The inner and outer world of a person are not connected. "outer and inner worlds" "inner worlds outer worlds"

In my previous articles, I already wrote about defense mechanisms: retroflection, rationalization, projection, .

And here is the merger.


(English confluence) - one of the main defense mechanisms, highlighted in Gestalt therapy. In general, within the framework of understanding a person as a subject acting in the environment, S. can be defined as insufficient separation of oneself from the environment. A person begins to perceive the commonality of his own and others (“the other”) views, opinions, attitudes, and worldviews as something self-evident. He might. himself the source of these views, and may also accept the views of others. S. is described (for example, I. Polster, M. Polster) as a kind of game in which partners play certain rules, however, these rules are known only to one of them.

In neurotic S., a violation of the sense of the boundary between “I” and “other” occurs, as a result of which the healthy rhythm of interaction with the environment is disrupted. Normally, it is assumed that when communicating with the outside world, a person comes into contact, communicates, and then leaves contact. In neurotic S., the phase of withdrawal from the state of contact disappears, internal environment a person seems to “stick together” with his external environment. This might be. S. s specific person, but also with a group of people, with a team. Often S.'s condition can arise between husband and wife, parents and children, boss and subordinates. (A. A. Korneev.)

Big psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EUROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003.


automixis, anisogamy, assimilation, integration, karyogamy, coalescence, conjugation, association, accession, syncretism, synoicism, adhesion, connection, somatogamy, fusion, contraction, urev, fusion, fusion, centralization, exogamy"

Psychological fusion is a complex mechanism.

For the first time, merging occurs in a newborn child with his mother: it seems to the child that he and the mother are one single whole. And the mother in many ways identifies herself with the child. The child develops the necessary feeling of stability and strength.

Then all our lives we are looking for this thing that is ours, dear, common. We are looking for a friend, a loved one, our own business. We find or don’t find, we lose, we find again. Sometimes we forget that the most important thing is not to lose yourself.

If a person does not feel his community with any of the other people, he will not classify himself as any social group, be it a city, a country, or this group on subscribe, it’s hard not to classify him as an outcast. The desire to identify oneself to one degree or another with someone or something is natural, normal and even necessary.

Yesterday I went out into the street, and the grandmothers on the bench were discussing the victory of the Russian national football team over Portugal: “Did you see how our people beat the Portuguese?” And I felt such a powerful community with these grandmothers. It was nice for me. I'm also a fan.

We all need this very “ours”!

Healthy fusion involves maintaining contact, and contact is only possible when there is self-awareness.

In all these cases of defense mechanisms, there is a shift in the boundaries, the boundaries between “I” and “Not-I”.

“Introjection means maintaining the structure of things absorbed while the organism demands their destruction” (Perls, 1947) so that assimilation can occur. The introjected, not “chewed”, but “swallowed” remains intact as a foreign body in the system. Introjection is natural shape nutrition during the sucking stage. The persistence of this form at a later age is associated with disturbances at the stage of biting and chewing. Oral aggression (biting) is blocked in combination with forcing food onto the child. Oral aggression is displaced, partly directed towards other people. Force-feeding also leads to food aversions, which are suppressed and food is swallowed unchewed or in large pieces. With introjection, the body reacts to an object or situation as if it were food, “swallowing it whole,” but subsequently cannot “digest” it.

Thus, with introjection, the boundary between the self (“I”) and the world is shifted deeper into oneself, thereby significantly impoverishing the inner world.

Projection is movement on external world those of their internal sides, with which the individual does not want to identify himself, but which are deeply inherent in him.

“The projecting person cannot distinguish satisfactorily between the outer and inner worlds” (Perls, 1947).

In projection, the boundary between the “inner self” and the world is shifted to the outer world. Many personal qualities are also shifted there, to the outside world.

Why and what is being projected? And therefore, what is not compatible with introjected. See above.

“Retroflection means that some function, originally directed from the individual to the world, changes its direction and returns to the initiator” (Perls, 1947).

A person sets the boundary between himself and the world within himself.

Narcissism is when, instead of loving someone, a person falls in love with himself.

