How to save yourself from burnout at work? How to cope with emotional burnout.

If you feel like a squeezed lemon, if your legs can’t go to work, and the thought of everyday responsibilities causes melancholy and physical malaise - come here. There are all the signs of professional burnout - something needs to be done about it. We'll tell you why this happens and how to deal with it.

What is professional burnout?

Professional burnout is a very precise term and a chic image. Remember what you were like when you started working. They flew there as if on a holiday, generated new ideas, infected the employees with their optimism, and were on fire themselves. What now? It’s like a scorched desert inside: you don’t need anything, you don’t want anything. It’s as if you’ve burned out to the ground - it’s time, like the Phoenix bird, to be reborn from the ashes.

Why do we burn out?

Too much work

In our age of workaholics, the number of precedents for professional burnout has increased. It's logical: The more you work, the less rest you have - and this is fraught with stress. The poem about a workaholic (“work makes horses die, but I’m an immortal pony”) is not at all so harmless and funny. Sooner or later, a person will hate the source of constant stress and just want to relax. It’s stupid to get enough sleep and take a full vacation. It would be good if he could then return to work as if nothing had happened. If not, well, you start to burn out.

Too close to my heart

The more you work, the stronger your roots grow in your work, the more acutely you react to mistakes and failures. Work becomes a part of the personality, sometimes closer than family and personal interests. Just as in human relationships there is only one step from love to hate, so it is here. If you take professional matters too seriously, one day the pendulum will swing in the other direction.- you will hate this job as a once close person. After all, in your opinion, she only causes you pain.

Working too long

Let's take a break from the psychological aspects and give a simple and understandable reason: work time. Not in vain psychologists and HR experts recommend changing your field of activity every five years. If you work in one place all your life, you will stagnate, like a horse in a stall, and you will want to break free. When for some reason you can’t do this, hello, burnout. You will become bored and uncomfortable, you will feel out of place.

Experiencing an identity crisis

Most often, mature adults are faced with a midlife crisis. And everything seems to be fine: the business is running like clockwork, the house is full, apartments, cars, and the Maldives are available, but... something is missing. A person begins to think about the eternal, about the meaning of life. If the business gives you moral satisfaction, if you like the field of activity, maybe it will work out. If this is just a way to make money, there is a high probability that you will want to change your niche and do something for your soul.

Signs of professional burnout

Burnout is such an insidious thing that it affects all areas of human activity. This is a depletion of emotions, mind, health - in many ways it is similar to depression.

You become indifferent

First of all, burnout affects the emotional sphere. “He who has loved cannot love. You can’t set fire to someone who is burned,” wrote Sergei Yesenin. Apathy, indifference to what once attracted and pleased - these are the first bells. You can try to motivate yourself - at first it works, then the motivation disappears. Then, if you do not pay attention to this, interest is lost not only in work, but also in ordinary life.

Colleagues and clients annoy you

What you once loved now begins to devalue. The field of activity seems not the same - oh, if only you had chosen another one! Nice employees seem dumb and unprofessional. The partners, as one, look like a wolf and strive to deceive. Customers are simply infuriating - it seems that all the inadequate people have decided to take your online store by storm. Sometimes you feel real anger towards them, sometimes you lose your temper and go into direct conflict. The time is not far off when they will refuse to work with you. But you will find them to blame for this - “bad” partners and employees.

You know you don't know anything

Actually this is normal. Socrates also said: “the more I know, the more I do not know.” Only a fool considers himself an unsurpassed professional and does not want to develop- a smart person will always strive for perfection. And you used to strive, but now you don’t want to. And in general you feel like an amateur and a fool - much smarter and more pumped up. So why learn something new - it won’t get any better! It won't lead to anything good anyway.

You're not doing a good job

Even if you are a big boss, you still perform certain responsibilities. You are engaged in management, regulate business processes, meet with partners, make significant decisions. How long have you been doing this? If you notice that you are more and more often avoiding these matters, then things are bad. No one will do this except you.

You are constantly under stress

While you are at work, you feel like a tense string. Considering that modern entrepreneurs are always working - even when they are resting, you are constantly on edge. On vacation or on weekends, this condition goes away a little. But if you imagine that tomorrow/in a few hours you will have to work again - you feel so sick, you could climb the wall. Neuroses and depression gradually develop- its clinical picture, by the way, is similar to professional burnout. This is the same apathy, indifference, lack of emotions and other signs. Think about it.

Health problems appear

Hello, psychosomatics! When psychological problems affect health, this is already a very alarming symptom. Psychosomatics works simply: when you think about work, your head starts to hurt. Or belly. I knew a man who, on the eve of Monday, naturally began to feel sick.

If the problem is not solved, the disease may become chronic. You start taking pills - although it is not the body that needs to be treated, but primarily the head and attitude to work. And how to treat it is not very clear; each case of burnout is individual.

Who is at risk?

The following are most susceptible to professional burnout:

  1. Those who communicate a lot. If on duty you have to communicate with employees, partners, clients - be careful. You shouldn’t let absolutely everything pass through yourself; be reasonably detached.
  2. Those whose business is unstable. Economic and political crises can hit some businesses like a rollercoaster. If you are constantly concerned about how to survive in this crazy world, not go bankrupt and make at least a little profit, you will not work for long in such stressful conditions.
  3. Those who are prone to excessive self-criticism and introspection. Sometimes you need healthy indifference: if it doesn’t work out, you give up, move on and move on. If you blame yourself for all your problems, you are not far from depression.
  4. Those who started a new business. It would seem that there is no point in getting burned out: it’s a new thing, know how to improve and develop. But a new business is fraught with a huge number of new difficulties and problems that need to be solved immediately, right now. Many people, instead of gritting their teeth and learning the basics, fold their paws and give up what they started.

Stages of professional burnout

1. Minor errors in work. You seem to forget simple actions that you previously knew by heart. You may make a mistake in drawing up a standard contract, forget the date of important business negotiations, order one product instead of another... This is the first stage, which is often confused with simple overwork. A person can laugh at himself or be surprised: they say it’s me. In fact, this is the first alarming symptom. It can occur within 3-5 years from the start of work.

2. Decreased interest. You don’t want to communicate, generate new ideas - you don’t want to go to work at all. Instead of solving management problems, you sit in your office and play shooting games. You already understand that something is wrong with you, but you don’t want to change anything. You abstract from the company's problems and put everything on the employees: let them handle it. If they don’t cope, so be it.

This stage occurs on average 5-15 years after starting a business. At this stage, psychosomatic manifestations are possible: you develop diseases that you have never heard of before. Maybe it's just age - or maybe not. It’s as if the brain is giving the body a signal: stop, have pity on me, I can’t do this anymore!

3. If you do nothing, stage 3 will occur. Emotions have already burned out - personality destruction sets in. From an ordinary person - lively, cheerful, albeit with cockroaches in your head - you turn into an apathetic creature who has lost interest in life in general. Nothing pleases, nothing motivates - it’s time to climb into a noose. Yes, yes, at this stage (15-20 years of work), if things are really bad, a person may have thoughts of suicide, worthlessness and uselessness of himself and his business. “Why all this, why do I live?”- these are the characteristic thoughts of a burnt-out person.

By the way, professional burnout can “eat up” not only the manager and employee, but also the company as a whole. If the boss is burned out, the employees feel it and involuntarily become imbued with the general mood. And now the same zombies with empty eyes are already walking around the office, dreaming of only one thing: to quickly hold out this strap until the evening and run home. Who would like to deal with such people? Clients and partners love those who have a sparkling eye, who support their proposals and offer something themselves. In addition, conflicts begin in the team, dissatisfaction with each other grows - and now it is falling apart before our eyes.

In order not to reach the third stage, It’s better to track the warning signs in time and take action. We found signs of the first stage - run to change the situation. We'll tell you what you can do.

How to be reborn from the ashes?

  1. Realize and accept the situation. You're not the first person this has happened to - well, it happens. Now the main thing is to get rid of the destructive: do not feel sorry for yourself, do not cry (“Chief, everything is gone!”) but decide what to do next.
  2. If burnout is just beginning and you don’t want to radically change your activities, try to find new facets in your usual work. Sign up for professional training, find a coach you trust. Expand the assortment of your online store, attract additional ones, find them - and life will become better, life will become more interesting! If finances allow, think about how your business can be built.
  3. If burnout occurred specifically in your field of activity, it’s time to change something. Study the market, think about which of them you have reliable partners and possible allies. What did you have your eye on before, but for some reason didn’t implement the idea? Where are you drawn, what is your soul, in the end? It is not at all necessary to sell your previous business - you can give it to a manager or deputy, and immerse yourself in a new project.
  4. Go to a psychologist. Well, seriously: if professional burnout has affected your personality and character, you have become irritable, lost interest in life - this cannot continue. Run to a specialist and get ready to work together for a long time. There is nothing wrong with visiting a psychologist - you will be able to understand yourself better and determine the main vector of further development.

Of course, it’s better not to go to the last resort. Pay attention to alarming symptoms and try to change the situation. I think if the Phoenix bird had a choice and a little more instinct of self-preservation, it would not burn itself and then be reborn from the ashes.

Emotional and professional burnout, leading to general exhaustion, become the main cause of diseases from the heart to the thyroid gland and oncology. By applying even a few of the techniques described below, you will learn how to significantly improve your well-being.

At some point, I caught myself thinking that I was leading a slightly different lifestyle than I would like. Constant fatigue and slight burnout have quietly become my constant companions. There are several promising projects, but with the kind of labor productivity that I have now, I won’t be able to handle them. This means that sooner or later this will lead to problems with money.

Moreover, I did not have enough energy and time to communicate with my wife and children, and they grow up so quickly. It turns out a shoemaker without boots. Every evening, the child came several times and asked - dad, have you finished your work yet? Will you play with me? Will you read me a fairy tale? But I’m tired, and I don’t have time for this.

But I would like to go skiing, ice skating in the winter, rollerblading and cycling in the summer, and much more. I seemed to regularly do yoga in the morning, and sometimes went for a run on the weekends. From time to time the whole family went ice skating and skiing. Wasn't this enough?

It all started as usual, I wanted the best - I started working 1-2 hours a day, and then I didn’t have the strength to go outside for a run, skiing or skating, and I also didn’t have the strength to meditate in the evening. After a week of overwork, I began to burn out. Another week or two of this lifestyle and you will be exhausted.

What is CMEA? Burnout syndrome is...

