Performing work in siemens nx 85. Application of the NX program from Siemens PLM Software in the educational process when preparing mechanical engineering students

From the editor's website: This publication was made possible thanks to the decisive support of the Moscow office of Siemens PLM Software and the kind permission of the authoritative author - editor-in-chief and co-founder of DEVELOP3D magazine, in which the original article was published.

Despite its 30-year development history, the NX system from Siemens continues to introduce more and more innovations. Al Dean looks at what's new in NX11, talks about topology optimization, the new rendering platform, and discusses the future of the Parasolid core.

Where to start talking about a system like NX from Siemens? Its history begins in the 1970s with Unigraphics and its merger with I-DEAS. In recent years, the solution has been optimized to improve the usability of the system.

Appeared in NX 11 new option already existing Ray Traced Studio rendering module. The module is now built on
LightWork Design Iray's state-of-the-art Iray renderer, which produces high-quality images in accordance with the laws of optics

With NX 11, Siemens PLM Software has cleverly added innovations and improvements to a very advanced system.

New in basic functionality

In recent years, the way the user interacts with the NX system has undergone significant changes. The result is a fresh, clear and user-friendly interface.

Although there are no such changes in the version under review, almost every user will notice a number of updates to the system architecture. Therefore, we will talk about them first.

The most significant change that NX users have likely already heard about is the replacement of the previously used photorealistic image creation module (also called the renderer) with new module iRay from LightWorks.

Visualization tools were already of high quality, but now they have reached a completely new level. IN new version the most modern means creating photorealistic images based on the laws of optics.

The iRay module (or the iRay+ variant) uses the computer's central processor to calculate the path of the rays. To achieve outstanding image quality, it is recommended to install the NVIDIA chipset.

The iRay+ module comes with a set of ready-to-use materials in the open MDL format developed by LightWorks. Appearance materials is specified in layers.

For example, a car's body paint consists of a metal base, a layer of regular paint, a layer of shimmer paint, and a top coat of clear coat. This approach allows you to create realistic materials, rather than their inaccurate and low-quality models.

The standard delivery also includes a set of background images with high dynamic range (HDR), which speed up and facilitate the process of setting up lighting. The system has both a rich library of ready-made HDR images and tools for working with lighting, in particular HDRLightStudio.

Interestingly, in the NX 11 version, Siemens also offers a cloud network visualizer. This is a free solution from Siemens, which however requires an NVIDIA iRay server from NVIDIA.

You will be able to perform distributed visualization on several networked computers at once. There is talk about the emergence of a cloud visualization service, but it is too early to discuss this issue.

One last note on the interface: all of the above visualization tools are built into the existing Ray Trace Studio module and are therefore available to all users (with the exception of the network distributed visualizer). There are no restrictions on the resolution of the created images. For presentations, you can render 4K images around the clock.

Points and Facets

One of the main innovations in this version is significantly expanded support for working with point clouds and facets.

NX already had tools for working with facets and converting meshes to surfaces ( traditional approach"reverse engineering").

The new NX Topology Optimization module implements the expected workflow. The user specifies the search space for design solutions. At the same time, it is indicated which structural elements should be preserved, which sections of the geometry are subject to optimization (in the following figure they are marked with transparent pink), and which ones cannot be touched at all (marked in yellow in the same figure). Then boundary conditions are introduced: loads, restrictions, material properties, etc.

Siemens licensed topology optimization tools from Frudtrum and built them directly into NX

Finally, parameters for the optimization process are set, such as the target weight of the product (so the material properties must be specified, rather than just the required weight reduction as a percentage).

Indication provided symmetrical elements(there is such an element in the previous figure), as well as the speed and step of the optimization process. The result is exactly what a modern topology optimization engine should do: detail best shape, ideally solving the problem set by the designer.

Interestingly, the second generation of such tools is already appearing.

Together with new unified modeling tools, you get an excellent work environment for the design and production preparation of parts and assemblies manufactured by additive methods and are characterized by exceptionally low weight.

However, these same tools have enormous potential in traditional production preparation, although creating a mesh-based model of a cast or machined part is a little more difficult process.

Construction of sweeps

IN latest versions NX has introduced a number of tools aimed at specific industries, most notably the aerospace industry.

In NX 10 version Special attention paid attention to the design of wing spars and ribs. This trend continued in NX 11. In particular, tools have appeared for designing connections between spars and ribs and for constructing flange cutouts in ribs.

In addition, this version introduces tools for constructing developments of double-curvature surfaces, and they do not depend on the manufacturing technology and the material used (fabric, plastic, metal).

For several years now, NX has made it possible to create flat patterns of one or more complex surfaces, thereby obtaining a model of the workpiece. But this was a complex process performed in the CAE module, so the developers at Siemens decided to create a similar tool in the design environment.

New development tools work differently - without involving the CAE approach and the finite element method. They use an algorithm for calculating minimum deformations that does not depend on the properties of the material. It gives almost the same results, but works several times faster. It takes seconds, not hours, to prepare a calculation.

It is enough to select one or several unfolding surfaces, indicate a point in space through which the development will pass, select the main direction of unfolding - and you're done!

Analysis tools are also provided, in particular for constructing surface curvature diagrams showing potential pinch points and places of tears.

It is also interesting that new approach made it possible to implement a number of additional features. In particular, on a development you can construct a sketch (of a cutout, a stiffener or an additional layer composite material), and the new elements will automatically be transferred to the original “collapsed” model.

There are new tools for projecting a 3D sketch onto a surface (to create a cutout), and the geometry of the cutout will correspond to the shape of the surface (and not the projection onto a plane). This is very convenient, for example, when constructing windows and other openings in the fuselage.

