What to do if a child runs away on the street. How long can children run and what does running do for a child?

Children tend to lead enough active image life in which there is no minute of free time. For this reason, many adults consider it unnecessary to participate in sports life child, which is already eventful. However, sometimes it is still worth thinking about quality over quantity, especially in the case of sports education. It's about running. Every child loves to run fast and play catch, but only a few do it correctly. And incorrect running technique, in turn, can in a negative way affect health. As a result, it is advisable to teach a child to run correctly in order to this stage in its development became not only interesting, but also useful.

Running Basics

When a child learns to run, you need to explain to him that the basis of any type of running, according to which the speed and time indicators of training are determined. The rhythm of the movement is determined by the pace of the run itself:

  1. Walking run. IN in this case Inhalation and exhalation should take 4 steps.
  2. Running at moderate intensity. As the pace increases, the step ratio drops to 3.
  3. Fast run. The maximum rate involves the fastest possible ventilation of the lungs. In this case, two steps should be enough to inhale and exhale.

Children, not reached school age must learn to run at a fast, rhythmic pace with good coordination of the upper and lower limbs. It is important to change the technical and typical components of running according to the existing conditions:

  • on uneven surfaces the pace should be slow;
  • When going uphill, running should be done using small steps, when going down, wide steps.

Run V game form require the ability to suddenly change tempo and intensity. Correctly executed running is determined by a slight tilt of the body forward and a straight gaze. The movements of the bent arms and shoulders should be free, the fingers should be in a half-bent position.

Types of running for children

A child can be taught the following techniques running that will be beneficial for his health:

1. Running with your knees up

This type of running is always combined with walking or simple jogging. Technical side boils down to this:

  • the leg in a bent position rises accordingly right angle, after which the toe of the foot is placed on the floor;
  • the step should be short;
  • the head should be in a high position, the body should be straight, slightly tilted back;
  • hands should rest on the belt.

The duration of this activity is 10-20 seconds.

2. Running on your toes

This technique involves not touching the floor with your heels. Running is done through short steps. Hands should be raised or placed on the belt. The duration of the workout is similar to the previous one - 10-20 seconds.

3. Running with a wide stride

The essence of such running is to increase the push and increase the duration of the flight. It looks like a child is jumping. This type running makes it possible to use various gymnastic equipment in the form of sticks, balls, etc. In this case, a distance of 10-20 meters must be maintained.

4. Running with bent leg abduction

This running technique is also diluted with classic jogging. After leaning forward, the leg in a bent position is directed back upon completion of the push. At the same time, it is necessary to deliver it to the buttock with the heel of the foot. The location of the hands is the belt. The duration of the training process is on average 15 seconds.

5. Cross running

The lower limbs in an almost straight position are overwhelmed by the intersection. When performed, the foot must be involved.

6. Running with jumps

This type of running is performed at an energetic pace, accompanied by wide movements. The push is performed in the upper and forward directions.

7. Running fast

The workout is characterized by a fast pace using long and rapid steps. In this case, the body should be directed forward. It is important to comply straight position head, as well as wideness and lack of tension in the shoulders. The leg performing the push is completely straightened after repulsion, and the leg making the swing movements is carried out in the upper-front direction. The arms should make active movements that coincide with the beat of the legs.

Fast running is relevant x. Its duration can be 8 seconds. Repeats can be done up to 5 times, alternating them with rest.

The benefits of running

And in conclusion, I would like to highlight the benefits that running brings to a child’s body:

  1. The respiratory system develops.
  2. Lung volume increases.
  3. Happening

04.07.2007, 09:28

Good afternoon

Please tell me - my 2-year-old son runs strangely - throws his legs forward (almost without raising his knees). There are, of course, assumptions that it’s just more convenient for him (my body structure is short legs, and since they didn’t send me to a nursery, he didn’t have the opportunity to see from the example of other children how to run correctly) We haven’t seen anything like this in any of the other children (we My wife and I ran normally according to our grandmothers’ memories). Is this normal - is it not a sign of any abnormalities?

