How to serve well in the army. Cleaning and order are sacred

Hello. Today is a rather unusual post again. About the army. I want to immediately say to all those who have served or will serve, everything may be completely different. Article how to survive in the army I write exclusively based on the example of my service.

So, once you join the army, you are, as it were, a nobody in the first 2 weeks. Until you take the oath, you are undergoing a young fighter course (KMB). Here you are prepared for military service.

There are quite a lot of fellow countrymen at KMB. Those with whom you were drafted from the military registration and enlistment office to the KMB will be with you. This is a huge plus. Some of them had already become “familiar” on the train, some were even already acquainted.

There are 2 types of barracks: general (which we are used to seeing on TV), where everyone sleeps in one large room, and divided into “cubbies” (cubrik is when soldiers live in rooms from 4 to 12 people on average). That is, it can be compared to a hostel.

I was lucky, we ended up in a part where there is a division into cockpits. Every year there are fewer and fewer “general type” barracks in the country. Because of this, there is a division into “groups”. That is, usually those who live in the same apartment are friends.

In general, if you are a tense person, then it will be difficult for you in the army. You need to loosen up and be friends with someone. At the KMB you will not see “grandfathers”, only sergeants and officers who persistently prepare you for the army.

At first it was hard: getting dressed at lightning speed, playing the game of “hang up” and “get up.” That is, after the command to hang up, everyone should very quickly lie in bed, and on the command to rise, they should line up. It takes about 1.5 minutes to get dressed (before, when there were tarpaulin boots (without laces) and not ankle boots, it was around 45 seconds). If someone didn’t have time, then hang up and get back up again. As they say, “there’s a problem in the company, the whole company is sweating” :).

In general, in the army they study collectively. One messed up, everyone answers. Your main task: don't mess around. I remember one went to the chipok without permission, so because of him we didn’t see the chipok for almost a whole week. I don’t care, but so many of his comrades looked at him wryly.

Therefore, there is no need to "mess up". Let's take the morning check. It is done every day: the cleanliness of the ankle boots, haircut, shaven, cleanliness of the hem and the presence of a edging are checked (the hair at the back near the neck must be straight). That's all! But, damn it, some people manage to not even keep track of these basic things. By doing these basic things as expected, you will get rid of unnecessary unnecessary attention to yourself.

What I remember in the first days is calluses. While the boots are new, the blisters are getting terrible. Many had blood blisters. Well, at least the KMB officers were allowed to wear slippers on the parade ground. I didn’t want to join the “slipper troops”; I found another way out: I wrapped a handkerchief or piece of cloth over my socks (in some units there were still foot wraps) where the pain was. Oddly enough, the calluses began to heal. We tried to “beat” the boots with a hammer and other heavy objects, but this did not help. And yes, it’s better to take boots one size larger than the butt size, otherwise you’ll still need to wear thick socks in winter.

How to behave at KMB? With understanding. Hard to learn, easy to fight. And the commander at the KMB was like the first teacher at school for me.

Even at KMB I understood the main rule in the army:you need to be bolder . Here, more than anywhere else, you need to be able to say “No”. Otherwise they will climb on your neck. It is necessary to “send” whoever is needed during the time, but, ah the most important thing is to stick together. Together with comrades, support each other.

It was also quite unusual to eat quickly in the cafeteria. Someone didn’t have time and I saw the following picture: a salad, a main dish and a side dish are thrown into the soup, and all this megaporridge is quickly eaten.

Well, after the KMB the most interesting thing begins: “grandfathers”, other officers, etc. Well, I’ll tell you about this tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

In order not to miss anything (I’ll also tell you little soldier secrets), subscribe to RSS, or just go to it on Saturday evening or Sunday :).

To be continued...

The army is a good school of life, which many men who have not served are advised to take in absentia. We will not rant on the topic of whether it is worth going there or not (since every young man must make such a decision himself), but will only give some advice from the series “how not to behave in the army if you want to serve well.” Therefore, if you are probably going to “taste the army porridge” (and maybe you have even been serving for some time), make yourself comfortable at the monitor and remember everything that we are about to tell you. Let us make a reservation in advance that situations are different, and our advice should not be taken as the only possible behavior, but most often they will help you avoid some problems.

