“Lord, what should we do now?”: why parents return their adopted children to orphanages - Natalya Radulova. Well, maybe he just imagined it

In Russia, as the number of adopted children increases, so does the number of children returned to orphanages. They are working more and more carefully with adoptive parents to prepare them to respond competently to psychological problems children. But it doesn't always work out. Why do new mothers and fathers think about returning their child to the orphanage? They sometimes write about this themselves on forums.

* * *
We have three blood children, and a little over a year ago another guy appeared, who is now 10 years old. As was elegantly said in his characterization from rehabilitation. center, “if he does not get what he wants immediately, he may express dissatisfaction verbally and physically.” For us, “verbally” is wild yelling, “physically” - throwing furniture, things, slamming doors and beating with fists and various objects against the walls.
In the first month and a half he behaved perfectly, then it became more difficult, hysterics could be repeated several times a day. The reasons are very different: you can’t go for a walk right now, you can’t visit a friend right now, you don’t want to do your homework, etc. The first time, I remember, he got the wrong kind of ice cream...
He has more and more strength, he has grown by 15 centimeters. I am afraid all the time that he might smash something that belongs to his eldest son - an electric guitar, for example, and then he will kill him on the spot. I'm afraid that he might hit me too. My own son is already dreaming of leaving Moscow for St. Petersburg to study after school. And then I also thought: what if he ends up in the army, and then, God forbid, something upsets him? Do you think it’s worth contacting a psychiatrist (for now only him, but with such a life we ​​will soon go there with the whole family))?

We live in Ukraine. Two years ago, my husband and I adopted three children of the same age (a 5-year-old girl, a 4-year-old boy, and a 3-year-old girl), they are consanguineous and have been abandoned since birth. Before we took them, the children did not even know that they were family. Lived in a children's home in different groups and did not intersect. Their behavior initially left much to be desired, if this can be said about the madness that was happening and is happening, but the behavior of their son simply went beyond all limits. He is not able to obey basic rules and regulations, there are no brakes, if he wants something, then nothing can stop him. He doesn’t run around with a knife yet, but at 5 years old he tries to stick his fingers into girls’ private parts and put their heads on stones, spit in their food, hit them with dumbbells...
We have 24/7 supervision for him: to the toilet, to wash his hands, to sleep, etc. The teacher (a woman with a higher education) deals with him and only him teacher education). At the same time, he still manages to inflict physical harm sisters with enviable regularity.
In the presence of strangers, he often behaves much better and more mannered than many children his age. It is extremely difficult to explain to others what his illness is. But he creates a little hell for us at home. In addition, a short period of time is enough for him to adapt to new conditions, and then his nature manifests itself. He and I were politely asked from 4 sports sections, from courses acting and children's day camp.
We turned to neurologists and psychologists. Almost all the specialists sent us to a psychiatrist and, as a result, we have a diagnosis of psychopathy.
According to doctors, the son threatens the health of his daughters and recently born child, and also cannot be in a team, because does not control his actions and can be dangerous to other children. His behavior has become simply unbearable, despite the fact that he is on drugs that are supposed to restrain aggression... Neuroleptics remove the affect and the result is a classic maniac who invents and, if necessary, produces the RIGHT behavior, but everything still leads to his goal. The psychiatrist Chikatilo mentioned me more than once...
Having assessed my husband and I’s moral and material strength, we decided that we would not be able to raise a sick child (without any guarantees for recovery or at least stabilization of the condition) without damage to other children, ourselves and our marriage. We filed a lawsuit to cancel the adoption and a decision has already been made in our favor. This is a monstrous tension when you had to control every second the boy’s every movement.

