How to culturally shut a person’s mouth with words. How to insult someone beautifully

Most people who are faced with insults in their direction feel confused in the first seconds, not knowing how to react to such aggressive attacks. However, if you happen to find yourself in a similar situation again, try to get your bearings right away and remember some recommendations.

How to behave when you are insulted

Do not react to negativity and insults

Sometimes in similar situations it is the absence of any reaction that may turn out to be the best way out from the situation. It is possible that later you will begin to reproach yourself for this silence and timidity, but more often than not, subsequently people are proud that they were able to restrain themselves and not sink to the level of tactless and aggressive person who was trying to “hook”. This is especially true if we're talking about about an energy vampire - such a person is just waiting for a response from you, it only “feeds” him. Communication with such a person always ends the same way - you feel defeated, and your opponent’s mood clearly improves.

Should I respond with aggression in a conflict?

This is not the most the best option, and it is applicable only in exceptional cases. So, when is aggression appropriate in response:
    If your opponent uses any physical strength in relation to your child or animal. If the opponent has long lost control of himself and has already long time trying to piss you off and inject you more painfully. If the opponent goes beyond what is permitted and tries to insult a weaker and more unprotected person in front of you. An example would be a drunken boor rude to an unfamiliar child on the bus.

Change the situation into a positive direction (laugh it off)

Perhaps you have started a quarrel with a really close person, and you do not want to continue this ugly scene, realizing that such a development of events will only harm your relationship. In this case, it makes sense to pull yourself together and take the conflict in a completely different direction with the help of a joke. If the person is really close, then you know what topic can provoke a smile on his face. Of course, this is not so easy to do when you yourself are stifled by resentment, and you want to give a worthy rebuff to your interlocutor. However, it is important to understand that in this way you act most wisely - you do not allow yourself to be completely disappointed in a loved one, and to him – in you. When the intensity of passions subsides, suggest returning to the topic that has quarreled you in order to calmly resolve the dilemma that has arisen.

Try to shame the offender into silence

At times, a person can forget himself and behave completely tactlessly. If you know that such behavior is not usually typical for him, then, of course, it makes sense to shame him. Most likely, the opponent will immediately understand that he is overstepping the bounds of decency. This method is also effective in communicating with children. Almost all of them are worried turning points on different stages their development, and aggression in response to their offensive tone can only do harm. In such cases, it would actually be better to create a feeling of shame for your words.

Use clever words and logical arguments to prove that you are right.

Such answer options can help you reason with the insulter and redirect his energy from a stream of insults to constructive dialogue. If a person lies, then simply ask him: “Why are you behaving this way?” In response, you will probably hear more intelligible information than before. If necessary, this question can be repeated several times. Also, if you notice that the interlocutor is clearly “carried out” and he is already confused in his thoughts, ask him to justify his words.

Use witty, cheeky and funny phrases when you are rude

The saddest thing is that for some reason most boors are not very susceptible to humor, and your witty and funny answers will most likely seem simply absurd to such a person. However, you can try to laugh it off, especially if there is an audience for your argument. So, in response to an insult, you can answer:
    “You are not very original, maybe next time it will turn out better.” “You are very attentive, a valuable quality.” “Weak attempt, maybe rudeness is not your thing after all?” “I hope that you are just trying to look worse what you really are."

To shut up and humiliate an enemy, you should learn sarcasm

It is quite difficult to neutralize a particularly aggressive interlocutor with phrases prepared in advance, so in such cases the ability to respond with sarcasm is highly valued. For example, if your opponent defiantly asks: “What did you say?!”, you can retort: ​​“Yes, you also have problems with hearing...”. Or if you are asked: “The smartest, or what?”, you can answer: “You are surprisingly observant!”

How to respond to offensive words if you don’t get it in a good way

In what cases can force be used?

