Sytin's mood for stuttering. Anti-stuttering attitude G.N.

You can't take me with anything, you can't intimidate me with anything. I can always balance my speech effort and speak with ten times less effort, a hundred times less effort. If the situation is difficult, I can make even less speech effort and can outline almost any margin of safety. And this is where my confidence comes from that I can really say it completely easily, absolutely freely. I can get almost any margin of safety, any margin of safety of good pronunciation, easy pronunciation. And therefore, of course, nothing can intimidate me. I work hard to learn to speak with any part of normal effort - with 1/10, with 1/100, with 1/1000. And I can balance my speech effort with the environment in which I need to speak. And for any situation, and for any life situation, I can get any margin of reliability I desire, a margin of strength, easy, absolutely easy pronunciation. That’s why I always speak boldly and confidently. And I go into conversation in any setting, with any person, with courage and confidence. That is why I am infinitely convinced that I can always say well, I can say it easily, absolutely freely. That's why I'm not worried. Other people, even with normal speech under normal conditions, begin to stutter during exams or in some other difficult situation, because they do not know how to balance their efforts, but I can. So, I have an even greater margin of safety, an even greater margin of safety for good, easy pronunciation, compared to ordinary healthy people. And even more so, I am unshakably confident that I can always say it easily, absolutely freely. I know this for sure as a fact. In fact, I can always say easily, easily, absolutely freely. That’s why I go into verbal communication with courage and confidence, in any setting, with any strangers.

I am capable of limitless, almost limitless control over the degree of my speech effort. And I can speak with almost any degree of speech effort, with any degree of speech tension. Thus, I can create almost any margin of safety, any margin of reliability, absolutely easy, absolutely free pronunciation. That’s why I make verbal contact with people with courage and confidence. I always speak with infinite courage, with infinite confidence that I will always say well, beautifully, easily, easily, absolutely freely.

I have good speech. I have good speech. I am always happy to hear from other people. All my comrades know that in any difficult situation I can say good. And in classes at the institute, at various seminars, I always speak boldly and confidently. I can always say easily, easily, absolutely freely. I am truly a brave person, firmly, infinitely confident in myself. I dare everything, I can do everything and I’m not afraid of anything. I have unlimited control over my speech in any situation. I control the degree of my speech effort.

Now I’m trying to imagine as clearly as possible what we’re talking about.

I have unlimited control over the degree of my speech effort. In any difficult situation, I have infinite control over the degree of my speech effort and therefore I can always say easily, easily, absolutely freely. I have young, healthy nerves. The strongest, healthiest nerves are in the head area. The head area has the healthiest, most firmly calm nerves.

In the eye area, young nerves are healthy, strong, calm. In the eye area, young nerves are healthy, firmly and calm. The eyes are healthy and calm. Eyes are healthy and calm. All nerves in the head area are stable and healthy, firmly and calm.

I have a strong will. I have unlimited control over myself. I have unlimited control over myself. I have unlimited control over all the activities of my body. I can always speak with any degree of speech effort, with any degree of speech tension. With whatever degree of verbal effort I want to speak, that’s how I speak. I have unlimited control over the degree of my speech effort: with what degree of speech effort I want to speak, with that I speak. I have unlimited control over the degree of my speech effort. And I always create a sufficient margin of safety, a margin of reliability for good pronunciation. That’s why I always speak boldly and confidently in life in any situation.

I am a person with limitless, absolutely limitless speech capabilities. I say as I want: I want - loudly, I want - quickly, I want - with less, I want - with more speech effort. At the same time, I always have a sufficient margin of safety and reliability of good, easy pronunciation. I have limitless speech capabilities. I try very hard to learn to overcome absolutely all my doubts that I can always create the margin of safety I need, the margin I desire, the margin of reliability of good pronunciation. I really don't have the slightest doubt about this.