A couple more questions at once (possibly somehow related to the previous one)
He has a habit from time to time (a couple of times a day) to tense up (he clenches his fists and teeth tightly until he trembles for a couple of seconds)

And sometimes (a couple of times a month) he wakes up at night - cries and does not calm down for a long time. This happens especially often after visiting guests.

He has become very capricious, many requests are not “heard” until you raise your voice.

04.07.2007, 21:53

Could you describe in more detail motor development child. Please tell me how the boy goes up and down the stairs, jumps off the dais? Can he kick the ball? What kind of gait does he have, in particular, does he spring with the knee of his supporting leg? How does he get up from a sitting position on a surface: through his knee or by symmetrically straightening his legs?

05.07.2007, 00:13

06.08.2007, 23:23

Hello! Sorry for the delay in answering - I still wanted to film my son running - but I still couldn’t.
Finally it worked out - maybe it will be easier to visually determine the reasons for such a strange run (because of which, by the way, he often stumbles and often falls).

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06.08.2007, 23:25

Could you describe in more detail the child's motor development? Please tell me how the boy goes up and down the stairs, jumps off the dais?

He rises with one foot, starting with the other (i.e., he stood on a step with his left, pulled up with his right, then onto the next one again with his left, etc.), descends slightly sideways in the same way, he doesn’t know how to jump - he doesn’t even understand how to jump on the spot.

Can he kick the ball? What kind of gait does he have, in particular, does he spring with the knee of his supporting leg?

The ball hits normally. The gait - I could be wrong, but it doesn’t seem to have a spring in it (maybe you can see this better in the clip below)

How does he get up from a sitting position on a surface: through his knee or by symmetrically straightening his legs?

Over the knee

Let me explain right away: maybe the doctors will have their own assumptions, we’ll wait, but for now I want to understand what’s wrong with tone, transfer of body weight and coordination of movements. Write.

06.08.2007, 23:36

1. Ask the boy to sit down several times if possible and write the result.

Calmly sat down - without any difficulties

2. When a boy walks, do you have a feeling of a “waddling” gait, like a duck’s?

No - there is no such thing - it goes smoothly

3. Does the child have muscle relaxation disorders?

To be honest, I don’t even know how to define this.

4. Did the child have a sucking disorder?
It was - it was a big problem - they were breastfed for up to a year - he often spat it out and then it was impossible to persuade him to take another breast.
Even now, at 2 years old, he continues to be lazy - whatever is more difficult to chew (meat, for example) - he spits it out.

20.08.2007, 20:22

We saw a neurologist - she didn’t make any diagnosis (they couldn’t show us how we were running - the child was not in a good mood - he started crying) - she wrote directions for paraffin and foot massage.

She also said that by his age, the child should already be able to jump both from an elevation and on the spot. How to teach?

20.08.2007, 21:38

Dear Mikhail, it seems that your boy has decreased tone, although his balance is preserved. It is difficult to determine the cause, so it is good that you went to a neurologist. Bouncing in place is the most complex look bouncing. It is much easier to jump from a small elevation, however, most likely the boy at first will not be able to spring with both legs at the same time and will jump forward with one leg. You can do “springs” - light repeated squats (similar to a push before jumping). First they are done on a hard surface, then on a trampoline/inflatable mattress/sofa or any other springy surface. The boy, holding your hands, during such “springs on the elastic surface will be partially detached from it.
You can also use regular jumpers.
Please tell me, did your child experience any bouncing in the first year of life when you held him under your armpits?

If your child is sweating excessively, you need to try to understand why this is happening. First of all, pay attention to his clothing, his activity, besides, sweating can be a sign of any illness, both physical and mental. Therefore, let's look at several reasons for a child's sweating.

If your child is sweating too much, you need to try to understand why this is happening.

