How to become a cheerful and sociable person. How to be sociable

Changing your habits and behavior style is never easy. And if you are used to being a quiet, insecure and very shy girl, then is it worth changing for the better and trying yourself as a completely different, new, open, brave, sociable and interesting lady? Costs! And know, if you really want it, it will work out. If you still don’t know how to become open and sociable, and have doubts, rest assured that you can do it.

How to become a sociable girl. Action plan

Finding Motivation

Below are the top three reasons why you need to become outgoing and confident.

  1. success for all occasions
    To begin with, know that communication skills are one of the key factors for success in absolutely any type of your activity. This means that the ability to communicate leads to career growth, profitable cooperation with any person, to a successful marriage, and finally;
  2. respect
    Insecure and shy people always find it difficult to defend their point of view and gain everyone's respect. The ability to communicate will arouse not only interest in you, but also respect for your opinion, you will have the opportunity to calmly and confidently get out of any conflict situations.
  3. anti stress and anti crisis
    Sociability will allow you to live easily and freely, to express yourself, not to fall into a bad mood, and to part with stress and fears for a long time.

Eliminating interference

If you want to figure out how to become more sociable, look for reasons why you feel constrained in communication situations and cannot relax. Do you even have those friends or acquaintances with whom you can feel relaxed, at ease, and discuss any topics with them? Surely there is! This means that communication only with strangers causes embarrassment and fear. The most important barriers to your sociability may be: lack of self-confidence, lack of desire to communicate, inability to clearly, loudly and clearly express your point of view.

There is contact!

Remember that there are no uninteresting people, learn to look closely at people and look for the zest in them. Train yourself not to avoid communication, but rather to make contact. If it’s difficult, start with indirect contacts: phone calls, social networks, blogs, forums. Then move on to conversations with those whom you see quite often, but do not talk to. To begin with, you can come up with and write down several universal phrases for conversation in a notebook, and learn them by heart, this will make it easier to start any conversation.

How to become a sociable girl. It's hard to study...

People are not perfect either, some are shy, some are afraid, some are embarrassed and feel insecure, so stop being afraid of them, perhaps they don’t know how to deal with their complexes, but you already know!

Sooner or later, all teenagers without exception ask the question of how to become cheerful and sociable. The fact is that young people at this age strive with all their might to find themselves, become better and win the affection of the opposite sex.

Sociability and the ability to enjoy life are very important qualities for any girl. Not everyone has them from birth. But you can learn the art of communication.

How to become more sociable and cheerful quickly?

Most of all, normal, easy communication is hampered by uncertainty. A teenage girl doubts her abilities and becomes tense. As a result, communication does not bring pleasure, the mood drops, and the feeling of self-doubt only grows. But if you want, you can break this vicious circle and become a cheerful and sociable girl. To do this, you should follow the following recommendations:

First, become an interesting and positive person. Read more, find your favorite hobby. Don't be afraid to share your emotions and impressions. A passionate person attracts people. After all, you yourself have noticed how many friends girls have who are involved in dancing, handicrafts or vocals. Hobby will expand your circle of acquaintances, and you will feel free even among unfamiliar people.

Secondly, communicate at every opportunity. With a new student in class or a saleswoman in a store, on the subway and on buses. Communication is a skill that needs to be constantly improved. A few months of such training - and you will be able to communicate freely on any topic.

Thirdly, smile. This will put your interlocutor in a positive mood and demonstrate your good mood and readiness to talk. It is not without reason that they say that a smile is the key to the human heart.

How to be cheerful and sociable in a company?

Having fun in a group is a big challenge for many teenagers. Good mood often changes at this age. Depression and despondency are what need to be dealt with immediately. The main weapon against them is constant employment.

It's important to find something that really excites you. Youth opens up vast horizons. Study, work, hobbies, friends, hobbies...

Some tips on how to become cheerful and sociable in the company of others:

  • Try to find common topics of conversation with anyone. Start the conversation with a general phrase, establish contact.
  • Call the person by name. You will immediately see that it will become easier to communicate with him. The sound of one's own name is pleasant for a person.
  • Respect the people you interact with. We have no control over facial expressions, so irritation or displeasure is difficult to hide.
  • Don't look down on anyone. Arrogant girls are not popular in society.
  • Try to look at life positively. Now this quality is valued. There is nothing more attractive than a girl with a positive attitude. After all, positive people are little suns. There are always a lot of people around them.

The ability to communicate is very important for a person. Socialization plays a major role in adolescence and young adulthood, when relationships with society are just beginning to be built.

