Abandoned ghost town san ji taiwan. ​Sanzhi: A failed luxury resort that no longer exists

The world is full of ghost towns, abandoned settlements, which appeared as a result of either economic crises, or natural or man-made disasters. Some are so far from civilization that they have turned into a real time machine, capable of transporting them to those distant times when life was seething in them. They are incredibly popular with tourists, although they can be dangerous or off-limits. We offer an overview of the most incredible ghost towns in the world.

Kolmanskop is a ghost town in southern Namibia, located a few kilometers from the port of Lüderitz. In 1908, a diamond rush swept the area and people rushed to the Namib, hoping to get rich. But over time, after World War I, when diamond sales fell, the city, which has casinos, schools, hospitals, and residential buildings, turned into a barren sandy desert.

Metal structures collapsed, beautiful gardens and neat streets were completely covered with sand. Creaking doors, broken windows overlooking the endless desert... another ghost town was born. Only a few buildings are located in good condition. Their interiors and furniture have been preserved. However, most are just ruins inhabited by ghosts.

Pripyat is an abandoned city located in the north of Ukraine in the “exclusion zone”. This was once a home for Chernobyl workers nuclear power plant. It was abandoned in 1986 after an accident on it. Before the disaster the population was about 50,000. Now it is a kind of museum dedicated to the end Soviet era.

Multi-storey buildings (four of which had just been built and were not yet inhabited at the time of the accident), swimming pools, hospitals and other buildings - everything remained as it was at the time of the disaster and mass evacuation. Records, documents, televisions, children's toys, furniture, jewelry, clothes - everything that every normal family had remained in dead city. Residents of Pripyat were only allowed to pick up a suitcase with personal documents and clothes. However, at the beginning of the 21st century, many apartments and houses were almost completely looted, leaving nothing of value, even the toilets were taken away.

A futuristic village was built in northern Taiwan as an upscale luxury resort for... wealthy people. However, after numerous accidents during construction, the project was stopped. Lack of money and desire to continue the work caused it to stop completely. Strange buildings in a futuristic style still stand there as a memory of those who died during construction. There are now rumors in the area about numerous ghosts now wandering around the city.

Craco is located in the region of Basilicata and the province of Matera, 25 miles from the Gulf of Taranto. The town, typical of the Middle Ages, is built among numerous hills. Its appearance dates back to 1060, when the land was owned by Archbishop Arnaldo, Bishop of Tricarico. This long-standing connection with the church had a great influence on the city's inhabitants over the centuries.

In 1891, Craco's population was over 2,000. Residents had many problems related to poor agricultural conditions. In 1892-1922, more than 1,300 people moved from the city to North America. Earthquakes, landslides, wars - all this became the causes of mass migration. In 1959-1972, Kracko suffered particularly from natural disasters, so in 1963 the remaining 1,800 inhabitants left the city for the nearby Craco Peschiera valleys. Today it is a stunning ruin medieval city, which is very popular among tourists.

5. Oradour-sur-Glane (France): the horrors of World War II

The small village of Oradour-sur-Glane in France is the epitome of unspeakable horror. During World War II, 642 residents were killed German soldiers as punishment for French resistance. The Germans initially planned to attack Oradour-sur-Vayres, but mistakenly invaded Oradour-sur-Glane on 10 June 1944. According to the order, some of the residents of the French town were driven by the Germans into barns, where they were shot in the legs so that they would die long and painfully. Women and children were kept in the church, where they were shot. Later, the Germans completely destroyed the village. Its ruins still stand as a monument to all those who died, although not far away after the war a new town was rebuilt.

Gankajima is one of the 505 uninhabited islands Japan. It is located approximately 15 kilometers from Nagasaki. It is also called “Gunkan-Jima” or “Armadillo Island”. In 1890, the Mitsubishi company bought it and began mining coal from the bottom of the sea. In 1916 the company was forced to build Japan's first large concrete building. It was multi-storey building where the workers lived.

In 1959, the island's population increased rapidly. It was one of the most densely populated islands ever recorded in the world. In Japan, oil replaced coal in the 1960s. As a result, the entire country began to close coal mines. The island was no exception. In 1974, Mitsubishi officially announced the cessation of work. Today the island is completely empty. Travel there is prohibited. The 2003 film Battle Royale II was filmed here and was also featured in the popular Asian video games Killer7.

Kadykchan was one of many small Russian towns that, after the collapse Soviet Union turned into ruins. Residents were forced to move to gain access to running water, schools and medical care. The state resettled the townspeople to other cities within two weeks and provided them with new housing.