“interruption of increased excitation of this type to a level with which the individual cannot cope... These mechanisms lead to neurosis only when their action is inadequate and chronic. All are useful and necessary when applied temporarily in specific circumstances" (Perls, 1951).

Thus, all defense mechanisms serve to relieve tension when the individual does not know real way resolution of a particular conflict situation.

In this case, all these methods of self-deception are good and useful.

But what if they become permanent, integral mechanisms of internal behavior, ways of seeing the world and oneself in it?

The trouble is that we all sin to one degree or another with these defense mechanisms.

To be continued. Moreover, there are many more of these forms of protection. I haven't looked at everything.))

There is an external and internal world of a person. The outside world is what surrounds us; internal - that which is directly related to us. These are our thoughts, feelings, emotions - our immediate state. A born child creates worlds in his games from childhood. Moreover, these worlds are real, they exist, but he does not realize it. With awareness of the world comes certain losses. Loss of the state of “divinity”, i.e. state of the “creator”. When we lose the state of “god”, we gradually stop creating. We stop creating our own worlds and begin to enter others’. The question arises: how to return a certain state try to regain the state of a “creator”. This can only be done if we completely abandon self-doubt, move into a state of faith and feel that we ourselves created the world around us.

If a person is in a state of joy, then the world around him is joyful. Let's say you logged in public transport, you good condition. A man comes in with a state of anger and hatred. His condition gradually spreads to those around him. With his condition he begins to form new world around you. If you enter his state, then you enter his world and create together with him. If you turn the situation around with your state of joy and calm, then you begin to create your own world, and those around you connect to you.

The most valuable thing in the world is attention. It rules the world. When a person's thoughts are relaxed, his attention, his energy information structure, which is responsible for attention, expands to the limits that his consciousness can cover. If a person is clamped down, then he curls up inside and cannot know anything except himself.

Human consciousness is not located inside, it is located in the energy-informational space. At normal calm person this space around him is two and a half meters high and about two meters in diameter. Consciousness is constantly moving in this information field. Moreover, where a person’s attention is, there is his consciousness. Consciousness constantly puts up defenses when there is a threat, therefore, as soon as a person turns his attention, his consciousness goes there too. For example, what is loss of consciousness during a knockout? This is when consciousness goes beyond the human energy-information field. Without the absence of consciousness, man is an unconscious and unconscious being.

A person has conditional and unconditioned reflexes. When a person turns them on, human nature turns on. When a person’s reflexes are turned off, this person can already be controlled, and through him the world that you create. This is where the imitative reflex comes into play.

The world expects specific commands from a person. These commands must be confirmed by your specific internal state. If you don't have inner confidence that these commands will be executed, the world does not execute these commands. The world can be invited, but the world cannot be fought with in any case. Any thoughtless action leads to reaction. The world is bigger and it will crush you. By inviting the world, the world is doing the same thing you are doing. Thus, in order to solve anything in this world, a person must first push the situation. Managers use this well various structures, first tightening the nuts as a team to the limit, then releasing them. If you want to achieve something good, push. When we don’t push and start inviting right away, nothing for real good things don't happen.

When you are attacked, you are clamped down. In this case, the attacker wins because he has something to rely on. The fear that the victim of an attack experiences is the attacker’s support. Like attracts like, minus tends to minus. Fear and aggression are unipolar signs. If a person is in a state of joy and faith, such a person is in himself. If a person is in an aggressive state, then he is looking for support to lean on. The expression “to bring oneself out” means to bring the fulcrum outside. If the attacker does not have a foothold, then he enters your world and receives your state of joy.

When training, we designate our space in order to feel comfortable in it. When an opponent enters your space, they must feel like they are in your space. To do this, we introduce a threat into this space.

The enemy is a person who opens the way to the Higher Light. The knife is an enemy that also opens the way to the Higher Light. Va – entry, ra – Upper Light, ga – road. A person sees the past, but speculates on the present, since the eyes emit, and locators only then receive. Therefore, when communicating with each other, it is necessary to build a false trail according to the principle of completeness.