In NX 11, the commands created for rib design are now available when modeling sheet bodies. These include “Cutout with flange” (built on a development) and “Lightweight cutout” (flange with a flange that increases rigidity, bent to a given angle). In addition, it is possible to construct a plane based on the base surfaces, which is used when constructing the external and internal geometry of molds.

It is necessary to mention certain changes in the configuration various options systems. All aerospace sheet metal tools have now been moved to the advanced sheet metal design module. They are all collected in one place, and you don't have to buy them separately.

NX 11 introduces new, fast tools for creating complex surface developments that do not use the CAE approach

Variable displacement surfaces

We rarely cover just one new feature in a computer-aided design system. But in my opinion this function deserves special mention. It shows how advanced modern intelligent systems have become, and how much influence users have on the direction of their further development.

So let's talk about the Variable Offset Surfaces feature.

Suppose we have a set of surfaces - say, describing the outside of a car door. Now imagine the inside of the door being welded to the outside.

This inner part very different in design. It has reinforcing elements necessary to reduce weight, as well as many other elements that provide access to the inside of the door, installation of various equipment and cladding panels.

Designing the inside of a door is a challenging task. As a rule, when solving it, displacements relative to a single outer surface are used. Introduced in NX 11, the new Variable Offset operation allows you to create base geometry as a single element and set offsets in specified areas.

Consider the following figure.

New Variable Offset Surface operation creates complex and lightweight designs from a single set of surfaces

It shows how, on the basis of one surface, a new surface is created, not only spaced at an equal distance from it, but also containing all the necessary reinforcing elements.

You have full control over the process, setting offset values ​​and choosing how to build the transition for each offset, all from one sketch and one feature.

Design and technological information and 3D elements on drawings

The last NX 11 innovation we'll look at doesn't involve modeling or drawing separately, but a combination of the two.

Design and technological information (PMI) or 3D design elements included in drawings have been actively discussed for several years.

In a number of industries these elements have not received widespread, and were successfully implemented in a number of others.

One difficulty is that in many cases PMI elements are placed directly on the model and then transferred to the 3D drawing. The reverse sequence of actions is used extremely rarely. This makes sense if the design is being done from scratch. But if there are materials accumulated over years and decades, then the process of transferring extremely important dimensional and geometric tolerances from an old drawing to a 3D model turns out to be lengthy and very labor-intensive.

To solve this problem, in NX 11 you can create a product model associated with drawings and basic dimensional and geometric tolerances. Complex algorithms then transfer the information from the drawing back to the 3D model.

The capabilities of new tools for designing aerospace structures have expanded, and their distribution among system modules has been simplified


I always find it difficult to write about NX.

In the world of 3D design, the system has become legendary. It has been around in its current form for over a decade, with roots going back to the 1970s, during the days of I-DEAS and Unigraphics.

Such a rich past is evident both in the breadth of the system’s capabilities and in its user base. NX has engineered some of the world's most complex products. It is capable of solving problems that other design tools cannot even approach.

Click to enlarge

Despite the already achieved high perfection, new innovations are added in each version. In this version, it is worth noting the emergence of a unified modeling technique built into the Parasolid core, which belongs to Siemens and is developed by its specialists.

Although collaboration with meshes, surface and solid models is not a completely new concept, and in some systems it was implemented years (if not decades) ago, the emergence of such functionality in such a popular environment as NX clearly shows what can be achieved even in the early stages of development .

Other innovations are topology optimization tools, which are gaining increasing interest. This is due to the increasing use of metal 3D printing technologies, although topology optimization is applicable in many other areas.

Galina Sadchikova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department nuclear energy, Balakovo Engineering and Technology Institute - branch of the National Research nuclear university Moscow Engineering Physics Institute

This article discusses the results of introducing the NX computer-aided design system from Siemens Plm Software into the educational process at a higher educational institution. A justification is given for the need to use modern information technologies when teaching mechanical engineering students and choosing a software product. The author describes the stages of studying program modules in relation to specific courses, examines the features of the NX program that require the creation of databases of standard and unified products. The article also provides examples of developments completed by students in various modules of the program.


The products of modern machine-building enterprises are characterized by high complexity and precision. In addition, to produce competitive products, it is necessary to ensure short design and implementation times for both new products and modifications of existing ones. A similar task impossible to solve without the use of modern software products both for design and technological preparation of production, and for engineering analysis, that is, CAD/CAM/CAE systems.

This situation in industry, as well as the need to improve the quality of student education for their relevance in the modern labor market, requires appropriate training of graduates of higher educational institutions in areas and specialties related to mechanical engineering.

Since 2007, the Balakovo Engineering and Technology Institute, a branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (BITI NRNU MEPhI), has been training students in the direction of “Design and technological training of machine-building production” (CTOP) and the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology” (TMS) in the NX computer-aided design system from Siemens PLM Software.

The NX program, along with the CATIA and Pro/E programs, belongs to the “heavy” computer-aided design systems and is characterized by great functionality, high performance and stability. NX software supports product development and manufacturing at all stages life cycle- from creating three-dimensional models of parts, assemblies and drawings to creating a program for manufacturing parts on a CNC machine and designing workshops. In addition, the program uses the Parasolid graphics core (our own development), which is a standard for many computer-aided design systems of various levels, which makes it possible to exchange data between these systems and the NX program.

Siemens PLM Software provides higher education institutions with full-featured free university licenses, which is very important for budgetary institution. This largely determined the choice of this program for study at our institute.