Our 5 year old behaved almost horribly. whole year and we chalked it all up to adaptation. He banged his head against the walls and floor as hard as he could, tried to break glass with his head, sat and monotonously scratched his skin - if you didn’t notice in time, he scratched it almost to the bone. But the most impressive thing is his smile. On the face of a five-year-old child is the smile of an adult, seasoned man. At first I thought it was a neurosis that we scolded him for bad deeds. Until they stopped scolding him and noticed that he always smiles like that when he consciously does something nasty. In addition to the “smile,” which sends chills down my spine for me, a middle-aged woman, is the phrase: “I want it that way.” Why did you tear your older sister's pencil case, you have exactly the same one? That's what I wanted. I want that's all. Then there is emptiness. Persuasion, distractions, prohibitions, threats, punishments - nothing works.
Then, in addition to terrible aggression, he began to have glitches and suicidal thoughts. The doctors' conclusion is schizotypy.
That's what they told me on Monday - if the madness starts in preschool age, then at 9-11 years old our client will be completely without leaving the pension. And I also had to choose between this sick boy and 4 other children. I think this choice is difficult, but correct. I am tracking the life of that boy without our family and today I can say that the choice was made correctly, no matter what anyone says... since they did not live with the child 24 hours a day. Moreover, our boy had an excellent memory!!!
What’s even worse, as the psychiatrist explained to us: Aggression plus such a memory - he’ll cut you all out if he even puts his mind to it. And then he had already planned and planned it with our blood son (the doctors found out).
They tried to explain to him that he was returning to the orphanage as much as possible, he took it calmly and indifferently. Having lived “alone” for a while, for example, we directly noticed how much chaos and evil there was in our lives. What regression there was for girls and even older teenagers. At the same time, the severity of sensations is erased. This is how man is made. I remember more how he stroked my head, how we did origami, what a wonderful spider he was in the graduation performance in kindergarten when I first picked up the device and the leads... I want to run to the guardianship and take it back. And every time you have to make the same decision with your mind. This is such a small personal hell.

I am 25 years old, married, have a 4-year-old daughter. I've been raising my own for 5 years now. sibling. His name is Egor, he is 13 years old. His mother died of alcoholism, and his father was an alcoholic and disabled. My father lives in another city. When my mother was in the hospital, he was taken to a shelter, and after her death, his care was given to me. I was 20. There were problems from the very beginning, but I tried to solve them. School, health, behavior. Now it has turned into a nightmare. He doesn’t want to study, he swears, and now he also smokes. At home he is rude and rude to everyone, constantly badmouthing my daughter, it is impossible to force him to do anything. Just today there are 5 reports from teachers about him at school. Classroom teacher I'm already starting to feel sorry for me.
I no longer know how to deal with him and how to help him. We have good conditions, we didn’t refuse him anything, now I don’t give him money because he started smoking. His phones are like gloves, he breaks them, loses them, etc. I understood that genetics and the fact that he lived with drunks would make themselves felt, but still I tried to convey to him that he needed better life, not the same as his parents. But he doesn't care. And now I'm on the verge of terminating the contract. But he's not just someone else's child. He is my brother. And it's very difficult.
You just understand, he’s aggressive and I’m afraid. I'm afraid for him, for my daughter, and that he will harm someone. After all, they will ask me. His father went to prison at the age of 14! For rape! And then 20 for murder! And then again for murder and theft and robbery. And he knows everything about his father and he doesn't consider him a bad person.
Now I am fully and completely invested in him, physically, financially and mentally. I've been trying to find it for 5 years positive features in him. I try for every one of them good action praise him and encourage him. So that he understands that this is better than behaving badly. But he rarely does good things. In general, we saw a psychologist again and a psychiatrist. Deviant behavior. Now the psychologist will work with him, and the psychiatrist has appointed drug treatment. He will undergo a commission at the school for a simplified program, individual training is possible.

