UK castle fire. Windsor Castle - the Queen's official country residence

Windsor Castle, England, London, 11th century castle-fortress

Windsor residence of the monarchs is the most huge castle in the world, included in the list, is one of the symbols of the English monarchy and the favorite country residence of the Queen of Great Britain.

Windsor Castle is undoubtedly the most famous in England. As the main home of the British royal family Since the time of William the Conqueror, it is rightfully considered the largest and oldest residential castle in the world. And also, concurrently, it is famous throughout the world.

The history of Windsor Castle began with King William the Conqueror; it was by his decree that the construction of a wooden fortification began to keep it under control and protection. western paths in London.

Since those hoary times appearance The palace was repeatedly changed in accordance with the taste of the next reigning monarch. Modern Windsor Castle is a real architectural complex, which includes fortress walls and towers and chapels.

In the center Windsor Castle on an artificial hill is located the most high tower fortifications - “Round Tower”. Having overcome 220 steps leading to the top of the tower, you can enjoy a magnificent view of the surroundings of the palace. The huge territory of the complex is divided into two main parts - upper and lower.

At the top are the royal apartments and chambers for official receptions, richly decorated with paintings, furnished with antique furniture and other attributes of luxury from royal collections. At the bottom is St. George's Chapel, a masterpiece of English Gothic architecture.

Windsor Castle is believed to be haunted. Servants and members of the royal family have repeatedly noticed ghosts from among the former kings. Most often this is King Henry VIII.

When someone from the royal family, the king or queen, comes to the castle, the personal standard of the British monarchs is hung on the Round Tower.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 08.11.2015 11:08

The first fortifications consisted of a wooden structure on top of an artificial hill. Throughout history, Windsor Castle has been rebuilt several times. Many monarchs have put their stamp on this fortress, but the round hill, surrounded by walls, remains still in the same position as on the day it was founded by William. The fortress's strategic location - 30 km west of London, near the Thames River embankment - made it an important Norman post.

King Henry II built the first stone buildings in 1170. King Edward III, who was born here, destroyed most of Henry's buildings and in 1350 built his new "round castle" in the center of the fortress. Central building Edward's remains to this day, although with significant modifications.

St George's Chapel, the main church of the complex, was founded during the reign of King Edward IV (1461-1483) and completed by the king Henry VIII(1509-1547), who is buried there along with nine other British monarchs.

The bloodiest episode in the history of Windsor Castle took place during the English civil war, when Oliver Cromwell's troops captured Roundhead and used it as a fortress and headquarters for the Parliamentary army. Deposed monarch Charles I on a short time imprisoned in Windsor Castle and buried here after his execution in 1648.

The monarchy was then restored in 1660. Charles II began one of the most extensive periods of renovation and expansion, significantly transforming the entire complex. Emulating the Palace of Versailles in France, Charles laid out many shady alleys in the surrounding area.

After the death of Charles II, subsequent monarchs until George III preferred to use other palaces and castles in England. It was during the reign of George III's son, George IV (1820-1830), that the final major restoration was begun and experienced royal house. George's architects transformed the ancient castle into the spectacular Gothic palace you see today. The height of the towers increased and decorative elements were added to unite buildings from different eras.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 11.12.2015 10:06

Windsor Castle remains the main residence of the royal family, but much of it is now open to tourists. Like Buckingham Palace, it is guarded by a guard, the ceremonial changing of which visitors can watch every day. And in the majestic halls you can see valuable paintings, decorative ceiling structures and antique furniture.

A fire in 1992 destroyed part of the royal apartments open to the public, but they have been carefully restored. While exploring the complex, take a walk through Windsor Great Park with its beautiful sculptures - part of the forest where royal hunts once took place.

You'll need a full day to visit England's greatest castle, making it a wonderful break from the sights of London. And in Leeds you can see the most romantic fortress, which also served as home to many queens of England. At Conwy is another, one of the largest fortresses built by Edward.

Windsor Castle is open to the public daily from 9.30 to 17.30, on Sunday from 10.00 to 16.00.
Cost: £14 (about $22.4), children under 15 years old - £8.
How to get there: from London (40 km) to Windsor, trains depart from Waterloo and Paddington stations (at least two per hour). Buses no. 700, 701, 702 from Buckingham Palace Road, no. 77 from Heathrow Airport.
Official website:

Sasha Mitrakhovich 11.12.2015 10:07

Windsor Castle, England is rightfully considered the country's most romantic attraction, according to the travel portal Tripadvisor. According to the Guinness Book of Records, this is the most big castle in the world. Even if you have never been to, you have probably heard about it.

