Alternating consonants at the root of the word bearish. The spelling of the vowel depends on the th consonant of the root, which is located at the end of the word

"Russian language", 4th grade. Toolkit
alternation of sounds [h’] / [k] at the root. if they take an adjective
bearish, let them pay attention to the alternation of sounds [t’] / [zh] in
the root of the word (the sound [t’] in the letter is indicated by the letter combination yeah).
After this, the textbook builds a system of work that allows
Let children not only accept, but also understand that part of the word “-i-” in
possessive adjectives(answering the question “whose?”) – this is
It's the suffix, not the ending. The material for this exercise is
allows us to show that in qualitative adjectives, which answer
answer the question “which one?”, the “-y” part of the word is not a suffix, but
ending. comparing the composition of words mighty And bullish, children should
finally understand what is in the word mighty the “-y” part of the word is
ending, and in the word bullish– a similar part of the word “iy-” is suf-
fix, not ending. with the help of the teacher, schoolchildren will come to the conclusion
I think that these parts of the words - “-iy” and “-iy-” - are homonyms (that is,
are written and pronounced the same, but mean different things). without understanding
Without this, children will not be able to understand why indirect forms at-
Heavy adjectives must be written with a separator b.
in the textbook on p. 144–145 to the problem of different composition of qualitative
adjectives and possessive adjectives attracts attention through
the new hero of the set is Misha Ivanov. Evdokia Vasilievna suggests
in writing (this is very important!) decline one of the qualitative reasons
adjectives: ginger, mighty, burning. inclining the word in writing and you-
By dividing the ending in its different forms, children will be able to make sure that
that part of the word “-iy” is precisely the ending, since the ending is
part of the word being changed:
i.p. ginger
r.p. red/him
d.p. red/him
v.p. red/him(cat) or ginger(tail)
etc. red/im
P.p. about the redhead
After this, Evdokia Vasilievna once again resembles schoolchildren
we know that adjectives answering the question “whose?”
called: a) from the stems of nouns, b) using the suffix “-iy”
(the children have already indicated in several exercises from which foundations the
similar adjectives were developed, and they themselves showed in writing
word formation: in exercise 146 using the suffix “-in-”, and
in exercise 148 - using the suffix “-y”).
The teacher must once again remind schoolchildren that words cannot
cannot be formed with the help of endings, that the ending is
changeable part of a word.
05.05.2012 12:44:19
Methodical commentary to the textbook. part 3
Then you need to study it very carefully and step by step.
blitz (p. 146). comparing words in the form of i.p., shaded in color,
students must confirm that the adjective ginger Part
“-y” is the ending ( red/him, red/him etc.), and the adjective
bearish“-iy” is a suffix, since it is formed from su-
the noun “bear” using the suffix “-iii-”. comparing
words in the form of i.p., not shaded in color, children should do exactly this
to reason and prove why these adjectives have
This is how the composition of words is shown. (The sound appearance of these words is in the form of i.p. we
We are not considering it yet.)
After this, it is necessary to consider the spelling and composition of words,
highlighted in color, in the form of r.p. draw the children's attention to
that the difference in the writing of adjective forms is now clearly visible
(the adjective from the second column has b!), but somewhere used
there is a difference in the composition of words: the adjective from the second column
there is no longer a suffix, and the “-it” part is the same ending,
like the adjective from the first column. Exactly the same conclusions
let us be led by consideration of the second pair of words - not highlighted
color. in writing an adjective answering the question whe-
go?, b appeared, and the suffix disappeared from its composition.
where did the suffix go?
To answer this question, it is necessary to consider the sound
howl the appearance of the words from the second column. The teacher can ask the children:
“would anyone be able to explain why in the forms of the words “bear” e go"
and "bull" e th" in sound recording there is a sound [th’], and in its letter form
No? We recently recalled what the dividing line indicates
b, when followed by the letters e, e, yu, i, and (if you don’t remember, open
textbook on p. 138–139). it indicates that the letter following it is
va denotes two sounds, the first of which is the sound [th’]. remember?
Say the words "bear" e go" and "bull" e go.” do you hear the sound [th’]? He
reflected in the sound recording of these words? Certainly. why not from-
expressed in letters? Correct: the letter e, after the division
telial b, denotes two sounds at once, the first of which is the sound [th’].
in alphabetic notation, the sound [й’] is hidden behind the letter combination е.
Now compare the composition of the words “bearish” and “bullish” in the i.p. forms.
and r.p. In what form do we see the suffix “-й-”? Correct: in shape
i.p. and in the form of r.p. does this suffix exist? there is, but it turns into
suffix [й’], and can only be seen in the audio recording. (children
must make sure that the sound [th’] itself can be heard if
pronounce these words.) in alphabetic notation this suffix denotes
marked with the sound [й’], hides behind the letter combination е.”
05.05.2012 12:44:20

1. Root - a common part related words, which contains their main meaning. Words with same root are called cognate.

Water, water, underwater, submariner, surface, flood, flood, etc.

    A root can consist of several sounds ( it's coming) or from one sound ( sing you).

2. IN difficult words two or more roots stand out.

Water pipeline, ever green, white, blue and red.

    In compound words, the root (or roots) can be presented in truncated form.

    Correspondent point - correspondent point, university - higher education institution.

3. In the Russian language there are homonym roots.

Water, underwater - water, conductor; cheese, cheese ok, cheese - cheese oh, damp, damp.

4. When words and forms are formed, the sound appearance of a word may change. Usually this historical alternations vowels and consonants. They must be taken into account when isolating roots, when selecting single-rooted test words etc.

Wed: book - little book; plow - plow; shine - candle, lighting; mouth - mouth.

Let us give examples of the most frequent alternations of sounds.

Vowel alternation

Vowels Examples
Ooh To carry is to carry, but to force is not to carry, and to sing along the south.
Ooh To quit - to abandon, to finish - to finish.
O - s, e - and In y - you are, she is - in.
O-e-i Collect r - collect ru - collect.
O - s - y Dry - dry - dry.
O/e - “zero” sound (fluent vowels) Rot - mouth, day - day.
I - s And tasty - very tasty.

Consonant alternation

Consonants Examples
K-h Hand - hand, friend - friend.
X - w Dry oh - dry it.
G - g - h Friend - be friends - friends.
D-f-zh Driving - driving - driving.
T - h - sch Light - candle - lighting.
St - sch Motley - motley.
D/t - s Ved u - weight, met u - revenge.
B - bl To love is to love.
P - pl Buy - buy.
V - ow To catch - to catch.
F - fl Graph it - graph u.
M - ml Feed - feed you.

Alternating combinations of sounds

Combinations Examples
P/O - im - in - m/n Reap - squeeze - squeeze, reap - reap - reap.
Ova/eva - yj Forge - ku [j]yu, chew - chew [j]yu.


If one consonant alternates with a combination of consonants, then this combination is completely included in the root, and the new suffix is ​​not allocated. In words like feeding (feed), I love (be in love), blindness (blind) l is not a new suffix, but is part of the root!

5. Most roots of the Russian language are capable of independently forming the stem of a word.

Wed: table, lion, walls and etc.

At the same time, some roots cannot be found in a language without word-forming prefixes and suffixes.

For example, the root st- ( street itsa, lane ok); root pt- ( pt itsa, pt enets); root rob-( timid cue, timidity), howl- ( howl, howl, howl). IN last word warrior the root war- is superimposed on the suffix -in (cf.: townsman, Englishman).

6. During historical development the morphemic composition of a word can change. The most common process in this case is the simplification of the morphemic structure of the word, or simplification. The essence of this process is that the prefix and the root, less often the root and the suffix, merge together, and then a new root is formed.

For example, in the word air one root is now distinguished - air, whereas previously the root was highlighted in this word spirit and prefix WHO-. In the word taste, the prefix was previously distinguished V- and root bite(cf.: bite), and now it is a single root. In the word red, the root was previously highlighted red and suffix -n-, and currently red- is completely the root.

The process of simplification is gradual, and in modern Russian one can find quite a lot of transitional cases. That is why in different manuals, in different word-formation dictionaries and dictionaries of morphemes, different roots can be identified in the same word.

For example, some linguists identify the root in the word image once-(same root words - strike, striking), and other researchers believe that the former prefix and root have already merged into one root - image-.

7. Isolating the etymological, that is, the original morphemes in a simplified word can be important for spelling the word.

For example, in the word pleasant the prefix was previously highlighted at- and root I- (yati"take"). Console at- originally had the meaning “to bring closer, to join.” That is why in modern Russian language in this former console the vowel and is written.

The smallest meaningful parts of a word are called morphemes. Significant parts of a word include root, prefix, suffix, connecting morpheme, ending, postfix. All morphemes, except the ending, are part of the word stem.

  • Let's look at this part of the word as a root.

The root is home significant part a word that contains the general lexical meaning of all related words. For example, the root -voz- contains the general lexical meaning of the words to carry, cabbie, give a lift.

Typically the root is related words always the same, except for those cases when alternations of sounds occur in a word. So, you should remember some historical alternations in order to be able to correctly find the root in a word:

  • 1) g\f\z - friend - friends - friends;
  • 2) t\ h\ sh- light - candle - lighting;
  • 3) d\f\zhd - labor - toiling - to bother;
  • 4) a\ o - sprout;
  • 5) e\ i - shine - shine;
  • 6) b\bl- love- love;
  • 7) in\vl- catch- catching;
  • 8) m\ml- break- refraction;
  • 9) p\pl- thrash- thrash;
  • 10) f\ fl- graph-graph.

Cognate words and forms of the same word

It is necessary to distinguish between words with the same root and forms of the same word.

Cognates have a common root, but can have different meaning and treat different parts speech, for example: salt, salty, salt. Cognate words are formed in a language in the process of word formation.

Forms of the same word keep the same lexical meaning and, naturally, refer to one part of speech, for example: work - worked, worked, worked, worked. IN in this case the process of formation takes place. During shaping no new words are formed, but only new forms of the same word appear.

So, the verb to read has many forms, for example: read, reading, reading. In the above words, the suffixes -л-, -уш-, -я- are formative and do not play any role in the process of word formation. Therefore, it cannot be said that the word reading is just one of the forms of the verb to read. Thus, the participle reading, like reading, reading, reading, is non-derivative.

Alternating vowels in roots

The spelling of a vowel depends on the place of stress

1) First case: if at the root no accent the letter o is written, if there- a vowel that is heard.

  • -gar-\ -gor-
  • -clan-\ -clone-
  • -creation-\ -creation-

Example: Sunbathing, Tanning, Bend, Bow, Bow, Creation, Creativity.

Exceptions: burnt utensils

2) Second case: if at the root no accent written a, if there- a vowel that is heard.

  • -zar-\ -zor-

Example: Dawn, Glow, Lightning, Illumination

The spelling of the vowel depends on the presence of the suffix -a- after the root

1) First case: written a, if behind the root located suffix -a-. In other cases it is written about

  • a\o
  • -kas-\ -kos-

Example: touch, touch

2) Second case: In the roots listed below, the letter is written and, if behind the root there is a suffix -a-, in all other cases - the letter e.

  • e\ and
  • -ber-\ -bir-,
  • -brilliant-\ -brilliant-,
  • -der-\ -dir-,
  • -burned-\ -zhig-,
  • -mer-\ -world-,
  • -per-\ -pir-,
  • -steel-\ -steel-,
  • -ter-\ -tir-,
  • -cheat-\ -cheat-

Example: I will collect, collect, shine, shine, pull away, run away, burn out, burn out, freeze, freeze, subtract, subtract.

Remember the spelling of words: s combine, combination, couple, show off, rider, saddle, but: nurse, sit

The spelling of the vowel depends on the th consonant of the root, which is located at the end of the word

1) First case: before the letter Mr. before w-oh.

  • -lag-\ -false-

Example: offer, offer


1. Identify the roots and emphasize the alternating vowels in the roots.

Wear - carry, carry - carry, throw away - throw away, touch - touch, height - grows, tan - tan, dawn - dawn, bow - bow, swim - swimmer, wipe - wipe, tidy - tidy up.

2. Identify the roots and emphasize alternating consonants in the roots.

Hand - pen, river - river, leg - leg, shore - coastal, snow - snowflake, friend - to be friends - friends; enemy - enemy, cart - cart, ear - ears, dry - dry, drive - drive.

3. Indicate the roots and emphasize alternating vowels with one line, consonants with two.

Explain - presentation, offer - proposal, add - addend, grew - grow, jump - jump out, jumper - upstart.


1. Write out the highlighted words, indicate the roots in them and emphasize the alternating vowels.

However, during the journey

The dog could grow up!

Stairs grew up

Fast, like in a fairy tale.

Lena opened the door slightly -

The fire jumped from the log,

In front of the stove burned out floor,

Climbed the tablecloth onto the table...

You can't fill the fire with tears,

We put out the fire with water.

You will live and live.

Just mind you - no set fire to!

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you go gallop?

Take it book and notebook.

Sit down at the table.

Sneaks through bear

Through the dead wood. (S. Marshak)

Spread across the sky dawn.

On dawn Zoya woke up

And she screamed out of sleep:

I got up earlier than everyone else today!

But the mocker- robin

I whistled through her window:

You're wrong, citizen.

I haven't slept for a long time.

Mother sleeps,

And I can't sleep:

I look on the sly

How lightning- mischievous

Lights up the clouds.

(I. Smolnikov)

2. Write out the highlighted words, select words with the same root and underline the alternating consonants.

A puppy was walking down the street -

Not that Fluff, not that Buddy.

Walked in the snowstorm and the sun,

And I walked in the rain and got wet,

And even if I went snowball,

A puppy was walking down the street.

Walking along path serious turkey,

Lucky for trolley iron chest.

When I was a boy river walked,

Carrying a pot and a net,

I have often met

By the clear water

Cheerful and kind bull.

Looked at me

Fool a fool

He was silent, and chewed, and crunched,

And redheads ears stood upright

And the nose, like a saucer, shone.

(V. Levin)


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