I vividly, vividly and firmly imagine myself as a person who can always, in any situation, say something good, easily, easily, absolutely freely. After all, the vocal cords work absolutely freely, with any force, they work absolutely freely. I can speak very loudly with absolutely lazy lips, with an absolutely lazy tongue. I can speak very loudly, very loudly, infinitely loudly. I can speak at full strength of my voice, with absolutely lazy lips, with an absolutely lazy tongue, with minimal, negligible speech effort, with negligible tension in the muscles of the lips and tongue muscles. And therefore I can speak absolutely freely in a loud voice. And with loud speech, just as with quiet speech, I can create almost any desired, any desired margin of safety, a margin of reliability for absolutely free pronunciation.

The brain passes a minimum of excitation into the speech muscles, passes that excitation of minimal strength, which is necessary for the absolutely free functioning of all speech organs, tongue and lips.

I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. There's a full tank of gas in the car. However, the minimum amount that can pass through the carburetor jet always enters the cylinder. The carburetor has a calibrated hole that can allow only a strictly defined required amount of gasoline into the cylinder. This is how a kind of “jet” is formed in my brain, which passes into the speech muscles that minimum of excitation that is necessary for absolutely free operation of the speech muscles and all speech organs. No matter how strongly I am excited, no matter how strong the excitement is in the entire nervous system, still no stronger excitation can pass into the speech organs than that which is necessary for the absolutely free functioning of all speech organs. I try to understand and comprehend this process as deeply as possible. The brain controls the strength of excitation that it transmits to the speech organs. And now I can speak absolutely freely in any environment. No matter how strongly I myself am excited, the brain still passes into the speech muscles only the minimum of excitation that is necessary for absolutely free, infinitely free speech. Now I have a “jet” in my brain that does not allow stimulation into the speech muscles that is stronger than what is necessary for the minimum tension of the muscles of the tongue and lips, which is necessary for that minimum tension of the muscles and lips so that I can speak. Now all the muscles of the tongue and lips can tense only insignificantly, insignificantly weakly. The brain now never passes into the speech muscles a stronger excitation than that which is necessary for absolutely free, infinitely free speech. I myself can be very excited, irritated, I can do the hardest physical work, lift weights, carry weights, perform the hardest physical exercises, but the brain will still pass only the minimum of excitement into the speech muscles, which is necessary for absolutely free pronunciation. I have now fully understood and deeply comprehended that on the path of nervous excitation to the speech organs in the brain there is a “jet” through which a stronger excitation cannot pass than that which is necessary for absolutely free pronunciation. The tongue and lips relax more and more during speech. The tongue and lips relax more and more during speech. During speech, the tongue and lips are completely relaxed. And therefore I speak easily, easily, absolutely freely.

I try to vividly and firmly remember that I can really speak easily, absolutely freely. I have already seen this in practice. The brain now transmits into the muscles of the lips and tongue only 1/10 of the force of excitation that is necessary for absolutely free pronunciation. Thus, I now have a tenfold margin of safety, a tenfold margin of reliability for free pronunciation. And therefore I now firmly know that in any situation I can speak boldly and confidently, since I firmly know that speech will be absolutely free, easy, easy, absolutely free. Now the brain itself does not automatically transmit into the speech muscles an excitation stronger than that which is necessary for absolutely free pronunciation. And that’s why now I don’t have to think about speech, about how to say it now. Now my speech mechanism works automatically, in addition to my consciousness. Just like how my legs automatically work when I walk. After all, I don’t think in what order and how to rearrange my legs, and how to shift the center of gravity of the body when walking. Also automatically I will always speak. After all, I don’t think about how to go, I just think about where I need to go. So it is in speech. I will now think about what I need to say. And how to say - it’s the brain that does everything automatically, apart from my consciousness. And so now I have firmly grasped this and will never think about how to say it again.