This has been the residence of the royal family for 900 years. It impresses even the most experienced travelers. In terms of scale, sophistication and grandeur, no castles in the Czech Republic, Austria or Poland can be compared with it.

This is not a "dead" landmark, all year round life is in full swing here. Ceremonial receptions of high-ranking guests from other countries, balls, and diplomatic meetings are held here.

According to Queen Elizabeth II, this stone giant is her favorite, second even to Buckingham Palace.

But due to a busy schedule, we manage to live here only two months a year (usually May and June).

It’s nice that the castle, despite the fact that the royal family lives in it, is open to the prying eyes of tourists. However, it is not an official museum.

History of the construction of Windsor Castle

The state monastery was built in 1066, when the legendary William the Conqueror conquered British Isles. All buildings erected in those days had two goals: to prevent the invasion of conquerors at any cost and to intimidate them.

During its 900-year history, the castle was rebuilt and strengthened many times, depending on the tastes of the owners and their financial capabilities. Under Henry of Anjou, the castle was fortified with walls made of strong stone. Subsequent monarchs gradually rebuilt existing structures. While they look the same from the front, the interior layout looks significantly different.

The castle flourished in the 14th and 15th centuries. Large-scale construction of new buildings, strengthening the main wall and old buildings, protecting them from destruction.

In the 17th century, the French became the standard of construction, King Charles II kept up with the times, many buildings were reconstructed in the Baroque style, broken english garden. George IV tried the most. During his reign, a huge number of decorative elements appeared in the castle. Thanks to him, numerous buildings different eras turned into harmonious architectural ensemble, striking the imagination.

Panoramic walk through the castle

After the fire in 1992, significant restoration took place, which introduced modern elements of decoration into the interior of the castle. For example, the new interior of the Historical Hall. There is a lot to do with the castle. mysterious stories and legends.

In addition to the living royal family, like any ancient building in England, it is by any means famous for its rich collection of ghosts: unhappy wife Henry VII I Anne Boleyn was seen in the library, he himself was seen in the endless corridors of the castle.

Lock diagram

  • A. Round Tower
  • B. Upper Chambers, The Quadrangle (as this courtyard is known)
  • C. The State Apartments
  • D. Royal Apartment, East Terrace View
  • E. South wing, overlooking The Long Walk
  • F. Lower Houses
  • G. Chapel of St. George
  • H. Horseshoe-shaped indoor arcade
  • L. The Long Walk
  • K. King's Gate Henry VIII (main entrance to the castle)
  • M. Norman Gate
  • N. North terrace
  • O. Edward III Tower
  • T. The Curfew Tower

Features when visiting

You can easily purchase a ticket for a tour of the castle. Set aside a whole day for this. Bypass huge territory You’re unlikely to succeed in a couple of hours, and the impressions won’t be the same. The ticket price includes a visit to the palace and surrounding areas, an audio guide (available in Russian) and a half-hour guided tour in a group. Despite the fact that this place is one of the main attractions of the country, there are no crowds of tourists here as in British Museum. The excursions are well organized. Visitors are required to remain silent.

The tour begins with the Round Tower - the most tall building castle This is the same legendary place where King Arthur sat with his knights at the round table.

If the personal standard of Elizabeth II is developing on the Round Tower, then it is currently located in the palace.

After visiting courtyard The excursion group will go to Queen Mary's doll's house. Presented here are partly toys, partly exhibition pieces, partly beautiful models of how monarchs lived in the palace throughout its 900-year history. The children's favorite exhibition, there are a lot of them here.

St. George's Hall is another interesting place castle Be sure to pay attention to the ceiling, there are heraldic symbols of knights depicted there, among them there are three Russian coats of arms: Alexander I, II and Nicholas I. They were also knighted.

Be sure to take a stroll through the magnificent park adjacent to the property. If you're lucky, you might see the changing of the guard.

Practical information

How to get to Windsor Castle: the best way is by train, which runs from the notorious King Cross station.

