Space flight quiz. Intellectual game “Brain-ring”

Quiz for younger schoolchildren with answers “Flight into space.”

Alla Alekseevna Kondratyeva, primary school teacher, Zolotukhinsk Secondary School, Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Description: The quiz is dedicated to International Cosmonautics Day and is intended for primary and secondary school children. The holiday material can be used for conversations, classroom activities, and extracurricular activities.
Target: formation in children of knowledge about the development of astronautics, about the first flights into space.
1. Teach children to see and hear, to peer inquisitively into the world, to observe this world.
2.Summarize, consolidate and deepen students’ knowledge about space acquired in lessons about the surrounding world and in the geographical circle “Living to Live.”
3. Contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature and its patterns.
4.Develop the emotional and sensory sphere of schoolchildren’s personality.
5. To promote the development of thinking, attention, observation, moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren.
Preliminary work:
1. Reading fiction about space and astronauts, research work in the “Live to Live” circle, active participation in various competitions on the surrounding world, visiting the Museum of Cosmonautics and the Planetarium in Kursk.
Literature for reading:
I. Series “Astronomy for smart children”:
1. “Your Sunshine.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies.
2. “The Moon is the granddaughter of the Sun.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
3. “The stars are Sunny’s sisters.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
4. “Everyone in Sunny’s family dances.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2005. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
5. "Long-haired stars." Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
6. “Little planets.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
7. “Stones that fell from the sky.” Artist Z.N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
8. “Star pictures.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
9. “Our star city is Galaxy.” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
10. “Oh, aliens!” Artist Z. N. Yarina. M.: White City, 2007. 5000 copies. 32 pp.
II.Small encyclopedias for children
1. “Astronomy from A to Z.” Artists S. Volkov and G. Volkova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 1999. 19,980 copies.
2. “Entertaining physics” (co-authored with T.A. Nikiforova). Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 2004. 15,000 copies.
3. “Cosmonautics from A to Z.” Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 2000. 14,500 copies.
4. “How the Universe was discovered.” Artists S. Volkov, G. Volkova, Zh. Zubtsova. M.: Arguments and Facts, 2004. 15,000 copies. 65 pp.
5. “Russia’s star sons” (co-authored with S.A. Gerasyutin). Small encyclopedia of astronautics. M.: Gelios, 2007. 1500 copies. 226 pp.
6. “Your Universe.” A book for lovers of unusual travel. Artists E.A. Dyukova, V.V. Efanov, E.V. Lenchevskaya, O.V. Popovich, V.A. Prokudin. M.: Education, 2007. 5000 copies. 160 pp.
7. "Travel through the Universe." My first book on astronomy and cosmonautics. A book to read. Artists N.A. Shevarev, A.B. Yudkin, N.A. Dymova, E.V. Semenov. M.: Education, 2007. 10,000 copies.
The sky split open
And we go to Eternity,
Where the starry tale is
And Milky Infinity,
Where the stars give us tenderness,
Changing its spectrum.

And promises fidelity
Foggy Unreality! /Pause/

After man invented the airplane and conquered the sky, people wanted to go higher. One of the first to think about space flights was the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.
K.E. Tsiolkovsky is the pride of Russia, one of the fathers of astronautics, a great scientist.

In 1955, a decision was made to build a launch pad for space rockets.
It was in Kazakhstan, far from large populated areas.
The location of the cosmodrome is BAIKONUR.

All the most cherished dreams of the founders of astronautics were brought to life by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

October 4, 1957 became a significant date in the history of the country - the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. The space age has begun.

The first satellite of the Earth was a shiny ball made of aluminum alloys and was small - with a diameter of 58 cm and a weight of -83.6 kg.
On November 3, 1957, the second artificial satellite was launched, and on May 15, 1958, the third. The launch of satellites made it possible to begin the study of outer space.
Scientists were faced with the task of putting a living creature into orbit. Dogs paved the way to space for humans. Animal testing began in 1949. The first “cosmonauts” were recruited in the gateways - a total of 32 dogs were caught.