And remember that you need to communicate with pleasure, being sincerely interested in your interlocutor. Only in this case will they want to talk to you again. Be patient with other people's shortcomings and smile more often - this is the key to success. Then you will definitely become a cheerful, sociable person without unnecessary difficulties.

And a super educational video:


The young man is afraid that he looks funny, that the girl will not show interest in him and will not want to communicate. In the most severe cases, such a guy is sure in advance that his attempts at courtship will not only be immediately rejected, but they will also laugh at him. To become bolder with girls, resort to self-hypnosis, try to increase your self-esteem. Repeat to yourself regularly that you have not only shortcomings, but also advantages; you have something to appreciate. And all the people around you (including girls) also have their own shortcomings, but this does not prevent them from communicating with each other. Remember that perfect people do not exist, and you should not be afraid to make mistakes.

Follow the rule: “They knock out a wedge with a wedge.” To get rid of fear when communicating with girls, literally force yourself to talk to them, first limiting yourself to two or three short phrases on some neutral topics. Your task is to make sure that there is nothing terrible here, that the girls do not refuse to talk to you, and especially do not laugh at you. Once you are convinced of this, you will find it easier to have longer conversations. And from there, courting the one you like is just a stone’s throw away.

Remember another wise rule: “Similar reaches for similar.” Among girls there are also many shy and impressionable individuals who find it difficult to communicate with the opposite sex. You've probably noticed those quiet people who stay away in groups, hardly talking to the guys. Try to communicate with one of these girls by talking to her under some plausible pretext. It is likely that she will instinctively feel a kindred spirit in you (the fairer sex usually has well-developed intuition) and she herself will want to get to know you better. This will only benefit you: you will see for yourself that communicating with girls is very easy.

Nowadays it is very easy to maintain virtual communication on various forums and social networks. Chat with girls more often, this will also help you overcome embarrassment. It will be easier to communicate in real life.

If nothing helps and communication with the fair sex is still fraught with big problems, you will have to seek help from a qualified psychologist. It is a specialist who will be able to find out what is the reason for your uncertainty and shyness.

Video on the topic

A sociable and confident guy who is not shy about being the first to approach and start a conversation will not go unnoticed by the fair sex. However, there is another type of young people - they would like to be able to talk calmly with girls, but they are afraid to do it.

Calm, just calm

Communication with the fair sex is a pleasant pastime, and not a responsible task that you should under no circumstances fail, otherwise you will be covered with indelible shame. If you do not perceive a conversation with the person you like as the only chance in your life to find a life partner, it will be much easier for you to behave more boldly. Remember that even if this time you fail and the conversation does not work out, you can, citing business, leave your lady, and make another attempt at the next meeting.


Your appearance may be quite pleasant to others, but if you personally do not like the way you look, this will interfere with calm communication with the opposite sex. The solution is very simple - do everything to please yourself. Play sports, change your hairstyle or dye your hair, buy stylish clothes and new shoes, get a piercing or tattoo that you have long dreamed of. If you feel attractive, it will affect the way you communicate. It will be easier for you to approach girls and talk to them. And even if changes in your appearance seem successful only to you, self-confidence will still make you more successful.

Broad outlook

The fear that the conversation will not go well stops many guys. Indeed, in order to interest the person you like, it is not enough to come up and say “hello”; you need to come up with an interesting topic for conversation. The way out of this situation is very simple - expand your horizons. Read books, watch the latest cinema, leaf through magazines, attend concerts, and periodically browse news sites. Be open to new things, and then you will have something to say during a conversation. Even if you don't have any common interests, you can retell the plot of a novel you liked, or ask your lady what she thinks about deforestation in Madagascar.

So that the walls help

If you invite a girl on a date, meet her in a familiar environment. This could be a cafe where you visit regularly, or a park where you know the location of all the paths. In a familiar environment, you can feel like you’re in charge, help the girl get her bearings and tell her what’s best to order or where to go to admire the picturesque landscape.

Youth is a time of love, dating and romance. However, not all guys decide to approach the girl they like and get acquainted, and then they regret that they did not show courage. In order not to miss your chance in the future, listen to the advice of more experienced conquerors of women's hearts.

How to be brave to date

The fact that a girl is shy is taken for granted in society. However, the guy is given the responsibility to be bold and confident. But what if you don’t feel determined? Fears are caused by complexes that must be fought.