This is when there is a feeling of severe fatigue, not only physically, but also emotionally (mentally), which does not go away for weeks. It's hard to wake up in the morning. It's difficult to concentrate and do important things at work. Productivity is low and deadlines are missed. Your boss or clients are unhappy with you, but you don’t have the strength to work better, even if you try.

At the same time, you feel a state of apathy - you don’t want to do anything. This is a deep depletion of the body due to emotional burnout. It is very difficult to concentrate on your responsibilities. Relationships at work and at home with loved ones deteriorate. Children painfully endure this condition of their parents and take some of the fatigue and stress upon themselves.

People do not immediately understand what is happening to them and why it happened. Simply taking extra rest on the weekends doesn't help. Disappointment with life and dissatisfaction appears. Self-pity intensifies, resentment towards almost everyone and for everything. Someone’s comments and your own minor failures irritate you more than ever and intensify your condition. At the end of the day, no matter what you did during the day, you feel squeezed like a lemon, not only physically, but also mentally.

Your situation at work or in your personal life seems hopeless and hopeless. And the challenges seem insurmountable. Burnout and similar exhaustion cannot be eliminated by standard methods - going on vacation, getting more sleep, resting as before. Often accompanied by insomnia and general constant fatigue.

It can burst into zhor and lose weight. Or vice versa, your appetite disappears and your weight drops critically.

Why do we get emotionally tired and burn out?

No forces? You can’t complete projects, you can’t realize your dreams, you won’t be able to communicate with your children for a long time, and life isn’t turning out the way you wanted. Or maybe you have already given up on all this? Do you work to feed yourself and your family? Or would you still like to aim for something more? Live a joyful life, be satisfied with your life, some dreams, but still realize them?

Let's first find out why we burn out?

  1. Sedentary work for 8 hours a day - require at least 1 hour a day of leg activity, preferably with parasympathetics turned on. Legs are the weakest part of the body. Do you move a little? Expect burnout and then exhaustion.
  2. Constantly being inside enclosed spaces is very tiring. You need to go outside for at least 1–2 hours/day to saturate the body with oxygen and give physical activity. If you don’t go outside, further advice on eliminating fatigue will be useless for you.
  3. Sleep, insomnia. Daytime stress gets into such a state that then the body and mind cannot calm down and relax for a long time. In a partially wound state, it is impossible to fall asleep on time and get a good night's sleep. This condition does not go away on its own; it needs to be released.
  4. A sedentary lifestyle means that the body is full of energy in the evening, while mentally one feels tired. So it turns out that it is difficult to fall asleep when you are tired.
  5. There is too much stress during the day. We were taught theorems and integrals at school, they even taught us a little about the theory of relativity. But we were not taught to get along with each other, nor to let go of stress. Working with people means a lot of stress - no matter what it is.
  6. Lack of harmonious communication with loved ones: family, children. Lack of personal hobbies, small joys, periodic changes of environment, travel. Life, turned into continuous work, is emotionally and mentally tiring, exhausting, and burns out. Living only for work does not bring satisfaction and joy.
  7. Frequent criticism, especially undeserved criticism. And it doesn’t matter where it happens at home or at work.
  8. Low salary. Which creates a feeling of uselessness, undervaluation, and not being in demand.

a. Burn out at work or professional burnout.

Professional burnout and exhaustion are increasingly caused by work. In Japan, authorities are forced to introduce administrative and even criminal penalties for deaths from overwork. Even in China they began to pay attention to this and punish.

In Europe, overtime of more than 220 hours per year, when the work norm is 1,800 hours per year, is prohibited by law and punishable by fines - this is monitored by labor protection services and trade unions.

  • strict deadlines
  • liabilities with penalties
  • great risks or liability
  • routine work
  • low or falling demand/sales,
  • receiving or reading a lot of negative news
  • conflicts, intrigue among colleagues
  • venting dissatisfaction on each other and especially on the part of superiors
  • frequent inspections, changes in legislation
  • disrespectful attitude towards you, outright rudeness
  • difficult working conditions with people

Some statistics about burnout.

In Europe, professional burnout is the cause of 50-60% of lost working days.

In Australia, to cope with stress:

  • 61% of people drink alcohol
  • 41% engage in gambling
  • 31% use drugs.

In Russia, in total, up to 70% of the population are at risk, who, according to statistics, are depressed.

As you can see, the statistics are depressing. And it tends to grow.

b. Family causes of emotional burnout.

Emotional burnout can also happen for family reasons. In mothers after birth, due to insomnia. It can happen even to housewives. The causes of burnout are approximately the same as at work, but come from the family. They don't appreciate, they don't respect. Busy with household chores. Difficult financial situation in the family. Debts that put psychological pressure on the psyche.

Lack of proper attention, love, recognition, support from a spouse. Interference of other people in family affairs. Unfounded criticism. Lack of regular sex, which helps relieve some stress and promotes better sleep.

According to the Pareto rule, 80% of tasks require 20% of energy. And the remaining 20% ​​of things require 80% of energy. In other words, if a wife only looks after small children and gets up at night and takes care of the housework herself: cooking, washing, cleaning, then she has a serious chance of burning out. But if a husband or one of the parents at least helps and takes on up to 20% of the family’s affairs in order to give his wife some sleep, then they thereby save her 80% of her strength.

c. Age crises

All people have age-related crises for which our education does not prepare us at all. Moreover, our culture is a bit frowned upon to openly acknowledge and discuss our crises. In youth, there is a lot of energy and little experience - this energy is spent extremely unproductively and often to the detriment of oneself.

To be honest, I felt my first crisis already at the age of 18-19, when I had to face life one on one for the first time. Alas, schools and universities do not prepare people for independent life. But the state doesn’t care about this. At that time, the Soviet Union had just collapsed and shock therapy began in the economy. I tried myself in several directions, but I was not particularly successful in my business.

The second time I faced a crisis was at the age of 25-27.

By that time, I had learned to make good money, but I had to work incredibly hard. There was not enough time for hobbies and personal life. And I had no experience building relationships. A slight dissatisfaction began to overcome me. And it led to radiculitis at the age of 28.

Having suffered with radiculitis for nine months, I felt like an old man: you couldn’t bend over, and you had to dress very warmly because of the constant feeling of cold on your lower back. Radiculitis was cured in 3 days using yoga courses. Why don't doctors know about this?

The next crisis arose at about 33 years old - it was already a classic midlife crisis. But I spent it working 8-16 hours a day. And all my free time I meditated, looking for a solution.

My blood pressure dropped to 82/75 and I wanted to sleep all the time. Only kicks from my bosses got me out of work. At some point I almost died from this. But knowledgeable people helped - the pressure leveled off in 1 evening and it was like in the book 126/90.

I felt the next crisis when I turned 40 years old.

Something happens to us at this age - we need to seriously change our lifestyle to cope with everything. Most men burn out and cannot fully overcome this milestone. A sluggish downshift begins: beer, fishing, football, the Internet, simple work, detachment from household chores.

Each crisis is an emotional burnout and should not be underestimated. For example, in the English-speaking world there is the “27 Club” - celebrities who died at the age of 27. In other words, celebrities who could not cope with this age crisis.

d. Reasons from childhood.

By and large, the cause of age-related crises is the lack of preparation for adult life. They don't teach us this at school. And parents often, instead of passing on life experience to their children, pour out their dissatisfaction on them. Many people had difficult childhoods for one reason or another.

Let's be honest - just as you were not taught to raise children, no one taught your parents this either. And most of them could really do with learning. Raising children is still not an easy task. The socialization process that each of us goes through in childhood is quite painful.

e. External reasons

For the last 25 years, there has been a continuous crisis in the country, and throughout the world. In some places it is felt more strongly, in others less. It would be dishonest for me to say that external factors do not affect your life at all.

We live in a world that is changing too quickly and too competitive, at the intersection of several crises: economic, cultural, interethnic, demographic and others. All this puts some psychological pressure.

Doctors and teachers, although they are budget employees, have a rather difficult job, and then there are continuous “reforms” in medicine and education, when in words they seem to want the best and promise support, but in reality everything is done exactly the opposite.

This dissonance makes doctors and teachers feel deceived, unnecessary and burn out. And until the state policy changes, they will be at risk. What can we say about businessmen and people employed in companies?

Emotional burnout and your responsibility for what is happening.

All these reasons and factors make your life difficult, even to the point of emotional burnout, but you need to take responsibility for your life. You are responsible for what happens to you and no one else. Do you want to change your life for the better? Take full responsibility for your life.

If for every difficult situation you have someone to blame, your life will never improve.

1. Professional burnout syndrome – and character traits.

Some people are susceptible to professional burnout, emotional exhaustion, and chronic fatigue. These are people prone to the following character traits:

  • Perfectionists, idealists - people who are constantly trying to do everything as best as possible, ideally
  • prone to feelings of guilt, taking on too much responsibility, sacrificing their interests
  • touchy people, as well as those who have high expectations for others and themselves
  • people with “rose-colored glasses” who usually break their “face on the asphalt of reality.”
  • The desire to please everyone, usually at one's own expense.

The most difficult thing is that you can remain in these states for decades, even be proud of these traits and not notice how much they harm your life and health. Yes, I myself was touchy, and I didn’t notice that I was offended by every little thing. At the same time, he considered himself a non-offensive, good guy.

Only burnout made me pay attention to my touchiness and perfectionism. Moreover, it was so deep inside me that if someone had drawn my attention to it, I would never have believed them.

One way or another, these behavior patterns need to be tracked down in yourself and get rid of them. Some things can be changed in yourself through willpower, while others may require attending special training. Why not?

People who live for others are very touchy. Due to the fact that they sacrifice themselves for the sake of their loved ones and therefore are full of expectations of the same sacrifices in return, even if they believe that they do not need anything. But the subconscious cannot be deceived. Expectations are an unconscious process. Many people don’t understand that living for yourself is normal.

Burnout syndrome and profession.

Burnout most often occurs among those who work with other people and have increased responsibility. And also for creative people.

And it doesn’t matter whether your work really involves a lot of responsibility and risks, or whether you’ve made it all up to yourself and screwed yourself over.

Particularly at risk are:

  • Doctors, medical workers, especially those working in the ambulance. And even ambulance drivers, as shown in the Nicolas Cage film Raising the Dead.
  • Teachers in universities and especially in schools. Fewer for kindergarten teachers.
  • The service staff, especially when there is a large flow of people, is not very polite: bars, service centers, call centers
  • Sales managers, marketers, managers at various levels, company owners, entrepreneurs, businessmen.
  • Creative workers: designers, artists, actors, directors.