Wrong clothes

Pay attention to your child's clothes. It should be remembered that children have a faster metabolism than adults, and therefore, while you feel normal, a child in the same clothes will be hot. Pay attention to the comfort of clothing: if the child is uncomfortable, he will certainly sweat, since in the fight against his own clothes the child will have increased heat transfer. And, of course, if the child is dressed warmly out of season - in the summer heat he is wearing a thick hat and pants, when you yourself are dressed in a light sundress. Believe me, it is very, very hot, the baby will definitely sweat.

Activity promotes sweating

If your child is dressed appropriately for the season but is very active and does a lot of climbing, running, jumping, he will most likely be sweating as sweating is normal physiological reaction body, which helps cool the skin. In a child who runs a lot, blood flow improves and the subcutaneous vessels fill with blood, which contributes to an increase in body temperature, which is what nature came up with special method, which cools the body to normal temperature - sweating. So a normal healthy and active child should sweat.

A normal healthy and active child should sweat

Sweating is a sign of illness

However, sweating may be a sign of illness. If the child is in calm state, is dressed normally or it is not hot or stuffy outside, but the child is still sweating, you should consult a doctor.

Unreasonable sweating in a child may indicate a lack of vitamin D, as well as the development of rickets. Excessive sweating is considered one of the main symptoms of the onset of this disease. Especially if the child sweats not only during the day, but also during sleep, rush to the doctor.

If your baby sweats, especially sweaty palms, it may indicate heart failure.

The onset of a cold also causes excessive sweating, and sweating can also occur while taking antihistamines.

With hyperfunction thyroid gland The child may also experience excessive sweating.

Seeing many children in a dream means worries and troubles.

Seeing that a child has fallen means that you will soon have many obstacles in your affairs.

Crying children in a dream are a sign of deception and trouble through deceitful friends.

Seeing children playing - to good news, family peace, joy.

A dream in which you saw that a child is walking without adult supervision means that you may regret that you ignored other people's advice.

Playing with them yourself means achieving desired goal.

Seeing a child accompanied by a nanny in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant and relaxing pastime.

Babysitting children yourself in a dream is an indication that friends or partners, whose help or support you were counting on, will betray you at a difficult moment.

To see a dear child in a dream and be touched - to pleasant news or new and nice meeting you.

For those who are childless, dreaming that they have children is a sign that a happy and prosperous life awaits you.

Seeing yourself in a dream as a father (for someone who does not have children) of several small children running around the room and playing is a sign that he will never have children, and his life will be full of troubles and sorrows.

Seeing a child in a man’s arms or shoulders in a dream foreshadows the birth of a boy, and if in a woman’s arms, then a girl will be born into the family.

However, this dream can only be interpreted in this way by those who are actually expecting the birth of a child.

For other people, such a dream predicts troubles and concerns regarding business.

Dropping a child in a dream is a sign of failed plans. For parents, such a dream predicts the illness of their child.

Hitting a child in a dream means that success awaits you. Punishing a child in a dream is a sign that you should repent of your mistakes. Without this, you will not be able to succeed.

Dirty and unwashed children in a dream - to big problems, legal proceedings, which will unexpectedly fall on your head.

Seeing your child sick in a dream means minor troubles and domestic squabbles.

If you dream that your child has heat or fever, then great emotional experiences or melancholy await you.

Seeing your child very sick or dead in a dream is a sign of danger looming over your family and your well-being. Often such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes or plans.

Seeing children working or studying is a sign good hopes to fulfill a wish. Illegitimate children in a dream are an omen of reproaches that others will shower you with.

Sometimes such a dream indicates that you have many envious people who are just waiting for the moment to deal with you.

Demented children in a dream predict new grief due to failures in business.

Hear children's conversation(if he doesn’t annoy you) - to peace and well-being in the house.

If in a dream you are fed up with the chatter of children, then real life someone will bore you with false promises and their incompetence.

For a growing child, seeing how he becomes prettier and changes before his eyes is a very good sign, foreshadowing an increase in prosperity and strengthening of his position.