The use of force, of course, is appropriate only in fairly in rare cases, one might even say – exceptional. First of all, this is necessary when you are threatened with physical violence. Of course, if the opponent not only threatens, but also begins to put his threats into action, then in such a situation it is all the more impossible to give yourself offense. You can also use force when you see that physical suffering is being caused to a weaker creature. This way you can stand up for an animal, a child, an elderly person or a woman. Of course, in this situation it would be unwise to get into trouble if you see that the rude person is clearly superior to you in physical parameters. However, it would be right to ask someone else for help or to intimidate the boor with the police.

Should I use harsh swear words and expressions?

In very rare cases this is actually appropriate. Usually, cultured person, who considers himself a worthy member of society, prefers to ignore swearing, not wanting to stoop to the level of his opponent. Mikhail Zadornov once recommended to his listeners not to enter into dialogue with a person who hurls insults, arguing that this is as stupid as barking in response to a dog barking.

Is it possible to civilly send a person without swearing to shut up?

To some extent, this is possible, although not without difficulty. For example, if a person begins to forget himself, and you understand that he is clearly minding his own business, you can remark: “It seems to me or does this really not concern you?” In addition, the following phrases will cool the interlocutor’s ardor:
    “Your opinion is very valuable, but not in this situation”; “If I need your advice, I will look for you”; “What makes you think that I’m interested in your opinion?”

How to insult back if you're just annoyed

For rudeness you can be humiliatingly called with offensive words

Of course, one should resort to offensive and humiliating insults only in very rare cases - when the opponent does not know the limits in his statements and pours out an uncontrollable stream of “dirty” words. If you have enough willpower, then in such cases, it is best to ignore the person who is showing aggression - to pretend that his words are an empty phrase for you. When the interlocutor expresses or shouts everything he thinks, you can wearily summarize: “You are very tiring , is that why you have problems in personal life?. Please note that such a phrase sounds very caustic and offensive, so it should be used in the case of a notorious scoundrel. Even if he is married, similar words he will be offended, because such a brawler, most likely, is really not doing well on the personal front. An aggressive boor who is overweight can say: “It would be better to sign up for the gym!” We emphasize that it is better to avoid barbs about appearance as much as possible - such comments usually humiliate not only your enemy, but also you. However, if you know that some aspect of appearance is a sore subject for your interlocutor, and he himself has already completely “ridden” on your appearance, then with similar phrases you can “give change.”

Troll verbally and put in place

Many people are seriously affected by various “prophecies” and curses.” If your enemy behaves disgracefully, insulting you, having long ago crossed all boundaries of what is permitted, then calmly say: “From this day on, you will know why misfortune will befall you.” Many people are suspicious, especially if they are emotionally unstable. Most likely, your phrase will haunt your interlocutor for a long time, and he will really begin to regret his own incontinence.

Answers for all occasions

A few examples of cool phrases that will bring you to tears (examples)

If you set out to bring the person who offended you to tears, then there are phrases that contribute to such a development of events. So, here are examples of some of them:
    I don’t know what you’re trying to prove, your primitive mind doesn’t allow you to express yourself more clearly? Your insults are so stupid that I’m not even offended. Probably, many are accustomed to feeling only a feeling of pity for you; I can imagine how ashamed your relatives are for you; So you turn out to be not only “not very good” in appearance.
Of course, before you try to insult a person to the point of tears, it makes sense to think about whether it is necessary to do this at all. It is possible that as time passes, you yourself will regret that you took such a step. As a rule, conscientious people are subsequently ashamed of such behavior and intemperance.

Cool insults for humiliation (examples)

    You always have this poor fantasy or is today a bad day? Your parents probably just dreamed that you would run away from home one day. Don’t stop talking, maybe you’ll get to some smart phrases. It’s probably hard for you to love nature, considering what it did to you. If only you tried to look even more stupid, I'm afraid this attempt would fail.