Steps to learning NX

Before introducing NX into the educational process, teachers of the Department of Mechanical Engineering were trained at Siemens representative offices in Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. The training was conducted in the modules “Modelling”, “Assembly” and “Processing”. Certificates were received based on the results of the training. It should be noted that training in the “Modeling” module ( basic course) was held at the Moscow representative office of the company for university teachers working with this program, free of charge; significant discounts were given for other courses.

Students begin to study NX in the third year as part of the “Integrated Computer techologies design and production (CAD/CAM systems)", which is designed for two semesters. In the first semester review lectures students become familiar with existing computer-aided design systems used in mechanical engineering, from the simplest to the fully functional. Then the structure, functionality and features of the NX program are discussed in detail. In practical classes, the study of the program begins with basic concepts, such as setting up the interface, coordinate systems, working with layers, shading methods, scaling, image viewing.

An important stage in learning the program is working in the “Sketch” section. At this stage, students develop sketches of models taking into account dimensions, constraints and other tools of the section. Next, based on the sketches and tools of the “Modeling” section, three-dimensional models are developed - first ready-made examples, then according to production drawings.

3D modeling has enormous benefits. Three-dimensional systems allow you to model a product and then create drawings. The model can be studied from any point by changing the image scale. In this case, you can find errors in the design, as well as check the product for assembly, which is necessary for subsequent production. Three-dimensional models are the basis for engineering calculations and analysis of products for functionality, strength, durability, and load resistance. Using three-dimensional models, massinertial characteristics, volume and other important physical parameters of parts and assemblies are calculated. Based on three-dimensional models, programs for CNC machines are automatically generated.

Once developed, a 3D model can be reused to create a family of similar objects. It is very important that clarity in 3D modeling increases students' interest in the design process.

It should be noted that there was good methodological support from the developer. Textbooks on the sections of design training, technological training and engineering analysis. You can also use ready-made files, the work with which is described in the textbooks.

During practical training after the third year, students consolidate their acquired knowledge. Of course, students work at enterprises not only with the NX program, but mastering other programs is faster, as developers of computer-aided design systems strive to unify the interface. Many students work in the Catia program during industrial and pre-graduate practice, and, in their opinion, studying NX makes it easier to master this program.

In the second semester of the fourth year, students study the “Processing” module, in which they create programs for turning, drilling and milling parts.

Without computer-aided design systems, students are not always able to test the developed program on the selected machine, since the institute’s machine park is limited. The “Processing” module allows you, based on a three-dimensional model of a part, a tool selected from the tool database or created by the user, and a specific processing strategy, to develop a program for a CNC machine, view the tool path and visualize the processing process. In this case, errors are identified that can be eliminated already at the design stage. The NX program contains an extensive database of machine models and postprocessors, which allows you to transfer the finished program to the selected machine. If a device for processing parts is developed, then a full-fledged digital processing model is obtained with the ability to visualize and optimize.

As part of the discipline "Computer-aided design of technological processes", studied in the second semester of the fourth year, in the NX program module "Assembly" students develop devices for securing parts when processing on metal-cutting machines, and also in the "Processing" module they develop programs for processing parts on CNC machines assembled with accessories.

Traditionally, there are two methods of working with assemblies: “bottom-up” and “top-down”. When using the bottom-up assembly design concept, parts and subassemblies are created as independent components and positioned either based on the position of previously added components or relative to a selected coordinate system. The top-down concept involves creating a top-level assembly and then moving down the hierarchy, adding new components and subassemblies. The development of fixtures followed a bottom-up concept using interfaces. In this case, components are added to the assembly independently of each other.

The method of working using interfaces is the most common and often the most effective when developing devices and assemblies. This method is especially relevant in cases where it is necessary to perform a kinematic analysis of the created structure, calculate dimensional chains, as well as in cases where many standard and borrowed components are used.

The Assembly module provides the creation of assembly models using both “top-down” and “bottom-up” methods. The functionality of the module allows you to create, edit and manage the structure of an assembly, apply connections between components, and manage flexible deformable components in an assembly (for example, hoses or several identical hydraulic cylinders at different rod positions). A device developed in the “Assembly” module can be checked for intersection, a kinematic analysis can be carried out, and the product’s operation in dynamics can be carried out.

Bases of standard and standardized parts

When working with the NX program, it turned out that there are no ready-made databases of standard fasteners that are supplied with the program. To fill this gap, students using the “Parts Family” option created a database of three-dimensional models of fasteners, which contains the following parts: washers, screws, bolts, studs, nuts and screws of standard sizes. The parts database is formed using built-in access to an Excel spreadsheet based on a sample part with the creation of a table of standard sizes containing the entire family of parts. Thanks to the “Family of Parts” option, it is possible to obtain new models of parts based on a unified part, by changing only the necessary parameters (in this case, dimensions) of the unified part. The algorithm for generating a database of standard fasteners is as follows:

  1. Development of a prototype part model.
  2. Define the parameters that change when forming members of a family of parts.
  3. Create and save a parameter table that specifies parameter values ​​for all family members. The assignment of part parameters is carried out in an Excel table by entering the values ​​of these parameters in the appropriate line.

In Fig. Figure 1 shows an example of creating a database of standard fasteners in the NX program.

The “Family of parts” option is also used to create a database of models of typical elements of devices for securing a workpiece during processing on a metal-cutting machine. Creating a database of standard fixture elements in the NX program reduces fixture design time, which production conditions leads to a reduction in the cost of developing devices, and consequently, in the cost of production.