Doctors believed that mongrels were not capricious, unpretentious, and easy to train.
The weight of the dogs had to be 6 kg, and their height should not be higher than 35 cm.
The first dog race took place on July 22, 1951.

The mongrels Dezik and Gypsy survived the flight successfully! Gypsy and Desik climbed 110 km, then the cabin with them freely fell from a height of 7 km. At this mark the parachute opened, and both “cosmonauts” landed safely. The second launch ended in failure: the parachute did not open and Desik and his partner Lisa died. During the entire period of experiments - until the spring of 1961, 29 rockets with animals were launched, and 10 dogs died. In addition to dogs, guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, and rabbits flew into space - all of them honestly served the great dream.

This is a monument to the dog Laika, who flew into space on the second artificial satellite on November 3, 1957.
Since 1952, they began to practice animal flights in spacesuits.
August 20, 1960 a spaceship was launched with dogs on board Belka and Strelka.
On April 12, 1961, Russian citizen Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin went into outer space on the Vostok spacecraft.
He became a space pioneer for all mankind.

Everyone recognized him by his smile -
There was never a second smile like this!
The whole world applauded! Everyone rejoiced:
Gagarin flew around our globe!
Since then, unknown distances have approached,
Ships are exploring space...
And he started - a Russian, nice guy,
Gagarin is the first cosmonaut on Earth!

Since 1968, the domestic Cosmonautics Day has received official worldwide recognition after the establishment of World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day.


1.What is space? (Cosmos is a Greek word that denotes the order and interconnectedness of the Universe. There are many planets, satellites, stars, systems and galaxies in space.)
Teacher: What is space? Even in ancient times, the ancient Greeks called the World (or Universe) Cosmos, which literally means “order”. “The modern concept of space includes the entire space of the Universe, including the Earth, near-Earth and interplanetary space.”
2. Who is an astronaut? (An astronaut is a person who tests and operates space technology in space flight).
Teacher: Of the many professions that exist on Earth, the profession of an astronaut is the most difficult, dangerous and responsible. Being an astronaut is a real feat, therefore all cosmonauts who have been in space have the title of Hero of the USSR and Russia.

3.What is the name of the astronaut suit? (Space suit)

4.What device did people use in ancient times to study the starry sky?

5.What is the name of the artificial structure where you can see the celestial sphere with stars, planets and satellites, as well as solar and lunar eclipses? (Planetarium).
6.What is the name of the star closest to us? (Sun).
7. How many planets are there in our solar system? List.
(There are 8 of them: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune)

8. Which planet is closest to the Sun? (Mercury)
9.Name the giant planets.
(Jupiter. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)

10. Until 2006, this planet was considered the 9th planet of the solar system, but in August 2006, the Assembly of the International Astronomical Union excluded it from the class of planets and transferred it to the class of dwarf planets. What is it called? (Pluto)
11. When did the first successful human flight into space take place? (April 12, 1961)
12. Who became the first cosmonaut on Earth? (Yu.A. Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the Earth)

13.What famous phrase did Yu.A. Gagarin say before the flight? ("Go!")
14. How many minutes did Yu. Gagarin’s flight last? (108 minutes)
15. Name the first female astronauts. (Valentina Tereshkova and Svetlana Savitskaya)

16.Name the state that an astronaut experiences when the spacecraft enters orbit. (Weightlessness).

17.What does the phrase “spacewalk” mean?
(The astronaut goes outside his spacecraft to work in outer space).

18. Which astronaut was the first to go into outer space? (A. Leonov)

Final event: Game-quiz “This amazing space.”

Target: activation of knowledge on the topic, the ability to use acquired knowledge in different types of activities, activation of the dictionary, development of coherent speech, strengthening the ability to read a poem using a mnemonic table.
Dictionary: enrichment of active vocabulary on the topic of the lesson.

