18th century what year. All dates in the history of Appanage Rus'

The 18th century is an important period in history. special place. This is one of the most “integral” eras, which is called last century dominance of aristocratic culture. Thanks to this period, a culture of cleanliness and caring for one’s body came to our modern world. Here are just some interesting facts regarding hygiene and life in the 18th century in Russia.

Hygiene procedures

It is difficult to imagine a modern person without washing, taking a bath or shower. But residents of that time considered such procedures dangerous to their health. There was an opinion that hot water promotes the penetration of infections into the body. That is why water procedures were used in clothing until the end of the 19th century.

There is an opinion that the infrequent bathing of people is a consequence of medieval customs. But in the Middle Ages, people washed much more often, knowing that sloppiness leads to epidemics. Negative attitude To water procedures- a consequence of the philosophy of the Renaissance, when washing too often was considered harmful to health.

As for the oral cavity, teeth were cleaned with a toothpick or wiped with a rag. Later, the production of toothpaste was launched, but only wealthy people could afford to buy it.

Deodorant appeared at the end of the 18th century. People of the upper class hid unpleasant odors on their bodies behind a layer of perfume. By the end of 1800, they launched the production of antiperspirants; they have survived to this day under the “Mama” brand.

Hair care and removal of body hair were not part of the habits of people of that era. Although even now there is an ambiguous attitude towards hair removal - it certainly does not help health.


Unpleasant odors came from every house. This is due to the fact that the toilets in our modern idea didn't exist. They relieved themselves in the potty. Later, open latrines appeared, the contents of which were poured into the street.

There was no toilet paper; its invention dates back to the end of the 18th century. Instead of paper, they used fabrics that they didn’t mind throwing away.

Fetid odors were not uncommon on the city streets. To protect his lady from the spray that flew from the horse cart, the gentleman walked closer to the edge of the road, often covering her with his cloak.

Insect control

During the Renaissance, bed insects were considered the norm. They were carriers and distributors of many infections. To combat them, kerosene was used and the bottom of the beds was wiped with it.

Mercury was another weapon in the fight against insects of that time. With its help, people destroyed lice and harmed their own health.

Thin combs were used to comb out insects for both the poor and the rich. Ladies who were richer bought combs from Ivory or even made of precious metals.

Life of people

Concerning interesting facts from life in the 18th century in Russia, they are well described in the book “ Brief information O northern regions» Japanese scientist Hoshu Katsurogawa. Here are just a few of the oddities that surprised the Japanese guest.


Russians have dark hair, blue eyes and noses like potatoes. Peasants have beards, and nobles are shaved. The inhabitants of Siberia are dark-eyed. All are tall, with correct posture. Peace-loving, moderately strict and hardworking.

Reference female beauty– bright blush on the cheeks. In clothes they resemble the Germans, and the men resemble the Dutch.

To achieve gray hair, sprinkle hair with powder or starch.


People's houses are lower than churches.

Salaries are paid in money, not in grain.

They speak Russian, interweaving words from French or German.

When a child is born, they give money. A relative who comes up with a richer name for the baby. The newborn is placed in a box suspended from the roof, covered with straw.

The husband has one wife. To marry a Russian, a foreigner must accept the Russian faith by changing his first and last name. In rich families, blacks serve from 2 to 8 people, everything depends on the wealth of the owner.


The dishes are hearty. They start with ham and bread, chicken soup and beef, then fish broth and finally dough balls. Before serving sweets, they eat goose and thin porridge.

They do not skimp on sugar and oil for cooking. The bird is stuffed with vegetables and cereals. Ordinary people eat meat or fish with bread.

Beef is considered an everyday food among all segments of the population.


The country is cold, this is due to its location.

Frosts in St. Petersburg and Yakutsk are severe.

Summer is not hot, so cereals grow poorly.


The main holiday in Russia is the birthday of the Empress. Unlike the New Year, it is celebrated much more magnificently.

Women's roles in the theater are played by actresses, not by male actors.

Everyone rides horses. Women sit sideways, bending one leg under themselves, and hanging the other out of the saddle.