The boy is almost 8 years old, Vladislav. I'm on maternity leave and spend it accordingly most days with children. I myself really wanted to take this guy, I felt sorry for him, and now I feel sorry for myself, my mother, my son, my niece, the animals... Everyone except Vlad.
It all started with lies and theft, but everyone was ready for this, so we patiently explain why this is bad, that this cannot be done, etc. Then I began to notice that the cat stopped walking around the apartment and sat under my bed until Vlad slept. Then the cat began to growl at him. One fine day I quietly went out to hear the cat growl and saw Vlad beating her. Now the cat shakes when he appears and growls. She lit up the way he threw at her various items. He can grab the dog by the head and tilt it (dog 3 kg), explaining that he wanted her to look there. He’s negative towards my son, and he’s a hypocrite to his face: “Our Matyusha is so good, I’ll go play with him,” but as soon as I look, he’ll push me, or snatch something out of my hands, he almost pinched his fingers with the door, I just caught the door.
Recently my sister’s daughter came to visit, she is 5 years old. We sat watching cartoons, my mother and I cooked in the kitchen. Lisa began to cry, they took her out of the room and she said that he took off her panties, took off his panties, and (I apologize) began to try to poke, saying “be quiet and don’t scream, otherwise I won’t be friends with you.” Here, of course, we all got tense, Lisa no longer comes, firstly, she is still in shock and she says that she will not go to her grandmother, and the grandmother has lost contact with her granddaughter (and every single day I catch him in some kind of violence , he likes it, then cats, then dogs, now it has reached children...
It may seem funny to some, but intuitively, as a mother, I am scared for my child. I go to the toilet and take my son with me (I’m afraid to leave Vlad alone at home, that he will cripple the animals). And if now nothing prevents him from mocking those who are weaker and showing manic interest, then what will stop him from pushing me or my mother at the age of 15... After all, he has no authority.
By the way, we decided to install hidden cameras in the apartment. I would like to understand what he does when he locks himself in a room, when he locks himself in there with a dog. How many times have I heard a squeal, quietly walked in and he spread his arms, and the dog flew out of the room. Now I was putting my son to bed, as always, I quietly went out, and he was sitting and burning matches, and what if the apartment burned down) I spent 15 minutes explaining that this was dangerous, but in my opinion, he doesn’t care about my words). We have three rooms. I live in one with my son (now with a dog and two cats, they settled here out of fear), in the other my mother, in the third Vlad. It turns out he is the only one in the room.