This may be very difficult, but remember that later you will have reason to rejoice at your prudence and foresight. First of all, it is important to realize that you do not need to take seriously what your opponent tells you. Most often, when insulting someone, a person rarely resorts to logic and common facts, because his only goal is to “hurt” as much as possible! they just “came to hand.” If we are talking about the second option, then it is better to avoid showing any emotions. Mentally feel sorry for the offender, and abstract yourself from this situation. Ignoring is a very useful skill in many unpleasant situations. It is important to understand that insults are usually resorted to by a weak-willed person who has serious problems in education. This understanding is especially appropriate if we are talking about a person whom you are unlikely to see again. Think carefully - is he worth wasting your energy on him or is it better to ignore this pathetic boor? Of course, some people believe that such behavior only benefits them, and begin to become even more heated in their insults, then look carefully at your interlocutor and say: “By what right do you allow yourself to behave in such a way towards strangers, do you understand how unworthy you look?” Similar question may well “sober up” your opponent. Of course, if a conflict is started by a person close to you, then ignoring is not always the right response. It’s unlikely that your interlocutor just wanted to insult you empty space. Most likely, something is seriously bothering this person, and it would be appropriate to talk about it directly. Just say: "Let's stop these vile insults and try to solve the problem." Most likely, after this you will really be able to close the conflict, and your interlocutor will be grateful to you for your prudence.

Motivated by reason, not emotions, you will always be a winner

If you have started to wonder how it is offensive to answer a person with obscenities or how to bring someone to tears with your insults, then you are clearly not on the right track. Be more reasonable, don’t fall for other people’s ideas emotional impact. If you yourself stoop to such unworthy behavior, it may bring you a feeling of satisfaction for just a few seconds - then the situation will not be so rosy. Most likely, resorting to rudeness towards another person (especially if he is close) will later feel empty and depressed. As a rule, various verbal skirmishes bring satisfaction only energy vampires– it is difficult to please other people with a conflict situation. Remember that people who have learned to control themselves, as a rule, always remain in an advantageous position. At the same time, those people who easily get wound up “in a half-turn” thereby attract additional negative events and emotions. Not giving in to emotions is very useful in many cases, and one of them is a quarrel with higher management at work or simply with the person you depend on. Recognize that the person is arriving upset, and your counter-attacks may make things worse. To avoid such a development of the situation, it makes sense to mentally distract yourself from the conversation. That is, outwardly you seem to listen to everything that your opponent says to you, but in reality your thoughts wander somewhere far away. You can remember pleasant events in your life, think about your upcoming vacation, and decide what dish would be appropriate to cook for dinner.

Think ahead about the consequences of your actions

If you understand that you yourself partially provoked the flow of insults, although you did not deserve such unflattering words, then you should partially admit your guilt. For example: “You are, of course, right in your indignation, but your words can be chosen more softly.” When entering into a verbal altercation with someone, remember that this may result in some problems for you in the future. It's one thing if we're talking about a person you're unlikely to meet again. life path, and it’s a completely different matter when a clash happened with a loved one, friend, neighbor. Such a conflict can cause protracted war. Even if you make peace almost immediately, the offensive words spoken can remain in the memory for a long time, and sooner or later they will still lead to a cooling in the relationship. Therefore, in such cases, if you feel even the slightest ability to restrain yourself, be sure to try to use it.

Have you ever thought about how to morally kill a person? I think everyone thought about it. Starting from an early age, when a person faces social environment, begins to feel pressure. Peers test each other's strength, gradually transferring similar behavior into adult life. Someone is leaving these childhood pranks in the past. But there are people who like to humiliate others. How to repel them and forever discourage them from training on you?