First level of consciousness- these are the reflexes and work of the medulla oblongata. In its speed and efficiency, it works 10,000 times faster than the second level of consciousness. The second level of consciousness is the analyzer, these are our cerebral hemispheres, including their motor area. When the attacker at the first level of consciousness entered into motion while his analyzer was thinking, they were deceived somewhere, but I don’t understand where! - a knife, for example, passes by. The attacker's brain analyzer is looking for a fulcrum. Relying on the fulcrum set by the defender, he is placed under the latter’s control. Therefore, it is necessary to create an information trail, create support points. This means you need to move your feet, otherwise there will be no trace.

On physical level at a moment close to danger, fear turns on not in the head, but in the knees - they buckle. And since it is there at the reflex level, it must be used. That is, not to fight the world, but to use the knowledge that it reveals to us. For example, when you replace one point of support with another, you get a chance not to be crushed by the world. In other words, it is useless to fight what you want to get rid of. It is necessary not to fight, but to replace one point of support with another.

Initially, God gave man freedom. However, freedom should not be only external. You should be free in your creativity, in your worldview, free from habits, because any habit is a kind of brake that prevents a person from being truly free.

You need to work with intention, and to do this you need to let go of your body. The heart or soul initially knows everything and about everything. They are in close connection with the mind or brain through the body. They don’t want to communicate directly yet. The mind lives in the categories of today's incarnations, and the soul lives in the categories of eternity. And mind in today, for example, you need this. And the soul in the category of eternity says: “Fool, don’t do this, eternity is ahead!” The mind doesn’t understand and says: “But I’m fine as is!” Then the soul begins to convince him through the body: illnesses and negative states appear: depression, fears, doubts.

It is necessary to learn the experience of connecting the eternal with today. This is clearly visible in children. If you give a child this state, then already in the first grade he will be able to solve in his mind those examples that an adult cannot solve. It is necessary to learn how to use these states, and for this it is necessary for the body to gain experience in its work.

The world you create by killing can kill you. If a person constantly lives in a state of war, when he believes that he is super prepared and cannot be killed, then his loved ones will certainly suffer. Through his loved ones, he is brought to such a state where he can commit suicide. Therefore, when we talk about managing the world, we need to take into account the most important thing: our inner projects the outer. In a word, if inside we prepare ourselves for war, we will get this war.

“Where it’s simple, there are a hundred angels, and where it’s sophisticated, there’s not a single one...” (Nectarius of Optina)

Initially, a child who comes into the world as an individual manifestation of God is like animals because he begins to realize himself through those around him. If you raised a child Wolf Pack, then the child begins to recognize himself as a wolf. God, in order to realize himself as God, created his own kind. A person realizes himself as a person next to another person, as what the other person is. That is, if he sees something bad in another person, then he recognizes this bad thing in himself. Therefore, the holy elders said: if you see a sin, then you have already committed it. If we see a world around us that is ready to extend a hand to you, then we are ready to extend a hand. Therefore, realizing yourself through those living nearby, try to close person next to you was the best. Try to see God in him. Our ancestors always considered their ancestors as Gods.

You live in two worlds at the same time. In a sense, you live two lives: one - in the outside world objective reality, which you perceive through your senses; and the other - in subjective world feelings and images created by your mind.

To recognize this fact is to be wise. And wisdom comes down to understanding the presence and power of God in you, to the fact that you realize that everything that you imprint in your subconscious will manifest itself in reality, regardless of whether it is good or bad. You will act wisely if you begin to reinforce in your subconscious what is true, what is lovely, what is honorable and what is godlike. You show wisdom when you understand that thoughts are material; and what you feel is what you attract into your life; What you picture in your imagination is what you become. You are wise when you realize that you can take any idea and weave it into the fabric of your mind, nurturing, emoting, and feeling its reality.

Wisdom is not an accumulation of information. If you have wisdom, then, like a true poet or musician, you will sit comfortably in a quiet corner and listen to what internal movement, which brings inspiration from above. And the Almighty will definitely send you inspiration, and you will be able to give people the delightful sounds that you heard with your spiritual ear.