Opening hours: from May to October from 9:30 to 17:30, closed at other times of the year.
Entrance tickets to the monastery of antiquity, ghosts and royal crown best purchased on the train. You will save a lot of time; there is a long line at the ticket office at the entrance. Cost £15 per adult.

Address: Windsor, Windsor and Maidenhead SL4 1NJ, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 7766 7304

For nine centuries now, Windsor Castle has personified the power and inviolability of the monarchical system. This residence of British monarchs is rightfully considered the oldest and largest residential castle in the world. Tourists from all over the world travel to the city of Windsor (Berkshire) to see with their own eyes the majestic structure, which bears traces of various eras.

History of Windsor Castle

The founder of Windsor Castle was William the Conqueror. He laid a wooden structure on the territory where at that time the royal hunting grounds were located (today the luxurious Great Windsor Park is located here). This happened in 1066, after Norman conquest England.

Of course, throughout its long life, the castle was reconstructed and rebuilt many times at the direction of the current monarchs, each of whom was guided by the fashion trends of the corresponding era, as well as their own preferences and financial capabilities.

Thus, state apartments with light hand Charles II to this day are a vivid embodiment of the Baroque style, and the semi-state apartments built for George IV are made in the Gothic style.

Already in 1992, a fire caused a colossal reconstruction of Windsor Castle, which, naturally, could not pass without leaving a mark on the formation of its appearance. Special attention deserves the magnificent Jubilee Garden, created to mark the Queen's Golden Jubilee, and the stunning new setting of the historic St. George's Hall.

Windsor Castle today

Today Windsor Castle is recognized as the most beautiful castle in the world. Luxury, splendor, wealth - this is the environment in which members of the royal family deserve to live. By the way, the fact that the castle is the residential residence of British monarchs, and not just a museum, makes it even more attractive in the eyes of tourists. Most of the castle's rooms, with the exception of those in which the Queen, her son and grandchildren live, are open to the public.

Today they are taking place here important meetings, including visits by heads of other states. Almost every day tourists flock here from the most different corners planets. And this is not surprising, because despite the fact that in fact today monarchs do not have such power as before, the spirit of their former greatness and power still hovers in Windsor Castle to this day.

Castle attractions

Windsor Castle itself is a world landmark. It is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest castle on the planet.

On the territory of the castle you can find architectural monuments of many eras and striking examples of the most different styles arts that were in vogue throughout the centuries-old existence of Windsor Castle.

Thus, the Chapel of St. George is the embodiment of the Gothic style. Here are the tombs of monarchs, which also attract the attention of most tourists with the perfection of the design of the tombstones and the luxury of the interior.

The majestic view of the round tower, located on a hill surrounded by spreading trees, will take your breath away even for those who are not fans of medieval romance. When the queen is in the castle, flags are raised above the tower - and at this time tourist access to the royal apartments is closed.

The luxury of decoration of the chambers of the monarchs and members of their family, the ceiling of the knight's hall lined with the coats of arms of the Knights of the Order of the Garter, the abundance of original paintings by legendary masters (Rembrandt, Canaletto, Rubens), elegant antique furniture... All this shocks, delights and immerses you in the whirlpool of changes in historical eras.

Speaking about the attractions of Windsor Castle, we cannot ignore the famous doll's house of Queen Mary. This work of art, measuring 2.5 by 1.5 m, fascinates with the elaboration of every detail - from the interiors of the tiny chambers to the pattern on each cup that makes up the table setting. The most talented craftsmen from all over the world spent four years creating the house.

The ceremony of changing the guard of honor, which tourists have the opportunity to witness every day, is also worthy of special attention.

Without a doubt, a visit to Windsor Castle will be colorful and an unforgettable experience in everyone's life. This is an opportunity to touch history, feel the greatness of monarchs and get aesthetic pleasure from unique and inimitable views.

Windsor Castle is the most beautiful and largest castle in Great Britain, owned by the royal family and is their country residence. The castle is located in the city of Windsor, Berkshire, 43 km from London. The residence is an architectural gem and a focal point cultural values Great Britain. Along with, Windsor Castle is one of the most visited attractions in Foggy Albion.

History of Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle is located on a hill - it offers a magnificent panorama of the Thames. The residence began its history under William the Conqueror in 1066. At that time, Windsor Castle was located in the territories hunting grounds and looked like a wooden structure. His goal was to keep surveillance of one of the roads towards London.