I can not do it anymore! We adopted a child at 6.5 years old; he has been in the family for 5 years. There is no longer any strength to endure. When he was taken from the kindergarten, the teachers said that he was very calm, friendly, smart, etc. and so on. In general, a miracle, not a child. All miracles ended immediately as Ilya crossed the threshold of our house. Hysterics began for every reason, all the things that caught his eye were torn, cut, broken, the wallpaper was torn off, the furniture was torn apart, common house quickly turned into... something uninhabited.
At first everything was attributed to adaptation to the family, then to adaptation to school, then to psychiatric problems(which in general were not confirmed after the examination), then to psychological ones. We go to a psychologist, but nothing helps. The psychologist wrote that personal characteristics child in the absence correctional work may later become the basis for the formation of excitable psychopathy.
I stayed in second grade for a second year because my behavior got even worse. He began to steal, beat children, could take off his pants in front of the class, and be rude to the teacher. It was even worse at home. Theft, lies, damage to everything around, rudeness continued. The eldest daughter first tried to negotiate with him, spent a lot of time with him, walked with him, studied, but he almost did not like him - he could hit her, be rude to her. In the third grade, we were forced to leave school. Now on homeschooling. I endured it for a long time, tried to instill at least something human - but to no avail. Everyone in the family simply hates him, and really wants me to bring him back. The atmosphere at home is so terrible that we all want to run away. And he's fine. Now he doesn’t even try to control himself, he can say such obscenities at us as I have never heard in my life, he shouts that he will kill us all and live here, he steals and lies, he broke the glass in the doors, he fights (and with me, and my daughter has constant bruises) today, in a fit, I grabbed a long lamp, swung it at me, but hit the chandelier; I still haven’t managed to collect all the fragments.
How do I feel about him? Probably nothing. I'm just tired and don't believe in anything anymore. I imagined for a minute that he wasn’t in the house, there was silence, calm, I didn’t have to hide things anywhere, I didn’t have to be nervous, leaving him alone with my sister, that upon returning from work I wouldn’t have another broken thing waiting for me, that I wouldn’t have to calm down another hysteria and I don’t have to be afraid that someone will attack me with their fists, that, like once upon a time, any conflicts, disputes and problems can be resolved through dialogue, that no one will yell at me and demand something... yes, it’s tempting . But on the other hand, I imagined that he would be somewhere far away, I wouldn’t know how he was, suddenly he would feel bad there and no one would help, that he would be left alone with all his problems, that in general he would be nobody there is no need that after returning he will hardly ever be able to trust anyone and his behavior, attitude towards the world and people, his condition will become even worse. And... I don't know.
It's so bad, and it's even worse.
And life really does pass, and how can you imagine this horror for another year...
So it turns out that no one is to blame, and in any case, someone will feel bad. I don't know this emotional burnout Or maybe I'm just such a bad adoptive mother.
Today we all went to see a psychologist together. She told Ilya one wonderful phrase: “You fought with your mother for five years, now you have won and are returning to the DD. You know, victory does not always bring joy. And this is exactly your case.” And then, when we were left alone, she said that it was most likely to return Ilya the best option. In his case, initially there was very little chance that he would be able to adapt to the family. And if suddenly at the last moment I change my mind about returning him, we must not forget that Ilya will not change. Everything that could be done for him has already been done, everything that could change has changed. It was so sad to hear this. But these words, and Ilya’s behavior last days convinced me that no matter how bitter and painful it was, I made the right decision.
I took Ilya to care. He didn’t believe it until the very end, and only when I started leaving did he cry. How disgusting it is in my soul. I thought it would be easier, but it only got worse. He was confident in me, sure that I would never betray him, and I returned him. It is unlikely that I will ever forgive myself for this betrayal.
The morning began today with a call from Ilya complaining of boredom. Then he demanded to bring him headphones for his phone, when I reminded him that he had broken them a long time ago, I was told that he could buy new ones. I noticed once again that now this is not for me. And then he told me: it’s your fault that I ended up here, if you hadn’t snitched on me in custody, they wouldn’t have taken me away! Just think, I behaved badly! I tried to bring the child back to reality and reminded me that, in general, neither I nor Lena had to tolerate his antics, but the result was predictable - just think - the child told me! In general, I said that I was not going to listen to his accusations and continue the conversation in a similar tone. Ilya freaked out, said: well, no need - and hung up.
After lunch, I went to the hospital, took a certificate from school, and the doctor suggested talking to Ilya through the bars on the window. I walked up, talked to the child for a few minutes and realized that he didn’t repent of anything, he didn’t understand anything, and if he regrets anything, it’s only that he lost comfort, a good life and the opportunity to set his own conditions for others . Otherwise everything is fine with him.

And I didn’t feel like a traitor when I took the girl into custody. When they gave it, the performance characteristics were excellent (well, one marriage was announced, but I was ready to live with it). But then it turned out that she was mentally ill, but I didn’t sign up for this. You always calculate your strength. And I don’t promise that I will carry the girl to adulthood, we will see how events will develop further. My life is more valuable to me, and I am neither an altruist nor a masochist.

