What is differentiation in economics. The theory of differentiation in practice

fr. differentiation, from lat. differentia - difference] - 1) division, dismemberment, stratification of the whole into various parts, forms and stages; 2) biol. see Phylogenetic differentiation; Ontogenetic differentiation


differentiation; Differenzierung) - separation of parts from the whole, necessary for conscious access to psychological functions.

“As long as one function is still so fused with another or with several other functions, for example, thinking with feeling or feeling with sensation, that it cannot act independently, it remains in an archaic state, it is undifferentiated, that is, it is not isolated from the whole as a special part and does not, as such, independent existence.

Undifferentiated thinking cannot think separately from other functions, that is, sensation or feeling, or intuition is always mixed in with it - in the same way, undifferentiated feeling is mixed with sensations and fantasies, as, for example, in the sexualization (Freud) of feeling and thinking in neurosis. Not differentiated function, By general rule, is also characterized by the fact that it is characterized by the property of ambivalence and ambitendence (divide of feelings and dual orientation), that is, when each situation clearly carries with it its own negation, which is where specific delays arise in the use of an undifferentiated function. An undifferentiated function has a united character even in its individual parts; for example, the undifferentiated ability of sensation suffers from confusion of individual spheres of sensation (“color hearing”); undifferentiated feeling - from a mixture of love and hatred. Since any function is completely or almost unconscious, it is not differentiated, but is merged both in its individual parts and with other functions. Differentiation consists of separating one function from other functions and separating its individual parts from each other. Without differentiation, direction is impossible, because the direction of a function or, accordingly, its orientation rests on its isolation and on the exclusion of everything that does not belong. Merging with the irresistible makes direction impossible - only a differentiated function is capable of a certain direction" (PT, par. 695).

Differentiation is both natural process mental growth, and conscious psychological action - it is necessary for the process of individuation. A person dependent on his projections retains a weak sense of who and what he is.

SPIRIT (Spirit; Geist) - archetype and functional complex; often personified and experienced as inspiration, animation or an invisible "presence".

"Spirit, like God, denotes an object of mental experience and experience that cannot be proven to exist in outside world and cannot be understood rationally. This is the meaning of the word "spirit" in its in the best possible way"(CW 8, rag.626).

"The archetype of the spirit in the form of a man, a dwarf or an animal always arises in a situation where understanding, introspection, good advice, planning, etc., but a person does not have enough resources for this. And then the archetype compensates for this state of spiritual deficiency with some content designed to fill the void" (CW 9i, par. 398).

One must distinguish the spirit as psychological concept and the traditional idea of ​​it in a religious context.

"WITH psychological point From our point of view, the phenomenon of the spirit, like any autonomous complex, is realized in the form of the desire of the unconscious to surpass or at least equal the aspirations of the ego. And if we want to be fair to the essence that we call spirit, then we should rather speak of a “higher” consciousness rather than of the unconscious” (CW 8, par. 643).

"<...>popular modern idea spiritual evil is consistent with the Christian view, which views spiritual evil in terms of common good(summum bonum) as God himself. In fact this is also the idea evil spirit. But in modern understanding it is impossible to adhere to the latter, since the spirit is not necessarily evil; rather, he should be called indifferent to morality, neutral or indifferent to it" (CW 9i, par. 394).


as an intragroup process - the position, status of members of a given community (group, team, etc.). Each member of it occupies a certain position - from the standpoint of authority, position, etc. To identify the status of an individual in a group, sociometric techniques are used.