It was once a mining town with a population of 12,000 people. Now it's a ghost town. During the eviction, residents were in a hurry to leave their belongings in the houses, so now old toys, books, clothes and other things can be found there.

Kowloon City was located outside of Hong Kong during British rule. The former guard post was created to protect the territory from pirates. During the Second World War it was occupied by Japan, and after its surrender it passed into the hands of squatters. Neither England nor China wanted to be responsible for it, so it became an independent city without any laws.

The city's population flourished for decades. Residents built real labyrinths of corridors above the streets, which were filled with rubbish. The buildings have become so tall that sunlight could not reach the lower levels and the entire city was illuminated by fluorescent lamps. It was a real center of lawlessness - brothels, casinos, opium dens, cocaine parlors, food courts serving dog meat - all operated unhindered by the authorities. In 1993, the British and Chinese authorities adopted joint decision close the city because its anarchic mood began to get out of control.

Varosha is a settlement in the unrecognized republic of Northern Cyprus. Until 1974, when the Turks invaded Cyprus, it was a modern tourist area of ​​the city of Famagusta. Over the past three decades, he has become a real ghost.

In the 1970s the city was very popular among tourists. Every year their number grew, so new high-rise buildings and hotels were built. But when Turkish army gained control over the region, it blocked access to it. Since then, entry into the city has been prohibited to all but Turkish military and United Nations personnel. Annan's plan envisaged the return of Varosha to the Greek Cypriots, but this did not happen, since they rejected it. Since no repairs have been made over the years, the buildings are gradually falling apart. Metal structures are rusting, plants are growing on the roofs of houses and destroying sidewalks and roads, and sea turtle nests have been spotted on deserted beaches.

Creepy city Agdam was once a thriving city with a population of 150,000 people. In 1993, he “died” during the Nagorno-Karabakh War. There were never any terrible battles in the city; it simply became a victim of vandalism during the occupation by the Armenians. All the buildings are empty and dilapidated, only the mosque, covered with graffiti, remains untouched. Residents of Aghdam moved to other regions of Azerbaijan, as well as to Iran.
If you don’t have any strength to look at dead cities, then it’s better to go on a trip

This city was conceived and built as a refuge for rich people who wanted to take a break from the bustle of big cities. But even the homeless do not want to settle in luxury apartments next to the beautiful beach - because of the evil spirits living in this abandoned place...

UFO from "Old Tarot"

Taiwan is a country of tourists. Every season, rich Europeans are eagerly awaited here when they come to relax at the resorts of the free island. Tourism is a very important source of income in the Taiwanese economy, and the government understands this very well.

In the late 70s of the last century, the Taiwanese authorities decided to build a luxurious tourist complex. More precisely, not even a complex, but the whole city With residential buildings, hotels, entertainment centers, parking lots, restaurants, swimming pools, playgrounds... yes, what to list. In short, the city is for those who want to have a good rest and who have enough money and time for it.

Decent investments from private capital were added to the amount allocated from the budget. An agreement was signed with a reputable construction company, the design of the city of the future was undertaken by “Old Taro” - a local architect known for crazy but impressive projects and a penchant for futuristic design.

Construction of death

Monkut worked at the construction site for the second month. The pay was good, but he didn't like the job. Did his ancestors live in such houses? Round rooms! Some crooked stairs, glass where there should be stone, plastic walls! Who came up with this crazy architecture? Undoubtedly, the view from the windows was magnificent, but he would never have lived in such a house. Are there really rich people in the world who are willing to pay through the nose for this “housing”? Yes, fellow workers also whisper that during World War II, a Japanese death camp was located on this section of the coast. True or not, who knows, but you should stay away from such places.

Moncut finished installing the gutter-like exterior plastic panel, picked up his toolbox, and moved toward the adjacent window. He perched himself on the windowsill and fidgeted, making himself more comfortable. He picked up a safety rope with a carabiner at the end and bent down, trying to reach a special bracket, fixed for some reason outside the building. The carbine clicked, but missed. Monkut tried to find a foothold, but his hand fumbled helplessly along the smooth plastic panel.

He only managed to scream - a few seconds later his body, with a terrible smacking sound, hit the concrete platform under the windows, from which such a wonderful view of the sea opened up...