The brain now automatically controls all speech organs correctly and with great reliability. And that’s why now I always speak easily, easily, absolutely freely. And I always start speaking easily, easily. I know for sure that I can always say well, easily and freely. I have a large margin of safety and reliability of good speech. And that’s why I always speak boldly and confidently. And I begin to speak boldly and confidently. I treat speech the same way as walking, as the most ordinary activity, which presents absolutely no difficulties for me. That’s why I start speaking absolutely calmly. I begin to speak absolutely calmly. I always start speaking boldly and confidently, absolutely calmly. I always start talking with lazy lips. I try to imagine the beginning of speech with lazy lips as vividly as possible. I try to firmly remember that I begin to speak with lazy lips, a lazy tongue. I begin to speak easily; when, for example, they call me to the telephone, I begin to speak as easily as I begin to walk. For me, it’s absolutely the same as going to the phone or talking on the phone. There are equally no difficulties either in walking or in speaking. I begin to speak easily and easily. I begin to speak absolutely calmly. I always try to remember this vividly and firmly. I always start speaking absolutely calmly. When I begin to speak, I am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake.

At the beginning of speech, all the muscles of the tongue and lips are relaxed. At the beginning of speech, all the muscles of the tongue and lips are relaxed. I begin to speak with lazy lips. I'm starting to speak in lazy language. At the beginning of the speech I am absolutely calm, serenely calm. I always start speaking boldly and confidently. I know for sure that I will begin to speak easily, easily, absolutely easily. I know for sure that I will begin to speak easily, easily, absolutely easily. I know for sure that at the beginning of my speech I am absolutely calm. I try as clearly as possible to feel absolutely calm at the beginning of my speech. I am now trying to feel as clearly as possible that at the beginning of my speech I am absolutely calm, like the mirror surface of a lake. I begin to speak with lazy lips, I begin to speak with lazy lips. I say it's easy. I begin to speak easily and easily. At the beginning of the speech I am absolutely calm. At the beginning of the speech I am absolutely calm. At the beginning of the speech I am absolutely calm. Calmly, calmly, absolutely calmly, I begin to speak. Calmly, calmly, absolutely calmly, I begin to speak. Calmly, calmly, absolutely calmly, I begin to speak. Now I try to imagine myself as clearly as possible as absolutely calm at the beginning of my speech. I imagine myself more and more clearly as a person with limitless speech capabilities. Before I start speaking, I will tell myself: “Calm, calm, absolutely calm. Lazy lips. Lazy tongue. Calm, calm. Absolutely calm. Lazy lips. Lazy tongue. Calm, calm. Absolutely calm. Lazy lips.” And after that I begin to speak easily, easily, absolutely calmly.

I try very hard to completely suppress absolutely all my doubts that at the beginning of the speech I am absolutely calm. Completely calm. I am stubbornly learning to completely suppress absolutely all my doubts that at the beginning of my speech I am absolutely calm, absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake. I try as clearly as possible to imagine myself absolutely calm at the beginning of the speech. I try as clearly as possible to feel absolutely calm at the beginning of my speech. I try to understand as deeply as possible and fully comprehend that this working, speech attitude, which I am now trying so hard to learn, permeates my whole life. He enters life and fills the whole life.

/ Life-giving power G.N. Sytin

Chapter 2. Healing Attitudes

2.14. Anti-stuttering

You can't take me with anything, you can't intimidate me with anything. I can always balance my speech effort and speak with ten times less effort, a hundred times less effort. If the situation is difficult, I can make even less speech effort and can outline almost any margin of safety. And this is where my confidence comes from that I can really say it completely easily, absolutely freely. I can get almost any margin of safety, any margin of safety of good pronunciation, easy pronunciation. And therefore, of course, nothing can intimidate me. I work hard to learn to speak with any part of normal effort - with 1/10, with 1/100, with 1/1000. And I can balance my speech effort with the environment in which I need to speak. And for any situation, and for any life situation, I can get any margin of reliability I desire, a margin of strength, easy, absolutely easy pronunciation. That’s why I always speak boldly and confidently. And I go into conversation in any setting, with any person, with courage and confidence. That is why I am infinitely convinced that I can always say well, I can say it easily, absolutely freely. That's why I'm not worried. Other people, even with normal speech under normal conditions, begin to stutter during exams or in some other difficult situation, because they do not know how to balance their efforts, but I can. So, I have an even greater margin of safety, an even greater margin of safety for good, easy pronunciation, compared to ordinary healthy people. And even more so, I am unshakably confident that I can always say it easily, absolutely freely. I know this for sure as a fact. In fact, I can always say easily, easily, absolutely freely. That’s why I go into verbal communication with courage and confidence, in any setting, with any strangers.