Material: illustrations “Space”, images of planets, mnemonic table, poems, riddles about space, counting sticks, space music, laptop.

Progress of the game:

IN: Our activity today is not quite ordinary. We're here to take you on an extraordinary journey through a quiz game. And where we will go, we will find out when we read the word by the first sounds - space.

Q: That's right, space.

Q: What else can you call it (Children’s reasoning)

Galaxy! Universe!

Q: So, the theme of our game is space. I suggest you dream and play astronauts for everyone.

Do you think it’s easy to be an astronaut?

What character traits should he have (have good health, be disciplined, honest, truthful, be able to fly a spaceship, jump from a parachute). And the main thing is to be able to be friends, because in space it is very important to have a faithful and reliable friend.

You have to complete many tasks that will help you remember everything we know about space, the planets of the solar system, and what is necessary for a successful flight. It is important to remember that only friendship, ingenuity, and mutual assistance will help you win. And also, guys, I would like to remind you that any game has its own rules. Today you are allowed to think, discuss, respond and reason. But, under no circumstances should you quarrel, make noise, interrupt your friends, or shout out. Your task is to give as many correct answers as possible. For the correct answer you will receive a small rocket.

First competition: “Warm-up”


1- What do people fly on? space? (on a rocket)

2- What are people called who fly in space? ( astronaut )

3- What do people do in space? (conducting research)

4- Which main characters flew to people and returned safely?

(Belka and Strelka)

5. Which country sent it first? astronaut in space? (Russia)

6. Who was first astronaut, flying to space? (Yu. Gagarin)

7.What was it called spaceship, on which Yu. Gagarin made his first flight in space? ("Vostok-1")

8. What color was Yuri Gagarin’s spacesuit? (white)

10. How are people located? Vspace? (in zero gravity)

11. How do they eat? (using tubes)

12. What is the equipment called? astronauts? (Space suit)

13.Which planet receives the most solar heat?

14.Which planet never has the sun and is it very cold there? Why?

15.Why is there life on planet Earth?

16. What is a telescope? Why did people come up with it?

17. What is the Moon? How does she look?

18 Name the first astronauts.

19.What happens on Earth due to the fact that it revolves around the Sun?

20.Name the name of the very first dog to be in space. (Laika)

21.When do we celebrate Cosmonautics Day?

22. Under whose leadership were rockets and spaceships created?

23.Which of the scientists in our country is the founder of astronautics?

Q: Well done! The first task was completed well. Next task: what does it take to fly into space?

A rocket is always built according to a special drawing, which is called a drawing.

I suggest everyone go to the tables and build a rocket using a single blueprint using sticks.

Q: Everyone did the task well. Well done. But in order to go to any planet, you need to find out about the living conditions on it. Now we will split up in pairs and choose a planet for ourselves. I will ask riddles about the planets, and you, after consulting, raise the planet in question. Ready? Begin!

It's so hot on this planet

That it’s dangerous to be there, friends. (Mars)

The king of the sea gave the name to that planet,

He called her by his name. (Neptune)

And this planet is proud of itself.

Because it is considered the largest. (Jupiter)

And this planet was shackled by a terrible cold,

The sun's rays did not reach her with warmth. (Pluto)

The planet is surrounded by rings

And she distinguished herself with all this. (Saturn)

What kind of green planet is this? (Uranus)

Two planets are close to planet Earth.

My friend, name them quickly. (Venus and Mars)

And this planet is dear to us all,

Life was given to us by the planet….Earth. (children answer all together)

Well done boys!

Well, we can take off.

Q: Attention! I declare readiness No. 1!

1 team - to the start! (Everyone puts their hands on their knees.)

Team 2 - starting readiness! - (Everyone slaps their knees.)

Team 3 - Start! (Everyone clap their hands above their heads and say -R-R-R)

Let's fly! (Cosmic music sounds.)

Q: Attention!

The ship is overloaded! Remove the excess! (rows of pictures appear on the board, one of them is extra, which has nothing to do with space).