The database of standard fixture elements includes the following parts:

  • clamp - a device designed to secure a part on the machine table during processing;
  • spring - an elastic element designed to accumulate and absorb mechanical energy;
  • cylindrical pin - designed for a specific orientation of the workpiece in the fixture;
  • rhombic finger - for fixing a certain orientation of the workpiece;
  • base - a plate with holes designed for installing the device itself with the part on the machine;
  • rib - a part necessary to increase the rigidity and reliability of the structure.

Results of software product implementation

Let's look at some of the results of students' work in the NX program.

Building 3D models

It should be noted that students of the CTOP direction and the TMS specialty undergo internships at machine-building enterprises, where they become familiar with the design and technological preparation of production. One of the tasks when working at an enterprise is to create three-dimensional models of parts according to drawings. At the same time, students can become familiar with the manufacturing technology of the part and see it “live” in the form of a blank and in a processed form. An example of such a workpiece and a group of parts built on the basis of a representative part is shown in Fig. 2 and 3.

As part of their diploma design, students develop more complex parts that require sufficient deep knowledge NX programs. It should be noted that the use of information technology in educational process increases students' interest in studying disciplines. However, the knowledge gained from studying the program within the allocated study time is not always enough, so students tend to learn some of the program’s functionality on their own or through additional consultations with a teacher.

Moreover, as stated above, a large number of educational information can be found on the Siemens PLM Software website, which provides free access to textbooks on all sections of the NX program with preparation files and examples of completing tasks.

Examples of parts, the manufacturing process of which was developed by students as part of their diploma design, are presented in Fig. 4 and 5.

A feature of the model presented in Fig. 4, is the conjugation of sections of various shapes, in Fig. Figure 5 shows a photorealistic image of the part.

Creation of control programs for CNC machines

In Fig. Figure 6 shows the result of forming the tool movement path when milling a part, the manufacturing technology of which was developed as part of the diploma design. It should be noted that the program remembers the processing sequence and tool change. It is very convenient that when you change the parameters of the three-dimensional model, on the basis of which the processing program is generated, the tool path is automatically recalculated.

Verification of the machining process can identify problems such as gouges, collisions, contact with material at rapid feed, excessive machining allowance, unfinished surfaces, etc. In this case, the developer tracks the movement of the three-dimensional model of the tool relative to the part during processing (Fig. 7). The process can be interrupted at any time, corrections and additions can be made. In Fig. Figure 8 shows the process of verifying the milling processing of an axle-box type part in a two-seat fixture.

Development of devices for processing parts on machine tools

Development of devices is a rather labor-intensive process. However, modern computer-aided design systems make it possible to reduce the labor intensity of the design process through the use of standardized fixture elements and modification of already developed fixtures. At the first time of mastering the NX program, the simplest fixtures were developed (Fig. 9), which, nevertheless, helped students understand how a part is installed and secured in a fixture, how to install a fixture on a machine, how a part is processed in a fixture, and whether processing is possible with developed device design. Drawings, of course, cannot provide such an understanding, and a student does not always have the opportunity to see such a device in production. In this case, there is an advantage of modern information technologies used in design and technological preparation of production. When a student assembles a device in detail and installs a part into it, he knows the device no worse than an experienced engineer or foreman at an enterprise. The visibility of all the parts and the assembled product makes it easier to understand the principle of its operation.

As design experience in the NX program was gained, the developed fixtures became more complex and, along with mechanical fixtures (Fig. 10), hydraulically driven fixtures are currently being designed for fixing parts during processing (Fig. 11).

Rice. 10. Device with mechanical fixation of a “body” type part

Pre-diploma practice and diploma design

When passing pre-graduate practice students get acquainted with the manufacturing technology of the selected part, study routing and operational technology, make their proposals for modernizing the technological process, offer more modern options for obtaining a part blank and processing the part using CNC machines.

As part of their diploma design, students develop a three-dimensional model of a part, a program for processing a part on a CNC machine, an assembly model of a device for installing a part on a machine during processing, and design a section of the workshop where the part will be manufactured.

When designing a workshop area, graduate students use the student version of the Plant Simulation program, which is freely available on the Siemens website. The program calculates equipment load, and in addition, load optimization is possible. Please note that students study the program independently and its use in thesis design is not mandatory. Despite this, some graduates use this program, which confirms the students’ interest in information technology.

Independent work of students

In the curricula according to which students are trained, more than half of the time allocated for studying disciplines is spent on independent work. This is due to the fact that in the context of the globalization of the labor market, the qualifications of a specialist, understood as a set of knowledge, abilities and skills, become insufficient to solve the problems that arise when a graduate works in real production. The future specialist must be ready to solve non-standard professional tasks, and therefore, have the ability to acquire and develop the necessary professional competencies throughout their career. A student who aspires to professional growth and obtaining an interesting, highly paid job after graduation, must be ready to independently acquire and improve knowledge.

As part of the independent work of students when studying the discipline “Integrated computer technologies for design and production (CAD/CAM systems)”, which is allocated 130 in the working curriculum for the preparation of bachelors in the direction 5.03.05 “Design and technological support of mechanical engineering production” academic hours of 288, it is proposed to develop three-dimensional models of devices and other devices based on products that are used in the institute’s laboratories as visual aids or working models.

Students disassemble products into individual parts, measure them, determine how products work over time, and develop digital models of these products.

An example of such a product is shown in Fig. 12. A worm gearbox is used as a modeling object, which consists of the following main parts and standard products: worm gear, housing, bearings, fasteners.