I am capable of limitless, almost limitless control over the degree of my speech effort. And I can speak with almost any degree of speech effort, with any degree of speech tension. Thus, I can create almost any margin of safety, any margin of reliability, absolutely easy, absolutely free pronunciation. That’s why I make verbal contact with people with courage and confidence. I always speak with infinite courage, with infinite confidence that I will always say well, beautifully, easily, easily, absolutely freely.

I have good speech. I have good speech. I am always happy to hear from other people. All my comrades know that in any difficult situation I can say good. And in classes at the institute, at various seminars, I always speak boldly and confidently. I can always say easily, easily, absolutely freely. I am truly a brave person, firmly, infinitely confident in myself. I dare everything, I can do everything and I’m not afraid of anything. I have unlimited control over my speech in any situation. I control the degree of my speech effort.

Now I’m trying to imagine as clearly as possible what we’re talking about.

I have unlimited control over the degree of my speech effort. In any difficult situation, I have infinite control over the degree of my speech effort and therefore I can always say easily, easily, absolutely freely. I have young, healthy nerves. The strongest, healthiest nerves are in the head area. The head area has the healthiest, most firmly calm nerves.

In the eye area, young nerves are healthy, strong, calm. In the eye area, young nerves are healthy, firmly and calm. The eyes are healthy and calm. Eyes are healthy and calm. All nerves in the head area are stable and healthy, firmly and calm.

I have a strong will. I have unlimited control over myself. I have unlimited control over myself. I have unlimited control over all the activities of my body. I can always speak with any degree of speech effort, with any degree of speech tension. With whatever degree of verbal effort I want to speak, that’s how I speak. I have unlimited control over the degree of my speech effort: with what degree of speech effort I want to speak, with that I speak. I have unlimited control over the degree of my speech effort. And I always create a sufficient margin of safety, a margin of reliability for good pronunciation. That’s why I always speak boldly and confidently in life in any situation.

I am a person with limitless, absolutely limitless speech capabilities. I say as I want: I want - loudly, I want - quickly, I want - with less, I want - with more speech effort. At the same time, I always have a sufficient margin of safety and reliability of good, easy pronunciation. I have limitless speech capabilities. I try very hard to learn to overcome absolutely all my doubts that I can always create the margin of safety I need, the margin I desire, the margin of reliability of good pronunciation. I really don't have the slightest doubt about this.

I vividly, vividly and firmly imagine myself as a person who can always, in any situation, say something good, easily, easily, absolutely freely. After all, the vocal cords work absolutely freely, with any force, they work absolutely freely. I can speak very loudly with absolutely lazy lips, with an absolutely lazy tongue. I can speak very loudly, very loudly, infinitely loudly. I can speak at full strength of my voice, with absolutely lazy lips, with an absolutely lazy tongue, with minimal, negligible speech effort, with negligible tension in the muscles of the lips and tongue muscles. And therefore I can speak absolutely freely in a loud voice. And with loud speech, just as with quiet speech, I can create almost any desired, any desired margin of safety, a margin of reliability for absolutely free pronunciation.

The brain passes a minimum of excitation into the speech muscles, passes that excitation of minimal strength, which is necessary for the absolutely free functioning of all speech organs, tongue and lips.