Seriously. Many guys who end up in the army begin to believe that since there is no opposite sex here, and no one from your relatives/acquaintances sees you, you can not care about your appearance and walk around like a pig.

Leave it alone! People around you see you, and, as you know, they greet you based on your clothes.

In addition, such people in the army are shunned and despised, and are often sent to the dirtiest and most “disrespected” jobs (hello, cleaning the “outhouse”). Conclusion? Start respecting yourself (and therefore your appearance) and others will respect you!

Don’t agree to dubious “requests” from old-timers

In the army, the orders of your superiors are undeniable, but in addition to the officers, you will also be dealing with old-timers (“grandfathers”, “demobes”, etc.). And if the former are unlikely to give you an order that you should refuse, then the latter may try to bend you from the very first day.

Imagine a situation: on the first day of service, one of the soldiers comes up to you and asks you to wash his uniform, make his bed, find him a cigarette, etc. Doing all this is strictly contraindicated, otherwise your reputation will be ruined for the rest of your service. Say a firm “No” and even despite possible threats, stand your ground! Of course, the so-called “grandfathers” may subsequently try to make life difficult for you in the army, begin to put moral pressure on you or even threaten you physically - don’t give in!

Remember that if you break down once, you will no longer regain the respect of both the old-timers and the soldiers of your conscription.

Do they bet on money? Don't give anything away. If they tease you, humiliate you, or even beat you, hit them back or send them to hell. All this will not continue indefinitely and at a certain moment they will leave you behind, realizing that you are a person of principle who does not serve anyone.

Don't be greedy

It would seem to be a truism. However, there is such a thing as “military greed,” which is due to the fact that in the army it is very, very difficult to get sweets, cigarettes and other joys of life. For this reason, it is not uncommon for you, having received a package, to eat only a couple of candies from it, and the rest is distributed among your colleagues. After such moments, some begin to hide in every possible way that they have something tasty (or, for example, cigarettes, which sell like hot cakes here) and try to find opportunities to eat it alone. I’m ready to give at least 3-5 examples when people were caught eating under the covers after lights out or even in the toilet!

“Forget” about responsibilities

There is a clear hierarchy in the army, and if you haven’t memorized the regulations, the inspection officer will ask the sergeant first, who will then remind you of this.

Don't focus on thoughts about home

Now let's talk about your state of mind. If you don’t want to “go crazy” and feel more or less comfortable, try not to burden yourself with unnecessary memories. Of course, there is no need to completely forget your home, parents, friends or girlfriend.

But you better take it right away that the army is now your new home with its own rules and conventions. And the faster you master them, the better.

Meet people, take an interest in the design of the entrusted weapon or tank, keep yourself busy with something and your service will be quick and interesting.

Don't be a "mum"

Try to speak clearly and to the point, and don’t mumble under your breath. Maintain your posture, do not slouch, act calm and confident, without lowering your eyes.

Remember that lowering your eyes, head, or slouching is taking on the role of a “potential victim.”

Don't be secretive

They openly dislike “dark horses” in the army, so don’t distance yourself from the team, make acquaintances by moving in this direction on your own (for example, treat a colleague to something). Showcase your existing talents. Can you play the guitar? Play! Do you understand radio electronics? Fix the ensign's favorite radio!

The sooner If you prove yourself, the better your relationship with the team will be.

Don't be fooled by provocations

Try not to succumb to various provocations. In addition, in the army there are many different peculiar pranks that are aimed at breaking you psychologically. For this reason, try to show restraint and calmness in situations where this is possible (of course, sometimes you can and should prove that you are right with your fists, but a good commander is the one who managed to win without a battle).

Weigh all your actions and always think about how correctly you are behaving.