Q: Well, let's see, what's superfluous? Spacesuit, drum, rocket or star? (drum) That's right. (similarly, 2 more rows of pictures) Well done!

Game “Planets line up!”

B: Well, now let's play. Everyone chooses a planet (a card with a picture of a planet). You will move around the hall to the music. According to my signal “Planets line up!” you must line up the way the planets are positioned in the solar system. Does everyone understand the rules of the game? (Children are built in order of the planets of the solar system)

Q: Now let's test our sunny family with our favorite counting rhyme.

(children count the counting rhyme)

There lived an astrologer on the moon

He kept count of the planets.

Mercury one, Venus two,

Three - Earth, 4 - Mars,

5-Jupiter, 6-Saturn,

Those who don't believe, get out!

Q: And now - The key is in the answer, the answer is in the riddle.

A chain of riddles about space for children.

To equip the eye
And be friends with the stars,
To see the Milky Way
Need a powerful...

Telescope hundreds of years
Study the life of planets.
He will tell us everything
Smart uncle...

Astronomer- he is a stargazer,
He knows everything inside out!
Only the stars are visible better
The sky is full...

Before Moon the bird can't
Fly and land on the moon,
But he can do it
Do it quickly...

U rockets there is a driver,
Zero gravity lover.
In English: "astronaut"
And in Russian …

Astronaut sitting in a rocket
Cursing everything in the world -
In orbit as luck would have it

UFO flies to a neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda,
It howls like a wolf out of boredom
Evil green...

Humanoid lost my way,
Lost in three planets,
If there is no star map,
Speed ​​won't help...

Light flies the fastest
Doesn't count kilometers.
The sun gives life to the planets,
We are warm, tails are...

All comet flew around,
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space -
This is black...

In black holes darkness
She's busy with something dark.
There he ended his flight

Starship- steel bird,
He runs faster than light.
Learns in practice

A galaxies flying
In loose form as they wish.
Very hefty
This whole universe!

Q: Game “Zero Gravity” (music sounds) - Guys, we are in zero gravity. (We stand on one leg, swim, move as if in zero gravity)
Look, we're getting closer to Earth. It’s time for us to land and return to Earth. (music “Earthlings” sounds)

Q: Let's remember a poem about our planet. And a mnemonic table will help tell it.

There is one planet garden

In this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy

Calling migratory birds.

It's the only one they bloom on

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other one like it. (Ya. Akim)

Lesson summary: Guys, it’s so good to return home, where you are expected and loved. It’s not for nothing that they say: “There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland.” Love our land, take care of it!

Q: Guys, you showed yourself worthily in the travel game and you will receive these rockets as a souvenir of it and today’s holiday!

The years will fly by, the kids will grow up,

The ships will go on a space voyage.

And maybe they will remember from distant worlds

About us, kindergarten teachers.

Quiz for Cosmonautics Day for primary school

Target : broaden students' horizons.

Decor : drawings and illustrations on the topic.

Teacher . Good afternoon, dear guys. We have gathered today to celebrate one of the outstanding holidays that arose in the 20th century - the anniversary of the first manned flight into space, or in other words - Cosmonautics Day.

Since ancient times, the starry sky has attracted man, but it was only recently possible to reach it.

Man's path into space was long and thorny. This path stretched through thousands of years. And now people's dream has come true - man conquers space.

For centuries, man has looked at the sky. He walked on earth and was not afraid to swim far into the sea, but the sky was huge and incomprehensible to him. Man settled gods in the sky. But the man wanted to go up there himself. And then tales arose about people who could fly, science fiction novels appeared, and aircraft were constructed that remained on earth.

And then the twentieth century came. Airplanes were already flying in the sky, and the first rockets were launched into space. People believed that the day was not far when a man would fly into space.

And finally, April 12, 1961, Friday, an ordinary working day. In the morning he was interrupted by the message: “All radio stations of the Soviet Union are working! For the first time in the world! Man in space!