If the pronoun “I” dominates everything you feel, think, imagine, and talk about, then you will not be able to change your emotional life. Don't forget that there may be thoughts in your mind. different thoughts; your heart may be worried different feelings. And if you start adding the pronoun “I” to all negative thoughts, you will thereby identify yourself with them and will no longer be able to get rid of them. But you have the power to refuse this. You have made it a habit to avoid puddles and mud when you walk down the street. In the same way, try not to walk along the dirty “paths” of your mind where fear, anger, hostility and ill will lie in wait. Don't listen to negative comments. Don’t go where they can ruin your mood, and don’t let the “carriers” bad mood come closer to you. Learn to internally fence yourself off from those negative feelings that come from outside.

Understand that your real self is none other than the Infinite Spirit. Begin to identify yourself with His images, qualities and abilities. And then your whole life will change. No one can disturb you, because everything depends on your own thoughts. You can curse or bless. The whole secret lies in transforming the negative emotional principles of your character through the process of self-analysis. Being observant and being able to observe yourself are two different things. When people say that they are observant, this means that they are able to focus attention on external phenomena and objects. And by introspection we mean the ability to look inside ourselves. You can spend your whole life studying atoms, stars, human anatomy, that is, the attributes of the external world that lies beyond your mind. But this knowledge will not be able to change your inner world. In order to change what is inside you, what is in your heart, you need to learn the art of self-observation.

Learn to differentiate, that is, to distinguish and separate the wheat from the chaff. You become better at the art of self-observation when you begin to ask questions: “Is this or that idea true? Will it bring me blessing, healing and inspiration? Will it bring me peace of mind and help me contribute to the common cause of humanity?” You live in two worlds at the same time - external and internal. But in reality it is one world. It’s just that one part of it is visible and the other is invisible. This is the difference between subjective and objective. You live in a world of opinions. Your five senses bring you an avalanche visual images, sounds and different concepts - both good and bad. You also live among the delusions of the crowd. Think about what controls you - external, objective! The world or your inner world?

Inner world- this is the world in which you really live. This is the world of your thoughts, images, emotions, feelings, beliefs, dreams, aspirations, plans and goals.

External world comes to you through your five senses and you share it with other people. Your inner world of thoughts, feelings, images, beliefs, beliefs and reactions to the surrounding reality is invisible and belongs only to you. So ask yourself:

“What world do I live in? Is it the one my five senses present to me, or something else? Am I controlled by the outside world? Maybe the inner world of my mind controls the outer one? You live precisely in your inner world. Only he determines what you feel and what you suffer from.

Suppose you are invited to a banquet. Everything you see and hear there, everything you feel, all the smells and taste sensations- all this relates to the outside world. But everything you think about; all the emotions you have; everything you like and dislike is part of your inner world. It turns out that you are present at two banquets at once: one - internal, and the other - external. The main one is the one that “takes place” in the inner world of your thoughts, feelings and emotions, in which you experience ups and downs and rush from one extreme to another. To change yourself, you must start by changing your inner world through cleansing own emotions and replacing the attitudes of your mind by introducing into it right thoughts. If you want to grow spiritually, you must completely change yourself. You must channel your emotions in a positive direction, but to do this you first need to change your thoughts. Emotions follow thoughts, not the other way around. You cannot visualize the emotion. You can imagine this or that scene from life or how someone says something to you, but you cannot imagine the emotion. Therefore, in order to channel your emotions Divine path, you must first of all change your thinking, directing it to what is only true, what is kind, what is just, what is pure, what is only virtue - only think about this.

You can give a lot of examples of transformations from the area material world. For example, sugar is converted into alcohol during distillation. Radium gradually turns into lead. The food you eat goes through a number of stages of transformation and eventually turns into all those substances that your body needs to survive. For example, if you eat a piece of bread, the creative intelligence within you will transform it into your cellular tissue, muscles and bones. We can say that even bread becomes a thought in your head, because some of the elements included in it turn into particles of blood, which circulates through the vessels of your brain. This is the process of transformation of substances in the body: turning what you eat into your body and blood. When you enjoy food, it transforms into beauty. But it could be different. If you eat the most exquisite and healthy food and if you are angry or offended, it can turn into poison in your body and cause stomach ulcers, arthritis or some other disease. The same applies to the impressions you receive from the outside world. They all go through a process of transformation within you.