Assess the situation soberly - there are no ideal people. And the difference between you and confident guys is that you focus on your shortcomings, and they focus on your strengths. Write down all your positive qualities on a piece of paper and remember this list more often. Train your body: Even if you don't look like an athlete, exercise will improve your posture and make your muscles stronger. Engage in self-education and self-improvement - girls like not only athletic, but also smart guys.

Even if you don't feel brave or confident, learn how to make the right impression. Stand straight, look at the girl friendly, smile. Posture and gestures should be relaxed: for this you can practice in front of a mirror. Start the conversation in a loud enough voice so that the girl doesn't have to ask again.

To be bolder when meeting a girl, prepare several different conversation scenarios. You can depict a comic opinion poll, for example, on the topic of dating on the street, or you can simply give the girl a pleasant compliment. The main thing is that the praise is sincere and sounds believable.

If you are hesitant to meet directly, approach a pretty girl under a different pretext. For example, ask for directions or offer your help. Or you can try to talk to the girl as if you already know each other. She will answer by inertia, although she will have doubts. And after a few minutes, admit that it was just an excuse to get to know each other. And if you are charming enough, the girl will probably want to continue communication.

When starting a conversation, talk more about the girl than about yourself, but if she asks, answer briefly and truthfully. To surprise your new friend, you can surprise her. For example, buy her a beautiful flower or a small souvenir. The girl will surely appreciate this gift and your gallantry.

Very often, shy guys are afraid to approach very beautiful girls, preferring to communicate with less attractive people. Is it worth doing this? Beauties are accustomed to the attention of guys, so they behave freely and relaxed, but “gray mice” can refuse because of shyness. In any case, refusal should not become a tragedy. Any experience in dating and communication is valuable to you, the main thing is to be able to analyze your mistakes and not repeat them again.

Sometimes it's difficult to look casual and feel comfortable at parties, meetings or events. With effort and a little time, you can create a comfortable, open and welcoming atmosphere around you that will attract people to you and help you make connections and communicate. Using open body language, learning to be interested in others, and taking care of your appearance will all help you look great and feel approachable and friendly.


Friendly and open body language

    Smile more often. A warm, sincere smile can endear you to anyone, and it also means you're having a great time. People notice your smile and perceive you as an open, friendly and pleasant person. Research has shown that smiling can also help relieve anxiety and lower blood pressure and heart rate, making you much more comfortable communicating!

    Your posture should be open. When people feel uncomfortable in a situation, they try to physically distance themselves and close themselves off from others. Pay attention to your posture. If you feel angry or in a bad mood, remind yourself to sit up straight, keep your arms at your sides, and lean toward the people you're talking to. Remember that maintaining the right posture will help improve your mood and make the right impression on people.

    Try to create and maintain eye contact. In different situations, people look at each other and usually start a conversation with the one with whom they managed to establish eye contact. Don't look at your shoes or the pattern on the floor. Shift your gaze and look at those around you to attract their attention.

    Don't fidget. It's normal to feel a little nervous, bored or uncomfortable, but if you want to become more open, try not to show any negative emotions. If you start fidgeting in place, biting your nails, twirling a strand of hair on your finger, and so on, you will show others that you are bored and uncomfortable with them. Keep these habits in mind and take a few deep breaths if you ever want to do any of the above.

    “Copy” mirror movements of your interlocutor. If you are chatting with someone at a party or other event, pay attention to the other person's posture and gestures and try to copy them. If your interlocutor has an “open” position, also take an open position. If the other person is actively gesturing while telling you a story, try to do the same. Mirroring your interlocutor's actions will help establish trust and contact with the person, but don't overdo it. If you use this technique correctly, you can create a positive atmosphere and let your interlocutor know that you enjoy being in his company.

Being an interesting, sociable person to whom others are drawn is a whole science. The science of self-improvement, which will not be superfluous to understand and apply in life. Unfortunately, in the modern world we look for positivity not in real communication, but in virtual communication. But in order to become a sociable, successful person, you need reality. So, here's our guide to action.

Every person has something that attracts people. Try to understand what interests others about you. Education? Parents? Appearance? Acquaintance? Based on your conclusions, try to present yourself from this side. But what's the best way to do this? How to become a sociable person? Let's dive a little deeper into communication skills.

Level 1. General

It is not for nothing that the word “communication” has the etymological meaning of “general”. Interesting communication means interesting common ground, common ground. One interest, problem, activity around which the conversation is built. At first glance, this is quite simple, but the commonality can also be hidden.