It means the development of differences, the separation of parts from the whole. In this work I use the concept of differentiation mainly in relation to psychological functions. While one function is still so merged with another or with several other functions, for example, thinking with feeling or feeling with sensation, that it cannot act independently, it remains in an archaic (see) state, it is not differentiated, that is, it is not isolated from the whole as a special part and does not, as such, have an independent existence. Undifferentiated thinking cannot think separately from other functions, that is, sensation, or feeling, or intuition is always mixed in with it - in the same way, undifferentiated feeling is mixed with sensations and fantasies, as, for example, in the sexualization (Freud) of feeling and thinking in neurosis. An undifferentiated function, as a general rule, is also characterized by the fact that it is characterized by the property of ambivalence and ambitendence (divide of feelings and dual orientation) / 100- Bd.6. S.249, that is, when each situation clearly carries with it its own negation, which is where specific delays arise when using an undifferentiated function. An undifferentiated function has a united character even in its individual parts; for example, the undifferentiated ability of sensation suffers from confusion of individual spheres of sensation (“color hearing”); undifferentiated feeling - from a mixture of love and hatred. Since any function is completely or almost unconscious, it is not differentiated, but is merged both in its individual parts and with other functions. Differentiation consists of separating one function from other functions and separating its individual parts from each other. Without differentiation, direction is impossible, because the direction of a function or, accordingly, its orientation rests on its isolation and on the exclusion of everything that does not belong. Merging with the irrelevant makes direction impossible - only a differentiated function is capable of a specific direction.

Source: lee different reactions in response to two or more similar stimuli. Experimental conditions determine whether this set of circumstances is response differentiation or stimulus differentiation. 4. In the theory of perception _ when a series of stimuli changes from perceived as homogeneous to perceived as heterogeneous so that various aspects of this series become distinguishable. This involves learning to distinguish between stimulus conditions. Wed. this meaning is with the meaning of the term enrichment.

), the side of the development process associated with the division, dismemberment of the developing whole into parts, steps, levels. A distinction is made between functional development, during which the range of functions performed by the elements of a developing system is expanded, and structural, during which subsystems that implement certain functions are identified in the system. The term "D." received wide use in science since Spencer, who considered D. and integration as basic moments of the general evolution of matter from simple to complex in biological, psychological. and social levels. However, when analyzing development processes, it is necessary to take into account that at each structural level matter and in each specific developing system, the processes of D. and integration are determined by the action of various mechanisms. The result of D. can be either the complete separation of parts, or the establishment - through integration processes - of new relationships between them, i.e. complication of the system.

Sometimes D. is understood as differentiation, i.e. the presence of a whole set of specialists. parts, levels, subsystems.

D. social, the division of a social whole or its parts into interconnected ones; D. denotes both dismemberment and its results. Non-Marxist sociology developed preim. formal aspects of D. Spencer believed that D. manifests itself in society as. Durkheim considered D. as a result of the division of labor and connected D. functions in society with an increase in population density and the intensity of interpersonal and intergroup contacts. M. Weber saw in D. the process of rationalization of values, norms and relationships between people. Modern structural-functional school in non-Marxist sociology (Parsons and etc.) treats D. as cash social structure and as a process leading to the emergence various types activities, roles and groups specialized in performing dept. functions necessary for the self-preservation of the social system. However, within the framework of this school, the causes and types of D. remain unresolved (cm. Structural-functional). Along with functional ones, there are taxonomic ones. definitions D., when it simply means differences social roles, statuses, groups and organizations. V. I. Lenin criticized the abstract interpretation of the D. process in bourgeois sociology, which does not take into account the main thing that is associated with the division of society into antagonistic. (cm. PSS, T. 33, With. 10) .

The founders of Marxism-Leninism analyzed the process of democracy in society, linking it with the development of production. forces, division of labor and increasing complexity of societies. structures. The most important stages of agriculture are the division of farmers. and cattle breeder labor, crafts and agriculture, production and family, the emergence of the state. Marxism demands specific study D. processes in society as a whole - the emergence and formation of classes, social strata and groups, selection dept. spheres of society (production, science and etc.) , as well as D. within classes and societies. spheres This specific analysis shows eg, which under the conditions of socialism D. is combined with the movement of society towards social homogeneity.

Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 .


(from Latin differentia – difference)

highlighting differentiating points according to a single principle, based on one starting point; differentiation is, in particular, one of the principles of the doctrine of biological development. see also Individuation, Deployment.

Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 .


(from Latin differentia – difference)

1) Division, dismemberment, stratification of the whole into parts, diverse and various shapes and steps (see Part and Whole);

2) The emergence of new organs, parts endowed with specialized functions, resulting in a gradual complication of the system (in particular, the organism) during development;

D. is one of the creatures. patterns of development of nature, society and knowledge. So, in society. D.'s life is revealed in the historically determined emergence and development of classes. In the history of knowledge, science manifests itself, in particular, as a continuously ongoing process of science, etc.