Suppose you see in front of you a person whom you love and admire. You get some impression about him. You “sort out” this impression in your mind. Now suppose you meet someone you don't like. You get an impression again, this time a negative one. Your spouse or child sitting on the couch while you read this book also awakens some thoughts in you. In other words, your mind is constantly receiving impressions of one kind or another. If you were deaf, you would not be able to hear the voices of these people, and then the impression would be different. But you have a wonderful ability: you can at will change the impression you get. Changing your impression means changing yourself. To change the course of your life, change your reaction to it. Are your reactions to life phenomena stereotypical, the same as everyone else's? If they mostly wear negative character, then your life will be the same. So don't let your life become a series of negative reactions to the impressions you take in every day.

If your neighbor shot her husband, then you do not bear any responsibility for this act. You didn't give her that advice. So why should you feel guilty about anything? This act was the result of her mind position. You should direct your attention not to this event, but to own goals, such as harmony, health and peace. Bless this woman and go on your way with the praise of the Lord on your lips.

To see your own clearly internal installations, you must learn to detach yourself from all particular cases; no matter what happens, your thoughts and feelings should be unwaveringly focused on this next great truth: what it looks like from the point of view of God and heaven, perfect condition of things? Heaven means peace in our mind. God is the Living Spirit, the Principle of Life, who renews and sustains you, who takes care of you when you fall asleep. He was never born and will never die, water does not wet him, fire does not burn him, the wind does not blow him away. This is the Eternal Being within you.

If you become internally aware of the presence of God, you will be able to rise very high and transform all your negative thoughts and emotions in accordance with the Divine eternal truths of God. You may be tempted to attribute all the negative experiences you receive to other people. But if what they say or do resonates negatively with you, then that means you are the problem. This means that you are currently living in negative state, move and remain in it. What is written in the newspapers should not or could not bother you if you knew the law of life. Journalists have the right to write whatever they want. And you have every right not to pay attention to it. Why do you let some piece of paper disturb your peace? It's all about your reaction, your own thought, and not what caused it. You yourself created this reaction.

You cannot allow yourself to fall into negativism. It will suck you out vitality; will dampen your enthusiasm; will make you physically and mentally sick. Think about where you really live: in the room where you are now, or in your thoughts, feelings, emotions, hopes and disappointments?

continuation -

based on materials from the book: Joseph Murphy - "How to find spiritual harmony and happiness."

It seems to us that our idea of ​​the world around us is, if not the ultimate truth, then certainly the closest to it. After all, we can directly perceive its objects and phenomena on our own. However real picture very different from this usual idea.

Firstly, we have a limited set of senses that provide us with sensations from interaction with the infinite variety of the world around us. There are only five main types of sensations that we use. These are sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. And with their help, every moment of our lives we try to “embrace the immensity.” Secondly, we perceive the world indirectly through the filters of sensations available to us. The operating range of the above-mentioned sense organs is many, many orders of magnitude narrower than the spectrum of incoming external signals. For example, the wavelength range of visible light (perceivable by the human eye) is 380 - 780 * 10 -9 m. If we try to express as a percentage the ratio of this range to the width of the entire studied spectrum of radiation, then the resulting decimal will have at least ten zeros after the decimal point (!!!). The human eye is thus an ultra-narrow-band filter. As for other sense organs, the situation with them is similar. Thirdly, on the path of incoming signals there is another intermediary - our mind, which controls the process of converting signals coming from the senses into images that we understand. But! He does this relying on his sophisticated architecture - ego, inferiority complex, ideas, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, desires and much more. With each stage of transformation, the degree of adequacy of internal contents in relation to the reality that gave birth to them falls, falls, and falls.

But that's not all!