Russia has always been a mystery for many countries and their representatives. If we talk about the 18th century, there was a lot of things that are now not used and forgotten, but things and phenomena also appeared that can be seen in our time.

So, to begin with, let’s answer a far from new question that arises in many schoolchildren and not only: “XVIII - what century is this?” Let's try to figure this out in this article.

The mystery of Latin numbers, or the answer to the question: “XVIII - what century is this?”

People often complain that Roman numerals are very difficult for them. In fact, there is nothing difficult here. Everything follows a completely understandable logic.

So, in the case of the number XVIII, it must be deciphered starting from the very beginning. So, X is ten. Accordingly, the number will clearly be greater than 10, since the remaining numbers are to the right of the main one. The fact is that if we had the number IX, then it would already be 9, since the one on the left is subtracted from 10. So, let's look further. V is 5 and the last part, respectively, 3. All elements are summed up and we get finished number- 18. But in parallel with the question of what century the 18th century is, another difficulty arises. Which year can be attributed to the 18th century - 1750 or 1829? There is only one answer: 1750, since 1829 will already be the 19th century.

History of the 18th century. Education

So, when we have figured out which century is which, let’s dwell on the history of this period. Let's start with the fact that Europe in the 18th century was experiencing a grandiose event in its history - the Enlightenment. This term is familiar to many. One may wonder: what century is this in the 18th century, but one cannot help but know the peculiarities this phenomenon. Each country did it differently. But what was common to all was the collapse of feudalism.

Enlightenment - natural process, which inevitably began when falling feudal system. It is humanistic and gravitates towards formal law, seeing in it a guarantee of freedom and better life. The Enlightenment as a phenomenon not only influenced the mental development of Europe. It boldly criticized outdated and outdated forms way of life and way of life that have been preserved since the Middle Ages.

Basic ideas of the English Enlightenment

Thus, Locke highlighted moral qualities and guidelines, considering the state as an agreement of people. He believed that the only natural regulator of interpersonal and public relations are the norms of morality, ethics and behavior.

They had to be established, according to the philosopher, “by universal silent consent.” History XVIII century completely determined further path development of many countries, including Great Britain. English leaders believed that the highest goal is not the happiness of society, but the happiness individual person, personal elevation.

Locke also emphasized that all people are born with a set of powers and abilities that will help them achieve almost anything. But only constant efforts, as the philosopher believed, contribute to the realization of the potential inherent in everyone. Only personal creative effort will help a person succeed in life. In saying this, the 18th century very accurately grasped the needs of society during that period.

French Enlightenment

Unlike the ideas of the English Enlightenment, Rousseau highlights society, and not one individual. According to his ideas, initially society had all the power, but then it handed over power to the rulers so that they acted in its interests. Rousseau was a supporter of a democratic-republican state. Civic equality will only be achieved when every citizen can participate in government.

Montesquieu, in turn, insists that any country must adapt to the climate, religion, and character of the people. The philosopher also believes that best shape government structure republican form. But without seeing modern states possibility of realizing it, stops at In this case, the ruler will only own executive branch, and legislative - to the elected parliament.

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The most comprehensive reference table of major dates and events Russian history of the 18th century. This table is convenient for schoolchildren and applicants to use for self-study, in preparation for tests, exams and the Unified State Exam in history.


Main events of Russia 18th century


Death of Patriarch Hadrian. Appointment of Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky as locum tenens of the patriarchal throne


Opening of a school of mathematical and navigational sciences in Moscow

Siege and storming of the Noteburg (Oreshek) fortress by Russian troops

Publication of the first Russian newspaper Vedomosti

Capture by Russian troops under the command of B.P. Sheremetyev Nyenschanz fortress at the mouth of the Neva

Founding of St. Petersburg


Publication of the textbook “Arithmetic” by L. F. Magnitsky

1704, summer

Siege and capture of the fortresses of Dorpat and Narva by Russian troops


Introduction of annual conscription

1705 – 1706

Streltsy uprising in Astrakhan. Suppressed by B.P. Sheremetev

1705 – 1711

Revolt of the Bashkirs

1706, Mar.

