What you need to do to be cheerful. How to be a cheerful and energetic girl

As you know, cheerful people literally attract attention from others. Everyone loves them, wants to be with them, they always turn out to be the center of attention of any company. Why does it happen that some people have this quality by nature, while others are constantly haunted by depression, despondency and disappointment in their lives? How to make the life of the latter rich and interesting? Let's try to give some advice on how to how to become cheerful.

You can often find people who are quite boring, irritable, show their dissatisfaction with every trifle, and treat others with disdain. In their company, any person will feel uncomfortable, trying to get rid of the unpleasant company as quickly as possible. At the same time, everyone can remember another type of girl who outwardly is not the standard of beauty, but their face is always adorned with a smile and their eyes are full of joy. No man can pass by such girls indifferently. Naturally, it is the second type that every woman wants to belong to. What does it take to become cheerful and attract the attention of others?

Firstly- the smile should not disappear from your lips. Even in situations when you are sad and lonely, try to smile. At first, you will end up with artificial, “tight” smiles, but very soon you will notice how your tone begins to return to normal, problems no longer seem so scary, and life literally fills your body.

In addition to this, we must remember that a smile is the only decoration that can make absolutely any woman more attractive.

Second important skill is the skill of finding positive notes in any situation. Don't get hung up on the small ones. As a rule, it is quite easy to get out of them, and you can even get some benefit. The main thing is to consider it in time.

Life situations are, by their nature, neutral, and everyone decides for themselves whether they are good or bad.

Parting with a young man can be assessed as a personal tragedy, but on the other hand, you become free to find a companion worthy of you! If you are sick, you can completely lose heart and sit and grieve about how unlucky you are, but it will be better if you begin to perceive your illness as an unplanned opportunity to have a good rest, sleep and get yourself in order.

It is very important to be able to program yourself for success. Talk to yourself more often about how good your life is, what your great mood, which wonderful people you are surrounded. Very soon your life will change for the better and become truly more colorful.

Don't neglect the opportunity to communicate with people you are interested in. They can be relatives, friends, colleagues and classmates, as well as Internet interlocutors. The main thing is not to get hung up on communication on the Internet and not to exchange your real friends for virtual ones.

In order to answer the question of how to become cheerful, force yourself to walk as often as possible. Of course, this applies to those days when the weather is beautiful outside. sunlight has a beneficial effect on a person, making his mood more positive.

Very effective means There are some foods that help lift your mood. As you know, the best of them is chocolate, which supplies the body with endrophin, but other foods may also be suitable, such as bananas, spaghetti, hard cheese, oranges and many others.

It is important to be able to create your own mood, to organize holidays for yourself, albeit small ones, more often. By paying attention to yourself, you will no longer feel lacking from others, and this will allow you to treat them not as a necessity, but as gifts.

You are constantly on the move, because it is known that Movement is life. Take up dancing, which will be no less useful but more enjoyable. This will allow you to relax, feel more comfortable around people you don’t know and, most importantly, constantly keep your body in good shape.

That's all our advice on how to become cheerful. Try to follow them, and you will notice how your life will begin to be filled with positivity, and you will become a welcome person in any company.

I wish everyone bright smiles every day, my dear readers!

Many people find it very difficult to make friends. And for this case there is no universal recipe. It all depends on specific person and his ability to build relationships with others. sociable person? Use the tips in this article.

1. Be yourself.

If you are thinking about how to be more sociable, then first of all learn to openly express your position. Be yourself and don't be afraid of how others will react. If your opinion causes aggression and misunderstanding in someone, just try not to pay attention to it.

2. Improve yourself.

It is necessary to develop and improve yourself in all areas of life. This approach will add self-confidence and help get rid of inhibitions when conducting dialogues with other people.

3. Remember to smile.

How to be more sociable? More often tells your interlocutor about your favor and interest. But you need to use a smile with caution, because if you smile in any situation, you may be misunderstood. This will only alienate others.

Sociability is also trained with the help social networks. There you can find new friends all over the world. All you have to do is join the group common interests. Well, without eye contact communication becomes simpler and more relaxed. Over time, this is projected into real life.

5. Develop a sense of humor.

Not only men should have a sense of humor. If a girl is thinking about how to become sociable and cheerful, you can recommend that she develop her personality. But here it is important not to overdo it. Rude and inappropriate jokes turn people off.

6. Listen.

Show interest in your interlocutor. Every person likes to talk more than listen. If you listened carefully to your opponent, he will certainly appreciate it.

7. Remember self-respect.

It is important to respect not only others, but also yourself. After all, how can you be more sociable if those around you have neither respect nor love for you? By learning to love yourself and knowing your worth (at the same time, self-esteem must be adequate), you can raise your own rating in the eyes of others.

8. Say hello to others.

Don't be afraid to do this, even if they are unfamiliar to you. Make an effort and make it a goal to regularly say hello and occasionally strike up conversations. It will be great if you say hello to a complete stranger.