Repeated daily encounters with negative moods, dissatisfaction, rudeness from other people. With a general lack of preparedness for such situations and support from management. It practically guarantees the occurrence of stress, which over time accumulates like a snowball and intensifies, turning first into burnout and then into exhaustion.

All cases have common symptoms - loss of interest in work, rapid fatigue. Working with people is very, very difficult; even in the most favorable conditions there will be stress. All people need to be prepared for real life: taught to let go of stress, which, unfortunately, we do not have in our education system. You will either learn on your own, or life will force you to learn, but will undermine your health.

Professional emotional burnout and business.

More and more effort is required to attract customers and sales. Customer orders are decreasing. Bills to pay, obligations and debts are becoming more and more. Lack of long term perspective. Uncertainty.

There is less and less room for error. The possible consequences of mistakes are increasing. Losing a job or business becomes a very likely event—even companies that have been in business for 50–150 years go bankrupt. This greatly complicates the moral climate in business and creates psychological tension.

The emotional stress at work increases. The amount of rest time is the same or less. The situation forces you to give all your best and even work harder. Projects require more perfection in execution, that is, more mental strength.

Moreover, in conditions where victories are difficult to achieve, the joy of another victory can be the cause of burnout. In general, burnout from positive emotions is 5 times stronger than from negative ones. There are simply more negative emotions, and fewer strong positive emotions, and this is not so noticeable.

2. 10 signs of emotional burnout or exhaustion.

Not all people immediately understand what is really happening to them and why. Often many people take what is happening personally or blame others for it - this is the main danger of emotional exhaustion and burnout.

Society has an erroneous understanding of the norm. For example, some believe, " if after 40 years it hurts somewhere, it means you are still alive" In other words, perceive body pain as normal after 40.I assure you this is far from the case. If you take care of your health, you will live 100–120 years, and even at 80–90 you will still be in fairly good health.

Age is not a reason for illness. According to Norbekov - With age comes only insanity, and illnesses come from lack of care for your body. Pay attention to the following signs - many people have them. Just don’t assume that this is normal with age.

  • Early gray hair, hair loss
  • Heart problems, illnesses, decreased immunity
  • Constant worries, fears, irritation, dissatisfaction
  • Memory loss, teeth loss, vision impairment
  • Wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, aged appearance
  • Heart attack, stroke, grumpiness, insanity
  • Drowsiness, insomnia, constant fatigue even after sleep
  • Lack of joy, depression, apathy, hopelessness
  • Reluctance to have sex
  • Alcohol cravings, overeating, undereating

All these external signs of burnout are not the age norm.

Many diseases can be easily managed or avoided without medications. Any illness is not normal. Each of the above signs can be postponed for another ten years. It is enough to regularly perform just a few simple exercises.

The majority of people cannot be an indicator of the norm - because the majority is initially mistaken. An indicator of the norm are some individuals who look great and feel good at 70-80-90 years old and even older.

The main character from the Shaman's Laughter trilogy is about 120 years old. At about 100 years of age, he looked to be 50–60 years old and appeared to be stronger than the book's author at age 47. Moreover, at the age of 105–110 he started a civil marriage, not bad, right? Thousands of such examples can be given. I have personally met many people aged 50-60 who look 40 with the health of 25 years.

Simple, uncomplicated exercises can get rid of 95-99% of diseases. And the remaining ones, with the help of doctors, will be much easier to eliminate if you generally monitor your health.

Just start taking care of yourself and your health.

  1. Five stages of emotional professional burnout syndrome

The progress of emotional and professional burnout and exhaustion can be divided into 5 stages. Moreover, there may be different reasons for their occurrence, but the stages and reasons are approximately the same.

  • At the first stage, everything still looks good outwardly, but you already feel some fatigue.
  • The first external signs: insomnia due to fatigue, decreased concentration on responsibilities, some apathy
  • Difficulty concentrating at work, frequent distractions - overwork with a decrease in actual work time.
  • The first signals from the body: health is deteriorating, immunity is decreasing, colds out of the blue, old sores remind of themselves. Dissatisfaction, irritation, pickiness - become a permanent state.
  • Fatigue has become chronic and turns into exhaustion, health is signaling in a big way, bursts of anger, self-pity, resentment, and feelings of guilt.

4. Symptoms of emotional burnout

I don’t even know if it’s worth talking about the symptoms of emotional burnout, if most people are chronically burned out. It is believed that emotional burnout has a rather long hidden, latent period. And to be honest, I don’t entirely agree with the scientific explanation for the symptoms.

It is officially believed that at first the enthusiasm for performing one’s duties decreases. I want to get out of work quickly, but it turns out the opposite – rather slowly. The desire to concentrate on what is no longer interesting disappears. There is a feeling of fatigue from work in general and a little bit of irritability for everyone.

But the fact of the matter is that burnout is emotional. And it may happen that there is interest in the work, but the person is criticized a lot, external factors interfere very much - and burnout occurs.

Symptoms of emotional burnout can be divided into 3 groups:

Physical symptoms of burnout

  • Chronic, constant fatigue;
  • weakness and lethargy in the muscles;
  • headache
  • decreased immunity;
  • insomnia;
  • eye fatigue, decreased vision;
  • joint and lower back pain

Weight changes due to the fact that stress usually makes you want to eat. There is also a loss of appetite - for example, after a divorce or dismissal. Which leads to noticeable changes in weight and appearance

Social and behavioral signs:

  • The desire to run away from everyone or resentment towards everyone, as a result the desire for isolation, a minimum of communication with others
  • evasion of responsibility, failure to perform duties, laziness
  • blaming others for one's own troubles, resentment, irritation
  • envy, complaints that someone is lucky in life
  • complaints about your life and the fact that you have to work a lot;
  • pessimism, negativity is seen in everything

Many people, if possible, fall into escapism or dayshifting. There may be cravings for sweets, alcohol, or even drugs.

Psycho-emotional signs:

  • indifference to one’s life and the events happening around appears;
  • self-doubt, decreased self-esteem
  • disappointment in others
  • loss of professional motivation;
  • short temper, irritation and dissatisfaction with other people
  • depression, constant bad mood, life is not going well

Mental burnout syndrome is clinically similar to depression. There is an experience of semi-contrived suffering from artificially created loneliness raised to the level of doom. In this state, it is difficult to focus or concentrate. However, burnout is much easier to overcome than it might seem at first glance.

5. Implicit symptoms of professional emotional burnout.

You can deceive your consciousness or yourself. But it is impossible to deceive your subconscious or something in the depths of your soul. If you are tired and overworked, that means you will rest. Of course, you can emulate vigorous activity, sit on social networks, read the news, but in essence, this will be a psychological rest.

You may even truly believe that you are working. But if the body is tired, then it is tired - and it will rest, whether you want it or not. The body or consciousness will begin to switch off, you will sleep on the move, concentration will decrease, attentiveness will decrease, thoughts will begin to get confused. Operation errors are possible.

Productivity will be reduced to nothing - which means that you will be doing small unimportant things, routine. But you won’t be able to rest normally either - this is precisely the biggest danger. The next day you will come to work in the same or almost the same condition, which will again affect your work productivity.

Continuing to work in this mode for a long time, sooner or later you will face a decrease in income. And when the question of money is added to your fatigue, emotional burnout and professional exhaustion are guaranteed.

If you are tired, go rest! Get out of this tailspin.

6. Where do professional burnout and emotional exhaustion come from?

I remember in the mid-90s, the guys and I went to a neighboring city 170 km away. The car was 17 years old, “Kopeyka”, its engine had just been rebuilt - the pistons and rings had been replaced. After such a major overhaul, the engine was supposed to withstand 100 thousand kilometers, if you drive carefully, at a maximum speed of 90–110 km/h.

But we were young and hot, we were having fun, so we drove with the gas pedal to the floor, which was a speed of 130 km/h. It would seem that the difference in speed is only 20% greater, and we drove some 400–450 km. But this was enough to burn out the engine. It turns out we burned the engine, using only 0.4% of the resource, i.e. 200 times faster.

Emotional exhaustion and professional burnout affect you in much the same way; by working just 20% harder than your maximum resources, you shorten the rest of your life by 20–200 times. Is it worth it? And don't ask me how to go to bed at 9 pm.

Don’t ask - maybe you shouldn’t run 3 times a week and train your heart? Therefore, when you feel tired at work and can’t work, go home, rest, recuperate, and maybe you’ll be able to work the next day. The working day should be a maximum of 8 hours - because this is the maximum time for work.

Of course, you can work an hour more, as doctors, businessmen, and managers often do - but you need to remember that the next day you will have to pay double the price for it. If today you worked 2 hours, then tomorrow you will be idle for 4 hours.

7. Consequences of burnout syndrome

And if you are constantly in a state of burnout, emotional exhaustion, physical or mental fatigue, your “ship of life” simply does not have fuel or energy to move forward.

If youth knew
if old age could.

When you are young, you burn out from lack of life experience. In adulthood, from the inability to recover. One way or another, burnout and fatigue accumulate over the years, and after 40 years they turn into chronic fatigue or exhaustion.

And all because we are not taught to let go of stress gradually. So we collect it on ourselves throughout our lives, and all the stress of life settles on our body in a thick layer of tense muscles, scientifically this is called the “shell of tension.”

If you do not eliminate burnout, then over time there will be a feeling of hopelessness in your life situation. Depression appears. May develop into alcoholism. A constant feeling of hopelessness, disappointment in your own life, disappointment in yourself. Feeling of injustice. Feeling deceived.

These are very strong destructive emotions. I would say that they are not compatible with life. You have seen them many times in older people. Usually people die quickly after this. Often such people are seriously ill with difficult-to-treat diseases.

As Faina Ranevskaya cynically noted: if the patient wants to live, then the doctors are powerless. Doctors themselves often notice that if the patient does NOT want to live, then the doctors are powerless. Hopelessness and disappointment with life is the unwillingness to live.

Many people are accustomed to the fact that life is hard, they get tired, get sick, and this way of life seems normal to them. This is an unconscious pattern of thinking, imposed from nowhere. But this is not so - life can and should bring joy and pleasure, despite external circumstances. The crisis will not end soon - why not live now? Not enjoying life?

8. Emotional burnout and exhaustion - accumulate in the body for years.

There is such a joke: Comrade General, stop the train. In response, the general commanded - Train, stop! One, two.

Emotional burnout and exhaustion are also a kind of “train” - don’t fool yourself that you can stop them or control them “one or two”.