Students must complete the following steps:

  1. Disassemble the gearbox into individual parts.
  2. Measure the parts.
  3. In the Modeling module of the NX program, develop three-dimensional parameterized models of individual parts.
  4. In the “Assembly” module of the NX program, develop an assembly model with the appropriate mates.
  5. Using the command Assembly gap analysis determine the presence of intersections.
  6. In the “Simulation of Kinematic Mechanisms” module of the NX program, carry out a kinematic analysis of the moving parts of the product and simulate the process of operation of the worm gear.

A simplified assembly model of the gearbox is shown in Fig. 13.

In Fig. Figure 14 shows a worm pair with kinematic connections, developed in the “Simulation of Kinematic Mechanisms” module of the NX program.

It should be noted that students are very interested in independent work related to the creation of three-dimensional and kinematic models of real products.

Graduates of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Balakovo Engineering and Technology Institute are in demand at enterprises both in the city of Balakovo and other cities Volga region(Saratov, Samara, Syzran, Volsk, Nizhny Novgorod), and not only at machine-building enterprises. Our graduates also work in their specialty in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other major cities Russia. When employed, often decisive role plays a role in the degree of knowledge and proficiency in information technologies, in particular computer-aided design systems.


  1. The need to introduce modern information technologies in the process of training future engineers is justified by the growing need of modern production for highly qualified personnel with high-quality information training and the ability to work in computer-aided design systems.
  2. The demand and competitiveness of graduates of a higher educational institution in mechanical engineering fields and specialties is largely determined by the knowledge of modern applied programs for computer-aided design at the stages of design and technological preparation of production.
  3. The increased interest of modern young people in everything related to computers, when using modern information technologies in the educational process, increases the interest of students in studying the relevant disciplines - as a result, the assimilation of educational material and student performance improves. The amount of information that a student can learn through lectures, practical and laboratory work increases sharply.
  4. When introducing information technologies into the educational process, there are certain difficulties, since it is necessary to reasonably select the appropriate program, contact the developer or seller of the software product, draw up a number of documents, and also organize preliminary training for teachers. This is not always the case in universities. system process, often the implementation of programs is based on the enthusiasm of individual teachers and department teams.
  5. Information Technology allow the student to receive large quantity knowledge, develop intellectual, Creative skills and the ability to independently acquire new knowledge, work with various sources of information, which helps, after graduating from a higher educational institution, to quickly and better integrate into the production process.
  6. CAD developers need to consider that students will work in enterprises and possibly in management positions in the future. The decision on choosing a computer-aided design system, of course, will be influenced by what program these people worked in while studying at the institute. Therefore, it is important to provide preferential treatment for universities both when obtaining a license for a software product, and with further technical and information support for working in the acquired program.


  1. Vedmid P.A., Sulinov A.V. Programming processing in NX CAM. M.: DMK Press; 2014.
  2. Vedmid P.A. NX CAM Basics. M.: DMK Press; 2012.
  3. Artamonov I.A., Goncharov P.S., Denisikhin S.V., Sotnik D.E., Khalitov T.F. NX Advanced Simulation. Practical guide. M.: DMK Press; 2014.
  4. Danilov Yu.V. Practical use NX. M.: DMK Press; 2011.
  5. Sadchikova G.M. Using CAD NX in the educational process // Young scientist. 2015. 21.2.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ NX Introductory lesson. Part 1.

    ✪ Milling in NX CAM

    ✪ Slab milling in NX CAM

    ✪ VERTICAL Technology, demonstration. CAD for development of technological processes.

    ✪ Siemens NX 8.5 - 03 - Sketch and model creation


History of creation

The system was originally called "Unigraphics" and was developed American company United Computing. In 1976, McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) acquired United Computing and subsequently formed the McDonnell Douglas Automation Unigraphics Group. EDS acquired the business in 1991. Following EDS's acquisition of Structural Dynamics Research Corporation in 2001, the Unigraphics product was combined with SDRC's I-DEAS CAD system. The gradual addition of I-DEAS functionality to the core code of the Unigraphics system became the basis of the existing NX product line.

Additional functionality of the Imageware product was integrated into the NX system to develop functionality for processing scanned data (point clouds and STL data) to support reverse engineering processes.

NX Solutions

Design (CAD)

The set of applications included in the NX CAD package allows you to solve the problem of developing a complete electronic layout of the entire product and its components for subsequent use in the processes of technological preparation of production.

The functionality of the applications allows you to automate the stages of product design and the release of design documentation in various presentation forms. Both bottom-up and top-down design technologies are supported with the ability to build end-to-end development processes from product requirements to the stage of issuing data for production.

Industrial Design

Engineering Analysis (CAE)

The NX engineering analysis suite is an application of pre- and post-processing (Pre/Post) and computational solvers connected to the interface. The solvers can be either the NX Nastran package or software packages from other developers. The engineering analysis environment can work either independently or in integration with the Teamcenter PLM system. In the latter case, all calculated data is stored in the PLM system and is managed in terms of access rights, auditing, release and approval processes, etc.

The pre/post processing application is built on the common NX CAD application platform and takes full advantage of the Parasolid geometric kernel. Computational models are associated with the original 3D models, and if it is necessary to make any changes or simplifications, the user has the opportunity to edit the associated geometry without affecting the original model, but tracking all changes.

The functionality of the tools included in the NX engineering analysis package allows you to analyze static loading of a structure, search for natural frequencies (dynamics), aerodynamic and thermal analysis, as well as solve a number of applied specialized problems.

Tooling design

In addition to applications responsible for the design of the product itself, the NX CAD system offers a number of solutions responsible for the design of technological equipment:

  • Mold Wizard is a package for designing mold elements for cast products.
  • Progressive Die Wizard is a progressive die design package.
  • Die Engineering and Die Design - modules for designing dies and die structures.
  • One Step Formability - a one-step formability analysis to evaluate the feasibility of producing a sheet part using cold stamping.
  • Electrode Design - tool design module for electrical discharge machining.