9. Learn beautiful speech.

In order not to think about how to be more sociable, you need to develop your own speech. After all, a correctly and clearly formulated speech always makes a pleasant impression. Intonation is no less important. To train it, you should read interesting and competent literature. The best option- classic. This will broaden your horizons and subconsciously transfer the acquired skills into everyday speech.

10. Take action!

Make a plan to develop the quality of sociability and take some action every day. This is the only way to become sociable, make friends and get rid of loneliness.

Everyone is interested in this question large quantity of people. But how, then become cheerful person and not everyone knows that it will always remain so, and not temporarily. Therefore, today we will analyze with you all the most important methods so that everyone can become cheerful and remain so always, improving their lives.

First where you need to start to understand this, and decide why and why you become cheerful. Since without concrete actions, and incentive, it will be difficult, almost impossible for a person to become cheerful. You can also read,this will also speed up improve the process to become fun.

When you have already decidedwith what you need, you can start real actions, but in order to act clearly and competently, you need to create a daily routine, including in it those tasks that will help you, becomes cheerful. Just write down a schedule for the entire week on a piece of paper. Only in such a way that there are so many tasks that you can complete them, gradually increasing the number and complexity of the task, this way you will develop yourself and be able to become cheerful.

Find your business. A person who is engaged in an activity that he likes, and from which his mood improves, becomes more fun and better, will accordingly be able to become cheerful. So look for such an activity if you haven’t found it yet. This will bring you many useful things in life. People who do things they love and do well achieve more in life than those who do things they don't love and don't want to do. If you find it difficult to find your own business, just take it and do different things, writing down your feelings from these activities on a piece of paper. When you have already accumulated a decent list, you can choose from it what suits you best and what you like, and do it all your life, it will improve you, and you can become cheerful.

Play sports. Sport is quite a useful thing, but not everyone wants to do it, but in vain, because it is sport that improves a person, not only physically, but also psychologically. It refreshes his memory and mood, and accordingly the person becomes cheerful from regular exercise. It’s better to do regular light exercise every day than once a week, doing heavy loads, this is wrong and can harm your health.

Communicate with friends and family. Nothing helps you become cheerful person like communicating with your friends and family. Spend more time in good, cheerful companies, which will not only help you become cheerful, but also teach you many useful things in life. Of course, there are few such companies, basically all companies lead an unhealthy lifestyle, it is better to avoid such companies, since they will not give you anything useful, but will only drag you down. Also, to become cheerful, it will be useful to read, because determined people achieve more in life.

Take breaksat work, study. Small breaks are very useful, they give the body rest and increase efficiency, and therefore help you become more fun. The main thing during these breaks is to completely distract yourself from work, play some games useful games. This is a very useful vacation for a person. If there are no games, try to think of something fun and beautiful.

Make more jokes . Make jokes anywhere and with anyone, at work, at home, at school. You will gain a lot of useful energy for the whole day, feeling energetic, this will help you become cheerful , become more efficient at work and school. What will improve your life for the better.

Watch funny moviesand video. This is very useful for your emotional state, helps you relax and unwind, and, accordingly, become cheerful. The most important thing is not to overuse these movies and videos. One pretty funny movie will be enough to make you feel better and become cheerful.

That's all , what we were going to talk to you about today is how to become cheerful. The most important thing is to regularly apply the methods and principles given above in order to become cheerful. And then your life will go for the better, gaining more and more bright colors. And soon, if you don't lose heart and practice these methods regularly, you will be able to become cheerful.

Often attractive and endowed natural charm girls undeservedly remain forgotten in cheerful companies, sitting on the sidelines or in the shadow of their more perky friends. They remain modestly silent when asked questions and are unable to tell a single funny story. « How to become a sociable person? How to stop being reserved and become the life of any company?"- girls who have difficulty communicating often come to us, and not only with strangers, but even with those whom they know well.

Let’s say right away: it’s not that simple, but nothing is impossible for a person with intelligence! By setting yourself the task of increasing your sociability, that is, the ability to communicate with other people and quickly connect with them. mutual language, it is quite possible to achieve real result, you just need to want it!

How to become sociable if you are afraid of people?

Some prefer, surrounding themselves with the closest people, to sit inside their “hole” and not even try to stick their nose out. “Why do I need this?” - they ask. For these people, sociability is not a problem; they simply do not need it.

For everyone else, the presence of friends, acquaintances, work colleagues is simply vital, and not just presence, but daily communication, exchange of information, life experience. A person is a creature that lives and interacts with others of his own kind, such is life.

One girl said: “I'm afraid of people! In a store, it’s very difficult for me to even ask the price of a product; in a university classroom, I can’t even utter a word in front of my classmates under the mass of glances, and being the first to speak to a stranger is out of the question!”