The day of April 12 became proof of the fulfillment of any, the most daring, human dream. Since then, it has been celebrated annually by humanity as World Cosmonautics Day.

Guinness Records

1.Name the most important god in Roman mythology. (Jupiter)

2.Name the star closest to Earth. (Sun)

3.Name the very first astronaut in the history of mankind. (Yu.A. Gagarin)

4.Name the very first female astronaut. (V.N. Nikolaeva-Tereshkova)

5.Name the planet closest to the Sun in the Solar System. (Mercury)

6.Name the largest planet in the solar system. (Jupiter)

7.Name the northernmost star of the Northern Hemisphere. (Polar)

8.Name the very first manned spacecraft. ("East")

9.Name the very first woman to go into space in a spacesuit. (S. Savitskaya)

10.Name the most warlike god of the ancient Romans. (Mars)

11.Name the farthest from the Sun and the coldest planet in the Solar System. (Pluto)

12.Name the largest celestial body that collided with the earth in the 20th century. (Tunguska meteorite)

13.Name the very first word uttered by the first cosmonaut on Earth after the launch of the spacecraft. ("Go")

14.Name the Galaxy closest to the Solar System. (Magellan Cloud)

15.Name the very first person to set foot on the surface of the Moon. (N. Armstrong, E. Aldrin)

16.Name the first cosmonaut to go into outer space. (Leonov)

History of astronomy

Which of the heroes of ancient myths was the first to overcome the force of gravity and fly?(Icarus)

Which Russian scientist proved the presence of an atmosphere on the planet Venus?(Mikhail Lomonosov)

Who was the first to suggest that the Earth is spherical?(Pythagoras)

Who was one of the first to express the idea that the Sun is at the center of the Universe?(Aristarchus of Samos)

Name the scientist-inventor of the space rocket.(K.E. Tsiolkovsky).

solar system

What is another name for comets?(Translated from Greek it means “tailed stars.”)

How often are new stars born?(Every 20 days a new star is born.)

What were the dimensions of the first artificial Earth satellite? Show with your hands.(58 cm)

What does the word “planet” mean when translated into Russian?(wandering)

What is a meteor and what is a meteorite?

Planets, solar system

Which planet is called Red?(Mars appears red in the sky because there are rocks on the surface of Mars that contain iron, called rust rocks.)

What are the largest (giant) planets in the solar system?(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune)

Name the planet farthest from the Sun in our system and the smallest?(Pluto)

On which planet does the Sun rise in the west and set in the east?(On Venus, Venus rotates on its axis in the opposite direction than the Earth).

Which planet has the most satellites?(Saturn: there are now 17)

Devices related to astronautics

What is the name of the device for studying the night sky and who invented it?(Telescope, G. Galileo).

What is the name of the self-propelled vehicle that traveled on the surface of the Moon?(Lunokhod).

What installation is used to train astronauts and submariners?(pressure chamber).

The largest telescope on Earth?(The largest telescope in the world began operating on July 13, 2007 at the observatory in the Canary Islands. 10.4 m..)

First cosmonaut

What was Yuri Gagarin's call sign? (Cedar)

What was the name of the ship on which Yuri Gagarin made his first flight into space on April 12, 1961?("East")

How long did Yu. Gagarin's first flight in space last?(108 minutes)

Which Russian city, according to Yuri Gagarin, gave him a ticket to heaven?(In Saratov in 1954 he became a cadet at the Saratov Aero Club).

How many times did Gagarin fly around the Earth?(1 time)


Name the world's first female astronaut?(V. Tereshkova)

Name the astronaut who was the first to set foot on the surface of the Moon. ( Neil Armstrong)

Who and when made the world's first spacewalk?(Alexey Leonov, March 18, 1965)

Who was the general designer of the first spaceships?(Sergei Pavlovich Korolev)

What does the word "Cosmonautics" mean?(The art of traveling in the Universe).