According to Wilhelm Reich: Emotional fatigue, burnout, exhaustion create muscle tension in the body, which, becoming chronic, further suppresses the free movement of energy flows and blood flow in the body. Sooner or later, this tension leads to the formation of a “muscular armor of tension,” which creates fertile ground for the development of neurosis.

Spending every day, for years, from childhood, in such a corset, a person becomes more and more tense and heavy. This is muscle stiffness throughout the body that occurs due to the burden of emotions that you are carrying around. Naturally, these constantly tense muscles are terribly tiring and drain your strength. As a result, a person stops noticing his stiffness and tension, and loses his natural interest in life.

You are so accustomed to constant muscle tension that you don’t notice this shell. But, if you pay attention to the tension in the shoulders, neck, face, back of the thighs, near the knees, you will see that for many these muscles are constantly tense.

9. Official scientific methods of letting go of burnout do not work.

The most interesting thing is that 80–100 years have passed, but scientists still have not proposed a complete method for releasing this accumulated tension in the muscles of the body. Either they don’t know, or they don’t want to offer. Therefore, I do not believe that official professors and doctors of psychological sciences will be able to offer you something truly effective against burnout.

I argue that any technique for letting go of fatigue, burnout, and emotional exhaustion is nothing if it cannot release the tense muscles of the “shell of tension.”If someone tells me about another super technique for letting go of burnout and fatigue, I ask one question: does the “armor of tension” let go?

If the answer is “no”, and the answer has always been negative, until now - I don’t even want to look further - the whole technique is a dead poultice. And it can be used in addition to something, but not as a main technique.

If you really want to let go of psychological fatigue, emotional exhaustion and professional burnout, then you should do exercises that let go of the armor of tension too. Otherwise, this is an attempt to stop the train “with the power of thought” for “one, two.”

10. Learn to relax - or how to deal with emotional burnout.

You need to be able to rest. This skill will not appear on its own. This issue cannot be solved with money. I know many people who are 10 times richer than me - but they get worse sleep, rest, and are less full of strength, especially mentally. Why? They don't know how to rest.

The difficulty of rest lies in the fact that we need to take into account that we have not only a body, but also a consciousness. And they can get tired of both. Biorhythms may not coincide, when the body wants to sleep, but the consciousness does not, and then it is difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, it is highly recommended to prepare your body and mind for sleep. 2-3 hours before bedtime, stop watching TV, turn off your computer and smartphone.

One of the main reasons why you cannot rest normally is a sedentary lifestyle. Working with your mind and reacting emotionally, it turns out that you are psychologically tired. But physically they moved little, that is, they were full of strength. Go to bed and start “counting sheep”; you cannot fall asleep, being tired.

Here are some principles on how you can better rest and get enough sleep:

  • You need to be in the fresh air every day for at least 1 hour. Or better yet, 2 hours a day. For example, Russian nobles walked for 2 hours a day almost without fail. If you violate this point, then everything else is useless.
  • Go to bed earlier. To fall asleep earlier, prepare your body for sleep several hours in advance. One hour of sleep in the evening is equal to several hours of sleep in the morning. Isn’t that why you sleep in the morning, sleep, but when you wake up you feel like you’ve had a hangover? And even your head can ache from sleeping too much in the morning.
  • Drink water when you wake up, before meals and every hour. Water is needed for 3 main systems in our body: the brain, immunity and digestion. What people call thirst is more like some kind of dehydration. We do not have the exact sensation of desire to drink. Therefore, you need to drink water consciously, according to the regime, and not when you want to drink.
  • 8 hours of sedentary work should be compensated by 1 hour of physical activity. The activity that you enjoy is desirable. You also need to remember that activity should be aimed only at health, and not at the ego like bodybuilders or fitness enthusiasts, where some parts of the body or joints are overloaded.
  • Eat healthy with enough proteins, enzymes, spices, fiber, vegetables and fruits. If you don't have fruit or fiber in your diet, you're almost guaranteed to have mild or even severe constipation. Vegetables are needed similarly. The main source of fiber is bread, so our ancestors ate everything with bread.

Food should be tasty and pleasant, easy to chew. Limit sweets. If you need to lose weight, then learn to chew your food more thoroughly and lose a maximum of 50–100 grams per week.

How to fall asleep faster and get better sleep so that you are full of energy in the morning?

On Monday he set a record for skiing: 7.7 km in 53 minutes.

The weather was great for skiing. And the ski track was very slippery.

The result exceeded all my expectations: almost 2 times faster than the day before. Almost not tired. On the second day my legs almost didn’t hurt. A week later the record was broken by 3-4 minutes. And this despite the fact that I had already run 2 laps, i.e. 15.4 km. On average, I ran 30-45 km per week.
(By the way, this is very little; the last world record in cross-country skiing is 50 km in 1 hour and 46 minutes.)

What is all this for? Why run several times a week? Yes, because a sedentary lifestyle and burnout are probably the biggest cause of death every year. Heart disease alone kills approximately 31.4% each year. You need to move MUCH more.

If you have read the series of books “Shaman’s Laughter” by Vladimir Serkin, then in the third book the author asks him: How long will you be able to maintain life in your body? The “shaman” answered - yes, for a long time. How many people aged 120 would you hear that from?

I'm sure 99% of people could live to be 100-120 years old.

If only we moved like this “shaman”. Well, let go of stress, disappointment, and other negative emotions.

Jogging can be anything comparable: skiing, skating, rollerblading, active cycling, swimming, jogging. You need to run for at least 30 minutes, and preferably 1–2 hours per session, 2–4 times a week. Once a week is NOT ENOUGH to maintain a healthy heart and get enough sleep.

You need to run with pleasure and at a low heart rate. Running fast and at a high heart rate is strictly contraindicated. It is also necessary to run with pleasure - this is how parasympathetic is activated, i.e. you gain energy.

Running without pleasure, i.e. in sympathy, means a loss of energy, puts stress on the joints, knees - jogging is extremely harmful to the knees and joints. Look at the occupational diseases of athletes who, in pursuit of records, overload their bodies. Don't rush to run a lot and quickly. You need health, not records.

You run to get the blood pumping through your body, to invigorate your heart, and to sleep well at night. Not for records. For example, I have very weak results in skiing and jogging at the moment. But I don't need it anymore. My friends can run 1.5–2 times faster, but their knees hurt after such runs.

An example of physical activity from my life.

Although I set a personal record, everyone was ahead of me again. This time we were overtaken by not only old people and grandmothers, but also a couple of children aged 9–11 :-). It seemed that they were moving at least 1.5–2 times faster than me. I wonder what their speed is?

It looks like I still have huge potential for growth. I still have little balance on skis; I fell once when I landed on clean ice from a hill. On cross-country skis it is difficult to maintain balance, and even at speed.

This time I managed to run 4.5 km in skating style. I was less tired than the previous time, when I was able to run 1.5 km in skating style. Another interesting thing is that despite the fact that I moved almost 2 times faster, the calories burned, the tracker shows 27% less. How does he count them?

Yesterday I didn’t run - I rested. Today I'll go for a run again, for an hour.

This is roughly how my runs go in the winter. In the summer I run for 1-2 hours, about 8-10 km per hour. It's quite slow, but I don't need the speed.

Perhaps someday the results will be much better, or maybe they won’t. For me, the main indicator is a pleasant feeling from running, how I sleep, and that my knees don’t hurt. Many times I caught myself thinking that I don’t want to run, because today I won’t be able to repeat my best result. This is what it means to chase results.

You know, it’s difficult to work actively for 8 hours a day and at the same time set records while jogging. Then I remind myself that I run for health, not for results - and I go run as best I can.

Good sleep is a must to eliminate fatigue and burnout.

But you won’t be able to sleep normally without walks in the fresh air and without minimal jogging every other day. Someone will say that they work out in the gym, fitness, yoga, or work out. Or dances for an hour a day. Believe it or not, this is not enough for your heart and health.

Yes, it's better than nothing. The heart, except for jogging, does not train anything normally. Even monks in Buddhist monasteries and yogis run for hours. You can swing and jump in the gym as much as you like, but you still need to run in the fresh air.

If you don’t train your heart, don’t help it pump blood around your body, it means your heart and other organs are working under load and even overload. Which means you burn out. You may not believe me, but a sedentary lifestyle is the most energy-consuming for the body.

Processes in the body are interconnected - muscles help move blood and fluids throughout the body, supply cells with oxygen, cleanse the body, and move food through the gastrointestinal tract. If you move little, it means that each organ individually is working under load. Something like this…

11. The first rule of a spy or moral exhaustion.

We were not prepared either at school or in universities for real life. We are being prepared for the life that “should be”, in a good way. There is a huge gap between these two “lives”. With such upbringing, the first age crisis occurs already at the age of 18–20, when people face reality one on one for the first time and “suddenly” it turns out that everything is a little more complicated.

In reality, it turns out that everyone is for himself. But setups, deceit, and cruelty happen not only in the movies, but also in your own skin, and they are not at all as funny as in the movies. And either you cope with the tasks, or you are replaced by someone else and continue to live as you want, where you want.

To achieve your dreams, you need to plow and plow. And it’s not a fact that it will work out. This is disheartening. By and large, burnout occurs from unpreparedness for life, when the skills to cope with situations are sorely lacking. And the pressure in the form of demands and claims from all sides continues to increase.

The law of the jungle applies in life, only in the city it is tougher. The first rule of a spy is don't get caught. Well, if you get caught, “you’re a fool.”

On the other hand, you can learn to cope with burnout, stress, and exhaustion quite quickly. And keeping yourself healthy is quite simple. You just need to understand that 85% of success in society is possible thanks to developed social skills. And only 15% thanks to technical education and knowledge.

I recommend developing the following skills in yourself in order to make life easier and not have to overexert yourself.

  • Change. The world is constantly changing - you need to change with it. The ability to change is a skill. Even your body changes. At different ages you have different hobbies, routines and diets. Watch your habits - remember that at some point they will become outdated and you will need to change them to others.
  • Study. Life is constantly becoming more complex - which means you need to constantly learn. Yogis say that life is all about learning. When I entered the university in 1991, some IT-related disciplines were so new that even the teachers did not know them and studied them together with the students. When I finished my studies in 1996, this knowledge was hopelessly outdated. And I had to learn something new, different. And now everything is changing even faster. Read, learn something, develop.
  • Communication. The ability to communicate is a skill. He doesn't fall from the sky on his own. Humans are social creatures and that means communication. You need to be able to communicate with people. From the right communication with people you are interested in, you can receive tremendous pleasure, inspiration and satisfaction. And this means mental strength of the highest quality.
  • Building relationships. To learn how to build relationships with the opposite sex and at work, I read a couple of dozen books and completed more than a dozen trainings on each topic.