Applications are created taking into account the principle of the master model and provide an associative connection with both the product (CAD) and the CAM tooling design.

CNC Machine Programming (CAM)

Supports different kinds processing: turning, milling on 3-5-axis CNC machines, turning and milling, wire EDM. The NX CAM system supports advanced machining types and equipment: high-speed milling, feature-based machining, turn-mill multifunctional machines. Contains a built-in machine tool simulation module running in control program codes (G-codes), which is used for NC analysis and provides collision monitoring.

The associative relationship between the source model and the generated tool path ensures that the data is automatically updated when changes are made.

Coordinate Measuring Machine Programming and Measurement Data Analysis

The module for programming coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) provides preparation of control programs for CMMs and analysis of measurement data, including comparison of measurement data with a 3D model. A measurement program can be created using PMI objects - information about dimensional tolerances and deviations of shapes and surfaces. In this case, the volume is reduced manual entry data, and the control program can be associated with the original model and, accordingly, monitor changes. Simulation of the measurement process on a CMM based on a NC code (usually DMIS) is supported.

Tools for expanding system functionality

The NX system provides a set of mechanisms that allows you to expand standard functionality and develop your own automation tools based on the NX platform. Major programming languages ​​such as .NET, C++, Python, Java can be used for development. The system also provides the ability to use the internal KBE (knowledge based engineering) programming language.

Synchronous technology

Synchronous simulation technology developed by Siemens was first implemented in NX 6, released on June 30, 2008. This technology allows you to work with a topological description of the model geometry without taking into account parametric dependencies or their absence. Traditional remedies parametric modeling have a number of known limitations when working with non-parameterized geometry or in the presence of complex parametric dependencies. Synchronous technology makes it possible to work with such models and edit them, automatically recognizing geometric elements and connections between them.


NX is widely used in mechanical engineering, especially in industries that produce high-density products and a large number parts (power engineering, gas turbine engines, transport engineering, etc.) and/or manufacturing products with complex shapes (aviation, automotive, etc.). In particular, the system is used by such large companies, like Daimler, Chrysler, Boeing, Bosch, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Land Rover BAR, Red Bull Racing, MMPP Salyut, OKB im. Sukhoi", "MVZ im. Mil", PJSC KAMAZ, GKNPTs im. Khrunichev, JSC Aviadvigatel, JSC Metrovagonmash, OKB Aerospace Systems, NPO Saturn, PKO Heat Exchanger, LLC All-Union Scientific Research Center transport technologies» (VNICTT), etc. NX is widely used by companies producing goods consumer consumption, medical equipment, electronics.


  1. (unspecified title) - 2019.
  2. Review: Siemens PLM NX 11 // Develop3D. - May 9, 2016.
  3. Al Dean. Review: Siemens PLM NX 11 // - November 10, 2016.
  4. Siemens NX became available for Mac OS X // Press release. - June 14, 2009.
  5. Benefits of integration with NX // Digital Process LTD..
  6. Siemens PLM Software's new machine design solution to improve development time and quality // Design World Online. - September 14, 2010.
  7. Goncharov P. S., Artamonov I. A., Khalitov T. F., Denisikhin S. V., Sotnik D. E. NX Advanced Simulation. Engineering analysis. - M.: DMK Press.. - 2012. - ISBN 978-5-94074-841-0.
  8. R. Bush. Fundamentals of ensuring the durability of structures using NX // CAD/CAM/CAE Observer. - 2008. - No. 1 (37). - pp. 30-33.
  9. The Siemens company presents the Simcenter solution for predicting the technical characteristics and necessary behavior of a product during its development // - June 17, 2016.
  10. Vynce Paradise. What processing simulation system do you use? // CAD/CAM/CAE Observer. - 2008. - No. 3 (39). - pp. 51-54.
  11. ISO 22093:2011 Industrial automation systems and integration - Physical device control - Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard (DMIS) // ISO. - 2011.
  12. Siemens PLM Software releases CAD NX 6: PC Week. News. - August 11, 2008.
  13. Siemens PLM brings a fresh twist to CAD: PC Week. News. - May 13, 2008.
  14. Alexandra Sukhanova.“Our business in Russia is a bright story of the success of Siemens PLM Software” // CAD/CAM/CAE Observer. - 2011. - No. 1 (61). - pp. 10-20.
  15. “Siemens PLM Software technologies are used by most of the companies that presented new models at the North American Auto Show” // Mechanical Engineering Portal. - January 28, 2012.
  16. “Chrysler ditches CATIA in favor of NX” // CAD/CAM/CAE Observer. - 2010. - No. 4 (56). - P. 24.
  17. “Boeing has signed an agreement with Siemens PLM Software for a period of 10 years” // Air Transport Review. - 2012.
  18. “Winners and losers: industrial giant Bosch standardizes CAD and PLM” // CAD/CAM/CAE Observer. - 2016. - No. 3 (103).
  19. “Siemens had a hand in the start of the work of the Curiosity scientific laboratory” // - August 15, 2012.
  20. Mark Clarkson.“On the way to Mars!” // - August 30, 2012.
  21. “Siemens solutions for NASA’s Mars rover” // Company Magazine. - August 2012.

Siemens NX is a program (a set of utilities and modules) that consists of CAD, CAM and CAE systems. This software is a universal tool used by professional engineers and designers.

Siemens NX is " complex system» for designing three-dimensional models. The program is suitable for creating complex 3D models in engineering projects.