Space and everything connected with it

Cosmonaut's overalls.(Space suit)

How many dogs flew into space for the first time?(One is Laika)

What is the name of the place from where rockets are launched into space?(Cosmodrome)

The Chinese believe that it is a "heavenly river with thousands of fish." And the inhabitants of Siberia thought that the sky was cut into two halves, held together by a light stripe, a heavenly seam. What is it about?(Milky Way)

Why do Milky Way chocolate bars have stars on their wrappers?(In English Milky Way - Milky Way)

Today we will conduct an interesting quiz, from which you will learn a lot of new things, and perhaps someone will want to connect their life with space.

First competition simplest. You need to answer questions with only two words - “yes” or “no”. All questions are about space and the people who conquer it.

2. Only the Earth has a satellite? (No.)

3. Is the sun a star? (Yes.)

4. Was Yuri Gagarin the first cosmonaut? (Yes.)

5. Was the American the first to go into outer space? (No.)

6. Is the closest star to Earth Venus? (No.)

7. Have Americans already flown to the moon? (Yes.)

8. Is a planet a relatively cold celestial body? (Yes.)

9. Did astronauts fly to Mars? (No.)

10. The first female cosmonaut - Svetlana Savitskaya? (No.)

11. Gagarin’s flight lasted a day? (No.)

12. Is Planet Earth approximately 4.6 billion years old? (Yes.)

13. Were the Assyrians and Babylonians the first to highlight the signs of the Zodiac in the sky? (Yes.)

15. Is a constellation a section of the starry sky? (Yes.)

Teacher. The second competition is called “Choose an answer.” You are presented with a question, and there are three answers to it, one of which is correct. You need to call this answer.

1. Who was the first to go into space?

a) Gagarin;

b) Leonov;

c) Armstrong.

2. Who was the first to suggest that the Earth is spherical?

a) Aristotle;

b) Pythagoras;

c) Ptolemy.

a) Mars;

b) Earth;

c) Pluto.

4. The closest star to us:

A) Sirius;

b) Aldebaran;

c) The sun.

5. The first woman astronaut:

a) Tereshkova;

b) Savitskaya;

c) Petrova.

6. Yuri Gagarin’s flight lasted:

a) day;

b) 36 hours;

c) 108 minutes.

7. The world's first spacewalk was performed by:

a) Titov;

b) Leonov;

c) Gagarin.

8. Science that studies celestial bodies:

a) biology;

b) anatomy;

c) astronomy.

9. In which month of the year is the Earth closest to the Sun:

a) in July;

b) in May;

c) in January.

10. How many planets of the solar system can be seen with the naked eye:

a) ten;

b) five;

in one.

Task: draw a picture.


    Why do some stars appear like grains of sand?

(Located far from us)

    How many stars are there in the sky?

    What constellations do you know?

(Pisces, Cancer, Swan, etc.)

    What sizes are stars?

(small and large)

    What color are stars?

(white and red)

    What determines the color of a star?

(depending on its temperature)

    What color is the hot star?

(white, silver, blue)

    What color is the cold star?


    The name of our country's first cosmonaut?

(Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)

    The first woman astronaut.

(Valentina Tereshkova)

    What were the names of the dogs who were the first to go into space?

(Belka and Strelka)

    What do "falling" stars mean?

(these are small stones flying from outer space-

va. Scientifically they are called meteors)

    What sign is there about “falling” stars?

(make a wish and it will definitely come true)

    What is a meteorite called?

(meteor falling to earth)

    Name all the planets in order.

(Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)

    What is a solar eclipse?

(in the middle of a clear day, twilight suddenly sets in; in place of the Sun, a black disk is visible, surrounded by a silvery glow)

    How many minutes does the total eclipse last?

(about 7-odd minutes; in a year from Earth you can

watch 2-3 solar eclipses)

    What is the name of the Earth's satellite?


    What are Comets?

(strange “tailed” stars)

    Name one of the comets that “visited” the Solar System.