We took our children (a boy and a girl) 2 years ago. They had a diagnosis of mild mental retardation, which did not frighten us at all - I work in correctional school and knew firsthand who oligophrenics were. The boy was very neglected, but he seemed to me then so unhappy, kind, etc. But then he began to shoot at my infant son with a toy pistol. In a quarrel, he dropped the following words: “You locked me alone in your room! I will die there! What should I do there - just talk to this person?” I started getting him to talk about this person. And he tells me: “I don’t see or hear him - he listens to me and doesn’t say anything to anyone” “he has always been with me - since childhood” “How will I live without him - where should I put my anger then?” “He’s almost a saint to me.” Like crazy, I start digging all over the Internet about the symptoms of schizophrenia and am surprised to discover that all the symptoms that I described above are it! schizophrenia!
Lord, how many times did the boy try to explain to me that he cannot love, he never feels sorry, he has no conscience! I took it all as a mockery, but he just tried to explain that this was so! How many times did he say that his world was not like our world! That we look at the same things differently! He doesn't freak out, ever! It is impossible to piss him off! He is always emotionally cold! He calmly, looking into his eyes, says: “When I grow up, I will take revenge on you!” The husband asks: “What did you say?” The answer is again calm: “Well, that’s when I grow up!”
Only now we know that he is incapable of emotions... at all. You can only piss him off when you touch him personally! That's when the storm begins! After some time, he comes with a smile and without a drop of remorse and calmly declares: “Sorry, I was wrong!”
The girl is very quiet, but she heard music, voices, and said that someone was running all over her! God! I thought it was just her imagination! And when she came running to me with the words: “What’s wrong with my nose, it’s so big!” Lord, I thought that the girl was just, like all teenagers, preoccupied with her own appearance! I told her then: “Your nose is like a nose, don’t make it up, you’re a beauty.” And she kept insisting: “No, he’s big, he’s huge!” We couldn't resist - right on the weekend we went to a private clinic that specializes in schizophrenia. The verdict is in - the children were not diagnosed correctly, they do not have mental retardation, they both have schizophrenia! What does the boy have to do with it? dangerous form! He needs urgent hospitalization!
Now we are preparing all the documents for the state psychoneurological, but in the meantime, we are taking the pills immediately. So what's now? Don't know! We can't handle 2 schizophrenic patients. They require attention 24 hours a day, because... can be dangerous both for themselves and for others, and my husband works on weekends + we also have our own Small child. They need constant help from a psychiatrist and neurologist, but we don’t have such specialists in our area. And in general, we live in such a place that if something happens, both the ambulance and the police will arrive to us only in 2 hours, and I am alone with 2 small children, and the boy is almost 15 - he can handle me easily!
But it’s not the children’s fault! This is such a disease! Sometimes a boy comes to his senses and he is so sweet, obedient, kind, vulnerable! They will not tolerate another betrayal! They won't survive another rejection! A boy in a strange place doesn’t sleep at all, not even for a minute, for days! They believe us! We cannot betray them!
But we have our own little child, whom they can also drag into theirs, black and scary world(the psyche of children is a very flexible thing). Lord, what should we do now?

We are coming to the end of our research. What should we do now? The first thing we must do is take New Testament and begin to read, carefully studying the Gospels, and then the epistles and the book of Revelation, becoming convinced of the truth of what we have examined. We need to read the biblical text without putting on the “glasses” of our favorite doctrines and teachings. We need to follow the example of the Bereans who studied the Scriptures diligently (Acts 17:10-11).

In conclusion, I would like to address you by saying that the Lord is called Lord because He is our Master, the Master Who has unlimited power. We acknowledge Him as our Lord and ourselves as His servants. In the New Testament the word “servant” is used to mean “slave,” i.e. one who is completely dedicated to doing the will of his Master. Romans 6:20-23 says:

Romans 6:20-23:
“For while you were slaves to sin, then you were free from righteousness. What fruit did you have then? Such deeds of which you yourself are now ashamed, because their end is death. But now that you have been freed from sin and become slaves of God, your fruit is holiness, and the end is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

We were slaves to sin before we believed in God. Having believed and received freedom from sin, we became slaves of God. It wasn't intended individuals who somehow dedicated themselves to the Lord in a special way. This is for all who believe in Jesus and accept Him as their Lord. A person, recognizing Christ as his Lord, recognizes himself as His servant. The Lord, speaking about those who serve Him, fulfilling His commandments, said:

John 12:26:
“Whoever serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there will my servant also be. AND whoever serves Me, My Father will honor him».