And voila - I learned how to build and maintain relationships both with women, friends, and at work.

When I got married, I took this whole stack of books and training recordings and gave them to my wife.

With words, if you want a long and normal relationship, you need to know all this. Read them as quickly as possible. And she read them. All. No questions.

  • Health. It's a skill, not a given. Rely on the doctor, but don’t make a mistake yourself. 95–99% of diseases can be eliminated through a healthy lifestyle. In the remaining cases, let the doctors help you. But nothing more.
    Abroad, waiting lists for surgery can last up to one year; there is no way to speed things up with money. It’s better not to go to the emergency room there – so many articles have already been written about this. That's why 20% of the population goes in for sports there. And in Russia (CIS) – only 2%. Hard? As it is, this is life. Are you taking care of your health? What are you waiting for: a kick in the ass in the form of a severe illness?
  • Sales-purchases. We live in a world where everything is bought or sold for money. But at the same time, we are not taught at all how to buy and sell. I know a bunch of friends who earn 2-3 times more than me, but live in worse conditions.

They cannot buy and sell - a lot of money is stupidly lost to nowhere, every month. And they can't stop. We bought the wrong car. We bought the apartment in the wrong place and need to change it. And so on several times. There is a lot of unnecessary rubbish at home, without the necessary things. Clothes, food, household supplies - from a cannon budget for sparrows.
Moreover: sales, negotiations, persuasion, the ability to negotiate, purchasing - this is essentially the same skill, based on general principles.

Do you consider yourself more brilliant than Vincent Van Gogh and Nikola Tesla?

They couldn’t make a living with their talents - do you think you can if you don’t learn to sell, buy, bargain and negotiate with people?

  • Honesty. It’s also a skill, like the ability to tell the truth. If you decide to tell the truth directly, then you will be called a truth teller, and maybe even impudent and rude. Or they might also hit you on the head. Yes, and you will do the same if someone tramples on you with such honesty.
  • Kindness. Oddly enough, it’s also a skill. Kindness should be in moderation and in place. There is no point in feeding pigs oranges - forgive me for this harsh but vital statement. If you are too kind, others will take advantage of you. But at the same time, obviously, being angry and dissatisfied is not an option. Although this is exactly what many people choose, unfortunately.
  • Gratitude. Probably one of the most neglected skills. What people lack most in our time is gratitude and appreciation. Start thanking and giving appreciation to others, and you will be surprised how much better you will be treated. You will never be able to pay for everything with money - you need to learn to be grateful not with money, but in a different way.
  • Performance. You need to not just work, but work profitably. Labor productivity is especially important for office workers. And even if you haven’t thought about it until now, you should think about it now. The competition is so high that either you are more productive or your services are no longer needed.

Having these skills will make your life much easier. One way or another, you need to develop them. But their absence will cost a lot of gray hair and health, a waste of energy. Well, then emotional exhaustion, burnout, psychological fatigue...

12. Sympathetic and parasympathetic body regulation systems

In order to have a good rest, you need physical activity on your body. But the fact is that not every load is suitable. Most sports, to put it mildly, are harmful to health because they have a one-sided effect on the body. Even running - almost indispensable for training the heart - is very harmful to the knees and joints. It turns out that playing sports heals some things, but cripples others. Where is the way out?

And the whole point is that we have 2 nervous systems for regulating the body, sympathetic and parasympathetic. But only the parasympathetic supports homeostasisthe desire of the system to reproduce itself, restore lost balance, and overcome the resistance of the external environment. And the internal environment too.

Therefore, you should exercise in the parasympathetic system, which has powerful restorative and healing properties.

Doing sports, fitness or anything else without parasympathetics turned on is an unaffordable luxury - because the sympathetic nervous system does not acquire, but spends your energy. That is, you will need more strength to recover, and the recovery processes will be weaker.

Turned on parasympathetics is the eternal elixir of youth - if you know how to use it. Naturally, you need to learn to work with the parasympathetic system turned on, and to stay in it for as much time as possible during the day. Then there will be plenty of health, work will bring joy, and there will be no stress or fatigue from it. But this, of course, is aerobatics.

It's worth trying to learn.

13. Ways to overcome emotional exhaustion, professional burnout and psychological fatigue.

The general answer to this question is to change your lifestyle. If you have the opportunity to change a job that is emotionally draining, then you should change it. If you have relationships, friends, or loved ones that are squeezing your strength and health out of you, then you should at least reconsider them. You should refuse to communicate with people as vampires - you cannot help them - only “life” can help them. But they will damage your health so much that it won’t seem enough.

Next, you should review your daily routine and make any necessary changes. If you continue the same lifestyle as until now, then it is useless to fight exhaustion and recovery. Yes, I understand not everything depends on you, but you can change a lot.

Recuperation plan for one weekend.

Ask your family and friends not to disturb you or even help you - to take on part of your responsibilities. And spend the weekend according to this scenario:

  • Go to bed earlier in the evening. Give yourself some sleep in the morning.
  • Drink some water.
  • Morning exercises or yoga - stretching. Some harmonious yoga complex. Perform with parasympathetics turned on.
  • You can have breakfast. Walk for 2 hours in the fresh air.
  • A walk can be combined with a run - Jogging/skiing/or swimming - 1 hour (minimum) at the slowest pace, at a low heart rate.
  • Take a nap at lunch. No TV, movies, internet, smartphone. It’s better to talk to your children, friends, and parents.
  • Relaxation meditation – 15–30 minutes.
  • Go to bed early at 21-22 hours. Have sex before bed! (Why not?)
  • Repeat the next day.

The result will be even better if you complete all the exercises. More precisely, in the complete absence of gadgets and electric light and being in the fresh air. Well, or at least at the dacha.

An easy and harmonious morning stretching routine.

I have been doing the simplest harmonious yoga complex Suryanamaskar of 33 movements for 10 years now. (Not to be confused with Suryanamaskar of 12 movements).

You need to do this at least 3 times a day. Each approach takes approximately 5-7 minutes and a 1-2 minute break between them. At my trainings, I tell you in detail how to breathe correctly during the complex. How

The benefits of this complex can be described for hours. Deeply cleanses the body from the inside, gives energy, increases immunity, eliminates back pain, eliminates cellulite in 2-3 days, treats a lot of diseases. I tell you more at my trainings. Well, or look on my website. When I get there, I’ll lay out my hands.

Meditations for relaxation.

  1. The simplest and most relaxing is the rotation of the microcosmic orbit - from 15-20 minutes.
  2. The next one is quite similar - yoga nidra, when you “roll” energy balls over your body in turn with different sensations - warmth, tingling, cold. And different colored balls.
  3. Deconcentration of attention – has more than 5 varieties.
  4. Well, the most effective is recollection meditation, during which you remember your day in reverse order and let go of all the stress of the day.

Different meditations are suitable for different occasions. There are also options for reminiscence performed with a partner for particularly difficult emotional situations from the past, but it can only be taught in live trainings.

This should be enough for you to regain your strength over the weekend. Next, you need to lead an energy-efficient lifestyle and let go of the causes of emotional fatigue, which is discussed in the following paragraphs.

Remember that the best and fastest way to rest is don't get tired that is, lead an energy-efficient lifestyle with elements of recuperation every day. Be less tired and rest well every day, otherwise fatigue will accumulate.

14. Prevention of emotional stress and professional burnout.

You need to monitor your health every day, and not when “the rooster pecks in the ass.” And they also say: “It’s too late for Gogi to drink Borjomi if there are no more kidneys.” It's better not to let it come to this.

To do this, you need to create your daily routine in such a way that it includes all the necessary elements of economical spending of your health and restoration of strength every day.

  • Morning yoga – every working day. You can take a break on the weekends.
  • Drink enough water in the morning, before meals and every hour at work.
  • Work in blocks - remember to stand up and stretch every hour.
  • Be in the fresh air every day for at least 1–2 hours.
  • Minimum 1 hour of physical activity 3 times a week. Ideally 2-3 times a week for 2 hours.
  • After lunch, when you feel sleepy, meditate for 15–30 minutes. Or you can even take a nap.
  • Meditate before bed and during the day to restore strength for 15–30 minutes.
  • Let go of emotional clamps and so on... (in the next paragraph.)

Regarding morning yoga

Many will say that they get up early, don’t get enough sleep and go to work, so they can’t do yoga in the morning. I would say that this is self-deception and excuses. Get up half an hour earlier and do yoga every morning. It doesn't matter how early you have to get up. Go to bed half an hour earlier for this.

I know builders who started work at 5 in the morning and left the house at 4:30. In order to have time to do yoga, according to my recommendation, they got up at 3 in the morning and went to bed for 19–20 hours. This is an unusual daily routine - but they like their work, so they adapt to it.

30 minutes of yoga in the morning is equivalent to 1-2 hours of sleep, plus eliminating back pain, maintaining immunity and the whole body in order, which leads to the elimination of 95-99% of diseases.

Is it possible to do without running?

Only a short-term replacement like skiing, skating, rollerblading, swimming and nothing more. But still, alas, you can’t do without running completely. I looked for a replacement for him for a long time, but found nothing. For a sedentary lifestyle, physical activity needs to be done through the legs and for the heart. It is our legs that are the weakest element in our body, not our breath. When you start running, you will feel that your legs are weakest, and your breathing quickly gets used to it.

You need to run ONLY at a low heart rate - meditative running with parasympathetics turned on. Run slowly, but run. Once you start running correctly, you will quickly begin to enjoy it incredibly.

15. Constant stress is the cause of emotional exhaustion.

When relaxing under stress, it is almost impossible to get enough sleep. And fatigue is guaranteed to accumulate, which sooner or later will lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout. It is stress that creates the tension that accumulates in the form of a “shell of tension.”

Letting go of stress requires additional learning. It would be great if we were taught this from childhood, but alas, it is the way it is. Few people truly understand why and how stress occurs, where and how it is deposited, why it arises and how to let go of stress. In our time, this knowledge is already vital.

First, get a notebook that will become your diary, where you will write all your thoughts.

Stress arises from accumulated grievances, dissatisfaction, expectations, guilt, fear of shame, anger, anger, jealousy, envy, self-pity.

Yes, they are the ones who create emotional burnout and exhaustion for you. It is these emotions that create mental pain, especially self-pity.

