The great storyteller of Italy is Gianni Rodari. Soviet cultural officials were wary of Rodari's works

Thanks to this man, we learned “What do crafts smell like?”, “What is the color of crafts?”, met Cipollino and his friends, became friends with Gelsomino, and took a ride on the Blue Arrow. He was born October 23 in distant Italy (1920 - 1980) and his name is Gianni Rodari.

Imagine: one day main square suddenly a palace made of ice cream appeared in the city! Most a real palace, whose roof was made of whipped cream and its chimneys were made of candied fruits. Mmmm... how yummy! All the townspeople are children and even old women! - we spent the whole day devouring a delicious palace with both cheeks, and at the same time no one’s tummies hurt! This wonderful ice cream palace was “built” in one of his fairy tales by an Italian writer named Gianni Rodari.
...The parents of the most famous storyteller in the world - Hans Christian Andersen - were a shoemaker and a washerwoman. And Gianni Rodari grew up in a family of a baker and servants. Both storytellers were not spoiled in childhood by either luxury or satiety. However, it was next to them that she settled with youth a wonderful sorceress and fairy who chooses very few - Fantasia. More precisely, in childhood she comes to everyone, and then remains only with her most beloved ones. She leaves the evil, cruel, greedy and unjust, but comes to where kindness and pity live. Little Gianni wrote poetry, learned to play the violin and enjoyed drawing, dreaming of becoming famous artist.
When the boy Gianni was only nine years old, his beloved father, who always took pity on stray cats, dogs and everything in general Living being, saved a small kitten during the pouring rain, who almost drowned in a huge puddle. The kitten was saved, but the kind baker caught a cold in the cold rain, contracted pneumonia and died. Of course, this one noble man I just couldn't grow up bad son!
Gianni Rodari always remembered his father and adopted from him the desire for justice, hard work and a kind, bright soul. At seventeen Gianni became a teacher primary classes. His pupils built houses from letters, composed fairy tales together with the teacher and felt completely happy: such activities brought a lot of joy.
Well, how could fairy Fantasia leave such a person? wonderful person? She watched with admiration the unusual adult who had not forgotten about the world of childhood, and sometimes even helped him write books.
But he also fell in love with her. And he even wrote in honor of his fairy one of the most amazing books for children and adults called “The Grammar of Fantasy” - about how to teach children to compose. Not at all so that they all become writers and poets, but so that “no one is a slave.” Because fantasy not only develops the mind. The main thing is that it makes a person kinder, stronger and freer. Gianni Rodari hated oppression and always fought for justice - both when he fought the fascists with weapons in his hands, and when he worked as a correspondent for the newspaper Unity (his sharp pen was a weapon no less powerful than a rifle).
His heroes also fought against evil: the clever Cipollino, the honest master Vinogradinka, the gentle professor Grusha and many others, thanks to whom the fairy-tale land of vegetables became free, and the children in it were able to study and play wherever they wanted. Gianni Rodari, a cheerful, cheerful, inexhaustible and very kind storyteller, gave children many extraordinary stories with which they can play, like with colorful balls. “The Adventures of Cipollino”, “The Journey of the Blue Arrow”, “Gelsomino in the Land of Liars”, “The Grammar of Fantasy” - these books were loved by children all over the world.
It was he, Gianni Rodari, who brought the brave and kind Cipollino into our homes, he gave us the opportunity to hear the wonderful voice of Gelsomino, destroying the walls of prisons, in his fairy tale the devoted toy puppy Button turns into a living dog, and in another fairy tale the boy Marco, traveling in space on a wooden horse, I ended up on the planet of Christmas trees, where there is no fear or resentment. However, if we talk about all the heroes of the books of the Italian storyteller, then not a single page in the magazine will be enough. So it’s better to read Rodari’s books, and their heroes will become your true friends onall life! Lyudmila Dyakova spoke about this.

Conversation for children 5-9 years old: “Italian storyteller Gianni Rodari”

Dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the storyteller.

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna - GBOU school No. 1499 DO No. 7, teacher
Description: The event is intended for children of senior preschool and junior school age, educators preschool institutions, primary school teachers and parents.
Purpose of work: The conversation will introduce children to the Italian storyteller Gianni Rodari and his work.