How to morally kill a person while maintaining dignity

Let's say an insolent person publicly speaks out, is insulting, sarcastic, makes inappropriate jokes, and mocks in every possible way. The friendly laughter of his friends and those around him can throw anyone off balance. But... this situation can easily be turned against the offender. What does he expect from you? In Russian speaking, bummer. To show their superiority, such people assert themselves at the expense of others. This is a kind of duel: whose spirit is stronger? Now I will list a number of tips on how to morally kill a person in such a situation:

  • Keep your cool. A calm, ironic attitude towards attacks sobers up the offender and intrigues observers.
  • To offensive questions like “Well, how is it... so and so?” you can simply say: I don’t know, you know this better..
  • All nasty things can be turned against the attacker, calmly ironizing his words without dirt or insults. Don't stoop to your opponent's level.
  • Observers will quickly lose interest in the incident or even laugh at clumsy attempts to humiliate you.
  • Seeing your spiritual superiority, inner strength, the mocker will quickly retreat in search of a weaker victim.

There are situations when we experience treacherous betrayal. Most immediately think about revenge, mentally savoring the details, imagining what they will do in response. But it is much more possible to kill a person morally while maintaining dignity and spiritual nobility. Believe me, squabbles, plans for revenge, and various nasty things in response humiliate you, making you petty. Later it will be unpleasant for you, maybe even ashamed.

It is much wiser to act wisely and carefully. Refute the slander. Make hidden intrigues public. Turn the offender's baseness against himself. The worst thing is public condemnation. However, think a hundred times when punishing others this way: maybe people deserve a second chance?

The best way to kill a person morally is to show him his baseness so that he clearly understands it. Pangs of conscience, mental humiliation, condemnation of others will force you to seriously think about own behavior. Maybe even get better. I wish everyone to be worthy, wise, strong people, capable of repelling any impudent person!

Honor and dignity have always been considered paramount and respected human qualities. To preserve them, they fought duels, they were proud of them, they were kept and protected like the apple of their eye. IN modern world these concepts have faded a little into the background, but to this day they have great value. No wonder many are rushing to take advantage of this. We all know very well that a word can kill a person. Moral humiliation is a kind of psychological weapon. It can be used to carry out any manipulation and cause a person to experience enormous stress. Sometimes this is a good shake-up, and many even more so deserve such treatment. So, this article will tell you what moral humiliation is and how it is eaten.

Moral humiliation of a person - what is its essence?

If we turn to dictionaries, then humiliation is a decline in a person’s feelings self-esteem in the eyes of others. It is accomplished by various reasons. For example, for the purpose of education or self-affirmation of someone who has such an impact. In almost all cases it is accompanied mental trauma and the neurosis of one who has been humiliated. If we recall the famous pyramid of needs Abraham Maslow, then dignity, like human value and the need for respect and social recognition is at the fourth, one of the most important, level. That is why, having experienced humiliation, the victim of such influence subconsciously tries to avoid such treatment in the future. This serves as a great lesson for those who have high self-esteem, unhealthy selfishness and does not respect the opinions of others.

The most common cases of violation of the sense of honor and dignity today occur among married couples. IN to the same degree There are situations when a wife morally humiliates her husband, or, on the contrary, a husband morally humiliates his wife. There is no point in dividing the so-called tyrants by gender. Humiliation here is a way to increase your self-esteem by lowering that of your partner. Why is this happening? It's all about the psyche of the one who influences his soul mate in such an unattractive way. These could be internal complexes, childhood grievances, a sense of personal inadequacy, selfishness, a tyrannical character, and many other reasons that come from childhood. By humiliating a partner, such a person feels his strength. He is, as it were, rehabilitated by his sacrifice and gains a semblance of a sense of significance. In fact, this speaks of weakness and failure on the part of the humiliator. And it is important to learn how to respond to such attacks towards your person. The same applies to those who are not married, but have a person whom they would really like to put in their place through humiliation. So, let's look at examples of how to humiliate a person morally.

Let's start with the fact that a person can be humiliated only if he is attacked for those properties that he himself has defined as humiliating. In other words, you can humiliate a person by pointing out shortcomings, external or personal traits which are easily criticized. Representatives of the two sexes have different qualities. It is important to have at least some information about the person whose dignity you want to hurt.

How to morally humiliate a man?