  • Write down in your diary all similar situations that you can remember.
  • Start with the simplest one and start letting go. Learn to let go - it's not easy. Then move on to more complex ones.
  • You will not confuse the moment of letting go with anything. You need to feel it. It feels like a very deep liberation, relief, as if some weight had been removed from the shoulders.
  • Letting go of grievances, expectations, etc. is a skill that needs to be developed.
  • At first, it may take you several hours or even days to let go of 1 difficult situation, but then it will take 1 second. It took me 3 days to deal with the first offense, but I immediately began to let go of the big one - don’t make my mistake.
  • In the evening before going to bed, mentally remember the day in reverse order and let go of all emotional situations. You will see that there are more of them than you noticed earlier. But they are small.
  • As soon as all the situations from the list are over, write the next set of similar situations. Repeat the practice until you have let EVERYTHING go.
  • Allocate 0.5–1 hour a day to this practice.

It is you who need to let go of such situations, not others. You let go of grievances for yourself, not for someone else. You will be surprised how much health and strength your grievances consume. And how much better you will feel. I guarantee you that you will have less gray hair, wrinkles and other signs of aging by doing this exercise regularly.

After letting go of emotional stress, you will sleep like a baby! If released correctly. I will talk more about this in a separate article. And at my trainings I teach this and give a step-by-step plan.

16. Meditation or how to get rid of deep chronic fatigue, professional burnout, emotional exhaustion.

What has accumulated over the years cannot be released through practices at the level of consciousness. Various types of meditation practices are needed. And also “not to get caught during the day”, i.e. not to get tired, not to stress during the day - is impossible without meditation. And also in order not to get tired during the day, you need to let go of the stress that is deep in the subconscious.

There are at least 3 “bioatomic” energy “reactors” in your body that could feed you endlessly if turned on correctly. One of them you already know is the parasympathetic system.

There are 5 meditations, and 3 of them have up to 5 different ways of doing them to let go of different fatigue, burnout, stress in different situations. To restore mental strength.

Meditation is an eternal or endless source of strength and health.

Because it brings back strength from your past. It was there that your strength was “lost”, starting right from childhood. This meditation will also teach you how to not stress during the day.

Another meditation temporarily turns off the armor of tension, which gives a powerful restorative effect to the entire body and relieves fatigue.

I cannot teach you all the intricacies of meditation through an article. I also cannot describe to you in detail all the plans for letting go of various fatigue, stress, and burnout. I will write a separate article about letting go of stress, but this will also not be enough to let go of the underlying stress accumulated since childhood. Everything is too individual.

Such situations require individual adjustment and direction, which can only be given through training. That is why I have compiled a detailed training for quickly eliminating fatigue, stress, burnout, exhaustion - for different stages of neglect.

There are 2 participation packages - and the simplest one - costs a penny and is affordable for everyone. However, the most expensive one is also available to everyone, with a strong desire.

How to quickly increase your strength significantly and restore the joy of life.

After completing this training, you will increase your strength and work productivity significantly, and with it, increase your income.

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If you haven’t read the Shaman’s Laughter trilogy by Vladimir Serkin, be sure to read it. I gave about 20 of these books and, on my recommendation, about 300 more people bought them or downloaded them on the Internet. Each time I heard only positive reviews and gratitude in return for this book.

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When I hear about emotional (professional) burnout, I remember an old story. I don’t know what is true in it and what is fiction. What I bought for is what I sell for!

The boy's parents gave him a chameleon. He placed a red piece of paper under it, and the chameleon immediately began to show red camouflage spots. "Wow!" - said the boy and placed a sheet of blue paper on the chameleon. The chameleon immediately changed its color. And this cruel children's game continued for a long time. The chameleon changed its war paint a thousand times, and then stopped changing it. He got tired, froze, stopped breathing and died.

Reaction to stress

Stressful situation- this is a situation of threat or rapid, abrupt, unexpected changes for a person. Positive or negative is not so important in this case. It is important that it is fast and unexpected.

Stressful state- this is how a person reacts to a sudden change in the situation. Essentially, changes in our state are simply a response to changes around us. In the heat, our body sweats, actively releasing water, cooling itself. Until the water in the body runs out. And in the cold, the whole body trembles, trying to warm up, while there is energy for this trembling.

There are three human reactions to rapid change: hit, run, freeze. These are very ancient, archaic reactions. Perhaps primitive man invented them as soon as he began to walk on two legs.

  • If the enemy is weaker, strike and secure a peaceful sky above your head and additional loot.
  • If the enemy is stronger - "Run, Forrest, run..." and ensure your salvation and survival.
  • If you can't do either one or the other, freeze. Some predators do not feed on carrion and do not pay attention to stationary objects. This is how you will be saved.

The puzzle of our joyful and eventful life is that drastic changes are constantly happening around us. The change of day and night alone is worth it! You just crawled out from under the blanket, just washed your face, just exposed your sides to the ray of sunshine, and then - bam - it’s already a pitch-dark night! And I won’t even talk about the change of seasons - spring, summer, autumn, winter. This is clear to everyone.

Accordingly, we are constantly adapting, constantly spending our resources, our energy on this adaptation. Even the most modern cell phone needs to recharge its battery from time to time. And what can we say about the person! He also needs replenishment of resources.

Situation one. If resource costs are replenished in a timely manner, then exhaustion and death do not occur. Life goes on. There is joy in life. And if not? Then things are bad. Exhaustion and even illness are not far away.

Situation two. Many of our aggressive or sexually charged actions are taboo and are under the vigilant control of the all-powerful and all-seeing Big Brother - society (starting with parents, educators and teachers). You can't fight. Taking what you want to take right now is prohibited. Crying, making noise and eating gingerbread in one person is indecent. What about the rights of our sovereigns to declare? God forbid! Good boys and girls don’t do this at all. Not accepted here. One word - culture! At first, the child learns to walk and talk, and then to sit and remain silent.

The habit of freezing, of not outwardly expressing what is happening inside, can become a very bad habit. Overvoltage, which has not found a way out or release, accumulates in the body, poisons and destroys our body, and over time turns into bodily blocks and clamps. The body also spends a huge amount of energy maintaining blocks and clamps. In addition, we cease to belong to ourselves. We forget who we really are. We become a cog in a mechanism that is alien to us. And we solemnly call all this “work” (from the word “slavery”).

And the most important thing here is to notice in time that something wrong is happening to you. And take action in time.

Signs of burnout

  1. Do you enjoy any break in work? like a child eating chocolate. “Is the electricity in the office turned off? What a joy! Let's smoke bamboo! If half of the posts on your social media page are filled with passionate desire, literally lust for the Friday carnival and bacchanalia, and the second half of the posts are about the funeral mood of Monday, it’s time to urgently pay attention to yourself and your condition.
  2. You, with a constancy worthy of better use, with your whole being you feel the meaninglessness of what is happening around you. Every day is like Groundhog Day. Got up alive, went to work, came back dead, went to bed. Tomorrow will be a day no better than today. What am I doing here? Why do I need all this? Who benefits from this? Who needs all this? My company commander sternly looked at the formation of us, worn-out soldiers, and said with a sigh: “Oh, routine!”
  3. Fatigue and heaviness throughout the body become almost a permanent state of yours.

I remember a bearded joke:

- Why are you so sad?
- Is it really fun to carry bags of cement to the 17th floor without an elevator?
- How long have you been like this?

- I’ll start tomorrow...

  1. Even when there is an opportunity to relax, switch gears, go on vacation or spend a day off in the company of carefree friends, a person cannot take full advantage of this. At work he dreams of relaxation. And, while on vacation, he thinks about work.“I have my phone with me even in the pool, because I have a responsible job, they can call me at any minute.”. And this is not said by a bodyguard, not a fireman, but by the director of the company. Because the people around you cannot tolerate the idea that you belong only to yourself and rest. “Don’t just sit on the toilet, think about something”.
  2. You notice that you are too lazy to amuse yourself, entertain yourself, you have no strength for emotions. There is no strength to be angry at the stupidity of your superiors or subordinates. I don't have the strength to enjoy my birthday. The usual rock music concert, where you used to have a blast, is now annoying with its grinding, causing a feeling of drowsiness, lethargy, foggy vision, stuffy ears and complete devastation. Indifference and insensitivity to emotional signals is a very alarming sign. This is already an SOS signal.
  3. If you used to endure any flu on your feet, without taking time off, now the slightest increase in temperature is perceived as a disaster, you lie flat, without raising your head from the pillows, exhausting your household with the pitiful moan of a hypochondriac.
  4. It's stalking you pursued by irritability. All the people around you “They either sit wrong or whistle wrong”. As Gromozeka used to say: “I ordered four hundred drops of valerian, but here it’s four hundred and two.”. But before, these were pleasant and helpful people in all respects. They couldn’t all just take it and change at once. This means only one thing - that you are tired! And it’s time to take yourself and your condition seriously.

How to help yourself: the simplest solutions

The simplest thing is to organize an event for yourself, or even better, several events that you know are pleasant and definitely fill you up and recharge your batteries. Some people visit a temple, some look for a place of power, some go out into nature and turn off their phones. Someone fills a karaoke bar with nightingale trills, someone goes to the bathhouse with friends. And for some, just a sweet sleep or a delicious meal in pleasant company is a great switch and adventure. Maybe you just need to get some sleep...

The essence of the solution: an obviously pleasant pastime, by definition, does not require adaptive reactions or energy expenditure from you. On the contrary, it charges you with habitually pleasant experiences and serves as a psychological stroke for yourself.

  1. Let off steam. It is very important not to keep it to yourself, to react, to express your tensions, your emotions. Yes, you can’t shout in your boss’s face - you could lose your job. But, as soon as the meeting is over, you urgently need to go to the nearest sports ground and give free rein to your muscles and vocal cords.

Many grown-ups don’t play football to win or score goals. The main thing for them is to shout. They run around the field the whole game, waving their arms, shouting at the top of their lungs: “You idiot, where are you going to hit me, I’m standing open right in front of the gate...” They run, jump, and return home or to the office tired but happy.

The essence of the solution: burn down at the physiological level the adrenaline that is caused by a stressful situation, so that it does not accumulate and destroy the delicate balance of substances in the body. Regularity in this matter, as you yourself understand, significantly increases the usefulness of the procedure.

  1. Emotional stroking. For women, a very good procedure for throwing out the negativity that poisons their lives, depleting their resources, to speak out and ease their souls in a safe space is a meeting of the women’s council, or simply a bachelorette party.

The action is often very, very expressive and theatrical. “Girls, can you imagine what my boss told me yesterday?!” And then there are 18 exclamation marks for three words of text. And in response: "What?"- and then 18 question and exclamation marks. “And that’s what!” And so on in a circle. In a couple of hours, they will wash the bones of all their boyfriends, bosses, subordinates, girlfriends, and rivals.