Philosophical Encyclopedia. In 5 volumes - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by F. V. Konstantinov. 1960-1970 .



See what “DIFFERENTIATION” is in other dictionaries:

    differentiation- and, f. différenciation f., German Differentiation lat. differentia difference. Dividing the whole into various parts, forms, steps. Political differentiation of society. Differentiation of languages. Cell differentiation. BAS 2. Differentiation… … Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (lat.). Isolation, demarcation, separation. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. DIFFERENTIATION [fr. differentiation Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    In biology 1) in phylogeny, the division of a group of organisms into two or more in the process of evolution; the most important phylogenetic differentiation is speciation.2) In ontogeny, the same as differentiation ...

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    Difference, difference, exception. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    - (French differentiation, from Latin differentia, difference, difference), division, dismemberment of the whole into various parts, forms and steps... Modern encyclopedia

    - (French differentiation from Latin differentia difference, difference), division of the whole into various parts, forms and steps... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    DIFFERENTATE, ruin, ruin; anna; owls and nesov., that. Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (French differentiation, from Latin differentia difference, difference), the division of a system, initially unified or consisting of identical elements, into more or less separate parts of different quality. D. is associated with expansion and intensification... Biological encyclopedic dictionary


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DIFFERENTIATION) This concept, which has a long history in sociology, is used mainly within the framework of theories social change. Social or structural differentiation is the process by which social activities carried out by one social institution, begins to be implemented by various institutions. Differentiation is the growing specialization of parts of society, giving rise to greater heterogeneity. For example, if the family once performed the functions of reproduction, education and economic function, then in modern societies specialized institutions of work and education develop outside the family. In classical sociology XIX V. "differentiation" was one of key concepts in the analysis of social change and in the comparison of industrial and pre-industrial societies. At the same time, an open analogy between the social and the biological was often drawn. According to Spencer, for example, an increase in the size of both biological and social aggregates is always accompanied by differentiation. As units grow a necessary condition their survival is the differentiation of structures. As the specialization of parts increases, so does their need for greater interdependence and integration. In the 1950s sociologists continued to develop these classic themes within a functionalist or evolutionary theory of social change. Parsons, for example, argued that social evolution from simple to progressively more complex forms occurs through variation and differentiation. He pointed out that social systems differentiate, forming subsystems, each of which has various functions in a relationship different environments, including other subsystems. This process continues over time, leading to an increase in the number of subsystems, each of which has its own structure and function, while all subsystems tend to overall growth ability to adapt. A striking example empirical use of the concept of differentiation is an attempt by N. Smelser (Smelser, 1959) to consider industrialization XIX V. from the point of view of differentiation of family structure in connection with the changing economy. The changes that took place followed a certain sequence: the existing structure caused dissatisfaction, which ultimately led to the emergence of a more differentiated structure. There are some similarities between the concepts of differentiation and division of labor, except that the latter is associated mainly with the specialization of tasks in economic sphere. From time to time the concept of differentiation is used not only in theories of social change, but also to refer to the process in which various groups in society are separated from one another and arranged in a hierarchy according to their status or wealth. In this sense this concept equivalent to the concept social stratification. The concept of structural differentiation is not very popular in modern sociology because of its connection with evolution theory and functionalism. See also: Durkheim; Comte; New international division of labor; Organic analogy; Social system. Lit.: Parsons (1966)