Retreat of Russian troops from Grodno to Brest-Litovsk, and then to Kyiv

1707 – 1708

The peasant-Cossack uprising led by Kondraty Bulavin, which swept the Don, Left Bank and Sloboda Ukraine, Middle Volga region

Invasion Swedish army king Charles XII to Russia, crossing the river. Berezina

Speech by Hetman I. S. Mazepa on the side of Sweden against Russia

1708, 28 Sep.

Peter I's defeat of the Swedish corps at Lesnaya

Administrative Reform. Division of Russia into provinces

Introduction of civil font


Destruction of the Zaporozhye Sich

Battle of Poltava. Defeat of the Swedish troops. Flight of the Swedish King Charles XII and Mazepa to Turkey (June 30)

Union of Russia, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Denmark and Prussia against Sweden


Capture of Riga, Revel, Vyborg by Russian troops


Household tax census

Announcement by Turkey, incited Charles XII, Russian wars

1711, Feb.

Establishment of the Governing Senate

Prut campaign of Russian troops under the command of Tsar Peter I

Encirclement of the Russian army on the river. Rod

Conclusion of the Prut (Yasi) Peace between Russia and Turkey. Return of Azov to Turkey, commitment to destroy fortresses in the South and the Azov fleet


Decrees of Tsar Peter I on the creation of the Armory Yard in Tula and the Foundry Yard in St. Petersburg

1712, Mar.

Wedding of Peter I with Martha Elena Skavronskaya (after accepting Orthodoxy - Ekaterina Alekseevna)


The offensive of Russian troops in Finland. Capture of Helsingfors and Abo


Decree of Tsar Peter I on unified inheritance

Gangutskoye naval battle. Victory of the Russian fleet over the Swedes

1716, Mar.

Adoption of the “military regulations”

1716, Sep.

Flight of Tsarevich Alexei abroad


Tsar Peter I's trip to France

Return of Tsarevich Alexei to Russia (at the request of Peter I). Manifesto depriving Tsarevich Alexei of his rights to the throne

The death of Tsarevich Alexei after he was sentenced to death on charges of organizing a conspiracy

1718 – 1721

Elimination of Orders, establishment of Collegiums

1718 – 1731

Construction of the Ladoga Canal


Administrative reform. Division of provinces into provinces. " General Regulations» Peter I (Civil Service Charter)

Victory of the Russian fleet over the Swedish squadron off the island of Grengam

1720 – 1737

Compilation by V. N. Tatishchev of “Russian History from the Most Ancient Times”

Nystad peace between Russia and Sweden. Completion Northern War. Assignment to Russia of Livonia, Estland, Ingermanland, part of Karelia with Vyborg and part of Southern Finland

Acceptance of the imperial title by Peter I


State Postal Establishment


Start of construction of the Ekaterinburg fortress


Establishment Holy Synod(instead of the patriarchate)

Publication of the “Table of Ranks”, division of all civil servants into 14 ranks (ranks)

1722 – 1723

Russian-Persian War. Persian campaign of Peter I


Elimination of Hetmanate in Ukraine


Capture of Derbent and Baku by Russian troops

1723, 1 Sep.

Russian-Persian treaty. Persia's recognition of Russia's rights to the western and southern coasts of the Caspian Sea


Establishment of the Academy of Sciences. Grand opening of the Academy in St. Petersburg (December 27, 1725)

Treaty of Constantinople between Russia and Turkey on the delimitation of possessions in Transcaucasia

Death of Peter I. The struggle for power between court factions led by A.D. Menshikov and Dolgoruky. Enthronement of Catherine I by the Menshikov group

1725 – 1727

Reign of Empress Catherine I

Marriage of Peter I's eldest daughter Anna Petrovna with Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Hotthorne

1725 – 1730

First Kamchatka expedition V. Bering

1726, Feb.

Establishment of the Supreme privy council chaired by Catherine I


Opening of the Academic Gymnasium and Academic University at the Academy of Sciences

1727 – 1730

Reign of Emperor Peter II (son of Tsarevich Alexei)


Restoration of hetmanship in Ukraine (until 1734)

1727, Sep.