When I began to find out the reason for this “fear of man,” I found out that junior classes on children's party she forgot her rhyme, stumbled and was ridiculed, not only by the kids from her group, but also by their parents. This episode became the “anchor” that for a long time crossed out for the girl the opportunity to feel free among other people, constantly dragging her into the past. Gradually we were able to rid her of her previous fears and fears of becoming funny, so everything can be solved!

If you cannot yet determine on your own what the reason for your indecisiveness in communication is, you should definitely contact professional psychologist. Believe me, a few sessions are often enough to completely change a person’s life.

Why develop communication skills and become sociable?

Unfortunately, some individuals tend to be mistaken when they say: “I can live without communicating with someone else!”

  • If you work, your career is unthinkable without constantly being in communication with partners, colleagues, clients and many other people. The ability to most accurately formulate the necessary thoughts, express them without fear, find the required words in situations that require the unexpected or unusual solution– an indispensable condition for your career advancement to be successful.
  • Gain the respect of people around you different situations, is impossible without the fact that you will have to defend your views and your point of view from time to time. For example, in conflict or controversial situations you cannot do without expressing your views and arguments, because this is how you can avoid quarrels and conflicts. Be able to frame your arguments in Right words, proving that you are right without affecting the interests of other people is very important in our troubled lives.
  • To be attractive to the opposite sex, to be interesting conversationalist for men - this is another reason why many girls strive to improve their level of communication skills. And this is right, because in communication you can get to know a person better, his personality traits and finally understand whether he is your soul mate or just a fellow traveler!

It happens that a person is already born with the talent of communication; even as a child, he easily and willingly comes into contact with peers and even adults. But many people learn this art all their lives. I hope that with our help everything will work out for you!

And lastly, remember that sociability can only be sincere and honest; if a person is a hypocrite, likes to lie and strives by any means to be the center of attention, believe me, hardly anyone will want to meet with such an interlocutor again. Be open, be honest, remember that no identical people, each has its own “cons” and “pros”. Learn to be patient with other people's shortcomings, and then they will more often notice your strengths. Good luck!


It seems that a person who smiles and radiates joy is doing great in life. This is not entirely true. It’s just that a person’s condition tends to get worse. That is, if you have fallen into depression and melancholy, it will only get worse if you do nothing to correct the situation. It’s the same with fun and joy - troubles will go away if you take your mind off them and turn on a funny comedy.

Don't constantly replay everything bad that happened. If a passerby is rude to you, forget it, no matter how offended you may be. Think about it, is this incident worth getting angry and ruining your mood? Remember the funny cat that is trying to catch sunny bunny, cheerful kids in the sandbox, but who knows how much joy there is in life?

Getting out of bed in the morning, run to the mirror and shout: “Everything is wonderful! A wonderful day awaits me!” Remember that thoughts are material, think about the good. Imagine your dream in your mind, detail your fantasy, then it will be more real. Your lips will form a smile on their own.

A smiling person is always beautiful, and cheerful people attract good luck. Enjoy the little things and remember funny episodes of life to share with others and loved ones. Spread laughter and joy around you.

The facial muscles that “make” a smile activate areas in the human brain that are responsible for feelings of happiness. Learn to see through failures positive sides. For example, if you didn’t have time to buy fashionable boots on sale, you have time to think about whether you need them at all. If you didn't get a promotion, you have a chance to get your job and get more highly paid position than the one that was not given to you.

Watch comedies and funny programs, you will have much more reasons to laugh and. If you are sad, read jokes, the blues will go away as if by magic magic wand.

Learn to be cheerful from a joker friend. Adopt his manners and outlook on life. Organize holidays for no reason, invite guests and rock it! For the party, buy foods that make you feel happy. This is helped by: chocolate (endorphins), fatty sea fish (omega-3), broccoli (folic acid) and milk (serotonin). With this set you will definitely have fun in just a couple of hours.

Be cheerful always and in spite of everything.

Video on the topic


  • How to become cheerful

Now it is especially important to be a cheerful person - and life will become more fun and easier, and you will encourage those around you with your positive attitude. But in everything you need to know when to stop, if a person constantly tells jokes, constantly jokes and teases someone, this behavior can quickly tire anyone. Such a person can be called a jester, and this is not a very rewarding calling.


Don’t be shy about joking, joke more often. If you have good mood– be sure to share it. Friends will appreciate it and also have fun. And cheerful friends, in turn, will charge you with fun and lift your mood if it suddenly falls. But remember, you need to make your friends laugh with you, but not at you. You can, of course, pretend to be a fool, create absurdities and talk all sorts of nonsense, but in this case you will have to forget about good position V . To be cheerful is not to be funny. Although sometimes you can fool around a little.

Laugh in the face of the difficulties that life presents to us. Keep in mind that if you experience difficulties while sitting on a chair and propping up your sad head with your hands, it won’t make you feel any better. You need to be able to distract yourself, find interesting activity, which you can immerse yourself in headlong. Then you will spend less time on your nerves, and it will be easier for you to look at the world with a smile.