  • open communication: current work, discussion of common activities (sports, fishing, hunting, etc.);
  • hidden communication: conversations in order to get rid of boredom, distract from pressing problems, and make a longer acquaintance.

Advice. You need to identify what is interesting to your interlocutor. Even completely different people will always find common ground. Ask leading questions, ask how he spent his weekend or free time (this is the time a person devotes to his favorite activities). Let him speak out, catching what will be interesting to both of you in further communication.

Video: advice from a psychologist on how to become more sociable.

Step 2. Present yourself

Becoming an interesting conversationalist does not mean spouting words non-stop. First of all, interesting communication is the ability to speak succinctly, to present one’s own point of view in words. You need to learn a little more about yourself, and, if necessary, change.

  • Expand your horizons. Your chances of becoming a sociable, interesting person will greatly increase if you have some skills and knowledge. Intellectual qualities in our world are valued quite highly in communicative communication.
  • Smile. Friendliness is the main key in the ability to win people over. Always try to be cheerful (without going overboard) and positive.
  • Be active. Communication is a process of reciprocity. You not only need to visit guests, but also organize meeting evenings yourself, invite colleagues, friends and acquaintances.
  • Wit. Learn to make other people laugh. This is a rather complex science (you need to be able to feel your interlocutors so as not to offend or offend them). Jokes should not be aimed at individuals; the most valuable thing in communication is spontaneous wit and neutral towards others. Don't practice in advance - templates always look fake. It all depends on the situation.

Stage 3. Understanding

Know that no one is obligated to communicate with you. There are times when the most valuable communication for people is a monologue. It is worth learning to listen and hear. Understand what really worries a person, look into his problems. And be able to give useful advice in a timely manner. In this case, it is best to rely on your own life experience.

  • Initiative. If you follow the lead of your interlocutor and communicate only on topics that are interesting to him, this may not be interpreted entirely correctly. Another person may think that you are not interested in communication, that you don’t care. Therefore, sometimes, as if by chance, push the speaker to move on to a topic that is familiar to you.
  • Confidence. In any communication, the interlocutors must become equal. If you feel insecure during a conversation, “lower” than your opponent, this is an indicator of low-status behavior that needs to be eliminated. People always communicate with such people very reluctantly and forcedly. Follow the “golden” mean. Don't build yourself up or put yourself down.

Advice: No one is perfect. In communication, you may be accidentally hurt or offended. Learn not to dwell on grievances and forgive. But you shouldn’t not react to evil jokes at all. On the contrary, slightly demonstrate that you are hurt and immediately show your interlocutor that you have forgotten about it and forgiven it.

Stage 4. Optimism

We all have days when we feel like being alone. There is nothing wrong. It's bad when it becomes a habit, you become a misanthrope. Misanthropy is a character trait (when it seems to you that all people exist only to offend you). You need to fight this feeling. Try to see and notice good traits and virtues in your interlocutor.

  • Take your time. In fact, getting to know a person is not difficult. It is more difficult to become a constant interlocutor. You should not impose your communication (immediately offer to meet, persistently invite you to visit). Relationships need to be developed gradually, wait until the interlocutor himself offers a method of communication and invites you to meet. Although perhaps this is exactly what he expects from you. Learn to identify these facets by intonation, eye expressions, and individual phrases.
  • Know how to hide. Sometimes there are times when you just need to talk to at least someone - hide it. This scares people away; intrusive communication can be perceived as an unplanned invasion of privacy, which never makes anyone happy.

Tip: We are social creatures. When the majority is afraid, the fear is transmitted to the surrounding minority. If you are sad and lonely, go where there is a lot of fun. A big cheerful company will fix everything. Don't avoid groups. Such communication, by the way, is also a great way to become acquainted with the right people who are sometimes inaccessible in the usual way.

Stage 5. Simple moments

Look how beautiful the world around you is, how beautiful the tender grass and trees are, how iridescent the birds sing. Notice the beauty in ordinary things. Discover new facets of yourself, expand your sensitivity, absorb every new day. Rediscover the world.

  • Hello. And more often. Even with strangers, showing up at work, passing by the local janitor, in a store with sellers.
  • Get a hobby. And then join a club of similar interests. The circle of your pleasant acquaintances will immediately increase significantly. The more like-minded people, the better.

Tip: Keep a diary. Write down any progress you make in terms of developing sociability there. All failures and achievements. When you re-read your notes, you will get a nice, optimistic boost of confidence.

You create your own life; first of all, you need to become an interesting, sociable person for yourself. Be sure that others will definitely notice this and will be drawn to you. Good luck in life!