In what part of South America is Peru located? Official name: Republic of Peru

Peru is a remote South American country with an intriguing history. unique architecture and extraordinary natural diversity. As the owner of one of the new seven wonders of the world - the mysterious city of Machu Picchu, Peru is rightfully proud rich heritage Inca Empire. This colorful country, full of contrasts, attracts tourists not only with its rich archaeological heritage, but also with authentic colonial architecture, exquisite gastronomy, as well as pristine nature in the mountains and jungle. Located in the Andes on west coast The South American country is bordered in the northwest by Ecuador, in the north by Colombia, in the east by Brazil, and in the southeast by Bolivia and Chile. In the west, its coastline is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Peru is considered one of the largest countries in South America by area, according to this indicator it ranks third after Brazil and Argentina. Its area is very impressive and amounts to 1,285,216 km².

The country's population as of 2012 exceeds 30,475,144 people. The capital of Peru is the city of Lima with a population of 9,437,493 people. The country's national currency is the Peruvian Nuevo Sol, PEN. On average, the exchange rate against the dollar is approximately two and a half to one, that is, for one dollar they give 2.7 soles. Official language in the country it is Spanish, but in regions with a predominant Indian population, the official languages ​​are Quechua and Aymara.

Peru is a very religious country, the main religion in the country is Catholicism


There are no overly strict customs regulations in Peru. As elsewhere, the import of drugs, weapons and ammunition is prohibited. The import of sausages and, in particular, dry-cured ham requires a special certificate of suitability from the manufacturer. It is allowed to import up to 2.5 liters of strong alcoholic drinks per person, as well as up to 400 cigarettes. The import and export of foreign and national currency is not limited. Export is limited only to previously imported amounts. It should be remembered that the export of items of archaeological or historical value from the country is strictly prohibited.


The rich, dramatic history of the country can be divided into several main periods:

  • Early period preceding the Inca Empire
  • The period of Inca rule in pre-Columbian America
  • Spanish conquest of Peru
  • Struggle for independence
  • Pacific Wars of the 19th century
  • Modern period

The appearance of the first inhabitants on the territory of modern Peru dates back to the 10th millennium BC. e., when settlement began river valleys coast. It is known that in that distant period, various Indian cultures and civilizations already existed on the territory of Peru, the most famous and developed of which are Nazca, Chincha and Paracas. These peoples appeared on the territory of modern Peru long before the emergence of the Inca Empire and, in their way, played the role of their predecessors, however, they were subsequently conquered and absorbed by the Incas. And only in the 12th century, in the valley of the Urubamba River, the Inca state of Tawantinsuyu arose, one of the most unusual civilizations in world history. This event is considered the most important in the context of the country’s history, which largely determined it. further development and the course of history. Over five centuries, the Inca state turned into largest empire pre-Columbian America. The Inca's possessions covered the territories of modern Peru, Bolivia, Chile, parts of Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. The Incas were engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, weaving and pottery, gold and silver processing, and were also skilled builders. The famous agricultural terraces of the Incas allowed them to harvest several crops a year, and the skillful irrigation system of canals and aqueducts allowed them to supply uninterrupted water. The unique stonework of the Incas excites the minds of scientists to this day. The disadvantages of this civilization include the lack of writing and the wheel. In the mid-15th century, the Inca state reached its peak under the legendary Inca Pachacutec. This time became the golden era of the Inca Empire. But, despite its power, the Inca Empire was quickly conquered and subjugated by the Spanish conquistadors. In 1533 spanish conquistadors Led by Francisco Pizarro, they easily conquered the colossal Inca Empire. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that by that time the Inca Empire was weakened by internal hostility and strife, and they identified the Spanish horsemen with deities. But still, the Incas fought the conquistadors for another forty years, and only in 1572 did it finally end, when the last Inca, Tupac Amaru, was executed in the main square.

In 1544, the Viceroyalty of Peru was established on the territory of the Inca Empire, the main stronghold of Spain on the new continent. Thus began the period of colonial rule in Peru, which lasted three centuries and brought a lot of suffering to its people.

At the beginning of the 19th century, outbreaks broke out across South America. liberation movement. At that time, Peru was the most odious stronghold of Spanish colonialism, from where royal troops were sent on missions of conquest to other countries. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that in 1820 a liberation movement led by General San Martin began in Lima. San Martin took Lima and on July 28, 1821, declared the independence of Peru, becoming its protector. In 1823, the Spaniards still managed to regain power over Peru, and San Martin had to urgently return to Chile. But already in 1824, Peru was invaded by the troops of Sucre, an associate of Bolivar, who finally defeated the Spaniards. It was Bolivar who had the privilege of forming the country, dividing it into two parts - Peru itself and Bolivia. This is how it arose independent state Peru.