I try to imagine as clearly as possible what we are talking about. There's a full tank of gas in the car. However, the minimum amount that can pass through the carburetor jet always enters the cylinder. The carburetor has a calibrated hole that can allow only a strictly defined required amount of gasoline into the cylinder. This is how a kind of “jet” is formed in my brain, which passes into the speech muscles that minimum of excitation that is necessary for absolutely free operation of the speech muscles and all speech organs. No matter how strongly I am excited, no matter how strong the excitement is in the entire nervous system, still no stronger excitation can pass into the speech organs than that which is necessary for the absolutely free functioning of all speech organs. I try to understand and comprehend this process as deeply as possible. The brain controls the strength of excitation that it transmits to the speech organs. And now I can speak absolutely freely in any environment. No matter how strongly I myself am excited, the brain still passes into the speech muscles only the minimum of excitation that is necessary for absolutely free, infinitely free speech. Now I have a “jet” in my brain that does not allow stimulation into the speech muscles that is stronger than what is necessary for the minimum tension of the muscles of the tongue and lips, which is necessary for that minimum tension of the muscles and lips so that I can speak. Now all the muscles of the tongue and lips can tense only insignificantly, insignificantly weakly. The brain now never passes into the speech muscles a stronger excitation than that which is necessary for absolutely free, infinitely free speech. I myself can be very excited, irritated, I can do the hardest physical work, lift weights, carry weights, perform the hardest physical exercises, but the brain will still pass only the minimum of excitement into the speech muscles, which is necessary for absolutely free pronunciation. I have now fully understood and deeply comprehended that on the path of nervous excitation to the speech organs in the brain there is a “jet” through which a stronger excitation cannot pass than that which is necessary for absolutely free pronunciation. The tongue and lips relax more and more during speech. The tongue and lips relax more and more during speech. During speech, the tongue and lips are completely relaxed. And therefore I speak easily, easily, absolutely freely.

I try to vividly and firmly remember that I can really speak easily, absolutely freely. I have already seen this in practice. The brain now transmits into the muscles of the lips and tongue only 1/10 of the force of excitation that is necessary for absolutely free pronunciation. Thus, I now have a tenfold margin of safety, a tenfold margin of reliability for free pronunciation. And therefore I now firmly know that in any situation I can speak boldly and confidently, since I firmly know that speech will be absolutely free, easy, easy, absolutely free. Now the brain itself does not automatically transmit into the speech muscles an excitation stronger than that which is necessary for absolutely free pronunciation. And that’s why now I don’t have to think about speech, about how to say it now. Now my speech mechanism works automatically, in addition to my consciousness. Just like how my legs automatically work when I walk. After all, I don’t think in what order and how to rearrange my legs, and how to shift the center of gravity of the body when walking. Also automatically I will always speak. After all, I don’t think about how to go, I just think about where I need to go. So it is in speech. I will now think about what I need to say. And how to say - it’s the brain that does everything automatically, apart from my consciousness. And so now I have firmly grasped this and will never think about how to say it again.

The brain now automatically controls all speech organs correctly and with great reliability. And that’s why now I always speak easily, easily, absolutely freely. And I always start speaking easily, easily. I know for sure that I can always say well, easily and freely. I have a large margin of safety and reliability of good speech. And that’s why I always speak boldly and confidently. And I begin to speak boldly and confidently. I treat speech the same way as walking, as the most ordinary activity, which presents absolutely no difficulties for me. That’s why I start speaking absolutely calmly. I begin to speak absolutely calmly. I always start speaking boldly and confidently, absolutely calmly. I always start talking with lazy lips. I try to imagine the beginning of speech with lazy lips as vividly as possible. I try to firmly remember that I begin to speak with lazy lips, a lazy tongue. I begin to speak easily; when, for example, they call me to the telephone, I begin to speak as easily as I begin to walk. For me it’s absolutely the same as going to the phone or talking on the phone. There are equally no difficulties either in walking or in speaking. I begin to speak easily and easily. I begin to speak absolutely calmly. I always try to remember this vividly and firmly. I always start speaking absolutely calmly. When I begin to speak, I am absolutely calm through and through, like the mirror surface of a lake.