(Halley's Comet - visits us once every 76 years, last time it appeared in 1986)

    For what reason do black holes form in space?

(when a star ages and explodes, a black hole forms in its place)

    What are Asteroids?

(in our solar system, thousands of small planets move around the sun - these are asteroids)

    What device can be used to observe asteroids?


    Name the largest asteroids.

(QUAAR - diameter 1250 km and CERES - diameter 932 ka)

    What was the name of the spaceship that carried the first

planetary astronaut made a flight?


    Who was the first astronaut to go into outer space and when?

    How long was cosmonaut Alexei Leonov in outer space in 1965?

(12 min 9s)

    Who was the general designer of manned spacecraft?


(S.P. Korolev)

30.Name the central cosmic body of the solar system?


31. Which planet is the natural satellite of the Earth?


32. Is it possible to use a compass on the Moon?

(No, because there is no magnetic field)

33. Which planet is called red?


34. Will an astronaut be able to transfer water in a flying spaceship?

from one vessel to another?

(No, due to weightlessness)

35. Where is the largest planetarium in the world?

(In Moscow)

36. Which American astronaut was the first to set foot on the moon?

(N. Armstrong)

37. Which planet in the solar system is the largest?


38. Where is the Sea of ​​Rain?

(On the moon)

39. Who invented the first optical telescope?

(G. Galileo)

40. The place where they prepare for a flight into space and from where they launch

space rockets and devices?

( Cosmodrome)

41. The main cosmodrome, from which the first space missions launched


42. When returning to Earth, the spaceship crashes into

dense layers of the atmosphere at high speed. What happens to

the surface of the ship?

(The surface of the ship due to friction with the atmosphere

gets hot)

43. Why in the Star City Museum in Yu.A.’s office? Gagarin

The clock above the door shows the same time: 10:31?(In that

In an instant, Yu.A.’s life was cut short. Gagarin)

44. When was the first artificial Earth satellite launched?

Quiz for students of grades 6-7-8 for Cosmonautics Day

Quiz questions:

1. What does our solar system consist of? (From the Sun and all the bodies that revolve around it under the influence of gravity.)

2. What is the universe? (Space and all the bodies that fill it.)

3. What is a galaxy? (Giant clusters of stars scattered throughout the Universe.)

4. What galaxy do we live in? (Milky Way Galaxy.)

5. What planets of the solar system do you know? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.)

6. Which planet is called the Morning Star? (Venus.)

7. Which planet is the largest in the solar system? (Jupiter.)

8. Which planet is the smallest? (Pluto.)

9. At what time of year is the Earth closer to the Sun? (In winter.)

10. Which planet is the brightest visible from Earth? (Venus).

11. Which planet has the highest mountains? (On Mars.)

12. Why is the planet Mars called the “red” planet? (Because of the color of its deserts.)

13. Name the place in the solar system where man has set foot? (Moon.)

14. What is astronomy? (The science of celestial bodies.)

15. What are meteorites? (Fragments of comets that fell to Earth.)

16. What is an observatory? (A building equipped for astronomical observations.)

17. What is a telescope? (An astronomical instrument for observing celestial bodies.)

18. Who invented the first telescope? (Italian scientist Galileo Galilei.)

19. What is a comet? (A celestial body that looks like a foggy luminous spot and a tail-shaped strip of light.)

20. Which scientist proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun? (Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus.)

21. Which of the scientists in our country is the founder of astronautics? (K.E. Tsiolkovsky.)

22. Name an outstanding designer of rocket and space systems, whose name is associated with the first victories of our country in space exploration. (Academician S.P. Korolev.)

23. Name the astronaut who made the first space flight. (K).A. Gagarin.)

24. What event is the celebration of Cosmonautics Day dedicated to? (On April 12, 1961, Yu. A. Gagarin made the first space flight.)

25. Name the first female astronaut of our country. (Valentina Nikolaevna Tereshkova.)

26. What is the name of the aircraft? (Rocket.)