Here you need to act based on general ideas O strong field as such. What are men proud of? With its strength, beauty, muscles and of course belonging to the class of males. It is precisely these qualities that need to be put under pressure. How can you morally humiliate a guy? Yes, it’s elementary, you can’t ride on his fear interesting women, not wealthy in bed (everyone has this fear, regardless of age), or the desire to stand out among women. Remember that humiliation is something that is below the level of self-esteem. Determine what opinion the person you are going to humiliate has about yourself. Most easy way- to humiliate with the help of compromising evidence. But it is also the most difficult. In any case, before you start humiliating, try to find out better about the person himself and his fears. If he is afraid that others will find out some information about him, then this is exactly the information that needs to be made. And of course, the more witnesses to your attack on your dignity, the stronger the feeling of humiliation.

How to insult a representative of the fair sex?

The same applies to the question of how to morally humiliate a girl. It is worth adding a number of features here. It is easier to humiliate a woman because of fears and unpleasant topics, which almost everyone knows about; in the case of the weaker sex, much more. For example, a reason for humiliation may be excess weight, appearance, IQ level, the girl’s environment (especially if she is often seen in the company of men).

Regardless of the gender of the person being humiliated, it will be much easier to achieve your goal if the person being humiliated is someone to whom your victim is not indifferent. The level of confusion and psychological attack on consciousness will be much more powerful. And don’t forget about such important details as humor and sarcasm. Such an impact will not go unnoticed by others. Besides, being ridiculed in public is the worst of all types of humiliation.

As an example of how you can morally humiliate the object of your irritation, we present several phrases:

- Dry up the herbarium!

Shut up, victim of a drunken midwife.

Oh yes, you won’t save the world with beauty!

Ciao peach, ripen!

Yes, you could cover yourself with a teaspoon in the bathhouse.

Yeah... Not everyone was spared by Chernobyl.

You're doing the right thing by giggling. You can't laugh with teeth like that

I would send you, but I can see you from there

I bet you were conceived on a bet.

Such phrases are just an easy opportunity to touch a person’s nerves. But having understood their essence, you will already know how to humiliate a person morally. And don’t forget the most important thing - if you decide to put a person in his place in such a harsh way, according to criminal law, you risk being punished by correctional labor for up to 6 months or a fine.

Are there any insults for a guy? Naturally! And today we will be graceful and beautiful insult guys. But, I will immediately note that for this you need to be a brave and decisive girl. And even better - big and strong. Learn and practice the art of insulting beautifully You can . Or you don’t have to practice, but immediately start reading insults. Have a nice time and good memory!

Sometimes it seems to me that the pain in the ass is your inner core.

The present one guy the curves should be the convolutions, not the arms...

Be kind and brighten the world with your absence.

You talk so funny about serving in the army! Are you by any chance in funny regiment served?

Yes, you are just the spitting image of Pushkin! I really want to shoot you...

Oh, why are you leaving already?! It was so much fun without you...

You are so intelligent boy, even a hat on his head!

Yes, they’re already giving you absenteeism at the cemetery!

Don't rush to Hell... They definitely won’t start there without you.

You know, there are engine malfunctions. This can be fixed. There are malfunctions in the processor. It's tolerable. And, personally, you have a DNA malfunction. And this is forever... Is it okay that I’m so smart compared to you?

Is your whole body hairy or just your nostrils?

And you are unique boy! After all, not everyone is given the opportunity to develop their inability, but you clearly succeeded in this!

You are so well-mannered that not only do you not raise your hand to girls.

Mozart died a year ago at your age.

So, on a dating site, girls started writing to you, looking at your photo, “I’m sorry, but we’re not that lonely”...

What a meeting! And I thought you died... Our mutual friend said so many good things about you this morning...

I see you like to slow down without a car.

Your hands are, of course, clumsy. But the brains are smooth.

You are a real gem! I would even say self-degenerate...

Now, just don’t strain your head now. If a good thought came to you, it was only to get a good night's sleep.

Everyone says about you “you feel like you’re in school,” and indeed, it’s immediately obvious that you didn’t make it to college.