Target: introducing children of senior preschool and primary school age to the world of book culture.
1. introduce children to the biography and work of the Italian storyteller Gianni Rodari;
2. introduce children of senior preschool and primary school age to literary works;
3. form emotional responsiveness to literary work;
4. cultivate children’s interest in the book and its characters;

Preliminary work:
- Read the fairy tale by D. Rodari “The Adventure of Cipollino”
- Organize an exhibition of children's drawings on the topic: “Cipollino and his friends”

Progress of the conversation

Presenter: All the guys, of course, recognized this fairy-tale hero. And Cipollino was invented and presented to readers all over the world by the Italian storyteller Gianni Rodari.
Exactly 95 years ago, on October 23, 1920, in the Italian town of Omegna, a boy, Gianni, was born into the family of the owner of a small bakery, Giuseppe Rodari.
Gianni Rodari grew up in a poor Italian family. He was born weak and was often sick. The boy knew firsthand about the needs of the poor.
Gianni Rodari's childhood took place in loving family. Parents spent a lot of time communicating with their children, teaching them to draw and play the violin.

Proverbs about family:

Family gives a person his first start in life.
- Good children grow up in a good family.
- The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.
Gianni's passion for drawing was so great that at one time he even dreamed of becoming an artist. He also wanted to grow up quickly and become a toy maker, so that children could play with unusual and never boring mechanical toys. All his life, Gianni Rodari believed that toys for children are as important as books.
Gianni was only nine years old when the family collapsed terrible tragedy. It happened due to Great love his father Giuseppe Rodari to animals. One day, in heavy rain, he picked up a kitten on the street, miserable and wet, and on the way home he got wet to the bone and caught a bad cold. It only took the illness a week to bring the cheerful and beloved father of the family to the grave.
For the widow and children the time has come hard times. In order to somehow feed the family, the mother got a job as a maid in a rich house. Only this allowed Gianni and his two brothers Mario and Cesare to survive.
Regular school Rodari’s family could not afford it, and therefore Gianni began studying at a theological seminary, where they taught, fed, and even clothed seminarians from poor families for free. The boy was very bored at the seminary. All that interested Gianni in this educational institution- library. Here he was able to read many amazing books that awakened the boy’s imagination and gave him bright dreams.
In 1937, Gianni Rodari graduated from the seminary and immediately got a job to bring money to the family. He began teaching at primary school. In his lessons at school, Rodari tried to simplify learning for children and for this he came up with instructive and funny stories. Under his guidance, students built houses from cubes with letters and, together with their teacher, came up with fairy tales. Rodari loved children very much.
For his talent and perseverance, Gianni Rodari is given the task of organizing the magazine “Pioniere”, intended for children, and becoming its editor. It was on the pages of Pioneer that in 1951 appeared famous fairy tale"The Adventures of Cipollino."

In 1952, Rodari was first invited to our country, at that time it was called the Soviet Union. He met and began to communicate with children's writers and poets. The poems of the Italian storyteller and his famous fairy tale appeared translated into Russian in the Soviet press. Translated from Italian language The name Cipollino means onion. The translations were carried out by Samuel Marshak, with whom Gianni Rodari began not only to communicate, but also to become friends.

Gianni Rodari with great pleasure meets and communicates with Soviet children. From them he learned that Cipollino had become their favorite fairy-tale hero.

Fairy tale story "The Adventures of Cipollino" (1951, Russian translation by Marshak was published in 1953) about an onion boy and his friends. The heroes of this fairy tale live in a fantasy land. The plot of an everyday fairy tale is that vegetable men and fruit men live in it, but their life resembles real life poor Italians. A fairy tale constantly combines reality and fiction. The author made it a rule: while entertaining, talk about serious things.
The name Cipollino has been familiar to each of us since childhood. Cipollino is an onion boy - cheerful and inventive. Cheerful, never discouraged, Cipollino defends the poor, fights for justice, and speaks out against cruelty and evil. Gianni Rodari endowed his fictional character Cipollino with the character of a rebel with a bold and kind heart. The work gained especially wide popularity in the USSR, where a cartoon was made based on it (1961), and then the fairy tale film “Cipollino” (1973), where Gianni Rodari starred in a cameo role.
This fairy tale teaches not to give up, even in the most seemingly difficult and difficult situations. hopeless situations, shows the virtues of labor, the beauty of courage and unity. The tale tells the reader about true friendship, about justice and the ability to sympathize with people who are offended and in trouble.