No advice, no expert opinions, no solutions. Only the exchange of emotional signs of sympathy and support, or, as smart psychologists say, the exchange of psychological strokes. They will get up from the table or the sofa, and the tension will be gone. Like sand through your fingers, like water in the sand, tensions and resentments evaporated. Everyone felt better.

The essence of the solution: in a chronic stressful situation, in a state of exhaustion, self-esteem very often suffers ( “I can’t cope!”, “I’m not competent enough!”, “I can’t help it!” etc.). Psychological strokes: attention, sympathy, sharing pain and resentment among all interlocutors, warm words of support - inspire women, restore their opinion of themselves, and they are again ready to enjoy life in all its manifestations.

But in difficult cases, of course, you need the help of a professional.

What do you encounter in your practice?

The man has driven himself to the brink, crawled to the therapist half-bent, and cannot even breathe deeply. And he already knows the diagnosis: “Doctor, I’m burning out!”

I offer such clients a minimum program: it is necessary to work out the life situation in several important aspects.

By the way, you can do this yourself. All tips are given below.

  1. Eliminate energy leakage.

Eliminating “vampirism” means clearing the space around you, freeing yourself from relationships with people who “they like to eat me, but not very much”. Is it easy to do? Of course it's not easy. But you need to take at least the first step.

Solution. To do this, you need to find a safe place where no one will distract you from the process, turn on your imagination, imagine in your mind’s eye a specific person who really annoyed you, and tell him: “Dear comrade, I came to talk. And the question is very serious, it concerns my health, happiness and success. I suspect that some of my energy constantly goes to you. I do not like it. I am categorically against it. I am not your donor, sponsor or soup kitchen. I'm just your colleague. Today I’m ending such an exploitative relationship with you, I’m returning my energy to myself, I’m returning yours to you, I don’t need someone else’s. If you want to communicate, let’s communicate without manipulation, without use and exploitation, on a mutually beneficial basis. I don’t burn bridges, today I’m ending bad relationships and inviting you to new relationships, to cooperation.”

  1. Get rid of guilt.

The fact is that it is impossible to force a person to simply donate his time, energy and other resources to someone. As a rule, a person begins to give away his resources left and right under the pressure of a feeling of guilt or debt. It is necessary to get to the root of these feelings and transform the situation.

Solution. You can firmly and decisively say to yourself: "Im free person. I am the author of my life. I'll do it as I want. As I do, so it will be. It's up to me to decide. This is my life and only my life. My energy belongs to me and only me by birthright. I am not guilty of anyone. I do not owe anything to anyone. I won’t allow anyone to steal my resources.”

  1. Get out of the wrong roles.

A daughter or son cannot replace the mother of a husband, lover, brother or sister, father or mother, or unborn children. A daughter or son cannot be a container for the unprocessed negative feelings of a mother or father. A daughter or son cannot follow the goals of their parents and completely forget about their own. This is at least unnatural. They can't do it. But in childhood, parents assign many additional roles to the child, thus solving their psychological problems.

“I’m so worried that my first-born boy died in childbirth, you, daughter, will replace him in everything!”- the daughter absorbs this unconscious message from her mother from a young age. And the role of the dead is not a pound of raisins. This is a risk that symptoms of burnout will haunt the girl from childhood. The dead don't jump, don't run, don't make noise, don't have fun. They lie quietly.

Solution. You can imagine your parents in your mind's eye and tell them clearly and decisively: “Dear parents, dad and mom, I am only your son or your daughter. I can't replace anyone else for you. I can't solve your problems for you. I am not Atlas who holds your sky. I need to mind my own business. I will go".

  1. Get rid of imposed beliefs and suggestions.

Sayings from relatives: “A little bit of good,” “We haven’t lived well, so there’s nothing to start with,”- only at first glance they are harmless. If they call you a pig a thousand times, you will grunt. If a negative statement is said many times, even just in passing, it can become a belief and become lodged in the brain like a monolithic block.

A negative template is harmful precisely because it turns into a kind of filter that recolors the color of life in its own way. “The city became emerald after all residents were given glasses with green lenses.”. In the same way, you can make your whole life hopelessly gray by simply installing a gray filter. It is very useful to notice the manifestations of such limiting filter-beliefs and return them to where they came from.

Solution. You can remember who you first heard a negative phrase from, and return what you heard back. “Dear grandfather, today I return to you your conviction and your saying “little by little is good”. It's only yours. You have the right to your opinion and your way of life. I respect your choice. And I myself will live my life and follow my convictions. My new belief: “Every day I accept with joy and gratitude all the gifts of the universe. Every day I use more and more diverse resources for my benefit. Every day the effectiveness of my actions is growing. Every day my results are getting better and better. Every day I increase my ability to enjoy and enjoy life. It is my choice. This is my life. I'll do it as I want. As I do, so it will be.”

  1. Formulate and test your personal goals and plans.

Among other things, it is very important for self-help in a situation of burnout to clearly clarify your goals, plans and priorities. They set the vector of movement. They concentrate their forces. They prevent interference from interfering. They discipline both themselves and the people around them.

And setting goals and developing priorities begins with simple introspection. Do I like what I'm doing now? Do I want to be where I am now? Am I ready to continue communicating with this person, does it burden me or fill me?

The actually formulated goal consists of several important elements:

  1. What to me I do not like in my life now (here it is important to get angry in a good sense of the word).
  2. What exactly I want to achieve in the near future (specifics are very appropriate here).
  3. Trajectory of movement between them (a list of tasks and actions tied to deadlines is very appropriate here).

The essence of the solution: When you have clear and conscious goals and priorities in your life, it is very easy for you to say no to everything unnecessary, to everything that distracts you from the main thing. Professor Preobrazhensky from Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog” gave an excellent example of rebuffing parasites and parasites:

“I would like to suggest you,” here the woman pulled out several bright and snow-wet magazines from her bosom, “to take several magazines in favor of the children of Germany.” About fifty dollars a piece.

“No, I won’t take it,” Philip Philipovich answered briefly, glancing sideways at the magazines.

Complete amazement was expressed on their faces, and the woman became covered with a cranberry coating.

- Why do you refuse?

- Don't want.

-You don’t sympathize with the children of Germany?

- Sorry.

- Do you regret fifty dollars?

- No.

- So why?

- Don't want.

It’s just that the professor knew exactly his priorities. He himself knew and told us to know. For a better life. An easy, beautiful, healthy, happy, rich life!

People usually feel tired at the end of a work shift, towards the end of the work week, or just before a vacation. Unfortunately, there are times when you feel overtired all the time. At the same time, you notice a lack of enthusiasm for work. Along with fatigue, its faithful companions settle in your consciousness: detachment, cynicism and indifference. There is emotional burnout.

The scourge of modern people

Symptoms of emotional burnout have become increasingly common in recent years. This is due to modern work realities and the busy rhythm of life. Employers are becoming more demanding and working conditions are becoming more stressful. The situation is often complemented by a turbulent atmosphere in the team, intrigue and gossip. Let's talk about what causes emotional burnout and how you can overcome this condition.

Burnt house analogy

The term “burnout” was coined in the 70s of the 20th century by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger. There is a clear relationship here with the concepts of “scorched earth” or “scorched house”. If you have ever walked past a burnt building, you know how sad and depressing it is. Wooden buildings burn almost to the ground, leaving only part of the walls. Concrete structures have better luck. But if outwardly the brick houses damaged by the fire hardly change their appearance, then inside the observer’s eyes see a sad sight. You will be amazed at how fierce fire can be and the scale of the disaster. Dr. Freudenberger drew an analogy with a scorched concrete structure and emotional burnout in people. On the outside, a person practically does not change, but his internal resources are completely depleted.

Three degrees of burnout

Modern researchers distinguish three degrees of burnout: exhaustion, cynicism and ineffectiveness. Let's take a closer look at what all these stages lead to. Exhaustion from burnout causes anxiety, difficulty sleeping, lack of focus, and even physical illness. Cynicism is sometimes called depersonalization or a self-perception disorder. At the same time, a person’s own actions are perceived not from the inside, but from the outside. There is a persistent feeling that control over oneself has been lost, there is a feeling of alienation from the people with whom the person works, and a lack of interest in work. And finally, the third factor takes away your confidence that you are doing a good job or doing your job well. This feeling does not grow out of nowhere.

No person wants to fall into the trap of burnout. On the one hand, everything is simple: you need not to overload yourself with work. But, on the other hand, everything is much more complicated, and trouble can creep up suddenly. To know how to cope with this condition, you need to be able to identify the causes of its occurrence.

What Causes Burnout?

In fact, the idea that burnout comes from missing days off and vacations is a fairly common misconception. Here's what Alexandra Michel, a science writer at the Association for Psychological Science, says: “Burnout occurs when there are more negative work-related factors than positive ones. When deadlines for a project are running out, the boss’s demands are too high, there is a lack of working time, and other stress factors are present. At the same time, rewards for work, recognition from colleagues and relaxation take up much less space.”


UC Berkeley professor Christina Maslach has been studying this problem since the 70s. The expert and her colleagues proposed six workplace environmental factors that are responsible for burnout. These include workload, control, reward, value, community, and fairness. A person feels emotionally empty when two or more of the factors listed above do not meet his needs. For example, an employee has a small salary but has too high demands and hard work. Unfortunately, many workplaces fail to meet the basic needs of staff. One large study conducted in Germany by Gallop found that 2.7 million workers reported symptoms of burnout. In 2013, a survey of business executives in the UK found that 30 percent of managers believed that their company's staff were at risk of widespread burnout.

Risks and consequences

The consequences of this phenomenon are comparable only to a catastrophe on a universal scale. According to Dr. Michelle, burnout is more than just a state of mind. This condition leaves an indelible mark on people's brains and bodies. Fatigue and loss of interest in work are just the tip of the iceberg. In reality, the risks of burnout are more serious. Individuals suffering from burnout experience chronic psychosocial stress that is detrimental to personal and social functioning. This suppresses cognitive skills and has detrimental effects on the neuroendocrine system. Over time, the effects of burnout lead to problems with memory functions and decreased concentration. There are also high risks of causing damage to the psyche, in particular, the occurrence of depressive disorder.

Burnout affects brain function

This problem has been studied by scientists many times. Thus, one of the more recent scientific studies showed that in people suffering from emotional burnout, the prefrontal cortex of the brain becomes thinner. This important department is responsible for cognitive functions. Typically, the prefrontal cortex becomes thinner with age, as part of the body's natural aging process. But, as we see, this process can start much earlier under certain conditions.