It means the development of differences, the separation of parts from the whole. In this work I use the concept of differentiation mainly in relation to psychological functions. While one function is still so merged with another or with several other functions, for example, thinking with feeling or feeling with sensation, that it cannot act independently, it remains in an archaic (see) state, it is not differentiated, that is, it is not isolated from the whole as a special part and does not, as such, have an independent existence. Undifferentiated thinking cannot think separately from other functions, that is, sensation, or feeling, or intuition is always mixed in with it - in the same way, undifferentiated feeling is mixed with sensations and fantasies, as, for example, in the sexualization (Freud) of feeling and thinking in neurosis. An undifferentiated function, as a general rule, is also characterized by the fact that it is characterized by the property of ambivalence and ambitendence (divide of feelings and dual orientation) / 100- Bd.6. S.249, that is, when each situation clearly carries with it its own negation, which is where specific delays arise when using an undifferentiated function. An undifferentiated function has a united character even in its individual parts; for example, the undifferentiated ability of sensation suffers from confusion of individual spheres of sensation (“color hearing”); undifferentiated feeling - from a mixture of love and hatred. Since any function is completely or almost unconscious, it is not differentiated, but is merged both in its individual parts and with other functions. consists in isolating one function from other functions and in isolating its individual parts from each other. Without differentiation, direction is impossible, because the direction of a function or, accordingly, its orientation rests on its isolation and on the exclusion of everything that does not belong. Merging with the irrelevant makes direction impossible - only a differentiated function is capable of a specific direction.

Definitions, meanings of words in other dictionaries:

Psychological Encyclopedia

(Differentiation; Differenzierung) - the separation of parts from the whole, necessary for conscious access to psychological functions. “While one function is still so merged with another or with several other functions, for example, thinking with feeling or feeling with sensation, that it is not ...

Psychological Encyclopedia

1. In embryology, the process by which a group of initially similar cells produces a number of cells of different types. 2. In sociology, the process during which groups, roles, statuses, etc. are formed within society. In psychology there are two distinctly different ways...

Psychological Encyclopedia

(differentiation) - 1. In embryology - stage embryonic development, during which unspecialized cells or tissues become specialized and begin to adapt to perform certain functions. 2. In oncology - the degree of similarity of tumor cells with...

Enough interesting question is what differentiation is. This word has many meanings. But the universal answer will be this: this is the division of some set of phenomena by type. An example of differentiation would be the separation of all biological species on complexly organized and lowly organized ones. Okay, this example is quite complicated. It is much easier to give an example: the division of all objects existing in nature into living and nonliving.

Differentiation occurs when we're talking about about the presence of some kind of chaos. There are a lot of thoughts constantly swarming in our brain. If we try to organize the entire flow that we have in our heads, then we will try to differentiate it. That's what differentiation is. However, you should take a closer look at the definition of this concept, as it is an excellent opportunity for you to understand the essence.

What is the definition

Before understanding in more detail what differentiation is, it is necessary to create a definition. But you need to understand at least what this word means. A definition is a sentence that seeks to reveal the essence of the phenomenon under consideration in one or a few words, trying to simultaneously cover everything possible signs concerning of this word. Drawing up a definition is very interesting task, since an attempt to compress all known to man information about the phenomenon under consideration is a very interesting task.

Definition of this concept

We need to figure out systemic form What is differentiation? At the beginning of the article we already touched on the answer to this question. But it is quite inaccurate. It’s just that when a person reads the definition, he should already be prepared. Otherwise it will be quite difficult to understand. So, differentiation is separation from total mass one specific element with the entire set of its properties, characteristics and characteristics. It is quite simple to understand this concept. When we separate one from the other, the resulting part of the whole acquires identity, that is, uniqueness. It's quite difficult to understand this in the abstract, so let's look at it this phenomenon with examples.

This word is actively used in huge quantities scientific disciplines. But there is also a well-known meaning of this term. The fact is that at the very beginning of our times, of all the sciences that exist now, there were only philosophy and medicine. They ruled the roost at the then, not yet advanced, scientific space. And they existed for a very long time.

Next came the process that is now commonly called the differentiation of sciences. A huge number of scientific disciplines have emerged from philosophy: biology, psychology, physics, economics, sociology and much more. There wasn’t even mathematics as such in those days. There was only philosophy. But the process of separating sciences with its own methodological apparatus is called differentiation of sciences.

But what about human needs?

Need is an internal lack of something. This is a very simple definition, but it will suffice. It seems that all human needs are chaotic, and in no way can they be systematized or classified. But it turns out that this was done a long time ago. Needs are differentiated not only by scientists, but also by the person himself. The older he gets, the more relevant certain needs become for him.