Deposition and arrest of A. D. Menshikov, rise of Dolgoruky

Kyakhta Treaty between Russia and Kiraly on the establishment of borders and conditions of Russian-Chinese trade

Election to the Russian throne of the widow of the Duke of Courland, daughter of Tsar Ivan V - Anna Ivanovna

1730 – 1740

Reign of Empress Anna Ivanovna. Removal of Dolgoruky from power. "Bironovschina"

1730, Mar.

Cancellation of the decree on unified inheritance

The 18th century in Russia can be considered a century of revolutions, which, of course, were not easy. This is the time of the reign of the great Peter I, who tried to change Russia into small gap time. Let's consider how Europe influenced Russia during this period. The 18th century changed Peter I’s view of governing the state, which entailed a number of reforms that subsequently contributed to the development of Russia.

Reforms of Great Peter I

  • Peter was the first to decide to disband the Streltsy army; for that time it was savagery, because to replace the army he created a mercenary army, which was not only dressed in European standard uniforms, but was also under the command of foreign officers.
  • Peter I also transferred the state to a new chronology. The old was then carried on from the time of the creation of the world, and the new began to be carried out from the Nativity of Christ, it was then that the Russian people began to celebrate the New Year.
  • Peter the First was very wise, he knew that the Russian Empire needed a fleet, and decided to oblige every 10 thousand households to build one ship, as a result, the Russian Empire became the owner of a large fleet.
  • Peter I also held urban reform, which meant the introduction of self-government in cities Russian Empire. The emperor placed burgomasters at the head of each city.

XVIII: what century is this?

Also in the 18th century Russian power ruled by Catherine the Great, during whose reign serfdom was strengthened, and a lot of blood was shed during peasant wars. Catherine the Great was intensely involved in pursuing noble policy, so the 18th century, or more precisely the 34 years of Catherine II’s reign, went down in history as the “golden age of the nobility.”

There are many opinions about what the 18th century was like. Some historians call this century merciless and this is quite natural in connection with the facts described above, while others consider the 18th century a time of enlightenment, because it was at this time that mass educational institutions, which include the Academy of Arts and Moscow University.

Also, especially distinguished art XVIII century, because it was at this time that the first theater appeared. It is worth noting that it is the second half XVIII century can be called the heyday of Russian painting. Portraiture was especially popular then, perhaps this was due to the fact that many authoritative figures sought to immortalize their faces on the canvases of artists.

18th century artists

  • F. S. Rokotov is one of the famous artists of the 18th century; he immortalized on canvas many portraits of influential people of that time.
  • D. G. Levitsky was also a portrait artist.
  • V. L. Borovikovsky famous artist of that time, who painted portraits, landscapes and genre scenes.

Also, Russian took a worthy place in the history of this period of time. literature XVIII century, the main direction of which was classicism. The most important place in literature at that time was occupied by such genres as satires, comedies, dramatic tragedies and poetic odes. Books of the 18th century were distinguished by the special irony that their authors endowed. They reflected the life of that time and its features.

Also occupied an important place in history architecture XVIII century, which is characterized by the Baroque style in the mid-18th century and classicism in the second half of the 18th century. Many historical architectural structures were erected, such as: Winter Palace, Grand Catherine Palace and Grand Palace in Peterhof.

18th century architects

Consider the outstanding and talented architects of that distant time. From them we have left many cultural monuments as our heritage.

  • Bartolomeo Rastrelli is a native of Italy who erected many buildings in the Baroque style.
  • V.I. Bazhenov was the largest architect of that time, who gave preference to classicism in his creations.
  • M.F. Kazakov is a famous architect of the second half of the 18th century, who also preferred to adhere to classicism in his projects.

It is impossible to tell about everything that happened in the 18th century, but we can say with confidence that it was this time in history that left a huge imprint not only on the past, but also on the future of Russia.

So now you know which one important role, played the 18th century in Russian history. Also, after reading this article, you learned about the features visual arts, architecture of the time, and the influence of the 18th century on modern world. This will help you be more educated and better understand the history of our Motherland. We wish you good luck!