John 14:21:
“Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, he loves Me; and whoever loves Me will be loved by My Father; and I will love him and appear to him Myself».

John 14:23:
“Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make our abode with him».

The Lord, speaking of the one who serves Him and keeps His word (the Word of God, His commandments and decrees), said: “The Father will love him.” "Father will honor him." “I will love him and show myself to him.” “I and My Father will come to him and make our abode with him.” Wow!!! How often do we hear the phrase “having fellowship with the Lord,” the meaning of which remains unclear to us. She has already become cliched phrase, cliche. However, what we read in these verses is not a formulaic expression. This is the true Word of God which teaches us that Christian life- this is living communication with the Father and the Son, Who created an abode in the hearts of believers. Christ's promise to reveal Himself to us speaks of the closeness of our fellowship. This is not abstraction, but reality. But whose reality? Those who serve God and keep His Word and will. This live communication will never happen if we do not strive to fulfill God's will, and let us not perceive ourselves as slaves of God, and not just “believers” who can live as slaves of sin. The Lord is very clear in His words: “Those who love Him are those who keep His commandments, His Word.” The Lord will not reveal Himself to those who, by not observing this, show their dislike for God.

What should we do now? We must devote ourselves to God, follow Him, be His faithful servants, and, despite the possible price that may have to be paid, no longer live as slaves of sin, but live as slaves of God.

To avoid misunderstanding, I would like to point out that we should not, like frightened chickens, do everything that comes into our heads, considering it the will of God. It rather means that we must study God's Word, examining what God expects of us, and being in harmony with Him, being ready to hear through the Holy Spirit His commands for us. These commands from the Lord will never contradict His written Word. On the contrary, they give us wisdom in identifying those things that God calls us to do, but which are not described in detail in the Bible.

Take, for example, the command given to the Apostle Paul to go preach the Gospel to Macedonia. Paul and his team members sought God's guidance on where to go next. The Lord did not hesitate to respond and through the Holy Spirit gave them a command (Acts 16:6-10). Therefore, they, as servants of the Lord, fulfilled His will. The Lord's task is to call His servant; the minister's task is to hear this call and immediately carry out His will.

Do we know God's will as recorded in Scripture? Are we in tune with the Lord to hear His future commands about what we should do next? Have we committed ourselves to following the Lord, no matter what the cost? If not, then now may be the right time to do so.


Hello! I live in Crimea, namely in Simferopol.

Yesterday we were officially joined Russian Federation.

But no one seems to have thought about our situation! What should we do now? We are completely confused!

Our Verkhovna Rada is already being renamed! Our Tauride National University them. Vernadsky is now called Moscow State University. The most offensive thing is that the Ukrainian language department at this university was closed! Has anyone thought what to do for students and teachers? And it is possible that soon Ukrainian language departments will be closed in all universities...

What about school students finishing 11th grade? What should they do? All these 11 years they studied the history of Ukraine and Ukrainian language, they were preparing for UNO tests (external independent assessment), after which they would enter universities. But now graduates do not know what to take at the end of school, either the Unified State Exam, or the External Independent Examination, or whether they will be accepted based on the average score of the certificate.

The situation is very unstable.

People are especially frightened by military men standing on the streets with machine guns, and in Lately they generally just approach people and check their personal belongings!

Everywhere Russian flags, and you will meet Ukrainians only before military units.

Everyone is also worried about deliveries from Ukraine. That is, for example, electricity, since we were one state and everything was supplied from Ukraine. And now we can turn off the lights at any time. The situation is the same with water, Crimea provides itself drinking water by 60%, and the irrigation of the land is practically due to the Dnieper water, therefore, if Ukraine does not provide us with water, then the outcome is known...