Fourthly, the resulting images are collected into a certain mental model, which is a virtual reflection of the processes occurring in the external world. We thus see in front of us not reality, but a mental image or model, separated from it by a chain of transformations and filters and existing with this reality simultaneously. Model on the stage of our mind. I can’t help but remember a quote from W. Shakespeare - “The whole world is a stage. There are women, men, all actors in it.”

Fifthly, each of us has a more or less rich and saturated inner life. Its contents are also displayed on the “stage” of our mind. The result is a performance in which both professional actors and the most emotional spectators from the audience appear on stage in random order. What can I say? Unless we turn again to Shakespeare - “This is a fairy tale, full of rage and noise, told by an idiot and devoid of any meaning!”

And how, with such baggage, can you not only develop, but at least simply live in relative harmony with yourself and those around you, each of whom has his own, unique “theater” in his head?!! What can keep a system of the universe in balance, consisting of such unstable elements? Where is this invisible connection or fulcrum? What should you do and where should you look to find it?

There are 2 obvious answers. Story Western civilization says that the fulcrum is a person’s mind (even if it boils at times - butting heads, so to speak) and his logic. What? This option has one undoubted advantage. It is time-tested. However, it is not surprising that this time took shape in a centuries-long sequence of wars and disasters. Look at who rules this show and don't be surprised by the consequences!

There is an alternative option. The mystics of the past and present are united in their definition main point supports. This is the heart, which is a unique human organ that combines both the lower (material) and higher (spiritual) nature. It is this space, connecting the material with the spiritual, that is the channel (or portal) that has the potential to establish a connection with the Creator. This connection may have different shapes depending on the spiritual development man, manifesting himself in the form of conscience, intuition, spiritual vision of the phenomena of the internal and external world, direct perception of the Will of the Creator. At the same time, the level of spiritual development, which is the key to opening this channel, at the same time represents a kind of fuse or “block from the fool.” The essence of blocking is simple. It cannot be bypassed with the help of cunning, nor can it be incapacitated by force of will or the influence of ardent desire. Spiritual level it is impossible to “pump up” like muscles in gym. Achieving the goal will require a will sufficient to go through a path of years, and appropriate time, which, as we know, heals everything, including the mental problems of the traveler, who is internally reborn to end point the route they take. The emerging connection with the Highest brings characteristic influences into the life of the seeker:

The light penetrating into the inner space of the seeker reveals to his inner gaze those problems that he could not see before; eliminating these problems frees up space for the energy so necessary for self-development and Work;

A heart that has connections with all parts human body, becomes a tuning fork that tunes a person’s entire being into resonance, allowing the seeker to move faster along the Path;

The Seeker gains the ability to directly perceive the Will (in addition to intuition) in the to a greater extent the more open the cardiac channel;

The ordinary perception of the world is complemented by spiritual vision, which allows one to read the true essence of objects and phenomena.

The power of this influence is such that, having transformed the inner world, it begins to pour into the outer world, smoothly and imperceptibly harmonizing the mystic’s environment. First, this concerns the near zone, then more distant areas of the external world are connected, reacting to waves emanating not only from the open, but even from the opening heart.

It would seem that the choice is obvious. We must strive to open our hearts. All that remains is to pave the route to this noble goal. And - faster, higher, stronger! This is what our mind says. He, as always, habitually minds his own business. He wants because he knows that open heart will make his life fuller and more meaningful in the eyes of others. He had already imagined what it would all look like, and from books he learned how the process itself should proceed. Now you just need to push! And now the “high” desire haunts you...

Stop!!! The hotter your desire and the more you try to achieve the goal drawn by your mind, the higher the tension of your bodies (physical, etheric, mind). This tension makes you stubborn, and your bodies stiff and almost insensitive. This is not your Path, this is the path of your mind! Leave him alone! Relax! You have allowed yourself this so rarely in your entire life. Accept your current situation - it is exactly what you need now, no more and no less! Just listen to your Heart - take a step towards it and stay alone with it! Let your mind not interfere. Feel this connection! She has always been and will be with you! And one day she will change you and everything around you!

