What it is and why people deify it. What is beauty and why do people deify it?

Article from spring 2014

May 7th - birthday Soviet poet Nikolai Zabolotsky. 1903-1958.
111th anniversary in 2014 This is not, strictly speaking, an anniversary number, but in its own way a remarkable triad of units: 111. And just a birthday!

The scope of this note will not allow an extensive excursion into the biography and creativity, translation studies of N. Zabolotsky. All this, if desired, can be easily found on the Internet. My task is more modest: to remind you that today is the birthday of a wonderful poet, one of the most philosophical sounding poets Soviet country.

When the name of Nikolai Zabolotsky is mentioned, two of his poems most often come to mind for anyone somewhat familiar with Russian poetry of the 20th century: “The Ugly Girl” and “Metamorphoses.” The first is a piercing picture seen by the author and inspired this poetic masterpiece.

About the purity of a child’s soul, about envy that corrodes the soul as it enters adulthood, and finally, an amazing aphorism, crowning a verse that has long existed independently, so that when quoting, many do not even always know the source:

The poem "Metamorphoses" is the most famous philosophical and poetic masterpiece,
and also containing lines that have become a widely quoted aphorism: these are the first four lines. Reading this work, the modern reader, of course, will think that the author is talking about reincarnation, the transmigration of souls, which was believed in the East and which has become a fashionable belief throughout the world. However, this is not that it is not true, but somewhat broader.

This poem is the quintessence of the philosophical views of Nikolai Zabolotsky.
I would say so. In the USSR, religions were practically prohibited. But religious consciousness is an innate impulse, like a moral law. The more morally perfect a person is, the closer he is to God.

But since the communists banned God, people seeking “the path to the temple” had to find special paths. Many educated people in the USSR, due to the education received and the general non-religious structure of life, adherence to traditional faiths, which were not formally prohibited, was not accepted Soviet power, although religions were actively criticized by her, and open religiosity was not encouraged, nevertheless, experiencing an innate restless desire for the highest, without calling it a religious feeling, they composed various concepts based on science and power human mind, but on closer examination it was all the same different “Paths to the Temple”! Most often in the spirit of Spinoza: pantheism, glorification of Matter, but spiritualized and humanized. This is how a number of works appear in genres ranging from philosophical treatises to science fiction. From philosophical works, such as “Cosmology of the Spirit” by Ilyenkov in line with Russian cosmism, fantastic works and treatises by Tsiolkovsky to “The Andromeda Nebula” by Ivan Efremov, strongest impact which is now almost forgotten in the minds of the USSR and throughout the SF-reading world.

To understand Nikolai Zabolotsky’s “Metamorphoses” authentically, namely the meaning that the author himself put in, you need to know that he communicated with Tsiolkovsky, studied Engels, Grigory Skovoroda, Timiryazev, Vernadsky, and read the works of Einstein. He was influenced by Velimir Khlebnikov, one of the most mysterious Russian poets. He collected and studied the works of artists Chagall, Filonov, and in general the entire Russian avant-garde. He also showed interest in Bruegel and other Dutchmen. Finally, I was impressed by the concept of the Russian philosopher Nikolai Fedorov.

The natural philosophy of Nikolai Zabolotsky is very interesting and led me to interesting parallels. But more on that in another article. Here we will enjoy the poetic crystal of Nikolai Zabolotsky, refreshing our memory of several of the most famous poetic works. But not only these poems would do honor to any poet, but more about the poetry of N. Zabolotsky another time.

Just dotted here...