How to behave in the army? This is a question that worries many, many conscripts who are preparing to go to a unit somewhere in the vastness of their vast homeland. Everyone knows that service is not sugar. This is not only daily physical activity, but also a good mental test. Many, after serving, admit that it was the hardest to get used to in the first months - the psyche, accustomed in civilian life to a certain level of interpersonal contact, does not very adequately perceive the strange, perverted hierarchy in the unit.

Since you will have to serve in the army with a whole group of very different people, you should immediately assess the situation and approximately establish who is who. This is necessary because you need to be afraid of someone, since not all people are too friendly with their heads, and someone, although they will try to “strain”, is still a normal person. At this stage, it is important to correctly calculate whether there are ethnic groups within the unit and how strong they are.

If there is a powerful diaspora, there is a high chance of being pinned down in any case. Ethnic groups in the Russian army are simply crushing part of them, forcing even local officers to tiptoe. Therefore, in such a situation, the best outcome would be to be of the correct nationality.

You should also be able to position yourself in the local community. Since it will not be possible to behave in the army as in civilian life, you should immediately figure out when to moderate and hide your ambition, and when, on the contrary, you can attack in response. Many recommend turning on the “fool” mode for the first six months - doing the wrong thing on purpose, exposing yourself to the command and generally behaving unfavorably for the “grandfathers” who are annoying you from above. If you “fail” the given task too many times, then, of course, after a scolding, they will forget about such a careless fighter and will not touch him.

If we consider how to behave in the army for the first time, then you should immediately understand that any thing that is not pinned down, hidden or put away automatically becomes the most tasty morsel. They steal everything from threads and needles to hygiene items and phones. At the same time, in the army there is no word “stolen” - there is the word “lost”. In order not to “lose” too much, you need to keep everything in the nightstand - that’s where the least amount of things go missing.

Another piece of advice on how to behave in the army is that you should not, especially at first, rush into food as if you were called from a hungry land. The desire to eat, twisting your stomach and making you think about homemade borscht, is the body’s psychological reaction to a stressful situation. Especially to break this condition, they do not give too much time for lunch. Over the course of several weeks, the body and brain will get used to the situation, and it turns out that what they give is perfectly enough for one person and even remains on top. By the way, in the army they really don’t like those who stuff leftover food into their pockets to eat later. This should not be done under any circumstances if there is no desire to get a scolding.

By following these simple rules, you can serve in the army well and without unnecessary problems. If you have no desire to be there at all, it is better to find a way not to serve.


First of all, upon arrival at the unit, do not isolate yourself and your “grief.” Look around and you will see many great people around you, your colleagues, with whom it is pleasant to communicate. Maybe from the crowd or grandfathers you will find your fellow countrymen who will support you at first. Identify people you can trust and those you should avoid. You should not run from one company to another, because it is better to make one reliable and loyal friend than a company of acquaintances who will set you up at a crucial moment.

At first, it is better for a young fighter not to stand out from the crowd. Don't immediately proclaim your incredible talents, such as being a great runner or guitar player. You don’t want to run distances twice as long as the others during exercises, or play heartfelt games with your grandfathers all night long? During the first month or two, it is better for you to blend in with the crowd and not get into trouble.

During exercise and exercise, do everything that your comrades do. Believe me, it’s also hard for them to run at speed through the forest, but they puff and endure. You shouldn’t collapse with cries of exhaustion and hellish pain. It’s better to slow down and move to the tail of the company, but don’t show your weakness. Also, do not show your weakness during feeding. Even if you don’t have enough rations, you shouldn’t demand more, because grandfathers often beat such “shortages” for excessive appetite.

Write letters home. Send letters to your parents and friends regularly, because you will receive it in army- this is real. Such psychological support from home is provided to incredibly young soldiers, so it should not be neglected. However, letters home do not tell my mother about all the hardships and deprivations of army life. She won’t be able to help you in any way, and her pity will only make things worse for you. It is better to write letters in a positive way - tell us some funny things from your army life or describe pleasant moments.

As you know, the army is a harsh school of life from which real men emerge. During their service, soldiers go through fire, water and copper pipes. It is especially difficult for new recruits. There are several ways to help you cope with stress and complete your service with dignity.