The death of a simple worker on such grandiose construction project– it’s a common thing. But the matter was not limited to one tragedy. Soon another worker slipped on a smooth plastic roof, fell from a height and broke all his bones. Then a concrete block falling from a crane crushed another poor fellow. But the misadventures of the “city of the future” did not end there.

"Bad place"

“Great apartments! So much air and space! Over there - see? – just a hundred meters away is a wonderful beach. There will be a restaurant with Thai cuisine nearby. Don't like Thai? – a French restaurant and casino are being built next door. Do you have children? “This entire park is dedicated to a children’s playground.” – The real estate sales manager sounded like a nightingale as he led yet another wealthy couple through the newly built building. But the faces of potential buyers became increasingly gloomy.

The guide headed to another room, inviting the guests to follow him, but the wife held her husband by the sleeve. “I don’t want to live in this flying saucer, I’m not an alien,” she said in a whisper. “Let’s say goodbye and leave here.” The husband nodded obediently.

The city of San Zhi was actually ready, but potential clients came, left and never appeared again. Perhaps the design of the “Old Tarot” came at the wrong time, or maybe another brewing economic crisis. And the rumors that spread about the “bad place” on which houses and hotels were built did not contribute to the enthusiasm of buyers. People refused to live in the strange, round houses, and even those who had already made a down payment demanded their money back.

House evil spirits

In the early 80s, construction stalled - investors ran out of money. In 1989, the development company conducted and published the results of archaeological research, which showed that there had never been any death camps here, and then began negotiations with the owners of the Hilton hotel chain. It seemed that the luxury hotels and apartments of San Zhi would find their buyers, but the negotiations ended in nothing, and the “city of the future” was completely abandoned.

For some time, San Zhi was a refuge for homeless beggars, but soon they too left strange houses, afraid of the spirits of those who died during its construction. The government, seeing that nothing could help the matter, decided to demolish the city, but all the surrounding residents stood up for it. This may seem strange to us - who wants to have rotting ruins in the neighborhood, but for the Thai it seemed quite natural to leave the abandoned city alone. After all, the spirits living in it (and local population does not doubt the presence of evil spirits in San Zhi), if their houses are destroyed, they will begin to move in with the living. And who needs it? Let them live better in their own city.

So it stands on the beautiful beaches, strange and mysterious city San Zhi. A city built for the rich, but which turned out to be unnecessary even for the poor. Stairs are collapsing, plastic is falling off, and occasionally the neighborhood boys running in will throw a couple of stones at the surviving windows, from which such a beautiful view of the sea opens up.

Taiwan Island with numerous temples, impressive nature and modern urban buildings, it is also remarkable for the traditions and beliefs of the local residents. Proof of this - ghost town of San Zhi (Sanch Zhi). The abandoned site can be found near the capital Taipei. But you won’t be able to see them live anymore.

San Zhi is located on the northern coast of Taiwan and was built as a city for wealthy people. The elite buildings created an unusual futuristic landscape: two-level colorful houses looked like small spaceships with round rooms.

In the 70s, when the construction of the city for the local rich began, the development looked luxurious. But the city was never populated.

During construction, accidents began to occur to workers. People died at mysterious circumstances. Impressionable Taiwanese began to spread rumors of vengeful ghosts Japanese camp death (once was in this area).

Gradually, the rumors grew into a legend that reached the very rich people for whom the city was built. They lost the desire to buy luxury housing in the city of ghosts. Despite this, construction was completed. They even held a grand opening ceremony for San Zhi and were waiting for buyers.

Over time, it became clear that no one would invest in such housing. Then the owner company decided to change the concept and create a luxury resort for American military personnel on this site. But advertising campaigns and beautiful pictures failed to entice tourists to go on holiday to the ominous ghosts.

Soon the Sanjhih Township company went bankrupt, and the luxurious apartments gradually turned into ruins. The houses lost their attractive appearance and lost their roofs, the pools with slides were overgrown with moss, and the paths turned into wild thickets.

Several times the government prepared to demolish post-apocalyptic UFO houses, but their plans were always thwarted local residents. They insisted that evil spirits should not be disturbed in order to avoid troubles. Ultimately, the “city of the future” was demolished. But before that, the city was able to enjoy its glory - curious tourists and photographers began to visit it in search of an unusual “space image”.

This mysterious and atmospheric ghost town is located in the north of the island of Taiwan. Houses in the shape of mysterious flying saucers seem to take us to another planet or to a post-apocalyptic future. What secrets does this abandoned futuristic hide? Who was it built for and what happened to it?