He proposed a very good classification of needs famous psychologist Abraham Maslow. He divided all human needs into three groups: basic, social and personal. Basic needs characteristic of small people who just need to feel safe and eat on time. When a person grows up, from the very beginning he needs to establish contacts with people and adapt to this society. This process called socialization.

It is important for every person to feel that they belong to a certain social group. It is desirable that it be of sufficient status, since this directly determines the status of the person himself. After he grows further, he develops a new group needs are personal.

They are aimed at self-improvement. It is important to understand that this classification is quite incomplete. In total, Maslow, within these three needs, has seven types of what a person needs. All of them formed the famous Maslow pyramid, which is popular all over the world. We figured out what differentiation of needs is.

Sound differentiation

This term refers to the field of activity of a speech therapist. What is sound differentiation? Is not simple classification sounds, and the distinction is similar sound sounds for people who have certain speech problems. Famous example Those who require differentiation of sounds are burry people who not only do not pronounce the sound “r”, but also pronounce the sound “l” with an error. Those verbal incidents that accompany this problem, we all know.

True, most often this type of burr is observed in young children. However, there are still a bunch of defects that require differentiation of sounds. For example, quite often children confuse the sounds “SH” and “Zh”. And indeed, they are very similar. However, for optimal speech development, these sounds should be separated from each other.

Product differentiation

This term refers to such an area human activity like the economy. What is product differentiation? This is the endowment of a product with specific characteristics that can significantly disrupt competition. Naturally, at the same time it is driving force competition, since each manufacturer wants to distinguish its product in some way from others. For example, in the market mobile phones This is best achieved by one well-known smartphone manufacturer, which has simply released the highest quality products, for which colossal queues line up.

And it makes no difference that this product is so expensive. People still buy it, since the products of this manufacturer have long been synonymous with quality and smooth interface. And no matter how hard other smartphone manufacturers try to overshadow the success this phone, this has not been possible for eight years.

In the meantime, another revolutionary modification of this model was released this fall, which has another big advantage compared to other manufacturers. And again they will imitate her, and this company became a pioneer again. This is great product differentiation. And you can already guess which company we were talking about.

Again this term has its own specific characteristics. Now we need to figure out what this has to do with economic term to the word "differentiation". Usually, when we talk about applying this word to the population, we usually mean the full name of this concept “differentiation of income of the population.” What does this mean?

Everything is very simple here. Some people earn more, while others earn less. This is where income differentiation lies. While some eat red caviar and salmon on golden plates every day, others use wooden bowls and a one-room apartment and are happy. This is where income differentiation lies. And no matter how you look at it, you won’t be able to escape from this inequality. You can try to earn money and put yourself on a pedestal. But this requires a lot of work. Alas, many people do not feel the need to get busy instead of suffering about their poverty.

Cell differentiation

Now let's talk a little about biology. Many people became familiar with this term thanks to this science. What is cell differentiation? A person cannot be born if he has not been conceived before. When the egg and sperm fuse into one, a zygote appears and divides. After some time, such a thing as a gastrula begins to form, in which this very cell differentiation occurs.

This is very general. But to an ordinary person All you need to know is that cell differentiation is the process of formation of different types of tissues from one type of stem cells. It is thanks to them that they are formed different types cells, and this process is called differentiation.

Other meanings of differentiation

The word "differentiation" can be used in a huge number of meanings. At the same time, each person can use it the way he wants. For example, you can say the phrase “I need to differentiate my schedule today.” It will mean that you should separate all important matters from unimportant ones. And among the important ones, you should also prioritize and group them. The same can be said for personal income.

The values ​​given in this article are not the only possible ones. Such a word as differentiation, for example, exists in mathematics. It is the opposite of another term "integration". Basically, you understand what differentiation is, and now you can use it yourself smart word in your vocabulary.


Now let's summarize. We figured out what differentiation is and where you can use this word as a scientific term. At the same time, you can use it in everyday speech, because it can become your feature. If you want to appear smart, then why not use it? However, it's up to you. But the store of knowledge has been replenished in any case. And from it you can draw conclusions about what to be interested in and what to study in the future. All sciences that were covered in this text, are very interesting, and in any of them you can show your good side.