Over the course of 100 years, the building was subject to numerous redevelopments and reconstructions. The most significant changes occurred during the reign of Henry II Plantagenet. During his reign the first stone walls were erected. After this, each subsequent ruler necessarily made his own changes to the appearance of the castle. Thanks to this, we can observe a variety of paintings, frescoes, tapestries that reflect history monarchical rule different eras.

In 1386, the wedding of the first Portuguese King The Avis dynasty of John I with the daughter of John of Gaunt, Philippa of Lancaster. This marked the beginning of the Anglo-Portuguese alliance, which lasted until the mid-20th century.

On November 20, 1992, Windsor Castle suffered a fire. The fire broke out in the chapel, the fire quickly spread throughout the residence, and could not be extinguished for 15 hours. By the way, on this day royal couple celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary. As a result of the fire, an area of ​​9,000 sq.m. was damaged. The amount of damage amounted to more than 37 million pounds sterling.

To restore Windsor, they decided to open Buckingham Palace to tourists, so all proceeds from tickets went towards repairs. The work was carried out over five years, during which time half of the damaged rooms were restored - some of them were restored to their previous appearance, and some received a new look, but in accordance with general style. This event was the largest restoration in the history of Windsor Castle.

Excursion to Windsor Castle: what's inside

Today, everyone has access to many buildings and rooms of the palace. From the first seconds, the gates of Henry VII amaze with their grandeur. Next, visitors enter the halls, the Throne Room, and the royal apartments. Here you can see numerous paintings by Anthony van Dyck, Rubens, George Stubbs and others.

Chapel of St. George

You cannot ignore the Chapel of St. George (The College of St. George), which is the main temple of the Knights of the Order of the Garter. The shrine was erected by the monarch Edward III in 1348. This building Gothic style is a striking example of English architecture of the Middle Ages. Today St. George's Chapel belongs to the Anglican Church. 35 members of the royal family are buried here, including Charles I, George VI, and Queen Mother Elizabeth.

Queen Mary's Doll's House

Another interesting thing worth seeing here is Queen Mary's Doll's House. Queen Mary (grandmother of the current Queen Elizabeth II), wife of George V, was famous for collecting and loving art. One day, the king's cousin, Princess Marie-Louise, presented the queen with an unusually beautiful dollhouse. Although it is difficult to call it a “house”, since the dimensions of the product are 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.5 m, the scale is 1:12.

The doll's house was made in 1921-1924. by the eminent architect Sir Edwin Lutyens. The best also had a hand in it English masters miniatures and artists. In total, about 1,500 craftsmen worked on the project. In particular, the following took part: famous writers like Arthur Conan Doyle and Alan Milne, who wrote short stories for the mini-library.

In addition to the library, in the doll's house you can see wine Vault with bottles of wine, champagne and other drinks; copies of original paintings, a magnificent piano; “underground” parking with motorcycles and limousines; chapel with icons; knight's armor and even an outdoor garden in front of the entrance, designed by garden designer Gertrude Jekyll.

The project was commissioned and exhibited at the British Imperial Exhibition to stimulate local crafts and trade. More than one and a half million people saw the Royal Doll's House.

Round Tower

When visiting the residence, be sure to try to climb the Round Tower. She is the most high point Windsor Castle - the height is more than 60 m. You are allowed to take only a bottle of water and a camera with you to the tower; bags and backpacks must be left below.

Typically, you should plan around 3 hours for a tour of Windsor Castle.

How does Windsor Castle live?

Windsor Castle is used for various state events. Every year the Queen comes here for a month after Easter. At this time she receives guests, public and politicians. The Queen is also at Windsor Castle for several days in June to attend Royal Ascot and The Most Noble Order of the Garter.

Guyanese President David Granger and Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain at Windsor Castle (April 2017)

At a meeting of the Order of the Garter, the senior ranks of the order are present. The ceremony begins in St. George's Chapel. Next, in the Hall of the Order, the Queen initiates new knights, presenting the ceremonial garter and star of the order. The event ends with lunch in the Waterloo Chamber.

While the Queen is in the castle, you can watch the changing of the guard of honor.