(Total 30 photos)

The strange and wonderful town of San Zhi in Taiwan is an abandoned resort complex. The houses in this city were shaped like a flying saucer, so they were called UFO houses. The city was purchased as a resort for American military personnel serving in East Asia.

The original idea to build such houses belonged to the owner of the Sanjhih Township plastics company, Mr. Yu-Ko Chow. The first construction license was issued in 1978. The design of the houses was developed by the architect from Finland Matti Suuronen. But construction was stopped in 1980 when Yu-Chou declared bankruptcy. When the company went bankrupt, the construction project was stopped. All efforts to resume work came to nothing. During construction, several serious accidents occurred due to the allegedly disturbed spirit of the mythical Chinese dragon (as superstitious people claimed). Many believed that the place was haunted. As a result, the village was abandoned and soon became known as a ghost town.

1. Orange UFO houses. San Zhi was abandoned two years after construction began and stood there for 28 years when it was decided to demolish it.

2. Yellow houses.

This legendary ghost town was located in the San Zhi area of ​​Taipei City, Taiwan.

4. Thanks to its unusual architecture and reputation as a ghost town, its fame quickly spread and the city began to attract tourists, but continued to deteriorate.

5. UFO-shaped houses began to be built in 1978. The unusual complex was conceived as a resort for American military personnel who were stationed in East Asia.

6. Reflection in a broken window.

7. The project was abandoned in 1980 due to financial losses, lack of investment and a large number of deaths during construction.

One day, during construction, a sculpture of a Chinese dragon located nearby was damaged. After this, the number of construction deaths sharply increased, as if the Chinese shrine began to take revenge.

8. Despite the fact that the city was never completed, over time it still appeared on tourist map. People were drawn to its unusual architecture and otherworldly appearance.

9. In this picturesque place Filming took place several times for the MTV channel.

10. View from the roof of the buildings.

11. Destruction from within.

12. Legend has it that the resort was doomed because a Chinese dragon sculpture was damaged when the access road was widened during construction.

13. According to another version, ghosts were to blame for everything: historians have established that there was once an old mass grave Dutch soldiers, which appeared after the Netherlands made Taiwan a colony in 1624.

14. A landing site for alien guests?

15. For curious people traveling along northern shore between Tamsui and Keelung, the UFO Houses appear as a group of quaint, brightly colored, ramshackle buildings that were supposed to be a holiday village. But the Taipei government decided to demolish them.

16. Before being demolished, this place was often chosen by photographers due to its unusual atmosphere and beautiful coastline.

18. Without windows, the house looks like a peddler.

19. There were often rumors that many people saw ghosts near the complex or that there was something happening on the neighboring roads a large number of unexplained traffic accidents.

20. One of the developers of the UFO house project said that there were a lot of rumors about the presence of ghosts at the construction site. In his opinion, all this was a lie.

21. There were also rumors that at the beginning construction work More than 20,000 skeletons of people who were victims of murder were discovered at the site.

22. Traditionally in the construction business, it is necessary to pay respect to the spirits before starting work in a new place. Ghost stories have nothing to do with this.

On the outskirts of Taipei (Taiwan) there is an abandoned city called San Zhi. San Zhi was originally built in a futuristic style as a luxury resort for wealthy people. However, after numerous accidents that occurred at the construction site, the construction of the city was stopped. Lack of funds and lack of willingness to continue further led to the fact that the city turned into a long-term construction, and...

  • Timur Konsky January 13, 2009
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On the outskirts of Taipei (Taiwan) there is an abandoned city called San Zhi. San Zhi was originally built in a futuristic style as a luxury resort for wealthy people. However, after numerous accidents that occurred at the construction site, the construction of the city was stopped. Lack of funds and lack of willingness to continue further led to the fact that the city turned into a long-term construction project, and then was abandoned altogether.

Local residents say that this place is cursed and is visited only by ghosts and ghosts of the dead. There is not even a question of demolishing these buildings, because according to Asian faith, it is impossible to destroy havens for lost souls. Rumors contribute to the fact that no one is eager to continue construction, and the government chose to quickly wind down both the project itself and the reports, making sure that citizens do not even remember the failure.

Failure is failure, but post-apocalyptic lovers visiting Taiwan are sure to rush to the city with their cameras

There is also an abandoned amusement park in Taiwan - Katoli World. It was abandoned not because it could not be repaid, but because of the earthquake that occurred on September 21, 1999. Aftershock destroyed most of the attractions, and the owners of the park found it unprofitable to restore it.