The issue of finances also worries the population, since pensions and salaries for public sector employees are allocated directly by Kyiv.

And if we take into account the right to one’s opinion, then they are now severely squeezing it - they are starting to intimidate our activists in every possible way, about 30 people have disappeared, we cannot find them! The day before yesterday news became known that literally stunned everyone. Crimean Tatars. As you know, about 300,000 Crimean Tatars live in Crimea, and one Crimean Tatar was found dead! He was severely tortured and they found Russian-made handcuffs on his legs (on his legs), and his head was wrapped with tape... Yesterday there was a funeral. But he was only 36 years old, and he left behind a wife and three children: one, the youngest, was 2.5 months old.

And if they tell you that all residents of Crimea and Crimean Tatars went to the referendum, then this is not true! Almost none of the Crimean Tatars went to the referendum, and many Russians and Ukrainians, people of other nationalities living in Crimea, also did not go. And the main thing about this referendum was that people with Russian citizenship, people without registration (who can vote at any polling stations) could come to it, and it was also noted that everyone who wants can vote at several polling stations, regardless of registration!

In conclusion, I can say that the residents of Crimea are simply worried about tomorrow...
19 March 2014, 12:54
Evelina Akhtemova

And the fact that the troll is walking around the entire castle.

Only at night, the boy reminded.

So what should we do now? – asked Isolde.

Two of us will have to stay on night duty to track down the monster,” said Dmitry.

There is no need to track him down. Go into any room and you will see him, Tanya said.

We must fight him. Only after this will all our misfortunes stop. Dmitry said.

Are you crazy!? – the friends exclaimed in one voice.

We have no choice. Now the game of survival begins. And, as you know, in such games the strongest wins.

We begin to act at night.

And how do we explain our night walks to teachers?

Because we want to save everyone from the death of our friends.

Are you sure that this is not fake information?

How can it turn out to be false if it was reported by the guard?

Well, maybe he just imagined it.

Troll, he can’t just be a ghost, have you seen him at least once in your life? – asked Dmitry.

“Thank the spirits, yes, a couple of minutes ago,” Tanya said.

And are you happy about this? – Lera was surprised.

It is always easier to fight when you know the enemy by sight.

You're right. We shouldn’t sit idly by, we’ll start the battle tonight, Dmitry said.

We don't even have a surrounding. And let me remind you, we don’t have magic, how do we fight? – asked Isolde.

You were wrong. Each of us has a weapon.

I wonder where it came from?

Look at the belt of each of us and you will find the answer.

Having examined her friends, Isolde saw that each of them really had a sword.

Dmitry approached Tanya and offered her his hand. Soon their friends joined them.

“May the spirits help us,” Isolde said solemnly.

May the spirits help us, the guys repeated in unison.

I hope they will really help us,” said Dmitry.

And so they ended up in the troll's hideout.

What should we do now?

Fighting is the only way we can stop all this.

And when the battle was over, the friends returned to their quarters, not one of them was hurt.

Where have you been? - Madame Trick asked.

We were just walking around the castle.


Madam trick, what's going on here?

Professor Miro, information has reached me that today our students entered a secret room.

And we defeated the troll, whom we could not defeat for so long.

Can you imagine what happens when our parents find out about this?

They will arrive, and then we will have to listen to many hours of lectures.

And this is in best cases. And in the worst case, they will come and take us away from here,” Dmitry said.

That's it.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I would really like to return home,” said Isolde.

Why would that be?” Toph asked. Have you forgotten about our recent unscheduled vacation?

Camilla did not let up. I don't suit them as a maid. If only you could take a closer look at this thug! Such a beauty - you can go crazy!

“Her name is Olga,” Melissa added. - She is our city's champion in weight lifting. He constantly takes prizes at competitions at the local fair.
- It can be seen! And the old man looks like a ghoul! Give him some brunettes! Where can we find a black-haired and blue-eyed girl?