In this program you create projects automatically. The software's graphical environment includes tools for creating drawings and 3D models different structures.

Take advantage of this system and create your project using engineering analysis tools. Siemens NX provides processing of a large database.


Essentially, this tool is considered (CAD) for professionals. In the program, you design accurate models of parts using a simple workspace with many tools that allow you to create designs in geometric calculations.

The software has a quick exchange of information with the CAM system. In it you can prepare “future models” of parts of varying complexity. main feature programs are the interconnection of all system components and their operation, using one database that stores all projects.

The program monitors this database using the CAE module. This module allows you to work with different types of analysis. In the interface of this system you create static and structural objects, as well as linear projects.

Additional tools

Siemens NX contains an additional tool - the I-Deas module, which allows you to process and develop three-dimensional parts using a set of functions, as well as create drawings of 3D models in automatic mode.

New module assemblies make it possible to calculate the acoustic impact, strength and impact resistance of an object. In the program, you “test” the properties of objects using the simulation mode.

Key Features

  • this software is a new generation CAD system that creates projects of varying complexity;
  • integrated tools prepare for manufacturing (CAM) and engineering analysis (CAE);
  • the program allows you to calculate the proportions of the project;
  • the software has settings for precise design of standards in an industrial format;
  • the program is available for use only under a commercial license;
  • The graphical environment of the software is not difficult to learn and is suitable for beginners.

Computer-aided design system NX 7.5 from Siemens PLM Software

Al Dean reviewed the latest release of leading product development software from Siemens PLM Software and found NX 7.5 to be thoroughly engineered and delivered to excellence across all areas of design, manufacturing, simulation and beyond.

The fate of NX from Siemens PLM Software after the merger of Unigraphics and Ideas several years ago is interesting. The system has taken on the role of leading 3D product modeling system, inheriting the developments of Unigraphics, one of the world's leading machining manufacturers, and with the introduction of NX Nastran introduced truly “bulletproof” modeling and analysis tools.

Recently, NX has undergone major modifications to its core architecture and user experience. Final result- a completely modern system, applicable in various industries and allowing the use of a variety of platforms - it is one of the few 3D modeling systems compatible with operating systems Mac OS X and Linux. A new version of the NX system, 7.5, was released this month, following version 7.0 released in October 2009. So, let's look at its features.

Lightweight presentation and performance

Before we explore new modeling and product design capabilities, it's worth taking a quick look at what's under the hood. Siemens develops and develops the JT format, which is widely used in the automotive industry as a data exchange format. It is also used in NX to display models in a simplified format, allowing large assemblies to be easily loaded on a standard workstation.

In previous versions, each model created a special reference set containing a lightweight representation, which was saved into the model itself in JT format. In the new version, the system does not explicitly create such a reference set, but instead creates a lightweight representation for each reference set that contains solid geometry. By default, the model is loaded in a lightweight form for any current reference set containing geometry.

As with all such technologies, there is always a need to load an accurate description of the geometry, but with each version the need for this decreases. With NX 7.5, users can load, view, section, measure, and perform parametric updates—all without having to download an exact representation of the model. While this won't have a significant impact on those working on small assemblies, it will make their work much easier for those dealing with tens of thousands of parts.

Effectiveness of sketches

The sketching user interface has been simplified to make it easier to move from the initial idea to the geometric elements and model. For example, now the user does not have to exit the sketch before constructing a geometric figure - he simply draws sketches, activates the 3D mode - and that's it! The process of working with sketches has become easier than in previous versions, dimensions are determined automatically. This gives the user the opportunity to work directly with key data and, if necessary, formalize the geometry. It is interesting to note that these dimensions are not restrictions. To convert them to control dimensions, you need to add data manually. This means that precise geometric characteristics can be recorded on paper much faster.

NX can now work with areas within sketches, eliminating the need to create fully defined outlines, making work much faster. Another speed boost is the new NX Reuse Library feature, which gives users the ability to save profiles and sketch geometries and then quickly retrieve them from the library and apply them where needed.

Synchronous technology

For those who are not yet familiar with synchronous technology, Siemens announced it two years ago, which gave impetus to the proliferation of history-free design tools. While modeling with structural elements remained a core part of the process, the addition of the ability to work with them without using the model's history was the start of a new movement.

Although great effort efforts were made to introduce synchronous technology into Solid Edge from Siemens PLM Software, the NX system also received a large set of tools. Many industry experts have overlooked the NX system upgrades because these improvements have already found their way into Solid Edge. The NX system supported free geometry modification for some time, and the changes were subtle. Subsequently, synchronous technology in NX provided more freedom in the use of new modeling tools, with the ability to use the method with or without model history. It was integrated into the existing modeling workflow and user experience.

The first few versions used synchronous technology to create and modify prismatic geometry, allowing a combination of dynamically applied geometry filters and direct editing tools. For NX 7.5, the functionality has been expanded to include free-form model creation and modification.

Synchronous technology and surface modeling

For many years, the NX system has been able to high degree precision work directly with surface geometry. Instead of using only a traditional grid of curves to create surface geometry, the system allows you to control their shape by clicking and dragging vectors, lines, etc. This is the type of surface manipulation that traditionally separates solid/solid modeling systems from true surface manipulation systems.

For this version of the NX system, these tools have been modified to use synchronous technology and allow users to use them by storing the model history and each change as individual characteristics, or work in a free format. These tools are built into two key operations.