At the beginning of speech, all the muscles of the tongue and lips are relaxed. At the beginning of speech, all the muscles of the tongue and lips are relaxed. I begin to speak with lazy lips. I'm starting to speak in lazy language. At the beginning of the speech I am absolutely calm, serenely calm. I always start speaking boldly and confidently. I know for sure that I will begin to speak easily, easily, absolutely easily. I know for sure that I will begin to speak easily, easily, absolutely easily. I know for sure that at the beginning of my speech I am absolutely calm. I try as clearly as possible to feel absolutely calm at the beginning of my speech. I am now trying to feel as clearly as possible that at the beginning of my speech I am absolutely calm, like the mirror surface of a lake. I begin to speak with lazy lips, I begin to speak with lazy lips. I say it's easy. I begin to speak easily and easily. At the beginning of the speech I am absolutely calm. At the beginning of the speech I am absolutely calm. At the beginning of the speech I am absolutely calm. Calmly, calmly, absolutely calmly, I begin to speak. Calmly, calmly, absolutely calmly, I begin to speak. Calmly, calmly, absolutely calmly, I begin to speak. Now I try to imagine myself as clearly as possible as absolutely calm at the beginning of my speech. I imagine myself more and more clearly as a person with limitless speech capabilities. Before I start speaking, I will tell myself: “Calm, calm, absolutely calm. Lazy lips. Lazy tongue. Calm, calm. Absolutely calm. Lazy lips. Lazy tongue. Calm, calm. Absolutely calm. Lazy lips.” And after that I begin to speak easily, easily, absolutely calmly.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is an interesting personality and an outstanding scientist, academician, winner of many international awards. He is the author of the method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of the human condition (SOEVUS). The method is based on healing moods (a kind of spell). The use of this method makes it possible to alleviate the condition of patients with various ailments: diabetes, arrhythmia, obesity, impotence, stuttering, etc. Some elements of this method in a complex composition are used by S.B. Skoblikova in the LIBERTY sanatorium.

In general terms, for stuttering, G.N. Sytin suggested:

1. It is necessary to practice speech every day for at least 1 hour.
Read fiction aloud, slowly, calmly, having made preliminary markings of the text for rhythm stimulation (notation (+) inhalation, (-) exhalation).
Read poetry out loud.
Read tongue twisters. (+)pruzhu (-)zhu (-) pond, (+)spruzhu (-) pond, (+)spring pond (-), also: wildebeest in an arc, wandering in a storm, tearing up grass in a ditch, buy a pile of peaks , Frol was chopping wood, thunder rumbles loudly.
Retell texts.
2. It is necessary to assimilate Sytin’s mood from 1 to 4 times a week. Read or listen to a tape-recorded sentiment.


It is easier to assimilate the mood if you listen to it in a sound recording. You can speak the tune into a tape recorder for yourself (or ask someone). The tone of presentation should be firm, businesslike, convincing, without any pathos. In the same tone, if possible, pronounce the mood out loud, but if there are no conditions, read or pronounce it from memory, to yourself. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others prefer to read it. While listening, you can also do some housework. But it's better if you try not to be distracted and concentrate. To internalize attitudes, use wasted time, such as on the way to work and home. Set yourself up for deep, lasting assimilation of attitudes. The mindset to strengthen your volitional attention will help you with this. Regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening or pronouncing it. You need to assimilate the mood until your state comes into full compliance with the content of the mood. When mastering the mood, try to be as active as possible (walk better), make an effort to memorize the text. This increases the efficiency of absorption.

To internalize a mood means to bring oneself into full compliance with its content (and not just remember). It is useful to listen, read or recite from memory more times those fragments of text that you like best and have special meaning for you. It is especially useful when listening to the mood to repeat thought after thought out loud, be sure to stop the tape recorder by pressing the “Pause” button.

To eliminate any neoplasms, it is necessary to copy the mood from a tape recorder onto paper; After listening to one phrase, you need to press the “Pause” button and write it down completely, observing spelling. During this time, a powerful impulse goes from the brain to the internal environment of the body, destroying the tumor. When copying a mood from a book, you need to remember the entire phrase, be sure to close the book and then write down this phrase. Rewriting the mood in separate words is useless.