In the 19th century, Peru, together with Bolivia, fought a war against Chile, which sought to capture large deposits saltpeter in their territories. This war, which lasted from 1879 to 1883, went down in history as the Second Pacific War. As a result of the war, Peru was defeated, and the Peruvian province of Tarapaca and the Bolivian Antofagasta were transferred to Chile, disputes about which do not subside between these countries to this day.

Speaking about the modern period of the country’s history, one cannot ignore the following points in the development of the republic:

  • In the 70-80s, the Maoist movement emerged and strengthened in the country. partisan movement left-wing radical “Sendero Luminoso”, which provoked a wave of terror and instability in the country.
  • 1985-1990 - Alan Garcia's first presidency, characterized by high levels of inflation and corruption.
  • 1990-2001 - the presidency of Alberto Fujimori, characterized by an authoritarian regime, violation of human rights and the organization of death squads to combat left-wing radical movements.
  • 2001 - overthrow of the Fujimori regime as a result of mass popular uprisings, criticism international organizations and disagreements within management. After scandals and revelations of various human rights violations, the president fled to Japan, from where he announced his resignation. Fujimori was later sentenced to a long prison sentence.
  • 2001-2006 - term of office of President Alejandro Toledo.
  • 2006-2011 - the second presidency of Alan Garcia, characterized by forceful methods of government.
  • June 5, 2011 - Ollanta Humala, the leader of the Peruvian Nationalist Party, was elected as the new president, becoming the first president of Indian origin in the country's history.

The ethnic composition of Peru is conventionally divided into three parts according to habitat. The most populated are the so-called costa (Pacific coast) and sierra (mountain valleys near the coast), and the least populated is the Amazon jungle. Most of the population is of mixed origin, which is typical for most countries of the South American continent. Lives in the capital and on the coast greatest number population European descent. Basically, these are descendants of the Spaniards, as well as Italians, French and Germans. These people constitute the country's elite and occupy a privileged position in it. There are many Asians in the country, mostly Chinese and Japanese origin. The most famous Peruvian of Japanese descent is former President Alberto Fujimori. The majority of the Costa population are mestizo; in the mountains and the Amazon, Indians predominate, constituting 52% of the country's population.

Speaking about the characteristics of the character and mentality of the Peruvians, first of all, one can note their good nature and courtesy, the desire to provide guests of their country with a warm welcome and to serve in everything. Peruvians treat tourists with great respect and great care. Such qualities national character can't help but please. Most Peruvians, especially in the service sector, have a high cultural level, know and respect rich history of your country. In general, people make a very pleasant impression. The Peruvian intelligentsia deserves special attention; it is a special caste, whose representatives are at the highest level in terms of education, general development and intelligence. In no other country in South America will you meet people of such high intellectual and spiritual level. Apparently, to some extent this is directly related to the ancient history and culture of this country, the spiritual heritage of the nation!

IN economically Peru is an agricultural country with a developed mining and manufacturing industry. The country is rich in natural resources such as copper, silver, gold, oil, timber, iron ore, coal, and gas. Exports copper, gold, zinc, petroleum and petroleum products, coffee, potatoes, asparagus, textiles, processed fish and fishmeal.

The standard of living in the country is quite low, but in recent years Peru has made a powerful breakthrough in its development, as a result of which people began to live noticeably better and of higher quality. If 20 years ago the country was shocked by its blatant poverty on the verge of poverty, now there is no trace of this. Noticeable progress and qualitative improvements are visible in all areas of life. A country with the richest potential, with ancient history and cultural heritage, according to all forecasts, should get ahead in the coming years and give its population the opportunity to live in dignity.

Russians no longer require a visa to Peru. Citizens of the Russian Federation can stay in Peru without a visa for ninety days.

How to get to Peru

It makes the most sense to start your trip from the country's capital - it is the largest city, and flights there will be much cheaper and more frequent than to other cities in Peru.

The easiest and most logical option to fly to Lima () from Russia is flights from one of the European airlines with a connection at its home airport. These are Iberia, Air France, KLM, Air Europa and Lan. See all flight options from your city to Peru using the form below.

Search for flights to Peru

How to get from Peru to Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador

IN Lately tourists are increasingly combining visits to Peru with Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador. The most convenient way to get from Lima to these countries is with direct flights from LAN. Today, this airline is considered the undisputed leader in the Latin American aviation market. LAN is famous for its impeccable service and reliable aircraft, but its ticket prices are quite high. average cost An economy class air ticket on the Lima-Santiago-Lima route will cost approximately $400, provided that the ticket is purchased several months before departure. Just before departure, prices can reach $700. Travel time is four hours.

Cities and regions of Peru

Administratively, the territory of Peru is divided into 25 regions, which in turn are subdivided into numerous provinces and districts. Each region has its own interesting specifics and features, both natural-geographical and cultural-historical.

Region Capital
1 Amazonas Chachabelt
2 Ankash Huaraz
3 Apurimac Abankay
4 Arequipa Arequipa
5 Ayacucho Ayacucho
6 Cajamarca Cajamarca
7 Callao Callao
8 Cusco Cusco
9 Huancavelica Huancavelica
10 Huanuco Huanuco
11 Ica Ica
12 Junin Huancayo
13 La Libertad Trujillo
14 Lambayeque Chiclayo
15 Lima Lima
16 Loreto Iquitos
17 Madre de Dios Puerto Maldonadlo
18 Moquegua Moquegua
19 Pasco Sierra de Pasco
20 Piura Piura
21 San Martin Moyobamba
22 Puno Puno
23 Tacna Tacna
24 Tumbes Tumbes
25 Ucayali Pucallpa

Sights of Peru

As a rule, a visit to Peru begins from the capital. Other attractions and interesting places very scattered and distant from each other. Below you will find links to attractions in Lima, Arequipa, Cusco, Puno and other regions of Peru.

Sights of other regions of Peru

  • Oxapampa-Ashaninka-Yanesha Nature Reserve
  • Hera Falls
  • National Peruvian Railway Museum
  • Mancora resort
  • Resort Puerto Pizarro

National parks of Peru:

The country is home to many natural parks, the most interesting and worth visiting of which are the following:

  • Manu National Park in the region of Madre de Dios
  • Tambopata-Candamo National Reserve in the region of Madre de Dios
  • Paracas National Park in the Ica region
  • Huascaran National Park in the Ancash region
  • Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve in the Loreto region

Where to go in Peru


Museums and galleries

Parks and Recreation


Private guides in Peru

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with Peru in more detail.
Registered on the Experts.Tourister.Ru project.

Things to do

In addition to a myriad of different attractions, Peru can offer its guests widest spectrum events, both sports and entertainment, and educational nature. Here you can walk in the mountains, go horseback riding, ride mountain bikes, motorcycles or jeeps, raft down rivers, surf and ski, and even paraglid! The latter fun is especially common in the capital. Since Lima is located above ocean level, the very structure of the city is conducive to paragliding. In the Miraflores area you can easily fly over the ocean and terraces coastline feeling like a bird. Almost constant flows of warm air allow you to take off and land in the same place.

Festivals and holidays in Peru

Being a deeply religious country, Peru has an incredible number of different religious holidays on its calendar. The main holidays - Good Friday and Easter - are celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country. In the most religious cities countries - Lima, Cusco and Ayacucho host massive colorful ceremonies and solemn processions. And All Saints Day is celebrated throughout the country with a traditional ceremony of visiting the graves of ancestors. The most important holiday in life local residents- “Inti Raymi” - the summer solstice holiday is celebrated on June 24. The colorful ceremony of welcoming the Sun and worshiping it is held annually in Cusco and Sacsayhuaman, attracting countless tourists from all over the world. November 5th in Puno unusual holiday symbolic appearance of the first Inca Manco Capac and his girlfriend on Lake Titicaca.

In addition, each region has its own local holidays in the format of events in local history and the veneration of the patron saints of this particular area, which makes such events unique in their own way and unlike others.

So, in February there is the Marinera Dance Festival in Trujillo, in March - the Vendimia wine festival in Ica, in June - the San Juan Festival in Iquitos, in April - the Peruvian horse competition in Pachacamas, and in November - the Bullfights in Lima. It is also interesting to see what cockfighting is like, a popular entertainment among Peruvians, which is held in the capital throughout the year.

Getting around the country

Public transport is quite well developed in Peru and is represented by planes, buses and trains.

Planes in Peru

In a country with such difficult terrain as Peru, air travel plays an important role - after all, many difficult places can be reached exclusively by air. Moreover, if you are traveling long distances, then it makes sense to use the services of one of the local airlines, for example, TACA, StarPeru or Peruvian Airlines. TACA is considered the best airline in the Peruvian aviation market, leading in all respects, and accordingly having the highest ticket prices.

Before purchasing tickets for domestic flights, you should keep in mind that there are pitfalls. The fact is that in Peru there is differentiation in tariffs for foreign and national passengers, but this only applies to two top tourist destinations - Cusco and Iquitos. And the difference in price is quite significant - for comparison, a ticket from Lima to Cusco for a Peruvian will cost about 80 dollars, and for a foreigner it will cost as much as 170 dollars!

Buses in Peru

The choice of a bus company should be approached with the utmost seriousness, because your safety and comfort directly depends on it. Cruz del Sur is considered the undisputed leader among bus companies in Peru. The buses of this company are comfortable and reliable, and the price-quality ratio is one of the best on the entire Latin American continent. In Peru there are different kinds buses also have seats according to the degree of comfort, the most popular of which are semi-folding seats - semicama and fully folding seats - cama. The bus is the most popular type of transport in the country, inexpensive and comfortable. The network of bus routes of various companies covers almost the entire territory of the country. It makes sense to take a bus for medium distances, for example from Cusco to Puno or Arequipa. It doesn't make sense to take a bus from Lima to Cusco or Piura, it will take too long and be quite tiring. But if you have a limited budget and a lot of time, then this option will be quite acceptable. For example, a bus trip from Lima to Cusco takes on average about 12 hours and costs approximately $30.

From other bus companies having positive reviews, we can name the following:

  • Buses Flores Hermanos
  • Tepsa
  • Linea
  • Ormeno
  • Oltursa


Peru is a fairly poor country with all the ensuing consequences, so it is not at all surprising that the crime rate here is quite high. However, this does not mean at all that during your journey there will be danger at every step. In the top tourist places There is relative order in the country and there is nothing particularly to worry about. In Lima, Miraflores and Barranco are considered the safest areas. The center of the capital is supervised around the clock by the tourist police, whose task is to protect city guests and help them in every possible way. Cusco is generally a calm and safe city, but it is better not to go to the popular areas of Santa Clara and especially around the market, especially alone. It is worth remembering that in every city there are certain areas where tourists are not recommended to go.

Here are some precautions that you should take while traveling in this country:

  • Should not be provoked local population his appearance, wear expensive jewelry, display expensive equipment, large amounts of cash.
  • Leave valuables, documents and cash in the hotel safe. It is better to carry a photocopy of your passport with you.
  • If you need to withdraw money from an ATM, it is better to do it during the daytime and with an accompanying person.
  • It is better to order a taxi at a hotel or restaurant. When paying taxi drivers, it is better to give exact amount, there have been cases when taxi drivers pretended that they did not have change.
  • Take a good look at what local money looks like. There have been cases when merchants gave tourists change in old, out-of-circulation banknotes.
  • Try to avoid places with large crowds of people; in a crowd it is much easier for thieves to steal money unnoticed. Accordingly, always keep an eye on your bags and wallets.
  • Don't carry it with you large sums cash, it is better to limit yourself to a small amount in accordance with your daily expenses.
  • Women traveling alone may often hear catcalls and outright compliments from Peruvian men. It's not scary if you don't come into contact with them. It is better to pretend that you do not understand their intentions and pass by.
  • It is not recommended to walk alone at night. If you do not have company and you are late, you should call an official taxi.

In case of emergency, dial 105 (rescue service), the police number in Lima is 714-313.

If you have lost documents, or in any other difficult situation, we recommend contacting

Peru is located on the mainland of South America and the occupied territory of Peru is 1285220. The population of Peru is 29462000 people. The capital of Peru is located in the city of Lima. Form government structure Peru - Republic. In Peru they speak: Spanish, Aymara, Quechua. Who does Peru border with: Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile.
Many tourists call Peru the most interesting country peace. Let's take a short tour of the country and get acquainted with the amazing monuments of the pre-European period.
The city of Lima, the modern capital of Peru, was founded by Spanish conquerors in 1535. Located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, it has more than once become the center of economic and political events. In the historical center of the city, which is under UNESCO protection, many colorful mansions have been preserved. Spanish nobility. It is worth looking at them to fully imagine the atmosphere of wealth and pretentiousness of that period. Walk around the city, look at its most ancient structure - a stone fountain of the 17th century, pray in the Cathedral of Santo Domingo, which houses the tomb of the city's founder Francisco Pizarro, admire the statue of San Martin, who declared the independence of Peru.
Lima has unique museums: the Inquisition, the Nation, and Gold, which are sure to be visited by inquisitive tourists.
Romantically minded vacationers are welcome on the “street of lovers” Puente de los Suspiros, walking along which they will get to the “bridge of sighs” and an observation deck with a magnificent view of the ocean.
The capital's surroundings are no less interesting. On the Marcahuasi plateau you can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the Stone Age culture: here there are megalithic sculptures and rock paintings, the authorship of which modern scientists can only guess. The religious center of the pre-Inca period - a place of worship of the Creator of the Earth - is located in Pachacamac. In the valley of Puruchuco and Cajamarquilla lie mysterious buildings unknown purpose.
But special attention should be paid to the city of Cusco. Carved by the Incas in the mountains many centuries ago, it is a mute testimony to the power and greatness of this people. The basis architectural design The city was based on the silhouette of an animal sacred to the Incas - the puma, all structures were built without the use of fastening mortars, and all houses were united by a system of watercourses. The ruins of the Palace of the Supreme Inca, built of granite, two statues of Inca Pachacute towering on the mountain, the Palace of Justice, the churches of Gilles Triunfo and Santo Domingo - all this captivates tourists with its grandeur.
Not far from Cusco are the monumental complex of Sacsayhuaman (" Predatory bird grey-stone color"), which was the military and religious center of the Incas, the ruins of the city of Ollantaytambo, the quaint pyramid city of Ollantaytambo, the “Valley of Smoke”. After walking around Cusco, let's take a look at the famous Machu Picchu - the most mysterious evidence of the Inca culture. Located on 33 thousand hectares in on a flat mountain plateau in the Urubamba Valley, this sacred city poses a lot of mysteries for modern scientists. Try to solve them, too, by walking through the temples and palaces carved into the rocks, and looking into the Temple three windows and to the “Sacred Square”, walking near the Gate of the Sun “Intihuatana” and the observatory.
Well, if you want to believe in something mystical, take a helicopter ride over the famous Nazca desert, located in the south of Peru. The entire area of ​​the desert (which is about 500 sq. km.) is covered with huge drawings, which can only be seen from the air. Carved on the stone in one continuous line, images of animals and people in strange clothes make you think about extraterrestrial civilizations.
You and I dreamed only about the most famous sights of Peru. If you go to this country, you can also see the high-mountainous Lake Titicaca and the real floating islands "Uros", the "island of knitting men" Tikilu and the island of Amantani with the temple of Mother Earth and Father Sky, the city of Puno, located at the bottom of the lake, and many others unique ancient monuments.
And believe me, you can’t help but love Peru.

In Peru, timetables for all modes of transport are often not followed, so changing planes, planning trips by rail, etc. It is advisable to plan with a reserve of time.

Taxi. To travel around the city, it is best to use a taxi. At the same time, you should know that in the capital big problem There are traffic congestions, especially during peak hours (from 7 to 11 am and from 17 to 23 pm). There are quite a lot of taxis in cities and it is possible to choose transport in terms of convenience and adequate fare (meters are not used).
The price is negotiable, you need to agree on the fare before you get into the taxi, and it is customary to bargain. The minimum fare is 4–5 soles. A trip from the San Isidro and Miraflores areas to the airport will cost 35-70 soles (about 10-20 US dollars).
For safety reasons, it is recommended not to take the first taxi you come across; when leaving the hotel at night, it is better to order a taxi by phone.

Metropolitan. Since the summer of 2011, the metropolitan metropolis has had one line (26 stations) of a modern above-ground metro. Trains run on schedule and travel costs about $0.75. It should be taken into account that the interval between trains on weekdays is about 5–10 minutes, and on weekends from 15 to 20 minutes. During rush hours the carriages are overcrowded.

City bus service. The cities are well developed, travel is cheap, but uncomfortable due to the large number of passengers and the deterioration of most buses.

Intercity bus service. It is the main mode of transport in Peru, the level of service and safety varies greatly depending on the carrier company. WITH positive side The transport company Cruz del Sur has proven itself (prices for round trip travel: Lima-Ica from 15 US dollars, Lima-Arequipa from 55 US dollars). You should take into account the long duration of bus journeys, for example, the Lima – Arequipa bus takes about 18 hours.

Railway connection not developed in the country.
As a rule, tourists use only the Cusco – Aguas Calientes branch (direction to Machu Picchu). Can be done interesting trip on the route Lima - Huancayo, but flights are extremely irregular and depend on the weather in the mountains. Besides, Railway connects the cities of Cusco, Puno (the famous Lake Titicaca is located here) and Arequipa.

Air traffic. The absolute leader in the Peruvian market is the LAN company, which has proven itself in terms of reliability and provides not only the majority of passenger transportation in the country, but also offers a very comfortable service.
Flight times across the country are not long; for example, a flight from Lima to Cusco lasts about 55 minutes.

Lunch at a middle class restaurant. The city of Lima has a well-developed network of restaurants and cafes, but the quality of food in them is far from the same. In general, Peruvian cuisine has a wide variety of dishes. Lunch costs per person range from $10 to $30.

Middle class hotel room. There are few hotels of a suitable level and safe for Russian citizens to stay in.
The cost of rooms in a middle-class hotel in Lima is from 50 to 100 US dollars per day.

Tips. For good service, it is customary to pay about 10% of the bill amount (but not more than 10–20 US dollars). You can pay doormen about 1-2 soles per bag.

Opening hours of grocery and department store stores. Grocery stores are open from 08.00-09.00 to 21.00-22.00.
Manufactured goods stores are open from 10.00-11.00 to 20.00-22.00.
As a rule, there is no lunch break.

Availability of mobile communications. It is not common everywhere, but is usually present in cities and on the coast. Communication standard GSM 850, 1900.
3G and 4G networks work.
Roaming is available to all subscribers of Russian telecom operators.
Cafes, restaurants and hotels usually have free Wi-Fi hotspots.

Internet cafe. Every relatively large locality has an Internet cafe (about $0.4 per hour).

Procedure for using a pay phone. You can call anywhere in the world from numerous pay phones, where payment is made in coins.
You can also make an international call from post offices and hotels. To call from Peru to Russia you need to dial 007 and the area code with the subscriber number.
When calling within Peru, you must dial 0 before the area code.
To make a call from Russia to Peru, you need to dial 8 beeps 10 - 51 (Peru code) - city code (Lima code - 1) - subscriber number.
Bank opening hours and credit card distribution. Banks are usually open from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 18.00, on Saturdays from 09.00 to 13.00-14.00.
Hotels, restaurants and shops accept most international credit cards, including Visa, Master Card and American Express. Payment is made at the bank rate, which is less favorable than at exchange offices.

Currency exchange. Banks, exchange offices, hotels and travel agencies are allowed to exchange traveler's checks and cash. The most popular currency is the US dollar. There are no restrictions on currency exchange in Peru. American dollars are accepted in most hotels, restaurants, shops and department stores.
Visitors are advised to exchange money in banks as it is safer. It is recommended to avoid street money changers. A large number of counterfeit banknotes of local and American currency are in circulation in the country.

Electrical voltage in the network. Mains voltage - 220 V, 60 Hz. An adapter is required - an adapter for a vertical-flat (American) connector.

South America is a continent on which 12 independent states and three dependent territories are located (French Guiana formally belongs to France, the Falkland and South Sandwich Islands to Great Britain). Of the dozen states, the territory where Peru is located is the third largest on the mainland. This country is second in area only to Brazil and Argentina.

Neighbors of Peru

From Peru common boundaries with five other South American states. In the southeast, Peru borders Chile and Bolivia, in the east it borders on Brazil, in the northern neighbors - Colombia, and in the northwestern - Ecuador. The western border of Peru is marked by the Pacific Ocean.

Geography of Peru

The relief of Peru is very diverse. The Costa stretches along the ocean coast - a fairly narrow flat strip. To the east of it is the Andes mountain range called the Sierra, behind which is the Amazonian lowland. In the south it smoothly turns into the flat foothills of Montagna. The largest river flows through the territory of the state of Peru. large river South America - Amazon. It is also worth noting that the country is located in a seismic zone. Earthquakes occur here at least once a year, but are usually more frequent.

Tourist attractions

The most famous and interesting to travelers are: Machu Picchu - the lost city built by the legendary Incas, Tucume - the valley of the pyramids, Lake Tikicaca and the storehouse of God - Ollantaytambo. And nature lovers are sure to visit the Pacaya Samiria Nature Reserve and Costa - a unique natural formation with various historical monuments.

If you are going to visit this country and have already figured out where Peru is, you can plan your travel route using the article.