Tourist information

Address: Windsor SL4 1NJ, UK

Ticket prices:

  • adults - £21.20;
  • people over 60 and students - £19.30;
  • children under 17 years of age and disabled people - £12.30;
  • children under 5 years old - free;
  • families (2 adults and up to 3 children under 17) - £54.70.

*Tickets can be purchased at the box office or in advance on the official website of Windsor Castle:

**If you didn’t have time to see everything or want to visit the residence again, you can do so using the same ticket by placing the appropriate stamp upon exit. The ticket is valid for a calendar year.

How to get there

You can get to Windsor Castle from London in the following ways:

By train

From Waterloo Station to Windsor & Eton Riverside Station. Trains leave every 30 minutes and the journey takes about 1 hour. From Windsor & Eton Riverside station it is a 10 minute walk to the castle. The ticket price is €12.65 (2018).

From Paddington station to Windsor & Eton Central can be reached in 25-40 minutes, but with a change at Slough. The train arrives directly at the castle walls. The ticket price is €21.69 (1st class) or €12.53 (2nd class). Prices are also for 2018.

By bus

Bus number 702 departs from Victoria Station to Windsor and is operated by the Green Line carrier. The bus arrives at the Royal Theatre, from where the castle is a 5-minute walk. Return ticket prices are €21.45 before noon and €12.87 after noon. Travel time is 1 hour 15 minutes.

Windsor Castle on a map of Windsor

Windsor Castle is the most beautiful and largest castle in Great Britain, owned by the royal family and is their country residence. The castle is located in the city of Windsor, Berkshire, 43 km from London. The residence is an architectural gem and a concentration of cultural treasures in Great Britain. Along with

Windsor Castle is undoubtedly the most famous in England. The main home of the British royal family since the time of William the Conqueror, it is also considered to be the largest and oldest residential castle in the world.

Myths and facts

The first fortifications consisted of a wooden structure on top of an artificial hill. Throughout history, Windsor Castle has been rebuilt several times. Many monarchs have put their seal on this, but the round hill, surrounded by walls, remains still in the same position as on the day it was founded by William. The fortress's strategic position - 30 km west of London, near the Thames River embankment - made it an important Norman post.

King Henry II built the first stone buildings in 1170. King Edward III, who was born here, destroyed most of Henry's buildings and in 1350 built his new "round castle" in the center of the fortress. Edward's central structure remains to this day, although with significant modifications.

St George's Chapel, the main church of the complex, was founded during the reign of King Edward IV (1461-1483) and completed by King Henry VIII (1509-1547), who is buried there along with nine other British monarchs.

The bloodiest episode in Windsor Castle's history took place during the English Civil War, when Oliver Cromwell's troops captured it and used it as a fortress and headquarters for the Parliamentary Army. The deposed monarch Charles I was briefly imprisoned at Windsor Castle and buried there after his execution in 1648.

The monarchy was then restored in 1660. Charles II began one of the most extensive periods of renovation and expansion, significantly transforming the entire complex. Imitating in, Karl laid out many shady alleys in the surrounding area.

After the death of Charles II, subsequent monarchs until George III preferred to use other and. It was during the reign of George III's son, George IV (1820-1830), that the final major restoration that the royal house experienced was begun. The architects transformed George into the spectacular Gothic palace you see today. The height of the towers increased and decorative elements were added to unite buildings from different eras.

What to see

Windsor Castle remains the main residence of the royal family, but much of it is now open to tourists. Like , it is guarded by a guard, the ceremonial change of which visitors can watch every day. And in the majestic halls you can see valuable paintings, decorative ceiling structures and antique furniture.

A fire in 1992 destroyed part of the royal apartments open to the public, but they have been carefully restored. While exploring the complex, take a walk through Windsor Great Park with its beautiful sculptures - part of the forest where royal hunts once took place.

You'll need a full day to visit England's greatest castle, making it a wonderful break from the sights of London. And in you can see the most romantic fortress, which also served as a home for many queens of England. There is another, one of the largest fortresses built by Edward.

Windsor Castle is open to the public daily from 9.30 to 17.30, on Sunday from 10.00 to 16.00.
Cost: £14 (about $22.4), children under 15 years old - £8.
How to get there: from London (40 km) to Windsor, trains depart from Waterloo and Paddington stations (at least two per hour). Buses no. 700, 701, 702 from Buckingham Palace Road, no. 77 from Heathrow Airport.
Official website: