Is the letter "Y" a vowel or a consonant, hard or soft? Phonetic analysis of the word. Which letter cannot be the prefix a y o

Date added: 2013-01-11;

This is the second lesson on the alphabet and rules for reading letters in English. In this lesson I will tell you about the next four consonant letters.

The lesson, like the previous one, will not be long, but I strongly recommend paying attention to the intricacies of reading letters "Hh" and rules for reading the letter " Gg".

Letter Gg

Gg[ʤi:]- the seventh letter of the English alphabet. Has two basic reading rules.

1. According to the basic rule of reading, it is no different from Russian "G".

This rule is valid if:

I. Letter Gg comes before vowels Aa, Oo, Uu ;

Gas- - gas; petrol

Gold- - gold

Gun- - weapon (any firearm)

II. Letter Gg comes before (any) consonant;

Green- - green

III. Letter Gg stands at the end of a word;

Big- - big

2. Before vowels Ee , II, Yy reads like "J" .

If we take it globally, the original of this sound is softer than the combination “J”. But there is no point in worrying too much about this. This option will do temporarily.

Page - - page

Giant- ["ʤaiənt]- giant

Gymnastics - [ʤim"næstiks]- gymnastics

BUT: In words of French origin, the letter Gg can be read as "AND"

Garage - ["gærɑ:ʓ]- garage

3. At the beginning and at the end of words in letter combinations gn letter Gg falls out.

Gnaw- - gnaw

Sign - - symbol; signature

4. Letter combination gh.

Be careful! This letter combination can produce a sound [g] or sound [f] , and may even be silent (unreadable). Therefore, to be sure of the correct pronunciation with such a letter combination, check the words using a dictionary.

Ghost- - ghost

High- - high

Laugh- - laughter

Letter Hh

Hh - the eighth letter of the English alphabet.

Firstly: I can confidently say that you will not see it before a consonant (excluding abbreviations)

Secondly: This letter is read only if it is followed by a vowel. In all other cases it is mute.

Third: Letter combinations sh, ch, ph, th, gh create extraneous sounds. We already know two of them (digraph ch and letter combination gh) . We'll look at the rest as we study the corresponding letters.

1. It always reads like [h]. This sound has no Russian analogue. Many, making a grave mistake, replace this sound with a Russian sound X.

The sound [h] is an exhalation. Free sound that comes from the chest without encountering any obstacles, unlike X.

House- - house

2. In combination wh + o letter Ww falls out.

Who - - Who

In other cases, the letter appears in such a letter combination Hh .

When - - When

Letter Jj

Jj[ʤei]- the tenth letter of the English alphabet.

1. Always read as [ ʤ ], which can be equated to Russian "J".

Jump- [ʤʌmp]- jump

hurry up find the words of the sentence in the text determine the meaning of the phrase cannot be

One person who had never seen a giraffe was long assured that the giraffe has a very long neck. But the man didn’t want to believe it. “It can’t be,” he repeated. “It can’t possibly be.” In the end, they took him to the zoo, brought him to a cage with a giraffe and said: “Well, do you see what kind of neck he has?” The man clasped his hands and exclaimed: “It can’t be!”

(1) No body can be solid at a very high temperature. (2) The sun is gaseous, and the gas moves continuously at a temperature of thousands,

deities and hundreds of thousands of degrees. (3) The Sun has existed for billions of years, and during this time it has not remained calm for a second. (4) Storms of terrible force are constantly raging on the Sun, before which a fierce earthly hurricane will seem like the breath of a baby.

Which word or combination of words is NOT a predicate in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence in the text?

1) are raging (sentence 4)

2) there was no left (sentence 3)

3) cannot be solid (sentence 1)

4) gaseous (sentence 2)

Compose sentences with homogeneous members, using any of the highlighted words in different meanings. 1.Which caravan cannot

move?2. Which ruler don't use it for drawing? 3.From which machine gun can't you shoot?

1.Find a phrase with a passive participle.

A. A smiling clown. B. a tailored coat. C. A barking dog. D. Falling rain.
2. Find a phrase with the past perfect participle
A.Attracting attention.B.burnt to the ground.C.Muffled by sounds.D.Seeing the target
3. Find a verb from which a passive participle cannot be formed.
4. Find the participial phrase among the phrases.
A.Fresh seeds.B.Painted floor.C.Collected by the children.D.Flying eagle.
5. Finish the sentence: “The participial phrase is highlighted in the letter with commas, if it is worth...”
A. in front of the word being defined. B. after the word being defined. C. far from the word being defined. D. close to the word being defined.
6.Find a sentence with a full participle.
A. He was seriously furious. B. it was an old, abandoned estate. C. The estate had been abandoned for a long time. D. All the places were already occupied
7. Finish the sentence: “There cannot be a participle in a sentence...”
A.Definition.B.predicate.C.definition or predicate.D.circumstance
8.What suffix cannot be in participles?,v.Ann.G.em.
9 In which participle is the letter I missing from the suffix?
A.drinking.B.dressing up.and.sinning.D.depending...on
10.Which Participle in the Suffix is ​​missing I?

Hard and soft signs do not indicate any sounds. The hard sign performs a dividing function and is used after prefixes ending in

consonants, as well as before the root of a word starting with e, e, yu or i (pre-anniversary, disheveled, weaning, sarcastic). For example, it helps us distinguish between the words “sat” and “ate.” The soft sign indicates the softness of the previous consonant: bindweed, monkey,

earlier, seven. Sometimes a soft sign helps to distinguish a masculine noun from a feminine one: for example, the word “thing” is feminine, and “horsetail” is masculine. In addition, it often contributes to the creation of different forms of the same verb: meet and meet.

But in the Old Russian language, soft and hard signs (er and er) meant very real sounds. The first meant the short sound “i”, and the second meant the same short “o”. Even before Russia adopted Christianity and the development of writing, the language had full, short and nasal vowels, and they all performed different functions. By the time of the baptism of Rus', nasal vowels had disappeared from the Russian language, but the letters to denote them remained. The former short vowels ь and ъ in some words found themselves in strong positions (for example, under stress, before a cluster of several consonants, in adjacent syllables with other short

vowels or far from stressed syllables with any vowels) and thus turned into full vowels o or e, and in others - in weak positions (at the absolute end of a word,

in adjacent syllables with stressed vowels) and gradually simply disappeared from use. Previously, the hard sign was in the word “connect” instead of “o”, the soft sign in the word “day” instead of “e”. In modern Russian there is such a thing as “fluent vowels.” This is the legacy of Old Russian. This is why texts in Old Russian are so difficult to read.

Do we need hard and soft signs? Hard to tell. In the Czech language, for example, they have long been replaced by diacritics. Language is subject to change, and it is possible that sooner or later ъ and ь will cease to exist as letters of the alphabet.