The xForm tool has been around for some time in NX (and Unigraphics before that) and uses a wireframe around a surface to drag and drop it into shape. The iForm tool is a new option that uses control points and contours directly on the surface itself. Both methods are suitable for solving different problems and are interchangeable. What's really impressive is how these tools can now be used in combination with a wide range of intelligent modeling tools, such as symmetry or the synchronous technology-driven Face Finder and Replace Face tools, to make modifications intelligently related to the surrounding geometry. By working in a "history-free" manner, in which all tools operate using synchronous technology, any subsequent geometric elements (such as fillets, layers, etc.) remain active and a preview during editing shows the effect, distributed over an entire part rather than a single change on a specific surface.

The Replace Face Tool is the ultimate synchronous technology tool.

I rarely focus on a particular feature of a modeling system, but now I want to make an exception. During the direct editing process, draganddrop's smart tools with synchronous technology are impressive, and perhaps the most useful tool for the designer is the Replace Face command. This tool allows users to take existing geometry and quickly adapt it to new requirements and applications. Capture the geometric structure, match the surfaces, move it to a new position - and you're done.

The new version includes the With Offset option. It expands the capabilities of the tool itself to allow you to work with complex geometric designs and use the Replace Face tool in combination with the Face Finder filters to adapt them to a new complex shape. It makes sense to combine all this with the new, easier to use Data Reuse Library.

Reuse Library and Fasteners

Data reuse is a key focus of the new version. Starting with a more efficient 2D profile library and positioning method, the system not only encourages users to reuse data, but also makes it easier to create such assets. The system already has standard profiles and sections, which makes it easy to create your own set of profiles, usually used for placement geometric elements, and for the construction of common elements.

To create an object in the Reuse Library, the user simply captures geometric shapes(2D or 3D), copies them to the clipboard (CTRL+C), pastes them into a new dialog box, adds the necessary details (such as a preview image, coordinates for positioning) - and you're done.

Along with this, the semantics of how users work with fasteners has been changed. Instead of creating a hole in the assembly and then adding fasteners to it, the user creates fasteners in in the right place and this package (bolts, nuts, washers, etc.) makes the corresponding hole for itself. For example, this could be a series of through holes or threaded holes.

HD3D technology

High Definition 3D technology was introduced last year with the release of the NX 7.0 system. It combines Siemens' expertise in lightweight data visualization (JT format) and data management (using Teamcenter) to create an environment in which users can graphically explore the product being developed and analyze all types of data. This could be information about the status of the project, materials about suppliers, or information about the location of various subassemblies in terms of the project schedule.

These visual reports allowed users to display data graphically. Along with visual reporting, the system has been used for Check Mate reporting to identify whether parts and subassemblies meet all types of standard geometric and topological checks (such as geometry quality requirements) or internal requirements, as well as additional special or custom checks, e.g. “has this part been tested using CAE simulation?”

With NX 7.5, Siemens has expanded the use of HD3D technology in two key areas. First, it integrates with Teamcenter so that the user can use the full scope of managed metadata as the basis for queries and learn where, when and how changes are made during the product development process. For example, data (such as mass or volume requirements) can now be downloaded from the Teamcenter Requirements section and the system will perform checks automatically for each version of the model. Second, HD3D-based tools are now much more responsive within the NX system environment. Previously, visual reports could only be used with a corresponding dialog box, but now they are implemented using the assembly navigator.

Modeling and Analysis

It is simply impossible to review all the updates in the NX 7.5 system related to modeling in one article, but I can’t help but draw the readers’ attention to a set of tools that solve a huge range of modeling and industrial specialization problems.

Let us note several major innovations. The first is enhanced support for the Multibody Dynamics system. Users can now incorporate adaptive body dynamics into assembly modeling, allowing both rigid and ductile bodies to be combined into a single motion model in the NX Motion tool. Additionally, for those working on system-level simulations, a dynamic link can be created between NX Motion and MATLAB/Simulink tools, allowing data to be transferred between them for more accurate simulations.

The second important improvement is Durability. Fatigue analysis (of structures, materials) is becoming more common in many simulation tools, but the process of integrating cyclic loading into a model run is a time-consuming task. The Durability Wizard guides users through the installation and reporting processes to ensure the information is correctly formatted where needed.

Based on lightweight JT imaging techniques, NX enables users to quickly and efficiently work with huge amounts of data.

A final area to highlight is the introduction of improved tools for combining digital modeling with physical test results. When using these new tools digital environment can be used to plan test processes (test points, sensor settings, etc.), and the results of physical tests in a feedback format can be placed in a simulation environment and linked with a digital model. This gives the user the ability to correlate digital and physical test results, producing more meaningful experiments, and for those wishing to reduce the number of physical tests, it provides greater confidence and fine-tuning of the simulation process.

Finally, it is worth noting that updates to the simulation environment are also extremely important to the simulation process itself, and synchronous technology can greatly benefit the simulation-focused user. Instead of relying on traditional methods modeling for model abstraction, distortion and parameter changes, users can make the necessary edits without detailed knowledge of the history of the construction of the part and subassembly model. This makes the entire process more efficient.


Every time I work with NX, I am continually amazed and realize that while many developers claim that their systems support the entire industrial process, NX actually implements this concept, and within a single system.

Siemens continues to expand the functionality of NX, constantly working to improve the user experience - both in terms of streamlining functionality and adding new tools for a simple solution complex tasks. An excellent example is the development of synchronous technology, which helps in the creation and modification of complex surfaces. Independence from the history of model construction using direct editing tools makes it easier to work on complex problems.

In conclusion, improvements in HD3D technology make it easier to work with large amounts of data. This technology not only improves the design process, but also allows every specialist involved in product development to be truly interested in their work. Overall this is another outstanding version of this system.