Children different ages captivates the plot of the fairy tale. Little listeners worry about the fate of the main characters.
It's time to test your memory. And for this we need to try to answer our questions. Ready?

Quiz from the Duke of Mandarin:

1. What did godfather Pumpkin build his house from? (made of bricks)
2. How many brothers did Cipollino have? (7)
3. What was the name of the Ruler of the country - Prince (Lemon)
4. With what object did Cipollino make Signor Tomato cry for the first time? (using a mirror)
5. Cipollino’s girlfriend (Radish)
6. Who helped Cipollino get into prison with his arrested friends? (mole)
7. What did godfather Pumpkin treat the village children with? (sweets)
8. Where friends hid godfather Pumpkin’s house (in the forest near godfather Blueberry)
9. What is the name of Cherry’s home teacher and teacher? (Signor Parsley)

10. What did Prince Lemon, his courtiers Lemons and soldiers Lemonchiks wear on their caps? (Bells)
11. Where did Signor Tomato hide the key to the dungeon? (in stockings)
12. With what device did Signor Tomato eavesdrop on the conversations of arrested people? (secret phone in the wall)
13. What was the only property and decoration of the Leek? (long, long mustache)
14. What did Signor Tomato give to his maid Strawberry as a sign of special gratitude? (candy wrapper)
15. Who freed those arrested from prison? (Cherry)
16. Who saved Signor Pea from death? (Cipollino and the mole)
17. Where were Chipollino’s friends who were released from prison hiding?
(In a cave)
18. What was the name of the sniffer dog? (Hold-Grab)
19. What happened to the castle after the vegetable revolution? (It became the Children's Palace, which housed the most best school)
20. Who became the village chief? (master Grape)

Presenter: Well done guys, you answered all the Duke Mandarin’s questions. Really, fairyland, in which Vegetables and Fruits live, the unjust and greedy Prince Lemon rules. This country has its own laws and orders. Vegetables have no freedom. They don't even have the right to dream. Godfather Pumpkin worked all his life from morning to night. Pumpkin dreamed of his own house.
Senor Tomato, this is an important gentleman! If he wants, he can take away this tiny house and place his dog in it! He himself lives in a palace and sleeps on a soft, airy feather bed. However, like Countess Cherry. It just so happened that they were born masters.
But could the mischievous and fair boy from the onion family Cipollino ignore the grief of the offended Uncle Pumpkin? Of course not! A restless, cheerful boy stood up for Pumpkin. He's not afraid of anyone! And when his own father was taken to prison, just because he was Luk, then Cipollino even more so decided to finally put an end to Prince Lemon, who decided to introduce new taxes: on land, on water and on air!
In this struggle, victory, as in any fairy tale, was on the side of justice and goodness. Of course, Cipollino did not cope alone; his loyal friends helped him!

Proverbs about friendship:

A tree is held together by its roots - And a person is held together by friends!
- Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth!
- If you don’t have a friend, look for him. If you found it, take care!

Presenter: The most important wealth in every person’s life is family and friends. Gianni Rodari fell in love and married Maria Teresa Ferretti. Four years later their daughter Paola was born.
When his father took his daughter Paolina with him for the first time Soviet Union, she asked to show her toy stores. Imagine Rodari’s surprise when he saw in the windows “ Children's world» characters from their own fairy tales - Cipollino, Prince Lemon, Signor Tomato and other heroes.

For the writer, such a spectacle was more valuable than any triumph - the heroes of his fairy tale became real toys!

In 1957, another thing happened in Rodari’s life. an important event he receives the title of professional journalist.
Gianni Rodari wrote many more children's fairy tales, including “Gelsomino in the Land of Liars”, “The Adventures of the Blue Arrow”, “Cake in the Sky”, “Telephone Tales”.