First of all, carefully monitor your appearance. To avoid extraordinary outfits, you should look very neat and tidy. Don't slouch or lower your eyes, remember that this is how potential victims behave. Always maintain your posture and confidence to show others that you are in complete control of the situation.

Naturally, all soldiers miss home. Don’t get hung up on this thought, you need to live for today and accept what happens. Don’t think about what your loved ones and family are doing at the moment. Don’t isolate yourself, meet new people, because these are your closest circle for the coming year. Be interested in everything you are taught

It should be recognized that in this situation the main thing is not so much following certain advice, but psychological readiness. The right attitude is something that a conscript will definitely need. It will allow you to avoid a lot of trouble.

In the first days, the main problem is homesickness. You should not focus on this, otherwise there is a risk of stress and depression. In such a state, a person is always extremely vulnerable not only psychologically, but also physically. The whole point is that depression will very quickly manifest itself outwardly, and your colleagues and command will find out about your condition. All this will give them reason to consider you a “weakling,” and in most cases, it is from this moment that the soldier’s problems begin.

The right attitude

Answering the question “How to behave in the army?”, you can, first of all, recommend that the recruit change his negative attitude towards him to a positive one. You should not perceive service as some kind of punishment - it is more correct to treat it as a precious life experience that will certainly be useful in the future.

The respect of others is earned by the soldier who shows:

  • responsibility;
  • diligence;
  • seriousness;
  • willingness to play in a team;
  • sanity;
  • consistency.

It is worth noting that it is better to try to flawlessly carry out orders without wasting time on unnecessary reasoning. Neither the command nor their colleagues like “philosophers” in the Armed Forces.

A job you do poorly will be done by another soldier, and such an approach will not add respect to you.

Without a doubt, serving is more difficult than living in civilian life. However, the Russian army is by no means a summer camp. For any young man, service is a unique opportunity:

  • improve oneself;
  • improve your physical fitness;
  • feel what it’s like to be an adult.

Set specific goals and strive to achieve them. Very soon you will feel stronger, more confident, better. Such purposeful individuals form the backbone of the Russian Armed Forces.

How to communicate

The way you speak clearly shows others what you are like. It is important to start speaking correctly right away. Under no circumstances should you:

  • speak in a muffled voice;
  • mutter something under your breath;
  • be verbose.

Actively include military terms in the conversation. Avoid obscenity.


This is one of the important points. In this case, the answer to the question “How to behave in the army?” like this: you need to behave with dignity.

Look your interlocutor in the eyes so as not to appear weak, only sometimes look away to the sides, but never lower it. A neat and straight back demonstrates confidence.

The uniform should always be neat, ironed and clean. Maintaining the right appearance is not easy, but this approach will pay off. Your diligence will be noticed, and this will allow you to improve relations with the command and “grandfathers”.

A guy should always look courageous and behave with dignity in any circumstances. This is especially true in the army. You should not behave fussily - calmness and composure inspires trust and respect.

First days in the new team

First of all, we remind you that closed people, as a rule, are not inclined to be trusted anywhere. They are feared and disliked.

Thus, it is necessary to establish contact with everyone around you as soon as possible. Openness and willingness to communicate are the best qualities. However, be careful - it is very easy to go too far here, and then you will be considered a sycophant. Don’t wait for your co-workers to decide to get to know you better, go meet them yourself. To get started, offer to smoke and treat him to chewing gum. This kind of start always works.

If you have any skills (for example, you play the guitar), use them. Soldiers with a penchant for creativity are especially valued.

The main thing is, don’t let your comrades down - if you promised something, then be sure to do it.


First of all, you need to point out that conflict situations are best avoided. However, sometimes it still fails to do this.

The problem arises in a wide variety of cases. But most often the conflict is preceded by a provocation of an emotional nature. Here everything will largely depend on your further behavior. It is important in this situation:

  • keep calm;
  • hide irritation;
  • do not be nervous;
  • hide fear and confusion.

Do not rush to respond to a provocative message, avoid physical confrontation. Coolness and balance will allow you to get out of any situation with dignity.