Seeing an empty stroller is a sign of chagrin due to one’s own instability and loneliness; with a baby, it is a sign of help from a faithful friend.

Small children in a dream usually mean troubles. But seeing teenagers in a dream portends help and hope.

If you dream of unfamiliar teenagers, then such a dream predicts your well-being and successful implementation of your plans.

If in a dream you find out that a certain child is your relative, then expect to receive an inheritance or unexpected profit.

Having an adopted child in a dream means that you will receive support in your business or someone will offer you to participate in a profitable business.

If in a dream you were unable to adopt a child, then your competitors will get ahead of you. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in some kind of transaction.

If you dream that you were adopted by rich people, then you will receive the support and patronage of influential people, which will ensure the successful implementation of your plans.

See interpretation: baby, child.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Obedient behavior of a child on the street- this is not only an indicator good upbringing child, but also a guarantee of his safety.

All baby mammals have the instinct to follow their mother. But at a certain age, different children may have problems with discipline on the street.

Sometimes this becomes a real problem. All you have to do is turn away and the child is gone. Requests to stop do not seem to reach the addressee.

Even the most attentive mother can experience difficulties in such a situation. What to do?

First of all, understand what or what the child is running from.

Why do children run away?

1. Overprotection
When adults unnecessarily limit the activity of a growing child in movement, he begins to lack incentives for development, which the child strives to make up for with more energy, sometimes to his own detriment.

How to proceed:
In this case, it is worth loosening your “maternal grip”. During walks, try to look for alternatives that allow your child to more movement and freedom:

Prohibit only what poses a real and not a potential danger;

Choose for a walk safe places with a closed area;

Focus on what is possible: collecting stones, tearing blades of grass, playing with sand - all this needs to be specifically spoken out for the child.

2. Bad mood moms
Sometimes children unconsciously try to distance themselves from their mother if she is in a state of mind that does not bode well for him.

How to proceed:
In this case, the mother should work with her emotions, learn to control herself so as not to spill out her internal negativity on the child.

3. Children's curiosity
The manifestation of children's curiosity can be one of the reasons impulsive behavior on the street. In psychology, this behavior is called “field behavior” and is considered normal for early childhood, up to certain limits.

How to proceed:
Become a source of children's interest, captivate the child various games, take toys with you, communicate with the baby, occupying his attention.

4. Testing your own boundaries
For full development, a child needs to independently find and see danger. specific interactions with the outside world.

The child strives to find the zone in which he can act freely and determine the boundary, crossing which is fraught with mother’s restrictions.

How to proceed:
Believe in the child’s strength, his self-love and gradually expand his zone of freedom, giving him the opportunity to make independent decisions.

5. Lack of clear rules of behavior
Children love rules. Rules are given to children the most important feelings peace and stability.

How to proceed:
It is better to regulate a child’s behavior on the street not “as the play progresses,” but by explaining in advance what is possible and what is not. Incentives and can also participate in achieving results.

6. Age crisis
Usually this is the crisis of 3 years, that magical period when the child has an insistent “I myself!”

How to proceed:
Try to interest your child in safe games during walks and wait until he “outgrows it.”

7. Features of temperament
In psychology there is such a definition as a “libertophilic personality type.” This is when a person’s instinct for freedom prevails over the rest. IN childhood it manifests itself as rebellion, protest against any restrictions on freedom, and restless behavior.

Many people are familiar with the situation when an adult, with whom you are going somewhere together, runs ahead for no reason, instead of enjoying the walk together.

How to proceed:
Accept as you are.

8. Lack of parental authority from mom
This option is often found in single-parent families, where the child is raised only by the mother, who, due to forced circumstances, is exhausted and does not know where to find strength for internal replenishment. The child feels the mother’s lack of confidence in herself and life and tests her strength, due to her own unconscious.