Melissa, Max and Mistress Bernadette all stared at Alex at the same time. He was slightly taken aback.
- I got great idea! - Max exclaimed.
“And I got a bad feeling,” Granovsky said gloomily.
- You are a brunette with blue eyes!
- Leave me alone, urgently, or I can’t vouch for myself...
- You will make such a charm! - Melissa exhaled in delight.
Camilla froze, stunned, then burst out laughing.
- I won’t pretend to be a girl! - Alex screamed. - Yes, I won’t succeed! Just look at those muscles!
He flexed his arm, showing off a decent sized bicep.
“You can find a maid dress with long sleeves,” Melissa perked up. - Curl your wonderful hair with curling irons, and apply a thick layer of makeup on your face!
- Just like this Olga! - Camilla remembered.
“In addition, Castler’s wife, according to rumors, was involved in sports and was also a rather large woman,” Bernadette recalled. - He definitely won’t suspect anything.
- What to do with the voice? - Alex didn’t let up. - With my powerful baritone!
- Tell him that you smoked a lot of tobacco in your youth! - Camilla suggested, choking with laughter.
- In young age? Tobacco? - Alex became furious. - I'm not going to pretend to be an old woman who likes to smoke a pipe! Look for another fool! That is, a fool!
- What does it cost you? - Max asked seriously. - Just a matter of showing off in a dress in front of a blind old man.
- Put it on yourself!
- I’m not at all dark-haired, and my eyes are an incomprehensible color! And for the sake of the missing children, for the sake of the search for truth, you could try.
After his words, Granovsky’s armor began to crack.
“Well, if only for this…” he said uncertainly.
- It's decided! - Camilla immediately picked up. - We immediately return to Madame Bernadette and make a girl out of you!
Melissa clapped her hands enthusiastically. Alex cursed loudly and deliciously, not even embarrassed by Mrs. Bernadette. But there was nothing to do. I had to endure it for the sake of the kidnapped children.
They returned home, and Bernadette allowed the whole company into her boudoir. Melissa found a dress from her wardrobe big size, Camilla, meanwhile, curled Alex's curls. Granovsky had to shave thoroughly, after which Bernadette began applying makeup to his face.
- I won’t shave my legs! - Alex said immediately.
“And you won’t have to,” Camilla reassured him. - The dress is very long. And if you pull on your stockings, no one will notice anything!
Half an hour later, a tall, broad-shouldered girl in a tightly closed black dress with a white lace apron stood in front of them. Black curls curled with curling irons were gathered into a bun at the back of her head, and her face was covered with a thick layer of makeup. No one would recognize Alex Granovsky in this girl.
- The first one to open his mouth will get it in the ear! - Alex promised Camilla and Max, who could hardly contain their laughter.
- What a cutie! - Melissa clasped her hands. - So I would invite you on a date!
- Keep this crazy woman away from me! - Alex said to Mrs. Bernadette. - She's starting to scare me.
The mistress of the mansion immediately pulled the maid, who did not take her eyes off the transformed Granovsky.
“Now we’ll pick out your shoes, and you can go,” she said. - What is your foot size?
- Forty second!
“She turned out to be a big girl,” Bernadette said thoughtfully.
Camilla, without even trying to restrain herself, laughed out loud. Max endured until the last, but then he gave in.
Alex wanted to break them in right there, but he was afraid that the dress that tightly hugged the shoulders would crack. He was breathing with difficulty.
- Laugh - laugh! - He said threateningly. “Once it’s all over, you’ll both be in trouble!”
Mistress Bernadette found low-heeled shoes for him, then the trio went back to the Castler's mansion. This time Bernadette did not go with them and did not let Melissa go.
- Get busy better cleaning! - She said sternly. - Stop staring at the boys already! Melissa stuck out her lip offendedly, but did not dare disobey the order.

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