How the world is changing! And how I myself am changing!
I am called by only one name,
In fact, what they call me is -
I'm not alone. There are a lot of us. I'm alive
So that my blood does not have time to cool,
I have died more than once. Oh so many dead bodies
I separated from my own body!
And if only my mind could see the light
And he fixed his piercing eye on the ground,
He would see there, among the graves, deep
Lying me. He would show me
Me, swaying on the sea wave,
Me, flying with the wind to an invisible land,
My poor ashes, once so loved.
And I'm still alive! Everything is cleaner and fuller
A crowd of wondrous creatures will envelop the spirit.
Nature is alive. Alive among the stones
Both living and dead cereals are my herbarium.
Link to link and shape to shape. World
In all its living architecture -
Singing organ, sea of ​​pipes, clavier,
Not dying neither in joy nor in storm.
How things are changing! What used to be a bird
Now lies a written page;
Thought was once a simple flower,
The poem walked like a slow bull;
And what was me, then, perhaps,
The plant world is growing again and multiplying.
Like this, struggling to develop
Like a ball of some complex yarn,
Suddenly you see what should be called
Immortality. Oh, our superstitions!

Ugly girl

Among other children playing
She resembles a frog.
A thin shirt tucked into panties,
Rings of reddish curls
Scattered, long mouth, crooked teeth,
The facial features are sharp and ugly.
To two boys, her peers,
The fathers each bought a bicycle.
Today the boys, in no hurry for lunch,
They drive around the yard, forgetting about her,
She runs after them.
Someone else's joy is just like your own,
It torments her and breaks out of her heart,
And the girl rejoices and laughs,
Captivated by the happiness of existence.
No shadow of envy, no evil intent
This creature doesn't know yet.
Everything in the world is so immensely new to her,
Everything is so alive that for others is dead!
And I don’t want to think while watching,
What will be the day when she, sobbing,
She will see with horror that among her friends
She's just a poor ugly girl!
I want to believe that the heart is not a toy,
It is hardly possible to break it suddenly!
I want to believe that this flame is pure,
Which burns in its depths,
He will overcome all his pain alone
And will melt the heaviest stone!
And even if her features are not good
And there is nothing to seduce her imagination, -
Infant grace of the soul
It already shows through in any of her movements.
And if this is so, then what is beauty?
And why do people deify her?
She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

Don't let your soul be lazy!

Don't let your soul be lazy!
So as not to pound water in a mortar,
The soul must work

Drive her from house to house,
Drag from stage to stage,
Through the wasteland, through the brown forest
Through a snowdrift, through a pothole!

Don't let her sleep in bed
By the light of the morning star,
Keep the lazy girl in the black body
And don't take the reins off her!

If you decide to cut her some slack,
Freeing from work,
She's the last shirt
He will rip it off you without mercy.

And you grab her by the shoulders,
Teach and torment until dark,
To live with you like a human being
She studied again.

She is a slave and a queen,
She is a worker and a daughter,
She must work
And day and night, and day and night!

From the collection:
Nikolai Zabolotsky. Zodiac signs are fading.
Moscow: Eksmo-Press, 1998.


Thank you, it was written competently and with soul. Only Skovoroda’s name is not Nikolai, but Grigory. And the idea of ​​marking three ones is good :)

Olga Sedakova writes interestingly about Zabolotsky:
Although I, of course, categorically disagree that “Zabolotsky’s poetic world did not acquire some kind of final, minted completeness - and his name did not become a sign capable of being remembered when mentioned.” Sedakova has an annoying quirk of not accepting anything even remotely close to socialist realism, we’ll forgive her for that.

In general, Zabolotsky is very different and, unfortunately, since the 30s he was afraid to use his surrealistic achievements in poetry. Especially after the camps:(. And he really had few opportunities to come to church. But God does not bypass any real poet, even Mayakovsky (separate conversation). So Zabolotsky has:
Flight to Egypt

Angel, guardian of my days,
I sat in the room with a lamp.
He guarded my abode
Where I lay and was sick.

Exhausted by illness
Far from comrades
I was dozing. And one after another
Visions came before me.

I dreamed that I was a baby
In a thin capsule of shrouds
Jewish settler
Brought to a distant land.

Before Herod's gang
We trembled. But here
In a white house with a veranda
Find yourself a shelter.

The donkey was grazing near the olive tree,
I frolicked in the sand.
Mother and Joseph are happy
They were busy in the distance.

I'm often in the shadow of the Sphinx
The bright Nile also rested,
Like a convex lens
Reflected the rays of the stars.

And in this dim light,
In this rainbow fire
Spirits, angels and children
They sang to me on pipes.

But when the idea came
Return to our home
And Judah stretched out
Before us is our image -

Your poverty and anger,
Intolerance, slavish fear,
Where I lay down in the slum
The shadow of one crucified in the mountains, -

I screamed and woke up...
And by the lamp near the fire
Your angelic gaze shone,
Staring at me.

The set of the most famous poems in my version is slightly different; I would also remember “Enchanted, Bewitched” (which even became a criminal song), “Tarusa” and “Zodiac Signs”.

And the place you cited is from " Ugly girl“I repeat if girls worry about their appearance in front of me :).

IN next year Varlaam Shalamov and Arseny Tarkovsky will turn 110 years old. Who would remember...

Grigory Skovoroda, of course. She couldn’t help but know, but she still made a mistake. However, I’m still going to at least look at the works of this classic of Ukrainian philosophy, and I still don’t have time. Well, now I’ll put it on my must-read list.

Tarusa and Zodiac Signs. It’s worth reading, although it’s possible that I read it and forgot. Enchanted, bewitched... Exactly, Zabolotsky! And that’s right: a thieves’ song. Well, or the “Russian chanson” style. Although I note that the BBG song “Golden City”, which became a “sign”, a sign of the time, caused rage among the Italian connoisseur of Italian canzones: how can one so profane the high calm and the name of the classic of Italian music, to whom the authorship of the music was attributed. After all, the hoax was not revealed immediately.
BUT what interested me more in that story was not this, but how works, melodies (the melody of the Golden City and definitely from that canzone, slightly modified!), and images of art are “reincarnated”. I have at least two, even more, articles on this topic. About the sensational origin of the most popular songs of our time from archaic melodies.

In Paris, a Russian emigrant stood in a Catholic church during mass. A slow, solemn Gregorian chant sounded. Nothing disturbed the atmosphere of detachment from vanity and thoughts about the eternal.
And suddenly!.. The emigrant perked up his ears. Can't be! But the theme came up again and again. Barely waiting for the end, the emigrant hurried to the bishop and others with a shocked question:
- Why is the revolutionary anthem “Internationale” performed in your church during mass?!! I am expelled from Russia, Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev, I ask you to answer why you are performing the Bolshevik anthem?
The bishops were no less surprised. They probably called the organist. He probably double-checked the notes more than once: he played everything correctly!
-BUT this is the theme of the International, only it sounds several times slower than Degeyter’s working anthem!
But it turned out that this was an ancient spiritual hymn that was used in a transformed form. And this is far from an isolated case...I know many more such cases. Amazing, right? And I read the story about the International not just somewhere, on the vastness of the Internet, where there are a lot of all sorts of incredible things and inventions, but in a book taken from a library published in Soviet time and it was called "Song of Songs of the Revolution. Burning Lines of the Internationale."
The author, however, tried to turn everything 180 degrees. Where did the churchmen take it? famous song and turned it into sacred music for services to “attract parishioners.” Absurd, of course. But the fact remained a fact.

However, I was wrong about the City of Gold. The verses of this song contain biblical allusions. And here's the music. Yes, Vavilov, of course, turned out to be a brilliant imitator (not only the canzone, but the famous Ave Maria Caccini, as it turns out, which is performed all over the world). But imitation still has originals. And in order to attribute authorship, you need to enter into the image and accurately copy the style. Experts will still establish the authenticity of the style. So Giulio Caccini is almost in equally has the right to authorship - like Vladimir Vavilov - to Ave Maria.

Like Francesco da Milano - to the music of the City of Gold. As the wiki says, for a long time the authorship of Milano was DOUBT due to the fact that the composer of this melody was not in the teaching staff. BUT since it raised doubts among specialists only because of its absence in the PSS, then isn’t this the triumph of the Imitator?!

"For his unusual lifestyle, and also because most of his philosophical works Skovoroda wrote in a dialogical form; he also received the nickname “Russian Socrates”.
A. F. Losev from original ideas Skovoroda highlighted his doctrine of the heart, mystical symbolism in the doctrine of three worlds and the idea of ​​two essences of the world, visible and invisible."

Now it is clear that Nikolai Zabolotsky could have been attracted to G. Skovoroda’s philosophy: pantheism in the spirit of Spinoza and the doctrine of the plurality of worlds.
Do you think that Skovoroda’s philosophy is consistent with canonical ideas?

"Internationale" is generally quite mysterious, for example:
Of course, Talkov didn’t notice this himself, but read it from somewhere...
I’m not very familiar with Skovoroda’s philosophy, but, as far as one can judge at a glance, the three-worlds with two entities are quite canonical, but pantheism is not very much.

Philip, thank you for your words about the mystery of the International. You are amazingly accurate in expressing well-honed thoughts. And now I have to drink strong coffee and fight with the snobby gentleman. Called Russia-Mukhosransky.

And “Enchanted, Bewitched”, although it has nothing to do with musical hoaxes, it’s really interesting why it turned out to be a hit Russian chanson. Perhaps the fact is that this is Zabolotsky’s most ingenuous text (except perhaps for my dearly disliked “Reading Poems”) - he was experiencing a new surge of passion for his wife, he had no time for frills, the poems simply burst out.

“Your truth” must be defended. Otherwise, it is simply dogma, accepted on faith without any criticism. I gave my opponent the opportunity on all fronts, from science to economics and politics, and even European culture, to defend “his truth”: Europe is immeasurably higher than Russia (which he calls, however, in contemptuous jargon: Raska, Muhosransk, etc.). Europe obviously gave him nothing in terms of European manners: such an appeal, even in polemics, is not exactly new for me, but it is still surprising.

This is from his wife a short time left, then suddenly returned - and he wrote a whole cycle of poems about love, before which, as it is believed, he had a pure love lyrics did not have.
He even died partly from joy, on the rise. Woke up in in a great mood, began to brush my teeth - and my heart could not stand it.

By the way, beautiful poem Tarkovsky has about Grigory Skovoroda:

Grigory Skovoroda

I did not look for shelter or food,
In a quarrel with falsehood and with the world, not at peace,
The most tongue-tied and poor
Of all the sovereigns, the Psalter.

A proud, humble man lived in kinship
WITH ancient book books, because it
Love of truth is the true price tag
And the soul of the created light.

There is a willfulness in nature:
The steppe flows like oxamite under your feet,
Sprinkles with Sivash salt
Stale bread on the Chumatsky road,

Birds pray, true to faith,
The clear rivers shine quietly,
Homely small animals
They stood above the holes like candles.

But even through the seductions of the world,
Because of the letters of his Alphabet,
A sapphire blue sky is dawning,
The wings of reason are wide open.

And if you feel that your opponent is obviously stronger than you and provides counter-argumentation to which you have nothing to answer, then you should not attach offensive labels if you respect yourself, but at least admit your lack of argumentation and politely admit that this round is lost and bow out. And then either forget about the discussion, or go deeper into the issues of controversy and prepare carefully.
In my opinion, these are obvious things, and how they surprise me, because the majority of such simple things are not understood, they are insulted not even by personal, but by abstract arguments in a discussion, and they turn into obscene quarrels. I'm just...very surprised. This case is not something isolated, but quite an ordinary phenomenon.

One more thing:

“The world was catching me, but it didn’t catch me.”
Autoepitaph of Gr. Skovoroda

Where the mounds kissed the steppe
Face down in the grass, like hunchbacks,
Where they beat the drums
And herds of dust swirled,
Where the oxen rocked on their horns
Chumak steppe sun,
Where is the bitter molasses of sorrow
A fire of dung smoked,
Where did the stone women sleep?
In the calendar of bygone times
And at night the toads came together
Bow down to their flat feet,
There I made my way to Azov:
I put my chest under the dry wind,
Barefoot went south at the call
Your wandering fate,
Trampled the thyme of his native land
And I spent the night - I don’t remember where,
I lived, unwittingly imitating
Grigory Skovoroda,
I gnawed at him, blessed one,
Sacred, stone cracker,
But across the face of my universe
He passed before me like a king;
Before him are seductive nets
They changed color after color in vain.
And I loved these cells,
I still have no freedom.
I don't admire greatness
Happy thoughts to him.
But give me a bird's song
And the steppe - I don’t know why.
Is it not so that from there
In due time, by the light of the late stars,
Blessing the earthly miracle,
Return to your home churchyard.

I'm on the contrary charging if-Polemix
BUT how few worthy polemicists there are on the World Wide Web!
You captivated me, in particular, with your ability to conduct civilized conversations, which are not even debatable, you just know a lot and know how to answer so subtly that it’s hard to even call it a polemic, rather a development of the topic. And if you don’t know something, honestly admit it and go “Google” and comprehend it.

Your poetic baggage seems inexhaustible... Thank you, wonderful poems, even about Grigory Skovoroda and two. A pro is a pro... Here, get angry, don’t be angry, like that guy - nothing will help :)) Professionalism needs to be acquired, it doesn’t happen suddenly.

Your poetic baggage(opc). Your memory stores poems for every occasion, any point of discussion, poems both textbook, and with nuances and variations, versions of translations, and the most little-known and unexpected. Well done! Don't lose your enthusiasm.

A Turgenev's poem in prose "Who to argue with" I will now quote at the beginning of my discussions. To set to the right mood. BUT I'm afraid that most of my opponents will take some points of this text personally :)) And then it’s not difficult to foresee :))

Well, I don’t remember so much by heart, it just pops up that there are approximately such and such lines. Yes, there are gaps here, like everyone else :).

But who remembers a lot of poems by heart? You need to devote special efforts to this. So, what is education? First of all: knowing what to look for and where? Right? NOT said by me. The main thing is that if in a conversation, an argument, writing an article, a speech - memory prompts, all this opens up like a bud with a thousand petals - this is education and professionalism.
Why I love controversy. even despite the fact that 99% of people don’t know how to run it? In particular, for the fact that memory in this extreme, as it were, mobilization situation reveals its baggage, this is inspiration...

And usually, in the process of polemicizing, I extremely rarely turn to anything: manuals, buzz, etc. It’s just that the RHYTHM OF ACTION itself doesn’t allow you to switch off. I know that some points need to be clarified, accurate quotes need to be found, numbers, facts need to be clarified and the evidence base expanded. I know everything weak spots along the way. And yet it is impossible to switch off in the process itself! The memory opens up like a bud and throws out arguments; all this is compiled into ready-made blocks of text. not even phrases. This is a boxing match. just on intellectual ring. But I still haven’t met any worthy opponents...They become my haters. It's a pity.

However, I still remember all of mine, except for two long ones, written using automatic writing. This is one of the indicators of quality for me. We once discussed this with , she wrote that she stopped remembering everything by heart after she composed about 500 pieces :).

Nothing. At the same time, I lost my arrogance a little. Probably, he is showing off his voyages, poking his relatives, acquaintances, former classmates/classmates into the puddle. And then he and he were stuck in the “sticky mud” - and it’s time for him to understand that “this is not a format of interest”! :)) Run away from the smart guys without looking back.

It’s even worse, I didn’t notice:

It's time for dirt to understand
Igor Denisyuk: literary diary
It's time to understand that sticky mud is not a format of interest.

It's time for dirt to understand that sticky dirt is not a format of interest.

Well, this is already a clinic...

Beauty is a rather subjective concept. IN different eras at different nations there were our own standards of beauty, and each of us has our own concept of beauty. As the Russian proverb says: “There are no comrades according to taste.” There is external beauty: catchy, bright, it can be seen and heard; but there is another - internal: hidden beauty, the beauty of the human soul. In my opinion, it is this second one that is the main one, but not everyone can consider it. The fairy from Maurice Maeterlinck’s extravaganza says about it this way: “You have to be brave, you have to be able to distinguish what is not in front of your eyes!.. These People are a strange people!..”

But as soon as a person begins to see the beauty in the ordinary, he becomes kinder, more tolerant and more soulful, these are precisely the qualities that are so lacking modern society. Although it is so easy to see beauty! It is only necessary from the very beginning early childhood to teach a child to see not just the first snow, but “... hundreds of tons broken glass scattered on white sheets..."; or not just fog, but “... in this huge white world, as if spilled milk..."; sad autumn time You can also see in a specially beautiful way “... groves and gardens are burning with fire, forests in red and dressed in gold...”. And so in everything you just need to be more attentive to your surroundings.

So what is beauty? No matter how much we reason, we will not find a single answer to this question, and therefore we will not be able to explain this phenomenon. But that's why we can answer the second part of the question. Since ancient times, people have deified things for which they could not find an explanation: thunder, lightning, a volcanic eruption, for example. Hundreds of years passed before scientists were able to solve these mysteries of nature. Perhaps another few hundred years will pass, and future generations will come to a common definition of beauty, but for now we need to learn to see the beauty around us.

5. Consideration of new material.

I present to your attention small excursion into history. Consider the question: What is the measure of beauty at different times among different peoples? Write down the results of your observations in your notebook.
Paleolithic figurine.
Nefertiti. Legends say that Egypt has never before given birth to such a beauty. She was called "Perfect"; her face adorned temples throughout the country. Nefertiti played exclusively important role in the religious life of Egypt at that time, accompanying the spouse during sacrifices, sacred rites and religious festivals. She was the living embodiment life-giving power the sun that gives life.

Cleopatra. The true appearance of Cleopatra is not easy to discern due to the romantic flair surrounding her and numerous films; but there is no doubt that she had a sufficiently courageous and strong character to bother the Romans. There are no reliable images that accurately, without idealization, would convey her physical appearance. But some historians note a lack of feminine beauty in her. The profiles on the coins show a woman with wavy hair, large eyes, a prominent chin and a hooked nose. On the other hand, it is known that Cleopatra was distinguished by powerful charm and attractiveness, she used this well for seduction and, in addition, had a charming voice and a brilliant, sharp mind.

In the Middle Ages earthly beauty was considered sinful. The figure was hidden under a layer of heavy fabrics, and the hair was hidden under a cap. Now the ideal of a medieval woman was the Blessed Virgin Mary - an elongated oval face, huge eyes and a small mouth.

The ideal of beauty of the Renaissance. During the Renaissance, the canons of beauty became a pale complexion, a beautiful mouth, white teeth, scarlet lips and long silky strands of blond hair. A slender “swan neck” and a high, clean forehead were elevated to the rank of standard. To follow this fashion, to lengthen the oval of the face, women shaved the front hair and plucked their eyebrows, and to make the neck appear longer, they shaved the back of their heads. The ideal becomes calm, “healthy” beauty, which can be seen in the paintings of Titian or Rembrandt, where young beauties with curly hair and a charming blush on their faces are depicted. Leonardo da Vinci depicted the standard of a medieval beauty - “La Gioconda”. Main mystery portrait - in an inexplicable facial expression, in an incomprehensible “escaping” smile. Some consider her a sublime ideal of femininity and charm, while others find her unpleasant.

During the Rococo era The main emphasis is on the hairstyle; this is a time of miracles in hairdressing. They tried to preserve this expensive pleasure for as long as possible: they didn’t comb their hair or wash their hair for weeks. Queen Isabella of Castile of Spain once admitted that she washed only twice in her entire life - at birth and on her wedding day.

  • What is the measure of beauty in different eras among different peoples? Discuss with your neighbor. Draw a conclusion.
And external beauty

And intellectual level

And charm, grace

And objects

And motherhood

And piety

  • What manifestation of beauty did we not mention at the beginning of the lesson?
Inner beauty is the beauty of the human soul.

  • Why in to a greater extent Is internal beauty important, not external? Read the article containing statements of great people - writers, poets... What is the standard of beauty?

Beauty will save the world

The greatest psychologist, subtle expert human soul Dostoevsky was right. Beauty will save the world. In our life, not everything is perfect. This imperfection leads to wars and family strife, suicide and environmental disasters.

Beauty will save the world... But what kind? No, of course not the owners beautiful faces from the bright covers of magazines Dostoevsky had in mind. Harmony human relations, the human soul he meant.

Beauty true love, sung by Shakespeare, Remember: “...my love, like the sea, is limitless. The more I give, the more remains."

The beauty of a man who sacrifices his life for the salvation and happiness of people. Bulgakov's Yeshua and Aitmatov's Avdiy are wonderful because they spare neither strength nor energy, they go to death in the name of God-Tomorrow - the future renewal of humanity.

And if we talk about beauty, then how can one not remember the swift gusts of Chekhov’s The Seagull and Gorky’s Falcon! Isn’t it true that there is nothing more attractive, more graceful and more defenseless at the same time?

Extraordinary personalities, heroes, daredevils are always beautiful. The best legends are about them.

And who, at least once in their life, has not froze in awe before Raphael’s Madonna? The beauty of motherhood, the willingness to go to any lengths for the sake of your child will not leave, and I think, hearts indifferent.

“Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.” These, which have become textbook, lines of Chekhov apply not only to the people of his time. They are also addressed to us. We must be beautiful, and not only when we want to be considered so. Always. Then, maybe, humanity will finally stop being afraid of wars, hunger, environmental disasters. Because these are ugly phenomena, because everything in the Universe is interconnected, and, therefore, human beauty gives birth to the harmony of the Universe. And then, of course, beauty will save the world.

  • Think about it, what kind of relationships between people can be called beautiful?

  • What is the standard of beauty?

Willingness to perform heroic deeds for the sake of other people (altruism)

Love is sacrificial, giving

  • How do you understand the statement of F.M. Dostoevsky “Beauty will save the world”?
The beauty of the soul gives rise to harmony in relationships between people - and this will save humanity from wars, strife, and murders.

The question is certainly interesting. What is beauty? Well I do not know. It’s more likely that something attracts attention, if we take the terms of geometry, with its perfect, regular forms, for example, from childhood I remember in kindergarten you put crumpled candy foil on the table and smooth it out with your fingernail and the mint foil becomes almost perfectly even and smooth, like a mirror, it shines, objects are reflected in it and you proudly show everyone, look how smooth and beautiful I have. Things change with age. It could be anything beautiful correct form gem, etc. One thing is for sure, you want to have a beautiful thing. Beauty is a subject of envy and admiration. Be it an object, be it a person. If we talk about a person, then there are many aspects of beauty. But judging by observations, external beauty a person is defined mainly by his appearance, and if we go deeper, it is the proportionality of the physique (for example, long, straight (non-crooked) female legs, etc.) and the correctness of the face shape (straight nose, etc.). If you go with beautiful girl, passing by other guys despite her beauty (i.e. Her face is beautiful (not slanted, the same size) eyes, a pretty (not crooked, proportional to other parts of the body) nose, beautiful with earrings (Not different sizes) ears, narrow waist, long, beautiful (non-crooked) legs) girls, guys may have a feeling of envy (and look at the words of which looks like a beauty), conclusion: the external beauty of a person is perfection, correctness, proportionality, symmetry of body parts. Man strives for perfection. But we must not lose sight of the inner beauty of a person. It seems to me that the inner beauty of a person cannot be seen from a distance. Forms of inner beauty can only be “seen” and felt if you spend some time observing a person. Most likely this is the perfection of actions. Perhaps inner beauty is determined by a person’s actions. For example, a guy is walking in his yard, and behind him ten steps behind him is a friend, a wok...

More important inner beauty, that is, fire in the vessel, but this is my opinion. In general, beauty is a feeling, it is both strength and weakness, or more precisely, strength in weakness, as in love and in a woman. This is something that is difficult to explain; beauty must be seen and felt. After all, sometimes an ordinary blade of grass, which you can’t help but pay attention to, becomes beautiful when caught under a ray of sun or a drop of rain. Or a human smile, natural, can decorate any face. The line between inconspicuousness and beauty is very thin, sometimes you just need to look closely at something or someone to notice beauty. It is precisely for this elusiveness that beauty is worth loving. And also fragility, which is sometimes so easy to destroy.