In his native Italy, his popularity remained extremely low for a very long time.
Only in 1967 Gianni Rodari was announced best writer in his homeland, but this happened after his book “Cake in the Sky” was awarded a pan-European prize and a gold medal. Rodari's works began to be included in school curriculum, and also make animated films based on them art films.
Gianni Rodari also wrote poems that reached the Russian reader in translations by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak. One of the most popular and beloved poems is: What crafts smell like.

What do crafts smell like?

Everyone has something to do
Special smell:
The bakery smells
Dough and baking.
Past the carpenter's shop
You go to the workshop -
Smells like shavings
And a fresh board.
The painter smells
Turpentine and paint.
Smells like a glazier
Window putty.
Driver's jacket
Smells like gasoline.
Worker's Blouse -
Machine oil.
Smells like a pastry chef
Doctor in a robe -
A pleasant medicine.
loose earth,
Field and meadow
Smells like a peasant
Walking behind the plow.
Fish and sea
Smells like a fisherman.
Only idleness
Doesn't smell at all.
No matter how much you smell
Rich lazy man
Very unimportant
It smells, guys!
The triumph of Gianni Rodari took place in 1970, when for all his works he was awarded the International Gold Medal named after Hans Christian Andersen - the most high reward in the field of literature for children.
For adults he wrote one - the only book- “The Grammar of Fantasy,” subtitled “An Introduction to the Art of Inventing Stories.” Rodari wanted to teach his parents how to invent magical stories for your children. This one is kind and talented person never stopped dreaming, fantasizing and believing in the best.
The great Italian storyteller Gianni Rodari died of a serious illness on April 14, 1980, in Rome. For many, this death came as a surprise - after all, he was not even sixty years old. Thousands of telegrams of condolences came from all over the world to his wife and daughter.
Books have the power of immortality. They are the most durable fruits human activity. The good storyteller Gianni Rodari will live forever in his books, in his fairy-tale heroes and in the hearts of the children who loved them.

Hello, dear readers! Let's remember the great storyteller today Gianni Rodari.

Who hasn't heard about the adventures of the famous Cipollino?

The story about an amazing onion boy - cheerful, mischievous, brave - was written by the writer Gianni Rodari. This book is my childhood. Our mothers, fathers, grandparents read it. This writer wrote many other fairy tales and poems.

Nowadays children don’t even know such fairy tales. I asked my granddaughter if she knew who Cipollino was. She does not know. You should watch a cartoon with her or read a book.

Gianni Rodari was born on October 23, 1920 in northern Italy, in the family of a baker. Maybe in the bakery, the storyteller learned “what color the craft is” and later wrote a wonderful poem about it.

Here in front of you is a white baker

White hair, eyebrows, eyelashes.

In the morning he gets up earlier than the birds...

Rodari spent his childhood in a happy family environment. But when the boy was 9 years old, his father died and his mother had to work hard. And Gianni was sent to study at the seminary. He was bored there, but there was a library there and he was able to read a lot.

The boy also dreamed of becoming a toy maker. He was sure that toys Also important How and books: if it were not so, children would not love them.

Then Gianni Rodari became a journalist and began writing poems and funny stories for children.

For some time he taught at an elementary school. He knew how to talk to children and became a person they understood.

Gianni told the children funny stories, asked funny questions: “What would you do if a crocodile knocked on your door?” The children were not bored in his lessons.

Gianni Rodari dreamed of raising children in the spirit of humanism. Let children grow up joyful, brave, free, know how to fight back against injustice, let them cherish friendship, love and appreciate beauty.

These are the heroes of his books - Cipollino, the girl Radish, Cherry, the owner of the magical voice - Gelsomino.

Watch the cartoon about Cippolino.

Rodari also wrote children's poems. Here are some lines translated by Samuel Marshak.

loose earth,

Field and meadow.

Smells like a peasant

Walking behind the plow.

Fish and sea

Smells like a fisherman.

Only a slacker

Doesn't smell at all.

Rodari's books have been translated into many languages. A writer once said: “ Fairy tales, old and new, help develop the mind. They open the world to the child and teach him how to transform it»

Let's remember these words of wisdom writer and funny teacher.

And, by the way, you can read “Cipollino” again with your children; this fairy tale is still not outdated.

So we remembered the cheerful storyteller Gianni Rodari.

Write in the comments, do you remember this writer? Are your children familiar with his works?

Leave your comments.

Best regards, Olga.

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