The second way this problem arises is when a family lives with grandparents, one of whom dictates his own rules of behavior in the house and tries to “crush” the child’s mother with his own authority.

How to proceed:

Do not create situations in which another adult criticizes you or your behavior in front of your child. Make sure that any criticism is only acceptable in private.

Work on yourself - look for ways to nourish yourself internally and increase self-confidence.

Self-preservation instinct in children

The instinct of self-preservation- a form of behavior aimed at protecting own life and health.

The triggering mechanism of the internal defense mechanism is a feeling of fear, with the help of which the complexity and danger of the situation is realized and weighed own strength and opportunities.

IN early age sense of self-preservation and has not yet developed in full degree, due to the fact that the child has not yet gained enough experience to understand, just like adults, that the world around him can be not only fun, but also truly dangerous.

Absence developed instinct self-preservation in children must be compensated by parental protection.

By moving in space and interacting with it, the child forms an image own body, about which he still has no idea.

This is how he trains to understand himself and his boundaries.

When should you worry?

You should worry and think about visiting the appropriate specialists if the child not only behaves carelessly, but continues to act without changing tactics, even at the moment of harming himself, that is, causing himself pain. For example, if he accidentally touches a hot surface, he does not withdraw his hand.

The child's lack of protective reflexes and self-injurious behavior are a cause for concern. In other cases, the child’s behavior is corrected by parents using educational measures.

What to do if a child runs away?

Below are general tips for parents of children who run away.

Give more independence

If a child grows up to be very active and curious, you should think about how to provide him with more freedom in actions, show respect for his independence where appropriate.

Guide his actions by offering to help you. Ask him to independently throw empty packaging into the trash can, help you load soiled clothes into the washing machine, choose clothes for a walk from the options you offer, carry his toys during a walk, etc.

In this way, the field of opportunities for exercising independence will be wider and the child will no longer need to defend his rights.

Reward good behavior

It is very important to praise for specific things, for example: “I was so pleased when you came right after I called you!”

Take home

An effective regulatory measure is reverse method"whip" - punishment of a child for prohibited actions during a walk.

If every time after a child’s misbehavior associated with his sudden escape, you begin to take him home, the child will sooner or later change his behavior to a more constructive one.

Learn to walk by hand

Walking by the hand on the street is a skill that needs to be taught to a child.

If you do not insist, then the child will not understand why he should hold your hand.

Divide the road into zones where you can walk alone and where you can walk together, holding your mother’s hand. Insist on this behavior, always adhere to the same line of behavior.

Over time, the child will get used to this way of life, it will be clear to him that when you reach the playground by hand, you will let him go, so he will be able to calmly endure the temporary restriction of freedom.

Follow instructions

Create your own set of unbreakable rules of behavior for your child while walking and regularly voice them to him. The child should have clear instructions on what is possible and what is not.

Give warnings in advance and in a playful manner

Attentiveness and caution can be instilled in a playful way.

Tell your child that there can be many dangers on the street.

Draw them together and analyze in detail what harm each of them can cause.

When going out for a walk, invite him to find everything potentially dangerous objects.

Games on the go

In a situation where you and your child have a certain path ahead, a good helper can be. They will help you connect it simple games, which can be played on the go. For example:

One participant names any word (noun), and the other comes up with a new word in last letter. And so on in turn.

"Guess the word"
One participant thinks of a word, and the second, using questions, tries to guess it.

Try to captivate your child by inviting him to walk in different steps - “giant steps”, “mouse steps”, “lynx steps”, etc.

Each participant chooses specific color and counts how many passing cars of that color he saw.

"Continue the poem"
Choose a long and interesting poem and tell it to your child along the way, asking him to continue familiar phrases on his own.

"Let's make up a fairy tale"
Try to compose a fairy tale with your child with the most interesting characters.

Use GPS bracelet for a child
If a child often runs away and is difficult to stop, then for the mother’s peace of mind it is worth purchasing this gadget. It will help control the child's movement in case you miss the baby.

Literature and sources