Risks of coronary heart disease

Stress and other negative emotions cannot but affect the functioning of the heart. Another study of almost 9 thousand workers susceptible to burnout showed that the risk of coronary heart disease significantly increases in this category. These and other consequences sound rather gloomy, so let's turn the topic into a more positive direction. Fortunately, overcoming burnout is possible.

How to overcome the problem?

When a person feels the effects of burnout, he becomes concerned about his condition. The first thing that can ease panic is to reduce the amount of work done. Psychologists suggest looking for ways to manage workload in the following tricks: delegating tasks, the ability to refuse help, and keeping a diary. There you can write down the conditions that make you feel stressed at work. However, burnout is not only associated with professional stress. Learn to look at the world with your eyes wide open again, try to enjoy relaxation, hobbies and any nice moments not related to work. In order to bring the negative and positive into balance, you need to learn to enjoy life again.

Do what you like

It's easy to forget about yourself when you're going through a period of burnout. You live under the yoke of constant stress, so the only outlet is to increase the number of tasty dishes in your diet. However, sweets will not relieve you of the problem itself. But a healthy diet, enough water and exercise can quickly bring you back to normal. Try to do what you like, find time to meet with friends. To close, here's what software developer Kent Nguyen says: “Burnout comes from not being able to do what you love or what's important to you on a regular basis.”

what to do if work is already very annoying, but you still have to go to the office? Will a vacation in a sanatorium help if stress even affects libido? kyky, together with Belarus guide vetliva, asked psychologist Sergei Khonsky the most popular questions: how to survive emotional burnout, not go crazy and keep your job, having managed to put a trash can on your boss’s head.

Emotional burnout begins due to repeated stress, frequent tension, and sometimes simply due to repetition of stereotypical operations. A person may not work anywhere, but will burn out from caring for a paralyzed relative. At some point, there are simply no longer enough resources to overcome the crisis.

Those who communicate a lot with people are most susceptible to burnout. Initially, it was believed that medical workers were the most “burnout” category. Why? A large flow of people, colleagues, plus frequent trials, complaints from clients - all this is reinforced by the lack of normal payment. But now many professions are related to communication. Everyone has an equal chance to earn this burnout. It is no longer possible to say that a programmer constantly works behind a monitor, does not go anywhere, does not communicate with anyone, and therefore will be less susceptible to emotional burnout. Even communication with loved ones can be the cause of burnout.

I'm tired of work, but I can't leave. What to do?

You need to find out if the organization has a psychologist. If this is not the case, how can the employee protect himself? Sometimes these are banal “reacting” techniques: a client or boss is rude to you - try to visualize how you throw something at him, put a trash can on his head. If you start expressing all this to his face, you may even lose your job. If now is not the situation when you can leave, and you need money, you have to work with your emotional competence.

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There is a situation of “reacting” of a different kind: if the working day is over, try not to take the work with you, but devote time to yourself. It’s good if a person plays sports - this is a channel for the release of unreacted energy. By analogy, some aggressors who work with children suggest giving them foam toys. It is important here: a) develop the skill of switching, b) evaluate your emotions, and c) learn to cope with these emotions.

Offices of successful IT companies are best suited for preventing burnout. People even have a separate lounge there. And in one Russian bank, employees have a so-called “screaming room” - after a difficult client, they can come there and scream in a soundproofed room, beat a pear, throw darts.

You can invite a person coming to the workplace to virtually try on a mask. In the Netherlands this is called "workwear technique". Can you imagine: today, let’s say, I’m not Anya, and I’m not 27 years old, I’m Oksana, I’m 40, I’m a mother of three children. And all day long you behave like this Oksana. You are trying to copy non-existent elements of her behavior. The day ends - you are Anya again. Such a banal technique allows you to separate the personal self and the professional self. It will be useful to everyone, especially to trust service employees or rescuers.

Sanatorium “Praleska” is the closest sanatorium to Minsk. It is only 8 kilometers from the city. You will have time to get there and not burn out completely from your burnout.

In general, the greatest punishment for a person is to entrust him with meaningless work. A person with a high level of awareness will understand: do it or don’t do it – it won’t lead to anything anyway. These are banal words, but we need to learn to ask ourselves simple questions: “What do I want?”, “What is my goal?”, “What motivates me?”, “What is my purpose?” If all the answers lead to the idea that you cannot achieve any of your goals at work, then it’s time to leave.

What should I do if I'm already starting to burn out?

Firstly. Take a break from the area in which you are burning out. Not everyone's problems are related to work. If a person is involved in computers or sales, then his hobby should not be in any way connected with computer games or traveling to conferences. The hobby should be radically different.

Secondly. You will need autogenous training - perhaps now is the time to take up yoga.

Third. Connect with friends from whom you can get an emotional response. Discussing an exciting topic leads to a decrease in the release of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for stress. Friends, family, children are a good way to both prevent and combat emotional burnout.

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Fourthly. Take courses and trainings that develop stress management skills and emotional intelligence. Learn to manage your emotions.

In the Yunost sanatorium, you can extinguish the flames of your burnout with water from the Zaslavsky reservoir. In addition, there is the Transfiguration Church of the Savior from almost the 16th century and the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the 18th century nearby. Look at the sights.

Fifthly. Read about stress-productive eating. Fatty foods rich in vitamins and minerals can also save you from burnout. Some people advise eating foods that remind us of childhood: those containing vanilla, such as cookies or milk. Our olfactory brain is very ancient, so experts recommend aromatherapy and even animal therapy - communication with animals.

At sixth. Engage in bodily practices. It can be difficult for us to relax due to elementary stiffness in the body. Massages and baths, for example, in a sanatorium, allow you to remove such clamps.

Seventh. Have sex. Sexual relationships are one way to resist burnout, as long as they do not carry difficult emotions. But that is another story.

Eighth. Approach the problem consciously - regular or one-time meetings with a psychologist are unlikely to harm you.

How to learn to relax if you are so burned out that you don’t want anything

A short-term vacation will help you avoid problems and never hear about burnout again. But this is only if, upon returning from vacation and finding himself in the same environment, a person changes something in his work. Going away even for three days is an effective method for dealing with any stress. Moreover, three days is the minimum we need. Often any unfamiliar environment helps: it could be a village, a new city, a sanatorium. It is not necessary to purchase a large package of procedures at this sanatorium. Even geographical distance from the stressor that causes burnout is already beneficial.

Fatigue is a physiological state. Fatigue is a psychological assessment of what is happening to us. Sometimes fatigue goes away without fatigue. That is, the body is tired, worn out - this is expressed in colds, joint pain, fever - we do not attach any importance to this. For example, you have a very cool job, and you don’t want to leave your team even while on sick leave. You do not notice the signals of fatigue and continue to perform your function, constantly encountering stress. It is very important to pay attention to signs from the body that were not there before: colds, stomach problems, joint pain.

“Energetik” is your option if you really need to catapult from the city into nature. Sosnovy Bor, next to the large Volpyanskoe reservoir... Well, if nature tires you, you can always escape to Grodno - look at the Farny Church, or take a walk along the bar street.

You have to watch how what you used to be passionate about, what you could move mountains for, suddenly ceased to be important and interesting. You should ask yourself the question: why am I not interested in this now? Why am I not showing the same results? You may realize that you are just sitting too long and need a higher jump. Although, if a person is already truly burnt out, it will be difficult for him to even ask himself these questions. Then you need to be more attentive to outside assessments. If everyone around you is telling you that you look tired, it's time to listen to people.

Do alcohol and sex help relieve stress?

Many people say that they can relax and forget themselves only by drinking alcohol. Few people know that after a small dose of alcohol, a state of mild euphoria lasts 8-10 minutes. Next comes the depressive phase. This is not so obvious to us, but others notice that at this moment we want to complain about life and talk about how bad everything is for us. If no one is around, then we digest the negativity within ourselves. Of course, we can drink more to experience euphoria again, but most often this does not lead to anything good. I'm not saying that alcohol should be eliminated, but it should not be considered as a way of coping with emotional burnout. If a person realizes that only alcohol helps him to distract himself, then this is already a signal that he needs professional help.

The Ruzhansky sanatorium is located far from Minsk - as much as 240 kilometers. On the other hand, maybe this is good? Distance heals. And a holiday here will obviously cost less than an alcoholic weekend in Vilnius.

Sex is good prevention. But if burnout has already occurred, then sex may not happen. And no change for the better will happen until we find the root of the problem. Problems with libido can just happen due to burnout. If your libido drops, bring something new into your life, go somewhere on vacation with your partner. It is quite possible that in a home in which everything reminds you of work (if that is where you experience stress), you may have problems even in bed.

The main thing: you can experiment as much as you like, but without working through the problem, the effect of novelty will not last long. Over time, a person may begin to evaluate this side of his life as dull and uninteresting. And this is already a dead end, or rather, a reason to go to a psychologist.

How to stop freaking out and learn to live

About this theme: The logic of downshifting. How to live in the village and not become a chicken

Sooner or later, a person may develop depersonalization - he does not express emotions in any way, he may not emotionally connect to the outside world. Neurotic states and emotional breakdowns can often occur. In addition to depersonalization, a reduction in professional responsibilities may occur - then you begin to do everything carelessly, and the motivational sphere suffers. But while some emotions disappear, others, on the contrary, become sharper and appear more often. For example, a person more often experiences uncharacteristic anger. The most severe clinical forms of burnout are associated with nervous exhaustion. Here both motivation and the function of expressing emotions really suffer.

“Primorsky” - Located on the shores of the Minsk Sea - such a pleasant self-deception for those who really want to be “at the sea”.

We can “play the rollercoaster” for a long time: burnout increases - we go on vacation, it seems like the problem goes away, manifests itself in a hidden form. Then work resumes. Not even three months have passed, and we are again approaching a borderline emotional state, because we have not worked through the first problem. We become even more susceptible to burnout.

Many of us feel that there are few sources of joy in life. Not everyone can even answer the question: “What does it mean to rejoice?” There is a book “Joy on Demand”, the author of which explains that you also need to be able to rejoice. We sometimes don't pay attention to small events simply because we can't even imagine that there is a source of joy in them. Sometimes a stranger can become an example for us, a “teacher of joy.” Agree, we don’t know how to rejoice alone. Events can be much more fun if there are two, three, or four of us. Have you noticed that we offer courses in anger management, overcoming fears and advanced training? But no one teaches us to rejoice. And in vain.

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