteristics of the nervous system),

- volitional (conscious self-regulation of actions regarding the situation),

— motivational (the strength of motives determines emotional stability),

- emotional ( personal experience accumulated from negative experiences influences of situations),

— intellectual (analysis of the situation and acceptance the right way actions).

Psychological stress resistance is determined by the subjective characteristics and motivational system of the individual. People show different reactions to critical situations: anxiety, agitation or. However, there are people who are resilient and able to control their emotions. Such individuals can mobilize internal reserves and overcome the situation without negative consequence for them, but these people are very few.

There are about 30% of people in the world who are stress-resistant. If not everyone has stress resistance, then people in professions such as firefighters, police officers or the military should work to increase stress resistance; their lives and the lives of others directly depend on it.

The development of stress resistance should be carried out by every person in order to make the body resilient and not allow external negative factors weaken it.

Increasing stress resistance helps a person:

- at work, perform assigned tasks under stressful conditions; with external distractions (poor lighting, noise, cold); at psychological pressure surrounding people (threats from superiors, distraction by colleagues, supervisory control);

- stand out among others as a balanced and thoughtful person;

- do not respond to criticism, insults, provocations or gossip of others;

- It is easy to find a way out in an acute situation.

How to increase stress resistance

The development of stress resistance is necessary for every individual, since negative stress has a destructive effect on the psyche. Increasing stress resistance allows you to be more a confident person, keep physical health. Chronic diseases very often begin from chronic stress. Composure and composure help you make the right and quick decisions in tense situations. Stress-resistant employees are highly valued by employers. Some employers even test their employees for stress resistance levels.

The formation of stress resistance consists of several factors.

Promotion professional level will increase a person’s confidence, strengthen his knowledge, and, accordingly, provide psychological endurance in the workplace. In an unclear situation, you need to weigh every word; this helps not to react sharply to everything at once and remain patient. Walking in the fresh air, field trips, and sports contribute to the development of this quality. Also, to develop resistance to stress, you need to master breathing techniques and attend massage lessons, relax in the right way and in healthy ways. You should engage in self-organization; organizing your affairs helps to organize your wandering thoughts. When doing things, you need to concentrate on getting it done. It is important to study the relevant psychological literature to develop stress resistance.

Exercises will help you relax creative activity. Leisure must be alternated with passive. To know how to behave correctly in a stressful situation, you need to observe the behavior of others, see how they express their resistance to stress and learn from their experience. It is also worth analyzing all stressful circumstances and soberly analyzing each case, listening to your own inner voice.

A positive attitude will help increase stress resistance; it creates positive thinking. Everyone's life is filled with many problems, but no difficulties should interfere full life and the ability to enjoy it. You need to throw out unnecessary and insignificant problems from your thoughts, think more about joyful moments in life and solve difficulties as they arise. Sometimes people mistakenly believe that if they think about difficulties all the time, they will be solved faster, but in reality they will not be solved themselves, but they will undermine their health.

To increase stress resistance, you need to try to change your attitude towards everything that happens. For example, if a person really cannot influence current situation, then it’s worth trying to look at certain things differently, much simpler.

It is necessary to learn to let go of unnecessary emotions; holding them in does not make the individual stronger; on the contrary, it depletes him. It is important to release emotions regularly, in an appropriate way. In a good way for splashing out emotions and increasing stress resistance, are physical exercise, long walks, dancing, climbing mountains, etc. In this way, negative emotions with negative experiences are released, transformed into positive ones, and this will also provide pleasure.

A person should periodically take proper rest. If the rhythm of life is tense, and a person sleeps little, and does not allow himself to relax even a little, then his body will begin to function for wear and tear, this must not be allowed, otherwise the body’s resistance to stress will become minimal, and its protective function will stop working altogether. To prevent this from happening, you should give your body rest. You should go to bed earlier than usual, after taking a fragrant bath and drinking lemon balm tea. This way, a person will be able to get a good night’s sleep, the body will recover a little, and stress resistance will increase.

Since resistance to stress is associated with the activity of the nervous system, it is necessary to support it by taking vitamins D and B, and receiving adequate amounts of potassium and magnesium. To avoid having to take multivitamin preparations, it is best to balance your diet, which will contain all the beneficial substances.

Helps many people relax classical music, but on the contrary, it irritates some people, then you can listen to the sounds of nature and do yoga or meditation to them in a room filled with fresh air, hidden from extraneous noise.

To increase your stress tolerance, it is advisable to make time for enjoyable activities, even when they do not bring immediate benefit. If a person’s life is mainly made up of work responsibilities, then it is difficult for the body to withstand stress. Doing your favorite activities one day a week will help

You don’t always have to think about what others will say, how they look at you, what they think. You can’t please everyone, the main thing is to like yourself and surround yourself with people who love you, that’s enough. And thinking about what others think is an extra stress factor that a person creates for himself. It's worth acting according to own beliefs and conscience, adhering to moral ethics, then thoughts of how everyone around will perceive it will not worry.

The key to good stress resistance is proper prioritization. The most urgent and urgent matters should be completed first, secondary and less significant ones can wait. You need to rely on your personal strength and take on the amount of work that you can complete. When a person starts several things at once and does not have time to finish any of them, he falls into a state of stress; of course, such a person’s stress resistance tends to zero.

Children may inherit stress tolerance from their parents during their upbringing. Such children will be able to stand up for themselves, respond by surrendering in a showdown, and not fuss when trying to provoke them. Such children then grow up and become successful leaders, whom no one can frighten with their intrigues or threats.

Feeling self-importance and the confidence of such people is so high that they do not even take threats seriously and do not succumb to provocations. There is no place for fear in the thoughts of a stress-resistant person; it will not be able to spoil the mood or distract from the main task. A stress-resistant person confidently and cheerfully moves towards his goal; this is his lifestyle.

If an individual needs to immediately protect himself from a negative stimulus, he can use breathing practice. For and resistance to stress in situations where physical activity limited, special breathing will do. In a stressful situation, a person’s breathing becomes shallow and shallow, as the abdominal muscles and chest tense up. It is necessary to control your breathing, take deep and conscious breaths and slow exhalations, so as to completely relax your stomach, repeat this several times until your pulse and calm breathing are restored.