Beauty is a concept that does not have a specific definition (like love). It is impossible to “check harmony with algebra.” Beauty is a subjective concept, and changeable over time and changeable in a person even throughout life. It is a certain image that gives us aesthetic pleasure. In society they can exist in different time different stereotypes of beauty that are formed depending on the influence of art and literature. maybe it is art (fine art) that visually represents the concept of beauty, which in this moment accepted by a given society. Most likely, they mutually influence each other. The concept of beautiful will be different even in different strata of society.

"Beauty will save the world" words of Dostoevsky. I think it makes such sense if people begin to live both internally and externally agreeing with beauty (this feeling is intuitively and figuratively implanted in us by God as opposed to logic and reason), then this will save the world, since we are connected with each other and with all nature on earth , but we continue to destroy this harmony. The sense of beauty inherent in us makes life amazing and interesting and helps us choose good way. But we also have a lot that confuses us, like in the “kingdom of mirrors.”

But “Ryazan expanse” Shirad will not replace Yesenina! And Shagane’s love will not drown out the memories of the cold northern beauty of the girl left in Russia. From two beautiful worlds, Yesenin chooses “his dear land” - the beauty of the Motherland. The land of his ancestors is so dear to him, who knows how to see more beauty in it than in any other corner of the world... Like Blok, Yesenin loves Rus', identifying it with a beauty in a patterned scarf... But not even just one native land- the whole world, everything beautiful in it, is praised by Yesenin!

Beauty is determined by the soul. Inner essence. And how touchingly Natasha Rostova is described at the end of the novel, despite the fact that she has “put on weight”, “lost weight”... The beauty of her soul is timeless, like real beauty. But time kills external beauty...

Napoleon in War and Peace is shown as a short man, completely ordinary, not outstanding on the outside. Kutuzov - corpulent, heavy, decrepit... but he is beautiful in his patriotic impulse - and Napoleon repels him, eats him with ambition, torments him unlimited power and sole domination, is ready to shed oceans of blood for this and destroy the world with war.

When we talk about beauty, we usually mean not only appearance, Beautiful face, but also the ability to control your body, the ability to move beautifully. In a word, the main component of our attractiveness is good posture which can only be achieved by systematic exercise. For beauty and health, active movements are simply necessary, and they are in short supply to modern man. Therefore, you need to fill this need of the body daily. physical work and active exercises. It has been proven that sport is of exceptional importance for the prevention of diseases. Speaking about physical health, we should not forget about mental health. After all, a calm, balanced person lives more happy life. It is not without reason that they say that our greatest wealth is health, and this applies doubly to mental health. Many diseases of the heart, stomach, kidneys, skin and other organs are caused by stress - a violation peace of mind. This also affects human behavior in society. In short, taking care of your health, improving your physical and state of mind, we also care about beauty. After all good looks And good health is not only a gift of nature - they are achieved through self-control and focused efforts of the person himself.

Shiny... and dense skin... hair, clear clear eyes... lips are direct indicators of general health, they indicate... Beautiful... posture... shoulders, an attentive look, high head position - these are signs... Large and widely spaced eyes are beautiful, because.. . How bigger eyes, the..., the better vision. The more..., the more stereoscopic vision, the depth of plans. Beautiful level, tightly set teeth, bent in a regular arc, because... beautiful long eyelashes, because they are better... They seem more graceful to us, if..., in this case they do not close and do not freeze. Beautiful thick and not very wide eyebrows, because they... A woman has a more developed... This is a reserve in case of sudden hunger while bearing and feeding a child. Reserve food serves at the same time... for the developing child. A long flexible neck adds to the beauty of a woman, since by its ancient nature a woman is... More... a man's neck provides strong support to the head in battle or when carrying heavy loads.