Between stimulus and reaction, a person has freedom of choice. - Viktor Frankl

In the process of practicing mastery of the power of his consciousness, a person needs to understand one simple truth, -we live in two worlds at once. This is one of the most important things to start with. Firstly, we live in the external world: the world of situations, circumstances, external reality. And at the same time, we live in our own inner world, the world of our thoughts, the world of our consciousness. These two worlds are completely different and you must understand the difference between them.

For example, at this moment you are reading this text, and at the same time, you are physically somewhere. You are sitting on your chairs, you are surrounded by some objects, and this is happening in the world external to you. And in the inner world, you are in the understanding of what is in front of your eyes. In your inner world, you are able to go somewhere else. You might find yourself back in your office thinking about the problems you faced today. Or maybe you will make plans for the weekend. And so you can remain here in the outside world, that is, where you are physically now. And in the inner world, you are able to move anywhere, there are no restrictions!...

And in controlling the power of consciousness, understanding and finding the differences between these two worlds helps.

Examples of interaction between the Internal and External world of a person:

As already mentioned, we live in two worlds at the same time. In the external world, the world of events, circumstances and phenomena. And in the inner world, the world of thoughts, emotions and sensations. Happens in life various phenomena and events in the world external to us, but we react to them in our internal world. When something good happens for us in our outer world, we react positively in our inner world.

If you get a raise (in the external world), you react positively (in the internal world), and subsequently experience positive emotions, think about good things, feel grateful for this event. But if something opposite happens, for example, you are fired from your job (this also happens in the outside world). And you react, again, in the inner world. You begin to doubt yourself, your self-confidence drops.

Because your inner world reacts to stimuli coming from the outer world. Someone compliments you, says you look great, you have a wonderful hairstyle. This also happens in the outer world, but you react in the inner world, and you feel good about it. But after some time, a person comes up to you and says: “You look disgusting, are you sick?” Again, events in the external world = reactions in the internal.

If you have a problem, a scandal, it happens in the outer world, and you react in the inner world. We spend our whole lives in a combination of such relationships, between the inner and outer worlds.

Our inner world turns into a mirror, and this mirror reflects those phenomena that come from the external world. As a result of this, we are completely deprived of power. We react to external events, like "Pavlov's Dogs". We become puppets of the reality around us. External reality begins to control us. You must understand that these two realities, these two worlds are completely independent and different from each other. And you can master those truths, principles and laws that determine the activities of each of these worlds.

For example, in the outside world there is no such thing as self-confidence. Self-confidence does not exist in the outside world; you cannot bring it with you in your purse. Self-confidence exists only within. There is no fear in the outer world, there is no anxiety that exists in the outer world, it is all part of the inner world. And happiness does not exist in the outside world. Everyone wants to be happy, but there is no happiness in the outer world, happiness is part of the inner world.

We must learn to stop constantly reacting to the outside world
. This does not mean to ignore this world, it does not mean that it is necessary to abandon it. The only thing that is necessary is to stop constantly, every second, every minute reacting to the outside world.

It is necessary to put an end to the situation where every minute, every second, the outside world is tearing us apart. And if we succeed, then we will be able to gradually see what the power of our consciousness is capable of. Because everything in this world, in this universe, obeys certain laws.

There are laws that control everything that happens in the physical universe. This also applies to all those phenomena that occur in our lives. Everything depends on our internal vibrations. Uninitiated people believe that this is all a game of chance, luck. But that's not about it we're talking about, you don’t have to accept this fact, this is not a theory, this is a fact and each of you can prove it for yourself.

Once you try to experiment, try a different way of living. Once you start thinking about your thoughts, your beliefs and ideas, as something that contains colossal power. After all, in fact, they are not even equal in strength; they are much more powerful than all external phenomena. Thoughts and consciousness are capable of creating, capable of manifesting themselves in external reality. If you learn to create an imprint, a way of thinking, create those impressions that will be reflected in the subconscious and, accordingly, in the outside world.

We are the masters of our destiny, we are able to choose and control our thoughts. We can even choose thoughts that are not part of our reality. This great power, which is used extremely rarely.